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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Matthew C Kiernan, Steve Vucic, Benjamin C Cheah, Martin R Turner, Andrew Eisen, Orla Hardiman, James R Burrell, Margaret C Zoing
Lancet 2011; 377: 94255
Published Online
February 7, 2011
Neuroscience Research
Australia and Prince of Wales
Clinical School, University of
New South Wales, Sydney,
Australia (Prof M C Kiernan DSc,
B C Cheah MBiostat,
J Burrell MBBS, M C Zoing BNurs);
Western Clinical School,
University of Sydney, Sydney,
Australia (S Vucic PhD); Nueld
Department of Clinical
Neurosciences, University
of Oxford, Oxford, UK
(M R Turner PhD); Division of
Neurology, Department of
Medicine, University of British
Columbia Vancouver,
Vancouver, Canada
(Prof A Eisen MD); and
Trinity College Institute of
Neuroscience, Dublin, Ireland
(Prof O Hardiman MD)
Correspondence to:
Prof Matthew C Kiernan,
Neuroscience Research Australia,
Barker Street, Randwick, Sydney,
NSW 2031 Australia

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an idiopathic, fatal neurodegenerative disease of the human motor system. In
this Seminar, we summarise current concepts about the origin of the disease, what predisposes patients to develop
the disorder, and discuss why all cases of ALS are not the same. In the 150 years since Charcot originally described
ALS, painfully slow progress has been made towards answering these questions. We focus on what is known about
ALS and where research is headingfrom the small steps of extending longevity, improving therapies, undertaking
clinical trials, and compiling population registries to the overarching goals of establishing the measures that guard
against onset and finding the triggers for this neurodegenerative disorder.

Since the 1990s, there has been growing scientific and
clinical interest in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Advances in our understanding of the glutamate
neurotransmitter system and the discovery of causal genes
linked to the development of familial ALS have stimulated
research interest, problems associated with clinical
heterogeneity have been identified, and survival in ALS is
now understood to be dependent on several factors,
including clinical presentation (phenotype), rate of disease
progression, early presence of respiratory failure, and the
nutritional status of patients.
Extending life expectancy in ALS seems to be dependent
on improving our understanding of its pathogenesis,
which will lead to the development of early and specific
diagnostic methods. There is a crucial need to formulate
therapies that not only slow disease progression, but also
deal with the secondary consequences of malnutrition
and respiratory failure. At present, no definitive diagnostic
test or biomarker for ALS exist, and neurologists rely on
only clinical criteria for diagnosis. The development of
novel biomarkers to objectively assess disease progression
holds the promise of greatly refining therapeutic trial
design and reducing trial costs. Furthermore, the power
of population registries is being increasingly recognised
as an essential adjunct to improved clinical assessment
techniques. These collaborative endeavours will inevitably
lead to a better understanding of ALS and its often
Search strategy and selection criteria
We searched Medline (1966, to December, 2009), EmBase
(1980, to December, 2009), and the Cochrane Library using
the search terms amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or motor
neurone disease in combination with diagnosis,
epidemiology, fronto-temporal dementia, imaging,
neurophysiology, management, and neuroprotection.
Further articles were included from reference lists, review
articles, and major textbook chapters. Abstracts and reports
from relevant meetings were also included. The final reference
list was generated on the basis of originality and relevance to
the topics covered in this Seminar. Emphasis was placed on
publications from the past 5 years, but did not exclude
commonly referenced and highly regarded older publications.


unpredictable progression, and will lead to the

development of guidelines for improved care of patients.
In this Seminar, we provide an up-to-date overview of the
key developments across the ALS specialty.

Epidemiology and molecular genetics

Several factors have complicated epidemiological studies
in ALS, including determination of a specific date of
disease onset and the potentially long duration between
onset of pathological changes and manifestation of
clinical disease. This prodomal period between disease
onset and presentation of symptoms possibly indicates
the redundancy of neuronal populations. As a
consequence, a range of epidemiological studies with
rigorous designs and the use of unbiased patient cohorts
have provided varying levels of evidence in support of
dierent causative mechanisms of disease.1,2 Populationbased studies have established that the incidence of ALS
in Europe is fairly uniform at 216 per 100 000 personyears.3 Although ALS aects people worldwide, an exact
incidence of this disease is not yet known.4 Men have a
higher incidence of disease (30 per 100 000 person-years;
95% CI 2833) than do women (24 per 100 000 personyears; 95% CI 2226), although the incidence between
men and women is about the same in familial disease.
The overall population-based lifetime risk of ALS is
1:400 for women and 1:350 for men. Peak age at onset is
5863 years for sporadic disease and 4752 years for
familial disease. Incidence decreases rapidly after 80 years
of age.3
Although the ALS phenotype might seem similar
across populations, there are subtle dierences in clinical
presentation across European registries.3 There is
evidence from population-based studies that suggest that
ALS is less common in individuals of mixed ancestral
origin than in individuals of Spanish origin.4 In a
population-based mortality study from Cuba,5 disease
rates were 60% lower than in European and North
American populations, lending support to previous
observations of reduced frequency of ALS in those of
Hispanic origin in North America.
About 510% of ALS is familial, with a Mendelian
pattern of inheritance. To date, 13 genes and loci of
major eect have been identified, many since 2009.6,7 Of
the known genes, mutations in SOD1 (encodes for
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copper/zinc ion-binding superoxide dismutase),

