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MCEN 6228

Multiphase Flow

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flows

Olivier Desjardins
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Fall 2010


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Class: Tue, Th, 11:00am 12:15pm

Office hours: Walk-in or by appointment
C. Crowe, M. Sommerfeld, Y. Tsuji: Multiphase Flows with Droplets
and Particles
Multiphase Flow Handbook, C. T. Crowe
W. A. Sirignano: Fluid Dynamics and Transport of Droplets and
Atomization and Sprays, A. H. Lefebvre

Homework: No homework
Mid term quiz: No midterm
Final exam: No final

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Class Projects

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Choose topic by end of next week

2-page proposal due 09/02/2010 in class

Prepare progress report (seminar and write-up) that

summarizes the topic and which can be used by
other students
10 minutes presentations given on Oct. 12 14
5-page write-up

Final report (seminar and write-up) during the last two

weeks of class
15 minutes presentations given on Nov. 30 Dec. 9
10-page write-up

Presentations graded by your peers

Objectives & Pre-requisites

Investigate a Variety of Complex Multiphase Flows
Focus on global flow properties
Provide theoretical framework
Discuss state of the art modeling strategies
Sometimes theoretical
More often computational models


Navier-Stokes, anyone?
In general, mass, momentum, energy conservation
Better not be afraid of pdes
Some familiarity with numerical methods

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Course Topic

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Variety of Multi-Phase Flows

Spray combustion
Splashing water
Ocean, breaking waves
Solid particles
Inkjet printer

wave breaking

truck tire splash

LOX+GH2 cold jet (Mayer et al. 01)

Some Applications
Combustion of liquid fuels
Aircraft engines
Diesel engines
Fluidized bed coal combustion

Interfacial flows
Particle laden flows
Condensation and evaporation in clouds
Bubble columns

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Primary breakup

Secondary breakup
Droplets into smaller droplets

Evaporation, condensation
Coalescence or particle interactions
Momentum/energy/mass exchange of
different phases

Diesel injection

Diesel injection

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow


coaxial atomization

Breakup of a liquid jet

Liquid core into large
Large drops into small
Or direct disintegration

Marmottant & Villermaux 2002

Lasheras et al. 1998


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Formation of large drops

from experiment and
Marmottant & Villermaux 2004

Herrmann et al. 2006

Multi-Phase Flow: Classification

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Multi-Phase Flow: Classification

Multiphase flows with assumed
phase-interface topology
Particle-laden flows, sprays
Dispersed or dense?
Lagrangian or Eulerian description?
Heat and mass transfer?
Multiphase flows with resolved phase-interface
Gas-liquid flows
Various models
Heat and mass transfer

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Gas turbine engine

Example of gas turbine combustion chamber
Involves a range of multiphase flows

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Gas turbine engine

Example of gas turbine combustion chamber
Involves a range of multiphase flows

Fuel injection,
primary atomization
Secondary atomization
Droplet coalescence
Turbulent spray
Spray-wall interactions
Spray evaporation
Spray combustion

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Dispersed two-phase flows

Definition of Number Density
Consider gas-phase density
Define local gas density as

Mean free path: ~ 100 nm

>> 100 nm for statistical average

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Number Density

Number density

1. Averaging volume has to be much larger than
droplet spacing
2. Evaporating droplets

Not all particles are same size

Particle size distribution

Statistical model

Volume fraction

Look at particle volume per unit volume

Can define interparticle spacing

For a cubic arrangement

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Particle Size Distribution Function

PSDF: Probability Density Function of particle diameter
for ensemble of particles

Discrete Form
Discrete PSDF:
PSDF sometimes not normalized,


Particle Size Distribution Function



Cumulative Distribution


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Particle Size Distribution Function

Continuous Form
Continuous PSDF:

definitions of moments
and CDF

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Characteristic Diameters
Other possible definitions of characteristic
Ratio of moments

Special form: Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD)

Corresponds to total volume over total surface

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Frequently Used PSDFs

Log normal

0 is variance of log of D

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Frequently Used PSDFs

Rosin-Rammler Distribution
Often used to describe droplet sizes in sprays
Defined by mass density function with empirical
constants and n

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Dispersed Phase Flows

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Volume Fraction
Dispersed phase volume fraction

Continuous phase volume fraction,

aka void fraction

Vo has to be large enough to ensure converged


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Particle Spacing L

When can particle/particle interactions be neglected?

PPI negligible if L/D > 10

Two particles with distance L

Dispersed phase

PPI negligible if d < 5 10-4

Seems awfully small!
How much is this in particle mass ratio?

Particle Spacing L

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Particle mass ratio

From L/D = 10 follows for water droplets in air


One-way coupling

Two-way coupling

Gas affects particles through drag, evaporation

Gas affects particles through drag, evaporation
Particles affect gas through drag, evaporation

Four-way coupling

Gas affects particles through drag, evaporation

Particles affect gas through drag, evaporation
Particles affect each other through collisions, coalescence

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Particle Spacing L

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

How large does Vo have to be, if N particles are required

for a statistical ensemble?

