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Indian Standard

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IS : 875( Part 5 ) - 1997

( Reeed 1997 )

Indian Standard

( Second Revision )

Fourth Reprint NOVEMBER 1997

UDC 624'042:006'76

IS : 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

Igdian Standard

( Second Revision )
Structural Safety Sectional Committee, BDC 37

Chqirman R~prcssnting
BBIQ DE L. V. RAYAKRI~~NA Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters,
New Delhi
DR K. G. BHATIA Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Corporate
Research & Development Division,
SHBI M. S. BHATIA In perronal capacity ( A-2136, Safdarjang Enclave,
New Delhi )
SHEI N. K. BEATTACEABYA Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters,
New Delhi
SHBI S. K. MALHOTI~A [ Allsraals 1
DE S. C. CHAKRABARTI den;tr~rk~t$lding Research Institute ( CSIR ),

SHBI A. DAT~A ( Alfernate )

CHIEF ENQINEEB ( ND2 ) II Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
WOBKE ( NDZ ) II ( Altsrnats 1
DE P. DAYABATNAM Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
DB A. S. R. SAI ( Altarnats )
D~UTY MUNICIPAL COYMISSI- Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay,
ONpa ( ENQo ) Bombay
CITY ENQINEI~R ( Altern& )
DIBEOTOR ( CMDD-I ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
DEPUTY DIBEC~O~ ( CMDD-I ) ( Altcmats )
MAJ-Gm A. M. GOQLEKAB Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
PBO~ D. N. TBIKHA ( Altmnatr j
( Continurd on page 2 )

0 coplright 1988
This publication is protected under the Zndian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS : 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

( Continasdfrom @gc 1 )
Members Rep.wnting
S~nr A. C. GWPTA Nati;: DzIymal Power Corporation Ltd,

Snap P. SEN GUPTA StewaFts and Lloyda of India Ltd, Calcutta

Soar M. M. Grtosn ( Aft~r~k )
SHBI G. B. JAHAQIRDAR National Industrial Development Corporation
Ltd, New Delhi
J o I N T DIRECTOR STANDARDS Ministry of Railways
(B&S ), CB
Sxsr S. P. JO~HI Tata Consulting Engineers, New Delhi
SHRI A. P. MULL ( Alternate )
SHBI S. R. KTJLKARNI M. N. Dastur & Co, Calcutta
Saal S. N. PAL ( Alternate )
SEW H. N. MISHBA Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Debra
SHBI R. K. PUNEANI ( Alternate )
SHRI T. K. D. MUNSHI Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi
DR C. RAJKU~A~ National Council for Cement & Building
Materials, New Delhi
Da M. N. KESHWA RAO Struc;;;iaxrgineering Research Centre ( CSIR 1.
SHRI T. N. SUBBA RAO Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
DR S. V. LONEAR ( Alkrnafr )
SBEI P. K. RAY Indian Engineering Association, Calcutta
SHRI P. K. MUKHERJEE ( Altcrnofe )
SHRI S. SEETEAR~MAN Ministry of Surface Transport ( Roads Wing ),
New Delhi
SHRI S. P. CEAKRABORTY \ Alternate )
Srrnr M. C. SHARMA Indian Meteorological Department, New Delhi
SHRI K. S. SRINIVAYAN National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHLU A. K. LAL ( Altcrnafc)
SHRI SUSHIL Knri~ National Building Construction Corporation Ltd,
New Delhi
Snnr G. RAMAN. Director General, BIS ( Ex-o&io Mmbcr )
Director ( Civ’Engg )

Deputy Director ( Civ Engg ), BIS

( Conlinud on page 18 )

IS t 875( Part 5 ) - 1987

Indian Standard

( Second Revision )


