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Public Choice - Dennis Mueller

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Chapter 2

Public Choice: An Introduction1

Dennis C. Mueller

Public Choice has been defined as the application of the methodology of economics
to the study of politics. This definition suggests that public choice is an inherently
interdisciplinary field, and so it is. Depending upon which person one selects as
making the pioneering contribution to public choice, it came into existence either in
the late 18th century as an offshoot of mathematics, or in the late 1940s as an
offshoot of economics. The case for the earlier date rests on the existence of
publications by two French mathematicians, J.C. de Borda (1781) and M. de
Condorcet (1785). Condorcet was the first person, as far as we know, to discover
the problem of cycling, the possibility when using the simple majority rule that an
alternative x can lose to y in a vote between the two, y can lose to another alternative
z, but z will also lose to x. The existence of such a possibility obviously raises
the issue of how a community can decide among these three alternatives, when a
cycle exists, and what the normative justification for any choice made will be. No
cycle exists, of course, if some alternative, say y, can defeat both x and z. The
literature has commemorated Condorcets contribution by naming such an issue
like y a Condorcet winner. A vast number of papers and books have analyzed both
the normative and positive implications of the existence of cycles.
Condorcet gave his name to one other important part of the public choice
literature, when he proved what he called a theorem about juries, and what we
now call the Condorcet jury theorem. This remarkable theorem provides both a
justification for making collective decisions with the simple majority rule, and for
the institution of democracy itself. It rests on three assumptions: (1) The community
faces a binary choice between x and y, with only one of the two choices being the
right choice for the community. (2) Everyone in the community wants to make
the right choice. (3) The probability p that a citizen votes for the right choice is
greater than 0.5. The theorem states that the probability that the community makes

This chapter is a revised and updated version of an essay that first appeared in The Encyclopedia
of Public Choice edited by Charles K. Rowley and Friedrich Schneider and published in 2004 by
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Volume 1, pp. 3248.

C.K. Rowley and F.G. Schneider (eds.), Readings in Public Choice and Constitutional
Political Economy.
# Springer Science Business Media, LLC 2008



D.C. Mueller

the right choice when it uses the simple majority rule increases as the number of
voters increases approaching one in the limit.
That the theorem provides a normative case for the simple majority rule is
obvious, if one accepts its premises. Condorcet described the collective decision
as one regarding the determination of whether a person had committed a particular
crime or nothence the theorems name. For this type of collective decision the
definition of the right decision is fairly controversialthe person is declared
innocent only if she is in fact innocent. The assumption that everyone wants to
make the right choice in this situation also seems uncontroversial.
The argument that the theorem also provides a justification for democracy is more
subtle, and under it the assumptions underpinning the theorem become more controversial. Imagine, however, that everyone in the community agrees that they would
like a good government that would be honest and provide goods and services and
levy taxes so as to maximize the welfare of the community. Two parties compete for
the honor of becoming the government, and each citizen votes for the party that he
believes will form the best government. If each citizen has a greater than 0.5
probability of picking the party that will form the best government (two-party)
democracy chooses the best government in a large electorate with near certainty.
The second and third assumptions take on extreme importance, when the
theorem is used as a defense of democracy. Citizens share a common goalgood
government. Each citizen has a greater than 0.5 probability of picking the party that
will provide the best government. Citizens do not merely flip coins to decide how to
vote, they study the parties and make an informed choice.
The assumption that everyone agrees on what good government is, becomes
more controversial when we are thinking of the whole panoply of things governments do. If citizens disagree about what the government should do, there will be no
right choice for all citizens. This being the case, parties will compete not only on
the basis of how good they will be at advancing the communitys welfare, but how
that welfare should be defined. Finally, when one is thinking of a large electorate,
even the assumption that voters are well-informed becomes controversial.
Many studies in public choice employ some of the assumptions needed to apply
the Condorcet jury theorem to the study of politics; many others do not. All the
work on party competition that uses spatial modeling assumes, for example, that
voters are well-informed, that they know the positions of the parties in the issue
space. At the same time, however, this literature does not assume that voters agree
on where the parties should be located in the issue space. Conflicts of interest or
preferences are assumed, and thus voters do not agree on which party is best even
when they are certain about what the parties will do in officeassuming, that is,
that the parties will do different things. There is another branch of the public choice
literature, however, that does assume common interests among citizens, and thus
does accord with the second assumption underlying the jury theorem. This work
often focuses on decisions made at the constitutional stage of the political process
and today often goes by the name of constitutional political economy.
Thus, directly or indirectly, Condorcets pioneering work raised many of
the questions with which the modern public choice literature has been concerned.

