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Curvature Constraints from the Causal Entropic Principle

Brandon Bozek, Andreas Albrecht, and Daniel Phillips

arXiv:0902.1171v1 [astro-ph.CO] 6 Feb 2009

Physics Department, University of California, Davis.

(Dated: February 6, 2009)
Current cosmological observations indicate a preference for a cosmological constant that is drastically smaller than what can be explained by conventional particle physics. The Causal Entropic
Principle (Bousso, et al.) provides an alternative approach to anthropic attempts to predict our
observed value of the cosmological constant by calculating the entropy created within a causal diamond. We have extended this work to use the Causal Entropic Principle to predict the preferred
curvature within the multiverse. We have found that values larger than k = 40m are disfavored
by more than 99.99% and a peak value at = 7.9 10123 and k = 4.3m for open universes.
For universes that allow only positive curvature or both positive and negative curvature, we find a
correlation between curvature and dark energy that leads to an extended region of preferred values.
Our universe is found to be disfavored to an extent depending the priors on curvature. We also provide a comparison to previous anthropic constraints on open universes and discuss future directions
for this work.
PACS numbers:



The simplest explanation for the observed acceleration of the universe is Einsteins cosmological constant,
. However, the value that explains the acceleration is
many orders of magnitude smaller than that expected
from quantum field theory. We are then left either to
determine a method to set the cosmological constant to
a small value or to consider an environmental variable
varying from place to place in the multiverse.
Following the environmental approach numerous authors (many inspired by the pioneering work of
Weinberg[1]), have sought to explain the observed value
of by postulating that the most likely universe to be
observed would be that which contains the largest potential to contain observers. However, such anthropic approaches can become burdened by complicated assumptions on the nature of observers. In their Causal Entropic Principle (CEP) Bousso et al. [2] took this reasoning in a simple and elegant direction by associating
observers with entropy increase. Initial applications of
this approach have successfully predicted our value of
[2, 3]. The CEP has added appeal because there has
been long standing (if not universal[4]) acceptance of the
idea that entropy increase would need to be imposed as
a condition specific to observers rather than a global and
eternal property of the Universe[5, 6, 7, 8]. Specifically,
the CEP gives a weight to each set of cosmological parameters proportional to the entropy produced within a
causal diamond in the corresponding cosmology. In addition to the original work[2] which found our value of
to be within one sigma of the peak of their predicted
probability distribution, the CEP was further developed
by Cline et al. [3], exploring constraints on other cosmological values such as density contrast, baryon fraction,
matter abundance, and dark matter annihilation rate.
In this paper we develop this method further by using
CEP to jointly predict the values of curvature and

most likely to be observed. Since Cline et al. [3] did

not find significant features in their extended parameter
space, we chose to vary only k and for this work and
hold all other parameters fixed. However, given the tail
in the probability distribution for positive curvature, an
interesting extension to this work would be to also vary
additional parameters such as the density contrast.

Anthropic constraints on curvature are interesting

in their own right, in the context of the flatness
problem[9, 10] which suggests that in the absence of
something like cosmic inflation[10, 11, 12] the most natural realization of big bang cosmology would be highly
dominated by curvature. A number of authors have already considered anthropic bounds on curvature[13, 14,
15], but we believe this is the first work to apply the
CEP to curvature. We find that our results place an upper limit on the allowed negative curvature as expected,
but one that is looser than those works mentioned above
due to a more lenient tolerance on the sizes of structure
that are allowed to form. Further, we find that our peak
probability for open universes to be away from the upper
edge of our probability distribution, not dictated by it,
as would be the case in the other work. We also consider
solutions that allow for just positive curvature and for
both positive and negative curvature. In these cases we
find a tail in the probability distribution that allows for a
wide range of allowed and k , a large fraction of which
are significantly larger than our measured values. We
find that our universe is not ruled out in any scenario,
but, depending on ones choice of priors on curvature,
disfavored to a certain degree.

In section II we review the CEP and the cosmology we

will be considering. We then review the star formation
model we will use in section III. We discuss our results
in section IV and our conclusions in section V.