0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part 5 ) ( Second Revision ) was adopted by

the Bureau of Indian Standards on 3 1 August 1987, after the draft finaliz-
ed by the Structural Safety Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 A building has to perform many functions satisfac orily. Amongst
these functions are the utility of the building for the intended use and
occupancy, structural safety, fire safety; and compliance with hygienic,
ganitation, ventilation and day light standards. The design of the building
is dependent upon the minimum requirements prescribed for each of the
above functions. The minimum requirements pertaining to the structural
safety of buildings are being covered in this code by way of laying down
minimum design loads which have to be assumed for dead loads, imposed
loads, snow loads and other external loads, the structure would be requir-
ed to bear. Strict conformity to loading standards recommended in this
code, ‘It is hoped, will not only ensure the structural safety of the buildings
which are being designed and constructed in the country and thereby
reduce the hazards to life and property caused by unsafe structures, but
also eliminate the wastage caused by assuming unnecessarily heavy load-
ings. Notwithstanding what is stated regarding the structural safety of
buildings, the application of the provisions should be carried out by com-
petent and responsible structural designer who would satisfy himself that
the structure designed in accordance with this code meets the desired
performance requirements when the same is carried out according to
0.3 This standard code of practice was first published in 1957 for the
guidance of civil engineers, designers and architects associated with plann-
ing and design of buildings. It included the provisions for basic design
IS t 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

loads ( dead loads, live loads, wind loads and seismicloads ) to be assumed
in the design of buildings. In its first revision in 1964, the wind pressure
provisions were modified on the basis of studies of wind phenomenon and
its effects on structures, undertaken by the special committee in consultation
with the Indian Meteorological Department. In addition to this, new
clauses on wind loads for butterfly type structures were included; wind
pressure coefficients for sheeted roofs both curved and sloping were modi-
fied; seismic load provisions were deleted ( separate code having been
prepared ) and metric system of weights and measurements was adopted.
0.3.1 With the increased adoption of the code, a number of comments
were received on the provisions on live load values adopted for different
occupancies. Simultaneously live load surveys have been carried out in
America, Canada and other countries to arrive at realistic live loads based
on actual determination of loading ( movable and immovable ) in
different occupancies. Keeping this in view and other developments in the
field of wind engineering, the committee responsible for the preparation of
the standard decided to prepare second revision in the following five parts:
Part 1 Dead loads
Part 2 Imposed loads
Part 3 Wind loads
Part 4 Snow loads
Part 5 Special loads and load combinations.
Earthquake load is covered in a separate standard, namely IS : 1893
1984* which should be considered along with the above loads.
0.3.2 This code ( Part 5 ) deals with loads and load effects ( other than
those covered in Parts 1 to 4, and seismic loads ) due to temper-
ature changes, internally generating stresses ( due to creep, shrinkage,
differential settlement, etc ) in the building and its components, soil and
hydrostatic pressure, accidental loads, etc. This part also includes guid-
ance on load combinations.
0.4 The code has taken into account the prevailing practices in regard to
loading standards followed in this country by the various municipal autho-
rities and has also taken note of the developments in a number of countries
abroad. In the preparation of this code, the following national standards
have been examined:
a) National Building Code of Canada ( 1977 ) Supplement No. 4.
Canadian Structural Design Manual.

*Criteria for earthquakeresistantdesignof structures( thirdrenision ).

I& : 835 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

b) DS 410-1983 Code of practice for loads for the design of struct-

ures. Danish Standards Institution.
4 NZS 4203-1976 New Zealand Standard General structural design
and design loading for building. Standards Association of New
4 ANSI A 58.1-1982 American Standard Building code require-
ments for minimum design loads in buildings and other structures.

1.1 This code ( Part 5 ) deals with loads and load effects due to temper-
ature changes, soil and hydrostatic pressures, internally generating stresses
( due to creep, shrinkage, differential settlement, etc ), accidental loads
etc, to be considered in the design of buildings as appropriate. This part
also includes guidance on load combinations. The nature of loads to be
considered for a particular situation is to be based on engineering
2.1 Expansion and contraction due to changes in temperature of the
materials of a structure shall be considered in design. Provision shall be
made either to relieve the stress by provision of expansion/contraction
joints in accordance with IS : 3414-1968* or design the structure to carry
additional stresses due to temperature effects as appropriate to the
2.1.1 The temperature range varies for different regions and under
different diurnal and seasonal conditions. The absolute maximum and
minimum temperature which may be expected in different localities in
the country are indicated in Fig. 1 and 2 respectively. These figures may
be used for guidance in assessing the maximum variations of temperature.
2.1.2 The temperatures indicated in Fig. 1 and 2 are the air tempera-
tures in the shade. The range of variation in temperature of the building
materials may be appreciably greater or less than the variation of air
temperature and is influenced by the condition of exposure and the rate at
which the materials composing the structure absorb or radiate heat. This
difference in temperature variations of the material and air should be given
due consideration.
2.1.3 The structural analysis must take into account: (a) changes of the
mean ( through the section ) temperature in relation to the initial temper-
ature ( st ), and (b) the temperature gradient through the section,
*Code of practice for designand installationofjoints in buildings.

