Income Tax in Australia
Income Tax in Australia
Income Tax in Australia
Federal income tax was rst introduced in 1915, in order to help fund Australias war eort in the First World Due to the 20102011 Queensland oods an additional
levy was established for the nancial year 2011War.[2] Between 1915 and 1942, income taxes were ood
levied at both the state and federal level.
The Low Income Tax Oset (LITO) is a tax rebate for individuals on lower incomes. From 1 July 2010 it provides
individuals earning less than $30,000 with a tax rebate of
$445. The full oset is reduced by 1.5c for every dollar of
taxable income above $37,000, meaning incomes greater
than $66,647 do not receive any benet.[7] The LITO creates an eective tax-free threshold of $16,000 for low income earners. For the 2011-2012 tax year, 70% of the
LITO entitlement is received as reduced withholding tax,
the balance is received when a tax return is lodged.
5 Payroll Tax
State governments in Australia levy a payroll tax on the
wages outlay of employers. Typically the tax applies to
all wages above a threshold. Groups of companies may
be taxed as a single entity where their operations are signicantly integrated or related.
Current Payroll Tax Rates and Thresholds[10]
Company Tax
2009 stimulus package included payments to those who business activity. An activity which is not a business acreceived FTB-B.
tivity is more likely to be a hobby and income is not taxThe full system is more complex, and some information able. Other examples of business activities include illecan be found on the websites of the Australian Tax Oce, gal activities such as burglary, smuggling and illegal drug
dealing and income from these activities is taxable.
Centrelink, and the Family Assistance Oce.
Other forms of ordinary income include 'adventure or
concern in the nature of trade', which is a single activity that is not part of a taxpayers normal income earning
activities however may be considered a business in itself.
These can include generating a prot from a prot making scheme,[22] and prot earned from activities that go
beyond the mere realisation of an asset in an enterpris7 Eective Marginal Tax Rates
ing manner. Income from investment or property is also
classied as ordinary income and can include: rent from
Because reductions of means tested benets are additive, a lease, interest on a loan, dividends and royalties
they can lead to a very high eective marginal tax rate of When assessing the amount of ordinary income, only the
tax. For example, a person with children earning $95,000 prots are counted based on a notional basis.
would be taxed at a marginal rate of 39% including medicare, and lose 30c per extra dollar earned from the FTB-A
benet, an eective marginal tax rate of 69%. [17]
Contrary to the FTBs name, as from 1 July 2009 it
will not be possible to claim FTB payments through
the taxation system.[16] All payments will be handled by
If other means tested allowances are payable (e.g. child 8.2 Residence
care benets, superannuation co-contribution, payments
for a disability etc.) then the eective rate can be over
Residents of Australia for income tax purposes are sub100%.[18]
ject to income tax on income from all sources,[23] whereas
The means testing reects a policy of targeting welfare to non-residents for income tax purposes are only subject to
people in need. However, some argue that this creates a income tax in Australia on their income from Australian
work disincentive for middle-class families.[19] Further, sources.
Australias means-tested tax and spending programs are
There are four tests to determine whether an individual is
extraordinarily complex.[20]
a resident for income tax purposes. An individual can be
classied as a resident for taxation purposes if they are
making contributions to a Commonwealth superannua8 Legal Framework
tion fund, in Australia for more than half the year, have
their domicile or permanent place of abode in Australia
Income tax is payable on assessable income, which falls or nally if they dwell permanently or for a considerable
under two broad categories: ordinary income (Income time in Australia.
Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) s 6-5)(ITAA97) and A company will be considered an Australian resident for
statutory income. (cite references)
taxation purposes if it falls under any of the following
three criteria: incorporated in Australia, carries on business in Australia and central management and control is
8.1 Ordinary Income
in Australia or carries on business in Australian and it is
controlled by Australian resident shareholders.
Ordinary income requires a benet in money or moneys
There are other issues when considering residence in reworth. This can include for example the reduction in an
lation to the source of income. Personal exertion income
existing liability. There must be a nexus with an income
is derived where the services are performed and for a
earning activity, such as income from personal exertion,
prot making activity income is where the contract is perfrom a prot making activity or from investment or propformed. Property income is derived where the property
erty. In addition receipts that are of a capital nature, volis located, interest income where the money is lent and
untary income and gifts are not classied as ordinary individend income where the paying company is located.