Prob. Density

















t (Gyr)













t (Gyr)








Prob. Density

















t (Gyr)






t (Gyr)



FIG. 1: Top Left Panel: Probability density for with fixed curvature of k = 10m (dashed) and k = 0 (solid). Top
Center Panel: The comoving volume (in units of 1012 M pc3 ) for = 10123 (larger) and = 10122 (smaller) are shown for
k = 10m (dashed) and k = 0 (solid). Top Right Panel: The star formation rate in units of M pc3 yr . The upper curve for each
value of curvature represented in solid and dashed respectively is = 10
and the lower is = 10123 . The bottom row
is the probability density, comoving volume, and star formation rate for k = 50m . The blue/dashed curve is = 10119
and the black/solid curve is = 10120 .



According to the CEP the probability distribution for

is given by the equation:
d2 p
d2 P
= P0 w( , k )
d dk
d dk


where w( , k ) is a weighting factor, P is the total

probability, P0 is a normalization factor, and p is the
total prior. We will assume the joint prior probability of p( , k ) to be independent giving p( , k ) =
p( ) p(k ). The prior for is an expression of how
the multiverse is populated by physics with different
values of . Here we use the standard form (sometimes
motivated by the string theory landscape) taken by predp
vious authors[1, 2]: d
= constant. For simplicity we

also take d
= constant, which will enable a discussion
of the flatness problem later in the paper. These flat
priors mean the largest allowed cutoff values of k and
set the typical values for the prior. The value of the
cutoff turns out to be unimportant because for flat priors w( , k ) dictates the shape of the final probability
In the CEP framework we set w( , k ) = S, where
S is the total entropy produced within a causal diamond. After considering numerous astrophysical sources
for entropy production, Bousso et al. [2] find that the
dominant form of entropy production is star light reradi-

ated by dust. As in [2], S is given by.

Z 2
d S
S =
Vc dt
ti dVc dt


where Vc is the total comoving volume of an observers

causal patch. A causal patch is defined by a future light
cone taken at an initial point, such as reheating following
inflation, intersected by a past light cone at a late time
point, which in the case of a universe dominated by a cosmological constant is bounded by a de Sitter horizon and
in the case of a universe dominated by positive curvature
the late time event is the crunch.
We use the metric:
ds2 = dt2 + a(t)2 R02 [d2 + Sk ()2 d2 ]


where Sk () = sin() for positive curvature, Sk () =

sinh() for negative curvature, and Sk () = for no
curvature. The causal diamond
R dt is then given by R0 =



a(t) . The comoving volume
is then:

for k = +1
2R03 [ 21 sin(2)]
4 3 3
Vc =

3 30 1
for k = -1
2R0 [ 2 sinh(2) ]

The scale factor a(t) can be found by solving the Friedmann equation:
H2 =

8 m
( 3 + + 2 )
3 a


d S

where dMdt
(t t ) is the entropy production rate per
stellar mass at time t due to stars born at an earlier
time, t , and (t ) is the star formation rate at t . The
entropy rate per stellar mass is found by calculating
Z Mmax (tt ) 2
d2 S
d s


IMF (M )dM

dM dt
hM i 0.08M
dN dt
d2 s
where IMF (M ) is the initial mass function and dN
the entropy production rate for a single star. The latter
is given by the stellar luminosity divided by the effective
temperature. The number of photons emitted by a star
is dominated by the half that are reprocessed by dust at
an effective temperature of 20mev. This is given by:

d2 s
1 M 3.5
= (
) 3.7 1054 yr1 .
dN dt
Tef f
2 M









A key aspect to this work is how well the star formation

rate is modeled. While Bousso et al. [2] use star formation rates of Nagamine [16] et al. and Hopkins and Beacom [17] with some simple modifications to extend these
models to include different cosmological constant values,
we will follow Cline et al. [3] who use a model proposed
by Hernquist and Springel (HS) [18]. The HS model was
found to produce similar results to those found in Bousso
et al. but was more straightforward to extrapolate to the
case were a larger number cosmological parameters are
varied. The HS star formation model is given by this
a c
= m s0 q(t)(1 erf(
2 4







FIG. 2: The 68.27% (dark grey), 95.44% (light grey), 99.73%

(inner white), and 99.99% (outer white) contours for a multiverse that only admits negative curvature universes. The
solid blue line that cuts through the other 4 contours is the
anthropic bound from [15] for smaller sized galaxies.