TARDBP (also known as TDP-43; encodes for TAR DNA
binding protein), FUS (encodes fusion in sarcoma),
ANG (encodes angiogenin, ribonuclease, RNase A
family, 5), and OPTN (encodes optineurin) cause a
typical clinical phenotype. Mutations in SOD1 induce a
toxic gain of function, although the pathophysiology
remains unclear. Both TDP-438 and FUS9,10 (also known
as TLS [translated in liposarcoma]) are multifunctional
proteins involved in gene expression and regulation,
including transcription, RNA splicing, transport, and
translation. FUS and TDP-43 are also involved in the
processing of small regulatory RNAs (microRNAs) and
in RNA maturation and splicing. ANG is a hypoxiaresponsive gene, which regulates RNA transcription.11
OPTN is a causative gene of primary open-angle
glaucoma. ALS-causing mutations of OPTN abolish the
inhibition of activation of NFB, and change the
cytoplasmic distribution of optineurin.
Mutations in SOD1 account for 20% of familial ALS12
and 5% of apparently sporadic disease. Mutations in
TARDBP account for 510% of familial ALS, mutations in
FUS for 5%, and mutations in ANG for about 1%.
The remaining 90% of people diagnosed with ALS are
classified as having sporadic disease. For these patients,
results from family aggregation studies have identified
an overlap between ALS and common neurodegenerative
disorders, suggesting the existence of susceptibility genes
that might increase the overall risk of neurodegeneration
among relatives.13 However, attempts to establish the
complex genetic basis for sporadic ALS by identifying
susceptibility genes have had little success. Results from
candidate gene studies have identified several
susceptibility genes,7 although the relative contribution
of every identified at risk gene rarely exceeds an odds
ratio of 20, and the mechanism by which risk is
conferred is not known.
Despite the disappointing findings in several recent
genome-wide association studies of sporadic ALS,4 a few
possible genes have been identified. The main problem
has been low power due to small sample sizes, with
candidates being accordingly dicult to replicate in a
second population.7 The recent identification of two new
susceptibility genes through collaborative research14
suggests that further genes and pathways could be
identified with increasingly eective cooperation
between research groups. However, the poor track
record of whole-genome association studies has led to a
reconsideration of the common disease, common
variant hypothesis in favour of a common disease,
multiple rare variant hypothesis.

Clinical phenotypes and prognosis

The varied presentations of ALS15 are also crucial to
the understanding and development of measures of
disease progression.16 The identification of specific
phenotypes has important implications for patients,
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Figure 1: Clinical features of muscles wasting in a patient with ALS

Proximal and symmetrical upper limb wasting (A) results in an inability to lift arms against gravity (man-in-thebarrel or flail-arm variant ALS). Note the recessions above and below the scapular spine (B), indicating wasting of
supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles, as well as substantial loss of deltoid muscle. As a consequence, the
glenohumeral joint becomes prominent, and prone to subluxation. (C) Disproportionate wasting of the thenar
muscles combined with the first dorsal interossei, the so-called split-hand, is a typical feature in ALS.17 Although the
mechanisms underlying this disproportionate wasting of hand muscles are unclear, a corticomotoneuronal origin has
been proposed.17 Specifically, the thenar muscles and first dorsal interossei receive more extensive corticospinal
connections and thereby might be prone to glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity.18 (D) Substantial wasting of the
tongue muscles in bulbar-onset ALS. Note the absence of palatal elevation present on vocalisation. Diculty with
mouth opening and dysphagia might require supplementary feeding through a percutaneous endoscopic
gastrostomy. In further support of a corticomotoneuronal hypothesis, the tongue is often disproportionately aected
in comparison to other oropharyngeal musculature in patients with bulbar-onset ALS. As with the thenar muscles in
the hand, the tongue receives more extensive cortical input than other muscle groups in the oropharyngeal area.
ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

particularly with regards to prognosis and survival, but

also for their enrolment in clinical trials.
The main presentations of ALS include: (1) limb-onset
ALS with a combination of upper and lower motor
neuron (UMN and LMN) signs in the limbs; (2) bulbaronset ALS, presenting with speech and swallowing
diculties, and with limb features developing later in the
course of the disease (figure 1); (3) the less common
primary lateral sclerosis with pure UMN involvement; and (4) progressive muscular atrophy, with pure
LMN involvement.19
The clinical hallmark of ALS is the presence of UMN
and LMN features involving brainstem and multiple
spinal cord regions of innervation. Patients can present
with bulbar-onset disease (about 25%) or limb-onset
disease (about 70%), or with initial trunk or respiratory
involvement (5%), subsequently spreading to involve
other regions.20 Atypical modes of presentation can include
weight loss, which is an indicator of a poor prognosis,
cramps and fasciculations in the absence of muscle


Secretion of
toxic factors
Release of





SOD1 aggregates


Mutant SOD1


Dysfunction of axonal
transport systems

oxidative stress
Mutations in
SOD1 genes


Figure 2: Cellular and molecular processes mediating neurodegeneration in ALS

The mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in ALS are multifactorial and operate through inter-related molecular and genetic pathways. Specifically, neurodegeneration in ALS might result
from a complex interaction of glutamate excitoxicity, generation of free radicals, cytoplasmic protein aggregates, SOD1 enzymes, combined with mitochondrial dysfunction, and disruption of
axonal transport processes through accumulation of neurofilament intracellular aggregates. Mutations in TARDBP and FUS result in formation of intracellular aggregates, which are harmful to
neurons. Activation of microglia results in secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, resulting in further toxicity. Ultimately, motor neuron degeneration occurs through activation of
calcium-dependent enzymatic pathways. ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

weakness, emotional lability, and frontal lobe-type

cognitive dysfunction.21
In terms of presentation, UMN disturbance involving
the limbs leads to spasticity, weakness, and brisk deep
tendon reflexes. By contrast, LMN limb features include
fasciculations, wasting, and weakness. Bulbar UMN
dysfunction results in spastic dysarthria, which is
characterised by slow, laboured, and distorted speech,
often with a nasal quality.22 The gag and jaw jerk can
be pathologically brisk. Bulbar LMN dysfunction can
be identified by tongue wasting, weakness, and
fasciculations, accompanied by flaccid dysarthria and
later dysphagia. Flaccid dysarthria results in nasal
speech caused by palatal weakness, hoarseness, and a
weak cough.22
ALS is relentlessly progressive50% of patients die
within 30 months of symptom onset and about 20% of

patients survive between 5 years and 10 years after

symptom onset.23 Older age at symptom onset, early
respiratory muscle dysfunction, and bulbar-onset disease
are associated with reduced survival, whereas limb-onset
disease, younger age at presentation, and longer diagnostic
delay are independent predictors of prolonged survival.23
Some ALS subtypes tend to lead to a better prognosis.
Specifically, flail-limb variant ALS (figure 1A, figure 1B)
and progressive muscular atrophy, both predominantly
LMN forms, are characterised by slower progression
than other forms of ALS.23,24 In the pure bulbar palsy
phenotype, which typically aects women older than
65 years of age with disease remaining localised to
oropharyngeal musculature and with UMN features
predominating,23 the prognosis varies from 24 years.
Additionally, patients with primary lateral sclerosis
progress more slowly than do patients with classic
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ALS.19,23 A definite diagnosis of primary lateral sclerosis