fS t 835 ( Part 5 ) - 19&t

The territorial waterr of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical milar
measllred from the appropriate base line.
Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India.
~0 Government of India Copyright 1993
Responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publishers,


IS I 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

60 ?2 76 60 66 66 92 %
6 I ,/.s
I \ ‘,. 1

The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles
measured from the appropriate base line.
Baaedupon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India.
Q Government of India Copyright 1993
Responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publishers.


IS : 875 (. Part 5 ) - 1981 It should be borne in mind that the changes of mean temper-

ature in relation to the initial are liable to differ as between one structural
element and another in buildings or structures, as for example, between
the external walls and the internal elements of a building. The distribution
of temperature through section of single-leaf structural elements may be
assumed linear for the purpose of analysis. The effect of mean temperature changes tl, and ts, and the
temperature gradients u1 and vs in the hot and cold seasons for single-leaf
structural elements shall be evaluated ori the basis of analytical principles.
Nom 1 - For portions of the structure below ground level, the variation of
temperature is generally insignificant. However, during the period of construction
when the portions of the structure are exposed to weather elements, adequate pro-
vision should be made to encounter adverse effects, if any.
NOTE 2 - If it can be shown by engineering principles, 0; if it is known from
experience, that neglect of some or all the effects of tern erature do not affect the
structural safety and rerviceability, they need not be cons~3 ered in design.


3.1 In the design ofstructures or parts of structures below ground level,
such as retaining walls and ‘other walls in basement floors. the pressure
exerted by soil or water or both shall be duly accounted for on the basis
of established theories. Due allowance shall be made for possible surcharge
from stationary or moving loads. When a portion or whole of the soil is
below the free water surface, the lateral earth pressure shall be evaluated
for weight of soil diminished by buoyancy and the full hydrostatic pressure.
3.1.1 All foundation slabs and other footings subjected to water pres-
sure shall be designed to resist a uniformly distributed uplift equal to the
full hydrostatic pressure. Checking of overturning of foundation under
submerged condition shall be done considering buoyant wei ght of
3.2 While determining the lateral soil pressure on column like structural
members, such as pillars which rest in sloping soils, the width of the
member shall be taken as follows ( see Fig. 3 ):
Actual Width of Member Ratio of Effective Width to
Actual Width
Less than O-5 m 3-o
Beyond 0.5 m and up to 1 m 3.0 to 2.0
Beyond 1m 2-o
The relieving pressure of soil in front of the structural member
concerned may generally not be taken into account.

IS : 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

2b TO 3b



3.3 Safe guarding of structures and structural members against over-tum-

ing and horizontal sliding shall be verified. Imposed loads having favot+
able effect shall be disregarded for the purpose. Due consideration shall
lr~z~t;;; to the possibility of soil being permanently or temporarily


4.1 General - Fatigue cracks are usually initiated at points of high stress
concentration. These stress concentrations may be caused by or associated
with holes ( such as bolt or rivet holes in steel structures ), welds includ-
ing stray or fusions in steel structures, defects in materials, and local and
general changes in geometry of members. The cracks usually propogate
if loading is continuous.

Where there is such loading cycles, sudden changes of shape of a

member or part of a member, specially in regions of tensile stress and/or
local secondary bending, shall be avoided, Suitable steps shall be taken to
avoid critical vibrations due to wind and other causes.

4.2 Where necessary, permissible stresses shall be reduced to allow for the
effects of fatigue. Allowance for fatigue shall be made for combinations of
stresses due to dead load and imposed load. Stresses due to wind and
earthquakes may be ignored when fatigue is being considered unless other-
wise specified in the relevant codes of practice.


