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Consumption of Eco-Innovative Food in Brazil: A Test of The Values-Attitudes Hierarchy

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Consumption of Eco-Innovative Food in Brazil: a Test of the Values-Attitudes

Autoria: Marcia Dutra de Barcellos, Marilia Bonzanini Bossle, Marcelo Gatterman Perin,
Luciana Marques Vieira

Propsito Central do Trabalho

Consumers awareness towards environmental concerns has increased and innovation in green
products and eco-innovation are relevant strategies for enterprises for economic growth, and
to comply with this aim of society. Although a greater environmental concern do not always
turn directly into a greener consumer behaviour, conscious consumers see a direct relationship
between their consumer behaviour and environmental or ethical problems, and believe in their
strength to influence and companies. Considering the potential growth for a green market in
Brazil, and the important role of food on people"s life, the aim of this paper is to investigate
conscious consumption behaviour of eco-innovative food in Brazil, specifically, to verify the
relationship among personal values, attitudes towards the environment and technology, and
attitudes and consumer behaviour towards eco-innovative food. In that sense, this paper builds
on a hierarchical values-attitudes model with the aim to examine the degree to which
consumers purchase behaviour is jointly determined by a combination of consumers
personal values and their general attitudes towards environment and nature and technological
progress. Bearing in mind that sustainable consumption is a recent subject in Brazil,
identifying the main characteristics of this market will benefit companies of the food sector,
both industry and retailing. Furthermore, the increase of social, environmental and political
awareness of young people in emerging countries, such as Brazil, may be carefully be taken
into account by enterprises, since their civil engagement in protests and boycotts can move
out of the virtual sphere and can in fact materialize.
Marco Terico
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines ecoinnovation as the development of products (goods and services), processes, marketing
methods, organizational structure, and new or improved institutional arrangements, which,
intentionally or not, contribute to a reduction of environmental burdens in comparison with
alternative practices(OECD, 2009, p. 2). To justify financial investments and to turn feasible
to implement innovative environmental solutions, it is important that market and consumers
awareness arises. Attitudes represent a disposition to respond favourably or unfavourably to
an object, person, institution or event (Ajzen, 1988). Values are related to social norms (or
behaviour rules), and reflect an internal reference to what has been considered good,
beneficial, important, desirable. The model described below suggests an influence of values
and consumers purchase of eco-innovative food. The contradiction between consumers
concerns towards ethical, social and environmental issues and their demand for varied and
affordable food, provides an important and relevant opportunity for further research on the
relationship between attitudes towards the environment and nature (AtEnviro). Additionally,
it is reasonable to infer that attitudes towards technology (AtTechno), that reveals consumer
perceptions about the prevailing type of food supply in Western societies, e.g., industrial food
production systems, should also influence (possibly negative) on consumers attitudes towards
eco-innovative food. Elsewhere, it is of great importance to incorporate the study of consumer
values (collective and individual) for analysing consumers attitudes, once values are the main
antecedents of attitudes, and allows the creation of the hierarchical value-attitudes model. The
research regarding this hierarchical model of values-attitudes is particularly challenging due
to the fact that two constructs (attitudes towards the environment and nature, and attitudes
towards technology) are naturally contradictory, and therefore should not correspond as