should be delayed for at least 4 years from disease onset,
given that development of LMN signs can occur even if
the initial presentation appears that of a pure spastic
syndrome.25 Distinguishing these phenotypes from the
typical ALS phenotype has implications for clinical trials
of putative disease-modifying therapies.
Fatigue and reduced exercise capacity are common
symptoms in ALS26 and, ultimately, most patients need
assistance with activities of daily living. Dysphagia
develops in most patients with ALS, with consequent
weight loss and malnutrition associated with poor
prognosis.27 Respiratory compromise eventually develops
in most cases of ALS, leading to exertional dyspnoea,
orthopnoea, hypoventilation with resultant hypercapnia,
and early morning headaches.28 Death becomes imminent
once patients develop dyspnoea at rest. Progressive
weakening of the respiratory muscles leads to respiratory
failure, often precipitated by pneumonia.

Overlap with frontotemporal dementia

The recent identification of TDP-43-positive ubiquitinated
cytoplasmic inclusions in almost all cases of ALS, and
more than half of patients with frontotemporal
dementia (FTD), has rekindled interest in the overlap
between these progressive neurodegenerative syndromes.29
Although reported in early descriptions, overt cognitive
symptoms and frank dementia were previously thought to
be uncommon symptoms of ALS. Conversely, a few
patients with FTD develop ALS.30 Familial clustering of
both disorders is also well recognised, with cases of FTD
or ALS or coincident FTD-ALS presenting in families. The
genes that cause these familial clusters are not yet known,
but results from linkage studies have identified a common
locus on chromosome 9.3135
Cognitive deficits might initially have a subtle
appearance and are often overlooked, but with appropriate
cognitive and neuropsychological assessment, 2050% of
patients with ALS fulfil the consensus criteria for probable
or definite FTD.36 The most commonly encountered
deficits involve executive function,37 either aecting
language or personality, with the cognitive profile most
closely resembling that of behavioural-variant FTD. In
terms of clinical implications, problems with judgment,
impulsivity, and a general deterioration in the ability to
undertake routine daily tasks can develop into dicult
problems with management of patients.38 Impaired verbal
fluency, which is more prominent in patients with
pseudobulbar disease, inevitably hinders the simple task
of patients being able to communicate their needs.
Cognitive, and particularly executive dysfunction, can also
adversely aect patient compliance with treatment,
decision-making abilities, and potentially raise ethical
and medico-legal concerns.37
In further support of overlap between these two
diseases, structural abnormalities, and specifically
frontotemporal atrophy, have been identified by voxelwww.thelancet.com Vol 377 March 12, 2011

Panel 1: Controversy in ALSwhere does the disease begin?

Despite Charcots initial observation of concomitant UMN and LMN pathological
changes in ALS, the question of where ALS begins has not been established.
Resolution of this question might enhance the understanding of the pathophysiology
of ALS and has diagnostic and therapeutic importance.
The dying-forward hypothesis proposes that ALS is mainly a disorder of
corticomotoneurons, which connect monosynaptically with anterior horn cells,
mediating anterograde degeneration of anterior horn cells via glutamate
Support for a dying-forward hypothesis includes:
Results from transcranial magnetic stimulation studies documenting that cortical
hyperexcitability is an early feature in patients with sporadic ALS and precedes the
clinical onset of familial ALS.
Clinical observations that: (1) motor neurons without a monosynaptic connection
with corticomotoneurons, such as the oculomotor, abducens, and Onufs nuclei,
are typically spared in ALS; (2) the absence of a naturally occurring animal model of
ALS is ascribed to a paucity of corticomotoneuronal-anterior horn cell
connections; and (3) pure LMN forms of ALS are rare, whereas subclinical UMN
involvement is invariably detected with transcranial magnetic stimulation studies.
The dying-back hypothesis proposes that ALS begins within the muscle cells or at
the neuromuscular junction. Specifically, there is deficiency of a motor neurotrophic
hormone, which is normally released by postsynaptic cells and retrogradely
transported up the presynaptic axon to the cell body where it exerts its eects.
Support for the dying-back hypothesis includes:
Observations that synaptic denervation precedes the onset of motor neuron
Synaptic denervation is mediated by accumulation of mutant SOD1 protein in
Schwann cells.
By contrast with the dying-forward and dying-back hypotheses, some investigators
have proposed that UMN and LMN degeneration occur independently.
ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. LMN=lower motor neuron. UMN=upper motor neuron.

based morphometry MRI in patients with ALS and

FTD-ALS. Bilateral atrophy of the motor and premotor
cortices can develop,30,39 although patients with FTD-ALS
typically have more severe frontotemporal atrophy than
do patients with ALS alone.31,39 From a functional
perspective, frontotemporal hypometabolism has been
characterised in patients with ALS and FTD-ALS by
use of 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose PET.33 This frontotemporal atrophy seems to be associated with neuronal
loss and cortical gliosis on post-mortem pathology. As
for most patients with sporadic ALS, intraneuronal
inclusions (TDP-43-positive) are present in half of
patients with FTD.32,40 FUS-positive inclusions have been
recently identified in patients with ubiquitin-positive,
TDP-43-negative FTD and in patients with familial ALS
caused by mutations in FUS39,40further emphasising
the pathological overlap between ALS and FTD.

