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Health Questionnaire for Group Life Insurance (Full)

NOTE: kindly answer all questions.

Details of the Life to be insured (Member):

Name of the employer:
Name of the life assured (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr) :
Emp Id:
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy): _


Residential Status: Indian




Nature of duties:

Marital Status:



Foreign National

Specify County in case NRI/PIO/ Foreign National or Currently Posted Outside India_______________________

HEALTH DETAILS OF PROPOSED INSURED (Please use in boxes to indicate choice)

Height: ________Cms

Weight: ________Kgs.

1. Have you consulted any doctor for surgical operations or have been hospitalized for any disorder or been advised to undergo any medical
investigations/treatment for any medical condition other than for minor cough, cold or flu during the last 5 years?
2. Are you currently taking or in the past have taken any treatment or medications or special diet for any condition for a continuous period of
more than 14 days? (except for minor cough, cold, flu, appendix, typhoid )
3. Have you ever suffered from or have been advised that you have any of the following conditions (If yes, please tick the relevant and please
complete the details in table 1)







Hypertension/high blood pressure

Chest Pain/Heart Attack

Any other heart disease/problems

HIV infection/AIDS or positive test to HIV

Diabetes/ high blood sugar/sugar in urine

High cholesterol

Asthma, Tuberculosis, or any other lung disorder

Liver problems/ jaundice/Hepatitis B or C

Cancer/tumor or growth, cyst of any kind


Fits, blackouts or nervous disorders?

Kidney problems or disease of reproductive organs
Blood disorder( eg anemia, thalassemia)

Disorder of glands (eg thyroid)

musculoskeletal or joint disorders

Digestive Disorder (eg. Ulcer, Colitis etc)

Psychiatric or mental disorder

Any other

4. Have you had or have been advised to undergo any of the following test or investigations. (If yes please provide details in the table 1)
Ultra sonography
CT Scan/MRI Biopsy
Coronary Angiography.



5. a)Do you consume more than 10 cigarettes / bidis per day? Or chew more than 5 pouches Tobacco per day?



b) Do you consume more than 2 pegs of alcohol per day in any form? If yes, please provide the type of alcohol and daily quantity
Type : ________________________
Quantity consumed: _______________________





6. Has your proposal for life insurance, ever been declined, postponed, withdrawn or accepted at extra premium or reduced cover?



7.Does your work involve working in mines, rig, high sea, underground or on heights or exposure to harmful chemical or gases etc



8. Do you take part in or have you any prospect or intention of taking part in any other hazardous sports, hobbies or pursuits? (eg. In aviation
other than as a fare paying passenger, diving, mountaineering, racing etc )




a. Are you pregnant? If Yes Please state how many months pregnant.





c) Do you use or have you used any narcotics /any other drugs?

( ___________ months)

b. Have you suffered from any gynecological problems or illness related to breasts, uterus or ovary?

Version 1.1 27/06/2013

If answers to any of the questions (1) to (7) are Yes please give full particulars below with details such as medical history, diagnosis, date of
diagnosis, treatment taken, names of medications, tests done, results of tests as under Table 1

TABLE 1: Additional disclosures


Details of treating
Doctor / Surgeon
(Name, Qualification,
Contact No.)

Date of first

Date of Last

Details of

List of medication
being consumed

Details and date of

and surgery done?

Provide details of
any further
consultation /
surgery planned?


I would like to become a member of the ____________ offered by SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. (SBI Life) and I have fully understood and agree to all the terms and
conditions of the scheme and agree that the Master policyholder shall act as the Group Administrator.
I undertake to furnish any other details that may be required with regard to my proposed insurance cover. I hereby permit the master policyholder to convey the above
particulars regarding my admission into the SBI Life- ____________. I also permit SBI Life to approach me directly for any clarification/other purposes. I hereby understand
and agree that no insurance cover will commence until the risk is accepted and requisite premium has been remitted to SBI Life by the Master policy Holder and SBI Life
conveys its written acceptance of this application for insurance cover. I further understand and agree that insurance cover provided to me shall be governed by the Master Policy
Contract issued in favour of the Group Master Policyholder.
Notwithstanding the provision of any law, usage, custom or convention for the time being in force prohibiting any doctor, hospital and/or employer from divulging any
knowledge or information about me concerning my health, employment on the grounds of secrecy, I, my heirs, executors, administrators or any other person or persons having
interest of any kind whatsoever in the insurance cover provided to me, hereby agree that such authority, having such knowledge or information, shall at any time be at liberty to
divulge any such knowledge or information to the Company.
I hereby understand and agree that the total benefits payable under this product shall not exceed the maximum applicable for this product irrespective of the number of
Memberships forms signed. I hereby declare and agree that the foregoing declaration has been given after fully understanding the same and is true and complete to the best
of my knowledge and that I have not withheld any information that may influence my admission into the Group Insurance Scheme of SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. I hereby
agree that this form including the declaration shall form the basis of my admission into the Group Insurance Scheme and if any untrue statement be contained therein, I, my
heirs, executors, administrators and assignees shall not be entitled to receive any benefits under the Group Insurance Scheme. I also agree that the Company shall not be liable
for any claim on account of illness, injury, or death, the cause of which was known prior to approval of my request for assurance or withheld or concealed in the above

Signature / thumb impression of the Member

Signature /Thumb Impression of the Witness
Name and address of the Witness: __________________




Declaration to be given if Proposal is signed in vernacular or if the life to be assured is illiterate.

I have explained the contents of this form to the life to be assured and ensured that the contents have been fully understood by him/her. I have accurately
recorded his/her responses to the information sought in the proposal form and I have read out the responses to the life to be assured and he / she has confirmed
that they are correct.

Signature of the person making the declaration

Signature/Thumb Impression of life to be assured
Name of the declarant
Place: __________________Date:_____________________

Under the provisions of section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938, the Company is entitled to repudiate a policy on the ground that a statement
made in the proposal or in any report of a medical officer or referee or friend of the insured or any other document leading to issue of the
policy was inaccurate or false, before the expiry of 2 years from the effective date of the policy, and thereafter that if such false or
inaccurate statement was on a material matter or suppressed facts were material to disclose and it was fraudulently made and the policy
holder knew that the statement was false or was material to disclose.

Version 1.1 27/06/2013

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