Each element of the structure shall be designed for the number of

stress cycles of each magnitude to which it is estimated that the element
is liable to be subjected during the expected life of the structure. The
number of cycles of each magnitude shall be estimated~ in the light of
available data regarding the probable frequency of occurrence of each type
of loading.

NOTB- Apart from the general observations made herein the code is unable
to provide any precise guidance in estimating the probablistic behaviour and response
of structures of various types arising out of repetitive loading approaching fatigue
conditions in structural members, joints, materials, etc.


5.1 All loads required to be carried by the structures or any part of it

due to storage or positioning of construction materials and erection equip-
ment including all loads due to operation of such equipment, shall be
considered as erection loads. Proper provision shall be made, including
temporary bracings to take care of all stresses due to erection loads. The
structure as a whole and all parts of structure in conjunction with the
temporary bracings shall be capable of sustaining these erection loads
without exceeding the permissible stresses specified in respective codes of
practice. Dead load, wind load and such parts of imposed load as would
be imposed on the structure during the period of erection shall be taken
as acting together with erection loads.


6.0 General-The occurrence of accidental loads with a significant value,

is unlikely on a given structure over the period oftime under consideration,
and also in most cases is of short duration. The occurrence of an accidental
load could in many cases be expected to cause severe consequences unless
special measures are taken:

The accidental loads arising out of human action include the

a) Impacts and collisions,
b) Explosions, and
c) Fire.

Characteristic of the above stated loads are that they are not a come-
quence of normal use and that they are undesired, and that extensive
efforts are made to avoid them. As a result, the probability of occurrence
of an accidental load is small whereas the consequences may be severe.

IS: 875 (Parts)- 1987

The causes of accidental loads may be:

a) inadequate safety of equipment ( due to poor design or poor
maintenance ); and
b) wrong operation ( due to insufficient teaching or training, indis-
position, negligence or unfavourable external circumstances ).
In most cases, accidental loads only develop under a combination of
several unfavourable occurrence. In practical applications, it may be ncces-
sary to neglect the most unlikely loads. The probability of occurrence of
accidental loads which are neglected may differ for different consequences
of a possible failure. A data base for a detailed calculation of the proba-
bility will seldom be available.
NOTE- Dcfcrmination of Accidsrrtal Loads - Types and magnitude of accidental
loads should preferably be based on a risk analysis. The analysis should consider all
factors influencing the magnitude of the action, including preventive measures for
accidental situations. Generally, only the principal load bearing system need be
designed for relevant ultimate limit statea.

6.1 Impacts and Collisions

6.1.1 General - During an impact, the kinetic impact energy has to be

absorbed by the vehicle hitting the structure and by the structure itself.
In an accurate analysis, the probabihty of occurrence of an impact with a
certain energy and the deformation characteristics of the object hitting
the structure and the structure itself at the actual place nhust be consider-
ed. Impact energies for dropped objects should be based on the actual
loading capacity and lifting height.

Common sources of impact are:

a) vehicles;
b) dropped objects from cranes, fork lifts, etc;
c) cranes out of control, crane failures; and
d) flying fragments.

The codal requirements regarding impact from vehicles and cranes

are given in 6.1.2 and 6.1.3.

6.1.2 Collisions Between Vehicles and Structural Elements - In road tra&z,

the requirement that a structure shall be able to resist collision may be
assumed to be fulfilled if it is demonstrated that the structural element is
able to stop a fictitious vehicle, as described in the following. It is assum-
ed that the vehicle strikes the structural element at height of 1.2 m in any
possible direction and at a speed of 10 m/s ( 36 km/h ).

IS : 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

The fictitious vehicle shall be considered to consist of two masses

ml and ma which during compression of the vehicle produce an impact
force increasing uniformly from zero, corresponding to the rigidities Cr
and Cs. It is assumed that the mass ml is breaked completely before the
braking of mass m, begins.
The following numerical values should be used:
ml = 400 kg, Cr = 10 000 kN per m the vehicle is compressed.
ms = 12 no0 kg, C’s = 300 kN per m the vehicle is compressed.
NOTE- The described fictitious collision corresponds in the case of a non-elastic
structural element to a maximum static force of 630 kN for the mass ml and 600 kN
for the mass ms irrespective of the elasticity. It will, therefore, be on the safe side to
assume the static force to be 630 kN.

