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(Blandford) Heroes of The Crimea

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The document discusses two major battles of the Crimean War: the Battle of Balaclava and the Battle of Inkerman. It describes the British Army's test in these battles as being its most severe since the Battle of Waterloo and highlights the fortitude and courage shown by British soldiers.

The two major battles discussed are the Battle of Balaclava on page 1 and the Battle of Inkerman on page 6. Both battles occurred in 1854 as the British and Russians fought for control of Crimea.

The British soldiers faced their most severe test since the Battle of Waterloo in the autumn battles of 1854 in Crimea. They had to display fortitude and courage in the face of the challenges presented by battling the Russian forces.

THf BllTTlfS Of BlllllClllVII lllfD IlfKfRI1lllf




An imprint of Cassell
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Copyright 1991 Michael Barthorp

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First published 1991
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Barthorp, Michael
Heroes of the Crimea: Balaclava and Inkerman .
1. Crimean War
I . Title

ISBN 0 7137 2101 2 (hbk)

ISBN 0 7137 2105 7 (pbk)
T ypeset by Bookworm Typesetting
Printed and bound in Great Britain by The Bath Press, Avon


List of Maps
Preface 7

Appendix A: Order of Battle, the Army of

the East , up to 5 November 1854, with
later titles of regiments 145


Appendix B: British Casualties- Inkerman

Sources 149
Picture credits 152
References 153
Index 157

To Thwart the Russian Bear

1 Cheer, Boys, Cheer ! 10
2 A Blow at Sebastopol 23

The Bear Strikes Back
3 The Trumpet, the Gallop, the Charge
4 The Minie's Murderous Effect 57
5 The English Shall Be Attacked 70

The Soldiers' Battle
6 Facing Fearful Odds 80
7 Load, Fire and Charge ! 93
8 A Hell of a Towelling 109

9 The Reckoning 122
10 Noble Exertions 135



Listo Maps

1 The Theatre of Operations 26

2 The Area round Sebastopol


3 Battle ofBalaclava, 25 October 1854 44


2nd Division Sector and Action of

'Little Inkerman' , 26 October 1854


5 Battle of Inkerman: Dawn to 7. 30 am

6 Battle oflnkerman: 7.30 to 8.30 am


Battle of Inkerman: 9.15 am to 2.00 pm


The maps are redrawings, plus additions, based on

Victorian sources. On Maps 4-7 the numbers next
to the symbols for military units are either British
and French regimental numbers or British and
Russian divisional numbers; letters refer to British
artillery batteries or Guards regiments.

Pre ace

In the great wars against Napoleon, the Kaiser and

Hitler, Britain and Russia were, for the most part,
allies. Since 1945, however, the most serious
military threat to Britain has been posed by the
Soviet Union, while for the greater part of the
nineteenth century it was the expansionist schemes
of tsarist Russia that most menaced the security of
the British Empire. Yet only once have the
differences between the two nations had to be
resolved by force of arms - in the conflict known in
history as the Crimean War of 1854-56.
The British Army of that war has not, on the
whole, had what might be termed 'a good press',
compared with, say, Wellington's Peninsular
Army, the Expeditionary Force of 1914, or the
South Atlantic Task Force of 1982. Undoubtedly
there had been a tendency for the Army to rest on
its laurels since the defeat of Napoleon. Moreover,
although the parts of the Army stationed overseas
had fought numerous campaigns in India and other
colonies since 1815, there had been no likelihood of
its being tested in Europe, where peace had reigned
for nearly 40 years. The Army that went to war in
1854 was certainly to reveal very serious command,
staff and administrative failings. However these
shortcomings, highlighted by such famous follies as
the Light Cavalry Brigade's charge at Balaclava,
have tended to overshadow the fact that much had
been done, or was in hand when war broke out, to
modernize the Army after 'the long peace'. The
performance of British officers and men of the
lower ranks, when confronting a European enemy
for the first time since Waterloo, would show
another side to the coin of well-documented
inefficiency. The Light Brigade's charge itself -

with its command and staff muddle redeemed by

the discipline and gallantry of the regiments which
made it - is a good example of the antithesis within
the Army at the time.
The Battle of Balaclava, of which this charge
formed but one phase, heralded the first major
Russian effort to eject the invaders from the
Crimea. This counter-offensive culminated 11 days
later in the Battle of Inkerman, a struggle of far
greater consequence than Balaclava, yet which has
received far less attention. Those autumn days of
1854 presented the British soldier with the severest
test of his fortitude he had faced since Waterloo, or
would face for many years to come. The purpose of
this book is to examine how he coped with it.
In his book The Weary Road, about his experiences in the Great War, Charles Dowie wrote: 'The
very atmosphere of a battle defies description and
eludes the imagination. Words cannot convey even
a suggestion of the sounds heard and the emotions
felt, when every faculty is heightened, when every
nerve is tense'. If Dowie felt this when writing of
what he himself had undergone, how much more
difficult must be any attempt to reconstruct battles
of nearly 140 years ago. The best that can be done
is to try and explain what happened, and why, and
to rely on the words of those who fought - some of
them men of little education, and in some cases
writing years after the event- to give some flavour
of what it was really like to be in action in the
Crimea at that bleak time.
The spelling of Russian names follows the practice
first adopted by A. W. Kinglake and emulated by
most English writers on the war: for example,

Menshikoff, rather than Menshikov; Taroutine

and Katherinburg Regiments, not Tarutinsky and
Ekaterinburgsky; Sebastopol, not Sevastopol;
A note on the different significance of the word
'regiment' in the opposing infantry may be helpful.
The British infantry, less the Foot Guards and Rifle
Brigade, comprised a quantity of numbered regiments, all having one battalion (the basic infantry
unit), each of eight companies. Guards regiments
and the Rifle Brigade had two or more battalions,
each also of eight companies, but the battalions of
such regiments did not fight together. Russian
infantry regiments had numbers and names (only
the latter being used herein), but they consisted of
four battalions, each of four companies, each
regiment being a tactical entity. The French
practice was comparable to the Russian, but with
regiments of two battalions, each of eight companies. The approximate war establishment of
British and French battalions was 1,000 all ranks,
of Russian 950, although by the autumn of 1854 the
actual fighting strength of all three types of
battalion was more of the order of 600.

Charles Dowie's above-quoted observation, and

what motivates men in battle.
Thanks are also due to many individuals and
institutions for suggestions, the loan of texts,
assistance with illustrations or help in other ways.
In alphabetical order these are: Colonel Paul Adair,
Mr David Cliff, Major Peter Cutler, LieutenantColonel M.J. Evetts, Major Michael Farrow, Mr
Nicholas Fitzherbert, Mr Peter Harrington, Mr
Philip Haythornthwaite, the Right Reverend
Michael Mann, Major Patrick Mercer, Major
P.J.R. Mileham, Mr Alan Mitchell, Mr John
Mollo, Major Frederick Myatt, Major John Peters,
Mr David Rowlands, Brigadier K.A. Timbers,
Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Trousdell, Brigadier
Hugh Tyler, Colonel R.C. Walker, Major Hugo
White, Mr D. Whybrow; the Army Museums
Ogilby Trust, Imperial War Museum, London
Library, National Army Museum, Parker Gallery,
Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, Science
Museum; the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards,
Queen's Royal Irish Hussars, Royal Hussars, Royal
Artillery Institution, Grenadier Guards, Coldstream Guards, Guards Museum, Royal Highland
Fusiliers, Royal Regiment of Wales, Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment, Queen's
Lancashire Regiment, Duke of Edinburgh's Royal
Regiment, Middlesex Regiment Museum, Argyll
and Sutherland Highlanders, Rifle Brigade
Museum Trust, the Staff College.
Special debts of gratitude are owed to General Sir
John Akehurst for reading the text in typescript
and for making many useful suggestions, as well as
other assistance, to Mrs Sheila Watson for her
support and encouragement, and to Alix Baker for
her four skilfully drawn maps (Maps 4-7) of the
operations around Inkerman.

The sources used herein are listed at the end of the

book. But anyone attempting to write of the
Crimean War would be failing in gratitude if he did
not acknowledge a special debt to the memory of
A. W. Kinglake for his examination of so many
eyewitnesses to produce his massive and masterly
The Invasion of the Crimea. Dr Hew Strachan's two
books on military reform and developments between 1815-54 (see Sources) have been invaluable
for a picture of the Army of the period. The works
of John Shelton Curtiss and Colonel Albert Seaton
have been most useful for the Russian viewpoint.
John Keegan's The Face of Battle, though not
dealing with the Crimea, has provided much food
for thought, both about how to contend with

Jersey, CI


Come all you gallant British hearts

Who love the red and blue.
Come drink a health to those brave lads,
Who made the Russians rue.
Fill up your glass and let it pass,
Three cheers and one cheer more,
For the fourteenth ofSeptember,
Eighteenhundredfifty four.


Cheer, Boys, Cheer!

Reveille was sounded in London at three o'clock

that chill February morning in 1854. In the
crowded and fetid rooms of St George's Barracks,
then just behind the National Gallery, sergeants
called the roll by the flickering light of lanterns.
The Guardsmen of the Grenadiers' 3rd Battalion
had had little sleep that night as, contrary to all
precedent, the barracks had been thronged with
women- wives, sweethearts, even whores from the
nearby Haymarket and Leicester Square. The
Adjutant, Captain George Higginson, returning
late from a farewell dinner, had been astonished by
this alarming break with the Guards' strict discipline, and had spent the night trying to maintain
order. However, when the NCOs reported, not a
. .
man was rmssmg.
Shortly before five, now clad in their bearskin
caps and swallow-tailed red coatees and laden with
heavy marching order, the Guardsmen filed out
from the National Gallery to fall in by companies in
Trafalgar Square. Despite the early hour, a huge
crowd had gathered and greeted the troops with an
enthusiasm which Higginson ' never saw equalled'. 1
Throughout the march to Waterloo Station, the
cheering crowds increased, people in night clothes
waved from windows along the Strand, and the
police lining the still gaslit streets had difficulty
restraining the populace from breaking into the
ranks to shake the men 's hands. At the station the
farewell cries rose above the band playing 'The
British Grenadiers' as the train steamed out for
Southampton docks.
Similar scenes had accompanied the 1st Coldstream Guards' departure a week before. Rumours

of war with Russia had been rife since the previous

July and war fever had intensified since November.
As will be seen, a bellicose Russophobia gripped
most of the nation, but the government led by Lord
Aberdeen still held out against a declaration of war
and the departure of the Guards was only a
precaution, their destination being no further than
A week after the Grenadiers left, it was the turn
of the 1st Scots Fusilier Guards.* As befitted their
alleged reputation as the Queen's favourites, they
marched from Wellington Barracks to parade at
Buckingham Palace before Queen Victoria, the
Prince Consort and four royal children. That
evening Victoria wrote to her Uncle Leopold:
The last battalion of the Guards passed through the
courtyard at seven o'clock this morning. We stood on the
balcony to see them - the morning fine , the sun rising
over the towers of old Westminster Abbey - and an
immense crowd collected to see these fine men, cheering
them immensely. They formed line, presented arms, and
cheered us very heartily, and went off cheering. It was a
touching and beautiful sight .... My best wishes and
prayers will be with them all. 2

As the battalion marched out of the forecourt the

band played '0 where and 0 where has my
Highland laddie gone', changing to ' Annie Laurie'
in which the accompanying crowds joined.
Throughout February, March and into April , all
over the United Kingdom, bands, drums and fifes ,
or pipers were playing their regiments to stations
* Scots Guards from 1877.


and docksides, chiefly to the 'Tipperary' of the day,

the lively, if sentimental:

The 3rd Grenadier Guards marching through Trafalgar Square

on the morning of 22 February 1854, en route for the East. An
engraving by Pound after Kunsley.

Cheer, boys, Cheer!

No more of idle sorrow .
Courage, true hearts, shall bear us on our way.
Hope points before, and shows the bright tomorrow,
Let us forget the darkness of today

da, had many wives from that country who had no

parish and consequently became a problem for the
Portsmouth authorities. In contrast, and officially
aboard the SS Medway , was a Winchester woman,
25-year-old Mrs Nell Butler, wife of a private in the
95th (Derbyshire) Regiment. Seven months later
she would earn the praises of the doctors as she
tended the Inkerman wounded.
Woolwich dockyard was a hive of activity in
mid-March as the guns, limbers, wagons and
horses of the Royal Artillery's field batteries were
hoisted on to transports. A day later the men of C
Troop , Royal Horse Artillery , some of the smartest
and most professional soldiers in the Army in their
dark-blue, hussar-style uniforms , loaded their
lighter guns, unaware of the important part they
would play in the defence of a small harbour none
of them could have heard of- Balaclava.

These were ironical words, as events would show.

Through the streets of Portsmouth, crowded with
Easter holidaymakers, clattered the 17th Lancers,
their lance-pennons fluttering above their leather
caps, their dark-blue jackets contrasting with the
sombre mass of dark green and black leather of the
2nd Rifle Brigade. Among the Riflemen marched a
woman , her hair cut , armed, and dressed in
uniform, one of the wives not 'on the strength' but
determined not to be left behind. Soldiers' wives
who had failed the ballot for the lucky four per
company permitted to accompany their husbands
became the responsibility of their parish, but the
Rilles, having not long since returned from Cana11

an artist, G. Quinton. Outside some hostelry a

senior NCO, probably of the rear party, sits among
some bibulous Dubliners being accosted by a
horsey-looking individual, perhaps a creditor. A
red-plumed trumpeter, already mounted, accepts a
last drink from the publican. Baggage lies around.
Some men are riding off to fall in; one bids a
pensive farewell to his wife or sweetheart accompanied by her mother. A disinterested-looking officer
is being pestered by an elderly woman brandishing
a letter at him, while pointing accusingly at her
sobbing daughter. Perhaps a promise about to be
breached? Such scenes must have been common in
the spring of 1854.
The majority of regiments marching to trains
and transports were from the Infantry of the Line,
each known chiefly by its number but most also
having another title, like the 1st (Royal), 21st
(Royal North British Fusiliers), 33rd (Duke of
Wellington's), 68th (Durham Light Infantry), 77th
(East Middlesex) and many more. All were in red
coatees of coarse serge with different-coloured
facings - blue, yellow, green, buff - above nearblack trousers, and on their heads a curious black

The l st Scots Fusilier Guards cheering the Royal Family at

Buckingham Palace before leaving for the East on 2 March .
AfterG.H . Thomas.

In Ireland, the 11th Hussars prepared for

embarkation, their officers sending their unique
cherry-coloured trousers to the tailors to be reinforced with black leather. The regiment's wellpublicized appearance owed much to its rich
colonel, Lord Cardigan, recently appointed to
command the Light Cavalry Brigade. The 11th's
spectacular turn-out was ridiculed by The Times of
22 April 'as utterly unfit for war service as the garb
of the female hussars in the ballet of Gustavus',
thereby impelling the irascible Cardigan to accuse
the paper of 'petty and paltry slander'. 3
Quartered nearby were the brass-helmeted, redjacketed 4th Dragoon Guards, also under orders to
sail. Their colonel, Edward Hodge, had watched
the 11th practising pitching tents. 'We have much
to learn', he noted drily in his diary. A few days
later he complained he was 'quite hoarse with
shouting at the stupid officers I have'. 4 His
regiment's departure from Dublin was painted by

The youngest by many years at 35 was the

Queen's cousin, the Duke of Cambridge, commanding the 1st Division; he had never been on active
service. Sir George Brown of the Light Division*
was 64, a martinet, and he had seen no action since
1814. Sir George De Lacy Evans, 2nd Division,
was an intelligent officer who had commanded a
sizeable force in the First Carlist War (1836-38)
but he was 67. Sir Richard England, relatively
youthful at 60, had the 3rd Division; he had served
at the Cape and in Afghanistan and, as a regimental
commander, had been thought 'most zealous,
ardent and intelligent' ;6 in the Crimea an officer
would find him 'a terrible fool'. 7 Only the 4th
Division had a commander with a recent campaign
behind him in Sir George Cathcart, also 60, who
had just terminated the Eighth Kaffir War. He was
irritable and short-sighted, but his chief staff
officer valued his strategic grasp and thought he
was ill-placed as a divisional commander, being 'a
man more fitted to be first than second'. 8 The clash
of personalities in the Cavalry Division between its
commander, Lord Lucan, 54, who had had firsthand experience of both Russian and Tur.kish
Armies, and his combative and arrogant brotherin-law, Lord Cardigan, aged 57 with no active
service, is too well known to need repeating.
Finally, there was the 66-year-old Commander-inChief, Lord Raglan, a man so self-effacing as to be
almost invisible, of great courtesy yet with little
understanding of the men under his command. He
had spent his entire service life in the shadow of the
Duke of Wellington, thereby acquiring much staff
experience at a high level, but without having
commanded so much as a company in the field; 'a
good "red-tapist" but no General'. 9
The brigade commanders' average age was 51
and most, though not all, had had recent command
experience of some sort in the field. The notable
ones will be met in person later.
In the two decades before 1854, the Army had
fought three campaigns in South Africa, seven in
India, Burma and Afghanistan, and one each in
China, Canada and New Zealand. There was,
therefore, considerable campaigning experience
about but, except against the Sikhs in India, it had

felt shako with brass fitments and peaks to front

and rear, allegedly the design of the wellintentioned Prince Consort. As the red ranks
tramped behind their bands through the shouting
crowds, each regiment with its pair of Colours
flying above the heads of the you thfuJ ensigns,*
they made a fine, brave show, but the elegant and
colourful finery in which they paraded was the
same clothing in which they would have to fight.
Not all the regiments came from the British Isles.
Also assembling in the Mediterranean were the
30th (Cambridge), 41st (Welch), 47th (Lancashire), 49th (Hertfordshire) and 55th (Westmoreland) from the garrisons of Gibraltar, Malta and the
Ionian Islands. Yet despite the difference in the
Mediterranean climate, these regiments were clad
exactly the same as those coming from an English
winter. In the mid-1850s, the authorities considered - if they thought about it at all - that the
soldiers needed but one uniform, for peace and
war, for sun and snow.

So, from the home garrisons and the Mediterranean, the regiments assembled to form the 'Army
of the East', as it was grandly known. It included
ten cavalry regiments, two horse artillery troops,
eight field batteries and a siege train, 300 sappers,
and 30 infantry battalions (including three of
Guards and two of Rifles).t Yet it was an army in
name only, for the British Army of the day was not
a cohesive whole, but rather a collection of very
individualistic regiments. Certainly when they
moved on from Malta to Turkey, their ultimate
destination, they would be grouped into brigades

and divisions to facilitate command and control,

but neither components nor commanders had any
practice in working together. The staffs, with a few
exceptions, were quite extempore and inexperienced, being merely 'regimental officers be-plumed
and on horseback' , 5 who owed their positions to
interest or influential connections with the commanders. The latter, good men though many had
been in their day, were not in their first youth, were
unused to handling large bodies of troops, and
some had never heard a shot fired in anger; others
not since the Naj)oleonic War.

:j: The term Light' had no tactical or organizational significance, its

battalions being ordinary infantry, though perhaps some of the best
trained in the army.

The most junior commissioned rank- cornet in the cavalry.

t See Appendix A.


been largely irregular skirmishing in bush, jungle

and mountain, not conventional warfare against a
European enemy of a kind last encountered by the
Army in 1815. Furthermore, of the 30 battalions
sailing East, only five had been in action in the
campaigns of the 1840s, and only the 1st Rifle
Brigade had seen service in the previous five years,
in South Africa; of the Cavalry, only the 4th Light
Dragoons had been in action since Waterloo, in the
Mghan War of 1839-42.
Since Waterloo the Army, like Raglan himself,
had existed in the shade of the Duke of Wellington,
particularly in the period 1842-52 .when, in his late
seventies, he had been Commander-in-Chief. Great
commander though he had undoubtedly been in
the Napoleonic War, his still immense prestige and
influence, added to his rooted aversion to changing
an instrument that had defeated Napoleon, all
conspired to delay the reforms and modernization
many voices within and outside the Army were
demanding. In all areas his elderly hand applied the
brake on progress. Far from pressing the government of the day for the larger budget much-needed
reform required, he maintained that the public
debate aroused by increased expenditure would
eventually be harmful either to the nation's interest
or the Army's; both were best served by the
strictest economy. When it was proposed to replace
the percussion musket with the far superior Minie
rifle, Wellington approved but insisted it be called
a rifled musket, not a rifle, otherwise 'the soldiers
will become conceited, and be wanting next to be
dressed in green, or some other jack-a-dandy
uniform'. 10
In 1852 Wellington died and would-be reformers
took heart from the appointment of his successor,
not, as some anticipated, Raglan, but Lord Hardinge, whom the United Service Magazine described
as 'a friend to improvement ... we may expect to
see alterations, but they will be neither hazardous
nor ill-considered'. 11 Hardinge had earlier held
high appointments: as Secretary at War he had
instituted measures to benefit the ordinary soldier
and as Master-General of the Ordnance he had
begun the increase, improvement and modernization of the hitherto-neglected artillery. The need
for change was further heightened by fears of
possible invasion as a result of the revived Bonaparte dynasty in France under Louis Napoleon,
who proclaimed himself Emperor in 1852 as

Napoleon III. In the event, Russia would prove the

enemy and France the ally. But before war broke
out, Hardinge oversaw the re-arming of the infantry with the Minie, a weapon that was to have
decisive effects later, the establishment of a School
of Musketry to ensure that the Minie's greatly
!mproved range and accuracy was properly applied
to the infantry's shooting, and instituted measures
to advance the military education of staff and junior
regimental officers.
Regimental training hitherto had been largely a
matter for individual commanding officers, usually
within very limited manoeuvre areas. Though
many achieved a high standard within their own
units, there were no field exercises with other
regiments and other branches of the Army. To
overcome this, and to accustom senior officers to
handling large bodies of troops, Hardinge organized a Camp of Exercise at Chobham in 1853.
This, the first of its kind, attracted much public
attention and revealed many training defects. The
Russian general Ogaroff visited the manoeuvres
with a military mission and, when one mock-attack
went wrong, George Higginson, who was present
and overheard the Russians' comments, found that
'it was with difficulty that I affected not to notice
this expression of ridicule so marked as to be
offensive'. 12 He later wondered whether Ogaroffs
report had caused the Tsar to discount the effectiveness of British intervention on his expansionist
Like all large-scale manoeuvres, the Chobham
experience proved of greater value to the senior
ranks than their juniors, one of whom wrote with
hindsight gained in the war, 'it taught us regimental officers nothing in the way of practical
soldiering'. 13 Though it was to be the forerunner of
the great camp at Aldershot, it was not repeated,
for the following year all Hardinge's reforms were
overtaken by war. He had, however, achieved
much in a short time and felt justified in telling
Palmerston, 'We have done more in two years than
during the last century'. 14 As the war would show,
there was much that was still inefficient, chiefly in
the fields of logistics, administration and manpower provision, but at least, as the historian of the
British Army, Sir John Fortescue, has judiciously
pronounced, the Army of the East was 'probably as
fine a lot of men, for their numbers, as were ever
put into the field'. 15

The upper echelons of political power in the 1850s
were still largely the preserve of the aristocracy, but
increasingly it was the influence and prosperity of
an ever-growing middle class which set the tone of
the age. Powerful though this class was in the
country, particularly its mercantile element, it was
little represented in the Army, whose regiments
were manned by 'the horny-handed sons of toil'
and commanded by 'the children of luxury'. 16 The
middle class tended to despise the former and
disapprove of, but also to envy and ape, the latter.
Taking one infantry battalion in 1854 as an
example: its men before enlistment had been 76 per
cent agricultural labourers, a type preferred by
officers and NCOs for their fitness and docility; 11
per cent from manufacturing industries; 9 per cent


from trades favouring physical development, such

as masons; 1 per cent shopmen and clerks; the
remammg 3 per cent having no previous
occupation. 17 Scotland had been much favoured as
a recruiting area for the Army as a whole, and
particularly for potential NCOs, because of the
greater literacy north of the border; the percentage
of Scotsmen in the Army in 1830 was nearly one
and a half times their percentage of the United
Kingdom population. Thereafter, however, many
Scotsmen preferred work on the growing railway
network, and even some Highland regiments had
to revert to English and Irish to complete their
establishment. In contrast the 93rd (Sutherland)
An 11th Hussar's last days with his family in Ireland before the
war. A watercolour by M.A. Hayes.

Enlisting in 1843, Grigg joined for unlimited

service, in practice about 21 years. From 1847,
however, in an attempt to attract a better type of
recruit, the engagement was reduced to ten years
for the infantry, 12 for cavalry, artillery and
engineers, with the option of re-engaging for a
further 11 or 12 years. Men already in the Army
remained on unlimited service. The average age of
the rank and file* in the Army of the East was 26
and their average length of service seven years.
Though a recruit might express a preference for
one branch of the Army, the regiment in which he
found himself was usually, but not always, dictated
by whatever recruiting sergeant picked him up.
John Fisher, the son of a 7th Hussar veteran of
Waterloo, naturally asked for the cavalry when
recruited by a sergeant of the 41st (Welch), but
found himself in the Rifle Brigade which he 'never
had occasion to regret and would do the same thing
again tomorrow if I were starting life again'. 23 Most
infantry regiments had nominal county affiliations,
but these had little significance and recruiting was
not localized. Furthermore, a man might, if he so
volunteered, serve in more than one regiment.
Richard Ellis (who will reappear at Inkerman in the
21st Fusiliers) was an Irishman from County
Wexford who originally enlisted in the 57th (West
Middlesex), went to India in 1841, but volunteered
for the 21st to remain in India when the 57th went
home in 1846. The 95th was brought up to war
establishment before embarkation with volunteers
from the 6th, 36th, 48th and 82nd.
Once enlisted, the cavalryman received a basic
rate of Is. 3d. per day, the infantryman ls,t to
which might be added good conduct pay, beer
money of ld. per day, and certain extra-duty pay,
but from which was deducted stoppages for messing (1 lb bread, % lb meat per day), laundry,
hair-cutting, barrack damages and maintenance of
'necessaries',+ leaving the soldier with as little as
2 1/zd. a day. He lived in usually cramped, badly
ventilated barrack rooms with a third less cubic feet
of air than a convict was allowed; at least by 1854
he had his own bed instead of sharing a four-man

had so many Gaelic speakers in 1850-51 that four

NCOs received extra-duty pay as interpreters of the
English words of command.
It may seem curious that, in 1854, 41 per cent of
the 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers were Irish, a race
which 20 years earlier had provided just over that
percentage of the entire Army. The Irish famines
and emigrations of the 1840s had markedly reduced
Irish recruitment by the mid-1850s, though the
proportion of Irish in the Army was still higher
than their proportion of the United Kingdom
population. There were, of course, regiments
which were predominantly, if not entirely, Irish,
like the 88th (Connaught Rangers), and references
to Irish soldiers crop up in most regimental
accounts of the time. But it was in the English
countryside, or from countrymen increasingly
drifting to towns and cities to find work, that the
recruiting parties had to look for men to take the
shilling. Using one fairly typical English regiment,
which will reappear frequently, as an example, the
men of the 95th (Derbyshire) just before landing in
the Crimea were 62 per cent English, 37 per cent
Irish and 1 per cent Scottish. The proportions
among its 33 officers were 19, 10 and 4
respectively. 18
Very few enlisted for adventure or the glamour
of the uniform. In 1846 an infantry NCO calculated
that 67 per cent of recruits were 'labourers and
mechanics out of employ, who merely seek for
support'. Some 13 per cent joined because they
considered 'a soldier's life an easy one', 7 per cent
were 'discontented and restless' with civilian life,
and another 7 per cent were bad characters. Actual
criminals were less than 1 per cent, equalling those
who were 'ambitious'. The balance were 'perverse
sons', 'respectable' but unfortunate, or 'others' . 19
Alexander Somerville joined the 2nd Dragoons
(Greys) when without money and in 'a black prison
of despair'. 20 Sergeant Taffs of the 4th (King's
Own) had been 18 and starving in London when he
determined to walk to Chatham and enlist. A
Yorkshire miller's son, Henry Franks, enlisted in
the 5th Dragoon Guards when, as 'a young
simpleton', he thought a soldier's life all 'beer and
skittles'. 21 In contrast, Joseph Grigg, a soldier's
son, had 'always wanted to see a battlefield'22 and
joined the 4th Light Dragoons on his eighteenth
birthday; he would see his boyhood desire amply
fulfilled at Balaclava.

* Corporals and privates.

t About 1.55 at today's prices.

t A soldier's kit consisted of clothing and accoutrements, issueil free, and
necessaries, such as underclothing and cleaning materials, provided and
maintained at his expense.


Fitzroy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan, Commanderin-Chief, the Army of the East . 'A good red-tapist but no
General'. A painting by Sir Francis Grant.

crib as formerly. Washing, cooking and lavatory

facilities were of the most basic kind and frequently
a health hazard. If married, with his wife 'on the
strength', the couple and their children were
permitted to live in the barrack room, screened
from the other soldiers by a flimsy curtain. His
main recreation was the raucous drunkenness of
the wet canteen, resulting in much indiscipline, for
which the chief punishments were imprisonment
and Hogging. The maximum number of lashes any
court could award had been reduced since 1847 to
50, but to this could be added a term of imprisonment, if the offence merited it. In 1848, for
example, a drummer of the 58th, found guilty of
drunkenness when on guard on active service, was
sentenced to 50 lashes and 12 months' imprisonment. Breaches of discipline by NCOs were usually
punished by loss of rank.
Despite the harshness of barrack life, it was often

no worse and frequently better than what the

soldier was escaping from by enlisting. By the
1850s measures were being taken to improve the
soldiers' lives, such as the provision of regimental
libraries, savings banks and the education of their
children. Instead of deterring men from evil - a
policy deemed essential by the Duke of Wellington
- a growing number of officers believed that,
notwithstanding the appalling circumstances from
which many soldiers came, more fruitful results
than those produced by the lash could be achieved
by encouraging men to be good, a policy first tried
half a century before by Sir John Moore. Its success
depended on the example, humanity, interest and,
where material improvements were concerned, the
pockets of the regimental officers, from the lieutenant-colonel commanding down to the ensigns or
Above all else, the criterion for British Army
officers was that they should be, as the AdjutantGeneral declared in 1840, 'gentlemen by education,
manners and habits'. 24 Just over a third came from
titled or landed families, the remainder being sons
of Service families, or with fathers in the other
gentlemanly professions of those d~ys, the Church,
the Bar, the magistracy and the upper echelons of
the Civil Service. As Kinglake wrote, 'when they
fall in battle, it is the once merry country-house,
the vicarage, or the wayside cottage of some old
Peninsular officer, that becomes the house of
mourning'. Such were the likely homes of Line
officers, but Guards' officers came from what he
called 'the central body of English Society'. 25
Status, education, standards of behaviour were not
the only gentlemanly characteristics required; not
every man who counted himself a gentleman
possessed the less tangible qualities of probity,
honour, courage and unselfishness expected of an
officer. A young man of the right stuff should also
have the ability to become a competent officer, but
it had long been felt that the acquisition of military
knowledge would come after he was commissioned.
Some had been educated privately, others at the
public schools. Measures to reform the savagery,
corruption and chaos formerly prevalent in such
schools had begun in the 1830s, following the
example of Dr Arnold at Rugby with his aim of
educating boys to become 'Christian gentlemen'.
This ideal will be returned to presently but,
notwithstanding the reforms, these schools still

description of the 11th Hussars under Cardigan. 26

One reason for having officers of similar backgrounds was that it promoted social harmony and
esprit de corps within the officers' mess, which had a
beneficial effect downwards throughout the regiment.
Though the Army was held in low esteem by the
rising middle class, to some of its newly prosperous
members a son with a commission may have
offered the social cachet which their money had
been unable to buy. Such sons may have made
perfectly good officers, but a feeling existed among
traditional elements that the offspring of a small
village squire would have a better understanding
of, and thoughtfulness towards, the rural peasantry
in the ranks than an industrialist's son. Sir Charles
Napier, an officer of surprisingly radical sympathies, with experience of the industrial North,
preferred 'an ancient lineage with an empty purse'
to 'the son of a millionaire who hardly speaks to a
soldier'. 27 Moreover, the social differences of such
a young man could incur the antipathy of his

Chobharn Camp. Officers in undress and a sentry, 13th Light

Dragoons. After H. Aiken .

offered a rigorous regime which could make or

break a boy in his formative years from about 12
upwards. Thus a young officer, despite his gently
nurtured childhood and comfortable home, could
have had as tough an upbringing, though in a
different way, as his men.
The term 'children of luxury' quoted earlier was
in fact hyperbolical as most officers, particularly in
the infantry and artillery, were neither rich men
nor pampered youngsters. The wealthier cavalry
and Guards certainly had some, but when a cavalry
regiment left home for, say, India, its complement
of officers was often quite different, the rich ones
having 'sold out' or exchanged with poorer men in
other regiments remaining at home. The dissent
that might occur between both categories, particularly under an aristocratic commanding officer, has
been well portrayed in Cecil Woodham-Smith's

brother officers, while his original background

might be little different from the better-educated
NCOs, who would see his position over them as
based on no more than the new wealth which had
acquired his commission. Shortly before sailing for
the East, the officers of the 46th Regiment attracted
the fury of the Press and the citizens of Windsor,
where they were stationed, for their bullying of
Lieutenant Perry, a tradesman's son, whose two
court martials for striking an officer and perjury
were alleged to have stemmed from his refusal to
join in their raffish off-duty pursuits.
The complexities of the purchase system, by
which most, though not all, first commissions and
subsequent promotions to lieutenant-colonel were
obtained, have been dealt with extensively elsewhere.* With hindsight, the iniquities and injustices of the system are obvious, as they were to
many reformers at the time, but to most serving
officers it was simply the existing system which
they had to accept. At best, their commission in
any rank represented an investment against retirement- no pensions being available then. This, in
turn, gave an incentive to 'sell out' for less
enthusiastic officers, thereby creating promotion
vacancies down the rank structure from which
others could benefit. War, with a likely increase in
establishments, not to mention death or disablement, would create vacancies up the structure into
which the next senior would be promoted without
purchase, thereby accelerating promotion and giving the lucky ones the increased value of their new
ranks. In the Royal Artillery and the Royal
Engineers, where purchase did not exist and
promotion was by seniority, officers spent far
longer in each rank than their cavalry and infantry
The increased value of a commission was a
greater asset to a financially acquisitive officer - if
indeed there were any - since his higher rate of pay
was hardly riches. An ensign's 4s. 6d. per day rose
to 1 per day for a lieutenant-colonel,t and daily
outgoings for messing, servants and band fund
almost always exceeded income. On top of that, the
officer had to pay for and keep up his expensive
uniform, plus accoutrements and sword, which
served for peace and war. An officer of the 88th

Infantrymen outside the guardroom of a barracks in County

Tipperary in 1853. A photograph by Fox Talbot.

recorded that he spent his first night in the Crimea

in a rainstorm without shelter, wearing a coatee
costing 20 guineas:!: which he had once worn to a
ball in Paris. Some private income was therefore
essential; another reason , besides social differences, why commissioning of deserving cases from
the ranks was so rare. The mid-nineteenth century
officer served not for pay but for the privilege of
doing so, and for a congenial life among likeminded fellows.
He had to learn his drill alongside the recruits
and the complexities of its manuals but, apart from
attending the daily orderly room where disciplinary
cases were disposed of, he was not over-worked,
much of the daily barrack routine being left to the
regimental staff and the NCOs. At home stations,
he had little contact with the men. The difficulties,
discomforts and dangers of foreign, and more
especially active, service, despite their unpleasantness, forged a much closer bond between commissioned and non-commissioned ranks within a regiment, which now became home and family for all.

See Sources: Anglesey, Spiers, Strachan, Woodham-Smith.

t About 7 and 31 today. Although the colonel's pay was only just over
four times the ensign's, the value of his commission was ten times greater.

:j: About 650 today.


more humanitarian feelings, not perhaps to brother

officers of different social origins, but to those less
fortunate than himself- his men - with a sense of
noblesse oblige and an awareness of Christian
Private James Orr of the 5th Dragoon Guards
wrote of his troop commander, Hon. Grey Neville,
a son of Lord Braybrooke of Audley End, that 'to
the men of his troop he was indulgent, kind and
courteous - popular with all'. 28 Neville's elder
brother, Henry, in the Grenadiers, was 'always
cheerful, always ready to help and set a good
example'. Another Grenadier, Edward Pakenham,
a grandson of the Earl of Longford, whom Higginson thought 'one of our best officers and in the
truest sense a leader of men', had been elected MP
for County Antrim shortly before the Grenadiers
left England. When asked why he had not resigned
his commission before sailing, he replied: 'I could
not look at my father's picture in the old house at
home and think of
the honour he had won in the

Peninsula, without feeling I ought to do something

to maintain the family tradition'. 29 He was to fall at
Philanthropic officers of the Guards, concerned
at the appalling conditions in the London barracks
for married soldiers and their families, and refused
any money for improvements by the War Office,
established a fund to build a lodging house for 54
families in 1852. They later organized an institute
for Guardsmen and refurbished the interior of the
Guards Chapel in Wellington Barracks.
Officers in Line regiments were seldom rich
enough for such undertakings, but a greater care
for their men's welfare, especially the spiritual
kind, was apparent. Captain Hedley Vicars of the
97th incurred some scorn for introducing Bible
study and prayer meetings among his men, but
they would deeply mourn his gallant death in the
Crimea. Major John Champion of the 95th, who
will be mentioned again, had been destined for the
Church until he decided he could better support his
widowed mother on an officer's pay than a curate's;
he was known in his regiment as much for his piety
as for his gallantry. He was described by a brother
officer as 'gentle and forbearing, a true, good
Christian man, a thorough gentleman and a most
brave soldier'. 30 Not all the officers of the Army of
the East merited such an encomium, but it was a
standard many strove to attain.

Frederick Short, a sergeant of the 4th Light Dragoons, enlisted

in March 1846. He was promoted to troop-sergeant major and
awarded the DCM after Balaclava.

In the decade before the Crimean War, despite

reactionary obstruction, steps were taken to educate officers, whether commissioned by purchase or
as cadets from Sandhurst or Woolwich, so that the
Army would become more of a profession than an
occupation. These steps included entrance examinations, revision of syllabuses at the cadet
colleges (whose products had often been found less
satisfactory than those commissioned straight from
public schools) and, from 1850, a scheme for
promotion examinations. War broke out before
much of these had taken effect, but the realization
of a need for greater professionalism had taken root.
Furthermore, changes in society's values became
mirrored in the officer's gentlemanly code. The
precepts of Dr Arnold had spread to other public
schools, affecting their products' outlook. Thus the
old type of gentleman-officer, with his ' Regency
buck' attitude, was giving way to one who had


Below Guards and Line officers. Left: Hon. William Amherst,

Goldstream Guards, son of Earl Amherst, commissioned 1853,
later severely wounded at Inkerman. Right: Anthony Morgan,
Grenadier Company, 95th Regiment, commissioned 1847,
fought in the Crimea until invalided in December 1854.

Above Officers and men of an infantry regiment's Grenadier

company on guard at the Castle, Dublin, before the war. A
photograph by Fox Talbot.


And so, under their gentlemanly officers, the
regiments of 'strong, hardy, well-intentioned fellows whom no nation on earth could match' 31
marched or rode away to the waiting transports.
Little did the crowds who cheered their departure
realize they were seeing the last of the old Army,
the like of which would not come again. A decade
later, when the Army was no longer recrUited
chiefly from the rural areas, but from the slums of
the big cities, a romantically minded Irish officer
mourned the passing of the pre-Crimean soldier,
'men of splendid physique and well-chiselled feature, keen, steady eyes, resolute jaws ... those old
Greek gods, gone as the buffalo are gone from the
prairies'. 32
As events would prove, they were a remarkable
breed and it was fitting that the people of England
should rise early from their beds to shout farewell
above the thudding drums and shrilling fifes. It had
not been ever thus. The England they were leaving
- the country and people described by Dickens and
Thackeray, Trollope and Surtees, painted by Frith
or caricatured by John Leach - that England had
little regard for; and considerable prejudice
against, her soldiers. Much was held against the
Army, chiefly by the middle and 'respectable'
working classes: its closed nature, its role in aid of
the Civil Power as in the Chartist riots, the social
exclusiveness of its officers and incidents like the
Perry case, its savage discipline. To most civilians
it offered poor material prospects as a career, while
for many families a son who became a soldier
seemed likely to be lost to them forever.
Aspects of all these criticisms were undeniable
but, until the troops were seen en masse marching
away in their glory in the spring of 1854, many
civilians had scarcely seen a soldier. Much of
Hampshire and Surrey had seen the troops at
Chobham, the Guards were evident in London, but
the rest of the Army, hidden away in widely
dispersed small garrisons and much of it overseas in
India and elsewhere, was almost invisible. The
Duke of Wellington had done his best to keep the
Army out of the public domain, but what is
unknown is distrusted and consequently disliked.
In 1854, however, the English people, proud,
self-confident, and with nearly 40 years of peace
behind them, felt the time had come to settle with
the Tsar. Thus they were willing to turn out and

Cavalry officers. From the left: 1st Royal Dragoons, 13th Light
Dragoons (mounted), 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, 11th Hussars.
MterG.H. Thomas.

cheer the men whom they, as taxpayers, expected

to do the work for them - as long as it did not cost
too much. Since the 1820s animosity towards
Russia had been growing. Radicals deplored its
autocratic tyranny. In 1831 a Polish insurrection
had been brutally suppressed. In 1848 Russia had
restored order in the nominally Turkish Danubian
principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (as by
treaty it was, in fact, entitled to do). The following
year Russian troops had assisted the Habsburg
emperor to stamp out Kossuth's independence
movement in Hungary. All this aroused Liberal
opinion, while Tories were increasingly concerned
at Russian expansionism with its possible threat to
India and the communications thereto. However,
political and national animosity was one thing, war
quite another. How it came about must now be


A Blow at Sebastopol

For most of the nineteenth century the Great
Powers were preoccupied with the 'Eastern Question'. This concerned the potential for disintegration of the vast Ottoman (or Turkish) Empire
which sprawled across the junction of Europe, Asia
and Mrica. From its centre of authority at the
Sublime Porte, at Constantinople, its possessions
reached north-westwards through the Balkans to
the Danube, eastwards to the Caucasus, the Persian
Gulf and Arabia, southwards through the Levant to
Egypt, and westwards across North Mrica to
Tunis. Its position astride the lands between the
eastern Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean made
it strategically important, but its dominion over its
many races owing allegiance to Islam, Christianity
and Judaism was, inevitably, unpredictable.
To its north lay the Tsar's great empire. Despite
its huge land mass, Russia's only outlets to the seas
were in the Far East, through the narrow, often
frozen Baltic, and the even more frozen White Sea,
and from the Black Sea, through the narrows of the
Dardenelles under the Turkish guns at Constantinople, to the Mediterranean. Consequently, Russian eyes were fixed enviously on those straits,
while Turkish eyes looked apprehensively to their
Balkan frontier and eastwards to where Russia was
expanding through the Caucasus into Persia. The
Russian bear seemed in danger of encircling the
Sultan's ramshackle empire within its embrace.
Not only did Tsar Nicholas I look longingly at the
distant Mediterranean, but he also saw himself as
the protector, and eventual liberator, of the Sultan's 13 million Greek Orthodox subjects. Living
mostly in the Balkans, they had grown increasingly

restive under their Muslim overlords following

Greece's independence from Turkey in 1829. That
same year the Tsar, assuming his role as liberator,
had gone to war with Turkey and had almost taken
Constantinople, thereby extracting a favourable
eight-year treaty and much influence at the Sublime Porte.
Britain's foreign policy was to preserve the
balance of power in Europe, thus preventing any
nation becoming so over-mighty as to threaten the
great empire which sustained her. Although the
Turks' treatment of Christian minorities offended
many in Britain, the Ottoman Empire's position
across the overland route to the East, and its value
as a counterweight to Russia (whose potential
threat to India via Persia or Mghanistan had caused
the First Afghan War) required the British to
support the Sultan. In 1844 the Tsar paid a state
visit to Britain, hoping for a favourable response to
his ideas for a possible dismemberment of the
Ottoman Empire. However, no British government
could tolerate the prospect of Russians in Constantinople, so the response was more lukewarm than
Nicholas had expected, being merely an agreement
which affirmed both governments' interest in the
stability of the Ottoman Empire but that, if it
started to collapse, they would consult on how best
to replace it.
The nearest and most powerful neighbour of
both Turkey and Russia was the Austro-Hungarian
Empire. Austria could not view with equanimity
the prospect of any Russian expansion across the
lower Danube and into the Balkans, but her young
Emperor owed the Tsar a debt for restoring his


Hungarian kingdom to him, so opposiUon from

that quarter seemed to Nicholas unlikely.
Prussia, not yet the power it would become, had
no direct interest in the Eastern Question and in
any case its king was related to the Tsar by
marriage. There remained France. In addition to
consolidating its North Mrican Empire, contiguous with Turkish territory, France had long
had interest and influence in the Levant and Egypt.
Having become Prince-President of the republic after the 1848 revolution, Louis Napoleon's primary aim was to strengthen his own position by
restoring France's international prestige. His
assumption of near-dictatorial powers after a military coup d'etat in 1851 raised fears of a revived
Bonapartist imperialism. Britain was alarmed, as
was Russia - for reasons that would precipitate the
descent into war.
Even now, nearly 140 years later, it is sobering to
recall that so many of the men met in the last
chapter, their French allies and Russian enemies,
all at least nominal Christians, were to lose their
lives because of an interdenominational Christian
quarrel which could only be resolved by a Muslim.
Perhaps war would have come anyway, but this
provided the actual spark that ignited the Powers'
latent bellicosity, just as a Balkan student's pistol
shot was to do in 1914. In 1850, Roman Catholic
and Greek Orthodox monks clashed over small
matters of precedence in the holy places of Bethlehem and Jerusalem, both within the Ottoman
Empire. The former looked to Louis Napoleon, the
French ruler being traditionally the protector of
Catholics in the East, to plead their cause with the
Sultan. This he was not slow to do, sensing an
opportunity to aggrandize himself and placate
clerical elements in France. The Greek Orthodox
monks naturally appealed to the Tsar. After
lengthy manoeuvrings, the sultan succumbed to
French blandishments and found in favour of the
Catholics in December 1852.
In January 1853, furious at the intervention by
one he considered an upstart and a revolutionary,
Nicholas made overtures to London, believing that
Britain must be wary of the new Bonapartism. He
reminded the prime minister, Lord Aberdeen, of
their joint 1844 agreement, suggesting, in short,
that so corrupt had the Porte now become, the time
had arrived for a partition of the Ottoman Empire
between them; Britain's portion to be Egypt and

Crete. The British reply was non-committal, but

views hardened on receiving dispatches from the
influential ambassador at Constantinople, Lord
Stratford De Redcliffe.
Having, as he thought, guarded his flank with
Britain, the Tsar had sent a threatening emissary,
Prince Menshikoff, to demand of the Sultan not
only restoration of the Orthodox monks' privileges,
but also a Russian protectorate over all Christians
in the Ottoman Empire. The quarrelsome monks
were, in due course, placated but the Sultan,
stiffened by Redcliffe, refused the protectorate. An
incensed Menshikoff returned to St Petersburg to
report to his Tsar, who was now more than ever
determined to bring the Turks to heel.
In London, Lord Aberdeen remained convinced
that Russian bullying would stop short of war but,
harried by an increasingly bellicose press campaign
and pestered by his ministers, reluctantly agreed to
dispatch warships to the Dardenelles, where a
French squadron was already lying. Discounting
this mild show of force, the Tsar threatened to
reoccupy the Danubian principalities if the Porte
did not change its attitude. Reassured by the Allied
fleets, the Turks remained obdurate and on 3 July
Russian troops entered the principalities.
Concerned for its Danube trade, Austria hurriedly convened a conference at Vienna, attended
by British, French and Russian representatives. A
compromise 'Note' acceptable to all seemed to have
been achieved, but the Turks, who had not been
consulted, found insufficient guarantees in it
against further Russian interference and demanded
modifications. The Tsar would not agree to these,
whereupon, after issuing an ultimatum requiring
the Russians to leave the principalities - which was
ignored - the Porte declared war on Russia on 5
Diplomatic activity between the Powers now
intensified. By late November, with his armies
making little progress on the Danube and in the
Caucasus, the Tsar seemed willing to accept
mediation by the other Powers. In Britain the
Cabinet, a coalition, was divided: at one extreme
Palmerston, deeply distrustful of Russia, at the
other Gladstone and Aberdeen himself, anxious for
peace. All they could agree was to maintain the fleet
off Constantinople. However, if the Cabinet was
uncertain, the public was increasingly vocal in its
demands for assistance to Turkey. On 12 Decem-

ber its voice became deafening, no longer for mere

support, but for revenge. Twelve days earlier the
Russian Black Sea Fleet had attacked and destroyed a Turkish squadron at anchor off Sinope,
killing 4,000 Turkish seamen, some allegedly while
swimming helplessly in the water.
The outrage provoked by the so-called Sinope
Massacre (a legitimate act of naval warfare) in
Britain, and to a lesser extent in France, ensured
that the Cabinet's procrastination could not be
protracted much longer. Aberdeen still thought
joint Anglo-French diplomacy might avert war, but
had to agree to a French plan for a combined naval
deployment in the Black Sea, and other contingency planning to decide how and where British
arms could best be deployed if hostilities became
unavoidable. While opportunities for other naval
action existed in the Baltic and Far East, the most
helpful military contribution seemed to be a force
for the defence of Constantinople.
Though lights must have burned late in the War
Office and Admiralty through that January and
into February of 1854, a curious air of drift seemed
to have settled on the Government. In Paris,
Napoleon III's belligerence wavered, but the
opportunity to avenge his uncle's Russian disaster

Left: Tsar Nicholas I , Emperor of Russia, 1826-SS. Right:

Prince Menshikoff, tsarist envoy to Constantinople in 1853 and
later Commander-in-Chief in the Crimea.

of 1812 beckoned. Diplomats still talked in Vienna.