where c = 1.6868, a = 0.707, s0 = 3.7995 1063 (taken

from [18]), and m (same as above) are constants and 4
is the root-mean-square density fluctuation that corresponds to the mass scale that virializes at a temperature
of T = 104 K.
The star formation efficiency, q(t), encompasses the
rate and efficiency of radiative cooling within a collapsing object that leads to star formation. HS model this
process with:


The prefactor in Eqn. 7 is the average initial mass,

hM i = 0.48M. The lower limit of Eqn. 7 is the minimum mass of a star that can support nuclear burning.
Following Bousso, we take the upper limit to be

for t t < 105 yr

Mmax (t t ) =
1010 yr 0.4
( tt ) M
for t t > 105 yr


where = /8, k = 3k/8R02 , and k = {1, 0, 1}

for a negative, flat, and positively curved universe respectively. The value of the matter density today (a = 1) is
set at m = 5.2 10124 in Planck units which we use
throughout unless otherwise noted. Following previous
work in the topic we neglect radiation. In this work we
hold m fixed and allow the curvature today, k , and
to vary.
d2 S
, is the entropy proThe other part of Eqn. 2, dV
c dt
duced per comoving volume per time, which is calculated
by the convolution
Z t 2
d2 S
d S
(t t ) (t )dt
(t) =

dVc dt

q(t) = (


((t)m +
m ) m



where (t) = ( HH0 )2/3 .

= 4.6, m = 6, and p = 2.72
are constants fit from numerical simulations and H0 =
70 km/s
Mpc . For universes with positive curvature that end in
a crunch, the star formation rate of Eqn. 10 continues up
until the crunch. We therefore needed to place a bound
on late time star formation when we no longer trust our
model. We set = 0 when r = m in the collapsing
phase, where r = 1.5 10127 . This choice allows for
an exploration of the CEP properties without a strong
limiting effect put in by hand.
Star formation rates for several different values of curvature and are shown in the right panel of Fig. 1.
Their corresponding probability curves are shown in the
left panel of Fig. 1.


Using the equations of the previous section we solve for

the probability distribution over a wide range of open and
closed universes. To enable the most general discussion
we consider both open and closed cosmologies together
and separately. (It is commonly [15] but not universally
[19] thought that the string theory landscape only leads
to the open case.)

FIG. 3: The 68.27% (dark grey), 95.44% (light grey), 99.73%

(inner white), and 99.99% (outer white) contours for a multiverse that only admits positive curvature universes.












FIG. 4: The 68.27% (dark grey), 95.44% (light grey), 99.73%

(inner white), and 99.99% (outer white) contours for a multiverse that admits both positive and negative curvature universes.

If we were to only consider open universes, then Fig.

2 depicts the resulting probability density distribution in
log -log k space. Values of curvature of k > 40m
fall outside of the 99.99% CL. Smaller values of and
curvature lead to larger causal diamonds and therefore
have the most total entropy production, as depicted in
Fig. 1. This balances the majority of vacua having
larger values of both and curvature, giving a peak
value at = 7.9 10123 and k = 4.3m . Using
the upper bound (95% CL) on negative curvature from
WMAP+HST [20], our universe of = 1.25 10123
and k = 0.016m is in the 99.73% CL. Fig. 1 illustrates that for a fixed value of negative curvature the
distribution for remains roughly unchanged from the
distribution for a flat universe.
Now considering only positively curved universes, there
is a clear correlation between and curvature which