In addition, braking of the mass ml will result in an impact wave,

the effect of which will depend to a great extent on the kind of structural
element concerned. Consequently, it will not always be sufficient to design
for the static force.
6.1.3 Safe0 Railings - With regard to safety railings put up to protect
structures against collision due to road traffic, it should be shown that the
railings are able to resist on impact as described in 6.1.2.
NOTE - When a vehicle collides with safety railings, the kinetic energy of the
veh+e will be absorbed in part by the deformation of the railings and, in part by
the deformation of the vehicle. The part of the kinetic energy which the railings
should be able to absorb without breaking down may be determined on the basis of
the assumed rigidity of the vehicle during the compression.

6.1.4 Crane Impact Load on BuJer Stab - The basic horizontal load Py
( tonnes ), acting along the crane track produced by impact of the crane
on the buffer stop, is calculated by the following formula:

V- speed at which the crane is travelling at the moment of
impact ( assumed equal to half the nominal value ) (m/s>;
F = maximum shortening of the buffer, assumed equal to 0.1
m for light duty, medium-duty and heavy-duty cranes with
flexible load suspension and loading capacity not exceed-
ing 50 t, and O-2 m in every other cranes; and
M - the reduced crane mass (t.s*/m); and is obtained by the

M a- ; [++ (4 + Q) -Qq

IS z 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

g = acceleration due to gravity ( 9.81 m/s* );
Ph = crane bridge weight (t);
Pt = crab weight (t);
k = a coefficient, assumed equal to zero for cranes with flexible
load suspension and equal to one for cranes with rigid
Q = crane loading capacity (t);
Lk = crane span (m); and
1 = nearness of crab (m).
6.2 Explosions
6.2.1 General - Explosions may cause impulsive loading on a structure.
The following types of explosions are particularly relevant:
a) Internal gas explosions which may be caused by leakage of gas
piping ( including piping outside the room ), evaporation from
volatile liquids or unintentional evaporation from surface mate-
rial ( for example, fire );
b) Internal dust explosions;
c) Boiler failure;
d) External gas cloud explosions; and
e) External explosions of high-explosives ( TNT, dynamite ).
The coda1 requirement regarding internal gas explosions is given
in 6.2.2.

6.2.2 Explosion Efect in Closed Rooms - Gas explosion may be caused,

for example, by leaks in gas pipes ( inclusive of pipes outside the room ),
evaporation from volatile liquids or unintentional evaporation of gas from
wall sheathings ( for example, caused by fire ).
NOTE 1 - The effect of explosiona depends on the exploding medium, the
concentration of the explosion, the shape of the room, possibilities of ventilation of
the explosion. and the ductility and dynamic properties of the structure. In rooms
with little possibility for relief of the pressure from the explosion, very large pres-
sures may occur.
Internal overpressure from an internal gas explosion in rooms of sizes compara-
ble to residential rooms and with ventilation areas consisting of window glass
breaking at a pressure of 4 kN/m’ ( 3-4 mm machine made glass ) may be calculated
from the following method:
a) The overpressure is assumed to depend on a factor A/V, where A is the total
window area in m’, V is the volume in m* of the room considered.


b) The internal prersure is assumed to act simultaneously upon all walls and
Room in one closed room.
c) The action q. may be taken M static action.

If account ir taken of the time curve of action, the following ( Fig. 4 ) rchematic
correqondence between pressure and time is arrumed, where 11 is the time from the
atart of combustion until maximum prerrure ia reached, and f, is the &me from
maximum pressure to the end of comburtion. For 11 and t,. the most unfavourable
valuer rhould be chosen in relation to the dynamic proper&a of the structures.
However, the valuer should be chosen within the intervals as given in Fig. 5.

Noxut 2 - Figure 4 is based on tertr with gar explosions in room corresponding

to ordinary residential flats and rhould, therefore, not be applied to considerably
different conditions. The figure corresponds to an explosion caurpd by town gas and
it might therefore, be somewhat on the safe aide in rooms where there is only the
poaSbility of gaKI with a lower rate of combustion.