A Quaker deputation went and returned from St
Petersburg with little result but the Tsar's expression of his regard for Queen Victoria. The day
before they reached Dover, the Grenadier Guards
had left London as part of the first contingent for
Malta. Anglo-French warships in the Black Sea
were ordered to require Russian warships to return
to base. As the Scots Fusilier Guards packed their
kits, an Anglo-French ultimatum was on its way to
St Petersburg, demandi.ng evacuation of the
Danube principalities. No reply was received, so
on 27/28 March France and Britain declared war on
Russia .
Many greeted the ending of the long peace with
enthusiasm- as they would again in 1914. Tennyson welcomed 'the blood-red blossom of war' as a
healthy antidote to Britain's 'lust for gold'. 1
Others, perhaps distracted by the passing bands
from their reading of another indictment of British
society in Dickens' recently published Bleak



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House, deplored it. The Radical MP, John Bright,

believed Turkish despotism a rotten cause in which
to kill fellow Christians. The Quaker, Joseph
Sturge, justifiably pronounced that 'the Government was far less to blame than the people of
England'. 2 With little cause to love either, the
soldiers sailed away to earn their meagre pay.

By May the Russians, who had remained on the
defensive all winter, had concentrated sufficient
forces in the Danube principalities to take the
offensive by besieging the Turkish frontier fortresses of Silistria on the Danube and Shumla. By now
the British and French forces had landed in
Turkey, many at a place where, 61 years later, their
descendants would land, in alliance with Russia, to
fight the Turks - Gallipoli. From there a further
move was made in June to Varna in Bulgaria, the
better to support the Turks now fighting successfully on the Danube.
Meanwhile, to the T sar's astonishment, the
Austrian Emperor, alarmed for his Danubian


' I must let him go'. Lord Aberdeen's inability to restrain the
British lion's pursuit of the Russian bear. Punch , vol. XXVI,

communications, massed 50,000 troops on his

eastern frontiers and required the Russian evacuation of the principalities. With the Turks holding
out at Silistria, and unable to risk an Austrian army
across his troops' communications with Russia, the
T sar abandoned operations. By 2 August the
Russian forces had recrossed their frontier. The
casus belli thus removed, the war seemed over.
The Royal Navy had been active in the Baltic
and the Pacific and had bombarded Odessa, but the
Army of the East had not yet fired a shot.
Furthermore, it was in little condition to do so.
Varna was hot and unhealthy; commanders and
staffs pestered their regiments with either unnecessary orders or those with which they could not
comply, not having been provided by the staff with
the wherewithaL The men , with nothing to do but
drill or make friends with their new French allies
(the Zouaves being particularly popular), became

Below James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan, in 11th Hussars'


Above An imperfect but rare daguerreotype by Robertson of

the lst Rifle Brigade encamped near Constantinople.

bored and drunken. Then cholera, dysentery and

fever swept through the camps. George Higginson
was distressed to find 'our magnificent Brigade had
already undergone severe loss, four hundred men
dying or being invalided through this fell disease.
The company officers nursed their men with much
devotion in the tents'. 3 Wilson of the Coldstream
noticed that the seasoned regiments from the
Mediterranean garrisons 'enjoyed comparatively
robust health' in contrast to his own 'poor men,
lounging about, pallid, gloomy and depressed' .4
The 5th Dragoon Guards were not only severely
afflicted by cholera, which carried off their muchloved senior captain, but were shamingly 'deserted
in a mean and cowardly manner' by their disliked
and despised colonel, Le Marchant, who 'never
seemed to take the slightest interest from the day
he joined', and chose this moment to return home
on half-pay. Pronounced unfit for any duty by
Lucan, the men's spirits sank lower until 'a
stalwart specimen of a Dragoon', Sergeant Shegog,
stood up in the mess tent and rallied them with
some 'homely and simple words which had a
salutary effect'. 5
The Light Cavalry Brigade had to contend with
both the appalling conditions and Lord Cardigan,
at odds with everyone and particularly his brotherin-law, whom he steadfastly refused to recognize as


his divisional commander. On 25 June he set off

with part of the 8th Hussars and 13th Light
Dragoons on the army's first warlike operation, to
see whether Russians were still on the south bank
of the Danube. Sixteen days later he returned,
smugly self-satisfied but revealing his total ignorance of active service by bringing back no information of any military consequence, after getting lost,
exhausting his men and, through stupid orders,
rendering nearly 100 of the patrol's 196 horses
dead, dying or incapable.
After this fiasco, on top of the heat, dust and
squalor, Captain Lysons of the 23rd might have
been speaking for the whole army when he wrote
home: 'I am heartily sick of such blundering. A
magnificent army is sent out here to be sacrificed
and die of cholera and fever without striking a
blow'. 6
Indeed throughout August and into September
lhe question was: what was to be done with this
great force of men, guns and horses, shipped out at
great expense, now that the Turks, with some help
from the Austrians, had finished the business?
However, minds were reaching back to more
important issues than a group of bickering monks
or who should control some benighted Danubian
provinces. British and French interests were
threatened by the Russian bear's long arms
reaching out to warm-water ports. Eyes of governments and generals became fixed on the Crimean

Sebastopol, the objective of the Allied armies. Beyond the

triangular mast, the inner harbour, guarded, on the left, by Fort
Nicholas and, on the right, by Fort Paul (demolished); the
roadstead is beyond.

Peninsula, at the north of the Black Sea. Here, at

its southerly tip, lay the Tsar's great naval base of
Sebastopol, from which one day his fleet might sail
into the Mediterranean. Here too was the lair of the
perpetrators of the Sinope Massacre. Months
before, Rear-Admiral Lyons had told the First
Lord of the Admiralty: 'To me the bare idea of our
not striking a successful blow at Sebastopol is
painful'. The Times in June had urged that 'the
taking of Sebastopol .. . would permanently settle
in our favour the principal questions of the day'. 7
Britain and France conferred and agreed that,
subject to any representations by their national
commanders, the Allied armies would land in the
Crimea and capture Sebastopol.
On learning the Government's intentions, Raglan asked Sir George Brown what the Great Duke
would have done, considering that the army was
reduced by disease to 27,000, * grievously lacked
logistic support, and had little intelligence about
the Crimea, its defences and Russian strengths.
Brown's unenthusiastic reply probably reflected
exactly Wellington's cautious nature, as Raglan
The French would contribute 30,000, the Turks 7 ,000.

must have known; yet in obedience to another

Wellingtonian precept, he felt that, notwithstanding the many imponderables such an operation
presented, he must accept the Government's
wishes as commands. 8 The French commander, St
Arnaud, concurred. Out went the necessary orders
to the ships and stricken camps.
So yet again the long-suffering soldiery
embarked, their once-splendid uniforms soiled and
shabby, their faces and frames gaunt from sickness.
They would land without tents or transport, -ctnd
with no more kit than each officer and man could
carry rolled up in a blanket, as they were thought to
be too enfeebled by disease to shoulder their
knapsacks. They had no ambulances nor hospitals,
only the regimental surgeons and the bandsmen,
their instruments set aside, to act as untrained
medical orderlies. Yet their arms were bright and
serviceable, each cavalryman's sword or lance an
extension of himself through years of drill, the
infantry well practised with their lethal Minies,
superior to any Russian weapon, while the artillerymen treasured their guns and howitzers as much as
infantrymen venerated their consecrated Colours.
The horrors of Bulgaria were over, and officers and
men had drawn closer in adversity within the
comradeship of their regiments. Moreover, it was
the medical opinion that the sickly state of the army
must benefit from 'the animating presence of the
enemy' 9 and the clean air of a voyage across the
Black Sea.

The British landing at Calamita Bay, near Eupatoria. An

eyewitness sketch by Captain H .H. Clifford.

Cavalry Brigade in a skirmish on the River

Bulganak, notable chiefly for Raglan's over-polite
advice, instead of orders, which boded ill for the
future; another fracas between Lucan and Cardigan; and ending with their unfortunate squadrons
retiring to Russian jeers. At least the cavalry's
discomfiture afforded some sardonic amusement to
the sweating, footsore infantry, whose prevailing
feelings were expressed by Private Williams of the
41st: 'Serve them right, silly peacock bastards'. 11
The next day it was the infantry's turn. Across
the River Alma the Russian Crimean army (33,000
infantry, 3,400 cavalry and 28 guns in redoubts)
held the heights under the command of that failed
emissary, Prince Menshikoff. After some delay,
and much of what Raglan called 'the infernal
toot-toot-tooting' of their bugles, 12 the French
attacked vigorously on the right, but soon stalled.
Then the British Light and 2nd Divisions, after
stoically enduring an hour and a halfs bombardment, attacked. Sergeant Gowing of the 7th Royal
Fusiliers felt 'horribly sick, a cold shivering running through my veins - the sights were sickening'. 13 They advanced in the standard British
attack formation, little changed since Waterloo:
each battalion, its eight companies in line abreast,*
aligned with the other two of its brigade, the two
brigades of each division also in line, the whole
division covering nearly a mile wide, but only two

On 14 September the Allied armies landed unopposed on the western shore of the Crimea at the
depressingly named Calamita Bay. As the captain
of the Pyrenees watched the fine men of the 95th's
Grenadier Company going over the side, he wept to
think how few of them would survive. Private
Edward Hyde of the 49th thought 'the scene a very
lively one, the weather mild and fine, but at night
we had rain till morning', 10 which drenched
generals and privates alike. After time for the
British to requisition some local transport, the two
armies advanced on 19 September, with the French
on the right nearest the sea, the British alongside
inland. Sebastopol lay some 35 miles (56 km)
southwards along the coast, with three rivers
First to encounter the Russians was the Light

* Or seven

if one was in front, extended as skirmishers. Traditionally,

this was the task of the left flank, or Light Infantry Company, the right
flank being the Grenadiers, but by 1854 all eight companies were trained
to skirmish if necessary.


ranks deep, thus permitting the maximum fire

effect. An astonished enemy captain, Hodasevich,
seeing this for the first time, had not thought it
possible 'for men to be found with sufficient
firmness of morale to arrack, in this apparently
weak formation, our massive columns'. 14 Another
Russian officer, Captain Enisherloff, watching the
English infantry's advance, was struck by ' the
extraordinary leisureliness in their gait'. 15
Further astonishment awaited them as the Light
Division, its line disordered by the river and
vineyards, actually attacked and captured its objective as a horde of skirmishers, 'a knotted chain', 16
most men firing at will instead of the regulation
volleys or file-firing; each man letting off two or
three rounds every minute: cartridge from pouch bite off its end- powder and ball into barrel- draw
ramrod - ram down - return ramrod - percussion
cap from pouch on to nipple - cock hammer - set
sights - present - aim - fire! In the Peninsular War,
with the flintlock musket, only one round out of
459 fired took effect; in the Crimea, with the
Minie, it was one in 16, while at 400 yards (366m)
range, against closely-packed Russian columns,
one ball might pass through three, if not four men,
one behind the other. The Minie was consistently
accurate up to 800 yards (732 m) and could hit
targets at double that distance; in contrast, the

Battle of the Alma. General view of the British attack from the
left of the 1st Division. After W. Simpson.

smooth-bore musket's effective range was between

150-200 yards (137-183 m).
The Light Division's men, firing as they advanced in this loose formation, took their objective,
but were then too disordered to meet the ensuing
Russian counter-attack which drove them back.
The supporting 1st Division, hesitantly led by the
inexperienced Cambridge, was too far back to
consolidate the Light's success. Trying to assist,
the Scots Fusilier Guards attacked prematurely and
also had to fall back. But then the Grenadiers and
Coldstream, advancing in perfect order as majestically as though parading in Hyde Park, drove the
Russians back with their volleys, while the Highland Brigade on their left, perfectly handled by Sir
Colin Campbell, completed the overthrow of the
Russian right. Meanwhile the 2nd Division, whose
advance had been impeded by the Russians firing a
village in their path, had cleared the heights on the
Guards' right.
In an hour and a half, the banle had been won
and the enemy were in full retreat. It was a victory
in which the regimental officers and men could take
pride for, as Captain Clifford, a Rifleman on the

Staff, wrote a week later, 'no generalship was made

use of, nothing but Bull-dog courage and go-ahead
bravery gained the battle' . 17
Few of the troops had been under fire before.
Captain Henry Neville of the Grenadiers wrote:

Not until 23 September could the French be

induced to move. By the time the Allies
approached Sebastopol, it was thought too late to
launch an immediate assault from the north,
supported by the fleets, as Raglan had wished. In
any case, the French favoured attacking from the
south, so Raglan, anxious to preserve the alliance,
concurred. Thus a great chance was lost, which
might have avoided all that followed.
So it was decided to circle round Sebastopol,
heading for the Chersonese Plateau, south of the
city, from where the armies could be supplied from
two harbours: Kamiesch for the French, and
Balaclava to the east for the British. Meanwhile,
Menshikoff, finding an immediate attack unlikely,
decided to leave a garrison of 18,000, mostly
sailors, within Sebastopol, and withdraw with his
field army to the interior.
In the oak woods east of Sebastopol his rearguard
was spotted by I Troop, Royal Horse Artillery,
accompanied by a troop of 2nd Dragoons (Greys).t
The 6-pounders opened fire and the Greys, quickly
dismounting, skirmished forward through the oaks
with their carbines. Cardigan's Light Cavalry,
which had been leading but had got lost, now
appeared and prepared to charge, but again Raglan
called them off. The Russians got clear, leaving a
quantity of loot, including 'French books and
novels of an improper kind'. 22 On 26 September,
Balaclava was secured.

It was certainly the most awful moment of my life- shot,

shell, and musket balls falling in every direction; it seems
a miracle how anyone escaped. I had no idea that the
excitement could be so great; as long as one was quiet,
the buzzing of shot and shell made one feel nervous; but
when we commenced advancing and firing, one lost all
feelings of the kind. 18

Private Hyde was uncertain afterwards how he had

felt: 'Whether it was fear or excitement I don't
know, but I seemed dazed, and went wherever the
others went, and did what they did; there was
nothing to be gained by hanging back'. 19 Lieutenant Macdonald of the 95th heard of Russian
prisoners saying 'we were not men but red
devils'. 20
The Army of the East had lost 362 killed and
1,621 wounded, but it had reduced the Russians by
some 6,000. Many, like Sergeant McMillan of the
Coldstream, were shocked by the slaughter:
It wa.s [an] awful sight, to see some with their brains
blown out, others shot through the body and in the
agonies of death. Some wounded in the limbs and crying
for mercy, some fainted through pain and dying quietly.
And to hear the groans indeed it was most awful. 21

Leaving the Cavalry Division near to Balaclava,

where the rest of the Heavy Brigade began landing
on 4 October, the five infantry divisions moved up
to the Chersonese Plateau. The land enclosing
Sebastopol and the plateau was shaped similarly to~
but rather less than half the size of, the Isle of
Wight. The northern side, which included Sebastopol, was bounded by the sea and the Careenage
creek, Sebastopol'-s outer harbour or roadstead,
which culminated in the east at the mouth of the
River Tchernaya, flowing from the south-east;
Kamiesch lay near the western end. The southwest side fell to the sea. The south-east side was a
steep escarpment, the Sapoune Ridge, overlooking
the ground, 600 feet (183 m) below, between the
Tchernaya and Balaclava on the coast.
From Sebastopol and its roadstead, a number of

For men unused to war, who not long before had

been near-demoralized by disease and inactivity,
from an army most subsequent critics have condemned as atrophied,* the storming of the Alma
Heights by the British infantry seems no mean
military achievement, reflecting credit on the
regimental officers and NCOs for their leadership
and peacetime training.
Lucan had been itching to pursue with his
unused cavalry, but Raglan would only permit him
to escort the horse artillery, which had engaged the
retreating Russians, for a short distance until the
fresh 3rd Division came up to form an all-arms
force to pursue in conjunction with the French.
However, the now-ailing St Arnaud refused to
continue, thus allowing the defeated Russians to

t The first regiment of the Heavy Brigade to land, on 24 September.

*But see Sources: Strachan.


ravines ran up to the plateau. The largest, which

ascended south-eastwards from Sebastopol's inner
harbour, divided the French lines to its west from
the British on their right. East of this ravine were
established the lines of the 3rd and 4th Divisions,
the Light Division continuing beyond to the
Careenage ravine, issuing up from the roadstead.
On its other side was posted the 2nd Division,
facing the north-east tip of the plateau, known to
the British as the Inkerman Heights, from a ruined
village on the far side of the Tchemaya. Southwards was the 1st Division, with its right on the
Sapoune Ridge. Further south along the ridge were
two French divisions under General Bosquet,
watching the rear of the Allied armies.
With the numbers available, this deployment
and the nature of the ground did not permit the
Allies to seal off Sebastopol from the interior,
which was reached via a road alongside the
Careenage creek below the plateau, or across the
roadstead. By 9 October Sebastopol's garrison had
increased to 25,000. Meanwhile, the commander,
Admiral Korniloff, and the engineer, Todleben,
had mobilized garrison and inhabitants to create
defences south of the city where practically none
had existed prior to the Allies' encircling march.
After a fortnight's intensive labour, a 4-mile
(6-km), semi-circular defence line, linking six

Balaclava harbour, looking towards the sea.

bastions manned with heavy guns, guarded the

approaches from the Allied lines.
Confronted by these defences, the new French
commander, Canrobert, * refused to countenance
any assault without a preliminary bombardment.
What might have fallen earlier to a quick assault
had now to be besieged. Heavy guns, both of the
Royal Navy and Royal Artillery, were landed at
Balaclava and trundled up to the heights, 7 miles
( 11 km) away. From 9 October infantrymen,
instructed by sappers, began digging batteries,
entrenchments and parallels. The digging was
hard; the Russian defences grew visibly stronger
daily, and much-needed stores and supplies,
though unloaded at Balaclava, were not reaching
the camps. The soldiers subsisted on a diet of salt
beef and biscuits, with no fruit or vegetables; to
wash it down, 'a copper-coloured fluid about as
stimulating as dirty warm water' , 23 the pathetic
result of much roasting, grinding and boiling over a
camp fire- for which there was little fuel- of raw,
green coffee beans. Diarrhoea and dysentery were
rife, cholera was reappearing, and the nights were
* St Arnaud had died on 29 September.


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Mensh1kotf s march, 25 September

Allies' flank march, 25 and 26 September



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Woroll~off r>


getting colder. As the days of toil and nights on

watch passed, the high spirits after the Alma
victory began to evaporate. A Goldstream officer
felt his 'heart yearn towards the unflinching "common soldier", so sternly superior to privation, so
proudly reckless of his life'. 24
Hope was renewed on 17 October when the
long-awaited bombardment of Sebastopol erupted
from 73 British and 53 French guns ashore,
followed later by the combined fleets off shore.
This was to be followed by a French assault, their
lines being closer to the defences, which the British
would support. The naval bombardment proved
ineffective and was costly in ships and men. The
landward guns, particularly the British baneries,
were more destructive. By mid-afternoon Korniloff
was mortally wounded, and the defences around
the Malakoff and Redan bastions were crumbling.
Raglan was ready to assault, but the French, more
heavily shelled and their firepower seriously diminished by the explosion of two magazines, could
not continue. At dusk the British ceased fire and
during the night the Russians repaired their
earthworks. The British guns continued the next
day; the French two days later.

So it went on for a week; death and destruction

Panoramic view of the area round Sebastopol, looking northwest. Balaclava is in the left foreground. Compare this with Map
2. The foreground terrain is somewhat distorted and some
features - for example the Balaclava railway - did not exist in

rending Sebastopol by day, but all repaired, even

improved, each night. Despite the fury of the guns
and the devoted efforts of the gunners, the
opportunity for an assault receded daily. The
frustrated men's conditions in the camps worsened;
officers scorned their generals; the generals quarrelled. Every night brought a foretaste of the
approaching winter with its 'bleak winds, heavy
rains, sleet, snow and biner cold'. 25
By 24 October Raglan had realized that his force
was simply not strong enough to prosecute his
share of the siege effectively and guard his rear on
the Chersonese, as well as his Balaclava base, from
the looming Russian field army in the interior.
Recently there had been reports of a force of 25,000
concentrating beyond the Tchernaya. That night,
one of the coldest yet, an urgent message was
brought up from Balaclava and handed to General
Airey, the Quartermaster-General, at the farmhouse serving as Raglan's headquarters. A Turkish


Raglan's view, was really not quite the thing, and

in any case there had been other false alarms from
that quarter recently. Raglan scribbled on the
report. The messenger, Lord Bingham, Lucan's
son and ADC, rode off into the blustery darkness,
back down the escarpment to Balaclava, with
nothing to show for his hurried ride but Raglan's
endorsement of the message: 'Very well'. 26

The farmhouse on the Chersonese serving as Raglan's

headquarters. After W. Simpson.

spy had reported that the Russian field army was

about to attack Balaclava. As the rising wind
moaned among the trees outside, Raglan and Airey
assessed this information. The use of spies, in




But they rode like Victors and Lords

Through the forest of lances and swords
In the heart of the Russian hordes,
They rode, or they stood at bay.

The Trumpet, the Gallop, the Charge]

In peacetime Balaclava had been no more than a
fishing village at the head of a deep but narrow inlet,
three-quarters of a mile (1 km) long, which twisted in
from the sea between steep, dark-red cliffs, one
crowned by an old fort. By late October the harbour
was a tangle of masts, rigging and wooden hulls, its
muddy quayside alive with curious Tartars, harassed
commissaries, busy sailors and sick soldiers, picking
their way between the piles of stores overflowing from
a few requisitioned sheds. Away from the green-tiled
cottages, the one road meandered uphill for a mile
(1.6 km) between hills to the little village of Kadikioi.
Just short of it, a track bore off westwards to ascend
the escarpment by what was known as the Col. A
little way to the north-east rose an isolated low ridge.
Two miles (3 km) further north lay the Fedioukine
Hills, on the south bank of the Tchemaya, but the
open ground between was enclosed by hills to the
east, from which a ridge ran westwards for 4 miles (6
km) to the Sapoune escarpment, known as the
Causeway Heights. Along it ran the Woronzoff road,
linking Sebastopol with Baidar and Yalta. The open
ground bisected by the Causeway Heights became
known as the North and South Valleys.
All this was visible to General Bosquet' s divisions up on the Sapoune Ridge, but the entrance to
the Balaclava gorge was out of his guns' range. In
any case, his task was the rearwards protection of
the siege lines, not Balaclava, which was a British
responsibility; in particular that of Sir Colin
Campbell, temporarily detached from his command of the Highland Brigade. Aged 62, he was
probably the most experienced and capable formation commander in the Army of the East, having

been a regimental officer in the Peninsular War, a

brigade commander in the First China War, and a
divisional commander in the Sikh War. For his
task he had been allotted 1,200 Royal Marines,
with 26 guns emplaced in redoubts on the hills
above the eastern side of the Balaclava gorge; at its
entrance, near Kadikioi, were encamped the 93rd
Highlanders with a Turkish battalion and W
Battery, Royal Artillery (four 9-pounders, two
24-pounder howitzers). These were the inner
defence troops. An outer line of six redoubts, little
more than rough earthworks, had been hurriedly
thrown up along the Causeway Heights: the
easternmost , No. 1, being on an eminence known
as Canrobert's Hill, 2 miles (3 km) from Kadikioi,
with No. 6 in the west, between a quarter and half a
mile from the foot of the Sapoune Ridge. These
redoubts averaged about half a mile apart and were
manned by Turks (mostly Tunisians), with a
battalion and three 12-pounders in No. 1, halfbattalions with two guns in Nos. 2, 3 and 4, each
also having a Royal Artillery NCO; Nos. 5 and 6
were unoccupied.
Finally, encamped half a mile south of No. 6,
from where it could attack the right flank of any
advance on Balaclava, was the Cavalry Division,
with I Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, under
Lucan's, not Campbell's, command. Fortunately
the two men had evolved a sensible relationship hence the decision to send Bingham up to Raglan
on the night of the 24th, both aware that their
nearest infantry support was at least two hours'
march away up on the plateau. Lucan camped with
his division but Cardigan, with Raglan's approval,

slept each rught aboard his comfortable yacht in

Balaclava harbour, seldom appearing before midmorning, leaving the Light Brigade temporarily
commanded by Lord George Paget of the 4th Light
Whatever Lucan's faults, he was conscientious,
and the daily reports of probing Russian patrols
from north and east had made him doubly so,
almost to the point of agitation, so that his

Left: Sir Colin Campbell, commanding the Balaclava defences.

Right: George Bingham, 3rd Earl of Lucan, commanding the
Cavalry Division.

division's morale suffered from the frequent but

fruitless turn-outs. Though Raglan had seemingly
discounted his latest warning, he nevertheless rode
out the following morning with Paget and his staff
for his usual reconnaissance of the Causeway

force of all. arms under General Jabokritsky was to

position itself on the Fedioukine Hills.
The cannonade heard by Lucan at about 6 am
had signalled the opening of the attack against No.
1. First to support the embattled Turks, now
fighting doggedly against six battalions covered by
riflemen and 30 guns, was Captain Maude's I
Troop, Royal Horse Artillery which, galloping
eastwards along the South Valley, went into action
on the Causeway between Nos. 2 and 3 Redoubts.
Because of the dim light, as Maude wrote later,
'nothing could be distinctly seen but the flashes of
the Russian guns on which accordingly our guns
were laid' . 3
Typical of the troop's 6-pounders was the left
gun commanded by Sergeant Lethbridge and
served by a spongeman and a loader, standing in
front of the wheels, a ventsman and firer behind
them, and Lethbridge himself at the trail. At the
rear were two servers, bringing ammunition from
the limber, drawn by six horses, each pair with its
own driver, and three mounted men holding the
dismounted gunners' horses. Normally such a gun
detachment would have had with it another team
drawing a limber and wagon carrying more
ammunition, but all I's wagons had gone to
Balaclava to transport ammunition to the siege
lines, so the troop only had what was in the gun
limbers. This was quickly expended and, since the
troop was outgunned and outranged by the Russian
18-pounders, it sustained casualties in men, horses
and guns, including Maude himself. Though supported by W Battery, Royal Artillery, sent up by

Royal Horse Artillery preparing to open fire on the command,

' Halt, Action Front!' After G.B. Campion.

redoubts as soon as the cavalry had paraded for its

daily stand-to an hour before dawn.
It was misty and just growing light as the party
approached No. 1 Redoubt. Looking up, they saw
two flags flying against the dawn-streaked sky: the
signal that enemy were advancing. Almost at once
the redoubt's guns opened fire, answered by a
cannonade from the east. Lucan immediately sent
off an officer to appraise Raglan, while Paget
galloped back to the cavalry camps to bring
forward the two brigades. They were already
alerted, as Sergeant Maughan of the Inniskillings
recalled: 'We had picquetted our horses after
watering when a shout went up, "The Videttes are
circling" , and they were making the figure eight,
showing infantry and cavalry approaching' .2
The earlier reported estimates of 25,000 Russians were indeed correct. Having gained from
patrols a clear picture of Balaclava's slender defences and the two to three hours it would take
reinforcements to arrive from the plateau, Menshikoff was launching the recently arrived General
Liprandi with 25 battalions, 35 squadrons and 78
guns against the British base. Three columns,
comprising two-thirds of the infantry, supported
by artillery, were to roll up the Turkish redoubts
from the east; the main body of cavalry, also with
guns, under General Ryjoff was to await further
orders in the North Valley; while a third, smaller


Campbell, I Troop, out of ammunition, had to

withdraw behind the crestline.
Meanwhile, the Heavy Brigade had advanced to
escort the guns and also came under artillery fire.
According to Corporal Gough of the Sth Dragoon
Guards: 'We could see the balls coming with such
force against the ground that they would rise and
go for half a mile before they would touch the
ground again'. 4 Among the Inniskillings, Sergeant
Maughan saw how 'Sergeant Bolton had his leg
knocked off. The shot hit my horse first, came
between us and doubled my sword up like a hoop
and grazed my leg'. 5 It was an unnerving experience for men sitting on their horses knee-to-knee,
kept by their discipline in two ranks and following
the example of their officers who, motionless in
front, were as conscious of their men's eyes upon
them as of the oncoming balls. The Heavies could
only offer a front to the slowly advancing Russian
infantry, while retiring by alternate squadrons.

For well over an hour, the gallant Turks in No. 1

Redoubt fought off their attackers but, with their
12-pounders knocked out, they could no longer
prevail against the overwhelming numbers. At 7.30
their remnants abandoned the redoubt. Seeing
them go, and with no help coming from their
Allies, the garrisons of Nos. 2, 3 and 4, less resolute
than those of No. 1, made off towards Balaclava.
The Royal Artillery NCOs had no choice but to
follow, though not before spiking the guns.
Sergeant Mitchell of the 13th Light Dragoons
encountered one who 'complained bitterly of the
Turks. He had the greatest difficulty in persuading
them to fight the guns at all and, after a few rounds,
and seeing the enemy drawing near, they one and
all bolted, leaving him alone'. 6 With the Russians
now swarming into all four redoubts and mounting
their own guns, Campbell advised Lucan to withdraw the cavalry westwards out of the line of fire,
so as to be ready to take any advance on Balaclava
in flank.
About half an hour before, while No. 1 had been
making its stand, Raglan had received Lucan's first
report and had ridden to the edge of the escarpment from where, the mist having cleared, he had a
perfect view of the scene below, illumined by the
rising autumn sun. He sent out orders for the 1st
and 4th Divisions to march immediately down the
escarpment. Cambridge got moving but Cathcart,
still simmering about having been sent down two
days before, made difficulties about turning out his
men who were tired from the trenches. He was also
dubious about Raglan's decisions, in which he had
an especial interest, having been nominated his
successor, should anything befall him. Cathcart's
procrastination lost 40 minutes valuable time.
Eventually, however, both divisions were on the
march, though by the lengthier route down the Col
to Kadikioi, instead of the more direct Woronzoff
Raglan, ever mindful of preserving his cavalry
and not wishing them to engage before the two
infantry divisions could arrive, also sent his first
order to Lucan, requiring him to withdraw to the
south of No. 6 Redoubt, where they could be
covered by guns on the escarpment.
Once this order, ill received by the cavalry, was
completed, the way across the South Valley to the
Balaclava gorge must have yawned invitingly open
to the Russians, now in strength on the Causeway

The 6th Inniskilling Dragoons before the war. Reading a report

is Dalrymple White, then a captain, who commanded the
regiment at Balaclava. A watercolour by M.A. Hayes.


yards (137 m). On either side were some Turks

from the redoubts who had rallied. To the left was
W Battery and making its way as fast as possible
down the escarpment was Brandling's C Troop,
Royal Horse Artillery.*
When the enemy guns got the range to the ridge,
Campbell ordered the 93rd to shelter behind the
reverse slope. This, however, unsettled the Turks,
most of whom joined their other compatriots
making for the harbour through the 93rd's camp,
belaboured as they ran by one Highlander's large
wife. Soon four squadrons of Russian hussars came
over the Causeway at a trot, apparently making
straight for Balaclava. Campbell immediately
ordered the 93rd back on to the crest. The usual
formation for infantry against cavalry was in a
square, four ranks deep; this would have only
presented a frontage of 20 yards (18 m) and
permitted a quarter of the rifles to fire forward.
Most accounts claim that the 93rd were in line,
two-deep, but Major Leith Hay said they 'received
them in line four deep', 7 thus bringing all rifles to
bear and giving the fure some solidity, should the
cavalry come to close quarters.
Above the sound of the guns, 'the champing of
bits and clink of sabres', 8 the Highlanders heard

The 93rd Highlanders repelling Russian hussais at Balaclava. A

watercolour by Orlando Norie, who shows them in two ranks,
not the four stated by Leith Hay.

Heights. Only a thin dash of red, crowning the

small green ridge north of Kadikioi a mile (1.6 km)
away, seemed to bar the way. Perhaps suspecting a
trap, the Russians paused but, at the same time,
invisible to Lucan and Campbell, Ryjoffs cavalry
were concentrating in the North Valley.
Meanwhile Raglan, high above like a boy deploying armies of toy soldiers, had had second
thoughts about the undefended South Valley and
that distant red speck on which Russian guns from
the Causeway soon opened fire. Another galloper
rode off down the hill with the second order to
Lucan: to detach eight squadrons towards Kadikioi.

The red speck 2 miles (3 km) from Raglan's eyrie
was of course the 93rd Highlanders, ordered into
position by Campbell. Only 550 strong, they had
been joined by 40 convalescent Guardsmen and 60
sick of other regiments from Balaclava. In two
ranks, their line covered a frontage of some 150

* Normally attached to the Light Division and consequently armed with

the 9-pounders and 24-pounder howitzers of Royal Artillery field


Campbell's 'There's no retreat from here, men!

You must die where you stand!' 'Aye, aye, Sir
Colin', replied Private John Scott, 'and needs be
we'll do that'. 9 The Russians came nearer, breaking
into a canter. The remaining Turks fired a wild
volley and fled. Some of the Highlanders restlessly
edged forward as though to charge, checked
immediately by Campbell: '93rd! 93rd! Damn all
that eagerness! 110 The hussars' speed increased. At
600 yards (550 m) the Minies went up and the first
volley rang out. Few Russians were hit and still
they came on. Calmly reloading, the Highlanders
again presented. At 250 yards (230 m), another
volley. A Russian officer later admitted, 'few of us
were killed but nearly every man and horse was
wounded. A mounted man, though severely or
even mortally wounded, can retain his seat long
enough to ride out of danger. Our horses would not
stand the fire and we sheered off. 11 To the 93rd it

seemed as though the hussars were trying to

outflank them to their right. Captain Ross's Grenadier Company on that flank quickly wheeled right.
A final volley, now into the enemy flank 200 yards
(180 m) distant, and they circled away, riding for
the Causeway. W Battery hastened their flight, as
the Highlanders threw their feather bonnets in the
air, cheering.

By now Raglan's second order had reached Lucan.
He had ordered Cardigan, who had at last joined
his brigade, to remain where he was just north of
No. 6 Redoubt, defending that position and

Brigadier-General Sir James Scarlett in front of the Heavy

Brigade, in the costume he wore at Balaclava, including a
non-regulation helmet of his own design. Mter Sir Francis


3 Battle of Balaclava, 25 October 1854

Charge of the Heavy Brigade





A 4th Dragoon Gua_rds

B The Royals
C 5th Dragoon Guards
D The Greys
E 1st Squadron lnniskillings
F 93rd Highlanders
G 2nd Squadron lnniskillings

L::J British

0 French I2J
lill Russians ~



~ -- -------- ---+

Lord Lucan \~:\ ~



Cavalry squadron
Cavalry brigade
Infantry division
Russian riflemen


Unoccupied redoubt

Occupied redoubt




0 N Spot where


Three Squadrons
of Lanc:e~s___ _

attacking anything within reach of him. He next

told Sir James Scarlett, commanding the Heavy
Brigade, to move off with eight squadrons towards
Kadikioi. * He then rode up to the Causeway to see
what the Russians were doing.
Ahead he saw the four hussar squadrons bear
away towards Campbell, but closer to hand was
Ryjoffs main body, 2,000 hussars _and Cossacks,
riding along the North Valley towards him. As it
drew level with No. S Redoubt, it came under fire
from guns up on the escarpment and wheeled left
up to the Causeway. Lucan turned his horse to ride
swiftly to Scarlett.
The Heavies' commander was a big, florid,
short-sighted man of SS, recently Colonel of the Sth
Dragoon Guards. He was popular with all ranks
and, though without any active service experience,
had had the foresight to provide himself with two
staff officers who had both campaigned in India:
his official ADC, Lieutenant Elliot, and his unofficial adviser, Colonel Beatson. On receiving
Lucan's instructions, he had ordered the Inniskillings' 1st Squadron to lead off, while he followed
with their 2nd Squadron and the Greys. Behind
came the Sth Dragoon Guards, followed at a
distance, having been impeded by a vineyard, by
Hodge's 4th Dragoon Guards. The Royal Dragoons remained south of the Light Brigade.
Accompanying Scarlett were Elliot and two members of his old regiment, Trumpet-Major Monks
and the man who had rallied the Sth at Varna,
Sergeant Shegog, now his orderly. Some way to the
right rear, Brandling's C Troop had reached the
foot of the escarpment and was galloping across the
As Scarlett was passing to the south of the Light
Brigade's camp, Elliot happened to look left and
saw what Lucan had already spotted- Ryjoffs 19
squadrons coming over the Causeway and heading
directly towards them. Nearest Scarlett were the
Inniskillings' 2nd Squadron and the Greys' 1st,
riding in column of troops. At once he ordered:
'Left wheel into line!' This brought the four troops
of these two squadrons into one, two-deep line, the
Greys' 2nd Squadron conforming to make a second

l'roop L~ader



T1oop Serrtfite

Troop S~rrc~le



Troop L eade r



Squi\dron )hr:O., r

00Gj~tv~MM~t.~00 ~

CTrumpe ter

A two-squadron regiment in open column of troops, the

formation of the Heavy Brigade squadrons before wheeling left
into line ('Regulations for the Instruction, Formation and
Movements of Cavalry', 1844).

line behind its 1st. Scarlett then saw that, owing to

another vineyard, there was insufficient room for
the Sth Dragoon Guards to prolong the line to the
left, so he ordered the first three squadrons to
wheel right by column of troops, advance a
squadron's width, and wheel left again into line,
thus allowing the Sth to come up on the Greys' left
in the same formation.
As C Troop galloped on to some rising ground to
the right rear, its officers had a perfect view of
Scarlett's five squadrons now confronting the
Russians: the bearskin caps of the Greys between
the brass helmets of the 5th and Inniskillings,
forming a first line of some 300 sabres in two ranks,
about 180 yards (165m) wide, and a second of 200
sabres behind the centre and left. The Inniskillings
1st Squadron, some 400 yards (360 m) away to the
right, had halted and fronted towards the
While these movements were happening, Lucan
had galloped up in some excitement, shouting at
Scarlett to charge. The 'nearly equilateral, blacklooking mass' of ten Russian hussar squadrons

* Each cavalry

regiment had rwo squadrons, each of rwo troops. Each

squadron averaged three officers, 100 NCOs and men. Russian hussar
regiments. had eight squadrons, each officially 170 strong but in fact
rather weaker; Cossack regiments had six squadrons (sotnias).


left. To the left rear, the 4th Dragoon Guards were

advancing in column of troops, while further away
still the Royal Dragoons, determined not to be left
out, were riding forward.
Charging with the 5th Dragoon Guards, Lieutenant Temple Godman could see Scarlett's little
party, 50 yards (46 m) in front, ride straight into
the slow-moving Russian ranks, 'swords in the air
in every direction, pistols going off, everyone
hacking away right and left', the huge Shegog
towering over all. They were quickly engulfed, but
then in went the Greys, also 'surrounded and
hemmed completely in, fighting back to back in the
middle, the great bearskin caps high above the
enemy'. 14 To watchers near and far, the fate of
every Heavy could be followed by the scattering of
red amid the dark mass. Seeing a Greys' officer
surrounded, Sergeant-Major Grieve spurred his
horse among the assailants, decapitating one and
dispersing the others. Sergeant Ramage attacked
seven Russians setting upon Private McPherson and
saved the life of the wounded Private Gardiner.*
Conspicuous in the struggle was the tall figure
and great voice of the Adjutant, Lieutenant Miller,
standing in his stirrups and shouting to his men to
keep together: 'Rally, the Greys, rally!'

The Greys (2nd Dragoons) fighting in the middle of the Russian

hussars. A painting by Felix Philoppoteaux.

flanked by Cossacks, all in grey greatcoats, had, on

spotting the Heavies' formal manoeuvres, suddenly
halted on the southern slope of the Causeway,
about 500 yards (460 m) away, as if its commander
was 'undecided for a moment as to how he would
proceed'. 12 The hussars in the centre pulled up
before the Cossacks on the flanks, so that the
latter's leading ranks formed two horns to the main
mass, all the while keeping up what Ryjoff irritably
called 'their everlasting screaming'. 13
Oblivious to both Lucan and the enemy, Scarlett
completed his alignment, the officers calmly sitting
on their horses with their backs to the Russians as
the NCOs dressed the ranks. Keen to get at the
Russians before they moved again, he decided to go
straight into the charge from a standstill, an
unusual and difficult manoeuvre, particularly uphill. Telling Monks to sound the call, he led off
with his three followers as the Russian mass
lumbered forward again at a slow trot.
As all the trumpeters sounded, first away up the
grassy slope was the Greys' 1st Squadron, followed
quickly by the Inniskillings' 2nd, then the other
three. From away on the right the Inniskillings' 1st
Squadron broke into a gallop towards the enemy

*After the Victoria Cross was instituted on S February 1856, Grieve and
Ramage were among the recipients.


He grabbed a riderless horse and remounted. 'A

Russian rode up ... I had seen a pistol in the
holster pipe, so I shot him in the arm; he dropped
his sword. I immediately ran him through the
body' . 16
Among the Sth, Grey Neville went into the
charge with a presentiment of his own death which
had haunted him since the outbreak of war. He
became separated from his troop and saw several
Russian cavalrymen ride towards him. According
to a friend,

The Inniskillings' 2nd Squadron drove in beside

them with a wild Irish yell, their colonel, Dalrymple White, receiving a sabre stroke which
almost bisected his helmet. On the left SergeantMajor Franks of the Sth found that
after a yell of defiance, we soon became a struggling mass
of half-frenzied and desperate men, doing our level best
to kill each other. There was no time to look about you.
Both men and horses on our side were heavier than the
enemy, and we were able to cut our way through, many
of them soon began to give us room for our arms. 15

Corporal Gough had a narrow escape when his

horse was shot:

he thought it was better to attempt to ride through them

and rode with all his might against the centre of the
party. The concussion knocked him off his horse and
knocked his antagonist, horse and all, down, and, he
thought, killed him. He was then on the ground and was
wounded while there. He had one large wound and three
others in his back. He lay still, with his face to the
ground. He heard them moving away and, thinking they
were gone, raised his head to look, when a Russian
dragoon [sic] dismounted and cut him with his sword
over his head. His helmet saved his scalp but his right ear
was cut into. Some cavalry rode over him and he felt
dreadfully hurt by the horses' hooves.

He fell and got up again and I was entangled in the

saddle. My head and one leg were on the ground. He
tried to gallop on but fell again and I managed to get
loose. A Russian lancer [Cossack] was going to run me
through; Macnamara came up and nearly severed his
head from his body so, thank God, I did not get a

The Russian sabre cut on the helmet of Lieutenant-Colonel

Dalrymple White, 6th Dragoons.

