Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Stringfellow, A. B. (1978). The Eight Great Covenants of God. Through the Bible in One Year, 257-263
This lesson teaches on the eight covenants in the Old Testament and how they disclose Gods
purpose for us in this would. It teaches that there are six that are conditional and two that are
unconditional. One of the conditional covenants is the Mosaic Covenant. The Abrahamic,
Noahic, Davidic and New Covenants are four of the unconditional covenants. It gives scripture
references that go into detail about each covenant and in the end, it tells us what each of the
covenants teaches us today. With the Noahic covenant, divine revelation is through the line of
Shem. Christ descends from Shem. Christ is the seed of Abraham, representing the Abrahamic
Covenant. As for the Mosaic Covenant, Christ bore the curse for us. In the Davidic Covenant,
Christ is the greater Son of David and the coming King as prophesied in the Old Testament. And
finally, in the New Covenant, Christ is our foundation. He is the ultimate sacrifice for both Jews
and Gentiles.
Gromacki, G. (2014). The Fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant. Journal Of Ministry &
Theology, 18(2), 77-119.
This article talks about the Abrahamic Covenant fulfillment in the new millennial. The authors
give accounts in both the Old and New Testaments that point to or references Scriptures that
identifies the fulfillment of the covenant made by God to Abraham. Abraham was promised the
land of Canaan. However, it is said in this article that Canaan was just a type of the everlasting
inheritance of the people of God on the new earth. Hebrews 11:10 tells us that Abraham looked
forward to the citywhose builder is God. Although Abraham inherited Canaan, this was not the
final fulfillment. Also, the promise or covenant was for all who believed in Christ Jesus, both
Jews and Gentiles.
Law, G. R. (2012). THE FORM OF THE NEW COVENANT IN MATTHEW. American Theological
Inquiry, 5(2), 17-32.
This article talks about the form of the New Covenant in the Gospel of Matthew. The authors
focuses on Matthew chapters 5 7 and more directly on the Beatitudes. There is a comparison
between the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. They recognize the Sermon on
the Mount as the way Jesus presented His new Laws. The authors suggest that the principles of
the Law of Christ is represented here. Christ presented what is called covenant elements to his
audience so that it would be identifiable to them. The elements were common to ancient
covenant form. Those elements in the ancient covenant form are an introductory preamble,
covenant stipulation and a covenant sanction. The elements that are identified in the New
Covenant are the preamble which identifies Christ and the one who is speaking, the prologue
which gives a count on the blessings that God will bestow on His covenant people, the
stipulations both general and specific, His sanctions and the epilogue, which advises His people
to act wisely.
Foster, S. J. (2010). The Missiology of Old Testament Covenant. International Bulletin Of Missionary
Research, 34(4), 205-208
This article discusses what a covenant was in the ancient world, the impact of the covenant, and
what did it communicate. The author points out that a covenant highlights a relationship with
God and in that relationship there is security, accountability and purpose. He talks about how
covenants were made by people for almost three millennia in the ancient Near East. The parties
involved in a covenant is bound to do something for the other party involved. This is assured
with an oath from both parties.
He goes on to talk about how God made covenant with His people and how the covenant was
designed to restore the people back to Him.
BORG, M. (2014). The New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Puritan Reformed Journal, 6(2), 16-34.
Harrington, D. J. (2006). The New Covenant. America, 194(11), 31.
This article speaks of the New Covenant. It brings to our attention that Jesus is the Jeremiah
prophecy fulfilled. It reminds us that the new covenant will be written in the hearts of Gods
people. The new covenant does not bring to an end to the old covenants but the new covenant is
instated through the sacrifice Jesus paid on the cross. His death on the cross brought about a new,
everlasting covenant with God.
Tan Kok, B. (2009). The Christian Impacting the World. Christian Literature & Living, 5(8), 27-30
This article tells of how we as Christians are to impact the world. It uses for an example the
Abrahamic Covenant. In that covenant, God tells Abraham that He will bless those who blesses
Abraham and curse those who curses Abraham. He then said that all people on earth will be
blessed through Abraham. (Genesis 12:2-3, New International Version)
The author then goes on to tell how this blessing will be spread, which is by Christians. We are
go to into the world and spread the Gospel of Good News to our fellow brothers and sisters. This
is the blessing that God speaks of in the Abrahamic Covenant. We are to impact this world just as
the scriptures commands us. We ought to follow the Great Commission which is found in
Matthew 28:19. This is what God intended when He told Abraham that all the people on earth
will be blessed through him.
Ruthven, J. (2008). 'This Is My Covenant with Them': Isaiah 59.19-21 as the Programmatic Prophecy of
the New Covenant in the Acts of the Apostles (Part I). Journal Of Pentecostal Theology, 17(1),
32-47. doi:10.1163/174552508X331961
This articles shows the prophecy of the New Covenant in the book of Isaiah as it relates to the
book of Acts. It shows and gives the comparison of Isaiah 59:19-21 with Acts 2:2 and 2:39. One
of the things I found interesting in this article is how the author relates Isaiah 59:21b, my Spirit
which is upon you, and my words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your
mouth, or out of the mouth of your children as referencing speaking in tongues in the book of
Acts. The article continues on to give other comparisons that he claims solves other puzzles that
are in the book of Acts regarding the New Covenant.
Zimran, Y. (2014). "The Covenant Made with David": The King and the Kingdom in 2 Chronicles
21. Vetus Testamentum, 64(2), 305-325. doi:10.1163/15685330-12301153
This article references 2 Chronicles chapter 21 and talks about the reign of Jehoram and how he
ruled Judah after the death of his father, Jehoshaphat. Jehoram was an evil and wicked king who,
after taking his place on the throne, killed his brothers. He constructed idol shrines in the
mountains of Judah and led the people of Jerusalem in worshiping idols. He did things that were
not pleasing to God. He turned from God completely. Eventually, Gods wrath fell on Jehoram.
He allowed the Philistines and the Arabs to attach Judah and seize Jehorams family although his
son Jehoaz escaped. Jehoram was struck with an intestinal disease that eventually took his life.
However, the article goes on to say that although Jehoram was evil and God punished him for his
deeds that did not affect the Davidic Covenant. God promised that the seed of David would
forever reign on the throne. But, that did not mean that the evil deeds of those kings who were
the descendants of David would not be punished for their actions. Gods covenant agreement
ensured that the royal dynasty would continue regardless of the actions of any of the kings. The
promise made to the house and not any specific king. Because of this covenant, we later see
in the New Testament the fulfillment which ultimately is in Christ Jesus.