The prenure may he applied solely in one room or in more rooma at the same
time. In the latter case, all room8 are incorporated in the volume V. Only windows
or other similarly weak and light weight structural clementr may be taken to be
ventilation areaa even through certain limited structural parts break at pressures less
than qO.
Figure 4 is given purely BS guide and probability of occurrence of an explosion
should be checked in each case using appropriate values.

6.3 Vertical Load on Air Raid Shelters

6.3.1 Characteristic Values - As regards buildings in which the indivi-

dual floors are acted upon by a total characteristic imposed action of up
to 5.8 kN/ma, vertical actions on air raid shelters generally locared below
ground level, for example, basement, etc, should be considered to have
the following characteristic values:
a) Buildings with up to 2 storeys 28 kN/m*
b) Buildings with 3 to 4 storeys 34 kN/m*
c) Buildings with more than 4 storeys 41 kN/m*
d) Buildings of particularly stable construction 28 kN/ms
irrespective of the number of storeys

In the case of buildings with floors that are acted upon by a charac-
teristic imposed action larger than 5.0 kN/m*, the above values should be
increased by the difference between the average imposed action on all
storeys above the one concerned and 5-O kN/m*.
NOTE 1 - By storeys it is understood, every utilizable storey above the shelter,
NOTE 2 - By buildings of a particular stable construction it is understood, build-
inFs in which the load-bearing atructurea are made from reinforced in-situ concrete,

IS : 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

A -1


IkN/m2) t


6.4 Fire
6.4.1 General - Possible extraordinary loads during a fire may be
considered as accidental actions, Examples are loads from people along
escape routes and loads on another structure from structure failing because
of d tie.
6.4.2 Thermal Efect During Fire - The thermal effect during fire may
be determined from one of the following methods:
a) Time-temperature curve and the required fire resistance
( minutes ), or
b) Energy balance method.
If the thermal effect during fire is determined from energy balance
method, the fire load is taken to be:
Q = 12tb
1s : 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

q = fire action ( K J per m* floor ), and
tb = required fire resistance ( minutes ) ( see IS : 1642-1960* ).
NOTE - The fire action is defined as the total quantity of heat produced by
complete combustion of all combustible material in the fire compartment, inclusive
of stored goods and equipment together with building structures and building


7.1 Other loads not included in the present code such as special loads
due to technical process, moisture and shrinkage effects, etc, should be
taken into account where stipulated by building design codes or established
in accordance with the performance requirement of the structure.
8.0 General - A judicious combination of the loads ( specified in Parts 1
to 4 of this standard and earthquake ), keeping in view the probabi-
lity of:
a) their acting together, and
b) their disposition in relation to other loads and severity of stresses
or deformations caused by combinations of the various loads is
necessary to ensure the required safety and economy in the design
of a structure.
8.1 Load Combinations - Keeping the aspect specified in 8.8, the vari-
ous loads should, therefore, be combined in accordance with thestipulations
in the relevant design codes. In the absence of such recommendations,
the following loading combinations, whichever combination produces the
most unfavourable effect in the building, foundation or structural member
concerned may be adopted ( as a general guidance ). It should also be
recognized in load combinations that the simultaneous occurrence of maxi-
mum values of wind, earthquake, imposed and snow loads is not likely,
a) DL
b) DL+IL
c) DLf WL
d) DL+EL
e) DL+TL
f) DL+IL+ WL
*Code of practice for safety of buildings ( general ) : Materials and details of