Private Abbott, hearing his calls for help, dismounted and

lifted him from the ground and made him stand for a
moment. He tried to walk but was so weak he could not
and wanted to lie down again. The soldier would not
leave him and ended finally by dragging him by bodily
strength to a place of safety. 17

Neville's worst wound had broken a rib which

pierced his chest, and his foreboding was realized
19 days later.
As these five squadrons were battling in the
Russian centre, the latter's horns were encircling to
confine and overwhelm them by a superiority of
about four to one. However, help came first from
the Inniskillings' 1st Squadron which 'at a splendid
pace and in good dressing, tore in on the left flank
of the Russians and, catching them obliquely on
the bridle arm, unhorsed whole troops of them'. 18
Meanwhile Hodge, having brought up his 4th
Dragoon Guards at a collected trot, still in column
of troops, alongside the Russian right, ordered
Captain Forster to wheel the leading squadron
right into line and charge the enemy flank. The
second squadron wheeled likewise, then both, now




Lieutenant Grylls of C Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, which

completed the Heavies' victory.

in one line, dug their spurs in and almost at once

crashed into the Russians, catching them on their
sword arms. With their little colonel at their head,*
the 4th's big dragoons carved their way across the
'hacking, jostling, pushing melee,' 19 from one flank
to the other, where Hodge, 'panting and vehement
. . . laid his commands on the first two trumpeters
he could see and caused them to sound the rally'. 20
Finally, after about a mile's ride, the Royal
Dragoons charged into the struggle somewhere
between the 4th and 5th.
So closely had the Russians been packed that, to
the observant C Troop officer watching from his
vantage point, the Heavies' 'cutting and slashing
was only carried on about as far as the fifth rank
from the Russian front, and about as far inwards as
the breadth of twelve horsemen on their flanks near
the front', except where Hodge had torn through
the enemy right. Though the Heavies found a head
cut from above effective, a thrust with the point
* At Eton, aged 16, Hodge had measured only 5 ft 1 in. The minimum
height for a heavy dragoon soldier was 5 ft 8 in.


was deflected by the Russians' thick clothing, and

'our men knocked and pulled them off their horses
in every conceivable way'. 21 Neither side sustained
many casualties as the Russian swords were equally
ineffective; Elliot, with 14 cuts, was only classified
as 'slightly wounded'. Nevertheless, despite the
enemy's numerical superiority, the strength and
savagery of the tall, red-coated dragoons achieved a
moral superiority over the mass, and, once the 4th
Dragoon Guards smashed in on the flank, the
enemy formation began to disintegrate and break
away to their left rear towards the Causeway
Only some eight minutes had elapsed since
Scarlett first struck the Russian squadrons. On the
Causeway their officers tried to rally the men, but
BrandJing, who had been keenly awaiting his
opportunity, now galloped C Troop to a point
where its fire would clear the Heavy Brigade and
went into action at 750 yards (680 m) range, firing
49 shot and shell which broke up the rally. Ryjoffs
disordered squadrons rode away out of sight into
the North Valley.
The Heavy regiments had been far too interm-
ingled to pursue immediately. But 500 yards (460
m) away, sitting on or standing by their horses
watching it all, was the Light Brigade, with

Cardigan grumbling that 'those Heavies have the

laugh of us this day'. 22 However, when urged to
pursue the beaten enemy by Captain Morris, a
veteran of the Sikh War and temporarily commanding the 17th Lancers, Cardigan refused to budge.
He later blamed Lucan's last orders as an excuse
for his inaction. It was not that he lacked courage:
it was simply a case of a supremely , self-satisfied,
inexperienced and stupid officer interpreting literally orders which did not allow for his military
limitations. Thus his lack of initiative, and inability
to 'read' the battle, squandered Scarlett's boldness
which, with the 93rd's firmness, had not only saved
Balaclava and cleared the South Valley, but had
also opened the possibility of a convincing rout of
the enemy cavalry, which in turn might have
deterred Liprandi from continuing the action. As it
was, the Russians were given a breathing space,
and a morning which had begun so promisingly for
British arms dawdled on towards the disaster which
was to follow.

had exhibited no urgency and, having reached the

bottom of the Col, set off towards Kadikioi until
turned back by a staff officer towards the redoubts.
Pursuing a serpentine course between the escarpment and the cavalry camps, he ventured towards
No. 6, from which he would proceed cautiously,
via No. 5, to No. 4. At one point a Guards officer
saw the 4th Division fallen out with arms piled!
Increasingly agitated by Cathcart's meanderings,
Raglan sent down his third order to Lucan:
'Cavalry to advance and take advantage of any
opportunity to recapture the Heights. They will be
supported by infantry, which have been ordered to
advance on two fronts' . To Lucan, then near No. 5
and without Raglan's overall view, the order
seemed hopelessly imprecise as he could see no
infantry and he could not conceive that Raglan, on
past experience, wished the cavalry to attack alone.
He decided he was meant to await the infantry, and
moved his division into the 1,000-yard-wide (900
m) North Valley where he, and they, had a better
view of the enemy. A mile and a quarter (2 km)
away down the valley stood the Russian battery,
Ryjoff's cavalry behind; around No.3 Redoubt and
its spur, the Odessa Regiment and another battery;* more cavalry, infantry and guns along the
Fedioukine slopes to the left. To a cavalry officer,
with an eye for country, the green turf of the valley
floor invited a gallop; but it was clearly no place for
a ride that morning.
So, as the minutes ticked past -: half, threequarters of an hour - they waited around their
horses, the troopers smoking their pipes, the
officers their cheroots. The autumn sun shone
down on the red ranks of the Heavies and, in front
of them, the Light Brigade's dark-blue mass,
varied by the grey trousers of the 13th and 17th and
brightened by the brilliant cherry ones of the 11th.
Only the clink of harness and the occasional
Russian shot at C Troop, up near No. 5 Redoubt,
broke the silence.
High above, Raglan could hardly credit what he
was seeing, despite his orders long ago received:
the cavalry motionless below him; Cathcart still
taking his time; even the enemy was still. Suddenly
a sharp-eyed staff officer pointed out Russian
artillery horses preparing to tow away the captured

The Russian cavalry had retired to reform at the
eastern end of the North Valley behind a 140-yardlong (130m) screen of eight 6-pounders of the 3rd
Don Cossack Battery, providing a link between
Jabokritsky's troops with ten guns on the
Fedioukine Hills, and the infantry with six guns
then occupying Nos. 1 to 3 Redoubts and a spur
which projected north-eastwards into the North
Valley from No. 3. This was a defensive deployment, designed by Liprandi to cover the consolidation of the most easterly redoubts while abandoning No. 3, which the four battalions of the Odessa
Regiment were ordered to demolish and dismount
the captured 12-pounders.
By now two French infantry brigades of Bosquet's division had been sent down by Canrobert to
the plain and the 4eme Chasseurs d'Afrique were
ready to support the Cavalry Division. Raglan, still
up on the Sapoune Ridge, having seen that
Balaclava had been saved, was now preoccupied by
the need to recapture its outer line of defence on
the Causeway Heights and, with his mind harking
back to another Wellingtonian precept, regain the
lost guns. For this he looked to Cathcart's 4th
Division, supported by Cambridge's 1st. The latter
had reached the plain near No. 6 Redoubt, but
Cathcart, still smarting at having been turned out,

* Out of sight to the Odessa's right rear were the Azov, Dneiper and
Ukraine Regiments ( 12 battalions).


guns. Raglan spoke urgently to Airey who scribbled down another order, the fourth: 'Lord Raglan
wishes the cavalry to advance rapidly to the frontfollow the enemy and try to prevent the enemy
carrying away the guns. Troop Horse Artillery may
accompany. French cavalry is on your left. Immediate'. It was handed to the best horseman of the
staff, the so-called 'cavalry maniac',, Captain Lewis
Nolan. As he rode straight down the escarpment,
Raglan called, 'Tell Lord Lucan the cavalry is to
attack immediately'. 23
And so began the muddle which led to the most
famous - or infamous - episode of the Crimean
War. This story is more concerned with the lower
ranks, and since the altercation between Lucan and
Nolan which sealed the Light Brigade's doom has
been so often described, it is superfluous to detail it
yet again.* What ensued will be presented here
through the words of the soldiers concerned, but
what determined their fate can be summarized as
resulting from a hasty order issued by a commander at an all-seeing viewpoint . (Raglan), to an
inflexible and irascible subordinate at a much more
limited viewpoint (Lucan) - something seemingly
not appreciated by the commander -leading to lack
of clarity of purpose, and all aggravated by its
bearer, an impatient and junior staff officer,
intolerant of his seniors and convinced of his own
expertise (Nolan); puzzlement, temper, insubordination, wild gestures- and the Light Brigade
was launched, not at the redoubts' captured guns,
but down that fine turf for a gallop, the North
Valley, through a corridor of fire to the guns at its
With Cardigan leading, the Light Brigade moved
off as his trumpeter, Billy Brittain of the 17th,
sounded, 'Walk, March - Trot'. In the first line
were the 17th Lancers with the 13th Light Dragoons on their right; behind the 17th, the 11th
Hussars; 200 yards (180 m) in rear, under Lord
George Paget, the 4th Light Dragoons with the 8th
Hussars on their right; all with both squadrons in
two-deep line; the first line covering about 145
yards ( 130 m) - almost exactly the frontage of the
distant Russian battery. To the right rear rode the
Heavy Brigade, to the left waited the Chasseurs
d' Afrique. Despite the quantity of Russian artillery, no orders were issued to the division's own I

Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, nor to C Troop

which, left to its own devices, engaged the redoubts
whenever opportunity offered.
When the Russians opened fire , Nolan ironically
was the first to fall, belatedly trying to re-direct the
Light Brigade. Private James Lamb of the 13th:
I was riding close to Captain Nolan when he was mortally
wounded. The next discharge tore wide gaps through our
ranks and many a trooper fell. Owing to the dense smoke
I lost sight of him. We still kept on at a gallop ... a
crossfire from a battery on our right opened a deadly
fusillade with canister and grape, causing great havoc
amongst our men and horses, mowing them down in
heaps. I myself was rendered insensible. 24

Sergeant Mitchell, 13th, prayed: 'Oh Lord, protect

me, and watch over my poor mother'. He heard
'oaths and imprecations between the report of the
guns and the bursting shells, as the men crowded
and jostled each other to close to the centre'. 25

John Penn, 17th Lancers, Sergeant Berryman's coverer. He had

served with the 3rd Light Dragoons in the Afghan and Sikh
wars. Photographed after the war in the new, 1855 uniform and
after being reduced to the ranks.

See Sources: Anglesey (A H istory of the British Cavalry), Harris,

Hibbert, Woodham-Smith.



__--- - ,.- -

Among the 17th was Sergeant Berryman, aged

29, with eleven years' service:


The Light Brigade charging the 3rd Don Cossack Battery: the
first line, 17th and 13th, suffering casualties, the 11th behind
the 17th, followed by the 4th and 8th; top right, the Heavy
Brigade. Anonymous watercolour.

'Gallop' was the order as the firing became general. A

discharge from the battery to our front, whose guns were
double-shotted, first with shot or shell, then with case,
swept away Captain Winter and the division on my right.
The gap was noticed by Captain Morris who ordered
'Right Incline' but a warning came from my coverer,
Corporal John Penn, 'Keep straight on, Jack'. He saw
what I did not, that we were opposite the intervals of the
guns and thus we escaped. My attention was attracted by
James Melrose, a Shakespearian reciter, calling out,
'What man here would ask another from England?' Poor
fellow, the next r<?und killed him and many others. This
round broke my mare's off-hind leg and caused her to
stop instantly. 26

I.:ees, with nine years' service, went down. To his

left Peter Marsh was shouting at John Duggan for
'swearing like a blackguard when you may be
knocked into eternity next minute'/9 soon after
Duggan was seriously wounded. Corporal Nunnerly, 17th, saw 'a sergeant who had his head blown
off but rode about thirty yards before he fell'. He
felt relief as they approached the guns but
every shot now came with the most deadly accuracy.
When I was within a few yards of the guns my horse was
shot under me and fell on its head. I endeavoured to pull
it up to dash at the gunners but found it was unable to
move, its foreleg having been blown off. I left it and
forced my way on foot when I was attacked by Russian
cavalry through whom I cut my way, my more than
ordinary height combined with a powerful frame proving
most advantageous to me. I had no sooner got clear than I
was knocked down and ridden over by riderless horses,
together with a few Hussars. 30

Though Cardigan and the officers tried to steady

the pace, every man seemed 'convinced that the
quicker we rode through the awful showers of
grapeshot, musketry and shells ... the better
chance he would have of escaping unhurt'. 27
Inter-regimental rivalry, too, spurred them on. As
he fell from his dead horse, Captain Tremayne,
13th, heard someone shout, 'Don't let those
b------ of the 17th get in front, come on, come
A young soldier of the 17th, Private Wightman,
felt a touch on his arm and heard the words,
'Domino, chum', as his right-hand man, John

Just before the first line reached the guns, Ryjoff

had ordered his hussars and Cossacks forward to
protect the battery, but the latter would not face
the Light Brigade and went about, firing at their
own hussars to clear an escape route and throwing
them into confusion. The whole force made off,


To the right rear of the 11th, the 4th Light

Dragoons charged into the battery. In their ranks,
Private Joseph Grigg, now with 11 years' service,
was realizing his boyhood desire to see a battlefield.
Through the smoke he saw
a mounted driver. He cut me across the eyes with his
whip, which almost blinded me, but as my horse flew
past, I made a cut and caught him in the mouth, so that
his teeth all rattled together as he fell. I can hear the
horrible sound now. Then I made for another driver, cut
him across the back of the neck, and gave him a second
cut as he fell . Beyond the guns the Russian cavalry
... were coming down upon us howling wildly. We went
at them with a rush. I selected a Cossack, who was
making for me with his lance pointed at my breast. I
knocked it upwards with my sword, pulled up quickly
and cut him down across the face. We made for other
Cossacks, cutting our way through them as through a
small flock of sheep. Then I heard Lord George Paget
call out, 'Rally on me!' 33

A private of the 4th Light Dragoons.

except for some officers who 'threw themselves

forward against the enemy only to be cut down'. 31
These must have been the men Nunnerly encountered.
In the second line Troop-Sergeant-Major Loy
Smith, with 21 years' service, rode as serrefile
behind the right-hand troop of the left squadron,
11th Hussars:

At the guns, Sergeant Howes and others of the 4th,

with Troop-Sergeant-Major Herbert, surrounded
He [Herbert] dismounted with the intention of cutting
the traces. We killed all the men belonging to the said
gun, and I went to the leading horses and turned their
heads round with the view of bringing the gun away, but
it was impossible. 34

We swept down the valley much nearer the Fedioukine

Hills than any other regiment. The round shot passed
through us and the shells burst over and amongst us,
causing great havoc. The first man of my troop struck
was Private Young, a cannon ball taking off his right
arm. I, being close to his right rear , fancied I felt the
wind from it as it passed me, I afterwards found I was
bespattered with his flesh .... The [Russian] infantry
kept up a continuous fusilage as we came opposite them,
but the men hung well together , keeping their line and
closing in as their comrades fell back wounded or killed.
Many riderless horses of the first line were now galloping
along with us, forcing their way into the ranks .. .. As we
neared the battery, a square of infantry gave us a volley in
flank. The very air hissed as the shower of bullets passed
through us; many men were killed or wounded. On
looking down I saw that a bullet, which must have passed
close in front of my body, had blackened and cut the lace
on my cuff .... At a sweeping gallop we passed the guns,
our right flank brushing them .... About a hundred
yards in rear Colonel Douglas halted us. During the
advance we had lost about 50 men, so that we had about
80 left. 32

Private Samuel Parkes, an old soldier with 23

years' service and Paget's orderly, had lost his
horse when he saw the dismounted and sword-less
Trumpeter Crawford being attacked by two Russians, whom he drove off. Making their way back
on foot, they were attacked by six more Russians
whom Parkes, 6 ft 2 in, held off with his sword
until disarmed and they were both made prisoners.*
To the 4th's right, Colonel Shewell and the 8th
Hussars had taken a slightly different course to
outflank the battery's line of fire, but they were
enfiladed from their right.
At that moment [an anonymous private felt his] blood
thicken and crawl, as if my heart grew still like a lump of
stone within me. I was a moment paralysed, but [with]
the snorting of the horse, the wild gallop, the sight of the
Russians becoming more distinct, and the first horrible
*Parkes subsequently received the Victoria Cross. See page 132.






discharge with its still more horrible effects . .. my heart

began to warm, to become hot, to dance again, and I had
neither fear nor pity! I longed to be at the guns. I'm sure
I set my teeth together as if I could have bitten a piece out
of one . . . . I cut clean off the hand of a Russian gunner
who was holding up his sponge [staff] against me. He
fell, glaring savagely, but I cared little for that. Bodies
and limbs scattered in fragments, or smashed and
kneaded together, and blood splashed into my face were
now no novelty. 35

The 17th Lancers, as they appeared to the Russian gunners.

After C.E. Stewart.

Once through the now-silenced guns, Cardigan,

considering he had done his duty, rode back alone
up the valley, leaving the remains of his regiments
trying to rally. The loud Nottinghamshire voice of
Corporal Morley* was bellowing for the 17th:
'Coom 'ere, coom 'ere! Fall in, lads, fall in!' 36 All
those still mounted could clearly see the need for
regaining some formation as squadrons of Russian
lancers had now appeared behind them to cut off

we went about to cut a way through this regiment which

had formed to attack us in flank. I am no swordsman , but
was fortunately enabled to disengage myself and get
through them, and I had the worst of it, for in the melee I
had got on the right flank and my horse was so dead-beat
that I could not keep up, and saw the rest gradually
leaving me at each step. We had to ride back a mile
through the murderous fire we had come through . ..
how any of us got back I don' t know. 37

their retreat. Three on the south side menaced a

group of 17th Lancers but they were charged and
routed by the 8th Hussars. On the north side Lord
George Paget collected the remnants of the 4th
Light Dragoons, then

That they did so was largely due to a fine charge by

the Chasseurs d' Afrique along the Fedioukine

*A decade later he served as a Union cavalry officer in the American Civil



Sergeant-Major Smith said Dunn was 'a fine young

fellow, standing six feet three, wielding a terrific
sword, many inches longer than regulation. His
heroic conduct inspired all with courage'.* As the
tired 11th went back

The Light Brigade reaching the guns, with Cardigan engaging a

Russian gunner. A painting by T. Jones Barker.

Corporal Grant, 4th, had dismounted to find

some means of taking a gun but 'found myself in
the rear almost alone, my regiment having retreated'.38 To his relief he saw the 11th Hussars
coming back, pursued by Russians, and joined
them. After passing the guns, the 11th had
successfully charged some cavalry, chasing them
for some distance. In danger of becoming cut off,
and with no other help near, Colonel Douglas
ordered his regiment to reform on, as he thought,
the 17th Lancers in rear. Sergeant Bentley

we no longer resembled the steady line we had done

before. The four [remaining] officers and men being
mixed up but still keeping well together, so that we
assumed an oval shape. Many men whose horses had
been wounded, others whose horses were fagged, were
overtaken and killed. 40

Smith's horse was hit by gunfire and he had to run

for it. After some narrow escapes, he found a
riderless horse and reached C Troop. Sergeant
Lethbridge, waiting with the unused I Troop near
the original start line, saw ' the 11th come back
alone some little time after the other regiments. We
cheered them as they passed'. 41
Long before this, men who had been wounded,

drew his attention to their being Russian, and not our

lancers, when we got his order, ' Fight for your lives!'
Thereupon all retired. On passing them I was attacked
by an officer and several men, and received a slight
wound from a lance. I was pursued by them, and cut the
officer across the face. Lieutenant Dunn came to my
assistance. I saw him cleave one almost to the saddle and
can bear witness to his admirable and gallant fortitude. 39

* Dunn subsequently received the Victoria Cross. He owned a large estate

in Canada to which he retired after the war with Colonel
(see page 136).




or lost their horses before reaching the guns, had

been making their way back under fire. Sergeant
Berryman, though himself wounded in the leg,
stayed with Captain Webb who was in great pain
from a shattered shin. Eventually, aided by
Sergeant Farrell and Private Malone, 13th, they
carried Webb to safety. Captain Morris, with three
head wounds, a cut arm and two broken ribs, was
briefly captured by the Russians but escaped and
was rescued by the German, Sergeant Wooden,
17th, who helped him back until Surgeon Mouat of
the Inniskillings rode forward from the Heavy
Brigade to dress Morris's wounds under fire.*
At the start of the charge, Lucan had ordered the
Heavies to follow in support but, as they entered
the fire zone, their casualties soon exceeded those
sustained in their own charge. t Seeing the Light
Brigade's destruction, Lucan ordered the Heavies
to retreat to a position from where they could cover
the Light Brigade from any Russian pursuit. The
horseless Sergeant Mitchell, coming back alone,

The Light Brigade coming in after the charge. On the left,

mounted, is Troop-Sergeant-Major Loy Smith, 11th Hussars. A
painting by Lady Butler.

must have thought his earlier prayer had been

answered when he first spotted the Greys but then,
seeing them 'retiring at a trot, I thought there was
no chance now'. 42 However, on reaching the spot,
now shelled by the enemy, he found a blinded Grey
who had been left behind and together they walked
So, some 25 minutes after starting, the Light
Brigade came back, in small groups, ones and twos,
many on foot, others still mounted or sharing a
horse, their once-glittering uniforms, the most
decorative in the Army, now soiled, torn and
bloodied. Up on the Sapoune Ridge, the headquarters staff, witnesses to it all, were aghast. Nearby
Mrs Duberly, the bright little wife of the 8th
Hussars' paymaster, thrilled with her spectacular
view, stared at the scattered figures and exclaimed,
'What can those skirmishers be doing?' Then

* Berryman, Farrell, Malone, Wooden, Mouat all subsequently re(;eived

t During the day's fighting , they lost ten killed, 98 wounded.

the Victoria Cross. Webb died 12 days later. Morris survived.


misinterpreted its intention and, blaming Raglan

for what he knew was madness, launched his
cavalry, but without its available horse artillery
Had Lucan and Cathcart- who, though out of
sight of each other, were only about half a mile
apart when the penultimate order was received made some attempt to locate each other and concert
a joint plan to execute it, and had Cathcart shown
more sense of urgency and tried to relate his
division's task with the operations as a whole, then
the fourth order might have been unnecessary.
Even after the Cavalry Division advanced, Cathcart, then at No.4 Redoubt, seems to have ignored
or failed to find out what was happening in the
North Valley. His battery fired a few rounds at No.
3, and the 1st Rifle Brigade skirmished toward it,
but otherwise nothing was done that could at least
have provided some diversion on the Light Brigade's south flank, as the Chasseurs d' Afrique did
on the north. But liaison between divisional commanders seems to have been an unknown concept,
and initiative was as lacking as short-sightedness
was prevalent in many Crimean generals.
Liprandi had failed to take Balaclava, but by
retaining the easterly redoubts he could control the
Woronzoff road, thereby confining the British
communications between Balaclava and the Chersonese to the Col track; this would have serious
repercussions when winter came. Moreover, the
already over-stretched infantry divisions on the
plateau were further reduced by leaving the entire
Highland Brigade under Campbell's command to
hold a reduced perimeter round Balaclava. Nevertheless, though British generalship had been faulty,
the conduct of the British cavalrymen who charged
on 25 October had made a marked impression on
their opponents and, with Tennyson's help, has left
a memory that has lasted to this day.

realization struck: 'Good God! It is the Light

Brigade!' 43
Of the 51 officers and 610 men who had charged
down the North Valley, 9 officers and 93 men had
been killed, 11 officers and 116 men wounded,*
and 2 officers and 56 men had been taken prisoner;
the heaviest casualties were sustained by the 17th
Lancers - 51 per cent. 362 horse,s had been lost.
Considering the odds and weight of fire against
them, the fact that casualties were not higher can
only be ascribed to the Russian cavalry's reluctance
to engage, which in turn may have been due to its
amazement at what the Russian artillery officer,
Kozukoff, called 'the desperate courage' of the
'valiant lunatics' of the Light Brigade. Ryjoff asserted
that the British cavalrymen had been made drunk,
but Kozukoff said he had seen no drunks among the
British wounded and that it was 'indeed difficult to
imagine that drunken cavalry could have achieved
what those English horse actually did'. 44
Though physically and mentally exhausted,
many in pain from wounds or distressed for lost
comrades and devoted horses, the Light Brigade's
morale still held. When Cardigan rode up with his
self-justifying, 'Men! It is a mad-brained trick, but
it is no fault of mine', one of them called back,
'Never mind, my lord. We are ready to go again!' 45
The ensuing recriminations between the higher
com.manders, and their later apologias, have been
as often discussed as the altercation beforehand.
Easiest to blame was Nolan, who was past speaking
for himself, though undoubtedly his hot-headed
contempt for Lucan had been contributory. Cardigan, for once, had obeyed Lucan's order - after
rightly pointing out its likely consequence- and led
bravely, though his questionable conduct after
reaching the guns drew criticism. Lucan had
received unclear orders from Raglan. After receiving the last, and most fatal, he lost his temper,

A survey carried out in 1881 among 74 survivors who had been

wounded showed that 21 per cent of wounds had been caused by sabres,
26 per cent by lances, and 53 per cent by artillery and infantry fire (Loy
Smith, A Victorian RSM, p. 218).


The Minie 's Murderous E ect

fighting qualities, but those within Sebastopol were

told it had been a victory. This, coupled with news
of Dannenberg's approach, raised morale within
the town.
Mter Dannenberg's arrival, Menshikoff would
dispose of at least 100,000 troops in and around
Sebastopol, which would afford him the superiority
for a convincing counter-stroke against the Allies'
65,000. On the day after Balaclava, the most
promising first objective still seemed to be the
British base, using the ground gained by Liprandi
as a start-line. He decided that very day to make
use of the heightened morale of the Sebastopol
garrison by mounting another reconnaissance in
force against the right rear of the British siege lines
on the Chersonese. This, while distracting attention from Liprandi, would also gauge the British
defences in an hitherto-untested area. Colonel
Federoff was ordered to establish himself with his
Boutirsk Regiment, half the Borodino and four
guns on the Inkerman Heights, while his right
flank would be guarded by another battalion
advancing up the Careenage ravine.
As explained earlier, this region was the responsibility of De Lacy Evans's 2nd Division. Bounded
on the east by the escarpment above the Tchernaya
valley, and on the west by the Careenage ravine,
this ground, from the 2nd Division's camp northwards to where the Heights fell steeply down to the
roadstead, was roughly the size and shape of
London's Regent's Park. Unlike that park's comparative flatness, however, the northern, western
and eastern sides were broken up by re-entrants
rising to the high ground: from the roadstead, the

Menshikoff, pessimistic about holding Sebastopol

and with scant faith in his subordinates, had felt
little inclination for taking the offensive but,
pressed by the Tsar to do so, he had sanctioned
what appeared at the time to be an attempt against
Balaclava. However, a modern historian, with
access to Soviet archives, has called the events of 25
October 'a reconnaissance in force, a demonstration rather than a full attack'. 1
Since the opening of the Allied bombardment,
Menshikoff had become increasingly concerned
about a powder shortage within Sebastopol and the
growing proximity of French batteries to its
isolated and tactically important Flagstaff Bastion.
By 23 October he had been reinforced by Liprandi's 12th Division of Dannenberg's IV Corps and,
although its lOth and 11th Divisions, with Dannenberg himself, were on the way, he had decided that
a diversion against the Allies was necessary before
they could arrive. Initially he had favoured an
attack against the British left, but Liprandi had
suggested Balaclava as a less costly objective,
though warning he could not guarantee success
with the troops available. To this Menshikoff had
agreed. Thus, had they taken Balaclava, its capture
would have been a bonus, rather than the result of
an express design to do so.
The outcome was regarded by many Russian
officers as a failure since they believed that, had
Menshikoff waited for Dannenberg, Balaclava
could have been taken; as it was, the British must
now be alerted to the vulnerability of their rear.
Liprandi's soldiers, in their first battle against the
British, had had a sharp taste of their enemies'


Volovia gorge and, to its west, St George' s ravine

climbed up due southwards for 1,400 yards (1 ,280
m) to Shell Hill, a hump rising to 588 feet (179m)
above sea-level; from the Careenage ravine, the
Mikriakoff glen and, further south, the Wellway
branched off south-eastwards, pointing respectively to the left front and rear of the 2nd Division's
camp; and from the Tchernaya valley, the Quarry
ravine cut up south-westwards into the escarpment
with St Clement's ravine south of and parallel to it,
the two separated by a spur. Shell Hill splayed out
sideways to two spurs, known as the West and East
Juts, above the Careenage ravine and just north of
Quarry ravine respectively. From this mile-wide
feature, a lower saddle ran southwards, narrowing
in width to about a quarter of a mile between the
heads of the Mikriakoff glen and Quarry ravine,
then broadening out and rising to another eastwest feature, 50 feet (15 m) higher than Shell Hill
and some 650 yards (590 m) long, known as Home
Ridge; this had a north-pointing spur at its eastern
end, called Fore Ridge, which gradually descended
to St Clement's ravine. From Shell Hill to Home
Ridge was 1,420 yards (1,300 m).
Immediately south of Home Ridge was the 2nd

Division's camp. The only road traversing the area

was the main Post Road from the interior to
Sebastopol. This came up the west bank of Quarry
ravine from the valley, running roughly parallel to
an old track in its bed, went over Home Ridge,
through the camp and on south, skirting the head
of the Wellway, towards the Guards' camp just
under a mile away, and the Light Division camp a
mile and a half away . At the head of Quarry ravine,
540 yards (490 m) in front of Home Ridge, a loose
stone wall about 4 1/z feet (1.4 m) high, known as
the Barrier, had been constructed across the road.
All the ground was covered in boulders and stunted
oaks, between 3 and 10 feet (almost 1 and 3 m)
high, with some blackthorn, which grew thickest in
the ravines.
Behind Home Ridge, Evans had the 3,000
infantry of his two brigades and the 12 guns of B
and G Batteries, though some 400 infantry were on
trench duty in the siege lines. Following the first
bombardment's failure to achieve suitable conditions for an assault, a Guards' captain spoke for all
the infantry divisions when he wrote:
We are very hard worked, sometimes 3 or 4 nights
together out of bed, or rather out of tent (for the ground
is our bed), either working in the Trenches, or else on
outlying Picquet, or else guarding the Trenches, every
day more or less under fire with very little protection. 2

The view from Home Ridge looking north towards Shell Hill. A
photograph dated 1904.


The campaign looked like dragging on into the

winter. The grinding monotony of trench warfare
was not helped by the poor food . Some men were
still without any change of clothing, having not yet
received their knapsacks which had been left on
board ship at the landing, and when they got back
to the often-leaking tents they had only a threadbare blanket and a greatcoat between _them and the
cold, hard ground. Soldiers' greatcoats, with a cape
for the shoulders, were made of a cheap, shoddy,
grey baize, which compared poorly with the thick
Russian coats, but at least afforded another layer of
clothing for night duties over the tattered, faded
red coatees. Beards were thicker; hair unkempt;
faces more cadaverous, now crowned as frequently
by dark-blue woollen forage caps of pork-pie shape
as by the Albert shakos, many of which had been
lost or discarded. The Guards still turned out in
their bearskin caps, though at night their sentries
were permitted to wear their neat field caps,
another innovation of the Prince Consort. Most
officers, too, sported their once-smart undress caps
in which they had long ago cut a dash with young
ladies in distant Dover or Dublin; their elegant,
gold-laced coatees, now soiled and tarnished, were
often shrouded in voluminous greatcoats of superior cloth to the men's, their expensive, hand-made
boots cracked and battered. One officer begged his
father to send him out some new boots as he was
'almost barefooted'. 3 It was indeed an alteredlooking army from the one which had left England
six months previously.
While the 3rd, 4th and half the Light Division
manned the trenches and batteries fronting Sebastopol, Codrington's brigade of the Light Division,
the 2nd Division and Guards Brigade watched the
open north and east flanks, from astride the
Careenage ravine, across the Inkerman Heights,
and the northern end of the Sapoune Ridge. On the
left bank of the Careenage ravine rose the Victoria
Ridge, on which a Royal Navy Lancaster gun was
sited in a battery pointing north-westwards at
Sebastopol; on this, Codrington's right-hand picquet was based. Across the ravine, in the 2nd
Division's sector, from West Jut over Shell Hill,
were the 'left' picquets of Adams's 2nd Brigade. To
their right and southwards, around the heads of
Quarry and St Clement's ravines, from the Barrier
eastwards to the right bank of St Clement's, known
as the Kitspur, then due south along the Sapoune

Undress cap worn in the Crimea by Lieutenant Anthony

Morgan, Grenadier Company, 95th Regiment.

Ridge to the right rear of the divisional camp, were

Pennefather's 1st Brigade 'right' picquets. From
there southwards along the plateau's edge was the
Guards' responsibility until the first French picquet of Bosquet's corps was met, 2 miles (3 km)
south of Home Ridge. In addition to guarding its
sector of the Sapoune Ridge, the Guards Brigade
was charged with supporting the 2nd Division,
should it be attacked from the north.
Besides the outlying picquets on this front was a
novel body of 60 'sharpshooters' from the 1st
Division, who had been organized in mid-October
primarily 'to pick off the enemy's artillerymen in
the embrasures'. They were to operate from behind
cover, 'scraping out a hollow for themselves' and
remaining 'for many hours (even twenty-four)
without relief. Their movements to firing positions
had to be 'rapid, in a scattered order; each man
acting for himself and exercising his intelligence' 4
- all in marked contrast to the dose-order evolutions of Horse Guards Parade. Under Captain
Goodlake of the Coldstream, the Guards' sharpshooters had developed their sniping role into that
of a fighting patrol, roving at wfll beyond their
brigade's area of responsibility.
So that what followed may be better visualized,
the picquet system must be explained . The task of
outlying picquets was to prevent the enemy reconnoitring and to glean intelligence of its movements,
but primarily 'to gain sufficient time to enable the


4 2nd Division Sector and Action of 'Little In kerman',

26 October 1854


- - "'"-- - ~It


.---"'' .








Brlttlh BruOe



Co""pany Bttet y

Pcqvet or small groups







along the front and rear of the chain, and always

before first light. Sentries would give early warning
by rifle signals or by firing, one of the pair running
back to report to the picquet commander. Once
warned of an attack, the commander would fall in
his company in two ranks, extend each file to a
given number of paces, usually six, and prepare to
engage as skirmishers, the two men of each file
working together, one always being loaded and
ready to fire while the other reloaded- firing being
from a standing, kneeling or lying position depending on the ground. The picquet so formed, and
with its sentries called in, would defend its front
until its flanks were threatened, when it would
retire to the next favourable position, thus delaying
the enemy advance while the main body made
Each brigade of the 2nd Division found, by day
and night, four picquets (480 men for the whole
division). A brigade's picquets, on each 24-hour

Picquets skirmishing on the heights overlooking the Sebastopol

roadstead. Mter W. Simpson .

main body in rear to get under arms and prepare

for action'. 5 Each was of company strength, by
then averaging only 60 men. On arriving at its
position, it would throw out a chain of double
sentries, sufficiently far forward to give timely
warning of any enemy approach, but in view or
hearing of the picquet commander, who also kept
touch with the other picquets to the right and left.
By day, each pair was placed so as to have
maximum observation towards, but also concealed
from, the enemy and in sight of the next pair of the
chain; by night they were placed so as to spot the
enemy against a skyline, one man periodically
patrolling forward to listen, his partner maintaining regular contact with the next pair to the right.
The chain would be supplemented by a small,
officer-led party which would patrol at intervals

tour of duty, were either found entirely by one

battalion or drawn from two or more. A field officer
was appointed to command each brigade's picquets, but as the roster for this duty was kept by
divisional headquarters, it sometimes happened
that one brigade's picquets were commanded by an
officer of the other brigade.
This, however, was not the case on 26 October
when the 1st Brigade's picquets on the right were
commanded by the 95th's pious Major Champion.
He had his headquarters at the Barrier, one
company of his own regiment east of Home Ridge
above the escarpment, and three of the 30th: one
near the head of St Clement's ravine, the second
further west, ready to support the third, Captain
Atcherley's, which was forward and in touch with
the right-hand picquet of 2nd Brigade, Lieutenant
Conolly's company of the 49th on Shell Hill. West
of Conolly were two more of the 49th and finally
one of the 41st on West Jut above the Careenage
ravine; all were commanded by Major Eman of the
41st. Across the ravine on Victoria Ridge was the
right picquet of the Light Division, found by the
7th Royal Fusiliers, while patrolling along its bed
were Goodlake's sharpshooters.
The morning of the 26th, 'a particularly beautiful one',6 had been quiet except for the distant
tolling of church bells and sounds of cheering from
Sebastopol. Just after 1 pm Lieutenant Hume of
the 55th, who had been relieved on picquet that
morning by Atcherley, was standing with his
brother and other 55th officers on Home Ridge,
taking advantage of the excellent visibility to get a
distant view of the positions captured by Liprandi
the day before. Suddenly they heard heavy firing
from the picquets. 'Soon after we saw some
artillery come galloping over the crest of Shell Hill,
followed by columns of infantry. "Green guns, by
Jove", said Daubeney;* and off we ran as hard as
we could to camp. We found the division turning
out'. 7
What they had seen were Federoff's six battalions which, having marched from Sebastopol at
midday, had crossed the northern slopes of the
Inkerman Heights, then wheeled right to advance
southwards over Shell Hill. They came on with
three battalions as a first line, each preceded by

skirmishers, and supported by the other three. The

latter were each in the usual Russian column of
attack formation: each battalion's four companies
one behind the other, each company having its two
platoons side by side in the Russians' customary
three ranks, thus giving a battalion frontage of
about 55 paces.t The leading battalions were in a
different attack formation, used for advancing
through close country: each having three companies in line, each 25 paces apart, one in reserve
centrally, 25 paces behind; the companl.es having
two, two-deep platoons one behind the other, both
formed of the front and centre ranks of the normal
platoons, whose third rank provided a third,
two-deep platoon which supplied a number of
skirmishers. Each of these battalions had a frontage
of some 140 paces, less skirmishers, but of course
the thick scrub on Shell Hill disrupted the intervals
and dressing of the ranks.
Nevertheless, it was something approximating to

t 46 yards (42 m).

Major James Eman, when an officer in the 41st's Light

Company. He commanded 2nd Division's 'left' picquets on 26
October. He was killed in 1855.

Second-in-command, SSth. Russian guns were painted pea-green,

British grey.


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these formations which, fronted by skirmishers,

were spotted coming up the northern slopes of
Shell Hill by the sentries of the foremost picquet,
Conolly's. The Russians were 'dressed in long grey
coats and cloth caps with a red band. Their coats
are so similar in colour to the high brushwood that
they are almost invisible at a distance'. 8 Conolly at
once extended his company into a skirmishing line,
some 195 paces wide,* and opened fire. Since the
six enemy battalions totalled 4,300, the 60 men of
the 49th picquet were engaging, at first, the 1,620
of the leading nine companies. However, of those,
only their 270 skirmishers could fire, whereas every
man of the picquet could bring his rifle to bear.
Furthermore, the latter all had rifled Minies, while
the Russian muskets found afterwards on the field
were 'old, bearing date 1834, converted from flint
to percussion'. 9
Conolly's men disputed every yard of ground
'with an obstinacy that could hardly have been
exceeded if, instead of this outpost duty, they had
had to defend to the last some only-remaining
stronghold' . 10 It came to close quarters and Conolly, throwing off his dark greatcoat so that his men
might see his scarlet coatee among the Russian
grey, hurled himself into an enemy group, closely
followed by Sergeant Owens. When his sword
broke, he struck out with his telescope until,

Formations used by Russian battalions on 26 October and 5

November. From A.W . Kinglake's The Invasion of the Crimea.

* 30 files, each occupying 21 inches (53 em), extended at six-pace

having been seriously wounded, he was rescued by

his men. But numbers began to tell and, in danger
of being surrounded, his picket fell back to the
other 2nd Brigade pickets to its left. t
Meanwhile, Champion at the Barrier, seeing
Conolly's fierce resistance, advanced with his
nearest two 30th picquets to join Atcherley and
form a skirmishing line on the southern slope of
Shell Hill, ready to engage the Russian first line
once Conolly's withdrawal permitted it to resume
its advance. At the same time, he detached a small
party under Colour-Sergeant Sullivan, 30th, to
shoot at Federoffs gunners so as to delay their
opening fire. With three companies extended over
about a quarter of a mile, Champion was able to
present a firing line as wide, if not wider, than the
three enemy battalions' frontage. After some furious firing, he saw the enemy force dividing to
threaten his flanks and realized it was time to move.
To give time for the picquets to collect, I halted to fire
upon the enemy and we gave an efficient fire. At last the
artillery playing very sharply upon us, and our left flank
being endangered, we retired with all expedition to the

Conolly and Owens (see page 136) both subsequently received the
Victoria Cross.

intervals, each of 30 inches (76 em).


us over that picquet " job'". 12 So, together, they

dashed out, shooting or clubbing the nearest
Russians, completely surprising them, and ran on
up the ravine into the main column, through whose
ranks they passed unmolested, their identities
seemingly concealed by their greatcoats and the
rough, bush-covered ground. Reaching the head of
the column, they found it halted by fire from the
sharpshooters lining a ditch across the gorge 30
yards (27m) away. They quickly raced across the
gap to safety. Heartened by their leader's nearmiraculous escape, the sharpshooters stood their
ground on that spot, below and between West Jut
and the Lancaster battery, their accurate fire
proving a stronger deterrent to the column than its
commander's exhortations to charge.
After reaching the Barrier, Champion called in
his right-hand, 95th picquet so that he now had all
his four companies confronting the three leading
enemy battalions. 'We defended ourselves vigorously against the swarms of Russians now appearing everywhere except in our rear. I knew that
succour must come shortly and sent to say how
hard we were pressed'. Heedless of danger, he
jumped up on the stone wall to encourage his men,
shouting, 'Slate them, my boys- slate them!' He
told them that
supports were coming up to us, and I made them cheer
and fix bayonets, which daunted the Russians, who had
nearly driven us out by turning our flank. I tried to get
up a charge, but it was too much for human nature and
the few men I had with me; but they advanced a little,
firing a few shots, and the Russians fell back. 13

Lieutenant J.A. Conolly, 49th Regiment, whose picquet was the

first to engage the Russians on Shell Hill, holding the telescope
with which he fought after his sword broke. Gazetted VC on 5
May 1857.

These, however, were probably only the enemy

skinnishers, for the leading companies continued
the fire fight at about 200 yards (180 m) range.
'Here as always the Minie told with murderous
effect', 14 but the picquets' ammunition was running out and the three columns of the Russian
second line could be seen coming on. More than
once Champion must have looked anxiously rearwards for the help he had promised his hardfighting men.
While the picquets had been gaining him time,

Barrier, where the three companies collected and continued to keep up a fire. 11

While this delaying action had been fought,

Goodlake had positioned his sharpshooters across
the bed of the Careenage ravine some half a mile
forward of West Jut, and had advanced with
Sergeant Ashton to reconnoitre some caves. While
inside, Federoffs hitherto-unseen flanking battalion came round a corner and surged past the caves
up the ravine until engaged by the sharpshooters.
Realizing he was cut off, Goodlake resigned himself
to being captured but Ashton, believing they were
marked men for their recent capture of a Russian
officer, urged resistance, saying, 'They would kill

Captain Gerald Goodlake, Goldstream Guards, and the Guards'

sharpshooters engaging the Russians. Gazetted VC on 24
February 1857.


G \

Barrier; nor were Eman's left picquets easily visible

from Home Ridge, so fire had been stopped.*
Hitherto Evans had refused all requests for help
from the pickets, being determined to halt the
Russians with his guns from Home Ridge, and then
counter-attack with his infantry, whom he was
keeping hidden. Now, just as Champion's picquets
were down to their last rounds, and the entire
enemy force was in full view, he sent forward
Captain Paget Bayly's 30th Company to the Barrier
and the 41st Light Company to assist Eman. At the
same time, B, G and H Batteries opened fire at the
Russian second line columns as they came within
maximum range. A battery's four 9-pounders' most
effective range when firing round shot or shrapnel
was 800 yards (730 m), though they could reach out
to 1,200-1,400 (1,100-1,280 m), about the distance the second columns were from Home Ridge
when fully in view. The two 24-pounder howitzers
per battery, firing shell or shrapnel and effective up
to 1,025 yards (937 m), may at first have been held
in reserve, or used to engage the rear of the
foremost battalions confronting the picquets about
700 yards (640 m) from Home Ridge. Watching the
blue-uniformed crews' well-practised gun drill two rounds per minute - was Hume, whose 55th

was m
It was splendid to see our gunners at work. One, a
red-haired man, was greatly excited, and used very
strong language when he found one of the ammunition
boxes could not be opened; he soon knocked the hasp off
with a stone. 16

Lieutenant-General Sir George De Lacy Evans, commanding

2nd Division.

De Lacy Evans had called the rest of the division to

arms and ordered his two batteries to align their
guns along Home Ridge, the infantry moving into
cover behind it. Word had gone to the Guards
Brigade which had sent forward its H Battery and
its battalions were marching up. From the Light
Division, E Battery was on its way, passing the
alerted Naval Brigade where the future fieldmarshal, Evelyn Wood, then a midshipman, saw
them, 'the teams stretched down at top speed,
every driver "riding" his horse. I was so impressed
by the set, determined look on the faces of the men
that I have never forgotten it'. 15 Some guns had
opened fire at the Russian artillery on its first
coming into view, but it was extreme range. They
had then engaged the infantry, but it was difficult
to distinguish the extended picquets from the
enemy in the thick undergrowth when both were in
greatcoats, until Champion's men fell back to the

The relief afforded to Champion's men at the

Barrier, first by the 60 rounds per rifle of Bayly's
company, then by the crash of 18 guns from Home
Ridge and the whistling shot passing overhead,
turned to exhilaration when they saw the gunfire's
effect on the Russian second line. The easternmost
column broke away in some disorder, seeking
shelter in Quarry ravine, into which some of
Champion's men ran forward to fire. The other two
soon retraced their steps behind Shell Hill to get
out of range. Despite this setback to their supports,
the forward battalions continued firing at the
Barrier. Atcherley was disabled by an arm wound
*The position of Eman's picquets by this time is unclear, but probably
they were angled back from West Jut along the lip of the Mikriakoff glen,
engaging the Russians' right flank.



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An eyewitness sketch by J.A. Crowe, correspondent of The
/ Uustrat.ed London News, of the action on 26 October. The
nearest infantry must be the companies sent forward by Evans,
not the picquets who were in greatcoats.

and Paget Bayly was shot through the face but

stayed with his men.
However, Federoff now ordered a retreat, either
feeling he had adequately tested the defences or
realizing he could achieve no more. His first line
fell back in good order, keeping up a musketry to
hold off Champion's jubilant men, now running
forward with bayonets fixed. Seeing them go,
Evans sent forward the remaining four companies
of the 30th and seven of the 95th towards the
Barrier and Shell Hill, and the rest of the 41st
towards West Jut. The sight of these fresh troops
and the sudden loss of Federoff, who fell seriously
wounded, caused some of the Russians to lose heart
and their retreat became hurried. Others still
turned to fire as they went back over Shell Hill.
Among the 95th, advancing in column,* was
Private Doody who was suddenly hit in the chest
and fell, thinking he was shot, only to find the ball
had struck the brass plate where his shoulder belts
crossed on his chest and glanced off. Surgeon
Clarke ran forward to attend a badly wounded
man, but was berated by Major Humet for being so
slow. 'I am doing my best', replied Clarke, as the
balls fell around him. T hen the man was hit again
and killed. 'I can do no more for him now', the
surgeon said stiffly. 17

The main body of the 95th was halted on the

south side of Shell Hill, but its Light Company
went on in skirmishing order pursuing the Russian
rearguard until it came under fire from Sebastopol's guns and ships in the roadstead. The men
came back with the Russian soldiers' black bread
loaves stuck on their bayonets. On the left, some of
the 30th and 41st dropped down into the Careenage
ravine where Goodlake's men, later joined by some
of 2nd Rifle Brigade under Captain Markham from
the Light Division, had held their ground throughout the main fight until the flanking column turned
back. Scouting down the ravine, Sergeant Madden,
41st, went into a cave after a Russian officer and 14
men and took them all prisoner.* Sergeant Shaw
and Private Andrews, 30th, having captured and
sent back some prisoners, went in search of some
reward for their efforts and found a wounded,
mounted Russian officer whom they escorted back
to camp. They managed to get a good price for his
sword, saddle and accoutrements, but his horse
was killed a few days later by enemy fire before

* Each company in line, one behind the other separated by one

company's width.
t Of the 95th; not to be confused with the brothers Hume of the SSth.

. ..

:j: Madden subsequently received the Victoria Cross.


to spike his gun and leave it. According to one of

the Fusiliers, Private Alfred Oliver, Hewett replied, 'No, sir! Not while we are able to defend it',
and ordered his sailors to demolish the gabions
protecting the right side, so that they could
manhandle the gun, normally pointing forwards,
round to face the threatened flank and open fire.
Later, as Oliver wrote,

Royal Navy Lancaster 68-pounder of the type manned by

Midshipman Hewett and his crew. Mter W . Simpson.

they could find a buyer. These two men had fought

all afternoon, having been with one of the original
30th picquet companies commanded by Lieutenant
Ross Lewin, the son of an old Peninsular officer.
As he led his tired men back to their lines, he met
Brigadier Pennefather who shook his hand and
congratulated them on their success, adding, 'The
30th behaved like gentlemen!' 18
Some of the last shots at the Russians as they
made their way back to Sebastopol were fired by
the sailors manning the Lancaster 68-pounder on
Victoria Ridge, commanded by Midshipman
Hewett of HMS Beagle, and guarded by a 7th
Fusiliers picquet. Earlier in the day the picquet had
been fired on from Shell Hill and by part of the
column in the Careenage ravine. The fire was so
accurate that the picquet had to take cover on the
far side of the battery, the officer ordering Hewett

the gun did her duty nobly as well as the little Middy
who, when they [the Russians] were going through a
gulley and over a bridge into Sebastopol, in a mass of
columns, swept them away by hundreds. It was really
awful to see the havoc she made among them. 19*

Two Russian officers and 181 men were found

dead on the battlefield. An observer wrote: 'The
dead men were lying in pools of blood, their faces
and hands like wax; most had been killed by our
* Hewett received the Victoria Cross for this action and his conduct on S
November and later became an admiral (see page 136).


