Cardiorenal Syndrome Schrier R (Curr Cardiol Rep 2013)
Cardiorenal Syndrome Schrier R (Curr Cardiol Rep 2013)
Cardiorenal Syndrome Schrier R (Curr Cardiol Rep 2013)
DOI 10.1007/s11886-013-0380-4
Abstract CRS is a common problem in patients with advanced heart failure. Arterial underfilling with consequent
neurohormonal activation, systemic and intrarenal vasoconstriction, and salt and water retention cause the main clinical
features of CRS which include a progressive decline in renal
function, worsening renal function during treatment of heart
failure (HF) decompensation and resistance to loop diuretics. Impaired renal function in HF patients often reflects
more advanced stages of cardiac failure, and thus is associated with a worse prognosis. However, a transient fall in
glomerular filtration rate may be a result of successful treatment of congestion, and thereby might not be associated with
decreased survival in HF patients. This review covers basic
pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the CRS and current trends in practical approaches to treat these patients.
Keywords Cardiorenal syndrome . CRS . Arterial
underfilling . Ultrafiltration . Heart failure . Worsening renal
In 2004 a working group was appointed by the National
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to "evaluate the current
state of knowledge regarding interactions between the cardiovascular system and the kidney, to identify critical gaps
in our knowledge, understanding, and application of research tools, and to develop specific recommendations for
NHLBI in cardio-renal interactions related to HF and other
cardiovascular diseases" [1]. This group attributed
cardiorenal dysregulation in HF (HF) to interactions between the kidney and circulatory systems that result in
increased circulating volume and exacerbate the course of
HF [1]. The group defined CRS (CRS) as the extreme form
of cardiorenal dysfunction in which therapy to relieve the
congestive symptoms of HF is limited by a decline in renal
function manifested as a reduction in glomerular filtration
rate (GFR). Worsening renal function (WRF) during HF
management and the development of resistance to loop diuretics were included in the clinical features of CRS [2].
Although substantial attention has been focused on CRS in
the setting of acutely decompensated HF (ADHF), a widely
accepted definition of CRS had not been developed [36].
CRS has been defined as a complex pathophysiological
disorder of the heart and kidneys, in which acute or chronic
dysfunction of one organ may induce acute or chronic
dysfunction in the other. According to chronicity and the
primary organ affected, CRS was classified into 5 types [7].
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Pathophysiology of CRS
In normal conditions, cross-talk between the heart and kidneys occurs through atrial-renal reflexes [8], which maintain
total body volume in normal range. For example, an increase in atrial pressure suppresses release of arginine vasopressin (AVP) through the Henry-Gauer Reflex and also
suppresses renal sympathetic tone [9]. The increase in filling
pressures also results in the release of natriuretic peptides
(ANP and BNP) [10]. The result of these atrial-renal reflexes is to increase renal sodium and water excretion.
However, in the setting of HF these normal responses are
attenuated by activation of neurohumoral systems caused by
arterial underfilling [11]. Underfilling of the arterial circulation occurs because of a decrease in cardiac output in lowoutput HF and arterial vasodilatation in high-output HF. In
both types of HF the inhibitory effect of the arterial stretch
baroreceptors on the neurohumoral systems are decreased,
leading to systemic and intrarenal vasoconstriction, as well
as enhanced renal water and sodium reabsorption [12]
(Fig. 1). The main mediators of these events are the reninangiotensin-aldosterone system, catecholamines and AVP.
An increase in renin secretion with secondary stimulation
of angiotensin II (Ang II) is observed during early stages of
Fig. 1 Volume regulatory
hypothesis. Sequence of events
in which reduced cardiac output
initiates renal sodium and water
retention. (With permission
from: Schrier RW. Body fluid
volume regulation in health and
disease: a unifying hypothesis.
Ann Intern Med.
1990;113(2):155-9) [12]
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WRF occurred in the high-dose group [41]. Thus, a decrease in GFR during decongestion treatment may not indicate a worse prognosis.
In a recently published post-hoc analysis of the Efficacy
of Vasopressin Antagonism in HF Study with Tolvaptan
(EVEREST) patients with persistent (up to 4 weeks) WRF
in ADHF were analyzed [42]. The patients with persistent
WRF had greater reduction in systolic blood pressure, body
weight and brain natriuretic peptide levels. In spite of these
improvements in markers of volume overload, the patients
with persistent WRF had decreased survival and increased
re-hospitalization rates [42]. One potential explanation for
these findings is that patients with WRF have higher neurohormonal activation with more secondary vasoconstriction
and volume retention [32, 43]. While the therapeutic reduction in congestion in these patients resolves pulmonary
symptoms, it may cause more hypoperfusion with more
cardiac impairment resulting in a worse prognosis.
These data suggest that relationship between congestion,
WRF and prognosis in ADHF is complex and requires
further investigation [32]. Transient WRF may reflect
short-term alterations in fluid status, associated with successful treatment of congestion, and may not be associated
with poor outcome. In contrast, persistent WRF may occur
in patients with more severe HF, neurohumoral activation,
and hemodynamic abnormalities, which are associated with
a worse prognosis [32].
