California Men's Colony Inspection Report
California Men's Colony Inspection Report
California Men's Colony Inspection Report
The 2014-2015 San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury (Grand Jury) inspected the California Mens
Colony (CMC) State Prison at San Luis Obispo on September 22 and 24, 2014. The Grand Jury
noted the large scale and complex nature of the prisons operation.
At the time of the Grand Jurys visit, there were 1602 total paid staff responsible for 4184
inmates serving an average sentence of 8.5 years.
The inmate population has on average an eighth grade education and 25% suffer from
mental illness.
Additional prison population considerations are the yet unclear long-term effects of the Public
Safety Realignment Act of 2011 (AB 109)1 and the Reduced Penalties for Some Crimes Initiative
(Prop. 47)2. The intent of AB109 is to divert certain violators to county jails instead of state
prisons. Prop. 47 is designed to reduce the classification of most non-serious and nonviolent
property and drug crimes from a felony to a misdemeanor, thereby allowing those convicted of
those crimes to serve their time in local county jails rather than state prisons.
AB 109 went into effect October 1, 2011. It had no effect on the then-current prison population; it reduced the
number of incoming offenders and limited new inmates to those committing more serious offenses.
Proposition 47 was approved by voters November 4, 2014. Proposition 47 similarly had no effect on current CMC
inmate population but reduced the numbers going into state prisons by changing some felonies to misdemeanors.
California Penal Code 919(b): The grand jury shall inquire into the condition and
management of the public prisons within the county.
The Grand Jury compiled a list of questions which were asked during its inspection of CMC.
The Grand Jury interviewed a number of CMC staff members.
Documents provided by CMC staff and reviewed by the Grand Jury included:
The Grand Jury found one major and three minor issues that are described in the remainder of
this report.
The state of religious life at CMC represents the most critical problem the Grand Jury
encountered while inspecting the institution. The Grand Jury was told the exercise of religious
life in the prison has been placed on the back burner and should be a high priority. While
inmates are required to give up many of their rights when entering the prison, religious
expression may only be restricted when a compelling government interest has been established.3
Nevertheless according to the chaplains, attendance at religious services has been limited by
custody staff; therefore it appears CMC is not in full compliance with Subchapter 3 (inmate
activities) Section 3210 of the CCR.
United States Code: 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2000(bb) (a) Findings; The Congress finds that (3) governments should not
substantially burden religious exercise without compelling justification;
The Grand Jury is intrigued with the planned launch of the Paws For Life program. The program
will assign inmates at CMC West to dogs that are deemed unadoptable with a high risk of being
euthanized. The inmates task will be to work with these dogs bringing them into a behavioral
state where the dog can be adopted. This may be a great way to help inmates acquire skills that
could have real world application leading to productive work after the inmates release.
There are also the Fire Crews and body shop programs.
The Grand Jury encourages CMC to look for more opportunities like Paws For Life and the print
shop to move the prison workforce into skills that offer good prospects for post-release
The Grand Jury found much to praise at CMC in terms of security and safety for staff and
inmates, addiction support programs, medical and mental health services, skills accreditation
opportunities and high school and higher education opportunities.
The Grand Jury found six issues that require immediate attention:
The chapels at CMC East are old, neglected and appear unsafe. They should be renovated
top to bottom so that they are in complete compliance with current state building codes
(California Code of Regulations Title 24) and can be used as appropriate places of
worship for the prison community.
The Grand Jury believes the chaplains should report directly to top management of the
prison. This is important because top management, with its broad view of the institutions
goals, is much more likely to appreciate the nuanced difference between secular
rehabilitation and professionally directed religious rehabilitation. That change in
reporting will maximize the chaplains contribution to the prison community.
The Grand Jury believes the chaplains, as important professional employees of CMC,
should not have to go outside the prison to seek funds. A $10,000 allowance, only .00004
of this years prison budget, would cover the needs of all the chaplains and let them retain
their dignity, strengthening the entire prison community.
The Grand Jury found the food service operation is capable of meeting special dietary
needs during religious holidays such as Lent, Passover and Ramadan, but does not
currently do so. The Grand Jury believes food service can be improved to help support
the religious life at CMC. Notwithstanding all of the above, Title 15, Division 3, of the
California Code of Regulations requires these accommodations.
Corcoran State Prisons PIA is the bread supplier to CMC and the bread is often served
moldy with no use by date on the packaging. Tighter scheduling from baking,
packaging, inspecting and serving of the bread should be introduced between Corcoran
and CMC.
Prison staff indicated that the GED program, currently paper-based, is becoming digital
and internet access is not available to inmates. The Grand Jury believes it is imperative
the GED program continues to be available to those inmates motivated to complete their
high school work. Non-internet hardware and software systems for GED programs are
available and should be investigated for use in GED education and related teaching
F1: The chapels at CMC are dilapidated and by personal observations of the Grand Jury contain
asbestos, and mold is growing on the walls and ceilings. Prison officials acknowledge this
situation exists.
F2: The chaplains at CMC report to a mid-level of management.
F3: The chaplains at CMC do not receive expense money to support their ministries.
F4: Attendance at religious services has been limited by custody staff.
F5: While CMC has rehabilitation programs that can build technical skills, many of these will
not be transferrable outside the prison.
F6: CMC is not currently operating a program that allows inmates to take the GED test.
F7: CMC and its bread supplier lack a distribution system that ensures bread supplied to inmates
is not moldy.
R1: CMC should bring their chapels into compliance with current state building codes
(California Code of Regulations Title 24).
R2: The chaplains should report to an associate warden.
R3: CMC should restore the expense allowance formerly provided to the chaplains; at least to the
prior level of $10,000 annually.
R4: CMC should accelerate the implementation of the Paws For Life program.
R5: CMC should ensure an acceptable and accessible GED test is available to inmates.
R6: CMC and Corcoran State Prison PIA should redesign the distribution system for bread to
ensure fresh and mold-free bread is delivered to inmates.
While state law mandates the Grand Jury inspects the prison, there is no duty on the prison to
respond to any report issued. The Grand Jury encourages the prison to respond.
Presiding Judge
Grand Jury