Minie rifles. Our heavy conical balls cause frightful

wounds; wherever they touch limb, they smash the
bone'. 20 How many dead and wounded were
carried off is uncertain, though the Russians
admitted to a loss of 270. Altogether 80 prisoners
were taken, among them a Pole who told an officer
that 'to inflame them to fiery conflict with the "red
devils", two stimulants, which most powerfully
excite the sluggish soul of the Muscovite serf religious artifice and "quass"* - were freely
administered'. 21
The 2nd Division's casualties were surprisingly
light, totalling 84, of whom 12 were killed, the
greatest loss falling on the 30th with 7 killed and 25
wounded. The Guards had been standing by in
reserve and Captain Wilson of the Coldstream had
watched the wounded
as they limped or were carried on stretchers to the rear.
Far from drooping in spirit, most were in buoyant
spirits. Sometimes a fine youth with badly fractured arm
hurra-ed lustily as he passed; sometimes a 'stout Widdrington', whose thigh a round shot had smashed,
would, faint as he was, raise himself a little on his litter,
and brandish his rifle triumphantly. I observed that
nearly every man, whether slightly or sorely hurt, still
clutched his musket. A bullet through the heart alone
conquers such soldiers. 22

I came heated and flushed from a hard-won field, where I

had braved death with a prayer to the Almighty, and
looked upon death with the hardened eye of a soldier. I
felt the tears come into my eyes as I looked to a beautiful
sunset in the west, where I knew you were; sweet was the
comfort I felt in thanking the Almighty that we were
spared to each other again. 23
Coming as it did the day after the disaster to the
Light Cavalry Brigade, which itself had increased
the disillusion following the failure of the first
bombardment, this combat of 'Little Inkerman', as
it came to be known, gave the whole Crimean army
a fillip. It had been an almost textbook action. The
picquets' dogged resistance; Evans's considered
handling and grasp of his battle; the leadership of
the company officers; the skill-at-arms of the men,
mostly fighting in skirmishing pairs, which called
for much greater individual enterprise than the
close-order of line and column; the professional
work of the gunners; all had not only repulsed a
numerically superior force at little cost, but had left
the 2nd Division with an immense confidence in
its supremacy over the enemy, greatly enhancing
its morale for its future guarding of this exposed

However, as the perceptive Lieutenant Morgan
of the 95th noted: 'I do not think [the enemy]
intended anything more than a reconnaissance in
force; they only came to see the nakedness of the
land and, as their subsequent moves showed, they
attained their object'. 24

After the battle, Champion, whose inspiring and

combative leadership had so greatly contributed to
the day's success, reverted to his gentler nature in a
letter to his wife:

* Kvass = rye-beer. .


The English Shall be Attacked


a risk he had obviously thought worth taking, but a

warning which could well strike fear into the
simple minds of most conscripts, who were always
those who had been unable to buy or talk their way
out of the periodic call-ups.
Before the Alma at least, they were eager for
action and, according to an NCO of the Taroutine
Regiment, 'all of us, officers and men, were
confident in our own strength and openly voiced
it'. 4 In action, particularly when primed with an
alchohol ration, the Russian soldier was brave and
stoical, but a British observer felt that 'his courage
would seem to be passive not active'. 5 A Russian
officer, aware of the fear-based discipline which
held his men in thrall, cynically remarked to his
British captors: 'No wonder our soldiers are brave!
They have so little to lose that they lose nothing
when they lose their life. The way to make a good
soldier is to make him careless about his
existence'. 6
The regimental officers often appeared as equally
careless of theirs. 'They were ever in front of their
less adventurous rank and file, urging them on with
voice and uplifted sword; they rushed freely on
certain death, with the view of inflaming the
sluggish spirit of their followers'. 7 In Line regiments (as opposed to Guards) a minority, from the
hereditary but landless nobility, came from military cadet schools, but the majority were either sons
of military officers and Civil Servants who, before
commissioning, had to serve in the ranks as a
'junker' (neither officer nor soldier) and qualify in
an examination, or were promoted NCOs with 12
years' service who could pass a simple exam.

The battle experience of 26 October, added to that

of the Alma and Balaclava, had revealed the
strengths and limitations of the Russian soldier,
both in attack and defence. British soldiers may
have been driven to enlist to escape the hardships
of civilian life, but at least they had done so more or
less of their own free will. Their Russian counterparts were in the main serfs, living under a harsh
and repressive regime, and conscripted for 25
years. British officers were struck by the sameness
of their appearance:
Broad-shouldered, sinewy, nearly as tall as Englishmen,
there was ever a stereotyped and ugly uniformity of high
cheek-bones, snub noses, elongated upper lips and
cropped poles with colourless hair of the coarsest texture,
thin wiry moustaches ... fine, stout men but their faces
are broad and fiat and betoken great ignorance. 1

To encourage them before the Alma, they were

told that, since England was primarily a naval
power, the men they saw before them in red would
be as useless in a land battle as the two battalions of
seamen in Menshikoffs army, whose ineptitude at
drill had caused the soldiers much mirth. According to Kinglake, this was believed by some of the
more uneducated officers, 'and even, it was said, in
one instance by a general of division'. 2
No strangers to corporal punishment before
joining the army, their daily life as soldiers was
punctuated by frequent blows with sticks or fists,
to punish or encourage, from both officers and
NCOs. A Polish deserter, sick of the beatings,
claimed that he and his comrades had been warned
the Allies would cut off their ears if they deserted3 70




... .....::;



Though ready to lead gallantly, most tended to be
militarily uneducated, remote from their men, and
with any professional enthusiasm atrophied by the
boredom of routine in uneventful, distant garrisons, which could only be alleviated by drink,
gambling, or complaisant peasant women.
Staff duties were on a par with the British
service. Such work was unpopular and most senior
commanders had little appreciation or understanding of staff functions, ignoring any trained staff
officers they might have had, and relying on their
own spontaneous decisions, assisted by a few
chosen aides.
The Russian Army was trained and equipped,
not so much to fight, as to present an awesome,
magnificent and machine-like spectacle. Ever since
Nicholas I's accession as Tsar in 1825 had been
threatened by a military coup, led by officers who
had acquired liberal ideas in Western Europe after
the fall of Napoleon I, every aspect of Russian life




, . ~-


John Leach's interpretation for Punch of how ' the sluggish soul
of the Muscovite serf was stimulated by ' religious artifice' and

had become increasingly regimented. From his

army, Nicholas expected the unquestioning obedience which could only be obtained by the enforcement of the most rigid, brutal discipline, and the
endless practice of close-order drill, in which an
exaggerated parade-march, or goose step, predominated. Nicholas had the soul of a drillsergeant which delighted in the slow, stately
manoeuvres of huge blocks of splendidly dressed
automata, the theory being that 'in unblemished
formal parades lay the guarantee of success in
war'. 8
As they had trained in peace, so they performed
in war, and hence the ponderous columns of
companies, battalions and regiments already seen


well-armed and trained divisional artillery, whose

pieces outgunned and outranged the British field
batteries; unfortunately its handling by higher
commanders was not always as good as its technical

The inadequacies already noted in some British
generals could be matched by those of the Russian
Army. If the British military system had suffered
too long from the ageing influence of the Duke of
Wellington, so had the Russian from the rigid
despotism of Nicholas I which discouraged ideas
and initiative. Menshikoff in his time had been a
general, an admiral, an administrator and a diplomat, but was master of none of these professions .
Rich, ambitious and arrogant, he had enjoyed the
Tsar's confidence but was distrustful and contemptuous of his subordinates and his troops, secretive
about his intentions, and had few powers of
leadership. Liprandi, one of the more capable
generals, he considered 'a Greek intriguer'. 12 Towards Todleben, only a colonel and of German
origin but perhaps the most competent senior
officer in the Crimea, who had reorganized Sebastopol's defences, Menshikoff was dismissive and
irritable. Among his subordinates at the Alma,

Russian infantry attacking with the bayonet through scrub-oak.

A watercolour sketch by Captain H.H. Clifford.

at the Alma and Little lnkerman, 'the obstinate but

soulless action of their massy formation', as one
British officer described it .9 Little time and money
was devoted to musketry. The great Suvoroffs
late-eighteenth century maxim that 'the bullet is a
fool, but the bayonet a fine fellow' 10 still held good,
and in any case their smooth-bore muskets, whose
effective range was little more than 150 yards (137
m), were often unserviceable from excessive
polishing with brick-dust and loosening of fittings
to rattle impressively at drill. There were a number
of Rifle battalions which could be attached to
infantry divisions to provide a more skilled company of skirmishers for each regiment, but many of
these were armed with a Belgian-made version of
the Brunswick, used by British Rifle regiments
until the introduction of the Minie, of which it was
said that 'the force required to ram down the ball
was so great as to render a man's hand much too
unsteady for accurate shooting' . 11 However, the
Russian infantry's weakness in firepower and
reliance on massed bayonets was balanced by a


Gortchakoff was elderly and cautious, Kiriakoff

was incompetent, a drunken braggart, and possibly
a coward as well. Between Menshikoff and Dannenberg, his new deputy appointed by St Petersburg, whose IV Corps arrived on 2/3 November,
there existed a hearty and mutual dislike. The
latter, like some of his British counterparts, was an
ageing, once-able veteran of the Napoleonic War,
but on the Danube against the Turks his command
of IV Corps had been undistinguished.
It was this unpromising partnership which was
to launch the great counter-offensive. The objective was not, as hitherto favoured by Menshikoff,
Balaclava, but, on the Tsar's personal instructions,
and as expressed in Menshikoff' s orders of 4
November: 'Tomorrow the English shall be attacked in their position, in order that we may seize and
occupy the heights on which they are
established'. 13
Menshikoffs plan envisaged a two-pronged
attack on the sector reconnoitred by Federoff on 26
October, supported by a sortie from Sebastopol
against the French siege lines by Timovieff, and by
a strong demonstration across the Balaclava plain to
distract the defenders of the Sapoune Ridge from
reinforcing the British defenders of Home Ridge to
their north, and ultimately to link up with the main
Soimonoffs lOth Division (the 12 battalions of
the Katherinburg, Tomsk and Kolivansk Regiments) was marched into Sebastopol on 3 November,
where it was increased to corps strength by the
addition of the Vladimir, Sousdal and Ouglitch
Regiments (16th Division) which had fought at the
Alma, the Boutirsk (17th Division), present at
Little Inkerman, half the 6th Rifle Battalion, 289
sappers, 100 Cossacks, and 38 guns; a force of just
under 19,000 men (28 1/z battalions). This corps was
to be the right, or western prong, advancing from
Sebastopol, parallel to the Careenage ravine, towards the Inkerman Heights. The left, or eastern
prong, was Pauloffs corps, consisting of his own
11th Division (Selenghinsk, Iakoutsk, Okhotsk)
plus the Borodino and Taroutine Regiments (17th
Division), also veterans of the Alma, half the 4th
Rifle Battalion, and 96 guns; nearly 16,000 in all
(201Jz battalions). This corps, encamped on the
heights east of the Tchernaya, was to cross the
river, march west parallel to the roadstead and
ascend the heights via StGeorge's ravine, there to

Left: General P .A. Dannenberg, commanding IV Corps. Right:

Lieutenant-General F .I. Soimonoff, commanding lOth

join up with Soimonoff, prior to attacking southwards together under Dannenberg's joint command.*
The force to operate against the Sapoune Ridge
was under Gortchakoff's command and consisted
of troops who had fought at Balaclava: Liprandi's
12th Division, 7,000 cavalry, and 88 guns; some
22,000 men strong. Gortchakoff was ordered to
draw the Sapoune Ridge defenders (the Guards
Brigade and Bosquet's corps) upon himself, to try
and seize one of the routes up to the ridge, and to
hold his cavalry in readiness to ascend the heights
as soon as practicable.
Soimonoff, who had proved competent against
the Turks, received these orders, not from Dannenberg, hitherto his superior, but direct from
Menshikoffs headquarters at about S pm on 4
November; he was thus given no time to reconnoitre ground he had never seen, and which he
would have to traverse in the dark. However, one
of Menshikoffs staff explained that he was to
advance up the eastern side of the Careenage ravine
towards Shell Hill, so as to protect Pauloff's right,
prior to linking up with that corps near the head of
St George's ravine. Soimonoff later received written instructions from Dannenberg to attack at 5
am, instead of 6 am, and up the Victoria Ridge
(that is, on the western bank of the Careenage
ravine). This put Soimonoff in a quandary, which
* Kinglake, quoting Todleben, gives Soimonoff 18,929 and Pauloff
15,806, both excluding gunners. Another Russian account gives Soimonoff 16,200 and PauJoff 13,500 infantry.


only Menshikoff could resolve. Unable to obtain a

ruling, and since he would not come under
Dannenberg's command until after joining up with
Pauloff, he decided he should adhere to the first
All being well, therefore, the two corps - less
Pauloff's Borodino and Taroutine Regiments
which were to advance up the Volovia gorge
towards East Jut as left flank protection - would
unite near the top of St George's ravine, establish
themselves on the Shell Hill feature, prior to the
whole 35 ,000 with its 134 guns attacking southwards against the 2nd Division, 3,000 strong with
12 guns.
If a humble subaltern like Morgan of the 95th
could assess the purpose of Federoff's sortie the
week before, it should not have been beyond the
generals and staffs to see the need for clothing the
nakedness of the Inkerman Heights with extra
men, guns and defences. A Russian breakthrough
here would not only threaten the rear of the British

siege lines and camps and cut them off from

Balaclava, but could, in conjunction with Gortchakoff' s corps, menace the French right flank and
rear. Raglan, for all his faults, was not a fool and
was aware of the vulnerability of this flank, and
how stretched his forces were to guard both it and
Balaclava, at the same time as prosecuting the
siege. He had 6,000 Turks under his command
but, after their abandonment of the Balaclava
redoubts on the 25th, he refused to use them, even
for digging defences. He had asked for French help
but Canrobert, who had already detached one of
Bosquet's brigades to assist the Highland Brigade's
defence of Balaclava and the foot of the Col, said he
could spare none. Yet Bosquet's other three
brigades, behind man-made defences, and with the
Guards to their north, were employed watching the
approaches to the Sapoune Ridge from a naturally
much stronger position than Home Ridge, guarded
only by the 2nd Division's two brigades. They, it
was true, could look to the Guards for support and
had Codrington's Light Division brigade to their
left, but Codrington's task was specifically to guard
the approach up Victoria Ridge. Other than the
Guards, therefore, the 2nd Division could only be
reinforced by drawing men from the siege operations (that is, the 3rd and 4th Divisions and

T he Russian view from Shell Hill towards Home Ridge. The

Post Road is visible (centre) emerging from Quarry ravine,
behind the nearmost trees, and disappearing over Home Ridge
on the right centre of the horizon. A photograph dated 1904.


Buller's Light Division brigade), respectively

three, two and a half, and one and a half miles
However, Raglan was keenly aware that his
army's main aim was the capture of Sebastopol and
soon, if he and his men were to be spared a Russian
winter on the Chersonese for which they were not
equipped. Indeed, a meeting had been arranged
with Canrobert to discuss plans for an assault,
provisionally fixed for 7 November. So, in the week
after Federoffs attack, the minds at Raglan's
headquarters were focused primarily on the siege
works and preparations for the assault, leaving 2nd
Division to take care of itself.
Without additional troops, De Lacy Evans had
no choice but to adhere to the defensive arrangements existing before the 26th which, in effect, as
Federoff had proved in broad daylight, allowed the
Russians access to Shell Hill unhampered by any
resistance other than that which could be offered
by the picquets. Only by occupying its northern
spurs, which would have required far greater
strength than was available, could this have been
avoided. So the defence of the sector remained
based on Home Ridge with the picquet line as
before. To give some cover for their guns when
positioned on Home Ridge, the gunners of the two
batteries began constructing a wall of stones and
earth, some 100 yards (90 m) long. The ground was
rocky so no trench could be dug and soil had to be
fetched from further away. As few infantry could
be spared to assist the gunners, by 4 November it
was little more than 2 feet high.
The loose stone wall of the Barrier, at the head of
Quarry ravine, was shorter but 1 to 2 feet higher
and extended across the Post Road into the scrub
on either side. Some 500 yards (450 m) in front of
the Barrier, the surface of the road, where it
emerged round a bend in the ravine, had been
broken up to impede the passage of guns. Ideally,
fields of fire should have been cleared through the
brushwood, but there was not the manpower and,
as proved on the 26th, it afforded cover for
defenders as well as hindering the solid formations
of the Russians; in any case, as on that day, a
mobile, rather than a static defence was envisaged,
with Home Ridge and the Barrier providing
rallying points rather than redoubts.
The only other construction in 2nd Division's
sector was an earthwork, sited 600 yards (550 m)
east of the Barrier on the Kits pur, which jutted out

south of St Clement's ravine. Known as the

Sandbag Battery, it had been erected some weeks
before to house two 18-pounders, positioned to
silence a gun across the Tchernaya valley. Their
task completed, the guns had been withdrawn, but
the battery remained. Being 9 feet (2. 7 m) high,
with only two embrasures and no fire-step, it was
useless for infantry, other than as a windbreak
for the picquet stationed there. Standing up prominently on the Kitspur, just to the right front of
Fore Ridge, it was soon to assume a terrible
significance .
The arrival of Dannenberg's corps, with Soimonoff marching into Sebastopol and Pauloff camping
across the Tchernaya, had not passed unreported
by the 2nd Division picquets, whose long hours of
watching had become, as Champion wrote, increasingly ' severe, when you have to keep awake
half the night' , with a sudden change in the
weather bringing 'a cold north wind and rain' . 14
Their reports, as well as deserters' tales, spies'
messages, warnings from sources as far away as
Berlin - all indicating a coming enemy offensive found their way to Raglan's farmhouse on the
Chersonese, 3 miles (S km) south-west of the 2nd
Division, yet none distracted its occupants from
their planning for the assault. Colonel Calthorpe,
one of Raglan's ADCs, expressed the general
disbelief that the Russians 'will have determination
and courage enough to overcome British firmness
and French gallantry'. 15 The staff were more
interested in the effects of the Allied bombardment, which opened on 1 November, and arranging the joint Council of War convened for the 4th,
at which the 7th was settled as the day for the
general assault on Sebastopol.
At that meeting, Canrobert assured Raglan he
would reinforce the 2nd Division position but
without making any specific commitment. Had De
Lacy Evans been present he would surely have
emphasized the urgency of the matter, but unfortunately he was aboard ship in the harbour, recovering from a fall. His division was temporarily under
the 1st Brigade's commander, John Lysaght Pennefather. Aged 54, the third son of a Tipperary
parson , he was known in his brigade as 'Old Blood
and 'Ounds', from one of his favourite expletives,
of which he had a wide and colourful repertoire. 16
In the 1840s he had been a notable commanding
officer of the 22nd, which he had led into action at
the Battle of Miani in 1843, receiving a serious

An Allied Council of War at the British headquarters. Raglan is

seated at the far end of the table. After W. Simpson.

wound.* He had both command and staff experience and, as commander of the 1st Brigade, Hume
of the 55th recorded that 'officers and men liked
him, he was always so cheery and ready for any
amount of fighting'. 17
He had not been summoned to the Council of
War, so he spent that Saturday afternoon riding
through the heavy rain which had been falling most
of the day, visiting his picquets to glean any new
information about the enemy dispositions while
daylight lasted, as was his daily custom. The right
picquets that day were all provided by the 95th, but
commanded by Major Grant of the 49th, who was
at the usual field officer's post at the Barrier, with
Lieutenant Carmichael and his men. When Pennefather reached them, they drew his attention to the
heights across the Tchernaya whereon, according
to Carmichael, 'the enemy was showing in great
force . There had been a review in the course of the
day and it was remarked to him that the enemy,

*During Napier's conquest ofScinde.



when in skirnushing order, advanced with fixed

bayonets, which was entirely opposite to the
practice in the British Army'; 18 a point of minor
tactics which may have suggested that even Russian
skirnushers had more faith in their bayonets than
in their firearms.
Through his telescope, Pennefather observed a
yellow carriage in the enemy camp. He could not
know, of course, that this had brought the Grand
Dukes Nicholas and Michael, the Tsar's sons, to
inspire by their presence the Russian soldiery's
forthcoming effort. Nevertheless, the combination
of the review and the sudden appearance of such an
unusual vehicle for a military camp suggested to
him that something important might be brewing.
Before leaving the Barrier, he ordered Carmichael
to keep watch from the furthest point of the spur
between the Quarry and St Clement's ravines,
during the last half hour before dark, and report
personally to him any alterations in the enemy
dispositions. In due course Carmichael reported a
new body of cavalry on the river's far bank,
south-east of his post, and a large flock of sheep
which had been herded around the ruins of the old
Inkerman village below the enemy camp.
The left picquets were commanded by Major

Brigadier-General J.L. Pennefather, commanding 1st Brigade,

2nd Division, but temporarily in command of the Division from
4 November.

A British infantryman dressed for picquet. Under the

greatcoat's cape is slung, over the left shoulder, his ammunition
pouch and water-botde, with mess-tin attached to its strap, over
the right his haversack ; a bayonet (not visible) is suspended
from his waistbelt. A photograph by Roger Fenton.

Goodwyn, 41st, and found by the 2nd Brigade

regiments, though on this occasion for some reason
their right-hand picquet on Shell Hill was commanded by Captain Vialls of the 95th. Having been
more orless soaked by rain all day, with no shelter
other than what could be found under the scruboak, the prospect of continuing the watch on
through the night cannot have been enticing. Mter
dark, the rain diminished to a steady drizzle, but
with a thick mist adding to the difficulty and strain
of observing, listening and maintaining contact to

right and left. In such conditions officers found

'they could not keep their men awake; they would
sleep, in spite of all they could do to prevent
them'. 19
In the 95th picquet east of the Barrier, Captain
Sargent, conscious of the effect of damp on his
men's rifles, made them reload. In so doing, one of
his sentries, tense and fumbling in the darkness,
accidentally discharged his rifle, bringing the whole
picquet line to arms. Carmichael, visiting his
sentries, suddenly ran into Major Goodwyn and


Others, too, heard the church bells, 'slow and

solemn as if for some great and mournful event' , 21
but thought nothing of it as it was Sunday
morning. Sargent from his post and Morgan in the
Sandbag Battery also heard the rumbling, creaking
wheels and reported the sound to Grant, but all
thought it was merely one of the Russians' nightly
supply trains which they, like Carmichael, had
often heard before. Sergeant-Major Williams,
whose 55th was providing the right picquets on the
5th, had visited the line after midnight, presumably to check routes and positions in the poor
visibility since the new picquets customarily joined
the old an hour before daylight. He had crept
forward to listen on his own account and had been
'quite certain he heard in the direction of Sebastopol the rumblings of heavy wagons or artillery,
either by supplies entering the city, or by guns
coming out towards the Inkerman valley'. 22 He
reported this to Grant and to his own officers who
were due for picket. On Victoria Ridge a Light
Division sentry also heard the sound of wheels
down in Sebastopol but, so familiar was this, that
he did not report it at the time.
So, huddled in their sodden greatcoats, trying to
keep warm in the clammy mist, the tired picquets
kept their watch through those enervating hours
before dawn when a man's spirits are at their
lowest, thankful their 24 hours' turn of duty was
nearly over. Wherever they were posted, and
however alert, the mist, thickening to fog, prevented any observation in the dark, and the sounds
they heard, though reported, were not so unusual
as to warrant any alarm. These were indeed the
early hours of a Sunday morning when Sebastopol's
church bells would customarily ring. The picquets
were not to know they heralded special services to
pray for success and to hearten the devout peasant
soldiers in their great enterprise; their clangour
echoing, as it were, other bells in distant St
Petersburg, where the Tsar prayed throughout
three hours for the Almighty's aid in ejecting the
invaders from his lands. Nor could the weary
sentries know that the grumbling wheels
announced no harmless train of forage carts, but
the heavy guns of Soimonoff and Pauloff, trundling
along behind the dense marching columns in the
foggy darkness, before the climb began up the
northern slopes of Inkerman.

Anthony Morgan , 95th, photographed in 1902 in the kit he had

worn as a subaltern at Inkerman .

Vialls with his picquet. Vialls told him privately

that Goodwyn, against his advice, had decided to
withdraw his sentries from the crest of Shell Hill to
its base on account of the mist but that, having
gone astray in the scrub, they had made for the
road to get their bearings. Sometime later Grant
told him to rest while he kept watch,- but Carmichael recalled,
tho' I laid down on the ground, I slept very little. I
remember hearing the clang of church bells in the town
and the rumble of wheels in the valley, but the latter
noise raised no suspicion in my mind as it was a nightly
occurrence and it was well known the enemy used the
road during the night. 20




Remember, remember
The fifth of November,
Sebastopol, powder and shot;
When General Liprandi
Charged John, Pat and Sandy
And a jolly good licking he got!
PUNCH, VOL. XX.VIl , 216

Facing Fear ul Odds

another'. 3 Without his cocoa, without breakfast,

without any rest after 24 hours' picket Carmichael,
like others in the same situation, ran to fall in. Even
men who had had what passed for a night's sleep on
the unwelcoming ground had not yet had breakfast, before the distant picquets raised the alarm.
The most advanced of the new picquets was the
41st's Grenadier Company, 53 strong, under Captain Hugh Rowlands. With him was Lieutenant
Allan, who had been on a working party from four
the previous afternoon till one that morning. As
they had passed through the night picquet, Rowlands thought he had seldom seen

As the bells tolled to inspire Soimonoffs infantry

tramping out of Sebastopol, the 2nd Division was
roused from its leaky tents to parade for the
customary hour's stand-to before daylight, quite
unaware of the masses marching against it. The
new picquets, all 55th under Lieutenant-Colonel
Carpenter, 41 st, for the right, two each of the 41st
and 47th under Lieutenant-Colonel Haly, 47th, for
the left, marched off into 'the thick, damp fog,
which made it impossible to see anything beyond a
few yards', and in which 'they had great difficulty
in making out the position of the old picquets'. 1
By the time he had been relieved at the Barrier
and marched his tired men back to camp, shortly
before 6 am, Carmichael found the division had
been dismissed from stand-to and the usual wood
and water fatigue parties sent out.

a more cheerless aspect. On arriving I halted the

company and went out to plant sentries about 150 yards
over the hill. I returned to the company, which had just
piled arms, when the sentries commenced firing in a most
determined way. One shouted out there were columns of
Russians close to them. I stood to arms and advanced in
extended order, thinking it was a sortie like 26 October.
On getting to the top of the hill I found myself close
upon, very truly, thousands of Russians. I immediately
gave the order to retire for about 200 yards . ... I halted
on the next high bit of ground and lay down quietly
waiting for them. Fitzroy came up with the Light
Company [which] I extended to reinforce my own. The
Russians came on with the most fiendish yells you can
imagine. We commenced firing. To my dismay half the
firelocks missed fire, which dispirited the men.

I went into my tent which I shared with Macdonald, then

acting as Adjutant, and do not think I was in it three
minutes when we heard some smart musketry in the
direction, as I thought, of the Lancaster Battery.* My
servant, No. 2500 John Smith, came in with a tin of very
hot ship's cocoa, but it was so hot I could not take it. 2

He asked Macdonald what he thought the firing

meant. ' "Only the new picquets mistaking a bush
for a party of Russians"', replied the Adjutant, but
almost at once they both heard how ' the firing
became regular and continuous, then in volleys. In
a second everyone knew what it meant and " Stand
to your arms!" was called out from one regiment to

Grossly outnumbered, and with the enemy

closing in, Rowlands had to fall back again, the
47th pickets to his left conforming. Then, seeing

* On Victoria Ridge, see Chapter 4.


some 200 of the 30th doubling up from the rear,* 'I

begged Colonel Haly to allow me to charge, and
after a little hand-to-hand work, we drove them
back about 500 yards' .4 Haly cut down three
Russians in this charge, but was unhorsed and
bayoneted. Rowlands, with Privates Kelly and
McDermond, both 47th, dashed forward to rescue
him. Kelly was killed but Rowlands, though
wounded in the arm, and McDermond managed to
fight off Haly's attackers and drag him clear. t This
sudden counter-attack earned them a respite until
the Russian infantry came on again, edging round
their flanks and forcing them to retire.

Captain Hugh Rowlands, second from the right (profile), and

Lieutenant William Allan, second on the left (seated), with
other officers of the 41st , some in the new 1855 uniform.
Rowlands was gazen ed VC on 24 February 1857. A photograph
by Roger Fenton.

To Rowlands' right, Captain Robert Hume's

55th picquet was also beset by defective rifles.
Having been loaded for some time, the damp had
affected the powder in the nipples which failed to
ignite when the hammers fell on the percussion
caps. Hume was soon wounded and had to hand
over to Lieutenant Elton, but continued to make
himself useful by having the wet rifles brought to
him, unscrewing the nipples and putting in fresh
powder; an example of coolness under fire and
indifference to his wound which his brother

*Major Patullo's wing (i.e. a half-battalion, four companies).

tBoth later received the Victoria Cross for saving Haly's life; Rowlands'
award also being for his 'great pluck' in command of his picket.


and all the Katherinburgers, in battalion close

columns. Thus, what the picquets saw coming
through the mist-shrouded scrub was, first, the
Rifles' skirmishers, then 12 companies in line with
a second line of four companies, followed by four
rectangular blocks of battalion columns in line, and
lastly the four Katherinburg columns, two by two.
Some way in rear and out of sight of the picquets
were Soimonoffs other 16 battalions and 16lighter
So, at this stage, as Soimonoffs 12-pounders,
covered by their infantry, went into action on Shell
Hill, from which ranges had been carefully calculated on 26 October, some 300 picquets, firing and
falling back in their skirmishing pairs, were doing
their utmost to hold up the advance of nearly
10,000 men on the western sides of Shell Hill and
the saddle leading to Home Ridge.
As soon as the Russian guns opened fire on the
2nd Division camp, 'life was not worth ten
minutes' purchase as [they], having got the accurate range, were throwing in a storm of shot and
shell, and their fire was incessant'. 7 The tents had
been struck on the alarm being given and the six
battalions, less those on picquet, had been doubled
forward to lie down behind Home Ridge. Thus,

Private McDermond, 47th, saving the life of Lieutenant-Colonel

Haly, for which he later received the VC, gazetted on 24
February 1857. A painting by Chevalier Desanges.

thought 'encouraged his men to face the fearful

odds against them so bravely'. 5
Despite the picquets' resistance, the Russian
columns lumbered forward through the fog and
presently their guns came into action. Elton's men
retired gradually and soon had most desperate work,
almost hand to hand in the thick brushwood with the
guns playing on us in a most fearful way, and ours
answering them over our heads, while we were firing into
each other at between 15 to 30 paces distance, now and
then charging and driving them back, and then being
driven back by superior numbers again. 6

The troops which had loomed up against Hume's

and the left picquets were Soimonoffs eight
battalions of the Tomsk and Kolivansk Regiments,
preceded by the 6th Rifles, and supported by the
Katherinburg Regiment and 22 12-pounders. Each
of the two leading regiments had two battalions
forward, both in the close-country company columns used on 26 October, with their other two,

5 Battle of lnkerman : Dawn to 7.30 am



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although the fire caused much damage in the

abandoned camp, casualties at first were few.
Two 9-pounders of the divisional artillery were
kept permanently hooked in, ready for immediate
action. These galloped up through the 95th, lying
down in line either side of the road, and they were
the first to return fire. According to Carmichael,

stronger than Federoffs, he knew reinforcements

must come, but that he must hold with his greatly
inferior numbers until they arrived. Evans's plan,
successfully implemented on the 26th, had been to
let the picquets come in, then fight from Home
Ridge. Pennefather, however, conscious of the
distances reinforcements must march, and aware
there was no suitable defensive position rearwards
of Home Ridge, decided to use the fog and
brushwood to conceal his numerical weakness, and
to strike the enemy as hard and as far forward as
possible by feeding the picquets' resistance, first,
from his own division, then with whatever troops
and guns came to hand. He retained on the ridge as
a reserve his 12 guns, the 95th, two 47th companies
and the balance of the 55th not on picquet. Tactical
reasoning apart, this was typical of his combative
. .

They fired at the flashes of the enemy guns on Shell Hill,

but soon drew a heavy fire on themselves. Some of their
men fell, and I remember one round shot tore into my
company, completely severing the left arm and both legs
off a man in the front rank and killed his rear rank man
without any perceptible wound. I called some bandsmen
to carry the poor mutilated fellow away but they said they
were too busy with other wounded. 8

The 95th was being held in reserve by Pennefather, who had quickly decided how to fight his
battle. Realizing he was facing a major attack, far


Hence the dispatch of Patullo's wing of the 30th

to the left picquets, while the other wing under

A sub-division of a Royal Artillery battery, showing the

9-pounder and limber, with its ammunition wagon and limber
beyond . After G. Campion.

section; each lurking in the scrub, waiting for the

'blank, dazed faces' 9 in the Russian columns
heaving forward out of the swirling mist, before
checking them with Minie fire or a short, savage
bayonet charge. Brigadiers and generals would be
present, but it would mostly be regimental officers
who would confront each crisis, all spurred on by
the indefatigable Pennefather's cheerful oaths .
Arriving near Home Ridge at about 7 am,
Raglan, who had learned of the attack from the
Light Division, saw no reason to interfere with
Pennefather's arrangements. He realized that all
planning for the assault on the 7th must now take
second place but, having ensured that all possible
reinforcements were on the way from the Light and
4th Divisions, and the Guards, and that the 3rd
Division would watch all exits from Sebastopol,
there was little he could do but observe. However,
aware of the weight of Russian gunfire from Shell
Hill, he ordered up two 18-pounders from the siege
train a mile and a half (2.4 km) away. They should
reach Home Ridge within the hour.
The Light Division had been alerted by Codrington, who had been riding round his picquets when
the first shots were fired. Buller had most of his
brigade in the trenches, but he immediately sent off
four companies of the 88th (290 strong) under
Colonel Jeffries towards Home Ridge, following
shortly after with his ADC, Henry Clifford, and
four companies of the 77th under Colonel Egerton.
Moving up at the same time was Townshend's P
Battery, Royal Artillery, from the 4th Division.
Codrington had deployed his old and new picquets,
plus such troops as were not on trench duty, on the
eastern side of Victoria Ridge, to give whatever fire
support he could to the 2nd Division's left flank
across the Careenage ravine, and to prevent any
enemy advancing up Victoria Ridge, as Dannenberg had wished Soimonoff to do.
Had Soimonoff complied, he might have been
able to push through these 1,100 men of Codrington's so as to cut off 2nd Division from the other
British formations and place his corps across its
rear, while Pauloff attacked frontally. On the other
hand, he had received Dannenberg's orders so late


Lieutenant-Colonel Mauleverer went to the Barrier. A wing from each of the 47th and 49th,
respectively under Majors Fordyce and Grant, who
had been up all night with the right picquets,
advanced to the head of the Mikriakoff glen as a
fall-back for the left picquets. The right picquets,
all 55th, had not yet been attacked, except for
Hume's. However, mindful of the great host he
had seen across the Tchernaya the previous afternoon, Pennefather sent towards Fore Ridge Brigadier Adams with the rest of the 41st, to be
supported by Bellairs' wing of the 49th from the
east end of Home Ridge. All, sooner or later, would
be heavily engaged.
This was the way the Battle of Inkerman began
for the British, and so it would continue: not
fought like the Alma in the formations of the
Manual- brigades and divisions with all battalions
in two-deep line- but by bodies seldom larger than
a wing and often as small as a half-company or

broke right back to the slopes of Shell Hill, Grant

cheering his men on in pursuit. The Careenage
column, seemingly unaware of this reverse, continued on up the ravine's bed, heading towards the
There was now less fog on Shell Hill than on the
lower ground, and the unexpected sight of Grant's
four companies in line below him changed Soimonoffs mind about waiting for Pauloff. Out of Grant's
view, just over the crest, waited the Tomsk,
Kolivansk and Katherinburg Regiments, realigned
from their previous formation after their earlier
brush with the picquets. The 49th, getting their
breath back after their exhilarating advance, then
heard 'a multitudinous stirring as of a host,
followed by myriad hurrahs which gave voice to the
rage of a close-gathered soldiery' . 11 A line of fiat
caps appeared, then the 12 leading companies
heading the blocks of battalion columns, all plodding down the slope, bayonets advanced. Faced by
such odds, Grant's men had no choice but to melt
away into the brushwood, firing as they fell back.
All this while Soimonoffs guns had continued to
thunder out against Home Ridge from where
Pennefather's two batteries had done their utmost
to reply, though both sides' gunners were hampered by the fluctuating visibility. Soimonoffs
leading infantry could see the British gun flashes
and to avoid them they followed the route taken by
the reconnoitring column. In doing so, their right
became more advanced from the remainder and,
since the brushwood was thicker in the Mikriakoff
glen , the ranks of the company and battalion
columns lost their alignment, the formations degenerating into masses of men all jumbled up
together . This, to a soldiery drilled and drilled like
the Russians, weakened the cohesion such drilling
was designed to attain.
It was one of these masses which suddenly
spilled out of the fog down the side of the
Mikriakoff glen, straight at the centre of the four
88th companies, separating one half from the
other. Having reported their arrival to Pennefather
near Home Ridge, they had been ordered to
advance towards the left front . They had met a 2nd
Division officer, probably Grant, who pointed out
the enemy's general direction, and had been
advancing in extended order through the glen when
the Russians fell on them. The Grenadier and No.
5 Companies on the right were forced back , but the

. ,

T he junction of the Mikriakoff glen and Careenage ravine , seen

from Victoria Ridge looking towards the saddle between Shell
H ill (left) and H ome Ridge.

that the necessary change to his own orders would

more likely have resulted in confusion . As it was,
he had gone straight into action to establish his
guns on Shell H ill, but at the expense of getting his
leading infantry heavily engaged by Pennefather's
skirmishing tactics before there was any sign of
Pauloff. Not knowing that the latter had been
delayed, due to misunderstandings over respon sibility for repairing the T chernaya bridge across
which Pauloff had to march , Soimonoff decided to
wait for him . H owever, seeing th e ground south of
Shell Hill for the first time, he realized how little
space there was to deploy two corps on the Saddle
leading to H ome Ridge. H e decided, therefore, to
use the delay to send a reconnoitring column
south-eastwards across the spurs and gulleys falling
from the western side of the Saddle into the
Careenage ravine and Mik riakoff glen ; this would
be protected on its right by another small force
which had been advancing as flank protection up
the Careenage ravine.
The reconnoitring column pushed on unopposed
through the oaks. Suddenly, there in the mist was a
line of rifles. This was the 49th wing under Grant,
who shouted : 'Give them a volley and charge!' 10
Some 245 Minie balls smashed at close range into
the surprised and closely-packed R ussians, leaving
them in no state to resist the yelling 49th as they
sprang forward with bayonets levelled. The column


II ,



Light and No. 7 opened fire, then charged, driving

their opponents back, right up to the southern side
of West Jut. There they were halted by a 5-foot (1.5
m) high wall, behind which eight battalions and
artillery of Soimonoffs reserve were massed.
Undaunted, the Irishmen threw themselves at
this obstacle, but 16 of them died on the Russian
bayonets. Captain Crosse was

Officers and men of the 88th (Connaught Rangers),

photographed by Roger Fenton in 1855.

sounded by a bugler with their other two companies, which had retreated to the head of the glen ,
where eventually all four were reunited.
The Light and No. 7 Companies owed their
escape in part to Lieutenant Miller and the crews of
three guns of P Battery on the southern spur above
the glen. Some of the 88th ran back through them ,
but when two Katherinburg battalions came up
over the lip through the mist, they only had time to
fire one round of case-shot* before the enemy was
on them. Miller immediately spurred his horse into
them, slashing with his sword, followed by his
gunners laying about them with rammers and short
swords, ' finding vent for their rage in curses and
shouts of defiance' . 13 The leading K atherinburgers
halted as though frozen into disbelief at the
gunners' foolhardiness, but then the momentum of
the mass inexorably pushed them on, over the
20-odd battling artillerymen, until the guns were in
their hands.t
Their way forward now seemed clear, but
somehow the capture of such prestigious trophies
struck these battalions as an end in itself, and there

surrounded by a knot of Russians; having just taken out

his revolver , he was ready for this onslaught and shot
four; a fifth bayoneted Captain C. in the leg, and fell over
him, bending the bayonet in the wound, and pulling
Captain C. on top of him; a sixth charged him but, with
his sword , he was enabled to cut along the Russian's
firelock on to his hands. Captain C. got up and mad e off,
but was again attacked by [this] Russian and again drove
him back; he then fell in with Privates Samuel Price,
John Gascoigne and Pat Daly who had come to look for
[him]. 12

These three defended Crosse against the pursuing

Russians until they encountered some 49th bandsmen with a stretcher, on which they placed him;
then they rejoined their companies, which had
been falling back. Owing to the hurried retreat
from the wall through the dense scrub, the two
companies were in no sort of order, nevertheless
individuals periodically turned to fire to keep the
enemy at a distance. They could hear their
regimental call and ' Assembly' being repeatedly

* A tin container filled with musket balls; also called canister.

t Miller :.urvivc:d and subse4uently received the Victoria Cross.


they halted, simply watching the 88th disappear

into the scrub. It was as well they did, otherwise
they would have walked straight into the fire of
Grant's 49th wing, now lying in wait under the
bushes some 300 yards (270 m) behind the guns.
Another Katherinburg battalion, to the right of
these two, had been less lucky. As it tramped down
into the Mikriakoff glen, it was watched by
Fordyce of the 47th who had extended his wing
among the oaks. With 140 files, he overlapped the
SO-yard (46-m) frontage of the enemy column by
about 75 yards (69 m) on either side. At 80 yards
(73 m) range, he ordered file-firing. At the momen t
Fordyce's command rang out, the Russians must
have been forcing their way through the waist-high
scrub, tripping and stumbling over roots and
boulders, their long greatcoats catching in the
thorns and twisted branches, stronger men pushing
the weaker aside to find an easier passage, officers
and NCOs shouting and striking out to maintain
some formation . Into this throng tore a consecutive
fusillade from Fordyce's 280 rifles, each front-rank
man firing, followed by his rear-rank comrade, the
Minie bullets lancing frontally and obliquely
through the 800-strong mass, cutting down its
front and flanks, where most of its officers marched. Within a very short time the stricken
battalion was floundering back up the slope, as
Fordyce herded them away with rifle-fire, until he
halted on the lip where the unfortunate Katherinburgers had first appeared.
Meanwhile the concealed Careenage column,
unhindered by the gunfire and series of miniature
battles above and behind it, was approaching the
head of the Wellway. Some 100 yards (90 m )
beyond lay the rearmost tents of the 2nd Division
camp, from where a determined surprise attack on
the rear of the gun line could effectively assist
Soimonoff's frontal assault. But now its fortunes
Just nearing the camp was Buller with Egerton's
77th. When the short-sighted Buller saw grey
figures emerging from the Wellway, he was unsure
who they were. Clifford, riding at his side, had no
doubts. 'In God's name,' he said, 'Fix bayonets and
charge!' Turning to the nearest 77th men he yelled,
'Come on, my lads!' He later wrote:

bullets in my revolver prevented it revolving and I could

not get it off. T he Russians fired their pieces within a few
yards of my head but none touched me. I drew my sword
and cut off one man's arm who was in the act of
bayoneting me ... a second was running out of my way
when I hit him over the back of the neck and laid him
dead at my feet. About 15 of them gave themselves up
and the remainder fell into the hands of the 77th . Out of
the small party with me [12], 6 were killed and 3
wounded, so my escape was wonderful. 14*

This onslaught finished the head of the Careenage

column. Its main body was dispatched by a Guards'
outlying picquet which was always stationed on the
spur south of th e Wellway, and this day was
manned by Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar's comp any of the 3rd Grenadiers. Hearing Clifford's
action , he doubled his guardsmen to the edge of the
Wellway and opened fire on the packed column
below, with an impact as immediate and decisive as
F ordyce's. Thus a potentially dangerous threat to
Pennefather's rear was averted and nothing more
was seen of the column .
The right of Soimonoff's attack, mainly Katherinburgers, had now been repulsed or held. Meanwhile the T om sk and Kolivansk had been advancing south-eastwards through the fire of Pennefath er's batteries and the musketry of the 2nd
Brigade picquets and Patullo's 30th wing, though
both the latter were running short of ammunition.
Some had been in action for over an hour, and the
60 rounds carried in each man's pouch, if fired off
one after the other, could be discharged in about
half an hour. Moreover Soimonoff's left had now
been extended by the first of Pauloff's corps, the
Borodino and Taroutine Regiments, which had
advanced separately via the Volovia gorge. These
two had unaccountably linked up with the fourth
Katherinburg battalion which had gone astray.
Thus Home Ridge was now menaced by 17
To the left, or east , of the three Katherinburg
battalions held by Grant and Fordyce, was the right
of this mass of infantry: two Tomsk battalions, the
first in company columns, the second behind in
close column, some 1,500 men, nearing the west
end of Home Ridge with little to bar their way but
the bayonets and near-empty pouches of some
picquets. Suddenly, over the rise in front of them,

The brave fellows dashed in among the astonished

Russians, bayoneting them in every direction. One of the

* Clifford subsequently received the Victoria Cross.



the charge, reloaded and fired again, but back and

back went the centre, piling into their sister
battalion's close column, causing more confusion.
A 77th officer recorded:
A terrible scene of slaughter took place for our men plied
them fiercely with fire and steel; driving them through
the oak copses in our front , we sent the remains of the
shattered columns headlong down a small ravine, about
450 yards from where the fight commenced. 16

Egerton's line inevitably became broken up by the

undergrowth and the stiffer resistance on the
flanks, but all pressed on in small groups under
subalterns and sergeants, taking their direction
from their field officers who, being mounted, had a
better view over the bushes. At the foot of Shell
Hill Egerton called a halt, reformed line and
ordered his men to lie down out of sight of the
Russian gunners who were beginning to inflict
casual ties .
As Sergeant Connor, who had charged with the
left flank company, told his brother: 'This brilliant
service saved the whole of our left flank being
turned'; however, he confessed ' these were awful
moments. I knew not the moment I should fall,
probably never to rise; but God protected me, and
the guardianship of His Holy Mother shielded me
in these trying dangers'. At the same time he
mourned the loss of his best comrade and of his
captain, John Nicholson, 'one of the nicest gentlemen in the Army'. 17 Nicholson, aged 27, had only
obtained his captaincy shortly before and had
looked forward to 'leading a company of my own to
glory' , but had been conscious that ' it may be my
turn next to be called hence and stand before the
judgement seat' . 18
The two Katherinburg battalions checked by
Grant, seeing the Tomsk men's rout and now
vulnerable to Egerton on their left, Grant in front
and Fordyce on their right, turned and went back,
leaving the three captured guns behind. Grant
advanced, supported by the reformed 88th companies, halting just out of canister range of the
enemy's guns on West Jut between Fordyce and
Egerton, on the northern side of the Mikriakoff
glen. In this advance a lucky long shot felled a
conspicuous mounted Russian officer; the firer
could not know, but he had mortally wounded
Soimonoff, whose fall further discouraged these
beaten battalions of his right.