Pathophysiological mechanisms
The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the
development of ALS seem multifactorial (figure 2), with
emerging evidence of a complex interaction between
genetic and molecular pathways.4143 ALS might be an


Motor cortex


Anterograde degeneration
mediated via glutamate




Deficiency of motor
neurotrophic factor


Dying back

horn cell

Figure 3: The dying-forward and dying-back hypotheses

adult manifestation of a developmental disorder of the

human motor system. Specifically, in a Swedish casecontrol study,1 low maternal age and high maternal age,
and exposure to younger siblings, were associated with
increased risk of developing ALS. Additionally, the
development of the human motor system might
potentially be perturbed during childhood by increased
exposure to childhood infections, as occurs in families
with young children. Various environmental risk factors
for ALS have also been suggested, including a lifetime
of intensive sport or physical exertion44 and active service
in the US armed forces.45 In a retrospective study of
football players from the Italian professional leagues,
the standardised morbidity ratios were increased for
development of ALS, particularly younger-onset
disease.46 For unknown reasons, footballers who played
for more than 5 years, particularly in an active midfield
position, were at highest risk of developing ALS. A
cluster of ALS cases has also been reported in amateur
football players from England.47
With regards to smoking, cigarettes might have a dosedependent eect on the subsequent development of
ALS.48 Neurotoxins, including -methyl-amino-L-alanine,
were associated with the development of an epidemic of
ALS-Parkinsons disease on the island of Guam.49 This

neurotoxic aminoacid was concentrated in the brains of

patients with ALS-Parkinsons disease and entered the
human food chain by consumption of flying foxes. These
bats, a delicacy of native Guamanians, the Chamorro,
feed on cycad seeds that have high concentrations of
No clear consensus has emerged to link SOD1 mutations
to the premature death of motor neurons. Current
understanding links genetic mutations to a toxic gain of
function of the SOD1 enzyme,41 with generation of free
radicals that eventually leads to cell injury and death.5053
Additionally, SOD1 mutations induce conformational
instability and misfolding of the SOD1 peptide, resulting
in formation of intracellular aggregates51,54 that inhibit
normal proteosomic function, disrupting axonal transport
systems and vital cellular functions.50,51,55
Glutamate-induced excitotoxicity has been implicated
in ALS pathogenesis. Glutamate is the main excitatory
neurotransmitter in the CNS, and binds to ionotropic
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and -amino-3hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazoleproprionic acid (AMPA)
receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.56,57 Excessive
activation of these postsynaptic receptors by glutamate,
known as glutamate-induced excitotoxicity, can incite
neurodegeneration through activation of calciumdependent enzymatic pathways.58,59 Glutamate-induced
excitotoxicity can also result in generation of free
radicals, which in turn can cause neurodegeneration by
damaging intracellular organelles and upregulating
proinflammatory mediators.60,61
The mechanism by which glutamate-induced
excitotoxicity mediates motor neuron degeneration in
human beings remains unclear (panel 1, figure 3). A
so-called dying-forward process has been proposed,
whereby UMN mediate anterograde degeneration of
LMN by glutamate-induced excitotoxic processes.62,63
In addition to glutamate-induced excitotoxicity,
structural abnormalities of mitochondria, dysfunction of
the sodium/potassium ion pump, autophagy, and
disrupted axonal transport systems have all been
implicated in the pathogenesis of ALS.6470 Non-neuronal
cells, such as astrocytes and microglia, might also directly
contribute to neurodegeneration through mechanisms
including insucient release of neurotrophic factors,
secretion of neurotoxic mediators, and modulation of
glutamate receptor expression (known as non-cell
autonomous neurodegeneration).71
Of further relevance, TDP-43 was recognised as a major
component of ubiquitinated cytoplasmic protein
aggregates in almost all patients with sporadic ALS,
but not in the nucleus, as in normal neurons.
Although there were questions about whether such
aggregates triggered neurodegeneration in ALS,
mutations in TARDBP were reported in 3% of familial
ALS and 15% of patients with sporadic ALS, suggesting
that TDP-43 aggregates have a central role in triggering ALS.8,72 Evidence for the pathogenicity of
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TARDBP mutations was suggested when mutations

identified in highly conserved regions of DNA were not
evident in controls, and segregated with the disease.8,72
Given that TDP-43 binds both DNA and RNA,
mutations in TARDBP could result in dysregulation of
RNA processing.
Identification of FUS mutations on chromosome 16
associated with familial forms of ALS lends further
support to this theory. FUS aggregates were not evident
in patients with pathological changes in TDP-43 or
SOD1, indicating a novel disease pathway.10 Although the
identification of a causative eect between mutations in
the TARDBP and FUS genes and ALS was a major leap
in understanding ALS pathogenesis, several factors need
to be resolved. Do mutations in these DNA/RNA-binding
proteins indicate a toxic gain or loss of function?73 Does
neurotoxicity result from the misfolded proteins
overwhelming the cells protein surveillance pathways or
from sequestration of vital proteins and genomic
material by TDP-43 and FUS aggregates? And what is
the association between previously established pathophysiological mechanisms and the TDP-43 and
FUS proteins?

Without a diagnostic test for ALS, clinicians mostly rely
on identifying the combination of UMN and LMN signs
in the same body region, with subsequent evidence of
disease progression to other regions. The El Escorial
criteria,74 revised in 1997,75 use a combination of UMN
and LMN signs to establish levels of diagnostic certainty.
Clinical trial investigators have tended to enrol patients
with either probable or definite ALS according to the
El Escorial criteria, highlighting their universality,
although inclusion of these diagnostic features as
enrolment criteria might be argued as restrictive.76
Furthermore, these criteria can have poor sensitivity,
particularly in the early stages of ALS when patients are
most likely to benefit from therapeutic intervention.77
Because of these criticisms, the criteria have been
modified to help early diagnosis78 and to optimise
levels of diagnostic certainty, important in the clinical
trial setting.79
There is often a long delay before a definitive diagnosis
is reached, partly because of the insidious onset of
symptoms, with the median time to diagnosis of about
14 months.80 Unusual clinical presentations, a low index
of suspicion, and misinterpretation of neurophysiological or neuroradiological findings are common causes
of diagnostic uncertainty.15 Unfortunately, diagnostic
delay can lead to use of inappropriate therapies, a
delay in starting appropriate pharmacological and
symptomatic therapies, and problems in dealing with
psychosocial factors.
The diagnosis of ALS is devastating for the patient and
family members, and must be handled sensitively. Patients
and family members can carry the emotional burden of an
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Panel 2: Dierential diagnosis of ALS and appropriate investigations

