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Developing Web Apps with ArcGIS

API for JavaScriptTM

Student Edition

Copyright 2014 Esri

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Course version 1.1. Version release date December 2014.
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Course introduction
Course goals
Additional resources
Installing the course data
Icons used in this workbook
Understanding the ArcGIS Platform

Introduction to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Lesson introduction
The ArcGIS platform
ArcGIS for JavaScript applications
Developer requirements
Developer resources
Introduction to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Using the SDK
Getting started with the API
Adding ArcGIS Online basemaps
ArcGIS API for JavaScript Web Optimizer
Creating a custom Build using the Web Optimizer
Exercise 1: Create a simple map application
Import the starter application
Reference the Esri libraries
Add a map to the application
Adjust map parameters and style
Lesson review

Working with the map

Lesson introduction
Adding data to the map
Combining map layers
Adding layers programmatically
Working with map layers
Using widgets
Working with events
Exercise 2A: Adding data to your map using layers
Open the starter application
Specify an initial extent
Add tiled and dynamic layers
Add a feature layer
Add a BasemapToggle widget
Add a legend
Displaying a web map
Reference a web map layer

Exercise 2B: Adding data to your map using web maps

Open the starter application
Use a web map
Add a BasemapGallery widget
Update the legend
Lesson review

Working with tasks and widgets

Lesson introduction
Using Tasks and Widgets
Working with GIS services
Working with secured GIS resources
Task-implementation workflow
Explore task implementation
Geocoding and searching
Directions and routing
Exporting a web map
Exercise 3: Geocode and find directions
Open the Geocoder-Locator starter application
Add a Geocoder widget
Use a Locator task
Open the Directions-Output starter application
Add a Directions widget
(Optional) Add a Print widget
Lesson review

Applying queries to data

Lesson introduction
Displaying temporary data in the map
Understanding graphics
Understanding symbols
Drawing graphics on the map
Using the API to answer questions
Displaying query results
Setting up the Query object
Executing a query
Understanding the FeatureSet
Query and select features
Optimizing the FeatureLayer
Using FeatureLayer modes
Displaying selected features in a table
Exercise 4: Query data
Open the starter application
Implement a drawing tool


Display user input on a graphics layer

Select features
Display selected features in a table
Lesson review

Visualizing and rendering data

Lesson introduction
Visualizing your data
Understanding renderers
Renderer visualization properties
Applying renderers to layers
Generating renderers
Working with dynamic layers
Working with LayerDrawingOptions
Exercise 5A: Visualize data using a renderer
Open the data visualizer starter application
Apply a renderer to a dynamic layer
Apply proportional symbols to earthquake features
Styling features with CSS
Labeling features
Creating pop-up windows
Exercise 5B: Visualize attribute information using pop-up windows
Open the pop-up window starter application
Use a pop-up window to display feature information
Lesson review

Using tasks and widgets for analysis

Lesson introduction
Achieving custom analysis
Using the Geoprocessor
Working with geoprocessing parameters
Executing a geoprocessing task
Using geoprocessing services and tasks
Performing measurements
Using the Geometry service
Exercise 6: Implement a geoprocessing task
Import the starter application
Prepare the Geoprocessor and inputs
Execute the Geoprocessor
Process the Geoprocessor results
Using ArcGIS analysis services
Working with Analysis widgets
Working with GeoEnrichment widgets
Lesson review


Editing features
Lesson introduction
Understanding web editing scenarios
Confirming web editing requirements
Editing with feature services
Adding editing functionality
Editing geometry
Add feature editing to an application
Editing attributes
Editing attachments
Exercise 7: Add editing functionality
Import the starter application
Add editable wildfire feature layers
Add an Editor widget
Add a custom TemplatePicker widget
Customize the Editor toolbar
Edit large feature geometry
Enable edit rollback functionality
Enabling advanced editing functionality
Lesson review

Develop an ArcGIS web application

Lesson introduction
Develop an ArcGIS web application
Locate developer resources
Scenario 1: Implement an Analysis widget
Scenario 2: Develop a secure application
Scenario 3: Develop a responsive design application
Lesson review

Appendix A: Esri data license agreement
Appendix B: Answers to lesson review questions
Lesson 1: Introduction to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Lesson 2: Working with the map
Lesson 3: Working with tasks and widgets
Lesson 4: Applying queries to data
Lesson 5: Visualizing and rendering data
Lesson 6: Using tasks and widgets for analysis
Lesson 7: Editing features
Lesson 8: Develop an ArcGIS web application


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