Thomas Egerton, 77th (left), when a major, with Private

Alexander Wright of the Grenadier Company , who won the VC
in 1855. A painting by D . Cunliffe.

there appeared through the murk, at almost

point-blank range, a few scattered mounted figures
rising above a grey line, some 75 yards (68 m) long,
from which an English voice shouted: 'Give them
one volley on the knee and load!'
The voice was Thomas Egerton's, the tall and
highly capable officer whose 77th was one of the
best trained battalions in the army. After dealing
with the Careenage column, his four companies
had skirted the 'scene of ruin and desolation' of the
2nd Division camp, wheeled into line, and were
advancing towards the right of Grant's 49th confronting the Katherinburgers, when Egerton saw
the Tomsk immediately ahead. With his front rank
kneeling, the volley from 260 rifles crashed out as
the Minie bullets tore through their heavy column from
front to rear, and shook them to their centre. Our men
rose up and loaded their rifles with as much steadiness as
if on parade. Colonel Egerton then gave ' Prepare to
charge - Charge!' 15

The lethal volley, the double line of bayonets

springing forward, halted the first Tomsk battalion
in its tracks. Its leading ranks fired and thrust
forward their bayonets ready to stand, but the
disciplined, cheering fury of the 77th would not be
denied. The Russian flank men, on the fringes of

Meanwhile, the other two Tomsk and four

Kolivansk battalions, either unaware of, due to fog,
or ignoring Egerton's counter-attack, had got
almost up to Home Ridge, owing to the 2nd
Brigade picquets' failing ammunition and their
masking of their own gunners' fire. The situation
was critical. Then Sergeant Conway of Turner's G
Battery ran forward, bellowing at the picquets to lie
down. Though the Russians were-almost on them,
the picquets obeyed, and over their heads Turner
opened with case. At such close range the leading
Tomsk battalion was shattered and broke back into
its companion, which was forced to halt. To their
left, three of the Kolivansk also ground to a halt
under the fire. Seeing their hesitation, the picquets
sprang up and charged.
The fourth Kolivansk, having swung to its left
towards the east end of Home Ridge where the
guns had been silenced, was out of Turner's line of
fire and was pursuing some scattered picquets who,
out of ammunition and without officers, were
running for safety. Once again one quick-witted
man saw the danger. At the bend of Home Ridge
with Fore Ridge lay Bellairs' 183 men of the 49th.
With bayonets fixed and without firing a shot, they
leaped over the breastwork and charged down the
slope, hurling themselves into the Kolivansk column . Just as the Minie fire and sudden, shouting
charges on the extreme left had first disrupted,
then unnerved the pond~rous, rigidly drilled Russian formations, so now the bayonets in front of
Home Ridge did the same. Back went the Tomsk
and Kolivansk , right back to where they had
started and beyond. Soimonoffs first line was
of a mile behind this last attack, and
A quarter
while. it' and the actions to the west had been going
on, fighting had raged between the Barrier and the
Sandbag Battery. Pauloffs left wing of the eight
battalions of the Borodino and Taroutine, out of
touch with their main body and unaware that it had
been delayed, had crossed East Jut and descended
into Quarry ravine. Seeing the solitary Katherinburg battalion, which had wandered over from the
west, crossing its front eastwards, the Taroutine
followed, making for what looked like a tactically
important position - the Sandbag Battery on the
Kitspur. They swarmed up to it in fine style, to
discover only a sergeant and six men of the 55th,
detached from Lieutenant Barnston's picquet high-

Mark Walker (seated), Adjutant of the 30th, with, from the left,
a private, sergeant of the Light Company and the sergeantmajor. Walker was gazetted VC on 4 June 1858.

er up the spur. These man hurriedly decamped,

covered by Barnston who opened fire before
retiring towards the Barrier. The Taroutine remained about the Battery, waiting for the Borodino
to come up Quarry ravine on its right. Both
regiments were in the same formation as Soimonoffs, with the Katherinburgers between them.
At the Barrier the 55th picquet had been reinforced by Mauleverer's wing of the 30th; 400
yards (366 m) to the right, Brigadier Adams with
the 41 st under Major Eman* watched the
Taroutine. On this side of the heights visibility was
clearer and, seeing the leading six companies of the
Borodino trudging up Quarry ravine either side of
the road, Mauleverer ordered his 200 men to open
fire. Like elsewhere that morning, many of the caps
misfired . With over 2,000 massed Borodinos looming larger every second over their useless rifle
muzzles, the frustrated 30th became uneasy. Immediately Mauleverer, whose peacetime party trick
was vaulting the Officers' Mess billiard table,
leaped over the Barrier and ran alone at the enemy.
His Adjutant, Mark Walker, at once followed suit.
With a yell , the 30th charged down the road behind
them. Mauleverer fell wounded, two officers were


whole haualion , less thos~ with 2nJ BrigaJ~'s pi.:4u~b . 11 ~

.:ommanJing oftk~r. Carp~nl~r. was .:ommanJing 1st BrigaJc:'s pi c:4uc:t ~.



killed and Ross Lewin, praised by Pennefather

after Little Inkerman, mortally wounded. But, like
Bellairs' 49th, the 30th's onrush threw the Borodino into confusion and retreat.*
Seeing the Borodino repulse, Adams ordered the
41st to advance in line against the Taroutine and
the Katherinburg battalions. With some 250 files,
the 41 st was the strongest individual body yet
encountered by the Russians that morning; in its
ranks were some veterans of the First Afghan War,
12 years before. In the centre floated their Colours,
borne by Lieutenants Armar Lowry and John
Stirling who, though sick, had insisted on parading.
The Taroutine, unlike Soimonoffs regiments,
had felt such lines' fire at the Alma. As the first
volleys struck them, their buglers started sounding
'Left about'. They, like the Borodinos, having
received no orders, had more or less drifted into
action undirected , after a fatiguing and uncertain
advance in the dark. They had heard or seen the
Borodinos' fate, and the im.m ediate priority of their
leading companies, which quickly communicated
itself to the mass, was to escape those dreaded
Minie volleys. As the 41st's bayonets came down to
the charge, the shortest way to safety for most was
down the steep sides of the Kitspur, where any
control was soon impossible.
Seeing his own companies already losing formation in the scrub, Adams sounded the halt,
confining any pursuit to rifle-fire only. Once his
front was completely clear, he ordered the 41st to
reform and return to the Sandbag Battery, where
he was joined by Bellairs' three 49th companies.
It was 7.30 am, an hour and a half since fighting
began. The 2nd Division, just under 3,000 strong,
with 550 of the Light Division, had so convincingly
repulsed nearly 10,000 of Soimonoffs corps and
not quite 6,000 of Pauloffs, that these battalions
were, for the moment, a spent force, due to their
casualties, particular! y in officers: three regimen tal
commanders, one being the Katherinburg's which
also lost all its battalion commanders and twothirds of its officers, while two K olivansk battalions
returned with only one captain.
The fog, which had swirled about most of the
battlefield , isolating many of the confrontation s,


s ubsc.:quc.:nth awarJc.:J the.:

un~dtish rc.:~:ommc.:nJation .

\' i~:to ria

Cross on Mauleverer's

The right flank of the battlefield . At the extreme right is the

Sandbag Battery with , above it across the valley , the Inkerman
ruins. Left centre , below the horizon is Shell H ill. Fore Ridge is
in the foreground. After W. Simpson.

had affected both sides. It had assisted the British

by not only concealing from the enemy the thinness
of their lines and numerical inferiority, but also
concealing from them the enormous numbers
coming against them which, if visible, might have
daunted the bravest. On the other hand it had
prevented them exploiting the superior range of
their Minies.
The fog's opaqueness, combined with the close
country, must have confused the Russian infantry,
who were not trained for this sort of bush fighting .
Soimonoffs regiments, in particular, had never
seen this ground before, nor had they previously
experienced the British mode of fighting. To them,
a line of rifles emerging from the fog would have
suggested, not a thin array only two ranks deep ,
but the leading rank of a column similar to and,
since it frequently overlapped their own frontage,
stronger than theirs, leading them to believe they
were outnumbered.
The Minie fire, so much more destructive than
their own musketry, killed their leaders and
penetrated the depths of their solid formations,
causing these brave but simple-minded men to
huddle even closer together for mutual protection ,

Gortchakoffs host was spreading across the Balaclava plain towards the heights. Dannenburg had
at last assumed command, nearly 90 guns
were emplaced between W est and East Juts,
and Pauloffs 12 new battalions were already
With the fog lifting to reveal these fresh forces,
the 2nd and Light Division men, reduced by
casualties, hungry, and tired by their exertions,
must have looked anxiously round for reinforcements . Someone said the Guards were coming. 'All
right,' said the sardonic Private Williams of the
41st, as contemptuous of the Household troops as
he had been of the Cavalry in September, ' let them
do some fighting for a change!" 9

The camp of the 3rd Grenadier Guards, a mile south of H ome

Ridge. A watercolour by Orland o N orie.

thereby presenting a still more vulnerable target to

the men who sprang up behind bushes to shoot
them, dressed not in the red coats they had
doubtless been told to expect, but in grey greatcoats not dissimilar to their own.
Notwithstanding the success won by steadiness,
dete rmination and superior training, this, as
Adams had realized when restraining the 41 st , had
only been the first round. Soimonoffs 16 reserve
battalions remained unbloodied on West Ju t and
Shell Hill with his guns still largely intact, and

~ -

Load, Fire and Charge!

7.30 to 8.30 am
The Guards were indeed approaching, preceded by
their batteries, Paynter's and Woodhouse's, but
their advance had been delayed by uncertainties
about Gortchakoffs intentions on the plain below.
Cathcart too was approaching with elements of his
4th Division. On the way he met Sir George Brown
and together they encountered Bosquet. The experienced French general, a veteran of North
African campaigns, had by now assessed that
Gortchakoffs manoeuvrings were no m ore than a
feint; already he had ordered two battalions to
march northwards. M eeting the two British generals he offered assistance but they, both veterans of
the Napoleonic War, loftily denied any need,
suggesting he would be best employed guarding the
British rear. Assuming this rebuff was founded on
better knowledge of the situation than he possessed
- which was not so - Bosquet reversed his
battalions' march. Later, beckoned by the crescendo of battle to his north, and with his tactical
judgement reinforced by a pleading message from
Raglan, he again sent off the two battalions,
followed by five more with 24 guns. Nevertheless ,
the arrogance of two British generals had ensured
that Pennefather's hard-pressed men would have to
hold the line alone, at least until the Guards could
Just under half of Pennefather's 2,900 men
consisted of the 47th and 49th wings which were
guarding the left and rear approaches to Home
Ridge, reinforced by the 600-strong 77th and 88th
companies, and the original 2nd Brigade picquets
plus elements of the 30th and 55th , which had
supported them, all somewhat disorganized and


weakened by casualties, many without ammunition, and now rallying between the camp and the
Ridge. The remainder were Mauleverer's 30th
wing at the Barrier; three batteries on the ridge and
behind it the 95th, three 47th companies, and some
hundred 55th ; to their right front, the 41st and
Bellairs' portion of the 49th; some 1,600 in all. As
Williams of the 41st looked angrily round for sight
of the despised bearskins, and then to his front, it
was clear to him - indeed to them all - that
Pauloffs 10,000 would reach them first.
Covered by 90 guns emplaced between Shell Hill
and East Jut, four Okhotsk battalions, with one of
Sappers, followed by eight of the Selenghinsk and
Iakoutsk, were advancing south-eastwards, in the
same formations used previously , with the clear
intention of turning the British right around the
Sandbag Battery. Despite the uselessness of that
structure, much blood of both sides was about to be
spilled in a ferocious struggle for its possession.
Though hoping for a respite after their recent
dispatch of the Taroutine, the 700 men of the 41 st
and 49th again formed line under their brigadier,
Henry Adams, a huge man on a huge horse and a
veteran of the China War, to face the 4,000
Okhotsk and Sappers clambering up the Kitspur.
Out went Nos. 3 and 4 Companies of the 41st as
skirmishers. Opening fire , they drove in the
Russian skirmishers, then charged down at the
leading companies. But the Okhotsk, unlike the
Taroutine, were unaccustomed to British soldiers
and, seeing how few they were, met them with fire
and bayonets .
Skirmishing line and company columns dis-

6 Battle of lnkerman: 7.30 to 8.30 am

200 Yds

440 Yds




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Grenad>er Guar rls

Scots Fus>her Guarrb
Colcls tream Guards
Rifle BroHade

solved into a furious melee among the bushes.

Captain Richards was bayoneted to death after
killing six Russians who had demanded his surrender. Amazingly, some Okhotsk and 41 st soldiers
suspended their killing to form a ring within which
Lieutenant Taylor and a Russian officer fought
with swords; having simultaneously dispatched
each other, their soldiers set to again. In danger of
being overwhelmed, the remains of the two companies broke back towards their line. Looking
round, some 41 st saw Lieutenant Swaby still
fighting and called to him to come. 'No!' he
shouted, 'I will fight to the last!' 1 His body was
later found with nine wounds.
As the skirmishers cleared his front , Adams
ordered volleys into the oncoming infantry.
Though temporarily shaken by this fire , these
Russians were more determined than the earlier
attackers; conscious of their five to one superiority
and ignoring their casualties, they simply plodded
on up the Kitspur, some pushing into Adam's
centre, others feeling round his flanks .
Private H yde of the 49th said

they came on like ants; no sooner was one knocked

backwards than another clambered over the dead bodies
to take his place, all of them yelli ng and shouting. We
were not quiet and what with cheering and shouting, the
thud of blows, the clash of bayonets and swords, the ping
of bullets, the whistling of shells, the foggy atm osphere,
and the smell of the powder and blood, the scene where
we were was beyond the power of man to imagine. We
had to figh t to save our lives. 2

The need to face right and left as well as

forwards, the irruption into their centre, their own
casual ties and the undergrowth, all broke up
Adam's two-deep line into small, desperately
fighting groups, mostly with butt and bayonet at
close quarters. John Stirling with the 41 st's Regimental Colour was shot dead. Sergeant Daniel Ford
saw the Colour fall :
I picked it up. A Russian seized the pole end, and we had
a regular tug of war until I drove him through with my
bayonet. Another came up and I drove the butt of my
rifle into his face. I then followed Lieutenant Lowry
[Queen's Colour] up the hill. We met an officer who told
us the Colours were to go to the rear. 3

The 41 sr's Colour Party on the Kitspur. Centre top, Lieutenant

Stirling as he was shot. Detail from the Welch Regiment's silver
centrepiece, made in 1897.


Rallying to their regimental call being sounded,

the 41st again managed to halt the Okhotsk but in
the ensuing pause they were struck by renewed
enemy gunfire. Adams was everywhere, striving to
hold the line, until he was shot. As the Okhotsk
surged forward again, the survivors of the 41st and
49th went back on to Fore Ridge, their retreat
covered by the timely arrival of three guns of
Paynter's battery under Captain Hamley. The
Okhotsk, with the Selenghinsk coming up on their
left, now had the Sandbag Battery - but not for
Meanwhile, the four lakoutsk battalions were
ascending Quarry ravine astride the road towards
Mauleverer's 30th at the Barrier. Like Adams's
men, they would have to hold until help could
reach them. What happened will be discussed later,
but between the fighting there to contain the
Iakoutsk and the increasingly bloody struggle for
the Sandbag Battery, there developed an undefended quarter-mile gap at the north end of Fore
Ridge, which was to have dangerous implications
for both fights and Home Ridge itself.
Hardly had the Okhotsk got their breath, when a
new force descended on them: 500 tall men made
taller by their black bearskins, advancing with
measured tread down the east side of Fore Ridge the 3rd Grenadier Guards, seven companies in line,
their Colours in the centre. When they had formed
for their attack on Home Ridge, George Higginson
had felt 'a momentary shock of despair on seeing
beneath us the grey coats of the huge column of the
enemy'. 4 Artillery fire struck them, then musketry.
They halted; a volley- more wet caps, even in the
Guards - reload; front rank at the charge, rear rank
at the slope and- forward! The thudding boots of
big, heavy men at the double, the levelled
bayonets, the great bearskins, the bearded, cheering faces were suddenly too much for the brave
Okhotsk. They abandoned the Sandbag Battery,
seeking the safety of the dead ground below the
ledge in front of it. The Grenadiers halted, facing
The Scots Fusilier Guards, 392 strong, had
advanced to their left rear. The 1st Coldstream
were some way behind, having mostly just come off
picquet when the brigade marched. Unfortunately
they were all under dual command, being accompanied not only by their brigadier, Bentinck, but also
by their divisional commander, the Duke of
Cambridge, who, though brave enough, was not at

his best in a crisis- and one immediately occurred.

Spotting two enemy battalions coming up out of St
Clement's ravine towards the now-halted Grenadiers' left rear, the Fusilier Guards marched to
check them, only to be ordered angrily by Cambridge to swing right towards the Grenadiers, thus
offering their left flank to the Russians. No sooner
had the Fusiliers wheeled, than Bentinck ordered
them back to drive the two battalions away. This
they did with a volley and a short charge - but only
the Guards' discipline could have achieved this
without muddle. They then fonned line on the
Grenadiers' left, so that both battalions presented
an inverted L hinged on the Sandbag Battery.
The Fusiliers had arrived in the nick of time for
the Okhotsk and Sappers, having safely reformed
in the dead ground, came on again over the
northern end of the Kitspur. The Selenghinsk
surged up over the eastern side against the Grenadiers, some moving south along the steep slope to
get round their right, only to be frustrated by the
arrival of six Coldstream companies. So these three
battalions, each averaging 440 men, stood their
ground against repeated attacks by nine Russian
battalions, each averaging 750 men.
They presented not the ordered double ranks
which the London crowds had seen nine months
before, but rather a thin, uneven line bent round
the scrub and rocks of the Kitspur; men in pairs or
small groups, some loading, others firing. Sergeant
McMillan said 'we kept firing away as fast as we
could, kneeling on the ground to keep out of the
line of fire' . 5 Around them, their dead and wounded piled up. Colonel Walker of the Fusiliers,
already twice wounded, was shot through the jaw.
Lieutenant Sturt fell severely wounded with the
Grenadiers' Queen's Colour but clutched it until
Lieutenant Turner could prise it from him. Captain Hon. Henry Neville, whose brother, Grey, was
dying in hospital from his Balaclava wounds, was
shot through the spine and bayoneted. Captain
Wilson of the Coldstream saw his colour-sergeant
killed: 'Never can I forget the look that dying
man cast upward at me. It was horrible in its
intensity'. 6 A war correspondent was struck by
the 'grim, painful frown' on Ouardsmen's faces
killed while charging; an officer also finding their
'look of determination' unforgettable, while their
opponents' corpses 'had a more placid expression'. 7
When the Russian infantry fell back to reform,


their artillery opened up. Soon the Guardsmen

would again see 'the columns swarming through
the bushes, the officers in front waving their
swords and shouting to the men. Directly they saw
us, they fired quickly and nervously, generally over
our heads' . 8 The Guardsmen would open fire ,

T he Grenadier Guards attacking the Okhotsk in the Sandbag

Battery. A painting by W. Simpson.

the Minies blasting them like flashes of lightning. After a

minute or two the columns would waver a little; then to
the right about and retire. Nevertheless, no sooner had
one corps made off, than its supporting battalion started
up before our view, with the same stereotyped yells. 9
They pressed us hard but not a yard would we yield. The
groans of the wounded, officers yelling, soldiers shouting, and the firing almost deafened one. One of the most
remarkable things about Russian troops is the noise they
make in action, and I think it is catching, as I never heard
our men make such yelling as they did all this day. 10

When their pouches were empty, they refilled

them from their dead comrades' or hurled rocks. If
the Minies at close range could not hold a column,
it was time for the bayonet, remembering to thrust
at the throat, as the thick Russian coats would turn
or bend the point. The air was so thick with
powder smoke and the residual fog that 'no man

could tell what was going on fifty paces on either

side of him. The mort al strife was now backward,
now forward, now sideways' . 11
Amid the appalling noise and such intensity of
slaughter, with only brief respites between each
onset - since the ground in which the Russians
reformed was so close - Wilson found it impossible
to gauge time, yet the time in which the Guards
fought alone for the Sandbag Battery was probably
no more than 30 to 40 minutes. Within that period,
however, that worthless rampart changed hands
four times.
Notwithstanding their m ounting losses and
periodic setbacks, the Guardsmen were holding
firm, though Cambridge was increasingly concerned about the undefended gap, through which
at any time Russians might attack his left rear, and
had ridden back to seek reinforcements from
Pennefather. The latter, more intent on the Russian right's threat to Home Ridge than the Sandbag
Battery, nevertheless offered Champion's wing of
the 95th, which he had been keeping for the ridge.

Cathcart had arrived with the first of his 4th

Division and had presented to Pennefather a wing
of each of the 1st Rifle Brigade, which he had
known in South Africa in 1853 and claimed 'could
do anything', and of the 20th, once described by
the Duke of Wellington as the most distinguished
regiment in the service; 12 these Pennefather also
offered to Cambridge for the Kitspur. Cambridge
asked Cathcart to fill the gap with his other troops,
but Cathcart had other ideas, as we will see.
Cambridge then saw, behind Home Ridge, two
blocks of blue uniforms - Bosquet's first two
battalions, from the 6eme Ligne and 7eme Leger,
1,660 strong.* But neither his requests, nor Pennefather's more fiery urgings, would induce their
commanders to move forward without their superiors' sanction. Thus, although Cambridge returned
with some 500 reinforcements for his embattled
Guardsmen, the gap remained open.
Cambridge had intended these troops to protect
the Guards' left, but somehow the awful lure of the
death struggle around the Battery beckoned too
strongly. Crofton sent two of his 20th companies to
the Coldstream, his other two into the Battery.
Champion ranged the four 95th companies to
support the Fusiliers. Only Horsford with his 140
Riflemen took a more independent line, 'running to
the front in a very scattered order' past the 95th to
the head of St Clement's ravine. 13
With the Rifles was the Waterloo cavalryman's
son, Corporal j ohn Fisher:

Horsford continued to hold the head of St

Clement's by keeping his men skirmishing at a
distance . To his right, despite the arrival of the
eight 20th and 95th companies, the close-quarter
savagery around the Battery was unabated. Though
the structure itself had been lost more than once,
the line around the Kitspur still held; but since
Cambridge and his officers had forbidden any
follow-up to each successful repulse for fear of
losing control of their depleted files, the Russians,
also depleted but still numerically superior, could
reform unmolested by rifle or artillery fire. Unless
this pattern was somehow changed, their numbers,
supported by their heavier guns on Shell Hill, must
ultimately prevail.
The soldiers in the fighting line had learned by
now how useless the Battery was as a defensive
position, yet their natural stubbornness, and
perhaps a desire not to betray their comrades who
had died for it, still drove them on to eject any
equally stubborn Russians who got into it. But the
frustration of having to do the work again and
again, with no decisive result, was beginning to
strain the bonds of discipline which held them to
their officers' restraints. Then came the spark
which ignited this pent-up fury from right to left.
After handing over the wings of Rifles and 20th,
Cathcart, having conferred with Pennefather, had
dispatched the rest of Goldie's brigade to reinforce
the left and centre, then under attack from Quarry
ravine, keeping Torrens's brigade under his own
hand. However, Windham, his AQMG, judging
the left to be more critical, had also ordered the
63rd in that direction, leaving Torrens with only
four companies of the 68th Light Infantry and two
of the 46th, the regiment which had incurred so
much obloquy over the Perry case- 400 in all. t
When Cathcart had refused Cambridge's request
to fill the gap with Torrens's men, he had spotted
what he conceived as a more pressing task: the
extreme left Selenghinsk battalion ascending the
slopes to turn the Coldstream's right, which then
was the extreme right of the Guards Brigade. He
had already ordered Torrens to open fire, when
Airey galloped up, bearing an order from Raglan
for Cathcart to turn about and fill the gap. 'Those
are Lord Raglan's orders,' he added. 15 Irritated by

Fizz! Fizz! fly the bullets about us, but we could not see
where they were coming from. Whack! comes a round
shot close to u~, then a shell which bursts and huge
lumps of iron go whizzing through the air like horrid
demons to enter their victims. We come to some bushes;
we discern figures groping about , hardly knowing which
way to turn, so it appeared to us. We are in skirmishing
order. Pop, pop , bang, we are engaging them. We soon
make them retire on their main supports. We lay down
under the bushes. The enemy come blundering towards
us again. Our men seemed to have lost all patience . I had
a feeling allied to madness creeping over me and jumping
up , said, 'Come on, let's get at them! ' But I was not
aware that Major [Horsford] was so near, who told me to
lie down until I got the order. At last we made another
move towards them , making them retire into a hollow. 14

The rest of the 68th were in the trenches and most of the 46th had not
\'et disembarked at Balaclava.

*Each French infantry regiment had two battalions.



- .

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. ..

_J--. ,



Two sketches by Captain Henry Torrens of Cathcart's counterattack down the eastern side of the Kitspur: 1 and 2 = 68th and
46th, led by Brigadier-General T orrens; 3 = Russians attacking~
4 and 5 = Guards at Sand bag Battery, attacked by Russians (6) ;
7 = Russians on East j ut.



Airey's 'quick, inconsiderate manner', 16 and unwilling to concede that Raglan's tactical judgement
was superior to his own , he turned away and
ordered Torrens to advance against the Selen ghinsk .
Down th e slope obliquely went the six companies in line, 68th on the right. H aving earlier
discarded their greatcoats, they were the only
regiment fighting in red , which showed clearly
amid the scrub to the Russian gunners on East Jut ,
who opened fire. Captain T orrens, acting as ADC
to his father, wrote:
It was only as the smoke occasionally cleared away that
we could discern the dark mass of long greatcoats, flat
caps and cold blue steel approaching us. We charged and
drove them back before they reached the top of the hill,
taking them partially in flank. 17

T he Selenghinsk would not stand but then, proving the wisdom of the restraint hitherto imposed
on the Guards, the 46th and 68th pressed on in
pursuit, their excited ranks becoming increasingly
disordered by the undergrowth, until they reached
the bottom of the Kits pur .
Seeing his divisional commander's action , Crofton urged his 20th wing forward from the Coldstream . H e had intended only a volley and a
controlled charge, but he fell wounded and his men
too went on down the hill. Killed in this rush was
"Lieutenant Dowling. H e should have been safely
on camp guard that morning, but when his men
asked to fight, rather than mount guard , he told his
captain: 'The men request to be led to the front and
I would rather go too'. 18
Wilson 's Coldstream company next to them
followed, pursued by him yelling for them to
return, but to no avail. Alerted by Wilson's pligh t,
the other captains were able, for the moment, to
hold back their men .
T he Grenadiers were still hard pressed by the
Okhotsk around the Battery. L oath to abandon it,
yet hampered by its height, the men's frustration
fou~d expression in one Guardsmen who shouted ,
'If any officer will lead us, we will charge'. Sir
Charles Russell felt he
could not refuse such an appeal. I jumped into the
embrasure and said, 'Come on, my lads; who will follow
me?' I rushed on, fi red my revolver at a fellow close to me
but it missed fi re. I pulled again and think I killed him.

Sir Charles Russell Bt and Private Palmer, Grenadier Guards,

outside the Sand bag Battery. Both were gazetted VC on 24
February 1857. A painting by Chevalier Desanges.

Just then a man touched me on the shoulder and said ,

' You was near done for'. 19

Unknown to Russell a Russian had got behind him

with bayonet raised when Private Anthony Palmer,
the only man at first to follow, had killed him.*
Russell and Palmer, now joined by other Grenadiers and some Fusiliers, fought their way to the
right, where Captain Edwyn Burnaby had also
charged out with Private James Bancroft , followed
by five more. All were immediately engaged in
desperate hand-to-hand conflicts, of which Bancroft's may stand as an example:
I bayoneted the first Russian in the chest; he fell dead. I
was then stabbed in the mouth with great force, which
caused me to stagger back , where I shot this second
Russian and ran a third through. A fourth and fifth came
at me and ran me through the right side. I fell but
managed to run one through and brought him down. I
stunned him by kicking him , whilst I was engaging my
bayonet with another. Sergeant-Major Alger called out to
me not to kick the man that was down, but not being
dead he was very troublesome to my legs; I was fighting
the other over his body. I returned to the Battery and
spat out my teeth; I found two only. 20

Fired by the example of the few , men of all three

battalions surged forward into the stolid enemies
who had tried them so hard, driving them down all
sides of the Kitspur. Cambridge, standing with the
Grenadiers' Colours, bellowed at them to keep to
the high ground, but only the nearest Grenadiers,
about a hundred, could be restrained.
Part of the 95th wing had been kept back by
Champion on the western side of the Kitspur, but
then , seeing a column coming up St Clement's
ravine untouched by the headlong pursuit to its
left , Sargent attacked it with the Grenadier company. The column would not stand and went about
as the 95th charged on, deaf to Champion's and
Sargent's commands. Champion rode down to
check them . Dismounting to negotiate some boulders, he was mortally wounded by a chance shot. In


Both subsequentl y received the Victoria Cross.

one of his last letters to his wife, this devout and

devoted husband had written: 'I am truly glad I
have never yet with my own hands taken the life of
any fellow being; may I be spared doing so, except
in self-defence' . 21 Never seeing his assailant, his
wish was granted .
The rest of the 95th wing under Carmichael and
Vialls had charged from the Battery with the
Guards. Carmichael saw how
the enemy turned at once, several threw away their arms ,
and knelt down asking for mercy - 'Christos!' The
pursuit continued into the ravine. I thought the battle
was won and the men were exultant, Lance-Corporal
Purcell saying, 'We are driving them again, Sir!' The
men got very scattered and were beginning to run short
of ammunition. I noticed that those following us were
turning back and soon after cries were raised, 'Come
back! You are cut off!'22

Some time before, when the reinforcements first

reached the Guards, the two right-hand Okhotsk
battalions had been so strongly repulsed that they
had fallen right back, well down St Clement's
ravine, and had remained out of the battle for some
time. Now, however, they had been reorganized
and, having advanced round the head of the ravine,
were bearing due east towards the Battery, overlooking on their left the lower slopes of the Kits pur
where their late opponents were scattered. To their
right one battalion of the Iakoutsk, which had
hitherto been attacking the Barrier, had swung east
across the gap and advanced unopposed until it
overlooked the scene of Cathcart's charge. Thus all
the troops who had charged down, as well as
Cambridge and his 100 Grenadiers, were now
separated from Home Ridge by three Russian
Cut off and fired on from the heights to their
rear, enfiladed by Gortchakoffs artillery across the
river, disorganized , intermingled and with empty
pouches, the pursuers had become the trapped.
Cathcart, the architect of their fate, was killed,
almost his last words expressing what all must have
felt: 'We are in a scrape' . 23 Such a reversal of
fortune after very severe fighting could have
induced thoughts of surrender. Some skulked,
others ran. Windham discovered ' the difficulty of
stopping men running under heavy fire'. 24 Sergeant
McMillan believed 'it was all up' 25 and Sergeant

The view from the T chernaya valley looking south-west up to

the Kitspur, above dark trees, with the Sandbag Battery near
the top facing left. The dark V-shaped area in the centre is St
Clement's ravine.

Campbell of the 20th that they needed ' the greatest

miracle in the world'. 26
But notwithstanding their predicament, most,
given a lead, were not yet prepared to give up. In
small groups, all mixed together, Guards and Line
began the steep and difficult climb. 'With greatcoats on, and pretty well blown, and impeded by
the stiff oak brushwood, we made but slow
progress' . 27 Lord Henry Percy of the Grenadiers,
though wounded in an earlier, heroic lone charge at
the Battery,* found a sheep track to lead men
round below the Iakoutsk. Fifty of the 20th,
reaching the Okhotsk , simply pushed through
them with butts and bayonets; though many were
killed, some got through. Major W ynne of the
68th, 'as good a man to hounds as ever crossed a
horse' was killed as 'he tried to boil up a charge' .28
Sargent with his 95th and Wilson with his Coldstreamers - one too distant, the other too close to
Gortchakoff to risk a move - decided to lie
concealed to await events.
* Su bseque ntl y awa rd ed the Vic to ria C ross.


In the abandoned Battery, Drummer Thomas

Keep of the Grenadiers, a boy of 10, had made a
fire to brew tea for the wounded . Assistant-Surgeon
Wolseley of the 20th had done what he could for
them when some of his regiment, with some
Coldstreamers, came in without officers. Seeing the
Okhotsk approaching, Wolseley went back with
We had not gone fifty yards when we found a line of
Russians drawn up . In consequence of the mist they were
not visible until we were within 20 or 30 yards of them.
They appeared to me as a very close line of skirmishers
and were firing rapidly at us. I was the only officer in
sight and gave the order, ' fix bayonets, charge and k eep
up the hill'. We charged through losing, I should think,
half our number. 29

This unexpected charge out of the mist surprised

the Russians, probably the left-hand company
column of the Iakoutsk . This battalion, hitherto
firing down the Kitspur's east flank, had suddenly
spotted, behind the Sandbag Battery, the 100
Grenadiers with their Colours under Cambridge.
Wheeling left, the Iakoutsk had been advancing
against them, firing, when Wolseley struck them.
Facing forwards , the Grenadiers had been unaware of this force at their back. George Higginson
felt a bullet pass through his bearskin from behind
and thought they were being fired on by their own
troops. He quickly perceived their peril. Capture of
the Duke of Cambridge, and indeed the Grenadiers' Colours, was unthinkable, so the order was
given to march through the Iakoutsk, but keeping
along the Kitspur's eastern side to avoid being
outflanked on their left. Thus they were headed at
the Russians' right as Wolseley's band went at their
left. Cambridge and his ADC, being mounted,
managed to ride round the enemy's flank in a flurry
of shots and got clear, though Cambridge's horse
was hit. Higginson, in a long life, never forgot their
Clustered round the Colours, the men pressed slowly
rearwards, keeping their front full to the enemy, their
bayonets ready at th e 'charge'. As a comrade fell , his
fellow took his place and maintained the compactness of
the diminishing group that held on in unflinching
stubbornness. More than once from the lips of this
devoted band came the shout , ' Hold up the Colours!' ,
fearing no doubt they might lose sight of those honoured
emblems. The two young officers, Verschoyle and

Turner , raised them well above their head s and in this

order we slowly moved back, exposed to a fire, fortunately ill-aim ed, from front, flank and rear . 30

The Iakoutsk maintained its fire but, as the

distance between its right and the Grenadiers
narrowed, for some reason - perhaps intimidated
by the unyielding Guardsmen's Minie fire - it
began to veer leftwards. So, while the nearest
Grenadiers had to cut and shoot their way through,
those on the outer flank had only to march on. The
Iakoutsk left was also assailed at this time by
Wolseley's handful; nevertheless this almost passive acceptance by a battalion, 700 to 800 strong, of
the 100-odd Grenadiers' grim determination to get
through, can only be ascribed to the bovine
inflexibility of Russian units.
Though the Iakoutsk seemed bemused by what
had happened , the two Okhotsk battalions also had
the Grenadiers' Colours in their sights and had
been advancing on their right rear - hence the fire
from that quarter mentioned by Higginson. Hurrying to catch up his battalion was Burnaby, who
had regained the heights with a mixed group, only
to see his Colours retreating up the hill. Spotting
the Okhotsk coming on to aid the Iakoutsk ,
Burnaby halted his men to face the Okhotsk
skirmishers. They were no more than 20: Bancroft
was still there, Isaac Archer, Joseph Troy, John
Pullen, Edward Hill, William Turner, all Grenadiers; a Line sergeant whose name is lost; and
another dozen , Guards and Line. At Burnaby's
command, they ran at the skirmishers and ' knocked them out of the way'. 3 1 The Okhotsk came on.
Burnaby shouted: 'Get close together and charge
them once more, my men! ' Bancroft thought 'it
perfectly useless, but for all that I did so'. 32 They
all sprang forward. Against 700 men , with a similar
number behind, what hope had 20? They fought
and fell, until only seven remained , all wounded,
lying amid the Russian bayonets.
Then, with an urgent flourish of bugles, blue
coats came down the slope at the Okhotsk's flank.
The French had moved at last. Ordered forward by
General Bourbaki, the 6eme Ligne drove the
Okhotsk away, down into St Clement's ravine.
Further to their left Horsford's Riflemen ran
forward firing at the lakoutsk , retreating towards
Quarry ravine. Sergeant McMillan, who had struggled up from below, where he had often felt he




1 .

Captain Edwyn Burnaby, Grenadier Guards, d ressed for

picquet. An 1855 photograph by Roger Fenton .

would 'be shot down or taken prisoner and cruelly

murdered after', saw the French charge: ' I cannot
express the joy I felt , many a man burst into tears
as soon as the danger was over'. 33
The French battalion did not pursue the
Okhotsk but , after some hesitation and further
exhortations from Bourbaki, occupied the spur
between St Clement's and Quarry ravines.
Burnaby and his seven , rescued in the nick of
time, rejoined the now safe Grenadiers' Colours for
which they had offered their lives. The terrible
fighting round the Sandbag Battery - 'que! abattoir',
as Bosquet described it - the plunge into, and
subsequent retreat from , the ravine , were over.

The British right had been saved, but at a cost of

nearly half the 2,800 men who had fought for it.
The survivors, tired and hungry when they started,
were now exhausted and completely intermingled .
To their left, however, the fight was by no means
When the first attack against the Sandbag
Battery had begun an hour before, Mauleverer's
30th at the Barrier had been confronted by all four
Iakoutsk battalions. Having only recently repulsed
the Borodino, they numbered less than their
original 100 files and could only operate as a
picquet line, firing as they slowly fell back over the
540 yards (494 m ) to Home Ridge, where they ran
in behind its low stone wall to join the remains of
their other wing under Patullo . Despite the thunder of both sides' guns, many fell fast asleep.
Their resistance had given time for reinforcem ents to reach the ridge: Hume's left wing of the
95th and the other wing of the Rifles. Both
immediately advanced in line, firing. Their musketry halted the Iakoutsk and turned it back to
Quarry ravine, except for its right-hand column.
This got round between the 95th's left and Egerton
guarding the Mikriakoff glen a quarter of a mile
away , and ascended the ridge's west end. At almost
point-blank range, three guns of Turner's battery
opened with case-shot, throwing the column into
confusion. Some of it, however, managed to swing
left away from the guns, heading further along the
ridge. A few yards from them, deaf to the battle's
din, slept the exhausted 30th. Suddenly a voice probably Pennefather's - roared out, 'Up, 30th,
up! ' Seizing their rifles the 30th leaped over the
wall and drove their disturber s away.
So the Iakoutsk 's first attack was held, though
not defeated. After reforming in Quarry ravine,
they soon came on again, this time towards the
right of Home Ridge where only some guns, under
fire from Shell Hill, barred the way with no formed
body of infantry. The combined strengths of the
detachments , then defending Home Ridge, only
yielded 300-odd files which , if combined in one line
at normal distance, would cover about 2 10 yards
(190 m ), thereby leaving a quarter of a mile of the
ridge unguarded. Such a gap could be covered by
Minie fire under good conditions, but visibility was
still poor and the fields of fire had not been cleared.
Also open to attack was the undefended gap over
Fore Rid ge towards the embat tled Guards , across


they too had one of those talismans so treasured by

the British infantry to sustain them at crucial
moments. Second in command to Stanley was
Captain Inglis, whose father had exhorted the 57th
to 'die hard' in the bloodbath of Albuera, 43 years
earlier; nearby was Sergeant Grace, another son of
an Albuera man. To such men, Stanley' s shout of
'Remember Albuera!' was all they needed to give a
lead to which the young 57th responded in full
measure. Stanley and many others fell in the fierce
struggle that ensued, but their opponents joined
the rest of their regiment in Quarry ravine.
With this counter-attack, and the subsequent
withdrawal to Home Ridge by the 20th and 57thaccomplished not without loss due to the Russian
gunners re-opening fire - this sector had been
stabilized at about the same time as had the right. It
was half-past eight.


Captain William Inglis, seated, who assumed command of the

57th after Captain Stanley's death, with other officers of the
regiment. An 1855 photograph by Roger Fenton.

which one lakoutsk Battalion was marching, as

noted above.
Fortunately, as so often in this battle, a crisis
found its saviours. Into the breach marched part of
Goldie's brigade: 90 files of the 20th's left wing
under Colonel Horn followed, to their left rear, by
a similar number of the 57th, all sent forward by
Raglan. They were immediately hit by Russian
gunfire but, quickly extending, they advanced and
opened fire at the lakoutsk. Like all the 4th
Division, except the Rifles, the 20th and 57th had
no Minies, only smooth-bore muskets* which,
although they permitted a slightly higher rate of
fire because they were easier to reload, lacked the
Minie's penetration. Thus only the Russian foremost ranks suffered casualties and more urgent
measures became necessary.
Nearly a hundred years before, the 20th, with
five other regiments, had broken the massed
French cavalry at Minden. Over the years they had
evolved a 'strange and unearthly' battle-cry, known
as the 'Minden yell'. 34 This the lakoutsk 's left now
heard as the 20th 's bayonets came at them, pushing
them back in disorder towards Quarry ravine.
As the 57th went at the lakoutsk 's right, their
commander, Captain Stanley, sensed a hesitation
when his men first saw the odds against them. But
The 1842



8.30 to 9.15 am
Dannenberg's first offensive with Pauloffs corps
had cost the lakoutsk, Okhotsk and Selenghinsk
some 1,000 casualties, perhaps more, but they were
by no means demoralized, like those of Soimonoffs
first attack had been. The 9,000-strong reserve of
16 battalions still remained untouched on Shell Hill
with 100 guns. If Dannenberg could break through
to the plateau behind Home Ridge, then Gortchakoffs unused 22,000 might be induced to ascend
the escarpm ent.
Using the Barrier as his start-line, Dannenberg
now planned to smash through Home Ridge along
the line of the road , using the four Iakoutsk
Battalions, one behind the other in a solid column ,
but screened by strong advance and flank guards.
Who provided these is unclear. The Selenghinsk
were not available as they were still recovering from
the Kitspur battle below St Clement's ravine. Some
may have been from the Okhotsk, but one officer
mentions 'the Chasseurs of the lOth Division'
(Soimonoffs) 35 - that is, the Tomsk and Kolivansk
who were so designated. t If so, they must have
been reorganized after Soimonoffs repulse and
brought up from the rear. Their eight battalions,
added to the Iakoutsk's four , would account for the

Russia n infantrv regiments were designated either 'M us keteers' or

'Cha:.scur-, J ager~. the only differen~:t' heing in uniform. The O khotsk ,
Bomdino and T amutinc were also Chas~eur-..


12 which British officers who observed the attack

assessed as its strength .
To meet this onslaught, Pennefather had the
same troops who had repulsed the last one on
Home Ridge. He was also being reinforced by the
21st's right wing under Ainslie and Swyny's 63rd
which , when the Russian advance guard appeared,
were approaching the west end of Home Ridge.
The 21st' s left wing, under Lord West , had been
dispatched to the Mikriakoff glen to relieve
Egerton's 77th, which was to march back to Home
Ridge. Though the Russians had not used the
covered approaches of the Mikriakoff and the
Wellway since Soimonoffs attack , Pennefather
could not risk leaving them unguarded, hence the
continued positioning of Egerton (now West) at the
former, and Fordyce' s and Grant's 47th and 49th
wings at the latter.
Rather than awaiting the attack on Home Ridge,
where his slender resources would be hammered by
the Russian guns, Pennefather sent forward skirmishing parties from the remains of the 30th and
left wings of the 20th, 95th and Rifles to delay the
advance from in front and on the flanks. Also
among these was Bellairs, with the remnant of his
three 49th companies; having reorganized after the
first Sandbag Battery attack, he had now come over
to the west. On Home Ridge itself Pennefather
retained , on the left flank, 100 and 50 files
respectively of the 47th and 55th, and on his right
80 files of the 57th , plus the last two companies of
the Coldstream , which had been on picquet but
had now come up. His centre was empty, but to fill
it was advancing the 900-strong 7eme Leger.
Outnumbered by the Russian screening troops,
the skirmishers could only fall back , harassing the
flanks from the brushwood . The scrub, however,
also served the enem y flankers, for one party, quite
unobserved , suddenly rushed the extreme west end
of H ome Ridge where there were three unprotected
guns of Turner's battery. Some gunners ran, others
were killed , but Sergeant-Major Henry and Gunner
Taylor drew their swords to defend their guns until
Taylor was bayoneted and Henry fell unconscious,
stabbed 12 times.* Elated with their trophies, these
Russians, like those who had earlier captured
Townshend's guns, made no attempt to advance
further. This was not only a missed opportunity

Sergeant-Major A. Henry of G Battery, Royal Artillery,

defending his gun and receiving 12 wounds. Gazetted VC on 24
February 1857. A painting by Chevalier Desanges.

but their undoing. A company of Zouaves surprised them from the scrub and drove them from
the guns.t
Behind these Zouaves came the 300 files of the
21 st and 63rd. Having carefully observed the rest
of the Russian right-flank guard, Ainslie and
Swyny waited until it wheeled left towards the
ridge, then advanced firing in one line, the 21st on
the left, against its right rear. Private George Evans
of the 63rd wrote later: 'As fast as we could run and
load our pieces, so fast they fell , for we could not
miss them, they were so thick'. 36 This attack
cleared the west end of Home Ridge but, having
advanced some 200 yards (180 m) beyond the
recaptured guns, the line came under artillery fire .
The two colonels jointly halted, facing north-east,
and made their men take cover in the scrub.
Further east along the ridge it had been touch
and go. Under cover of the gun smoke part of the
enem y vanguard broke through the 55th, taking
prisoners, but were then hit by their own artillery.
Turner's other three guns fired case until the last

*Henry survi ved , subsequently to be awa rded the Victoria Cross.