Disorders of motor neurons
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMN gene deletion assay)
X-linked spinobulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedys disease; increased CAG repeats in
DNA from blood)
Poliomyelitis or post-polio syndrome (history, NCS, electromyography)
Hexosaminidase A deficiency (white-cell enzyme testing)
Disorders of motor nerves
Multifocal motor neuropathy (NCS, electromyography, ganglioside GM1 antibodies)
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy (NCS, lumbar puncture)
Cramp-fasciculation syndrome (NCS, electromyography)
Neuromyotonia (antibodies to voltage-gated potassium channels)
Hereditary spastic paraparesis plus (gene mutation testing)
Hereditary motor neuropathy with pyramidal features
Radiculoplexopathy (NCS, electromyography, MRI)
Paraneoplastic syndrome (serum markers, imaging, bone marrow biopsy sample)
Heavy metal poisoning (urine or blood screens)
Mononeuritis multiplex (NCS, electromyography, vasculitic screen, serology)
Disorders of neuromuscular junction
Myasthenia gravis (acetylcholine receptor antibodies, MuSK antibodies, repetitive
stimulation, single-fibre electromyography)
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (repetitive stimulation)
Structural CNS and spinal lesions
Syringomyelia or syringobulbia (MRI)
Tabes dorsalis (syphilis serology)
Multiple sclerosis (MRI, oligoclonal bands, evoked responses)
Monomelic spinal muscular atrophy (Hirayamas disease; electromyography, MRI)
Lyme disease (Lyme serology)
Human T-lymphotropic virus-1 (HIV)
Inclusion body myositis (electromyography, CK, muscle biopsy sample)
Polymyositis (electromyography, CK, muscle biopsy sample, autoimmune screens)
Dermatomyositis (electromyography, CK, skin, and muscle biopsy sample)
Polyglucosan body disease (NCS, electromyography, muscle or nerve biopsy sample)
Thyrotoxicosis (thyroid function tests, electromyography, muscle biopsy sample)
Hyperparathyroidism (calcium ion and parathyroid testing)
Subacute combined degeneration (vitamin B12 concentrations)
Coeliac disease (serum testing, bowel biopsy sample)
ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. CK=creatine kinase. NCS=nerve conduction studies. MuSK=muscle-specific tyrosine kinase.

insensitively delivered diagnosis for the entire disease

course, and initial indecision about the diagnosis in
atypical cases can delay the process of accepting the
terminal prognosis of the disease. Scheduling a followup appointment soon after diagnosis is beneficial to
answer questions not dealt with during the initial
consultation and can help provide further information
about support networks, which are well established in
most developed nations.81
Although rare, the existence of several disorders
that mimic ALS necessitates a thorough diagnostic


Surviving motor unit
Collateral sprouts from
surviving motor axon
reinnervating denervated
muscle fibres
Degenerated motor unit

Figure 4: Investigation findings in ALS

(A) Biopsy sample of the left vastus lateralis muscle from a patient with ALS, stained with ATPase pH 94. The biopsy
sample highlights grouped atrophic fibres with both type I and type II fibres (mixed-type fibres, encompassed by red
box). (B) Pathophysiology of motor unit degeneration and reinnervation; with superimposition (C) of ten traces
demonstrating the typically large, polyphasic, unstable (complex) motor units observed in established ALS (sweep
duration 50 ms), with late components, indicating some re-innervation. ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

assessment, which usually includes structural imaging

and neurophysiological and laboratory investigations, to
reduce the likelihood of an incorrect diagnosis (panel 2).20
In cases of pure LMN syndromes, genetic testing for
Kennedys disease, an X-linked bulbospinal atrophy, and
spinal muscular atrophy is important.82 Muscle biopsy
samples can be of further diagnostic value for excluding
unusual myopathies such as polyglucosan body disease83
or for confirming the presence of ALS by indicating
atrophy of mixed-fibre types (figure 4A).84
Routine neurophysiological investigations of patients
with ALS include nerve conduction studies, electromyography, and, less commonly, transcranial magnetic
stimulation.20,85 Nerve conduction studies are essential
to exclude disorders that mimic ALS, particularly
demyelinating motor neuropathies.86 Motor nerve
conduction is normal in the early stages of ALS, but
in advanced disease the compound muscle action
potential amplitude becomes reduced, indicating
denervation.87 Sensory nerve conduction is typically
normal in patients with ALS, dierentiating ALS from
demyelinating neuropathies.88 Prominent abnormalities
of sensory nerve conduction studies should raise
suspicion of an alternative diagnosis. In patients
presenting with predominantly LMN findings, treatable
disorders such as multifocal motor neuropathy should
be taken into account, with indication of conduction
block in at least two motor nerves outside the common
entrapment sites.89
In addition to nerve conduction studies, electromyography is useful for the identification of LMN loss
(figure 4B). The electromyographical findings indicating
LMN loss include fibrillation potentials, positive sharp
waves, and chronic neurogenic changes (figure 4C).86,90
These electromyographical abnormalities have been

recently incorporated into the revised El Escorial criteria

to help with the diagnosis of ALS, complementing the
clinical features of LMN involvement.90 Fibrillation
potentials and positive sharp waves can be evident in
muscles that seem clinically normal.86 Electromyography
can therefore help with an early diagnosis by establishing
the presence of subclinical LMN involvement.
Motor units that survive can fire spontaneously as
fasciculation potentials, clinically visible as involuntary
muscle twitchinga typical feature of ALS.91 When
detected in the tongue, fasciculations are highly specific
for ALS.92 The presence of fasciculations in the absence
of other electromyographical findings should be
interpreted with caution and can be a sign of less serious
disorders, especially benign cramp-fasciculation
syndrome.93 Conversely, recently revised consensus
guidelines (known as the Awaji Island criteria) have
recommended that fasciculations should be thought to
be equivalent to fibrillation potentials in individuals with
clinically suspected ALS.90 Furthermore, fasciculations in
ALS are complex (malignant), indicating re-innervation,
and have diagnostic importance when combined with
chronic neurogenic changes (figure 4C).
There is discussion about how successful clinicians are
at diagnosing ALS when using the combined approaches
of clinical assessment and laboratory investigation. This
matter was taken into account by the Scottish ALS registry,
which identified a false positive rate of 8%.15 Other data
from population-based studies have reported similar falsepositive rates, with a false-negative rate approaching 44%.94,95
In false-positive cases, the main reasons for diagnostic
revision included failure to progress, development of
atypical features, and results of follow-up neurophysiological
and neuroradiological investigations.15,94 Multifocal motor
neuropathy was the most frequent disorder misdiagnosed
as ALS, followed by Kennedys disease.94

Advances in neuroimaging
The greatest contribution of neuroimaging to the
diagnostic pathway in ALS so far has been the ability of
MRI to exclude alternative pathological causes. However,
the imaging discipline is evolving, and multimodal
neuroimaging has made major progress in the
confirmation that ALS is a multisystem cerebral
neurodegenerative disorder.96 The key neuroimaging
findings, some with potential as biomarkers, are
discussed in panel 3.