determinants of consumer attitudes towards foods with ecological / ethical / social appeals.
For example, it is supposed to perceive environmental friendly food as the opposite of foods
produced in intensive production systems, technology-driven. The model described in the
paper aims to analyse in which level conscious purchase of eco-innovative food is joint
affected of collectives and individual personal values and of attitudes towards the
environment and nature, and attitudes towards technology. It is assumed that when jointly
taken, these attitudes influence consumers purchase behaviour (frequency) of eco-innovative
food (AtEnviro AtEcoI and AtTechno - AtEcoI respectively). This assumption is
particularly important from the strategic point of view for companies when developing new
products, as it reflects the contradictory impact of the influence of consumers` protechnological and pro-environment attitudes in relation to consumption of these foods.
Preliminary studies indicate the validity of this model (Krystallis, Grunert, De Barcellos,
Perrea, & Werbeke, 2012, for example), what motivates a partial replication of the same
model in the Brazilian context.
Mtodo de investigao se pertinente
A survey was conducted to analyse values, attitudes and buying behaviour of conscious
consumers in traditional organic street markets in Porto Alegre, Brazil. We choose the organic
fair by convenience, to ensure that the sample was composed by conscious consumers of ecoinnovative food, e.g. organic food. Eco-innovative food was defined in the questionnaire as
follow: Eco-innovative food are those endowed with ethical/social/ environmental appeals,
such as organic food, meat or eggs from free range animals, fair trade, family agriculture,
among others. Data collection was performed with personal interviews conducted by trained
researchers, in-person in September 2013 in four organic street markets in the city of Porto
Alegre. The final sample included 401 respondents. The questionnaire applied in this phase
included the following sections: 1) first, an initial filter question, to ensure that the respondent
was a conscious consumer; 2) second, a section to investigate personal values using the 21item version (Portrait Value Questionnaire PVQ) from Schwartz (1992), measured on a 6point similarity scale with end-points 1 = not like me at all to 6= very much like me; 3)
the third section refers to attitudes towards environment and nature (using a reduced 5-item
version of the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) scale by Dunlap, 2000), and
technological progress (5 items by Beckmann, Brokmose e Lind (2001), measured on 7-point
Likert-type agreement scales, with end-points 1= strongly disagree to 7= strongly agree;
4) in the fourth section conscious purchase behaviour towards eco-innovative food was asked
using purchase frequency as its proxy. 5) Finally, respondents demographics were assessed.
Attitudes are determined by a combination of personal values (egalitarian or selfish) and
general views on environment and nature (affective attitude) and technological progress
(cognitive attitude). The final data was analysed with SPSS (univariate statistics) and Amos
(multivariate statistics - structural equation modelling) and included 401 respondents, with an
average age of 43.6, majority female (64.6%). The model fit indices were considered highly
acceptable (2 / df = 2.36, GFI = 0.933, AGFI = 0.907, TLI = 0.915, CFI = 0.931, RMSEA =
Resultados e contribuies do trabalho para a rea
Results show that only the collectivistic values present a positive and significant effect on
attitudes towards the environment and nature. Individualistic values did not show effects on
attitudes towards technological progress or environment and nature. Both attitudes
demonstrated effects on purchase frequency. However, attitudes towards the environment and
nature were positively related to eco-innovative food purchase frequency, while attitude
towards technological progress demonstrated a negative relationship with purchase frequency.

The survey indicates that consumers presented strong collectivistic values, such as
benevolence and universalism, and very positive attitudes towards environment and nature.
Additional findings points out towards a certain belief on behalf of the interviewed consumers
that technology can be a determinant of relevant aspects of eco-innovative foods. Such result
is of particular interest from a theoretical perspective, since conscious consumers from an
emerging country like Brazil might consider technology not so good for sustainability in food
products. In practical terms, companies and public policies can benefit from such knowledge,
as in more traditional societies the radical environmentalists hold an ideology that exalts
nature and opposes technology and this might have a negative impact on technological
development. In our case, society seems to follow the same pattern. Our results also indicate
that the frequency of consumption of eco-innovative food is ultimately influenced by both
attitudes (AttEnviro and AttTech), meaning that those consumers who favour the environment
and nature have a higher eco-innovative food purchase frequency. Like in developed
countries, the less favourable consumers are towards technological progress, the more
environmental friendly they are (Krystallis et al., 2012) Personal values on food consumption
have been validated in other studies (Thgersen & Beckmann, 1997) and in this Brazilian
sample collectivistic values significantly influence on attitudes towards environment and
nature, and consequently on the frequency of consumption of eco-innovative food. Although
individualism did not impact on attitudes toward environment and nature there is a positive
correlation between them, meaning that even consumers with selfish motives might favour the
environment. For instance, even consumers who buy organic food aiming for their health are
indirectly benefiting nature. In conclusion, our research showed that the consumption of ecoinnovative food in Brazil is based on a model of values-attitudes hierarchy, confirming
previous results found in the literature. It is also an important point that individualism
registered a positive and significant correlation with purchase frequency of eco-innovative
food. This could mean an alternative path from individualism to purchase frequency through
another set of attitudes, like industrial production, for example. This research is of particular
academic value, by adding empirical evidence about the relationships that rule how values
and general attitudes influence the purchase of eco-innovative food in the Brazilian food
consumption context. Practical implications of this research is related to the need for
companies to remain competitive and profitable, and innovation and environmental
sustainability can be used as alternatives to mitigate environmental risks derived from the
companys activities. Finally, it is important to state that this paper is part of larger ongoing
international research project. Results from Brazilian sample will be compared with China
and Europe in the near future.
Referncias bibliogrficas
Ajzen, I. (1988). Attitudes, personality, and behavior. Dorsey Press, Chicago.
Krystallis, A., Grunert, K.G., De Barcellos, M.D., Perrea, T., & Werbeke, W. (2012).
Consumer attitudes towards sustainability aspects of food production. Journal of Marketing
Management, 28 (34), 334372
OECD, 2009. Sustainable manufacturing and eco-innovation: towards a Green economy.
Policy Brief June 2009. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from
Thgersen, J., & Beckmann, S.C. (1997). Values and attitude formation towards emerging
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