Enterprise Future
Enterprise Future
Enterprise Future
05 May 2008
CEO Study
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full report, Global CEO
Study: The Enterprise of
the Future
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Summary (240KB)
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Hungry for change. Wildly imaginative. Disruptive by nature. Totally wired to the
people who matter most. To some people, this might sound like your average
teenager. In fact, these are the qualities companies will need to thrive in the near
future, according to our newest CEO study.
Every two years, IBM talks to some 1,000+ CEOs and public sector leaders
worldwide. We ask these executives: what are they thinking about? Where are they
investing? What do they believe the Enterprise of the Future will look like? We also
reviewed the differences between outperforming and underperforming businesses.
This is our third global CEO survey. Heres what we found.
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2008 Global Human Capital
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2008 Global CFO Study
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We have seen more change in the last 10 years than in the previous
90.Ad J. Scheepbouwer, CEO, KPN Telecom
Coping with change is nothing new. Whats different is the head-spinning rate
of change today and the fact that its coming from so many different quarters.
In 2004, CEOs worried about market factors. In 2008, while the market
05 May 2008
And companies are struggling to keep up: There is a gap of 22% between
how CEOs rate their ability to manage change successfully versus their
expected need for ita gap that has nearly tripled since 2006, when it was
only 8%.
05 May 2008
So how does the Enterprise of the Future manage constant change? The
Swiss engineering firm ABB can offer some insights. ABB launched its Step
Change Program in 2003. Hundreds of measures were identified and executed
on schedule resulting in savings of more than US $900 million. Their change
program today has a broad portfolio of initiatives, representation from all
parts of the company and an Executive Committee that tracks progress and
provides regional accountability. The result? ABBs successful focus on its
strengths in power and automation technology and its improved productivity
and cost structure were driven largely by its enterprise-wide change program.
In 2007, ABBs net income increased to a record US $3.8 billion.
05 May 2008
05 May 2008
Globally integrated
05 May 2008
Disruptive by nature
05 May 2008
IBM Corporation
New Orchard Road, Armonk, New York 10504, USA
05 May 2008