Management and prevention

Riluzole, an inhibitor of glutamate release, is a diseasemodifying (neuroprotective) therapy for patients with
ALS (panel 4). In two large randomised controlled trials,
riluzole extended survival of patients by 36 months.126128
This benefit seemed greater for management of patients
in specialised multidisciplinary ALS clinics than in other
settings,129 with most beneficial eects seen in patients
with moderate functional impairment.130
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Panel 3: Key neuroimaging findings in ALS

MRI corticospinal tract hyperintensity
Hyperintensity of the corticospinal tracts as seen on MRI can be
prominent in ALS,85,97 but this feature is not specific to the
disease (figure 5A).
Cerebral atrophy detection with MRI
Voxel-based morphometry has quantified grey and white
matter to detect cerebral atrophy in patients with ALS98 linked
to cognitive impairment,99 with notable dierences in regional
emphasis between patients with sporadic disease and those
with familial disease who have a longer life expectancy.100
3-Dimensional rendering of the brain by use of MRI might also
serve to highlight focal abnormality (figure 6).
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
The measurement of proton-containing metabolites such as
N-acetylaspartate (expressed as a ratio with creatine/
phosphocreatine or choline) has served as a marker of neuronal
loss. Patients with ALS have a reduced primary motor cortex
N-acetylaspartate to creatine ratio compared with controls,101
and use of magnetic resonance spectroscopy seems particularly
sensitive in the detection of upper motor neuron dysfunction,
distinguishing patients with progressive muscular atrophy
from those with ALS.102
Diusion tensor imaging
Diusion tensor imaging can be used to exploit the sensitivity
of MRI to identify the direction of water diusion, which is
expected to be restricted (ie, anisotropic) within intact neuronal
pathways and more diuse (isotropic) in regions of reduced
integrity. Quantifiable measures such as fractional anisotropy
and mean diusivity are powerful surrogate markers of
neuronal pathological changes,103 and inter-connectivity
between neuronal pathways can be mapped using the allied
technique of tractography (figure 5B).104 Use of diusion tensor
imaging can detect reduced fractional anisotropy within the
corticospinal tract of patients with ALS.105
Functional studies
Results of PET activation studies with 2-18fluoro-2-deoxy-Dglucose and H215O have indicated widespread extramotor
changes in patients with ALS,106 with frontal deficits linked to
neuropsychological impairment,107 providing clear application to

Symptomatic treatments remain the cornerstone of

management for patients with ALS (panel 5).28 For
some patients, these treatments not only alleviate
symptoms but also improve survival and quality of
life.131 Optimum care for patients with ALS is provided
within a multidisciplinary environment where
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech
therapists, respiratory physicians, gastroenterologists,
and social workers collaborate to guide symptomatic
management through the course of disease.132
Multidisciplinary models of care have developed as a
predictor of survival, reducing the risk of death by 45%
www.thelancet.com Vol 377 March 12, 2011

the emerging clinicopathological overlap between ALS and

FTD.108 Non-invasive study of brain activation by functional MRI
exploits dierences in the resonant properties of
oxyhaemoglobin versus deoxyhaemoglobin (blood oxygenation
level dependent [BOLD]-functional MRI). By analysing wholebrain BOLD-functional MRI activity in the resting state,
functionally interconnected brain regions can be identified.109
Results from studies in patients with ALS have shown both
default mode and sensorimotor network activation changes.110
This technique has the potential to further delineate the
extramotor cerebral pathological changes in patients with ALS.
Molecular imaging
Receptor ligand PET has been used to study molecular
mechanisms in ALS. Data from 11C-flumazenil PET have
indicated reduced inhibitory GABAergic cortical eects in ALS,111
in keeping with the hypothesis of cortical hyperexcitability as a
fundamental aspect of ALS pathogenesis.112 Use of the
benzodiazepine receptor PET ligand 11C-PK11195 revealed
widespread microglial activation in ALS,113 supported by the
finding of inflammatory biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid.114
The pronounced frontotemporal reductions in the binding of
the 5-HT1A receptor ligand 11C-WAY100635 in patients with
ALS,115 and data from neuropathological receptor studies that
revealed similar changes in FTD,116 suggest that serotonergic
mechanisms warrant further study in relation to pathogenesis.
Finally, paramagnetic properties of small particles of iron oxide,
which can be used as intravenous contrast agents, might
indicate the start of the era of molecular MRI,117 with potential
to understand inflammatory mechanisms118 and therapeutic
stem-cell tracking.119
Detection of presymptomatic markers of disease
The poor definition of the population at risk for sporadic ALS
impedes attempts to identify an early, presymptomatic
diagnostic biomarker. Results from a diusion tensor imaging
study of presymptomatic patients with a highly penetrant
dominant SOD1 gene mutation revealed changes in the posterior
limb of the internal capsule not seen in healthy controls, which
might be among the earliest detectable changes.120
ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. FTD=frontotemporal dementia.

at 5 years. Compared with patients managed in a

general neurology clinic, patients managed in a
specialised clinic had a better quality of life, possibly
attributable to more eective use of resources, with
benefits derived after a single visit.132
Respiratory function and nutrition are crucial
symptomatic concerns for patients with ALS, with
respiratory failure being the main cause of death.81 Expert
consensus guideline recommendations have been
developed for key care concerns in ALS, including
respiratory management, nutrition, and palliative care.81,131
A positive outlook should be emphasised.133


