Graduate Program: Economics
Graduate Program: Economics
Graduate Program: Economics
graduate program
graduate faculty
Associate Professors
james anderson
christopher f. baum
susanto basu
fabio ghironi
stefan hoderlein
donald cox
francis m. mclaughlin
frank m. gollop
Labor Economics
Industrial Organization
Julie Mortimer
peter gottschalk
Industrial Organization
robert murphy
peter n. ireland
hideo konishi
harold petersen
Assistant Professors
marvin kraus
andrew beauchamp
arthur lewbel
Ryan Chahrour
joseph quinn
karim chalak
fabio schiantarelli
Sanjay Chugh
uzi segal
eyal dvir
tayfun snmez
scott l. fulford
Economic Development
richard w. tresch
ben li
Fiscal Economics
m. utku nver
georg strasser
zhijie xiao
mathis wagner
Course Work
Year 1
Microeconomic Theory II
Macroeconomic Theory II
Econometric Methods
Year 2
4 Elective courses
Microeconomic Theory I
Macroeconomic Theory I
Math for Economists
4 Elective courses
EC 770 Statistics
The first part of this course deals with topics in probability theory, including random variables, expectation, conditional distributions and
multivariate distributions. The second part presents topics in mathematical statistics, including moment estimation, hypothesis testing,
asymptotic theory and maximum likelihood estimation.
Zhijie Xiao
Zhijie Xiao
This course covers pure and local public goods, externalities, voting
theory, and political economic models. We use general equilibrium
theory, and cooperative and non-cooperative games to analyze these
The course deals with the following question: How should society
act when its members disagree about its optimal conduct? Utilitarianism and its alternatives will be discussed. Special attention will be
given to the use of randomization in conflicts, and to the difficulties
created by our inability to compare individuals' well being.
Hideo Konishi
Uzi Segal
Comprehensive Exams
All students are required to pass written comprehensive
examinations in microeconomic theory, macroeconomic
theory and two of the following fields:
Fabio Ghironi
Econometric Theory
Applied Econometrics
International Economics
James E. Anderson
Monetary Economics
This course will cover trade policy and its political economy (Anderson), and financial crises, treating causes and policies both pre- and
post-crisis (Dvir). A common theme is what makes a good paper?.
Industrial Organization
Labor Economics
Georg Strasser
The third year of study is devoted to the formulation
and development of a thesis topic. Third and fourth year
students are required to regularly attend and actively
participate in the Department's Thesis Workshop, which
meets weekly during the academic year. Students are required to make presentations in the second semester of
the third year, each semester of the fourth year and the
first semester of the fifth year. Each Ph.D. student must
have a dissertation abstract and a dissertation proposal
on file with the Department. Both the abstract and the
proposal must be signed by two faculty members. The
approved abstract must be on file no later than April 1 of
the third year. The approved proposal must be on file no
later than October 1 of the fourth year.
The thesis is written under the supervision of a committee of three faculty members: a director chosen by
the student and two readers agreed upon by the student
and the director. The thesis is approved when it is successfully defended before the committee in an oral
examination. As in any Ph.D. program, the ultimate
time to completion varies considerably. The Department
expects every student to be well-prepared to enter the
job market in January of the fifth year of full-time study.
Although there are exceptions, students should expect
to spend a minimum of four years of full-time study in
order to complete the degree.
Residence Requirement
Each Ph.D. student must spend at least one academic
year as a full-time student at Boston College.
Research Facilities
Graduate students in the Department of Economics are
given accounts on one of the Unix servers managed by
the Department, which provide support for computationally intensive applications such as Stata, MATLAB,
Ox, and RATS as well as the Fortran-90, C, C++ and perl
programming languages. The Department also participates in the University's High Performance Computing
initiative, which provides a powerful multiprocessor
facility for computationally demanding faculty and student research.
Graduate students in economics may utilize the Department's Apple Macintosh OS X workstations, a dozen of
which are located in departmental facilities dedicated
to graduate student use. These Intel-based Unix workstations run Mathematica, MATLAB, Stata, TeXShop
and Microsoft Office applications and provide access to
Internet resources. Several locations in the computing
labs and graduate lounge are equipped with Internet
Department faculty organize active seminar series in
microeconomic theory, macroeconomics and financial
economics, and econometrics / applied microeconomics with weekly presentations by noted economists in
every field offered in the Ph.D. program. Students present their own work in the Department's weekly Thesis
Workshop. The schedule of Departmental seminars
and other events is posted on the Departments website.
Please visit the Economics Departments home page,, for a comprehensive account of the program and faculty.