IS : 875 ( Part 5 ) - 1987

h) DL+ IL+ 71,

.i) DLi- WL-t_ TL
k) DL+EL+ 7-L
( DL = dead load, IL = imposed load, WL = wind load,
EL = earthquake load, IL = temperature load ).
NOTE 1 - When snow load is present on roofs, replace imposed load by snow
load for the purpose of above load combinations.
NOTE 2 - The relevant design codes shall be followed for permissible stresses
when the structure is -designed by working stress method and for partial safety factors
when the structure is designed by limit state design method for each of the above
load combinations.
NOTE 3 - Whenever imposed load (IL) is combined with earthquake load (EL),
the appropriate part of imposed load as specified in IS : 1893- 1984f should be used
both for evaluating earthquake effect and for combined load effects used in such
NOTE 4- For the purpose of stability of the structure as a whole against over-
turning, the restoring moment shall he not less than 1’2 times the maximum over-
turning moment due to dead load plus 1’4 times the maxrmum overturning moment
dlle to imposed loads. In cases where dead load provides the restoring moment, only
0.9 times the dead load shall be considered. The restoring moments due to imposed
loads shall be ignored.
NOTE 5 - The structure shall have a factor against sliding of not less than 1’4
under the most adverse combination of the applied loads/forces. In this case, only 0’9
times the dead load shall be taken into account.
NOTE 6 -‘Where the bearing pressure on soil due to wind alone is less than 25
percent of that due to dead load and imposed load, it may be neglected in design.
Where this exceeds 25 percent foundation may be so proportioned that the pressure
due to combined effect of dead load, imposed load and wind load does not exceed
the allowable bearing pressure by more than 25 percent. When earthquake effect is
included, the permissible increase is allowable bearing pressure in the soil shall be in
accordance with IS : 1893-1984*.
Reduced imposed load (IL) specified iti. Part 2 of this rtandard for the design of
supporting structures should not be applied in combination with earthquake forces.
NOTE 7 - Other loads and accidental load combinations not included should be
dealt with appropriately.
NOTE 8 - Crane load combinations are covered under Part 2 of this standard
( see 6.4 of Part 2 of this standard ).

*Criteria for earthquake resrstant design of structures (jourth rsuision ).

IS : 875 CPart 5 ) - 1987

Panel on Loads ( Other than Wind Loads ), BDC 37 : P3

Convener Repesenting
SHRI T.N. SUBBARAO Gammon India Limited, Bombay
DR S. V. LONKAR ( Altcrnafr )
SHRIS. R. E(ULEARN1 M. N. Dastur 6 Co Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI M. L. MEH~A Metallurgical & Engineering Consultants ( India )
Ltd, Ranchi
SHRI S. K. DATTA ( Alternate )
SHRI T. V. S. R. APP~ RAO Structural Engineering Research Centre, CSIR
Campus, Madras
SARI C. N. SRINIVASAN C. R. Narayana Rao, Madras
SUPERINTENDIXQ EXQINEER ( D ) Central Public Works Department ( Central
Designs Organization ), New Delhi
DR H. C. VISVESVARAYA National Council for Cement and Building
Materials, New Delhi
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones: 323 0131,323 3375,323 9402
Fax : 91 11 3234062,91 11 3239399,91 11 3239362
Telegrams : Manaksanstha
(Common to all Offices)
Central Laboratory: Telephone
Plot No. 20/9, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad 201010 6-77 0032
Regional Uffices:
Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 32376 17
‘Eastern : 1114CIT Scheme,V!I M, V.I.P. Road, Maniktda, CALCUTTA 700054 337 66 62
Northern : SF0 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 60 38 43
Southern : C3.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113
.;.; <:; .‘; __
23523 15
t Western : Manakalaya, E9, BeellTndMarobTelephone Exchange, Andheri (East), , 632 92 95
MUMBAI 400093
Brsnch Offices:
‘Pushpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMEDABAD 360001 550 13 48
$ Peenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, a39 49 55
_ BANGALORE 560056
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 554021
Plot No. 62-63, Unit VI, Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 40 36 27
Kalaikathir Buildings, 670 Avinashi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 21 01 41
Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 a-28 66 01
Savitri Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 6-71 1996
5315 Ward No. 29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 761003 541137
5-6-56C, L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 201083
E-52d Chkaranjan Marg. C-Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 37 29 25
lli’I416 B, Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 206005 21 66 76
Seth Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 23 69 23
LUCKNOW 226001
NIT Building, Second Floor, Gokulpat Market, NAGPUR 440010 52 51 71
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 600013 26 23 05
Institution of Engineers (India) Building 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005 32 36 35
T.C. No. 14/1421, University PO. Palayam, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695034 621 17

‘Sales Office is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, PO. Princep Street, 271085

TSales Office is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, MUMBAI 400007 309 65 26
*Sales Office is at ‘F’ Block, Unity Building, Narashimaraja Square, 222 39 71

Printed at Simco Printing Press, Delhi

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