Panel 4: Controversy in ALSclinical trials

Although clinical trials of ALS have been done since the 1980s, riluzole is the only drug of
proven ecacy for treatment of this disorder. The failure of ALS clinical trials to lead to
substantial benefits has been attributed to several potential design problems at preclinical
and clinical levels:
Inappropriate mouse model. Until recently, the SOD1 mouse model has been the
benchmark for testing potential neuroprotectants in ALS.121 However, as SOD1
mutations account for about 2% of all ALS cases, the mouse model might have little
relevance to human sporadic disease. Furthermore, this model undergoes a series of
stereotypical changes that begin with hind limb weakness. The recent development
of mouse models with mutations in the gene encoding TDP-43 is a potential
advance in therapeutic development for ALS, providing basic scientists with a new,
perhaps more relevant, platform for studying novel therapies.122
Inappropriate timing of introducing drugs and dosing problems. Some investigators
have studied the eects of presymptomatic delivery of drugs on disease onset.123
Although this timing might contribute towards understanding the subclinical
processes that underlie motor neuron degeneration, it seems to be of little relevance
for treatment of sporadic ALS. Many preclinical studies have also examined ultra-high
doses of drugs that would probably translate into plasma concentrations far beyond
that tolerable by human patients. Some investigators have advocated that the highest
tolerable dose should not be assumed to produce the best outcome.124
Trial design. There is increasing need for more eective screening of pharmacological
drugs during phase 2 trials because after this period of clinical development a
decision is made to proceed with confirmatory testing (ie, a phase 3 trial) or to reject
the drug as ineective. The distinction between phase 2 and phase 3 trials in ALS
becomes blurred, because providing preliminary evidence of drug ecacy in this
disease at the phase 2 level is dicult. The absence of an eective biomarker is a
major contributing reason. Therefore, the dilemma remains whether to use ecient
statistical strategies for minimising trial duration and sample size, to increase the
chance of proceeding with a phase 3 trial (ie, higher false-positive rate), or to do
phase 3 clinical trials tailored as phase 2 clinical trials (ie, higher false-negative rate).
The latter approach is perhaps one that is now rarely done, given recent advances in
statistical design.125 Investigators are also proceeding with phase 3 clinical trials, even
in the absence of preliminary evidence of ecacy in human patients.
Choice of primary endpoint. Changes in the primary endpoint establish whether a trial
will be successful. The choice of the correct primary endpoint in ALS clinical trials has
been debated. Trials that use functional scales and measures of strength as primary
endpoints have dominated the field, whereas trials mainly concerned with improved
survival of patients have been few and far between recently. The design and clinical
benefits of the former include: smaller sample size, shorter trial duration, and clinically
meaningful treatment eects. Nevertheless, measurement of survival might be the
only means of determining whether a treatment eect truly exists, given the large
extent of motor neuron loss from the time of symptom onset. For example, riluzole
has small but significant eects on the function of patients, detectable with sample
sizes far beyond that required to realise its survival benefit.
ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Respiratory failure indicates combined degeneration of

central respiratory centres and motor neurons contributing
to the phrenic nerve. Respiratory compromise is commonly
present at diagnosis in patients with ALS.28 Nocturnal
hypoxia, and associated symptoms of lethargy, loss of

Figure 5: Standard and experimental MRI sequences in patients with ALS

(A) T2-weighted FLAIR sequence shows hyperintense corticospinal tracts in a
patient with ALS on this coronal view (arrows), but this feature is neither
sensitive nor specific in the absence of other more obvious clinical symptoms.
(B) Diusion tensor tractography is a research-based MRI technique that has
potential to study extramotor and motor neuronal pathway involvement in ALS
(superior oblique cut-out brain section viewed from left). In this patient with an
unusual ALS phenotype that included prominent aphasia, reconstruction of the
temporal lobe white matter projection fibres indicated that there were fewer
fibres on the left (blue) compared with the right (red) side. ALS=amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis. FLAIR=Fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery.

Figure 6: 3-Dimensional MRI of a brain of a patient with primary lateral

sclerosis, as shown from above
Arrows show visibly widened precentral sulci with relative atrophy of the adjacent
gyri, notably the motor strips. Macroscopic atrophy as seen here is rare in patients
with typical ALS, but is more frequently noted in those with primary lateral
sclerosis, who have a predominantly upper motor neuron burden of disease. This
figure highlights the late stage of a corticomotoneuronal process postulated to
be inherent in ALS more generally. ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

concentration, morning headaches, and unrefreshed sleep

are consequences of central dysfunction. Diaphragmatic
weakness can be diagnosed with spirometry, with vital
capacity undergoing a progressive decline over the course
of disease. Measures of inspiratory muscle strength, such
as maximum inspiratory pressure and sni nasal
inspiratory pressure, are more accurate predictors of
respiratory dysfunction than is vital capacity, and might be
more feasible in patients with substantial facial muscle
weakness (ie, who are unable to form a tight lip seal).28,81
Although undertaking polysomnography might be the
optimum approach to identify nocturnal hypoxic
episodes, nocturnal pulse oximetry is usually adequate
in patients with ALS.81 Non-invasive ventilation improves
quality of life in patients with ALS and improves
survival.134 Guidelines for instituting non-invasive
ventilation rely on a combination of symptoms that
www.thelancet.com Vol 377 March 12, 2011


Panel 5: Symptomatic care in ALS

Weakness and disability
Orthotics (eg, ankle foot orthosis, neck collars)
Adaptive aids (eg, walking frame, wheelchair)
Assessment by speech therapist and dietitian
Safe swallowing techniques and modified diet
Insertion of gastrostomy tube
Dyspnoea and poor cough
Ventilatory support
Morphine or benzodiazepines
Chest physiotherapy
Suction machine
Manually assisted coughing techniques
Pain (ie, musculoskeletal pain and cramps, fasciculations
and spasticity, skin pressure pain caused by immobility)
Physiotherapy, NSAIDs
Muscle relaxants (baclofen, botulinum toxin)
Anticonvulsants (eg, gabapentin)
Re-positioning and pressure area care
Opioid drugs
Pressure-relieving cushions and mattress
Assessment by speech pathologist
Communication aids
Educate family and caregivers

Thickened saliva
Natural remedies (eg, papaya)
Ensure adequate hydration
Saline nebulisers; nebulised N-acetylcysteine
Suctioning of the mouth
Mouth care
Emotional lability
Educate patients with ALS and caregivers
Dextromethorphan hydrobromide/quinidine sulfate
Depression and anxiety
Sleep disturbance
Treat underlying problem
Respiratory review, non-invasive ventilation
Benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants
Dietary changes (eg, increase fluid and fibre intake)
Use formulations high in bran, bulk, or fibre
Regular oral aperients (Movicol [Norgine, the Netherlands]
or suppositories).
ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Data from Andersen and colleagues81 and Miller and