Application Procedure
Applicants are required to submit college transcripts,
three letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose
and scores from the Graduate Record Examinations
verbal, quantitative and analytic tests and TOEFL scores
if applicable. Please see the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences website at for information
on how to apply. The Graduate Programs Assistant may
also be contacted by e-mail from the Department website at The application deadline
is January 2. All application materials (including test
scores) must be received by that date. Information on
how to apply can be found at
Only applicants seeking the Ph.D. are considered;
Boston College does not offer the terminal M.A. degree
in economics.
Scholarly Publications
Our recent graduates have been successful in terms of scholarly output. Their papers have appeared in journals such as:
American Economic Review
Applied Economics Letters
Contributions to Macroeconomics
Economics Letters
Energy Economics
Environmental Modelling and Software
Games and Economic Behavior
International Economic Review
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Journal of Comparative Economics
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Journal of Economic Literature
Journal of Finance
Journal of Financial Risk Management
Journal of International Economics
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Journal of Political Economy
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Review of Economics and Statistics
Review of International Economics
Financial Aid
Each year the Economics Department awards approximately 25 Graduate Assistantships to first- and
second-year Ph.D. students, and 20 teaching positions
to third-, fourth- and fifth-year students. Graduate Assistants are exempted from tuition and receive stipends
of $17,000. Assistants are responsible for up to 10 hours
per week of research assistance or grading for individual
faculty members while carrying full academic loads.
Teaching Assistants are paid $17,400 and supervise discussion sessions in introductory undergraduate courses
and undergraduate econometrics. Teaching Fellows
receive $19,500 for teaching their own sections of introductory undergraduate courses. In addition, Teaching
Assistants and Teaching Fellows are exempted from the
Universitys doctoral continuation fee.
Recent Publications
_____, Enhanced Routines for Instrumental Variables/ Generalized Method of Moments Estimation and
Testing,with Mark E. Schaffer and Steven Stillman, Stata
Journal, 7, 465-506, 2007.
_____, Evaluating Concavity for Production and Cost
Functions, with Teresa Linz, Stata Journal, 9, 161165,
An Introduction to Stata Programming, College Station,
TX: Stata Press, 2009.
"Using Stata for Applied Research: Reviewing its Capabilities", with Mark E. Schaffer and Steven Stillman. Journal
of Economic Surveys, 25:2, 380-394, 2011.
_____, Political Patronage in Ukranian Banking, with
Mustafa Caglayan, Dorothea Schfer and Oleksandr Talavera, Economics of Transition, 16, 537557, 2008.
_____, "Parliamentary Election Cycles and the Turkish
Banking Sector", with Mustafa Caglayan and Oleksandr
Talavera. Journal of Banking and Finance, 34, 2709-2719,
________, Decentralized Matching Markets with Endogenous Salaries, with Margarita Sapozhnikov, Games
and Economic Behavior, 64, 193-218, (2008).
_____, Road Pricing with Optimal Mass Transit, Journal of Urban Economics, forthcoming.
Arthur Lewbel Estimation of Average Treatment Effects with Misclassification, Econometrica, 2007, 75,
_____, Nonparametric Matching and Efficient Estimators of Homothetically Separable Functions, with Oliver
Linton, Econometrica, 2007, 75, 1209-1227.
_____, A Simple Ordered Data Estimator for Inverse
Density Weighted Functions, with Susanne Schennach,
Journal of Econometrics, 186, 189211, 2007.
_____, Weighted and Two Stage Least Squares Estimation Semiparametric Truncated Regresion Models, with
Shakeeb Khan, Econometric Theory, 23, 309347, 2007.
_____, Price Discrimination, Copyright Law and Technological Innovation: Evidence from the Introduction of DVDs,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 122(3), pp 1307-1350.
Robert Murphy Instructor's Resources to accompany the 8th
edition of Macroeconomics by N.G. Mankiw. Worth Publishers, 2012.
Joseph Quinn Bridge Jobs: A Comparison across Cohorts,
with Kevin E. Cahill and Michael D. Giandrea, Research on
Aging, September, 549-576, 2009.
_____, Work, Retirement, and the Encore Career: Elders and
the Future of the American Workforce, Generations: the Journal of the American Society on Aging, 45-55, Fall, 2010.
_____, Bridge Jobs, with Kevin Cahill and Michael Giandrea,
in The Oxford Handbook of Retirement, Mo Wang, ed. Oxford
UK: Oxford University Press, 2011, forthcoming.
_____, Early Retirement: The Dawn of a New Era? with Kevin Cahill and Michael Giandrea, TIAA-CREF Institute Policy
Brief, 2011, forthcoming.