T wo battalions of Zouaves were marchi ng up from the rear towards the

right fl ank, but this com pany seems to han : been acting inde pendentl y .


possible moment before limbering up just as the

Russian infantry reached the gun line. In the centre
the 7eme Leger, arrayed in line to which they were
not accustomed, came face to face with the enemy
vanguard, faltered - and turned back. The Russians crowned the ridge, some even advancing
down the other side. Then they too fell victims to
their own gunners, whose observers, 1,400 yards
(1 ,280 m) away, had imperfect vision through the
battle smoke. Into this infantry's surprised ranks
tore a counter-attack by the now-rallied 55th.
Behind the ridge, as the French officers cursed at
their men, reforming them in their familiar columns, Egerton's stalwart 77th arrived from the
Mikriakoff, calmly forming line from column on
the left of the 7eme Leger. When French and
English were ready, both went forward together.
The briefly victorious Russian vanguard, first
shaken by their own guns, then by the 55th, and
now by the sight of these 1,100 Allied troops, lost
heart and fell away from the crest.
Now the main Iakoutsk column came on, still
with its flank guards. By one of the quirks so
prevalent in this battle of small groups against solid
masses, it was preceded by a few skirmishers led by
Bellairs and Vaughan of the 20th, who somehow
had been bypassed by the vanguard. They fell back
firing, the files covering each other. Their proximity to the leading Russians spared them from the
enemy gunfire, but they also masked the front of
the British batteries, except for the howitzers
which could reach the rearmost Iakoutsk battalion.
The officers of the 7eme Leger yelled at them to
clear the front and they ran in, forming behind the
Keeping the 77th in reserve, Pennefather had
induced the French battalion to line the forward
slope in double company columns, and brought
forward the 57th from the right to lengthen the
French line on the left, so that both battalions
stood in the Iakoutsk's path.
By the time the French opened fire , the leading
Iakoutsk were close and reeled from the first volley.
But the mass pushed on and, seeing the bayonets so
close as they reloaded, the young French soldiers
began to waver and fall away. Pennefather and his
staff rode among them, exhorting them to stand;
French officers and the Zouave company tried to
give a lead while Bellairs and Vaughan closed their
men up to stiffen the French ranks. H owever,

Sergeant Walker leading the 55 th in Daubeney's counter-attack

against the Iakou tsk . An illustration by Stanley Wood for British

Baules by Land and Sea.

panic is infectious and the 7eme L eger was

crumbling. The foremost Russian companies
surged forward with their endless 'hurrahs'. Suddenly , in the moment of victory, uncertainty, then
confusion struck them . The second battalion in the
column was in disarray.
As the first battalion had come up to the French ,
D aubeney of the 55th , out on the left, had run
forwards and to the right, yelling at his men to
follow. Some 30 did so. Accompanied by this
handful, Daubeney plunged into the right flank of
the second Iakoutsk. With Sergeant Walker, 'a
fine, powerful man', 37 wielding his rifle like a club
in the van , these few 55th men managed to claw
their way right through the close-packed , dullwitted ranks, causing bewilderment and commotion. The effects of this savage little surprise attack
spread outwards like a rock flung in a pond. The
two rear battalions, which had been about to
deploy sideways, hesitated. The foremost, sensing






The advance of the 21st Royal North British Fusiliers under

Lieutenant-Colonel Ainslie (mounted), with Sergeant-Major
Vousden to his right rear. A watercolour by Orlando Norie.

an attack from the rear, began to turn. The French

drummers and buglers ran to the front, sounding
the pas. de charge. Their men rallied and went
forward, Zouaves, 20th and 49th mingling in their
ranks, cheering them on, herding the unfortunate
Iakoutsk back to Quarry ravine.
Out to the left front , the Russian flank guard had
again threatened the 21st and 63rd, so Ainslie and
Swyny ordered their two regiments together to
drive it in towards the Barrier. Among the 21st, an
18-year-old Etonian, Lieutenant Vaughan Lee,
carrying the Regimental Colour, heard Ainslie's
'"Fusiliers, prepare to charge!" Up we all got, gave
a cheer and rushed through the brushwood with
fixed bayonets, I with my sword drawn in one
hand , and pistol loosened in my holster' . 38 Nearing
the head of the ravine, and now outstripping the
French pursuit, they met stronger opposition from
the Iakoutsk rearguard. Swyny and several 63rd
officers were killed or wounded. Close to Private
Evans 'fell poor Mr Clutterbuck, who was carrying
the Queen's Colour, and cheering the men on. I
never saw a braver man than him in the field that
day; it is with sorrow that I have to record his
death' . 39
The enemy rearguard gradually retreated into
the ravine. H aines, senior captain of the 21st's right
wing, wrote admiringly of his men in this attack: 'I

have never seen troops behave better, my great

anxiety was to steady and keep them together, the
thick brush tending to break our formation' . With
some 40 21st and a few 63rd, he advanced past the
Barrier, down the road for about 500 yards (450 m)
until he saw an enemy column drawn up, with
another lower down to its left. 'We opened a brisk
fire , paying special attention to the officers prominent on the flanks. The nature of the ground and our
thin formation favoured us, whilst their dense
masses were fully exposed to our fire. ' 40
Haines's men were sheltered from the enemy
guns by a steep bank on their left, but the opposing
musketry killed two officers and mortally wounded
Sergeant-Major Vousden. Ainslie was shot while
bringing up supports, leaving Haines in command.
He decided to fall back to the Barrier, where he
found a mixed group of Coldstreamers, Rifles and
Line, with whom he was able to halt the enem y
which had followed up.
This last push against Haines showed that,
notwithstanding their recent repulse, the Iakoutsk
remained a resilient, formed body which still
showed fight. Nevertheless, another major attack,
which had nearly succeeded, had been held off
from Home Ridge by the leadership and quick
thinking of regimental officers, the determination
and self-confidence of their men, and- as alwaysthe untiring efforts of Pennefather. H e knew what
was going on, but most knew nothing 'beyond the
personal contest in which he himself was engaged.
The only orders given- and unflinchingly obeyedwere " load", " fire", and "charge!"' 41


A Hell o a Towelling

9.15 to 11.00 am
From around 9.15 am Haines began an epic
defence at the Barrier, but as this was to last nearly
six hours it will be returned to later. On the right,
where British and Russians had been reorganizing
since 8.30, fighting flared up again with a Russian
assault on the 6eme Ligne holding the spur
between Quarry and St Clement's ravines. In due
course this would involve the main French effort in
the battle, including the removal of the 7eme Leger
from Home Ridge. First, however, a new element
entered the fight which was greatly to influence the
future course of the struggle.
When Raglan had first arrived on the scene at
about 7 am, he had ordered up two 18-pounders
from the siege train to supplement the outgunned
and outranged field batteries in their uneven duel
with the superior numbers of 12-pounders and
32-pounder howitzers on Shell Hill . These should
have materialized by 8 am but, owing to a
misunderstanding, the staff officer who carried the
message applied first to the wrong officer. By the
time this mistake was rectified and the message
reached Colonel Gambier, commanding the siege
train, valuable time had been lost. Gambier had
been keeping two guns, with loaded ammunition
wagons, ready for such an eventuality since the 26
October sortie. Now, however, he had no draught
horses to pull them. Accordingly, some ISO men of
the 6th and 7th Companies , 11th Battalion Royal
Artillery, set to with drag ropes to haul them 'over
one and a half miles over rough ground and up a
steep hill to the scene of the action.' 1
As they neared the battle, they came under
artillery fire and Gambier was wounded. Lieute-

nant-Colonel Collingwood Dickson, the son of

Wellington's artillery commander in the Peninsula
and a veteran of the Carlist War, assumed com mand . Finding some field-battery horses, he had
the 18-pounders pulled into position on the bend
between Home and Fore Ridges, facing northwest, where there was an emplacement which
afforded some slight protection. To give these
valuable guns some infantry defenders, the Guards
Brigade, reformed after its dreadful fight on the
Kitspur but reduced to about 600 effectives, was
stationed nearby .
The 18-pounder , weighing 42 cwt (2, 134 kg) and
mounted on a four-wheeled carriage, had a long,
9-foot (2. 7 m ) iron barrel which, with a 6-lb (2. 7
kg) powder charge, could throw its shot with great
accuracy and power up to 2,000 yards (1 ,830 m).
Thus all the Russian batteries between West and
East Juts were within its range. The first ranging
shot was fired at 9. 30 and the next found its mark.
This heavier metal, striking the enemy guns for the
first time, provoked a storm of counter-battery fire ,
round shot ploughing into the ground around the
18-pounders, the howitzer shells 'tearing into
fragments, crying for blood with their harsh ,
grating, truculent "scrisht" - the most hated of all
battle sounds' . 2 Despite badly mangled casualties,
the British gunners never flinched. With both guns
laid each time by an officer , and the Russian
batteries clear on the skyline, they began to cause
such destruction that , after a while, the enemy
battery commanders started moving their guns
about which , with damage and casualties, slowly
diminished their volume of fire. By 10 o' clock




An 18-pounder gun of the Royal Artillery. Afrer G. B . Campion.

Dickson's men had achieved complete fire superiority over the enemy gun line.
The 18-pounders' fire was soon joined by Boussiniere's 12 French 12-pounders from the north end
of Fore Ridge. The first six of these had gone into
action following the Russian attack from Quarry
ravine on the 6eme Ligne, and the appearance of
another column once more ascending to the Sandbag Battery. Despite bringing across the 7eme
Leger and the guns' effective fire, Bourbaki sent
back word to Bosquet that more reinforcements
were vi tal if further retreat was to be a voided.
Bosquet was approaching with 4,600 infantry
and, on receiving Bourbaki's plea, sent on 450
Chasseurs a Pied at the double, following with five
battalions: one of Tirailleurs Algeriens, and both of
the 3eme Zouaves and SOeme Ligne. In the rear
rode the Chasseurs d ' Afrique and the 200-strong

remains of Cardigan's Light Brigade, under Paget

since its gallant commander had not yet surfaced
from his yacht. *
Before receiving Bourbaki's message, Bosquet's
intention had been to relieve the British on Home
Ridge. On reaching the battlefield he saw, not the
frenzied contest he had expected on the ridge, but a
few British infantry resting after their recent
exertions. The guns were firing and sounds of
fighting could be heard to the left front where
H aines was holding the Barrier. What struck
Bosquet was the dearth of any formed troops to the
right front, a void made more ominous by the
alarmist tones of Bourbaki's excitable messenger.
In fact , the Russians who had attacked the 6eme
Ligne had failed to pursue their advantage, once
again displaying that hesitant complacency that
seemed to affect them after the smallest success.
Nevertheless, Bosquet ordered the Algerians and a


* The British ~:ava l ry had mo\'ed camp up to the plateau on 28 O~:tuhcr .

7 Battle of lnkerman: 9.15 am to 2.00 pm




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General Bosquet (centre) commanding the French corps on

Sapoune Ridge, with members of his staff. An 1855 photograph
by Roger Fenton.

Zouave infantr y. Despite the North African dress, many were

Europeans at this date. An 1855 photograph by Roger F enton.

Zouave battalion , with the Chasseurs a Pied , to

deploy on to the spur previously held by the 6eme
Ligne. It was a fa tal m ove, particularly as they did
not know the ground. Against their left rear, from
Quarry ravine, came a Iakoutsk battalion, and
against their right rear , from the Kits pur, came the
Selenghinsk. Back went the Algerians, the Zouaves
followed , and the 6eme Ligne and 7eme L eger
went right back - to behind H ome Ridge. The
Chasseurs d' Afrique and Light Brigade galloped up
and were shelled. Only Boussiniere's guns prevented a complete catastrophe, receiving a terrible
hamm ering from East Jut for their pains. Once
again, disaster did not strike because of the
Russians' rel ucqmce to exploit success, deterred
perhaps by the continued thunder of Dickson's
guns and the few , but unbroken, British remnants
on Home Ridge.
H owever, French troops were always mercurial.
What deterred Russians could as quickly restore
French confidence. When the enemy failed to come
on, Bosquet again launched the Zouaves and
Algerians, this time at the Selenghinsk , once more
occupying the Sand bag Battery, keeping the other
Zouave battalion and the SOeme Ligne in reserve.
Now there was no mistake. Eager to avenge their
reverse, both battalions went at the battery in the
pas de charge, bugles blowing, drums beating. As

they tore into the Selenghinsk , the Zouaves received a small reinforcement. From the slopes
below emerged Wilson with his Coldstream com pany to join the attack alongside the Zouaves, with
whom they had an affinity forged long ago at
Varna. Out went the Selenghinsk and down the
slopes charged the Zouaves and Algerians, driving
them not only to the bottom of St Clement's ravine,
but out of the battle. Seeing their line of retreat at
last opened by the French , Sargent's trapped 95th
company arose from hiding to greet their rescuers.
This flank was now clear and, unlike Wilson and
Sargent, the two victorious French battalions could
reascend the ravine unhindered to rejoin Bosquet.
H e reported to Canrobert who, with the arrival of
three more battalions at 11 am , then disposed of
8,000 infantry, which he deployed along Fore
Ridge and down to the Kitspur.
Another factor influencing these events had been
the continued defence, from 9.15, of the Barrier by
Haines's m en , supported on either flank from time
to time, when ammunition permitted , by small
skirmishing parties from the 20th , Rifles, and
mixed groups from regiments earlier engaged and
collected together under whatever officers could be
found. Their ac tion served to fix the attention of
the Iakoutsk and Okhotsk columns in Quarry
ravine, who continued to make periodic attempts to
force the Barrier or outflank it .

11 2

The 21st Fusiliers' wing commanders in later life. Left: Lord

West, in 1860. Right: Frederick Haines, in 1876, when
Commander-in-Chief, India.

When the 6eme Ligne had first been attacked ,

some of them had descended into the ravine.
Haines ordered a sor tie to assist them. Vaughan
Lee recalled :

Though only a company captain in the 21st ,

Frederick Haines, aged 35 , also held a brevet
lieutenant-colonelcy and had seen much service in
the Sikh Wars, when he and Lord West, comman ding the 21st's left wing, had been on Sir Hugh
Gough's staff. Only a few days before, they had had
the foresight to study carefully the ground on
which they were now engaged. With Ainslie
severely wounded, command of the 21st as a whole
had devolved on the senior major, Ramsey Stuart,
but he, with 'his big red face, fearful red beard and
whiskers', 3 was regarded as something of a joke by
subalterns like Vaughan Lee, while Ainslie had
always been reluctant to delegate anything to ' that
lubber Stuart' .4 As the 21st Fusiliers were now the
foremost British regiment in the field, it was as well
it was operating by wings, both commanded by
thoroughly competent officers.
On first falling back to the Barrier, after his foray
down Quarry ravine at about 9 am , Haines had
drawn up his 70-odd 21st behind its stone wall
posting a small party of the 63rd, some of whom
had Minies, behind a bit of wall to the left with
orders to 'fire deliberately' at the R ussian gunners
on Shell Hill. Until the 18-pounders came into
action behind them , H aines's men 'were subjected
to a very heavy cannonade and attacked freq uently
by [columns on] the road and the ravine' . 5

We rushed out with a cheer and charged the Russe who

fled double quick. We had again to retire and poor Hurt
was struck, and I was so done up I could not retire and
fell , struck down by a stone splinter. A sergeant took my
arm and I only escaped being made a prisoner by a few
yards. 6

Private M cGuire was confronted by three Russians.

He shot one, bayoneted another and brought in the
third as a prisoner. Lieutenant Hurt was thought to
be dead but, seeing his body move, Sergeants
Higdon and Rutherford volunteered to run out
under a very heavy fire and brought him in, though
he died soon after.* L ee 'laid down under the
breastwork and when the Russians came up to
within 20 yards, I gave them five barrels of my
revolver with great gusto'. H e picked up a Russian
musket and 'lent it to one of our men who had fired
his own musket until it was too hot to hold. I had
no time to fire m yself, as I had to run about serving
ammunition to all the men '. 7
Repelling these attacks left the 21st dangerously
short of rounds. M ajor Rooper came up with some
Riflemen so, temporarily handing over command
to him , H aines hurried back to ask Pennefather for
ammunition and reinforcements. The former was
* H aines later recommended both sergeants for the Victoria C ross but
his re port was no t appro\ed .



supplied, though at first only Minie balls which

were no use fo r the 2 1st's smooth bores, but of the
latter all Pennefather would spare was Lieutenant
William Acton's company of the 77th. However
Haines felt this had ' the best effect as it showed we
were in communication with our own people and
not cut off, as the men were beginning to imagine' . 8
On returning to the Barrier, Haines found that
Rooper had been sev-!rely wounded, and that
Brigadier Goldie, having earlier sent back Ramsey
Stuart to bring forward whatever m en he could
find , had arrived at the Barrier to take command.
Haines asked his permission to visit the 63rd party
on the left and found they had attracted so much
grape-shot that they had ceased fire. To save lives,
Haines agreed and returned to the Barrier, only to
learn that Goldie had been killed and he was again
in command.
When Dickson 's guns began to get the upper
hand , the Barrier 's defenders suffered less from
artillery fire, though the enemy infantry still kept
up the musketry duel, occasionally trying to push

The defence of the Barrier by H aines and the 2 1st's right wing .
A painting by Marjory Wetherstone.

through . Each time, however, the 2 1st and other

detachments lined the wall and shot them down.
Lee saw the Russian dead and wounded ' lying 4 or
5 deep as every shot told on their columns'.
Nevertheless, with at most only 150 men against
two Russian regiments, seriously weakened though
those were, men were falling all the time. Soon Lee
found that he and Haines
were the only two [21st] officers, the rest being killed or
wounded. We only escaped by the providence of God, for
indeed it was a fearful sight to see so many brave men
falling around one. I was covered in blood from a man
whose brains were dashed out by a round shot. 9

Bit by bit, reinforcements turned up. Acton's

77th company came in and Horsford's diminished
wing of Rifles added their Minies to provide longer
range fire against the Russian guns. Astley's
company of the 49th also arrived. He had been
looking for a battle all morning. At day-break he
had been manning a detached post, known as the
'Hay Picquet' , to the south-east of the 2nd Division
camp. Hearing the never-ending roar of battle to
his north, he decided to abandon his post and
marched along the escarpment towards the Sand-


bag Battery. H e met some Guardsmen reunng,

whose gloomy reports inclined his men to follow.
Astley would have none of it and marched on,
eventually reaching the Barrier to join Haines's
force which , according to Lee, now included men
of several regiments.
With such intermingling it may have been here,
or possibly earlier at the Battery, that one young
officer, anxious to observe the social niceties
despite the turmoil around him, pleaded with one
of another regiment: 'My men can hardly stand
their ground. Would you object to bringing yours
into line with ours? I had the pleasure of being
introduced to you at Lady Palmerston's last
summer'. 10
As Dickson 's 18-pounders had gained ascendancy over the Russian artillery, so too did Haines's
unyielding infantry come to dominate the head of
Quarry ravine by their superior musketry. By 11
o'clock 'the efforts of the enemy to dislodge us
[had] become weak' and, seeing Canrobert's large
force deploying on the right, Haines believed 'an
aggressive movement seemed feasible'. 11 The question was, where and with what?

11.00 am to 1.00 pm
Near to Haines in the ravine were the Iakoutsk and
Okhotsk, still unbroken but greatly reduced and,
having been in action with little respite for nearly
four hours and with nothing to show for it, might
yield to a strong push. However, aligned between
West Jut and Shell Hill still stood the unused 16
battalions of the Vladimir, Sousdal, Ouglitch and
Boutirsk, as well as the Russian artillery . The
latter, though much battered by the 18-pounders,
were about to have a new lease of life as Dickson's
gunners had fired off all their ammunition. Such a
force could hardly be attacked by the few companies and odd detachments of different regiments
at Haines's disposal.
Since daybreak some 7,000 British infantry,
from 18 battalions or parts thereof, had come into
action between the Careenage ravine and the
Sandbag Battery. By 11.00 a third of them were
casualties, but the survivors by no means formed a
cohesive whole. Because of the makeshift method
of resisting successive a ttacks, because seven diand 18 battalion
visional and brigade commanders
or wing commanders had been killed or wounded,

the divisional, brigade, and battalion organization

had ceased to exist, except in the reformed Guards
Brigade, now mustering only one weak battalion's
worth of men.
In addition to the casualties were the noneffectives. Though some men 's reserves of courage
are greater than others, no man's is infinite. When
his belly is empty, when he is short of sleep, when
he has endured moments of fearful danger and
scenes of terrible slaughter- in which comrades of
many years have perished- then, however bravely
he may have fought initially, his reserves are likely
to be exhausted sooner rather than later . Thus it is
not surprising that there were men who found in
the wounded an excuse to help them rearwards or
to carry their rifles or pouches. There were some
who took advantage of the fragmented nature of the
battle, the smoke and undergrowth , the absence of
officers and NCOs, to conceal themselves until
danger passed. In 1854 there were not the regimental aid posts, casualty and straggler collecting posts,
and battle police of later wars. There were others
who, without ammunition and officers to tell them
where to get some and what to do, did not go back
but just waited.
As men found themselves without officers, so
officers found themselves without men. Carmichael
of the 95th, on returning from below the Kits pur,
had rounded up some men 'all pretty well exhausted and without ammunition'. By the time he
found an ammunition mule, his party had reduced
itself to a dozen. He attached himself with these to
the Algerians, but soon after realized, ' I had not a
man belonging to our army with me' . H e ran into
Patullo of the 30th who 'like myself had no
following whatever' and together they made their
way to the back of H orne Ridge, where they found
'a good number of officers and men of all
regiments'. 12 The 95th, or what was left of it, did
not reform as a regiment till the battle was over.
But for every man who skulked or waited to be
told what to do, there were the others, equally tired
and hungry, who ' behaved admirably , many smoking a little black clay pipe during the engagement', 13 and attaching themselves of their own
accord to the nearest unit, however small , of any
regiment. John Campbell of the 30th said:
You might find yourself with a party belonging to several
regiments pursuing the Russians. Presently you ran

11 5

against a stronger party and it was now your turn to fall

back, but your party diminished, some found their own
regiments, some dispersed to collect ammunition from
the pouches of the killed and wounded , some wandered
and a few might go the rear , not many, for the men were
full of resolution. Presently you might come across
groups of men sometimes under non-commissioned
officers, sometimes not, then you would all join and
advance to have another go at the Russians. 14

Wilson of the Coldstream recalled an Irishman of

the 20th who, thinking Wilson was ordering him to
rejoin his own regiment, replied, '0 yer honor,
don't be after sinding me off. I'd like to go on
fightin' wid the Guards'. 15
So it was that the 2nd and 4th Divisions were, by
11 o'clock, merely a collection of under-strength
companies and smaller detachmen ts, most of them
willing enough , but lacking the cohesion and chain
of command that a properly organized counteroffensive would need to succeed - even under such
an indomitable and energetic commander as Pennefather.
He was as aware as H aines that now was the time
for attack, and had sent a message to Raglan that he
could hold his own and that, if reinforced with
fresh troops, he would follow the enemy up and
'lick them to the devil' . 16 The most obvious fresh
troops were the 8,000 infantry, 700 cavalry and 24
guns of the French, poised on the right front of
H ome Ridge. When Raglan ventured a literal
translation of Pennefather's spirited message to
Canrobert, the Frenchman exclaimed delightedly:
'Ah! Que/ brave garqon! Que/ brave homme! Que/ bon
general!' 17 But when he discovered the condition and
numbers of Pennefather's troops, from whom he
would expect support for any attack he launched , his
mood changed. The French batteries would continue to give fire from where they were; the French
infantry and cavalry would merely hold their
ground. Raglan could only concur and Pennefather, who had himself brought the report which
had influenced Canrobert, could hardly defy his
commander-in-chief and risk the remains of two
divisions on their own.
Canrobert's decision left Raglan no choice but to
remain on the defensive. With French aid his
troops had foiled every Russian attempt to break
through and beckon Gortchakoff up to the heights.
Now that Canrobert had at .last made good his
undertaking of 4 November to reinforce the 2nd

Division position, he could doubtless do so again.

But this vital flank of the siege operation - the
Allies' chief priority - was far from secure, what
with Gortchakoff's large force looming on the right
rear, and Dannenberg, still disposing some 14,000
infantry and considerable artillery, continuing to
dominate from Shell Hill th e vital Horne Ridge.
Dannenberg was also in something of a quandary. Since he had been unable to bludgeon his way
through the under-strength 2nd Division with two
fresh corps, it was unlikely that his reduced and
tired force could yet succeed now the French had
arrived in strength. It also seemed unlikely that
Gortchakoff would come up to his aid until he was
in a position to offer him a helping hand, unless the
commander-in-chief, Menshikoff, exercised his
authority- which up to now he had not done- to
force Gortchakoff into action. For the time being,
therefore, Dannenberg's best course of action was
to hold fast on the dominating ground of Shell Hill,
strengthening his position with entrenchments,
and at the same time endeavouring to dislodge that
obstinate little force which still controlled the exit
from his most covered line of approach up Quarry
H aines had continued to resist the Iakoutsk's
periodic forays upon the Barrier. Mostly they just
fired, sometimes they came on at the wall, as
Corporal Fisher described:
I dropped on my knee, ready for a shot. In a few
moments a large body showed themselves. We commenced firing and so did they. Our party being weak ,
some having no rifles , others slightly wounded, the
enemy came close up to the wall, so that we had not time
to load but threw old bayonets, stones and other things at
each other, for we did not give the Russians time to load
or they did not give themselves the trouble for fear of
getting a bayonet thrust. A young officer in a red coat
jumped on the wall and called to us to follow , which we
did and in a few moments the enemy lay in heaps. 18

When ammunition ran short, Sergeant Ellis of the

2l_st 'ordered the men who had knives to cut the
pouches from the dead Russians, and exchanging
rifles, we went after them , firing at them with their
own weapons'. 1<J However, if the two opposing
commanders were prepared, at least for the present, to accept a stalemate , one regimental officer of
the 21st Fusiliers was not.
Sensing how increasingly half-hearted these


,, .

attacks had become, Haines had appreciated that

the enemy gunline, weakened by the 18-pounders,
was a worthwhile objective within his capability.
He went back to suggest this to Pennefather, but
the latter was unwilling to spare men from H om e
Ridge to replace the force at the Barrier. However,
a little later, H aines decided to act on his own
Keeping the men with muskets to man the
Barrier, he ordered Astley to take all those with
Minies and 'advance in skirmishing order through
the brushwood towards Shell Hill and harass the
gunners as much as possible'. 20 He next went
across to Acton's 77th company on his left and gave
him similar ord ers so as to bring fire on the
westernmost battery, some 800 yards (730 m )
Acton took this as meaning he was actually to
attack the battery, which at the time was firing
round shot. Though the balls were passing overhead, his men proved reluctant when he gave the
order to advance. 'Then I'll go by m yself, he said
and walked forward some 30 yards (27 m ). His men

The Russian view up Quarry ravine looking towards the Barrier,

near the skyline , centre. Post Road is on the right , the old track
in the ravine's bed. Inkerman Spur is on the left. A photograph
taken in 1904.

watched uneasily, until Private James T yrell ran

out, calling, 'Sir, I'll stand by you' . 21 Another man
ran forward as well and the three marched on
alone, up the slope, through the scrub, towards the
muzzles of the Russian guns. The suspense must
have been agonizing, but then their example
worked and the company ran up. With huge relief
Acton spread out, sending two sections under
sergeants towards the battery's flanks, while he led
the rest on at a steady run at its centre. The
gunners changed to canister and some fell, but they
went on, dod ging through the bushes. Astley's
men, after some hesitation, were now m oving up
on the right, followed by H orsford 's Riflemen
whom Haines had dispatched in support. And then
cam e the m ost heartening reinforcem ent of all : far
in rear the 18-pounders, now resupplied with
ammunition , opened fire once m ore, their heavy

11 7

substance was over three-quarters of a mile ( 1.2

km) away, from Home Ridge, or the immobile
French. Had Haines judged wrongly?

1.00 to 4.00 pm
Three-quarters of a mile (1.2 km) off in another
direction, on Victoria Ridge, Brigadier-General
Codrington of the Light Division saw the Russian
guns pulled away. Looking at his watch, he noticed
it was 12.45 and sent a galloper off to Raglan.
Since day-break he had kept 1,200 of his
brigadet guarding the east side of Victoria Ridge
from any attack up the Careenage ravine, and
giving whatever fire support they could across the
ravine against West Jut which, when the fog
cleared, was within Minie range. One small infantry attack against Hewett's Lancaster gun had been
quickly driven away by a company of 2nd Rifle
Brigade, but the gun position endured heavy
enfilade gunfire from West Jut. Because the parapet had been rebuilt since 26 October, the Lancaster could only fire forward so that the enemy guns
had to be engaged with rifle fire alone.
Private Oliver's company of the 7th was in
skirmishing order. He took cover from the fire,
'like hailstones', but found 'I could not make my
rifle tell upon them'. He and his corporal decided
to make for the Lancaster battery,

William Acton, 77th, photographed after the war as a captain,


rounds shrieking over the advancing infantry's

heads to crash among the battery. *
Fearful of having his guns destroyed or, worse

still, captured by the infantry, the battery commander called up his teams. Though men and horses
were blown to pieces, his gunners worked like
demons to limber up and get away. Their determination was rewarded. When Acton's breathless
men finally reached the abandoned position, the
only recompense for their gallant attack was one
shattered gun carriage and two limbers. Astley and
Horsford, coming in on the right, captured eight
As the 18-pounders switched to other parts of the
Russian gunline, Acton, Horsford and Astley were
joined by the 21 st's No. 1 Company. Thus some
300 British infantrymen stood again on Shell Hill,
nearly seven hours after it had been abandoned.
Their position, however, was precarious. To their
left, on West Jut, and to their right front were the
four regiments of the Russian reserve, the nearest
little more than 200 yards (180 m) away. Apart
from the 18-pounder fire, the closest support of any

but it was impossible to proceed any further, the shells

and balls came around us so; we fell flat on the ground in
a small hole ... after a short time I said, 'Well Jack, you
can stop but I'll chance it and run for the Battery'.
'Agreed on', he says, and we ran for our lives. We gained
the left of the Battery and commenced firing against the
Russians on the opposite hill. I shifted my position again
to the right of the Battery and had scarcely left the last
place when a shell burst where I had been and killed 4
men. 22

In the battery was Major Sir Thomas Troubridge

Bt of the 7th:
6ft 1 inch and stout in proportion, the best soldier and
calmest man in danger I ever saw. A shot came and took
the Major's two feet off and one leg of an ensign of the
23rd. The blood and flesh came all over me. It was a

* Kinglake (Vol. V, p. 423) attributes responsibility for Acton's advance

to Lord West but, according to Haines's biography, he was misinformed
by an officer who confused West and Haines. In any case, Acton had been
placed under Haines's command by Pennefather, and West was 600 yards
(550 m) away in the Mikriakoff glen (see Rait, pp. 145-6).

Elements of 7th Royal F usiliers, 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers, 33rd, 2nd
Rifle Brigade; later joined by part of the 19th and five guns.


dreadful sight. Our poor Major stood his post bravely he only gave a groan. They wanted to take him home.
'No, men', he said, 'I command you still' . As long as I
live I shall never forget that man. 23

When Troubridge later lay with his amputated

stumps thrust into gunpowder barrels to staunch
the bleeding, he remarked ruefully to a brother
officer, 'this is what's called glory!' 24
While maintaining their position on Victoria
Ridge, Codrington's men lost 180 killed and
wounded from the enemy guns. But when he saw
the Russian gunners attacked by Acton limbering
up at 12.45, he was witnessing the beginning of the
end. Though as yet only one battery was on the
move, its departure from the gunline, and the
renewed 18-pounder bombardment, so dismayed
Dannenberg that he changed his mind. At 1
o'clock, without consulting Menshikoff, who was
only five minutes' ride away with the Grand Dukes,
he decided to retreat. He ordered the Vladimir
Regiment forward, behind which the batteries were
to pull out one by one, the heavier and hardest-hit
guns going first, the lighter batteries to follow,
supported by the other 12 battalions of the reserve.

Sir Thomas Troubridge Bt, 7th Royal Fusiliers, 'the best soldier
and calmest man in danger' . An engraving from a photograph.

Once the Vladimirs had advanced to their covering

position, the hard-tried lakoutsk and Okhotsk
were to retreat down Quarry ravine.
Menshikoff, who had not even left his quarters
that morning until 6.30, had exercised no command function whatever during the battle, but
when he realized what was happening, he rode at
once to Dannenberg and ordered him to stop the
retreat. Dannenberg replied that his men had done
their best, had suffered terribly, and that to
countermand the retreat, now it had begun, would
invite disaster; if Menshikoff wished otherwise, he
should assume command himself. According to
Grand Duke Nicholas, who was present, this
'completely unnerved' Menshikoff, 25 who turned
his horse without a word and rode off.
The courage and devotion to duty of the Russian
gunners, as they stood their ground under Allied
artillery and rifle fire until it was their turn to
move, was beyond praise- particularly in view of
what befell their covering infantry. The commander of the Vladimir was either a fire-eater or
misunderstood his orders; instead of merely presenting a threatening front , he formed his battalions into a massive column and advanced to attack.
As this hitherto unbloodied regiment stumped
down the forward slopes of Shell Hill, the 18pounders smashed into it; soon it was very bloody
indeed and stumbling back.
Apart from pursuing the enemy with gunfire, the
weary British were in no better order to advance
than they had been at 11 o'clock - at least not
without support. Surely now the French would be
willing to exploit the Russian retreat? But not until
3 pm, when the last Russian battery limbered up
and rode off, did Canrobert send forward a battery
with two Zouave battalions to East Jut . What may
have seemed Canrobert's missed opportunity when
the Vladimir retreated
may, after all, have reflected

his sound judgement. When the last Russians had

cleared Shell Hill, a barrage of fire fell on its eastern
slopes. Anchored in the head of the Sebastopol
roadstead, two warships had opened fire with
As the Russian batteries wound their way down
the heights back to Sebastopol, their tired gunners
doubtless giving thanks for their deliverance, they
suddenly heard what one Russian called the 'characteristic ricocheting "ping"' 26 of Minie bullets.
Rifle fire came from the scrub on their left, felling


' The 18-pounders in action from Home Ridge. French troops are
on the right. After A. Maclure.

drivers and horses. After so much, it seemed they

were still not safe.
A company of the 50th under Colonel Waddy
now appeared at this late hour to harass the retreat.
Part of the 50th had been dispatched earlier from
the 3rd Division to reinforce Codrington on Victoria Ridge, from where Waddy had been observing
the retreat. Sensing an opportunity, he led forward
No. 7 Company, crossed the Careenage ravine,
climbed the slope in extended order, and opened
fire just as the leading battery was brought to a halt
by a blockage on the road. His men, in action for
the first time that day, could not miss such a dense
target. Unable to see their assailants except for the
muzzle flashes, and unable to move on because the
draught-horses were falling fast, the artillerymen
began to panic. Then amid the noise and confusion
appeared the calming figure of Todleben. Ordering
up a company of the Ouglitch, he sent them
forward as skirmishers, followed by the whole
Boutirsk Regiment. With only 28 files to hand,
Waddy realized it was time to go. They slipped
away as quietly as they had come, firing as they left
the last shots of the British infantry at the Battle of

The scattered remains of the regiments that had

fought so hard rallied to the bugles sounding the
regimental calls in the bieak , fading afternoon, and
their sergeants began the doleful task of calling the
rolls . In his company of the 20th, Colour-Sergeant
did not find more than 20 men to answer their names.
When absentees were called, the reply was killed,
missing, wounded in hospital or in tents. There were so
many wounded that the whole camp was nearly transformed into a Hospital. 27

It had been what one survivor called 'a pell-mell

curiosity of war' / 8 the battlefield, said another,
resembled 'an abattoir and an earthquake blended
- bruised, gashed, disembowelled man-flesh and
horse-flesh commingled with broken instruments
of war'. It had been won by 'the indomitable
persisten ce of the regimental officers' 29 and, as one
of those truly said, by 'the courageous British
soldier who fought all day without direction or hint
from superior authority, only the example of his
officer who was left equally without guidance' . 30
Inkerman has rightly been called 'the Soldiers'
Battle' for of generalship there was little or none ;
only the endlessly cheerful optimism and tireless
drive of the ubiquitous Pennefather. By whatever
means it was won, as he justifiably claimed
afterwards, ' I tell you , we gave 'em a hell of a
towelling' . 31


I saw the Valley of Death, where thousands lay low;

Not half of whom ever fell by the hands of the foe;
The causes are many, as well known to the State,
But I might give offence if the truth I relate.
I saw the Valley of Death, and going to the trenches,
I looked on the graves and thought of the wenches
In silence lamenting some dear friend or brother,
I thought of the orphan and the heart-broken mother .



The Reckoning

To break through the British position on the

heights of Inkerman, Menshikoff had launched
nearly 35,000 infantry, supported by some 4,500
gunners. By the end of the day they had failed and
suffered 10,729 casualties, just over a quarter of the
force deployed. In contrast, Gortchakoffs corps,
which seeing no breakthrough had remained on the
plain below, lost IS .
The combined British and French casualties
sustained in repelling this attack, including Codrington's contribution from Victoria Ridge, were
about a third of the Russian losses. From first to
last, the British had deployed nearly 10,200 men, a
curiously similar figure to the enemy casualties,
and which included over 1,200 gunners and the
Light Cavalry Brigade's 200; the French contribution was just under 10,000. Yet expressed as a
percentage of their numbers deployed, the 2,573
British casualties*- 25 per cent- was only slightly
less than the Russians' 27 per cent. The heaviest
British losses had been borne by the Guards
Brigade, whose three battalions had each lost over
40 per cent of their fighting strength, though the
hardest hit, individual regiment was the 20th with
more than half of its men deployed being killed or
wounded. Most of the 2nd Division battalions,
which had borne the brunt in the early stages, had
lost between a quarter and a third of their men,
while Horsford's Rifles had suffered nearly as
severely as the Guards in proportion to their
numbers engaged. The casualties on both sides
among senior officers - battalion commanders

upwards - testified to their willingness to give a

lead and share their men's dangers.
The horrific scenes strewn across the battlefield
affected the most seasoned soldiers. Old Colonel
George Bell had been through the Peninsular War
but some of the sights he saw after the battle
shocked my nerves. What ghastly wounds! What varied
positions! That man was in the act of loading his firelock.
His left hand grasps the barrel, his right raised to ram
down the charge; he holds his firelock fast. That one lies
on his back, white and livid, all his blood beside him in a
pool. This body is riddled with shot. This man's
jaw-bone is carried away; his comrade's knee-cap is shot
off. There is a multitude of dead here, many of whom
passed away in agony; others look as if peacefully asleep.
Hear those piercing cries! Men don't often cry but now
they rend the air with life's last shriek of agony. 1

Gunner Love had not been in the battle but,

searching for fallen comrades that evening, thought
'seeing the field after the battle was worse than
being in it'. He and his fellow searchers looked
with horrified fascination upon a man of the 77th,
nothing on but his shirt and trousers, laying down in a
circle of eight Russians, and one of the Russians had his
bayonet through him and he had his bayonet through the
Russian, and he was lying with one hand grasping the
Russian's coat collar and the other clenched in a boxing
attitude. There were three Frenchmen outside of the
circle with their bayonets through three of the Russians.
I think they must have come to his assistance. 2

But why, one wonders, was he only in shirt and


*For a breakdown, see Appendix B.



The war correspondent of the Morning Herald,

N.A. Woods, was particularly appalled by the
effects of gunfire:
One poor fellow of the 95th had been struck by two
round shots in the head and body. A shell afterwards
burst on him and tore him to pieces, and it was only by
the fragments of cloth, with the regimental buttons
attached, that you could tell the rough bloody mess had
ever been a human being. Some had their heads taken off
at the neck, as if with an axe; others their legs gone from
their hips; others their arms, and others again hit in the
chest or stomach, literally as smashed as if they had been
crushed in a machine.3

It was upon Home Ridge and the ruined 2nd

Division camp that the Russian guns had caused
most damage,
the earth ripped up, furrowed, corduroyed by the iron
tornado., In one place half a dozen men would seem to
have been felled by the same round shot. In another,
splinters of a single shell had rent an entire group limb
from limb; multitudes of killed artillery horses, ammunition ponies, ambulance mules, gave variety to the grim
picture. 4

One of the most piteous sights Woods encountered

was 'English women whose husbands were missing
hurrying about with loud lamentations, turning the

Graves of 4th Division officers killed at Inkerman with

headstones erected in 1855, including Major Wynne's, 68th
(nearest the sentry), and Sir George Cathcart's (large cross to the
right rear). From Dickinson's 'Officers' Portfolio'.

faces of our dead to the moonlight, and eagerly

seeking for what they feared to find'. 5
Many survivors commented on how peaceful
some men struck by musket balls looked, compared with those who had been bayoneted, 'their
features convulsed, leaden orbs bulge from their
sockets; their mouths wide open, their blackened
tongues protrude; mud and grass are held in their
fists'. The worst, and the majority, of
such corpses lay around the Sandbag Battery 'layer upon layer, sometimes three or four deep';
not only bayonet wounds but 'the shocking aspect
of faces, every feature beaten down into purple
jelly, bears witness to bludgeoning with butt ends'.
That writer, Wilson of the Coldstream, must have
reflected the thoughts of countless soldiers - then
and since - when he remarked that 'politicians
would talk less lightly of war, could they sometimes
step from their libraries into a field like this'. 6
Many of the dead had not been killed outright
but, after falling wounded, had been finished off by
Russian bayonets. Lieutenant Macdonald of the
95th, for example, having been shot through the


British and French soldiers collecting Russian dead for burial

after the battle. A watercolour by Captain H .H . Clifford.

Lieutenant and Adjutant Macdonald, 95th, receiving the first of

his multiple wounds, in the knee. Detail of a silver centrepiece
owned by the 2nd Battalion Sherwood Foresters.

knee, was propped against a bush when Russians

approached him. He tried to make them understand he was incapacitated but they prodded him
several times with their bayonets and finally
knocked him senseless with their butts. Miraculously he survived, but many did not. Even after
the battle bearer and burial parties, retrieving not
only Allied but Russian casualties as well, were
fired on by Russian guns from Sebastopol. So
numerous were the reports of such brutalities, that
Raglan and Canrobert were constrained to send a
remonstrance to Menshikoff under a flag of truce.
That reprisals were not taken, and that indeed
every kindness was shown to the Russian wounded,
'was mainly owing to the generous nature of the
English soldier'. 7
The plight of the wounded was such that, unless
their injuries were slight, many may have envied
the dead. The luckier ones, if not helped to the rear
by comrades, were collected by the regimental
bandsmen - 20 per regiment - or, in Guards'

battalions whose regimental bands remained at

home, by the drummers and pioneers; each battalion only had ten stretchers. Their task was as
dangerous as any. A Scots Fusilier Guards corporal-drummer wrote how, after being told to find the
best shelter they could, he and the drum-major
'were lying down behind a small bush, the bullets
passing within a few inches of our heads, breaking
off the branches as we lay there. We both expected
every moment to be shot'. The first of five men he
carried back had his thigh broken in two places.
We would get five yards, when a round shot would come.
We would drop down as well as we could, then we would
get up and run . Then a shell would come and down we
would go agail). Poor fellow, he knew how we were
situated and did not complain. 8

Each regiment was supposed to have its own two

doctors and a hospital-sergeant- of varying degrees
of skill and sometimes sobriety - to whom, if they
could be found, the wounded walked or were
carried. One doctor wrote how, having
made, as I thought, convenient arrangements for the
wounded, I was compelled to abandon from the solid
shot and live shell falling thickly around me. I fell back
on my own camp where, having a tent, I established as
comfortable a hospital as could be wished, and where I
was soon in requisition by a host of applicants of all
ranks. I was soon however again compelled to beat a
retreat, the Russians having advanced into such a
position that they regularly enfiladed the whole camp.9

The regimental doctors, or surgeons as they were

styled, could only apply dressings, staunch bleeding and carry out minor surgery and treatment.
Casualties beyond their competence had to be
conveyed to the divisional staff surgeons. The
trouble was, so inadequate was the logistic planning of the Crimean Army, that there was no
properly organized system of casualty evacuation.
A hurriedly formed ambulance corps had reached
Bulgaria in July, but since it was manned entirely
by elderly and often drunken pensioners, it was a
total failure. Some country carts, a few pack
animals, the odd artillery limber or wagon, or four
men each holding the corner of a blanket, these
were the only means of evacuating desperately
wounded and crippled men to the staff surgeons'
hospital tents. Fortunately for some, the French

Surgical instruments used by Surgeon Huthwaite, Grenadier


had a well-organized medical service which helped

with transport when it could .
If a badly wounded man had escaped the Russian
bayonets and been rescued by his bandsmen or - if
he had had to survive a night of pain in the open
and was still alive next morning - by the search
parties combing the battlefield under artillery fire;
if he had outlived the regimental surgeon's ministrations; if he had been transported by whatever
painful means- then he would face , as like as not,
the horrors of amputation without anaesthetics in
the 'shambles of the hospital tents. On all sides
surgeons, their naked arms smeared with blood,
hacking, sawing, gashing, probing, plastering. On
all sides shrieks of agony mingled with dying
moans and incoherent prayers'. 10 Sergeant Connor
believed that 'when the amputation of a leg or an
arm takes place, which is frequently done, in seven
cases out of ten the patient dies from exhaustion' 11
- in other words, from shock. If the unfortunate
victim survived that, he still had to face the pain of,
and probably death from, a septic wound since the
theory of antisepsis was then unknown.
Sergeant Ellis of the 21st had received a musket
ball through the muscle of his right arm and still
had one embedded between the calf and bone of his
left leg. The second bullet was extracted and he was
sent to his own tent 'where I lay for seven days


The Barrack Hospital, Scutari. The cemetery lay in front of the

timber building in the foreground.

getting worse' . He was taken back to hospital

where 'it was considered necessary to amputate my
leg and arm, but I strongly protested. One of the
doctors said he had treated a similar case without
amputation, so I was allowed to retain those useful
appendages and gradually became convalescent'. 12
Dressings and medication were in short supply.
There were no properly trained orderlies or nurses,
and only a few ordinary soldiers to hold the patients
down and bury the severed limbs - 'a dreadful
task', thought Private Hyde of the 49th, while
admitting that 'many of our men had become so
callous' after seeing so many amputations. 13 The
Fusilier Guards drummer, 'after some supper and a
drop of rum, went and helped the doctor dress the
wounds - an awful sight to see, but I can stand
anything now, I am as hard as flint'. 14 The only
other helpers were some of the wives, like the
95th's Mrs Nell Butler, met earlier, who, according
to one grateful soldier, 'worked like a Trojan,
attending to those who needed it'. 15 Another 95th

wife was Mrs Polley, whom George Cavendish

Taylor, an ex-officer of the regiment in the Crimea
as an observer, found in the 95th's hospital,
kneeling on the ground - there were no beds - with
her wounded husband's head on her lap. He had
known both in England and asked her what had
brought her to the Crimea. 'She told me she had
been at the camp at Chobham, and thought this
would be much the same!' 16
The wounded who required further treatment
and longer convalescence were transported by
whatever rough and ready means were available
down the awful, jolting Col track to the Balaclava
hospital, where conditions were chaotic. Then, as
happened to Sergeant Gowing,
we found ourselves on an old steamer - packed on board
anyhow - to live or die; ma~y died before we left the
harbour. The sea was boisterous. Many of our poor
fellows had had not the slightest thing done for them
since they were wounded ... their poor mangled bodies
were infested with vermin. Between decks men were
shrieking with pain, some were lying in a state of
putrefaction, others in a morbid state and some were
consigned to a ~atery grave. 17


.' ':


;~ -

Gowing was lucky as, on reaching Constantinople,

he was shipped on to Malta where there were good
hospitals. For most, their final destination- in both
senses - was either the General or Barrack Hospital
at Scutari: 4 miles (6.4 km) of rickety beds with
unwashed mattresses on rotting floors, verm.in
everywhere, sewage overflowing, overworked and
insufficient doctors, acute shortages of everything,
gross overcrowding, filth, stench, gangrene, death
and hopelessness. Such were the base hospital
facilities provided by one of the richest and most
powerful countries in the world for the wounded
soldiers whom it had sent out to fight. It was said
that once a man entered here, all that was left for
him was to pull his still muddied and bloodied
blanket- if he had one- over his head and await his
end. To this feared hell-hole had come the sick
from Bulgaria, the wounded and dying of the Alma
and Balaclava. Here too came the heroic men of
Inkerman. But unlike those who had preceded
them, they could soon expect some comfort for the
dying and, for some, a chance of survival. The day
before they had fought their battle, a party of 38
nurses had landed at Scutari, led by a redoubtable
Englishwoman, Miss Florence Nightingale.

An improved ward in the Barrack Hospital, after the arrival of

Florence Nightingale, standing in the centre. After W.

The day after the battle, the combatants began to
take stock. Despite having amassed, for the first
time in the Crimea, a decisive superiority in men
and guns, the Russians had failed to achieve the
aim set out by Menshikoff of seizing and occupying
the heights on which the English troops were.
established. To placate the Tsar, rather than
implementing any strongly held views of his own
on the need to attack - which he lacked Menshikoff had devised a plan_, complex but
basically sound and feasible. However, he had
promulgated it without clarity, and executed it
without the essential overall command and coordination. Despite his numerical superiority, only
about a th.ird of his total force was committed to the
main thrust. His subordinate commanders, who
had only just arrived, were given no time for
reconnaissance of difficult ground unfamiliar to
them, which would have to be traversed in the dark


and of which there were no maps.