Dispersed phase

For 10 m particles, L/D = 10, and the requirement

to have 1000 particles in ensemble follows

For 0.1 mm particles

Time Scale Estimates

Particle Response Time
Particle equation of motion

Drag force


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Time Scale Estimates

Introducing the Reynolds number as


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Time Scale Estimates

Drag coefficient of a sphere

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Time Scale Estimates

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Small Reynolds number: Stokes flow

Leads to


v is characteristic time to reach equilibrium of


Time Scale Estimates

Particle Response Time
For water in air and D = 0.1mm

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Time Scale Estimates

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Large Reynolds number:

Leads to


For water in air, D = 1mm, vrel = 10m/s, which

results in Re = 1000

Time Scale Estimates

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Particle Response Time

Velocity or momentum difference can be neglected if the
shortest flow time scale is much larger than particle
response time

Example: LES
For = 1mm, U = 100m/s follows

For this case, relative velocity can be neglected for particles

smaller than D = 1m

Time Scale Estimates

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Stokes Number
Stokes number describes ratio of particle time
scale to flow time scale

Effect illustrated by constant time lag solution

Time Scale Estimates

Constant Time Lag Solution

St = 0 (very small particles): v = u

St -> (very large particles): v = 0
St 1: strong interaction of u and v

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Time Scale Estimates

Effect of Stokes Number

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Time Scale Estimates

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Thermal Response Time

Heat flux

Define non-dimensional heat transfer coefficient k

Conductive heat transfer

Time Scale Estimates

Droplet energy equation


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Time Scale Estimates

Small Reynolds number: Nu = 2 gives

With Prandtl number defined as

Time scale ratio

Conclusion: Thermal equilibrium typically

slower than velocity

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Collision Time Scale

Other way of characterizing dense dispersed

two-phase flow

Collision timescale

How should we define the

relative velocity?

Governing Equations

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

1. Flow equations locally considering ensembles of

particles (Eulerian representation)
2. Flow equation describing flow locally around a
single particle and inside droplets (DNS)
3. Lagrangian particle equations (Lagrangian

Particle Equations

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Lagrangian description of single particle or droplet



f1 is factor describing departure from Stokes flow

and Stefan flow (blowing effect)

Particle Equations

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow


f2 is factor correcting for evaporation effect on

heat transfer (Stefan flow)
Nu here is the corrected value considering

Particle Equations

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow


Hm is driving potential for mass transfer (like T for energy)

km is mass transport coefficient

With Sherwood and Schmidt numbers defined as


Particle Equations

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Which drop has a higher dm/dt, large or small?

Which has higher dm/dt, one large drop or two

smaller drops with each half the mass of the
large drop?
Small droplets

Thermodynamics of Phase Change

Phase Diagrams: p, v, T Surface

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Thermodynamics of Phase Change

Phase Diagrams: Saturation Curve

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Thermodynamics of Phase Change

Vapor Mole Fraction at the Droplet Surface

Clapeyron equation

Clausius-Clapeyron equation
Assumptions are

Equilibrium conditions
Ideal gas for vapor state
vl << vg
Small changes in L compared with reference state

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

Levels of Approximation

Isolated droplets or droplet cloud

Constant or time varying droplet temperature
Constant or spatially varying droplet temperature
Quiescent surrounding gas or convective flow
Gas phase in steady state or time varying
Influence of Stefan flow
Phase equilibrium at the droplet surface

Energy and Mass Transfer

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Simplest Model: D2 Law for Evaporating Droplet

Droplet mass change

Assume RHS constant leads to


Energy and Mass Transfer

Spherically Symmetric Droplet Heating and
Assume steady gas-phase
One-step global reaction
F + O -> ( +1) P
Reaction rate:

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

Gas-Phase Governing Equations


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

Gas-Phase Governing Equations

Other species

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

Boundary Conditions
At r -> : Yi, T = Yi,, T
At r = R:
Continuous temperature: Ts = Tl,s
XF from Clausius-Clapeyron equation

Mass and energy balances from integration of

species transport equations across interface

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

Flux Conditions

Other species


MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Three differential equation requiring six boundary
Eight boundary conditions
Eigenvalue problem
Two eigenvalues:
Gas-phase problem can be solved if Tl,s is known
in interface condition for temperature
Requires analysis of liquid phase

Energy and Mass Transfer

Gas-Phase Solution

Assuming Le = 1, define coupling function



MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

Interface flux condition



MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Integration of -equation yields

Second integration assuming Dc = const gives

Energy and Mass Transfer

Mass flux solution

with Spalding transfer number

For fast chemistry

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

Similar derivation for

leading to

Fast chemistry

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

Evaluate Nu number

Heat flux

Stoichiometric temperature

Definition of Nu number

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Evaluate Nu number

from interface flux condition and
replace Leff with expression for B gives

Same expression for Sherwood number

Caution: T in the drop temperature equation has
to be the same as in the definition of Nu

Energy and Mass Transfer

Different Levels of Approximation

Constant droplet temperature


Infinite conductivity model

Solve droplet temperature equation

Liquid phase equation model

Solve 1D time-dependent equation for droplet
Too expensive

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

Non-Zero Reynolds Number

Ranz-Marshall correlation (1952)

Correction to consider effect of convection

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

Energy and Mass Transfer

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

W. A. Sirignano: Fluid Dynamics and
Transport of Droplets and Sprays
R. S. Miller, K. Harstad, J. Bellan, Evaluation
of Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium
Evaporation Models for Many-Droplet GasLiquid Flow Simulations, Int. J. Multiphase
Flows, 24, 1025-1055, 1998

Energy and Mass Transfer

Miller et al.

MCEN 6228
Multiphase Flow

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