Fabio Schiantarelli Product Market Regulation and Macroeconomic Performance: A Review of Cross Country Evidence
in The Microeconomic Underpinning of Growth, N. Loayza
and L. Serven (eds), The World Bank, 2010.
_____, Input and Output Inventories in General Equilibrium, with M. Iacoviello, S. Schuh , International Economic
Review, Vol. 52(4), November 2011, pp. 1179-1213.
_____, Employment Effects of Product and Labor Market
Reforms; Are There Synergies?", with G. Fiori, G. Nicoletti,
S. Scarpetta, Economic Journal, 22(558), February 2012, pp.
The Economics Department takes an active role in attempting to place its students in attractive academic and
nonacademic positions. Our recent students placements
have included:
Academic Placements
Babson College
Baheehir University, Istanbul
Turkey Bilkent University
Brandeis University,
California State University at Fullerton
Calvin College
Carleton University
McKenna College
Clark University
Concordia University
Davidson College
Drexel University
Elon University
Florida State University Law School
Fordham University
Gettysburg College
HEC Montreal Insper - Centro de Pesquisas Ko
INSPER, Centro de Pesquisas
University London, School of Economics
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola College in Baltimore
Mount Holyoke College
National University of Singapore
North Carolina State University
Northeastern University
Northwestern University
Oregon State University
Pompeu Fabra University
Paul Smiths College,
Renmin University Beijing
Sabani University
Shandong University
Simmons College
Stonehill College,
Southwestern University of Finance and
Economics China,
Suffolk University
SUNY Albany
SUNY Plattsburgh
Temple University
Tilburg University
TOBB Economics and Technology University, Turkey
Trent University
University of Adelaide
University of Alicante
University of Bristol
University College Dublin,
University of Delaware
University of Durham,
University of Georgia
University of Glasgow
University of International Business and
Economics, Beijing,
University of Lausanne
University of Leicester,
University of Liverpool
University of New South Wales
University of Padova
University of Quebec
University of Sheffield
University of Tennessee
University of York
Washington State University
Wayne State University
Wellesley College
College of William and Mary.
Nonacademic Placements
Abt Associates
American Medical Association
The Analysis Group
Bank of Canada
Bank of England
Bank of Italy
Bank of Spain
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
The Brattle Group
Center for Naval Analysis
Center for Retirement Research
Charles River Associates
Chase Manhattan
Congressional Budget Office
Consortium on Financing Higher Education
Deloitte & Touche
DIW Berlin
Energy Institute, University of Houston
ERS Group
European Central Bank
European Investment Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Goldman, Sachs
Health Economics
International Monetary Fund
IPMAQ International
KPMG Peat Marwick
Law and Economics Consulting Group
Liberty Mutual Group
editorial positions
James Anderson
Associate Editor, Review of International Economics
Christopher F. Baum
Associate Editor, Computational Economics
Associate Editor, International Journal of Finance
Associate Editor, Stata Journal
Editor, Journal of Statistical Software
David Belsley
Co-Editor, Computational Economics
Associate Editor, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
Co-Editor, Elsevier Handbook of Computational Economics
Fabio Ghironi
Associate Editor, Journal of International Economics
Associate Editor, International Finance
Associate Editor, Economics: The Open Access, Open Assessment
Yingying Dong, Microeconometric Models with Endogeneity -Theoretical and
Empirical Studies
Nicola Lostumbo, Essays in Applied Macroeconomics
Margarita Rubio, Housing Markets, Business Cycles and Monetary Policy
Baris Yoruk, Three Essays on the Economics of Charitable Giving: Implications for
Fundraising and Public Policy Towards the Non-profit Sector
Natalia Zhivan, The Employment of Older Workers
Uzi Segal
Associate Editor, Econometrica
Utku nver
Associate Editor, BE Journals of Theoretical Economics
Zhijie Xiao
Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association
Associate Editor, Econometric Theory
Associate Editor, The Econometrics Journal
Associate Editor, Economics Bulletin
Associate Editor, Statistics and Its Interface
Associate Editor, Journal of Time Series Econometrics
Maria Teresa Punzi, "Essays on Housing Market and Current Account Imbalances "
Pallavi Seth, Monopsony Power and Asymmetric Information: Microeconometrics
Applied to Health Care
Mauricio Soto, The Effects of Pension Funding Rules on the Behavior of Firms
Viktors Stebunovs, Finance as a Barrier to Entry in Dynamic Stochastic General
Equilibrium (DSGE) Models
boston college
graduate school of arts and sciences
Department of Economics
21 Campanella Way
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467