By confining

Dannenberg's command over Soimonoff and

Pauloff until the moment when the two corps had
linked up on the heights, he virtually allowed
Soimonoff a free hand in the early stages which,
compounded by Pauloffs delay in coming into
action, resulted in Soimonoffs premature attackwith the results seen . Pessimistic by n~nure,
without confidence in his troops, subordinates and
even himself as a field commander, Menshikoff had
simply let events take their course, his only
intervention being his attempt to halt Dannenberg's retreat. According to Grand Duke Nicholas,
he provided himself with no headquarters staff
during the battle, and neither sought nor received
any reports from his commanders. After it, he
blamed everyone but himself for the failure and
accused the troops of cowardice.
The elderly Dannenberg had attempted to put
some flesh on Menshikoffs skeletal orders, including his belated and, as it turned out, ignored order
for Soimonoff to attack up Victoria Ridge. But,
inhibited by his superior's dislike, lack of confidence and restrictions on his command responsibilities, and with deployment of his large force limited
by the formation and size of the battlefield, he had
been unable to launch a coordinated offensive and
the attacks had been made piecemeal. First Soimonoff, then part of Pauloffs corps, had been held
and convincingly repulsed by Pennefather's 2nd
Division alone before 7 .30, leaving only Pauloffs
other three regiments to continue the battle,
including the wasteful struggle for the Sandbag
Battery, for nearly another six hours, while the four
regiments of the reserve remained uncommitted.
Dannenberg's dismay at Gortchakoffs inactivity, emphasized by his negligible casualties, was
understandable, but the latter's orders had only
enjoined him to draw upon himself the enemy
forces holding the escarpment, to try and secure
one of the ascents up it, and send up his dragoons
'at the first possibility'. 18 As to the last, Gortchakoff could claim that no possibility had arisen, but
his execution of the rest had been so ineffectivefor which he blamed his subordinate, Liprandi,
with whom he was at odds- that he had completely
failed to prevent Bosquet's timely reinforcement of
the embattled British.
Considering the animosities between the senior
Russian commanders, their poor planning, imper-

feet control and waste of resources, it is surprising

and indeed creditable that most Russian units
fought as bravely and as stoically as they did. The
Iakoutsk and Okhotsk Regiments, in particular,
were u sed and u sed again, yet still retreated rather
than ran at the end. In the circumstances - and
remembering the vulnerability and rigidity of the
way they were trained to operate, and their reliance
on the bayonet necessitated by their obsolete
muskets - it ill became Menshikoff to blame his
defeat on their cowardice.
For the future, he saw no alternative but to
remain on the defensive, trusting in the winter to
defeat the Allies. Apart from a failed attack against
a strong Turkish force holding Eupatoria, the
Allies' original landing place, in February, the
Russians would not take the offensive again until
August. By then, however, Menshikoff had been
dismissed , and Tsar Nicholas, broken by failure,
was dead.
That would be many months ahead. The only
advantage accruing to the Russians immediately
after Inkerman was that the casualties they had
inflicted, particularly on the British, put paid to the
plan discussed by Raglan and Canrobert on 4
November for an assault against Sebastopol on the
7th. Indeed De Lacy Evans was so struck by the
disparity of strength between the Russian forces
and the remaining British , that he felt compelled to
urge Raglan to abandon the siege. Raglan could not
agree, but it was clear the Allies too would have to
remain on the defensive until major reinforcements
could arrive. And that, as Menshikoff had hoped,
would condemn them to winter on the Chersonese
Plateau, for which the British certainly were in no
way equipped.
Nevertheless, apart from the heavy loss inflicted
on the Russians, the Allies had averted what could
have been a major tactical disaster with farreaching strategic implications. Had the Russian
plan succeeded, Raglan's army would have been
cut off from its Balaclava base, which itself would
have become more vulnerable than it had been on
25 October. The entire British position before
Sebastopol could have been attacked both from the
rear and the town, forcing Raglan to withdraw
what remained of his army into the French sector
and transferring his base to Kamiesch- if facilities
there permitted. Whether the Allies could have
continued to prosecute the siege successfully on the


relatively narrow front afforded by the French lines

is questionable. They would have had to contend
not only with the town's defenders, but with a
powerful force permanently poised on their open
flank with free access both to the town and the
interior. If it had come to failure , the only course
would have been evacuation- assuming its feasibility - leaving Russia the victor, at least in the
Crimea. One could speculate endlessly about what
might then have ensued: encouragement of further
Russian expansionism; the effect on Turkey, Austria and upon Napoleon III's position in France;
the implications for Britain's communications with
the East and for her prestige and power, particularly in India. Notwithstanding what might have
happened had the men of Inkerman not stood firm,
the fact remains they did, thereby saving their
country's honour and ensuring their army's survival before Sebastopol.

Some of the men who stood firm at Inkerrnan. Survivors and

wounded of the Coldstream Guards and 20th returning to camp.
Detail from a print after Lady Buder's 'Return from Inkerman' .

If their endeavours had received some help from

faulty Russian generalship, their success could
hardly be ascribed to its British counterpart.
Raglan had been present throughout but had
exercised little influence on the outcome, apart
from the important and effective decision to order
up the two 18-pounders. Sir George Brown, the
martinet commander of the Light Division and
Raglan's chief confidant, had also been present but
had done little except rebuff Bosquet's early offer
of help and sustain a wound in the arm. Sir George
Cathcart, Brown's partner in the Bosquet incident,
had disobeyed orders and got himself and a good
many of his men killed in an ill-conceived counter-





Left: HRH The D uke of Cambridge, 'who led nobly to the

charge' . Right : Sir George Cathcart, who did the same, but
contrary to orders.

attack, from which the survivors had considerable

difficulty extricating themselves. Sir George De
Lacy Evans had conscientiously ridden up from his
sick-bed, but sensibly had refrained from interfering with his subordinate, Pennefather's handling of
the battle. Codrington and Sir Richard England,
commanding 3rd Division, though not, in the
event, attacked, had not been able to discount the
possibility of a foray from Sebastopol - as made
against the French lines by Timovieff- so they had
rightly maintained watch on that flank but doing
what they could to assist the main battle. The Duke
of Cambridge had followed, rather than influenced,
events; he had been unable to prevent the heavy
losses sustained by his Guardsmen, by which, one
said, 'he seemed sadly hurt', 19 yet had won their
esteem for the way 'he had led us nobly to the
charge', thereby proving himself 'a fine specimen
of what family he belongs to'. 20
Such generalship as had been evident was
Pennefather's. His methods - akin to damming a
growing number of holes in a flood-threatened
dyke with whatever materials lay to hand - may

have been more unconventional and disruptive of

regimental cohesion than Evans's handling of Little
Inkerman, but he had been faced with a far
stronger force, and from the start he could not
know what reinforcements would reach him and
when. All he could do was to win as much time and
space as he could with his own understrength
division by confronting the enemy well forward
and utilizing the difficulties of the terrain. Once he
had got all the reinforcements he was likely to
receive - a large part of which, through no fault of
his, became sucked into the fight around the
Sandbag Battery - his only option then was to
inspire his men to hold on, either until the Russian
will to continue was broken by their casualties, or
until the French arrived - not unlike Wellington
waiting for Blucher at Waterloo.
Up to a point, his dawn picquets had been
caught unawares by the enemy advance but, given
the fog, the extent and ruggedness of the ground
combined with his lack of numbers, it is difficult to
see how it could have been otherwise. Nevertheless, they put up a sufficiently stout resistance to
give Pennefather time to reinforce them with
whatever wing or battalion came first to hand.
Pennefather's methods proved effective enough
to prevent a Russian breakthrough. In the end, the
efforts of some enterprising infantry and the


18-pounders provided the catalyst which persuaded

Dannenberg to break off the contest . That the
Russian retreat was not exploited into a rout cannot
be blamed on Pennefather, for by then he was
bound to defer to Raglan, who in turn was
hamstrung by Canrobert's unwillingness to con

While not detracting from Pennefather's achievement, the fighting conditions - poor visibility
caused by fog and subsequent battle smoke, plus
the brush-covered terrain with its gullies and
ravines - made it impossible for even such an
energetic commander as he to exercise control over
events other than those occurring wherever he
happened to be at any one time. Thus it was that so
much of the outcome depended on the regimental
officers and their ability to judge what needed to be
done to stem the flood, and to carry their men with
them in furtherance of their resolve. Though
always outnumbered, they were quick to appreciate
how the solid, ponderous Russian masses could
first be confused, then halted, and finally turned
back by their own supple, and agile, but thin,
formations. These could make best use of their
superior musketry, on the principle that the way to
stop a steamroller was not by opposing mass with
mass, but by the irruption of small missiles into its
working parts from many directions.
Battle obviously induces fear into all men, and
British officers and men were no braver than their
Russian counterparts. But the latter's reliance on
mass bred a sheep-like mentality; the more open
British methods encouraged enterprise and initiative, not merely among the officers, but in the men
as well. One officer observed admiringly 'how
quick of invention and rich in resource were the
non-commissioned-officers and privates, despite a
military education shallow and imperfect' .2 1 In
peacetime the British infantryman had been drilled
and drilled, as had the Russian. This had incul.
cated the necessary discipline but, having learned
how to survive on the battlefield at the Alma, Little
lnkerman and during the constant picquetting
duties, the British soldier's more independent
character had asserted itself, without losing the
engrained obedience which is a prerequisite for
military success.
That men, most of whom were tired and hungry

when they started, could so overcome their natural

fears as to endure the concentrated horrors and
dangers of a battle like Inkerman and still function
effectively as soldiers under orders, against superior numbers and artillery, cannot be wholly attributed to the drill-based discipline acquired on the
barrack square, nor even to better skill-at-arms
than the enemy's. In his book, The Face of Battle,
John Keegan has skilfully suggested what motivated men to keep going at Waterloo, a very
different battle tactically, fought nearly 40 years
earlier, but nevertheless with some characteristics
similar to Inkerman. Most of the British infantry at
Waterloo began the battle tired, hungry and wet
through, probably even more so than at Inkerman,
which suggests their morale may have been at a low
ebb. Yet Keegan speculates whether their physical
fatigue may not have partially anaesthetized them
mentally against life-threatening fear .22 No evidence of this is readily apparent from the Inkerman
accounts, yet perhaps men felt that the quicker the
fighting was concluded, the sooner could their
physical deprivations be made good, assuming of
course one survived; running away was likely to
increase, rather than alleviate the problem, apart
from the consequences of being caught. In any
case, in the Crimea there was nowhere to run to,
except the enemy, and his treatment of the
wounded may have suggested to ordinary soldiers
that a similar fate awaited prisoners or desertersSergeant McMillan for one had certainly believed

Some of the types of men to whom the victory was due.

Coldstreamers, all wounded at lnkerman, after the war.


Loyalty to comrades: Private Parkes, 4th Light Dragoons,

saving Trumpeter Crawford's life at Balaclava. A painting by
Chevalier Desanges.

this when below the Kitspur. As discussed earlier,

there were men at Inkerman who, if they did not
actually take to their heels in panic-stricken flight,
were able to make themselves unavailable due to
the prevailing conditions. Most, however, seem to
have stuck it out.
Keegan suggests one important motivating factor
at Waterloo was 'group solidarity': 23 the sense of
security afforded by the unit to which a man
belonged, his loyalty to his comrades within it, his
wish not to betray them and to earn their esteem.
Keegan mentions a regiment's Colours as a powerful symbol of that loyalty, exemplified by the
sacrifices made to preserve them. Not every regiment at Inkerman took its Colours into action, but
examples have been seen in the battle showing that
they remained an important focus for infantrymen's endeavours (and would continue to do so for
nearly three decades). In the same vein was the
regimental spirit, probably more highly developed
in 1854 than in 1815, evinced by the 20th's
'Minden Yell' and the 57th's 'Remember Albuera',

with its appeal for solidarity, not merely with

present comrades, often of long standing in the
regiment, but also with those who had fought and
died for it in the past. Every regiment, each a
close-knit entity and particularly so on active
service, was jealous of its honour in the sight of
others. The two companies of the 46th, the only
representatives then in the Crimea of a regiment
which had attracted such adverse publicity before
the war, would have been well aware how much
their regiment's reputation depended on them as
they charged alongside the 68th down the Kits pur.
At Balaclava, the 13th Light Dragoons were
exhorted to keep going, not so much to get at the
Russian guns, but to avoid being outdistanced by
the 17th Lancers. Even when men of different
regiments became mixed up, as happened at
Inkerman, each ad hoc group would have become a
microcosm of inter-regimental rivalry, each man
mindful of not betraying the numerals on his cap
before the others. The regiment was, after all, for
better or worse, the Victorian soldier's home, his
family , and therefore not to be let down.
At Waterloo Keegan also rates highly 'individual
leadership', 24 especially that of the regimental
officers. They, he concludes, were motivated by
their concept of honour: how their conduct as
gentlemen, more than as officers, was perceived,
not so much by their men, as by their brother
officers. Of individual leadership being a prime
motivator at Inkerman there can be no doubt: an
obvious example being Acton and his 77th company. Though the tradition of the gentlemanofficer remained in 1854, and though it was still
important for him to stand well with his fellows,
there was an added dimension. The mid-Victorian
officer, particularly in the field, had a greater sense
of obligation and attachment to his men than his
Regency counterpart. He may not have yet acquired the close identification with every aspect of
his soldiers' lives as, say, the subaltern of 1914, but
he was closer to them in spirit. Keegan mentions
how Waterloo officers in their recollections were
often vague about their soldiers' names and
identities. 25 Carmichael of the 95th, writing 40
years after Inkerman, remembered not only his
soldier servant's Christian name, but also his
regimental number, as well as the first names of
other 95th men; he could even recall the name of an
old soldier of the ambulance service who had asked




to fall in with his company. Other officers' recollections mention the deeds of individual soldiers,
sometimes giving their Christian names and almost
always their ranks. There are countless references
in Captain Wilson's book which reveal the admiration and respect he had for the ordinary Crimean
soldier, not just his own Coldstreamers, but of the
Line as well. 26 Strange Jocelyn of the Fusilier
Guards wrote movingly of his sergeant, mortally
wounded in the battle, whose widow he had
confided to his sister-in-law's interest, and who was
'one of the noblest and finest fellows that ever
breathed ... his loss to me was as great almost as a
brother's. I had great affection for that man and
would do anything for his widow and children'. 27
In an otherwise highly critical 1855 report on
Crimean operations, its authors singled out for
praise the way officers 'had not only shared all the
danger and exposure and most of the privations
which the men had to undergo, but the evidence is
full of incidental indications of their solicitude for
the welfare of those under
That their officers' regard was reciprocated by
the men has been quoted in several soldiers'
accounts: Private Evans for 'poor Mr Clutterbuck'
of the 63rd; Sergeant Connor for Captain Nichol-


Loyalty to the regiment: the Grenadiers' fight to save their

Colours on the Kitspur. After the painting by Edward

son; Private Oliver for Sir Thomas Troubridge.

Sergeant McMillan thought Captain Tower of the
Coldstream 'as brave a young man as any on the
field'/ 9 a completely spontaneous tribute, being
written in his diary the evening of the battle, as
were the others, all written to relations soon
afterwards, not years later in the hope of gain from
publication. The 1855 report, mentioned above,
commented wannly on 'the community of feelings
and interests that appeared everywhere to subsist
between officers and their men'. 30
Men will surely follow more willingly and
wholeheartedly an officer who has earned their
respect and esteem by his example and care for
them, than merely obeying his orders for fear of the
consequences if they did not. How else does one
explain the actions, seemingly against all common
sense and natural inclinations to self-preservation,
of private soldiers like James Tyrell, George
Bancroft and Anthony Palmer, in support of
officers like Acton, Burnaby and Sir Charles



Russell? Perhaps they were exceptional and simply

just very brave men. Even so each demonstrated a
willingness to stand by a particular officer.
As remarked in Chapter 1, the Crimean officer's
care for his men and his readiness to set an example
can possibly be attributed in part to the Arnoldian
ideal of 'the Christian gentleman'. Not all were
paragons of virtue, nor did they exhibit the stifling,
sometimes hypocritical respectability of much of
the Victorian middle class, but most became imbued with a well-intentioned paternalism towards
their men, inspired as much by their education as by the heroic endurance of their soldiers.
The times, too, witnessed a pervasive religious
feeling, with the emphasis on personal conduct,
among all classes in England, far stronger than 40
years earlier - though the Army, and particulary
the rank and file, was probably less affected, having
only seven chaplains in the whole service in 1854.
Despite the popular appeal of Methodism in the
early nineteenth century, John Keegan found little
reference to prayer and religious observance at
Waterloo. 3 1 To what extent religious faith sustained men at Inkerman is hard to say. There were
truly devout men like Champion of the 95th, but he
was atypical. Men who left memoirs of their service
would not necessarily have mentioned what was
essentially a private matter. ln letters home,
however, there are references to the Almighty,
usually in the context of expressing thankfulness
for deliverance after battle, by soldiers as well as
officers, though of course they were the better
educated and therefore a minority.
A more immediately sustaining factor to the
majority before battle may have been their estimation of the enemy. Many Waterloo men were
veterans of the Peninsular War, but Napoleon' s
reputation and the spectacle of his 1815 army still
exerted a powerful, even intimidating impression.

The men of Inkerman had beaten their enemy at

the Alma and more recently at Little Inkerman,
they knew of their cavalry's exploits at Balaclava,
and before their very eyes they could see how a few
files with Minies could cause havoc to an 800strong Russian column.
The Waterloo soldiers were not short of John
Bull-ish characteristics, but in 1854 Britain was a
greater power than it had been in 1815, in wealth
and the extent of its empire. Whatever their
circumstances, its inhabitants were aware of this
and, however poor, however little they may have
benefited, when it came to dealing with foreigners,
they were Englishmen (or Britons) first and foremost. The admonition, 'Remember you are born a
true Englishman', which Sir Harry Smith received
from his mother, 32 was typical of much parental or
schoolmasterly advice in the nineteenth century.
Bosquet caught a whiff of it from Brown and
Cathcart. How it struck the Russians is apparent
from Colonel Seaton's account of the war from
Russian sources, in which he quotes how, during
the periodic truces to recover casualties, the
Russian troops fraternized easily with the French,
but the English soldiers treated them as they
treated all foreigners, 'with good-tempered condescension or amused contempt' . One Russian
apparently found that some British infantrymen's
idea of fraternization was to remove their coats and
suggest 'a bout of fisticuffs'. 33
Nowadays such manifestations of national superiority are deplored, indeed over the last three
decades national guilt has been actively propagated
in some influential quarters. But for the galloping,
ex-stable-boy lancer staring a Russian gun in the
muzzle, or the ploughman turned infantryman only
yards from a thicket of out-thrust bayonets, to
believe he was the better man may have just
stiffened his resolve.



Noble Exertions

Three days after the battle, Raglan penned to the

Secretary of State for War, the Duke of Newcastle,
what he rightly called an 'imperfect description of
this most severe battle'. 1 It cannot have been an
easy task so soon afterwards; even with the benefit
of hindsight many who have written of it have
found its course and nature difficult to describe.
What many found less excusable when his description was published was Raglan's sadly typical
apportioning of praise.
In modern times a 'mention in dispatches' merits
an oak-leaf upon the relevant campaign medal, and
rates just below a decoration for gallantry or
distinguished service. This was not the case in
1854, nevertheless a 'mention' implied recognition
of valuable service rendered and could benefit a
man's career. Yet in Raglan's dispatch on 'the
Soldiers' Battle', only two officers below the rank
of brigadier-general were singled out by name:
Egerton of the 77th and Jeffries of the 88th; no
Daubeney, Haines, Burnaby, Acton, Bellairs and
many others of equal worth, not even Collingwood
Dickson whose guns Raglan had himself summoned. On the other hand, Sir George Brown's
'admirable behaviour' was of course noted. Sir
George Cathcart, allotted four paragraphs, might
have derived some comfort, from the grave, at the
omission of his disobedience, and even managed a
wry smile at being described as 'an attached and
faithful friend'. De Lacy Evans received 69 wo~ds
for being present; Pennefather only a somewhat
lukewarm 23 for the way 2nd Division 'gallantly
maintained itself under the greatest difficulties'.
His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge was

mentioned no less than three times and 'particularly distinguished himself. The only regiments,
other than the Guards Brigade, specifically mentioned were the 20th, 68th, 77th and 88th, and
those little more than in passing; for the 21st,
which had held the vital Barrier for so long, not a
word. The ordinary soldiers, it almost goes without
saying, featured merely as 'the troops', and not
very often. But then Raglan neither knew them,
nor they him.
When the officers of the Grenadiers first read it
in the Crimea, Higginson recorded 'we are all
frantic', while as for the custom of reading it out to
the troops: 'I could not bring myself to do it, so
shamefully are we treated'. 2 It was accompanied by
news of Raglan's promotion to field-marshal.
Calthorpe, Raglan's nephew and ADC, wrote:
'This, I need hardly say, gives general
satisfaction'. 3 Captain Clifford's more jaundiced
view of Raglan's new baton - 'He has more to
thank the Army for, than it has him' - was mild
compared with another's 'The Queen ought to
break it over his head!' 4 Such sentiments were
more common than Calthorpe's.
Raglan was not an inconsiderate man nor was he
contemptuous of his juniors, like Menshikoff. He
was indeed both kindly and courteous - some
thought excessively so for his task - but he was
remote, intensely undemonstrative, an aristocrat
formed in an earlier age with an uncritical sense of
hierarchy. After the Light Brigade's charge he had
ridden through its camp without a word of
sympathy or praise, not from indifference, but
because he himself found dispensing commenda-


Three VCs in later life. From left: William Hewett, for 26

October and 5 November when a midshipman in the Royal
Navy; Alexander Dunn, for 25 October when a lieutenant in the
11th Hussars; John Owens, for 26 October when a sergeant in
the 49th Regiment.

tion as embarrassing as receiving it. So it was after

Yet if he could find no words for the men who
had done the work, the same was not true of the
Queen. Although her reply to the dispatch expressed her 'approbation' for all the senior men listed by
Raglan, she began by declaring her 'gratitude for
the noble exertions of the troops in a conflict which
is unsurpassed in the annals of war for persevering
valour and chivalrous devotion', and expressly
made the point that 'let not any private soldier
believe his conduct is unheeded. The Queen thanks
him. His country honours him'. 5 In special recognition of the NCOs, she commanded that one
sergeant in every regiment of cavalry and battalion
of infantry be granted a cornetcy or ensigncy to be
dated 5 November 1854. One so promoted, ColourSergeant John Sexton of the 95th, who had skilfully
extricated a detachment from the depths of Quarry
ravine, eventually rose to the rank of majorgeneral.
The Queen also perceived that there existed 'no
means of adequately rewarding the individual

gallant services', either of officers of 'the lower

grades' of the Navy and Army or ofNCOs and men
of both services. Thus was created the Victoria
Cross, for services 'in the presence of the enemy'
while performing 'some signal act of valour or
devotion'. 6 By the time it was formally instituted in
1856, many men who might have deserved it were
dead (posthumous awards were not initially permitted), nevertheless six were awarded for the Alma,
nine for Balaclava, four for Little Inkerman, and 20
for the great battle of 5 November (including five
Royal Navy and one Royal Marine).
Such recognition, however, was more than two
years in the future and in any case would only
benefit a tiny minority.* In the immediate aftermath of Inkerman, a Gunner officer saw no
exaltation of spirit which usually follows the gain of a
great battle, for the stress of the conflict had been too
prolonged and heavy to allow of quick reaction. The
gloom of the November evening seemed to overspread
the wearied occupants of the hardly-contested ground
and descended on a field so laden with carnage that no
aspect of the sky could deepen its horrors. 7

Or, to put it more simply, as an officer wrote about

the end of the Great War, 'the soldier was too tired
*Most were gazetted on 24 February 1857, but Lieutenant Miller, Royal
Artillery, not unti16 May 1859.


to be elated'. 8 Landing on 7 November with the

rest of the 46th, Captain Shervinton found that the
remains of their two companies, which had been in
the battle, 'seem half ashamed to claim our
acquaintance and indeed it is difficult to recognise
in their haggard faces and ragged clothing the gay
soldiers who left us the other day'. 9
In the ensuing days, bewilderment, disillusion
and anger were added to sadness and grief over lost
comrades. For all the efforts and sacrifices by
regimental officers and men to compensate for the
higher command's failings, the campaign was no
further forward, indeed it had been set back. There
could now be no assault on Sebastopol, the
grinding routine in trenches and on picquet returned, and all was made worse by incessant rain
churning the ground into mud and rendering the
only track to Balaclava impassable, so that rations
could not reach the camps. Overshadowing everything was the now certain prospect of wintering on
the heights. Three days after the battle, Raglan
instructed his commissary-general to make the
necessary administrative arrangements.

The great gale of 14 November. From Dickinson's 'Officers'


The Russian climate gave that unfortunate official six days' grace; then, as though in mockery of
such belated planning, showed the teeth the Tsar's
army had lacked. From six o'clock on the morning
of 14 November a hurricane accompanied by
deluging rain struck the camps. Tents, stores and
equipment flew in all directions, along with the
meagre scrub which provided the only fuel. The
Guards' bearskin caps, which normally stood on
short pegs outside their tents, were later found in a
ravine a quarter of a mile away. Where the
hospitals had been, the sick and wounded lay
helpless and dying in the mud under torrents of
rain. The trenches were flooded ; men and horses
blown over; officers' camp kit whirled through the
air; wagons were overturned. Around midday it
grew colder, the rain turned to sleet, followed by a
snowstorm until soon all the mud and wreckage
were covered by a layer of white. Late in the


The road from Balaclava (left rear) to the heights in the wet.
Kadikioi church is beyond it. After W. Simpson.

afternoon the wind abated a little and attempts

were made tore-erect the tents. But there was now
an acute shortage of tent-poles and in any case the
canvas, rotted by the summer sun and drenched by
subsequent rains, leaked like a sieve. Worst of all,
in Balaclava harbour 21 vessels were dashed to
pieces, all containing badly needed stores of all
kinds, clothing,* medical supplies, forage, tents
and ammunition.
From this terrible day of harrowing misery
began the Army's 'dire season of calamity'. 10
Balaclava was a shambles, its track to the heights a
quagmire up which the few carts the commissariat
possessed could not pass, while the baggage animals were starved for lack of forage and dying from
overwork. Soon the transport system, inadequate
at the start, had completely broken down, and the
* Ordinary replacement garments, not special winter kit, none of which
arrived until after the year turned .

only means of getting supplies and stores from the

base to the heights- a round trip of 12 hours -was
on the backs of undernourished infantrymen,
already weak from exposure and exhausted by the
never-ending trench work and picquets, or the
cavalry and artillery horses which were in as
pitiable condition as the baggage animals. By the
end of November nearly 8,000 men were sick and
their conveyance by these means from the camp to
the harbour, for transmission to Scutari, was a
nightmare experience of pain, cold and delirium
from which many succumbed. The fighting troops
who had given of their utmost, were being betrayed
by the . chaotic lack of logistic planning and
foresight for the Crimean expedition- indeed the
absence of any effective administrative and staff
system in the Army as a whole. Regimental officers
like Higginson marvelled at how 'the half-starved
and scantily clothed British soldier dauntlessly
persevered amid all this suffering, privation and
heavy strain of physical endurance without a
despondent word', but spoke for many like himself
when he wrote home that 'we are by degrees getting
roused, and suppressed indignation at the long-


endured neglect which we have most patiently

submitted to will at last burst all bonds and assert
the truth'. 11
The focus of their anger, not unnaturally, was
Raglan, who, in Strange Jocelyn's bitter words,
lived 'in a comfortable Farm House from which he
never stirs, and knows but little of the misery his
officers and men are living in'. 12 The _diaries and
letters of a more senior man like Windham, a
highly professional and thoughtful officer, are full
of concern for the desperate state of the army and
indignation, mixed with contempt, about Raglan
and his headquarters staff:
How any man who had served under the Duke of
Wellington could ever have allowed such a state of affairs
to arrive is incomprehensible. I am surprised that a man
like him, so perfect a clerk, so continually calling for
details, should have allowed his army to waste away from
want of method and arrangement.

As for the staff,

they have every possible comfort: good beds, good fires
and good dinners. If [their] farmhouse were only burnt
down, we might get them possibly to move. 13

Raglan's invisibility to his long-suffering troops

stemmed not from idleness or lack of concern, but
it was in the same vein as his inability to offer praise
or inspiration. He spent hours labouring at paperwork from which a proper staff should have
relieved him, while that staff, untrained for war,
seem to have regarded their prime role as shielding
their chief from unpalatable facts. All the hardships
and deprivations of that terrible winter stemmed
from the absence of measures that should have
been pre-planned before its onset, for which the
home authorities were as much to blame as Raglan.
The Duke of Wellington, Raglan's mentor, neither
loved, nor was loved by his men, but he always
took great care that his army was well-found. He
was also only 46 in 1815 and in his prime. Raglan,
as Windham said, was without 'sufficient energy
and far too old [66] for his post'; 14 a clerk indeed,
albeit an aristocratic one, rather than a commander.
Many officers, some with influential connections, wrote home about the sufferings and deteriorating health of their steadfast men and the
incompetence and thoughtlessness of the staff: how

soldiers scrabbled for twigs and roots to make

pathetic little smouldering fires, while a copse of
trees sheltered the headquarters building; how a
shipload of medical stores, urgently needed at
Scutari, had first to sail on to Balaclava to offload
the ordnance stacked on top before it could return
to Scutari; how the 63rd, which had fought nobly
at Inkerman, was reduced to only 20 effectives;
how men spent every other night in the trenches,
soaked through by rain or snow, and having no
means to warm themselves and dry their clothing,
now completely threadbare, in the brief times they
had off duty, and all having such inflamed gums
and rotting teeth that they could scarcely eat their
paltry rations. The Government's announcement of
a campaign medal for the Crimean Army drew
from John Leach his famous Punch cartoon of two
ragged, shivering Guardsmen: one saying, 'Well,
Jack, here's good news from home. We're to have a
medal', to which the other replies, 'That's very
kind. Maybe one of these days we'll have a coat to
stick it on'. 15 Such was the neglect of the men who
had won Inkerman.
Not only were they fading away from cholera,
scurvy, gangrene, frost-bite and dysentery, but
more recent arrivals were suffering equally. By 6
December, a month after landing, the 46th had lost
160 dead, only a handful being killed by enemy

That something was eventually done was owed
not so much to officers' lobbying but very largely to
one man whom some officers regarded as 'a vulgar,
low Irishman': The Times correspondent, William
Howard Russell. He had covered the campaign
from the start and from his descriptions of the
battles people at home had acquired a pride and
interest in their army which they had never
displayed before. He had ruffled many feathers in
the upper and staff ranks and been denied access to
Raglan's headquarters. Clifford, who coined the
above description, qualified it by saying Russell
was 'looked upon by most in camp as a "Jolly Good
Fellow'", and that he was 'rather an awkward
Gentleman to be on bad terms with' . 16 Russell was
aware that Raglan had accused him of providing
the enemy with useful information through his
dispatches (though actual publication of them was
the responsibility of his powerful editor, J .P.
Delane), but he maintained that the people of
England had a right to know that 'the wretched


. ..........

8 ltut

The plight of the infantry manning the trenches in the winter of

1854-55. A watercolour by Captain H .H. Clifford.

beggar who wandered about the streets of London

in the rain led the life of a prince compared with the
British soldiers who were fighting for their
country'. 17
The effect of Russell's graphic descriptions of
the army's winter sufferings was summed up by
Hamley as shaking
the nation with a universal tremor of anger and grief. It
could not bear to think that the men of whom it had
suddenly grown so proud should be perishing of want,
while wealth and plenty reigned at home. The feeling
found expression in two ways, very different. The one
was an absorbing desire to afford immediate relief; the
other a fretful craving to find scapegoats and make them
atone for all this suffering. 18

William Howard Russell, correspondent of The Times.

The latter, orchestrated by The Times, provoked

a series of censuring letters to Raglan from the
Duke of Newcastle, and a less hectoring, but
nevertheless accusatory correspondence from the
Queen. Raglan replied in detail to every criticism,
manfully defending his staff. The attacks earned
him some sympathy from formerly critical officers
who considered the accusations reflected badly on

the Crimean Army as a whole. However, as

Clifford noted in January, ' the articles in "The
Times" have had a wonderful effect. He [Raglan]
rides about much more than he did, amongst the
tents' . 19 Near the end of the month, with The Times
setting its sights on the Government, Lord Aberdeen and Newcastle both resigned, being succeeded by Lords Palmerston and Panmure respectively, who immediately set up a commision under
Sir John McNeill and Colonel Tulloch to enquire
into the conduct of the Crimean operations. Their
subsequent reports, while praising the behaviour of
officers and men under appalling conditions, as
mentioned in the last chapter, attributed blame to
the commissary-general, Mr Filder, and Airey, the
quartermaster-general, although the underlying
cause was the inefficient and inadequate administrative system then pertaining in the Army. This
was to be thoroughly reorganized after the war.
The more constructive response to The Times
campaign resulted in a burst of industry to
manufacture and send out all the tents, huts, warm
clothing and supplies of all kinds which, if provided in November, would have saved countless
lives. Some consignments of winter clothing
reached Balaclava in January-February but, owing
to the chronic transport difficulties, failed to reach
many of the wretched troops on the upland. By the
time most of the winter kits reached the infantry
camps, spring was beginning and the photographer, Roger Fenton, was able to capture groups
of men posing somewhat self-consciously in bright
sunshine wearing sheepskin coats, fur caps and
long boots. By then, however, many of the
dauntless men of the Alma, Balaclava and Inkerman- Butler's 'old Greek gods'- were either dead,
cripples or invalids.
New regiments arrived in the Crimea and fresh
drafts for the old, but the latter were little more
than recently enlisted, barely trained young recruits. The French, now greatly outnumbering the
British, took over the 2nd Division's old area of
responsibility and siege operations began again in
earnest. Sardinia entered the war on the Allied
side. In early June a bombardment, followed by an
assault on part of the Sebastopol defences, had
some success, but ten days later a joint FrancoBritish attack against the Malakoff and Redan
redoubts failed with heavy casualties.
Among the latter was Raglan. Worn out by his

exertions and the attacks upon him, he contracted

diarrhoea and died, as much from depression as
from physical weakness. Many of his severest
critics regretted his passing. Florence Nightingale
wrote: 'He was not a very great general, but he was
a very good man'. 20 Sergeant Gowing thought 'we
did not know, until he was taken from us, how
deeply we loved him' .2 1
General Simpson took over, much against his
will, and, after two more bombardments, a fresh
assault against Sebastopol was made on 8 September. The French took the Malakoff, but the British
failed at the Redan and again lost heavily. The
burden fell once more on the over-used 2nd and
Light Divisions, but their men were no longer of
the previous year's calibre. That night the Russians
evacuated Sebastopol and the siege was over. Some
minor operations followed and just before Christmas destruction of all Russian naval and military
installations commenced.
That winter, overtures were made to the King of
Sweden with a view to bringing his country into the
war on the Allied side and transferring operations
from the Black Sea to the Baltic in 1856, but these
resulted in no more than a defensive alliance. In the
Crimea the fortunes of the Allied armies were
reversed. The French, who had weathered the
previous winter well, became smitten with disease
and suffered as the old British army had the year
before. The British , now 90,000 strong and under
Codrington's command, well equipped and
housed, prepared and trained for the spring.
But France had had enough. Austrian mediation
secured an armistice and on 30 March 1856 the
Peace of Paris was signed. The war had been
primarily about the containment of Russian expansionism into the Near East at the expense of the
Ottoman Empire. By the peace treaty, that
empire's integrity was guaranteed by Britain,
France and Austria, while the Black Sea and the
Dardanelles were denied to all warships, with no
naval installations being permitted on those shores.
This result was to hold good for 15 years. In 1871
Russia abrogated the treaty, refortified Sebastopol
and rebuilt its Black Sea fleet. Her old ambitions
resurfaced with another war against Turkey in 1877
and, although a replay of 1854 was averted by the
Congress of Berlin, the British Army was again at
war the following year, not directly against Russia,
but to forestall her encroachment into Afghanistan,


Three of the 95th, typifying the men 'who held the ground they
stood on as long as life was in them', in their new uniforms after
returning home in 1856, their medals bearing clasps for ' Alma',
'Inkerman' and 'Sebastopol'.

the barrier to India. To win those two decade's

respite from Russian aggression, 19,584 British
officers and men had died - 80 per cent of them
from disease and neglect.
By the time that the Crimean Army reached
home, the events of the autumn of 1854, and of this
book, were nearly two years old. Peace was declared; Russian pride and ambition brought low. But
if the infantrymen and gunners of the old army
had not stood their ground on that foggy November
Sunday and denied the heights of Inkerman to
Menshikoffs host, then that day would have
spelled Britain's humiliation and could ultimately
have given the T sar mastery of the Dardanelles.

Britain owed those stalwart, patient, enduring

men more than it gave them, more than a leaking
tent, a shoddy greatcoat, raw coffee beans and
death in a filthy Turkish barrack. But neither then
nor since have they received full credit for their
'noble exertions'. Tennyson celebrated the deeds of
both cavalry brigades, as have many others since in
prose and art, even film. The names of the Light
Brigade and Florence Nightingale are almost
synonymous with the Crimean War. No one
appreciated Miss Nightingale more than the
wounded of Inkerman and the piteous sick of the
winter camps, as she indeed did them. But no poet
sang the praises of the men who fought 'the
Soldiers' Battle' and saved their country's honour.
Let two who knew them pronounce their epitaph. Captain Shervinton of the 46th missed the
battle by two days, yet what he saw and heard in
the aftermath inspired him to write soon after his


We owe our existence to the pluck of the private soldiers.

Surprised by immensely superior forces, without orders,
without reserves, sometimes without ammunition when,
after using that in the pouches of the dead and dying,
they pelted the enemy with stones. Mixed up in strange
groups away from the comrades they knew and the
officers they trusted, the men held the ground they stood
on as long as life was in them. Two mounds mark where
hundreds of our dead have been packed away together 'worthless refuse, what parents have cherished, friends
esteemed, and women loved'. 22

The last testimonial shall be W.H. Russell's, who

tried to do in words what government and generals
failed to do in deeds for the survivors of Inkerman:
If it is considered that the soldiers who met these furious
columns of the Czar were the remnants of three British
divisions, which scarcely numbered 8,500; that they were
hungry and wet, and half-famished; that they were
belonging to a force which was generally 'out of bed' four
nights out of seven; which had been enfeebled by
sickness, by severe toil, sometimes for twenty-four hours
at a time without relief of any kind; that among them
were men who had within a short time previously lain out
for forty-eight hours in the trenches at a stretch - it will
be readily admitted that never was a more extraordinary
contest maintained by our army since it acquired a
reputation in the world's history. 23

Sixty years later, almost to the day, another

extraordinary contest was fought by equally valiant

soldiers- at Ypres, to deny the Kaiser mastery of

the Channel ports. They became known to posterity as ' the Old Contemptibles'. Much of Russell's
tribute could have been written for them, and 27 of
their regiments possessed the battle honour, 'Inkerman'. It is perhaps too fanciful to suppose that
some submerged memory of their forerunners'
stand in November 1854 may have forged a spirit of
emulation among the men who stood and died in
the dark days of November 1914. Yet this, after all,
is implicit in the traditions of Britain's unique
regimental system which has proved its worth over
so many years. Even today, after changes to that
system and other, greater conflicts, there are
officers and men who will set aside each 5
November, not for the pyrotechnics commonly
associated with that date, but to commemorate
those who won honour for their regiments and
batteries on 'Inkerman Day'.

The Russians evacuating Sebastopol on the night of 8 September

1855. Mter W. Simpson.


Inkerman still remembered . A modern painting of the battle by

David Rowlands, showing the 20th Regiment, whose action is
commemorated annually by XX Lancashire Fusiliers' Inkerman
Dinner Club .


Appendix A
Order o Battle, the Army o the East,
up to 5 November 1854, with later titles o regiments

(Later titles are as at 1900 and today; Royal

Artillery batteries today only.)


Lord Lucan)
Heavy Brigade (Brigadier-General Scarlett)
4th Dragoon Guards
(same; 4th/7th Dragoon
5th Dragoon Guards
(same; 5th Royal
Inniskilling Dragoon
1st Royal Dragoons
(same; Blues and Royals)
2nd Royal North
(Royal Scots Greys;
British Dragoons
Royal Scots Dragoon
6th (Inniskilling)
(same; 5th Royal
Inniskilling Dragoon
Light Brigade (Brigadier-General Lord Cardigan)
4th Light Dragoons
(4th Hussars; Queen's
Royal Irish Hussars)
8th Hussars
(same; Queen's Royal
Irish Hussars)
(same; Royal Hussars)
11th Hussars
13th Light Dragoons
(13th Hussars; 13th/18th
17th Lancers
(same; 17th/21st

Maude's I Troop,
Royal Horse Artillery

(0 Battery [Rocket

Troop], Royal Artillery)

FIRST DIVISION (Lieutenant-General HRH

The Duke of Cambridge)
Guards Brigade (Brigadier-General Bentinck)
3rd Grenadier Guards
(same; same)
1st Coldstream Guards (same; same)
1st Scots Fusilier
(Scots Guards; same)

Highland Brigade (Brigadier-General Sir Colin

42nd (Royal
(Black Watch; same)
79th (Cameron
(Cameron Highlanders;
Queen's Own
93rd (Sutherland
(Argyll & Sutherland
Highlanders; same)

Paynter's A Battery,
Royal Artillery

Wodehouse's H
Battery, Royal

(94 [New Zealand]

Battery, Royal Artillery)


SECOND DIVISION (Lieutenant-General Sir

G. De Lacy Evans)

1st Brigade (Brigadier-General P ennefather)

30th (Cambridgeshire) (East Lancashire;
Queen's Lancashire)
(Border; King's Own
55th (Westmoreland)
(Sherwood Foresters;
95th (Derbyshire)
W orcestershire &
Sherwood Foresters)

2nd Brigade (Brigadier-General Adams)

41 st (The Welch)
(Welch; Royal Regiment
of Wales)
47th (Lancashire)
(Loyal North
Lancashire; Queen's
49th (Hertfordshire)
(Royal Berkshire; Duke
of Edinburgh's Royal)

Franklin's B Battery,
Royal Artillery
Turner's G Battery,
Royal Artillery

(17 [Corunna] Battery,

Royal Artillery)
(49 [Inkerman] Battery,
Royal Artillery)

THIRD DIVISION (Major-General Sir Richard


1st Brigade (Brigadier-General Sir]. Campbell)

1st (Royal)
(Royal Scots; same)
(South Staffordshire;
38th (1 st
(Royal West Kent;
50th (Queen's Own)

2nd Brigade (Brigadier-General S ir W . Eyre)

4th (King's Own
(King's Own [Royal
Lancaster] ; King's Own
(Gloucestershire; same)
28th (North
(Essex; Royal Anglian)
44th (East Essex)

Swinton's F Battery,
Royal Artillery
Baker's W Battery,
Royal Artillery

(16 Battery [Sandham's

Company], Royal
Artiller y)

(- )

FOURTH DIVISION (Lieutenant-General Sir

George Cathcart)

1st Brigade (Brigadier-General Goldie)

20th (East Devon)
(Lancashire Fusiliers;
Royal Regiment of
21 st (Royal North
(Royal Scots Fusiliers;
British Fusiliers)
Royal Highland
57th (West Middlesex) (Middlesex; Queen's)

2nd Brigade (Brigadier-General Torrens)

46th (South Devon) (2 (Duke of Cornwall's
Light Infantry; Light
63rd (West Suffolk)
(Manchester; King's)
68th (Durham Light
(Durham Light Infantry;
Light Infantry)
1st Rifle Brigade

Townshend's P
Battery, Royal

(same; Royal Green


(152 [Inkerman] Battery,

Royal Artillery
[suspended animation])

LIGHT DIVISION (Lieutenant-General Sir

George Brown)

1st Brigade (Brigadier-General Codrington)

7th (Royal Fusiliers)
(Royal Fusiliers; Royal
Regiment of Fusiliers)

23rd (Royal Welch

33rd (Duke of

Brandling's C Troop,
Royal Horse Artillery
Anderson 's E Battery,
Royal Artillery

(Royal Welch Fusiliers;

(Duke of Wellington's;

2nd Brigade (Brigadier-General Buller)

19th (1st York. North
(Princess of Wales's Own
Yorkshire; Green
H owards)
(Middlesex; Queen's)
77th (East Middlesex)
(Connaught Rangers;
88th (Connaught
disbanded 1922)
2nd Rifle Brigade

(C Battery, Royal Horse

(8 [Alma] Battery , Royal

SIEGE TRAIN, 11th Battalion, Royal Artillery

6th Company
7th Company

(same; Royal Green



(- )
( 156 [Inkerman] Battery,
Royal Artillery)

British Casualties- Inkerman
(Ad].utant-General's Return, 22 November 1854)

The breakdown of each regiment's casualties are

shown as follows:
Killed; Wounded; Missing. Inner bracketed
figures represent number of officers in each total

Staff: (5); (1 1);4th Light Dragoons: 2; 1;11th Hussars: 1; 2; 17th Lancers: 2(1); 2; Royal Artillery: 18(2); 83(4);3rd Grenadier Guards: 79(3);
151(6); 2
1st Coldstream Guards: 70(8);
121(5);1st Scots Fusilier Guards: 50(1);
123(8); 4
1st:1 ; - ; 7th: 8; 54(5); 6
19th: 2(1); 3;20th: 31(1); 137(8); 6
21st: 15(1); 97(6); 6
23rd: 7; 22(1); 13(1)
30th: 27(2); 100(5);33rd: 11(1); 52(2); 1

Total % of actual







41st: 39(5); 97(6); 46th: 11; 29(2);47th: 20; 48(2); 2

49th: 43(2); 107;50th: 13(1); 18(1);55th: 14; 73(5); 4
57th: 17(1); 73(3); 1
63rd: 16(3); 92(7); 4
68th: 13(2); 35(2); 8
77th: 20(1); 39;88th: 38; 83(3);95th: 28(1); 113(3);1st Rifle Brigade: 23(1); 83(3); 6
2nd Rifle Brigade: 9(1); 27(1);Ambulance:-; 1;-



Breakdown by ranks:

Killed Wounded
Rank & File 548 1645











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Russian Account of the Battle of Inkerman (translated
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St Aubyn, Giles, The R oyal George: Life of the Duke
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Seaton, Albert, The Crimean War: A Russian
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Small, E. (ed.), Told from the Ranks (Melrose,
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Smith, George Loy, diaries published as A Victorian RSM (Costello, Tunbridge Wells, 1987)
Spiers, Edward M ., The Army and Society, 1815-

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-From Waterloo to Balaclava: Tactics, Technology
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Taylor, G. Cavendish, Journal of Adventures with
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(Arthur Barker, London, 1972)
- (ed.), The Fields of War (letters of Capt. Temple
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Whinyates, Col. F.A., From Corunna to Sevastopol:
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Ward, S.G.P., Faithful: History of the Durham
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Wilkinson-Latham, Robert, Crimean Uniforms British Artillery (Historical Research Unit, London,
Windham, Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles Ash, Crimean
Diary and Letters (ed. Maj. Hugh Pearse) (Kegan
Paul, London, 1897)
Wood, FM Sir Evelyn, The Crimea in 1854 and
1894 (Chapman & Hall, London, 1896)
From Midshipman to Field-Marshal, Vol. I
(Methuen, London, 1906)
Woodham-Smith, C., The Reason Why (Constable,
London, 1954)
Woods, N .A., The Past Campaign (two volumes)
(Longman, London, 1855)

Privately Printed
Bannatyne, Lt.-Col. N., History of the 30th Regiment (Liverpool, 1923)
Cavendish, Brig. A.E.J ., The 93rd (Sutherland)
Highlanders (1928)
Champion, Maj . J .G. (95th), Sketch of the Life and
Letters (ed. anon) ( 1856)
Franks, Sgt.-Maj. Henry (Sth DG), Leaves from a
Soldier's Notebook (n.d.)