comes from competition between positive curvature and

. This can cause the universe to loiter[21] in a
state with little cosmic expansion but plenty of structure growth. These conditions conspire to create both a
larger causal diamond and enhanced linear growth. This
results in the tail on the bottom right of Fig. 3 where
there is ridge between collapsing regions to the left and
non-collapsing regions to the right in the 68% CL. For a
fixed value of positive curvature, small values of lead
to a universe that will recollapse before there is significant star formation. As is increased the recollapse
is delayed allowing for more star formation and a larger
causal diamond, giving more total entropy produced and
therefore a more likely universe within the CEP framework. This continues until is large enough to allow for
a non-collapsing universe, at which point larger values of
begin to suppress growth. The narrowing of the tail
comes from deviations from the ridge having large energy
densities that lead to either a rapid recollapse or early
domination. Using the upper bound (95% CL) on positive curvature from WMAP+HST [20], our universe of
= 1.25 10123 and k = 0.06m is in the 99.99%
Fig. 4 shows the 2 dimensional probability density dis2
tribution, d logd P dk , in log -k space for both positive
and negative curvature. The full span range of curvature allowed by WMAP+HST [20] (0.06m k
0.016m) is in the 95.44% CL. A significant fraction of
the values within the 68.27% CL are positively curved
universes of both large amounts of curvature and dark
energy compared with our universe due to the competing effects mentioned above leading to a similar tail on
the lower right.
A recent paper by Bousso and Leichenauer [22] has
argued that the asymptotic behavior of the star formation model shown in upper right panel of Fig. 1 may
be unphysical. Since the CEP framework depends on an
accurate accounting of star formation in universes far different than ours, a careful study of different models is an
important aspect of developing this work further. However, we suspect that the asymptotic behavior leads to a
subdominant effect on the final probability distributions
since it coincides with a decreasing comoving volume that
will diminish the contribution it will make to the total
entropy contribution.
On the other hand, the bottom right portion of the tail
in Figs. 3 and 4 is an area where we have little confidence
in our star formation model as the duration of matter
domination is increasingly smaller as we move further
out onto the tip of the distribution. A different cut on
late time star formation from the one we chose above or
another star formation model may find the bottom right
tip less favored or ruled out.
We have extended the CEP to include curvature and
found that regardless of whether one considers both positive and negative curvature or just one of the two options,
a non-zero value of curvature appears to be preferred. We
have also found that our universe is not ruled out in any

scenario considered here, but is somewhat disfavored in
some scenarios. The favored values for an open universe
are just a few orders of magnitude larger than values favored by modern data, so to the extent that the flatness
puzzle is about why the curvature is not given by the
Planck scale, the CEP seems to put a significant dent in
the flatness puzzle. This is not dissimilar to anthropic
arguments of curvature, where structure formation is cut
off by excessive curvature, however the CEP offers a less
restrictive initial assumption. In Fig. 2 we also plot
the bound on negative curvature calculated by Freivogel et al. [15] (which are similar to those of Vilenkin
and Winitzki [13] and Garriga et al. [14]) by demanding
that structures at least as large as a small sized galaxy
form. Our plot allows for somewhat more curvature than
is allowed by these methods. Setting a structure formation limit based on smaller galactic masses brings the
curvature limit closer to ours. Ultimately our rough reproduction of the anthropic cutoff is unsurprising as our
main entropy source, star formation, cuts off along with
structure formation. However, our actual prediction for
curvature is not against a cutoff for structure formation
as would be the case for a simple bound. The causal entropic weighting provides additional rewards for smaller
curvatures in the form of increased star formation and
entropy production.


Anthropic constraints on observable parameters are

interesting when considering implications for the multi-

[1] S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2607 (1987).

[2] R. Bousso, R. Harnik, G. D. Kribs, and G. Perez, Phys.
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verse. The CEP has appealing advantages over previous

anthropic attempts. We find that the CEP places upper
limits on the amount of curvature that is observable and
while not ruling out our universe, the CEP finds larger
curvature preferable to our measured value. We also find
an intriguing feature in the probability space for positive curvature of an elongated tail stretching into regions
of large curvature. Our results for negatively curved
universes are broadly consistent with previous anthropic
bounds on curvature but less constraining due to a more
lenient tolerance for the minimum mass of structure allowed. Still, like the previous work we find that anthropic
considerations seem to offer cosmology considerable relief
from the flatness problem.


We thank Lloyd Knox, Damien Martin, and especially James Cline for very helpful discussions. We also
thank Tony Tyson for computing resources as well as
Perry Gee and Jim Bosch for technical computing support. This work was supported by DOE grant DE-FG0391ER40674.

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[18] L. Hernquist and V. Springel, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron.
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[19] R. V. Buniy, S. D. H. Hsu, and A. Zee, Phys. Lett. B660,
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[20] E. Komatsu et al. (WMAP) (2008), 0803.0547.
[21] V. Sahni, H. Feldman, and A. Stebbins, Astrophys. J.
385, 1 (1992).
[22] R. Bousso and S. Leichenauer (2008), 0810.3044.

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