Cognitive changes (frontal lobe dysfunction or dementia)

Explain symptomatology to caregivers and family
Antidepressant therapies
Anticholinergic antidepressants (eg, amitriptyline)
Anticholinergic drugs (eg, glycopyrronium bromide)
Botulinum toxin injections
Radiation of salivary glands
Mouth-care products

signify respiratory muscle weakness (dyspnoea and

orthopnoea), along with signs of respiratory muscles
weakness, including substantial desaturation on
overnight oximetry, increased partial pressure of carbon
dioxide (PCO2) of less than 65 mm Hg and reduced
forced vital capacity of less than 80% or sni nasal
inspiratory pressure of less than 40 cmH2O.28,81 Patients
with substantial bulbar impairment and sialorrhoea
might not tolerate non-invasive ventilation, and
appropriate management of secretions is crucial.28 In
patients with ALS who are intolerant of non-invasive
ventilation, when this form of ventilation is no longer
sucient because of progressive respiratory muscle
weakness, invasive ventilation via tracheostomy is an
www.thelancet.com Vol 377 March 12, 2011

option.81 Although invasive ventilation prolongs survival,

this approach is rarely used in most countries because of
the practical challenges involved, the expense, and the
profound loss of quality of life.135 In terms of symptomatic
therapy, subcutaneous morphine provides great relief in
patients who have dyspnoea at rest.81,136
Malnutrition is a key determinant of prognosis.137 The
development of malnutrition in ALS is multifactorial,
and includes reduced food intake secondary to dysphagia,
as well as hypermetabolism.81,138 About 5060% of patients
with ALS have a hypermetabolic state,139,140 which seems
to be stable over the course of the disease and is
dependent on age, sex, and fat-free mass.139 The increase
in metabolic rate, as measured by resting energy


Panel 6: Controversy in ALSalternative and o-label

Given the terminal nature of ALS, the fact that patients are
often willing to experiment with unproven therapies is not
surprising. Popular alternative and o-label treatments have
included insulin-life growth factor-1, lithium carbonate,70
minocycline,144 and stem-cell therapy. Patients should take
caution when starting alternative and o-label treatments.
As identified by some ALS clinical trials, some treatments can
accelerate the progression of muscle weakness and
negatively aect survival.

For more on ALSUntangled see


To keep the ALS community informed of available

alternative and o-label treatments, an internet-based
initiative, ALSUntangled, has been established recently.145
ALSUntangled enables the exchange of information about
new alternative and o-label treatments between patients
with ALS and clinicians. Patients with ALS are encouraged to
share newly hypothesised alternative and o-label
treatments, as the goal of this initiative is to consolidate and
convey information about cost, scientific and ethical basis,
and potential benefits and risks of every so-called treatment.
ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

expenditure, is associated with reduced survival.139

Although the mechanisms that underlie a hypermetabolic
state are unclear, dysfunction of muscle mitochondria is
implicated in the pathogenesis of ALS.141
Insertion of a percutaneous gastrostomy tube ensures
sucient caloric and fluid intake, and should be oered to
patients who have substantial weight loss, even in the
absence of dysphagia.81 Implementing a gastrostomy
should be discussed early in the disease course because
morbidity increases when vital capacity is less than 50%.142
Attention to the many symptoms that might develop
during the course of the disease is essential to improve
the quality of life for patients with ALS (panel 5).143 The
terminal phase of ALS can be associated with restlessness,
anxiety, pain, and dyspnoea, and well coordinated multidisciplinary palliative care is needed. Finally, patients
might also seek alternative treatments (panel 6), often
with little evidence of benefit for ALS, and at great
personal financial cost.146

Let us keep looking, in spite of everything. Let us keep
searching. It is indeed the best method of finding, and
perhaps thanks to our eorts, the verdict we will give
such a patient tomorrow will not be the same we must
give this man today.
Charcot (1889)

By contrast with the previous century of little progress,

the recent developments in understanding, particularly
with regards to the genetics, clinical phenotypes, and

more general pathophysiology of ALS, encourage realistic

hope that new treatment approaches will emerge.
BCC and MCZ did the literature search and contributed to sections on
management and prevention of ALS. OH and MRT contributed to the
review of the literature and the writing of the paper. MCK did the
literature review, coordinated authors writing, revision, and editing,
wrote the first draft, prepared figures, and finalised the manuscript.
JRB wrote the section on clinical phenotypes and on FTD-ALS, and
was involved in revising the manuscript. SV searched the literature,
was involved in writing and proofreading the paper, and helped
prepare the figures. AE contributed to the sections on management
and prevention of ALS and to the writing of the paper.
Conflicts of interest
OH has consulted for ONO Pharmaceuticals and KNOPP
Pharmaceuticals, and has received research support from
Sanofi-Aventis and Serono Pharmaceuticals. OH has received advisory
board fees from Novartis, Biogen, and Merck Sorono, and has received
travel and accommodation sponsorship from Merck Sorono. She is the
inventor of a patent held by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
for the use of angiogenin as a therapeutic in ALS. Funding sources
include the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia
(project grants 510233 and 568743; MCK); the Motor Neurone Disease
Research Institute of Australia (MCK); the Irish Health Research Board
(OH); American ALS Association (OH); the Irish Motor Neurone
Disease Research Foundation (OH); and the Medical Research Council
(Lady Edith Wolfson Clinician Scientist Fellowship; MRT). SV has
received the Clive and Vera Ramacciotti grant and the Charles Viertel
grant, and has received fees for advisory board from Merck Serono
Australia, Novartis Australia, and Biogen (not related to the topic
covered in this paper). BCC, AE, JRB, and MCZ declare that they have
no conflicts of interest.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the input of Marcus Cremonese for
illustrations, Pamela Dawes and the Medical Illustrations Unit, Prince of
Wales Hospital, Australia, for clinical photography, and Ricarda Menke
for the image analysis and assistance in production of the MRI figures.
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