Smith, Sgt. Thomas (30th), Letter, 17 November

1854 (P .J. Haythornthwaite Collection)
Walters, Sgt. George (49th), Record of Service
(Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment Museum)

Hume, Maj .-Gen. J.R. , Reminiscences of the Crimean Campaign with the 55th Regiment (1894)
Lomax, D.A.N. , History of the Services of the 41 st
R egiment (Devonport, 1899)
Moore, Geoffrey, Vincent of the 41st (1979)
Neville, Hon . Henry & Hon. Grey, Letters from
Turkey and the Crimea (1870)
Petre, F. Loraine, History of the Royal Berkshire
Regiment, vol. I (Reading, 1925)
Slack, J. , History of the 63rd Regiment (London,
Whitehorne, Maj . C.A., The Welch Regiment,
1719-1914 (Cardiff, 1932)
Woollright, H., History of the 57th Regiment (1893)
-Records of the 77th R egiment (1909)
Wylly, Maj . H .C., The 95th (Derbyshire) Regiment
in the Crimea (London, 1899)

Durham Light Infantry Journal
Torrens, Capt. H.D. (23rd), Letter, 3 April 1856
(Vol. I , 150)

Guards Magazine (1987)

Diary, 3483 Sgt. William McMillan, Coldstream
Guards, 4 March-8 November 1854

Illustrated London News (July- December 1854)

Armstrong, Lt.-Col. J.W., Testimonial re. Capt.
Astley, 49th (Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment Museum)
Carmichael, Lt.-Col. G.L. (95th), Notes on the
Battle of Inkerman (National Army Museum,
Fisher, John (Rifle Brigade), Scraps from a Corporal's Notebook (National Army Museum, 7606-38 ,
Haines, Maj.-Gen. F.P. (late 21st), Recollections
of Inkerman (National Army Museum, 6807-1462)
Heap, Shoeing-Smith Richard (RA), Letter, 14
December 1854 (P .J. Haythornthwaite Collection)
Image, Lt. J .G. (21st), Journal (Manitoba
Lee, 2nd Lt. Vaughan Hanning (21st), Letters, 22
August 1854- 13 June 1856 (Maj. F. Myatt MC)
Leith Hay, Maj . A.S. (93rd), Letter, 27 October
1854 (Scottish Record Office, GD225/Box 42/14)
Macdonald, Lt. A. (95th), Letters, September
1854 and undated (Maj . P .J. Mercer)
Mollo, John (ed.), Various accounts, Heavy and
Light Brigades (Mollo Collection)
95th Regiment, Record of Service (Sherwood
Foresters Museum)
Shervinton, Capt. Richard (46th), Journal (Duke
of Cornwall's Light Infantry Museum)

Journal of the Society for Army Historical R esearch

Letter, Pte. Alfred Oliver (7th), dated 20 November 1854 (Vol. XLVI, 116)
Barnsley, Maj.-Gen. R.E., 'Diaries of John Hall,
Principal Medical Officer in the Crimea' (Vol.
XLI , 3)
Jackman, S.W . (ed.), 'Crimean Experiences of
Gnr. William Love RA' (Vol. LX, 103)
Lagden, A.A. (ed.), 'Letters, Lt.-Col. F.G. Ainslie, 21st' (Vol. LVIII, 6, 98)
Selby, J .M. (ed.), ' Lt. Anthony Morgan, 95th, 20
Sep-26 Oct 1854' (Vol. XLIV, 44)
T ylden, Maj . G. , 'The Heavy Brigade at Balaclava'
(Vol. XIX, 98)
- 'C Battery RHA and the Light Brigade at
Balaclava' (Vol. XXII, 260)
Punch, Vols. XXV-XXVII (1853-54)
Anon. Surgeon, Letter, 8 November 1854 (no. 31)
Connor, Sgt. J. (77th), Letter, 6 November 1854
(no. 28)
Corporal-Drummer (Scots Fusilier Guards), Letter, undated (no. 28)
Evans, Pte. George (63rd), Letter, 6 November
1854 (no. 28)
Gough, Cpl. T. (5th DG), Letter, 27 October 1854
(no. 28)


The War Correspondent (Crimean War Research

Cliff, D., 'Russian Army at the Alma' (Vol. 5, 22)
McGuigan, R., 'British Generals in the Crimea'
(Vol. 5, 15; Vol. 6, 21 )
Nicasie, M.J., 'Organisation and Strength of the
French Army' (Vol. 7, 31 )

Manuals and Orders

Army List (1854, 1855)
Field Exercises and Evolutions of the Army (1833)
General Orders for the Army of the East , 20 Apr
1854-31 Dec 1855 (ed. Col. Alexander Gordon,
Infantry Manual (1854)
Orders, General, Divisional and Brigade, for the
Crimea (PRO WO 28/47 -107)
Regulations for the Instruction, Formation and
Movements of Cavalry (1844, 1851)

Picture Credits
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders: 42. Army
Museums Ogilby Trust: 41, 48, 84-5. Author: 107.
Captain J. Clover: 144. Coldstream Guards: 65.
Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment: 64.
Durham Light Infantry: 99. N .] . Fitzherbert: 30,
72, 124 (top), 140 (top). Grenadier Guards: 92,
101. R.G. Harris: 52 Illustrated London News: 22.
Imperial War Museum: 29, SO, 81, 126, 130, 131,
136 (left), 142. Manchester City Art Gallery: 55.
Major P.J. Mercer: 21 (bottom, right), 59, 78.
John Mollo: 25, 58, 73, 74, 86, 102, 117. Middlesex Regiment Museum: 89, 118. National Army
Museum: 12, 17, 18, 21 (bottom left), 28 (bottom),
31, 33, 35, 36, 39 (both), 40, 43, 47, 51, 53, 61, 62,
66, 67, 68, 76, 77 (both), 82, 87, 90, 91, 104, 105,
110, 112 (both), 113 (right), 119, 120, 123, 125,
127, 129, 136 (centre, right), 137, 138, 140
(bottom), 143. Naval & Military Magazine (1884):
133. Parker Gallery: 11. P!"ivate collection: 97.
Punch: 27, 71. Queen's Royal Irish Hussars: 20,
132. Royal Artillery Institution: 106. Royal Green
Jackets: 28 (top). Royal Highland Fusiliers: 108,
113 (left), 114. Royal Hussars: 15 . Royal Regiment
of Wales: 95. Royal Scots Dragoon Guards: 46.
Science Museum: 19, 21 (top). Staff College: 54.
Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters Regiment:
124 (bottom).

Re erences

For the full title of each reference, see Sources.

1 Cheer, Boys, Cheer!

I Higginson, p. 79.
2 Quoted Priestley, p. I45.
3 Quoted Woodham-Smith, p. I38 .
4 Anglesey, Little Hodge, p. 8.
5 Regimen tal Officer, p. 2I .
6 Quoted Strachan, W ellington's Legacy, p. I73.
7 Quoted Hibbert, p. I26.
8 Windham, p. 67.
9 Ibid:, p. 72.
IO Quoted Longford, p. 460.
11 Quoted Strachan, Wellington's Legacy, p. 37.
I2 Higginson, p. 76.
I3 Steevens, p. 43.
I4 Quoted Strachan, W ellington's Legacy, p. 42.
IS Fortescue, XIII, p . 42 .
I6 Regimental Officer, p. 351.
I7 Ross of Bladensburg, p . 303.
I8 Wylly, p. 118.
I9 S/Sgt. Macmullen (13th), quoted Anglesey,
British Cavalry, I, p. IIS.
20 Autobiography of a Working Man (1848), p . II4.
2I Franks, p. 5.
22 Quoted Small, p . 61.
23 United Service Magazine (1898), p. 520.
24 Quoted Strachan, Wellington's Legacy, p. III .
25 Kinglake, II, p. 353.
26 Woodham-Smith, pp. 53-99.
27 Quoted Strachan, Wellington's Legacy, p. III.
28 Letter, I4 November I854, to Lord
Braybrooke, Neville, p. I 53.
29 Higginson, pp. 205-206.
30 Capt. Sargent, quoted Wylly, p . 52.
3I Regimental Officer, p. 38.
32 Butler, pp. 4I-2.

2 A Blow at Sebastopol
I Maud, written in I854.
2 Quoted Spiers, p . 98.
3 Higginson, p. I26.
4 Regimental Officer, p. 8I.
5 Franks, pp. 56-60; Anglesey, British Cavalry, II,
p . 4I; Warner, Fields of War , p. SO.
6 Lysons, p . 6I .
7 Quoted Palmer, p . 6I.
8 See Hibbert, pp. 33-34; Kinglake, II, pp.
9 K.inglake, II, p. I39.
IO Quoted Small, p. 26.
II Letter, quoted Hibbert, p . 5 I .
12 Quoted ibid., p. 93.
I3 Gowing, p. 53.
I4 K.inglake, II, p. 455.
IS Quoted Seaton, p. IOl.
I6 Kinglake, II, p. 337.
I7 Clifford, p. 51.
18 Hon. H.A. Neville to his sister, 2I September
I854, Neville, p. I24.
I9 Quoted Small, p. 29.
20 Letter, 'Heights above River Alma, Septr I854' .
2I Diary, published Gtiards Magazine I987, 6.
22 Calthorpe, p. 46.
23 Regimental Officer, p. 201.
24 Ibid. , p. 2I2.
25 C. Cattley, fermer British Consul, Crimea,
quoted Hibbert, p. I28.
26 Hibbert, p. I31.
3 The Trumpet, the Gallop, the Charge
I Tennyson, The Charge of the Heavy Brigade.
2 Recollections, Mollo MSS notes.
3 Diary, quoted Pemberton, p . 77.
4 Letter, Mollo MSS notes.

5 Recollections, Mollo MSS notes.

6 Recollections of One of the Light Brigade, quoted
Mollo MSS notes.
7 Letter, 27 October 1854, Scottish Record Office,
GD225/Box 42114.
8 Russell, p. 122.
9 Quoted Cavendish, p. 100.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid. , p. 103.
12 Whinyates, pp. 128, 130, 131 (probably written
by Lt. Fox-Strangways, C Troop; see Journal of
the Society for Army Historical Research, XIX,
p. 98.
13 Quoted Seaton, p. 147.
14 Warner, Fields ofWar, p. 75.
15 Franks, p. 70.
16 Letter, Mollo MSS notes.
17 Heavy Brigade staff-surgeon's letter, 23
December 1854, Neville, pp. 161-5.
18 Whinyates, p. 132.
19 Maj . Thornhill, quoted Anglesey, Little Hodge,
p. 49.
20 Kinglake, IV, p. 208.
21 Whinyates, pp. 135-6.
22 Kinglake, IV, p 208.
23 Ibid., p. 236.
24 Strand Magazine, II, p. 348, quoted Mollo MSS
25 Quoted Anglesey, British Cavalry, II, p. 93.
26 Strand Magazine, I, p. 287, quoted Mollo MSS
27 Cornet Wombwell (17th), quoted Pemberton,
p. 100.
28 Quoted ibid. , p. 100.
29 Quoted Harris, p. 219; Selby, p. 154.
30 Mollo MSS notes. Nunnerly's narrative was
written in the third person, but has been
transposed here into the first for clarity.
31 Lt. Kubitovich, quoted Seaton, p. 150.
32 Loy Smith, pp. 131-3.
33 Quoted Small, pp. 66-7.
34 Quoted Loy Smith, p. 243.
35 Journal, 8th Royal Irish Hussars, Mollo MSS
36 Quoted Anglesey, British Cavalry, II, p. 97;
Pemberton, p. 104.
37 Paget, pp. 69-70.
38 Quoted Loy Smith, p . 244.
39 Quoted ibid., p. 238.
40 Ibid. , pp. 134-9.

41 Quoted ibid., p. 243.

42 R eflections, p . 86, quoted ibid. , p. 147.
43 Quoted Harris, p. 244.
44 Quoted Seaton, pp. 151 , 153, 154.
45 Kinglake, IV, p . 356.

4 The Minie's Murderous Effect

1 Curtiss, p. 321; see also Seaton, pp. 137, 139,
2 Hon. Strange Jocelyn (Scots Fusilier Guards),
quoted Airlie, p. 95.
3 Ibid. , p. 126.
41 st Division Order, 16 October 1854, quoted
Ross of Bladensburg, p. 120.
5 Field Exercises and Evolutions of the Army
(1833), p . 310.
6 Lt. A. Morgan (95th), Journal of the Society for
Army Historical Research, XLIV, p. 47 .
7 Hume, p. 57 .
8 Cavendish Taylor, p. 49.
9 Ibid., p. 49.
10 Kinglake, V, p. 8.
11 Dispatch, 27 October 1854, to Brig. -Gen.
Pennefather, Champion, p. 58.
12 Kinglake, V, p. 11.
13 Champion, pp. 54-6.
14 Morgan, op. cit., p. 48.
15 Wood, Evelyn, I, p. 50.
16 Hume, p. 58.
17 Quoted Wylly, p. 26.
18 Quoted Bannatyne, p. 412.
19 Letter, 20 November I854,]oumal of the Society
for Army Historical Research, XLVI, p. 117.
20 Cavendish Taylor, p. 49.
21 Regimental Officer, p. 267.
22 Ibid. , p. 266.
23 Champion, p. 54.
24 Morgan, op. cit., p. 48.
5 The English Shall Be Attacked
1 Regi:nental Officer, p. 141; Warner, Fields of
War, p. 83.
2 Kinglake, II, p. 267.
3 Bell, p. 251.
4 Quoted Seaton, p. 59.
5 Regimental Officer, p. 309.
6 Quoted Pemberton, p. 48.
7 Regimental Officer, p. 292.
8 Quoted Mollo, Military Fashion, p . 136.
9 Regimental Officer, p. 288.

IO Quoted James, p. 28.

II Quoted Blackmore, p . 204.
I2 Curtiss, p . 307.
13 Quoted Kinglake, V, p . I09.
I4 Champion, p. 6S.
IS Calthorpe, p . 86.
I6 Wylly, p . IO.
I7 Hume, p . 60.
I8 Carmichael MSS, p . 3.
I9 Cavendish Taylor, p . 72.
20 Carmichael MSS, p. 6.
2I Woods, II, p. IIS.
22 Hume, p. 63.

6 Facing Fearful Odds

I Hume, p. 61.
2 Carmichael MSS, p . 7.
3 Lieut. A. MacDonald, letter to Capt. Sargent.
4 Quoted Whitehorne, p. 91.
S Hume, p. 66.
6 Lieut. Elton, letter to his father, quoted
Pemberton, p. 128.
7 Cavendish Taylor, p. 76.
8 Carmichael MSS, pp. 9, 10.
9 Kinglake, V, p. 216.
10 Ibid., p. 130.
11 Ibid., p. 131.
12 Steevens, p. 123.
13 Kinglake, V, p . 141.
14 Letter, 6 November I8S4, Clifford, pp. 88-9.
1S Woolwright, Records of the 77th Regiment, p. 84.
16 Ibid., p. 8S.
17 Letter, 7 November 18S4, quoted Tradition, no.
28, p. 28 .
18 Letter, 23 August 18S4, quoted The War
Correspondent, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 1S.
19 Quoted Hibbert, p. 173.

Bladensburg, pp. 167-9.

11 Regimental Officer, p . 288.
I2 Kinglake, V, pp . 210-Il.
13 Carmichael MSS , p. 10.
14 Fisher MSS , pp. 62, 63 .
IS Kinglake, V, p . 242.
I6 Windham, p . 7I.
17 Letter, 3 Aprili8S6, Durham Light Infantry
Journal, vol. I , p . ISO.
18 Sgt. Campbell, quoted Ray, p . I02 .
I9 Letter to his mother, quoted V C Gallery
Catalogue, 1900.
20 Bancroft's account, quoted Army Diary, S
November I971.
21 Champion, p. 66.
22 Carmichael MSS, p. I6.
23 Quoted Windham, p. 63 .
24 Ibid., p. 6S.
2S Diary, Guards Magazine, 1987, 7.
26 Quoted Ray, p. 103.
27 Carmichael MSS, p. I6.
28 Quoted Ward, p . 166.
29 Quoted Ray, p . 103.
30 Higginson, p. 200.
31 Pte. Archer, quoted Kinglake, V, p . 281.
32 Quoted Kinglake, V, p . 282.
33 Diary, Guards Magazine, 1987,7.
34 King lake, V, p. 308.
3S Haines MSS, S, quoting Todleben.
36 Letter, 6 November I8S4, Tradition , no. 28, p.
37 Hume, p. 73
38 Letter, 10 November 18S4.
39 Letter, 6 November 18S4, Tradition, no. 28, p.
40 Haines MSS, p. 4.
41 Woods, II, p. 1SO.

7 Load, Fire and Charge!

8 A H ell of a Towelling

1 Illustrated London News , 16 December 18S4.

2 Quoted Small, p. 34.
3 Sgt. Ford's statement, quoted Lomax p. 226.
4 Higginson, p. 197.
S Diary, Guards Magazine, 1987,7.
6 Regimental Officer, p. 288.
7 Woods, II, p. 143; Hume, p . 80.
8 Capt. Tower Diary, quoted Ross of Bladensburg,
pp. 167-9.
9 Regimental Officer, p . 288.
10 Captain Tower Diary, quoted Ross of

1 Collingwood Dickson, quoted Hume, p. 71.

2 Kinglake, V , p. 37S.
3 Vaughan Lee letter, 18 November 18S4.
4 Letter, 16 October 18S4,]ournal of the Society for
Army Historical Research, vol. LVIII, p . 101.
S Haines MSS, p . 6.
6 Letter, 10 November 18S4.
7 Ibid.
8 Haines MSS, p. 8.
9 Letter, 10 November 18S4.
IO Quoted Pemberton, p. 161 .

11 Haines MSS, p . 8.
12 Carmichael M SS, pp. 17-20 .
13 Lawson, p . 99.
14 Quoted Bannatyne, p . 419.
15 Regimental Officer, p. 291.
16 Calthorpe, p. 100.
17 Ibid.
18 Fisher MSS, pp. 66, 67.
19 Quoted Small, p. 144.
20 Haines MSS, p. 8.
21 Kinglake, V, p. 425.
22 Letter, 20 November 1854,]oumal of the Society
for Amiy Historical R esearch, vol. XLVI , pp.
23 Ibid.
24 Capt. Hugh Hibbert, quoted Pemberton, p .
25 Quoted Seaton, p . 176.
26 Quoted ibid., p . 82 .
27 Quoted Ray, p. 105 .
28 Quoted Pemberton, p. 160.
29 Regimental Officer, pp. 300, 308.
30 Patullo, quoted Pemberton, p . 163.
31 Quoted ibid. , p . 164.

9 The Reckoning
1 Bell, p . 248.

2]oumal of the Society for Army Historical Research,

vol. LX, p. 110.
3 Woods, II, pp. 142- 3.
4 Regimental Officer, p. 317.
5 Woods, II, p. 145.
6 Regimental Officer, pp. 316,317.
7 Ibid., p. 319.
8 Letter, undated, Tradition, no. 28, p. 26.
9 Letter dated 8 November 1854, Tradition, no. 31,
p. 10.
10 Regimental Officer, p. 314.
11 Letter dated 6 November 1854, Tradition, no.
28, p . 30.
12 Quoted Small, p. 145.
13 Ibid., p. 36.
14 Tradition, no. 28, p. 27.
15 Quoted Compton, Colonel's Lady and Camp
FollOVJer, p. 103.
16 Taylor, I, p. 129.
17 Gowing, pp. 94-5.
18 Menshikoffs orders, quoted Kinglake, V, p .
19 Sgt. McMillan, Guards Magazine, 1987,8.

20 Tradition, no. 28, p. 27 .

21 Regimen tal Officer, p . 112.
22 Keegan, p. 135.
23 Ibid. , pp. 46, 185-8.
24 Ibid ., pp. 185, 188-194.
25 Ibid ., p . 189.
26 Regimental Officer , Our Veterans of 1854 ( 1859).
27 Quoted Airlie, p . 176.
28 McNeill and Tulloch Report, June 1855, quoted
Strachan, Wellington's Legacy, p. 109.
29 Guards Magazine, 1987, 7.
30 McNeill and Tulloch, op. cit.
31 Keegan, pp. 137-8.
32 Lehmann, Joseph, Remember You are an
Englishman (Jonathan Cape, 1977), p. 3.
33 Seaton, p. 136.

10 Noble Exertions
1 Lord Raglan to the Duke of Newcastle, 8
November 1854.
2 Higginson , p . 215.
3 Calthorpe, p. 123.
4 Clifford, p. 120; quoted Hibbert, p. 199.
5 Quoted Gowing, pp. 88-89.
6 Royal Warrant, 5 February 1856.
7 Hamley, p. 157.
8 Dowie, Charles, The Weary Road (1929,
reprinted 1988), p. 16.
9 MSS Journal, November 1854.
10 Hamley, p . 167.
11 Higginson , pp. 211 , 212, 215 .
12 Quoted Airlie, p . 147.
13 Windham, pp. 85, 101, 87, 71.
14 Ibid. , p. 88.
15 Punch, vol. XXVII, p. 64.
16 Clifford, p. 146.
17 Russell, p. 150.
18 Hamley, p. 174.
19 Clifford, p. 155.
20 Quoted Hibbert, p. 296.
21 Gowing, p. 139.
22 MSS Journal, November 1854.
23 Russell, p. 140.


Figures in italic refer to page numbers of

Aberdeen, Lord, Prime Minister, 10, 24,

27, 141
Acton, Lt. , 77th, 114, 117- 19, 118, 132,
133, 135
Adams, Brig.-Gen., 59, 85, 90-95, 146
Ainslie, Lt.-Col. , 21st, 106, 108
Airey, Gen ., QMG, 35, 50, 98, 100, 141
Albert, Prince Consor t, 10, 13, 59
Albuera, Battle (181 1), 104, 132
Allan, Lt. , 41st, 80,8/
Alma, Battle, 30-32,31 ,70,72, 85, 13 1,
134, 136
Ambulance Service, 125, 132, 148
Army (see also Brigades, Divisions,
Regiments), British : organization, 8,
13; leaving England, 10-13, 22; wives,
11 , 123, 126; battle experience, 13, 14;
commanders, 13, 129-30, 135;
reforms to, 14; soldiers, 15-17, 19,77,
120, 131-4, 138, 142-3, 143; officers,
17-20, 21,22, 32, 120,131-4, 139;
public's view of, 18, 19, 22, 139, 140;
sickness, hardships, 28-9, 35, 59,
137-9, 140; tactical formations , 31,
42,45-7,45, 50, 61 , 63, 67fn., 85, 88,
93; artillery, 40, 40, 42fn. , 48, 58, 66,
75, 84, 84, 85, 93 , 104, 106, 107,
109-15,110, 117
French: 27, 29fn .; at Alma, 30; before
Sebastopol, 33, 35, 57, 73, 74; at
Balaclava, 49-56; at Inkerman, 98119; tactical formations , 107; artillery,
110, 112, 116
Russian: at Alma, 30; Crimean field
army, 35-7; at Balaclava, 49-56;
artillery, 40, 49-53, 57, 66, 72-4, 82,
85 , 92, 93, 96-8, 102, 105-9, 113-20,
124; at Little lnkerman, 62-9; tactical
formations, 62,63,71,72,76,82,93,
105, 107, 128, 131 ; personnel, 70, 7 1,
71 ; training, 71, 72; commanders,
72-3 , 127-8;atlnkerman, 80-120,
Turkish : on Danube, 27; in Crimea,
29fn. , 128; at Balaclava, 38, 40-43 ;
after Balaclava, 74
Arnold , Dr, headmaster, 17, 20, 133
Ashton, Sgt., Coldm Gds, 64
Astley, Capt., 49th, 114, 115, 117, 118
Atcherley, Capt. , 30th, 62, 63 , 66
Austria-Hungary, 22-4, 129; Emperor
of, 22, 27

Balaclava, harbour, 32, 33, 35- 9, 56, 57,

73, 74, 128, 137, 138, 141
Battle: 40-56, 42, 46,51,53,55,57,
70, 73, 132, 132, 134, 136; Heavy
Brigade charge, 45-9; Light Brigade
charge, 50-56
Baltic operations, 23, 25, 27, 141
Bancroft, Pte, Gren . Gds, 100, 103, 133
Barnston , Lt ., 55th, 90
Barrier, The, 58-63, 66, 67, 75- 7, 80,
90, 96, 104, 108-17, 135
Bayly, Capt. , 30th, 66, 67
Beagle, HMS, 68
Beatson , Col. , Staff, 45
Bell, Col. , 1st, 122
Bellairs, Capt. , 49th, 85, 90, 91 , 106,
107, 135
Bentinck, Brig.-Gen ., 96, 145
Berryman, Sgt, VC, 17L, 51,55
Bingham, Lord, Staff, 36, 38
Black Sea, 23, 29, 30, 141 ; fleet, 25 , 141
Bosquet, Gen. , 33, 38, 49, 59, 73 , 74,
93, 98, 104, 110, 112, 112, 128, 129,
Bourbaki, Gen ., 103, 104, 110
Brandling, Capt., RHA, 45, 48
Brigades, British : Heavy Cavalry, 32,
41 , 45, 46,48-50, 55; Light Cavalry,
12, 28, 30,32,39, 45 , 48-S1 ,55,56,
69, 110, 112, 135, 142; Guards, 31,
42 ,58,59, 66,69, 73 , 74, 85 , 92, 93,
96-8, 100, 102, 104, 109, 115, 122,
130, 135, 137; Highland, 31, 56, 74;
All, 145-7
Bright, John, MP, 27
Britten, Tptr, 17L , SO
Bulganak, skirmish at, 30
Buller, Brig.-Gen., 75 , 88, 147
Burnaby, Capt., Gren. Gds, 100, 103,
104, 133, 135
Butler , Mrs, 95th, 11 , 126

Calthorpe, Lt.-Col. , Staff, 75, 135

Cambridge, Duke of, 13, 31 , 41 , 49,
96-103, 130, 130, 135, 145
Campbell, Brig.-Gen. Sir C. , 31, 38, 39,
41-5, 56, 145
Campbell, Brig.-Gen. Sir J ., 146
Campbell, Lt., 30th, 115
Campbell, Sgt, 20th, 102
Canrobert, Gen ., 33, 49, 75 , 112, 115,
116, 119, 124, 128, 131


Cardigan, Brig.-Gen. Lord, 12, 13, 18,

28,28,30,32,38, 43,50,5 1, 53, 56,
110, 145
Careenage Creek, 32; Ravine, 33, 57-62,
64, 67, 68, 73, 85, 86, 86, 115, 118,
Carmichael, Lt. , 95th, 76-80, 84, 102,
115, 132
Carpenter, Lt.-Col., 41 st, 80
Casualties: Alma, 32; Balaclava, 55, 56;
Little Inkerman, 68, 69; Inkerman,
122- 7,124,128, 148
Cathcart, Lt .-Gen. Sir G., 13, 41 , 49, 56,
93, 98 , 102, 129, 130, 134, 135, 146;
grave, 123
Causes of war, 23-5
Causeway H eights (incl. North and
South Valleys), 38-50, 56
Champion, Maj ., 95th, 20, 62-7, 69, 75,
97 ' 98, 100, 134
Chaplains, 134
Chersonese Plateau , 32, 35, 56, 57, 75,
Chobham Camp, 14, 18, 22, 126
Clarke, Surgeon, 95th, 67
Clifford, Capt., VC, Staff, 3 1, 85, 88,
135, 139, 140
Clutterbuck, Ens., 63rd, 108, 133
Codrington, Brig.-Gen., 59, 74, 85 , 11822, 141 , 146
Colours, regimental, 13, 91 , 95, 95, 96,
100, 103, 104, 108, 132, 132
Connor,Sgt, 77th,89, 125, 133
Conolly, Lt., VC, 49th, 62-4, 64
Constantinople, 23-5, 127
Crawford, Tptr, 4LD, 52, 132
Crofton, Maj ., 20th, 98, 100
Crosse, Maj ., 88th, 87

Dannenberg, Gen., 57, 73-5 , 73, 85, 92,

105, 116, 119, 128, 131
Danubian Principalities, 23 , 24, 27,29
Dardenelles, 23, 24, 141
Daubeney, Lt.-Col., 55th, 62, 107, 135
Dickens, Charles, 22 , 25
Dickson, Col. Collingwood, RA, 109,
110-15, 135
Divisions, British: Cavalry, 13, 32, 38,
56; 1st, 13, 31, 33, 41 , 49; 2nd, 13, 30,
31, 33,57-61 , 69, 74, 75 , 80, 82,85 ,
88, 91 , 92, 116, 122, 123, 128, 135,
141;3rd, 13, 32,33,59, 74, 85, 120,

130; 4th, 13, 33, 41 , 49, 74, 85, 93 , 98 ,

105, 116; Light, 13, 30, 31 , 33, 58, 59,
62, 66, 67, 74, 75, 78, 85, 91 , 92, 118,
129, 141 ; All, 145-7
Russian: lOth, 11th, 57, 73 ; 12th, 57;
16th, 17th, 73
Douglas, Lt.-Col. , llH , 52, 54
Dowling, Lt. , 20th, 100
Duberley, Mrs, 8H , 55
Dunn, Lt. , VC, 11H, 54, 136

'Eastern Question', 23, 24

Egerton, Lt.-Col. , 77th, 85 , 88-90, 89,
104, 106, 107, 135
Elliot, Lt. , Staff, 45 , 48
Ellis, Sgt, 21st, 16, 116, 125
Elton , Lt. , 55th, 81 , 82
Eman, Maj. , 41 st, 62, 63 , 66, 90
England, Gen. Sir R., 13, 130, 146
Enisherloff, Capt., 31
Eupatoria, 128
Evans, Lt.-Gen. Sir DeL. , 13, 57, 58,
66, 66, 67, 69, 75, 84, 128, 130, 135,
Evans, Pte, 63rd, 106, 108, 133
Eyre, Brig.-Gen., 146

Farrell, Sgt, VC, 17L, 55

Federoff, Col. , 57, 62-4, 67, 73-5 , 84
Fedioukine Hills, 38, 40, 49, 52, 53
Fenton, Roger, 141
Filder, Commissary-Gen ., 141
Fisher, Cpl, RB, 16, 98 , 116
Ford, Sgt, 41st, 95
Fordyce, Maj. , 47th, 85, 88, 89, 106
Franks, Sgt-Maj., SDG, 16,47

Gambier, Col. , RA, 109

Geraghty, Sgt, 20th, 120
Godman, Lt. , SDG, 46
Goldie, Brig.-Gen. , 98, 105, 114, 146
Goodlake, Capt. , VC, Coldm Gds, 59,
62 , 64, 65, 67
Goodwyn, Maj. , 41 st , 77, 78
Gortchakoff, Gen., 73, 74, 92, 93, 102,
116, 122, 128
Gough, Cpl, SDG, 41 , 47
Gowing, Sgt, 7th, 30, 126, 127, 141
Grand Dukes Michael , Nicholas, 76,
119, 128
Grant, Maj., 49th, 76, 78, 85 , 86, 88, 89,
Grieve , Sgt-Maj., VC, 2D, 46
Grigg, Pte, 4LD, 16, 52

Haines, Lt.-Col. , 21st, 108-13, 113 ,

114-18, 135
Haly, Lt.-Col. , 47th, 80, 81 , 82
Hamley, Capt. , RA , 96, 140

Hardinge, FM Lord , C-in-C British

Army , 14
Hay, Maj. Leith , 93rd, 42
Henry, Sgt-Maj ., VC, RA, 106, 106
Hewett, Midshipman , VC, RN , 68, 118,
Higginson, Capt. , Gren. Gds, 10, 14, 20,
28, 96, 103, 135, 138
Hodge, Lt.-Col. , 4DG, 12, 45, 47, 48
Home and Fore Ridges, 58, 58, 62,
73- 5, 74, 82- 8, 90, 93 , 96-8 , 102-6,
108-12, 11 5, 116, 123
Horn, Lt.-Col. , 20th , lOS
Horsford , Maj ., RB , 98, 103, 114, 117,
118, 122
Hospitals, 125-7, 126, 127
Hume, Maj ., 95th, 67, 104
Hume, Lt. J ., 55th, 62, 66, 76
Hume, Capt. R ., 55th, 81 , 82 , 85
Hyde, Pte, 49th, 30, 32, 69, 95 , 126

Inglis, Capt. , 57th, 105, 105

Inkerman, Battle: Dawn to 7.30 am,
80-92, 82; 7.30 to 9.15 am, 93-108,
97, 99, 101 107, 108; 9.15 to 4.00 pm,
109-20, 114, 120, 129, 132, 144;
results of, 127- 9; casualties, 122-7,
148; troops' fortitude , motivation,
131-4; post-battle reaction, 136-7
'Little' (26 Oct.), 62-9, 67, 70, 72, 73 ,
130, 131 ' 134, 136
Heights, Ruins, 33, 57- 9, 62,73, 74,
76, 122, 142

Jabokritsky, Gen., 40, 49

Jeffries, Lt.-Col. , 88th, 85 , 135
Jocelyn, Capt., SFG, 132, 138

Kadikioi, 38, 41 , 42, 45 , 49, 138

Kamiesch harbour, 32, 128
Keegan, John, 131 , 132,134
Keep, Dmr, Gren. Gds, 103
Kinglake, AW, 17, 70, 73fn.
Kiriakoff, Gen., 73
Kornilof~, Vice-Admiral, 33, 35

Lamb, Pte, 13LD, SO

Lancaster battery, 59, 64, 68, 80, 118
Leach, John, 22, 139
Lee, Lt., 21st, 108, 113-15
Le Marchant, Lt.-Col. , SDG, 28
Lethbridge, Sgt, RHA, 40, 54
Liprandi, Gen., 40, 49, 56, 57, 62 , 72,
73, 128
Love, Gnr, RA, 122
Lowry, Lt. , 41 st, 9 1, 95
Lucan, Maj .-Gen . Lord, 13, 28, 30, 32,
38-46,39, 49, 50,55,56
Lyons, Rear-Admiral, 29


Lysons, Capt. , 23rd, 29

McDermond , Pte, VC, 47th , 81,82

Macdonald , L t., 95th, 32, 80, 123, 124
McMillan, Sgt, Coldm Gds, 32, 96, 102,
103, 131 , 133
McNeill and Tulloch Report (1855),
13 1, 141
Madden, Sgt, VC , 41st, 67
Malone, Pte, VC, 13LD, 55
Marines, Royal, 38, 136
Maude, Capt. , RHA, 40, 41
Maughan, Sgt, 6D, 40, 41
Mauleverer, Lt.-Col., 30th, 85 , 90, 93 ,
96, 104
Medical provision, 30, 124-7, 125, 138,
Menshikoff, Prince: as envoy, 24; as
GOC, Crimea, 25, 30, 32, 40, 57,
72-4, 116, 119, 122, 124, 127
MikriakoffGlen, SO, 85- 9, 86, 104, 106,
Miller, Lt. , 2D, 46
Miller, Lt. , VC, RA, 87, 136fn.
Minden, Battle (1759), 105, 132
Minie rifle (see Weapons)
Mitchell, Sgt, 13LD, 41, 50, 55
Monks, Trumpet-Maj. , SDG, 45 , 46
Morale, motivation: British, 56, 69, 115,
131-4; Russian, 69, 70, 128
Morgan, Lt., 95th, 21 , 69, 74, 78, 78
Morley, Cpl, 17L, 53
Morris, Capt. , 17L, 49, 50, 55
Mouat, Surgeon, VC, 6D, 55

Napoleon Ill, 14, 23, 25 , 129

Navy, Royal, 27, 33, 59, 66, 68, 136
Neville, Capt. G., SDG, 20, 47,96
Neville, Capt. H ., Gren Gds, 20, 32, 96
Newcastle, Duke of, War Secretary,
135, 140, 141
Nicholas I, Tsar, 23-7, 25, 57, 71-3 , 78,
127, 128
Nicholson, Capt. , 77th, 89, 133
Nightingale, Florence, 127, 141-3
Nolan, Capt. , Staff, SO, 56
Nunnerly, Cpl, 17L, 5 1, 52

Oliver, Pte, 7th, 68, 118, 133

Ottoman Empire (see Turkey)
Owens, Sgt, VC, 49th, 63 , 136

Paget, Lord George, 4LD, 39, 40, SO,

52, 53, 110
Pakenham, Capt. , Gren. Gds, 20
Palmer, Pte, VC, Gren. Gds, 100, 101 ,
Palmerston, Lord, Prime Minister, 14,
24, 141

Panmure, Lord, War Secretary, 141

Parkes, Pte, VC, 4LD, 52, 132
Patullo, Maj., 30th, 81fn. , 84, 88, 104,
Pauloff, Gen. , 73-5, 78, 85 , 86, 90-93,
105, 128
Peace of Paris (1856), 141
Penn, Cpl, 17L, 50, 51
Pennefather, Brig. -Gen ., 59, 68 , 75-7,
77,84-6, 88,9 1, 93, 97, 98 , 104,
106-8, 113, 114, 116, 11 7, 120, 128,
130, 131 , 135, 146
Percy, Capt. Lord , VC, Gren. Gds, 102
Perry, Lt. , 46th, 19, 22,98
Picquet system, 59-62, 61
Polley, Mrs, 95th, 126
Public Schools, 17, 20; Rugby, 17

Quarry Ravine, 58, 59, 66, 75, 76, 90,

96, 98 , 103-S, 108-12, ll S, ll6, 117,
119, 136

Raglan, FM Lord, GOC Crimean army,

13, 14, 17, 29, 30, 32,35-43, 49, so,
56, 74, 75 , 85, 93, 98, 100, lOS , 109,
116, 118, 124, 128, 129, 131 , 134 41
Ramage, Sgt,VC, 2D, 46
Redan, 3S, 141
Regiments, British: 4th Dragoon
Guards, 12, 45-8; Sth Dragoon
Guards, 16, 20, 28, 41, 45-8; Royal
Dragoons, 22, 45 , 46, 48; Greys (2D),
16,32, 45 , 46, 46,55 ; 1n!Uskillings
(6D), 22, 40, 41,41, 45-7, 55; 4th
Light Dragoons, 14, 16, 20, SO, 52-4,
52; 8th Hussars, 29, SO, 52, 53, SS;
11th Hussars, 12, 15, 18, 22,49-52,
54; 13th Light Dragoons, 18, 22, 29,
41 , 49-51 ,55, 132; 17th Lancers, 11,
49-51 ,50, 53-6, 53; Royal Horse
Artillery, 19, 40; Troops (Brandling's
C) 11 , 42, 45 , 48-50, 48, 54, (Maude's
I) 32, 38, 40, 41 , 50, 54; Royal
Artillery, 33, 38, 41 , 85; Batteries
(Anderson's E) 66, (Baker's W) 38,
40-43, (Franklin's B) 58, 66,
(Paynter's A) 93, 95, (Townshend's P)
85, 87, (Turner's G) 58, 66, 90, 104,
106, (Wodehouse's H ) 66, 93; 11th
Battalion, 109; Royal Engineers, 19;
Grenadier Guards, 10, 11 , 20, 25, 31,
32, 88, 92, 96, 97, 100-104, 101' 132,
134; Coldstream Guards, 10, 21, 28,
106, 108, 112, 116, 123, 129, 131' 132,
33; Scots Fusilier Guards, 10, 12, 25,
31, 96, 98, 100, 125, 126, 132; 1st, 12;
4th, 16; 7th, 30, 62, 118; 19th, ll8fn. ;
20th, 98, 100, 103, 105-8, 112, 116,
120, 122, 129, 132, 135, 144; 21st, 12,
16, 106, 108, 108, 113, 113' 114, 114,

116, ll8, 125, 135; 23rd, 16, 29,

118fn.; 30th, 13, 62 , 63, 66-8 , 81 , 84,
88, 90, 90, 91 , 93, 96, 104, li S; 33rd,
12, 118fn.; 41st, 13, 16, 30, 62, 66, 67,
77, 80, 81,85, 90-96, 95; 46th, 19, 98,
100, 132, 137, 139; 47th, 13, 80, 82,
84, 85, 88, 93, 106; 49th, 13, 30, 62 ,
63 ,64, 76,85-91 , 93-6, 106, 108, 114,
126; 50th, 120; 55th, 13, 62, 66, 76,
78, 80, 81 , 84, 85 , 90, 93, 106, 107,
107; 57th, 16, 105-7, 105, 132; 63rd,
106, 108, 113, 114, 133, 139; 68th, 12,
98, 100, 132, 135; 77th, 12, 85, 88, 89,
89,93, 106,107, 114, ll 7, 122, 132,
135; 88th, 16, 19, 85, 86-9, 87, 93 ,
135; 93rd, 15, 38, 42, 42, 43 , 49; 95th,
11, 16, 20,21' 30, 32, 59, 62, 64, 67,
69, 74, 76, 77, 84, 93, 97-102,104,
106, 112, 115, 123, 126, 136, 142;
Rifle Brigade, 11, 14, 16, 28, 56, 67,
98, 103-6, 108, 112- 14, 117, 118, 122;
All, 145-8
French: Chasseurs d'Afrique, 49, 50,
53, 56, 110, 112; Chasseurs aPied,
110, 112; Tirailleurs Algeriens, 110,
112, 115; Zouaves, 27, 106, 107, 108,
110, 112, 112, 119; 6me Ligne, 98,
103, 109, 110, 112, 113; 7me Leger,
98, 106, 107, 109, 110; SOme Ligne,
110, 112
Russian: 3rd Don Cossack Battery,
49; Azoff, Dneiper, Ukraine, 49fn. ,
Borodino,57, 73, 74,88,90,91, 104;
Boutirsk, 57, 73 , 11 5, 120; Iakoutsk ,
73, 93, 96, 102-S, 107, 108, 112, 115,
116, 119, 128; Katherinburg, 73 , 82,
86, 88-91; Kolivansk , 73, 82, 86, 88,
90, 91 , 105; Odessa, 49; Okhotsk, 73,
93-6, 100, 102-5, 112, 115, 119, 128;
Ouglitch, 73, 115, 120; Rifles, 72, 73,
82; Selenghinsk, 73, 93, 96, 98, 100,
105, 112; Sousdal, 73, 115; Taroutine,
73, 74, 88 , 90, 9 1; Tomsk, 73, 82 , 86,
88-90, 105; Vladimir, 73 , 11 5, 119
Rooper, Maj ., RB , 113, 114
Ross, Capt., 93rd, 43
Ross-Lewin, Lt. , 30th, 68, 91
Rowlands, Capt., VC, 41st, 80, 81,81
Russell, Capt. Sir C., VC, Gren. Gds,
100, 101 ' 134
Russell, W. H ., 139, 140, 140, 142
Ryjoff, Gen. , 40, 42, 45, 46, 48, 51, 56

St Arnaud, Marshal, 30, 32

St Clement's Ravine, 58, 59, 62, 75, 76,
96,98-105, 102, 109, 112
StGeorge's Ravine, 58, 73, 74
Sandbag Battery on Kitspur, 59, 75, 78,
90,91,91,93,95-106,97,99, 102,
109-12, 114, 115, 123, 128, 130, 132
Sandhurst, RMC, 20
Sapou.neFUdge, 32,38,49, 55, 59, 73,74


Sardinia enters war, 141

Sargent, Capt. , 95th, 77 , 78, 100, 102,
Saxe-Weimar, Prince, Gren. Gds, 88
Scarlett, Brig.-Gen. , 43, 45, 46, 48 , 49,
Scutari H ospital, 126, 127, 138
Sebastopol, 29, 29, 30, 32, 35, 38, 57-9,
62 , 67, 68, 73, 75, 78, 80, 85 , 119,
124, 128, 129, 137; bombardments of
( 170ct.) 3S,57, 58,(1 Nov. ) 7S;
assaults on ( 1855), 141 ; fall of, 141 ,
Sexton, Col.-Sgt, 95th, 136
Sharpshooters, Guards, 59, 62 , 65
Shegog, Sgt, SDG, 28, 45
Shell Hill (incl. West and East Juts), 58,
58-64,66-8,73-8, 74 , 82,85-7,89,
90,91 , 92 , 93 ,98, 104, lOS , 109, 113,
Shervinton, Capt., 46th, 137, 142
Shewell, Lt.-Col. , 8H, 52
Shumla, Silistria forts, 27
Simpson, Gen . Sir ] ., 141
Sinope Massacre, 25 , 29
Smith, Sgt-Maj. Loy, 11H, 52, 54, 55
Soimonoff, Gen. , 73, 73 , 75 , 78, 80, 82 ,
85-92, 105, 128
Stanley, Capt., 57th, 105
Stirling, Lt. , 41 st, 91 , 95 , 95
Stratford de Redcliffe , Lord , 24
Stuart, Maj. Ramsey, 21st, 113, 114
Sturt, Lt. , Gren. Gds, 96
Sullivan, Col.-Sgt, 30th, 63
Sultan Abdul Medjid I , 24
Swaby, Lt., 41st, 95
Sweden, King of, 141
Swyny, Lt.-Col. , 63rd, 106, 108

Tchernaya, FUver,32, 33,3S,38,57,58,

Tennyson, Lord , 25, 56, 142
The Times, 29, 139-141
Timovieff, Gen. , 73, 130
Todleben, Col., 33, 72, 120
Torrens, Brig.-Gen. , 98 , 100, 146
Torrens, Capt., 23rd, 100
Tower, Capt., Coldm Gds, 133
Tremayne, Capt. , 13LD, 51
Troubridge, Maj. Sir T. , 7th, 118, 118,
119, 133
Turkey, 13,23,24,27
Turner, Lt. , Gren. Gds, 96, 103
Tyrell, Pte, 77th, 117, 133

Uniforms, British, 10-12, 19, 30, 45 , 49,

59; Russian, 46, 63

Varna, 27,45
Vaughan, Ens. , 20th, 107

Verschoyle, Lt. , Gren. Gds, 103

Vialls, Capt., 95th, 77, 78, 102
Victoria, Queen, 10, 25, 136
Victoria Cross, 46fn. , 52fn., 54fn.,
55fn., 63fn. , 64fn., 67fn. , 68fn. ,
8lfn., 82, 87fn. , 88fn., 9lfn., lOOfn .,
/01 , 102fn., 106fn., 106, 113fn., 132,
136, 136
Victoria Ridge, 59, 62, 68 , 73, 74, 78,
85, 118--22, 128
Volovia Gorge, 58, 74, 88
Vousden, Sgt-Maj., 21st , 108, /08

Waddy, Lt.-Col. , 50th, 120

Walker, Lt. , VC, 30th, 90, 90

Walker, Sgt, 55th, 107, /07
Waterloo, Battle (1815), 13~32 , 134
Weapons: guns (Lancaster) 59, 68 , 133,
(6-pr) 40, (9-pr) 38, 42fn ., 66 , 84 ,
( 12-pr) 38, 41 , 82, (18-pr) 40, 75, 85,
109, 110, 113, 115, 117- 19, 120, 129,
131 , (24-pr) 38, 42fn., 66; muskets
(Russian) 63 , 72 , (percussion) 105,
114; rifles (Minie) 14, 30, 31, 43 , 63,
64, 69, 72 , 85,86, 89-91,97, 103-5,
114, 117-19, 134, (Russian) 72;
swords, 48
Wellington, Duke of, 14, 17, 22 , 29, 72,
98, 109, 130, 138


Wellway, 58, 86, 88, 106

West , Maj . L ord, 21st, 106, 113 , 118fn.
White, Col. , 6D, 41, 47; helmet , 47
Wightman , Pte , 17L, 51
Williams, Pte, 41st, 30, 92, 93
Wilson, Capt., Coldm Gds, 28, 69, 96,
97' 100, 102, 112, 116, 123, 133
Windham, Lt. -Col. , Staff, 98, 102, 138
Wolseley, Surgeon, 20th, 103
Wood, Midshipman, RN, 66
Wooden, Sgt, VC, 17L, 55
Woodham-Smith, C., 18
Woolwich, RMA, 20
WoronzoffRoad, 38, 41 , 56
Wynne, Maj. , 68th, 102; grave, 123



R eturn to I nkennan by Lady Butler

Britain and Russia have been enemies in the field

only once in history. This stark and bloody conflict,
which lasted from 1854 to 1856, is known as the Crimean War.
The first major Russian effort to eject the British from the Crimea
was the Battle of Balaclava. The counter-offensive culminated 11 days
later in the Battle of Inkerman, a struggle of far greater military and
historical importance yet one which has received far less attention. Those
autumn days of 1854 presented the British soldier with the severest test
since Waterloo- a test met with fortitude and outstanding courage.

Heroes ofthe Crimea tells the exciting story of the Battles ofBalaclava
and Inkerman, and is illustrated with over 100 photographs,
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ISBN 0-7137-21 0 2-2

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