Normal or ordinary proceeds from a business activity are
classied as ordinary income. A business includes any
profession, trade, employment, vocation or calling, but
does not include occupation as an employee.[21] Activities of a commercial nature that are carried on regularly
and in an organised, systematic way, on a large scale or
with view to prot will generally be considered to be a
9 See also
Constitutional basis of taxation in Australia
[1] Income Tax Act of 1902 (2 Edw VII, No 10)". Queensland Historical Acts. Australasian Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 22 March 2014.
[2] A brief history of Australias tax system Department of
the Treasury
[3] What is the Medicare levy?". Medicare levy essentials.
ATO. 30 June 2008. Retrieved 2009-03-09.
[4] Individual income tax rates. Rates and calculators.
ATO. 1 July 2014. Retrieved 2015-02-18.
[5] Individual income tax rates. Rates and calculators.
ATO. 5 July 2010. Retrieved 2011-07-08.
[6] Flood levy information for individuals. Rates and calculators. ATO. 28 June 2011. Retrieved 2011-07-08.
[7] Household Assistance Package - tax reforms: Lowincome tax oset. Australia Taxation Oce. Retrieved
on 15 September 2012.
[8] Income of individuals under the age of 18. Australian
Taxation Oce. Retrieved on 15 September 2012.
[9] Australian Taxation Oce website on PAYG withholding
[10] 2012-13 Overview of State Taxes. Western Australia
Department of Treasury. Retrieved 2013-05-21.
[11] Rates and thresholds. Payroll tax. NSW Government
Oce of State Revenue. Retrieved 2009-07-23.
[12] Payroll Tax in Queensland. Payroll Tax. QLD Government Oce of State Revenue. Retrieved 2012-08-31.
[13] General Information fact sheet (PDF). Pay-roll Tax
Forms and Brochures. Government of Western Australia
Department of Treasury and Finance. Retrieved 201505-15.
[14] Rates and thresholds. Retrieved 2011-04-23.
[16] Australian Government, Family Assistance Oce, How
you can get paid
[17] Based on gures from earlier sections in this article.
[18] Andrew, Brian 2007. The contribution of eective
marginal tax rates to work disincentives.
[19] Dockery, et. al. 2006 Welfare reform, housing assistance
and eective marginal tax rates
[20] AMP. Trends in eective marginal tax rates 1996-97 to
[21] Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) s 995-1. Commonwealth Consolidated Acts. Retrieved on 15 September 2012.
[22] Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) s 15-15. Commonwealth Consolidated Acts. Retrieved on 15 September 2012.
[23] Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) s 6-5(2). Commonwealth Consolidated Acts. Retrieved on 15 September 2012.
11 External links
Australian Income Tax Calculator (mobile compatible)
Australian Personal Income Tax Calculator
Income tax in Australia Source: Contributors: JackofOz, JerryFriedman, Terjepetersen, Graeme Bartlett, Horatio, Neutrality, Icd, Shiftchange, Reinthal, Smalljim, Cmdrjameson, Gary, Mo0, John
Quiggin, CJ, Kirkbroadhurst, Noetica, Matilda, Rjwilmsi, JAW, Morphh, Kerry Raymond, Arthur Rubin, Fram, Mb99, SmackBot, Monkeyblue, Ashill, Rrius, Hew~enwiki, Kevin Ryde, Darren Wickham, Squilibob, MichaelBillington, Dl2000, Argon233, J-wonder, Surturz,
Member N, Harish victory, Josef K, Mchaer, STBot, Glennobrien, Asterix.wins, Spathaky, Psydexzerity, Squids and Chips, IAmTheCoinMan, Sintaku, Yintan, Mangostar, Tuntable, ConsumerClone, Wprlh, Robchez, Abyard, Mhockey, Sbabones, Mitch Ames, Funkywinders,
Addbot, Raymond88824, Habanero-tan, ScottoJames, LilHelpa, PuppyOnTheRadio, Widetree45, Hunarian, EmausBot, Dewritech, K6ka,
Aeonx, H3llBot, ClueBot NG, BG19bot, Carlytebbet, Louey37, Khazar2, Rekowo, Majorcache, ElliePan and Anonymous: 117
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