Treatment of patients with HF and decreased or decreasing renal function is a vexing clinical problem. To date
there is no specific treatment of CRS in ADHF that
unequivocally demonstrates benefit. We will discuss HF
treatments in patients with CRS, including treating congestion with diuretics and ultrafiltration, and use of vasoactive
Decreasing congestion is a cornerstone of ADHF treatment.
Congestion not only causes HF symptoms but likely contributes to myocardial remodeling and progressions of HF
[44, 45]. Diuretics therefore have become a first line treatment in ADHF patients with CRS. However, overdiuresis
can further decrease renal function, activate neuroactive
hormones, and thereby complicate further treatment. The
rate of fluid removal by diuretics should not exceed the
interstitial fluid mobilization rate. In patient with end-stage
renal disease such fluid mobilization has been estimated to
be 12-15 ml/min [46]. In patients with HF and arterial
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Ultrafiltration (UF) can theoretically avoid excess neurohormonal activation which occurs with loop diuretic blockade
of macula densa transport [49]. As early as 1974 UF was
used by Silverstein et al. to treat volume overload [50].
Since that time several small studies have demonstrated
benefit of UF in HF patients. In 2007 the first large study
on ultrafiltration in ADHF was published. The Ultrafiltration Versus Intravenous Diuretics for Patients Hospitalized
for Acute Decompensated HF (UNLOAD) included 200
patients in 28 centers with ADHF and volume overload.
Patients in UF arm had significantly greater weight loss at
48 hours and fewer requirements for vasoactive drugs. These patents demonstrated a trend to increase serum creatinine
during first week of the treatment. However, treatment with
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The central focus in treatment of ADHF patients is to
decrease congestion with the expectation that as intravascular volume falls, cardiac filling pressures will decline and
symptoms will resolve. One approach is to decrease systemic vascular resistance, which would decrease mitral regurgitation, increase forward flow, and decrease filling pressures.
Sodium nitroprusside, nitroglycerine (higher doses for
arterial vasodilatation) and nesiritide are the main vasodilators used in ADHF patients. These medications may be of
value when there is a poor response to diuretics or the
necessity to resolve symptoms rapidly. Afterload reduction
by vasodilator agents can increase cardiac output reducing
arterial underfilling and thus resulting in improved renal
function in selected patients, such as those with dilated
Inotropes may be indicated in hemodynamically unstable
patients with low CO (e.g., cardiac index < 2.0 l/min/m2),
and low systolic blood pressure (SBP), that restricts the use
of other vasoactive agents. Patents with high cardiac pressures (e.g., PCWP > 18 mmHg and/or right atrial pressure >
10 mmHg) and worsening of clinical symptoms may benefit
even though they are receiving optimal oral (ACE inhibitors, b-blockers, aldosterone antagonists) or intravenous (diuretics, vasodilators) therapy. Inotropes may also be of
benefit in critically ill patients with hemodynamic impairment and significant exercise limitation, and fluid overload
resistant to diuretics with renal and/or liver dysfunction [47,
In more severe HF renal dysfunction may be a marker of
low CO. Thus, the need for inotrope use is crucial in order to
preserve blood pressure and peripheral perfusion both improving central and renal hemodynamics. The need for
inotropic therapy is associated with increased mortality;
both because it is a marker of advanced HF and also possibly due to the agents adverse events [58, 59]. Nevertheless, these agents may be used as first line treatment in HF
patients with hypotension (SBP < 100 mmHg) and peripheral hypoperfusion on a short-term basis and under close
monitoring [58, 60]. Inotropes may be used as a bridge to
more definitive treatment (e.g., cardiac transplantation) or,
most often, to facilitate a diuresis, decrease volume overload
and mitral regurgitation, thereby improving renal perfusion
and hemodynamics. The main inotropes in clinical practice
are dobutamine and the phosphoesterase inhibitor milrinone.
The calcium-channel sensitizer levosimendan is available in
Europe but not in the United States. A cross-over study of
dopamine and dobutamine in dilated cardiomyopathy revealed a sustained inotropic response at higher doses only
to the latter [61] which is why dobutamine is preferred over
dopamine as an inotrope. Several studies have assessed the
renal protective effect of low-dose (renal-dose) dopamine.
Meta-analysis in intensive care unit patients, however, revealed no benefit of low-dose dopamine for renal protection
[62]. Meanwhile, the recent Dopamine in Acute
Decompensated HF Study (DAD-HF) comparing highdose furosemide infusion with low-dose furosemide plus
low-dose dopamine demonstrated that both treatment
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CRS, including progressive decline in renal function,
WRF during cardiac decompensation, and diuretic resistance, is frequently present in HF patients, especially
with advanced HF. The main symptom in this setting is
congestion due to salt and water retention. Thus,
treating congestion is a cornerstone of the treatment.
However, this therapy should not cause further perturbation of hemodynamic and neurohormonal systems. An
increase in serum creatinine during treatment of congestion does not necessarily require termination of medication. In some cases it reflects treatment success and
unmasks severe HF. While clinical judgment is pivotal
in treating patients with CRS, there is a need for better
evidence-based medicine.
Acknowledgments Dr. D. Shchekochikhins cardiorenal fellowship
was sponsored by the Russian Presidents Scholarship for Studying
Abroad and Gambro UF Solutions, Inc.
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