2 Public Choice: An Introduction


Do individuals share common interests? Is democracy stable or not (produces

cycles)? Are voters sufficiently well-informed that one gains information by aggregating their preferences? What voting rule should be used to aggregate these
Borda was critical of the use of the simple majority rule to aggregate preferences, and proposed instead a rule which today carries his name. If there are n
possible outcomes to a collective decision, each voter assigns a one to his most
preferred choice, a two to his second most preferred choice, and so on. The scores
awarded are then added across all voters, and the Borda-count rule selects as the
winner the alternative receiving the lowest score. With only two alternatives from
which to choose, the Borda-count is equivalent to the simple majority rule. When n
2, it avoids cycling and has additional desirable properties that make it attractive.3
Three more names deserve brief mention before we end this discussion of the
forerunners to public choice. Another mathematician, the Reverend Charles L.
Dodgson, better known today as Lewis Carroll, wrote a series of pamphlets
analyzing the properties of voting procedures roughly a century after the work of
Borda and Condorcet.4 J.S. Mills Considerations on Representative Government
(1861) must also be mentioned, since he was one of the great economists of the 19th
century, although the work is arguably an early contribution to political science
rather than to public choice, as it makes no noticeable use of economic reasoning.
Nevertheless, the great thinkers logical mind is quite evident, and it is one of the
few works in political science from the 19th century that still warrants reading by
students of public choice.
The same can be said of K. Wicksells (1896) classic essay on Just Taxation
written as the 19th century was coming to a close. As the title suggests, it is as much
or more a contribution to public finance than to the study of politics, but it contains
an early normative economic justification for the state, and a spirited defense of the
unanimity rule for aggregating individual preferences.

Early Classics
The modern literature on public choice came into being with the publication of articles
by D. Black (1948a, b), J.M. Buchanan (1949) and K.J. Arrow (1950) in the late 1940s
and 1950. Retrospectively, one can identify three important contributions between
Wicksell and Black, namely Hotelling (1929), Schumpeter (1942) and Bowen (1943),
but it was Black, Buchanan and Arrow who got the public choice ball rolling.
Duncan Blacks two articles, first published in 1948 and then republished with
extensions and an interesting account of the history of ideas lying behind his work,
take up the problem of cycling under the simple majority rule and provide a proof of

For additional discussion on Condorcet and the jury theorem, see Young (1997).
See in particular, Saari (1994).
See discussion in Black (1958, Ch. 20).


D.C. Mueller

the famous median voter theorem. This theorem has been frequently invoked to
describe equilibrium in theoretical studies and has been the analytical foundation
for much of the empirical work in public choice.
Arrow proved that no procedure for aggregating individual preferences could be
guaranteed to produce a complete social ordering over all possible choices and at
the same time to satisfy five, seemingly reasonable, axioms. Indirectly Arrows
theorem invoked the problem of cycling again, since one of his axioms was
intended to ensure that cycling did not occur. Arrows 1950 article and 1951
book spawned much controversy and a huge literature.
Although Buchanan published several important articles prior to 1962, it was the
book The Calculus of Consent, published in that year and coauthored with Gordon
Tullock that established Buchanan and Tullock as leading scholars in the field.
Although the book contains many interesting discussions of the properties of the
simple majority rule, logrolling and the like, its most lasting contribution to the
literature has been to introduce the distinction between the constitutional stage of
collective decision making in which the voting rules and other institutions
of democracy are selected, and the applications of these rules to the actual work
of making collective choices.
In Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Schumpeter put forward another
theory of democracy in which the social function of democracy is fulfilled incidentally by the competitive struggle for power between parties, just as the social function
of markets is fulfilled incidentally by the competitive struggle for profits among firms
(Schumpeter, 1950, Ch. 22). Anthony Downs did not cite this argument of Schumpeter directly, but he did state that: Schumpeters profound analysis of democracy
forms the inspiration and foundation for our whole thesis (Downs 1957, p. 27,
n. 11). Downs was a student of Kenneth Arrow, and it appeared that with his
dissertation he wished to develop Schumpeters insight and demonstrate how
political competition between parties could produce a welfare maximum and thus
avoid the dire implications of Arrows impossibility theorem. Downs ultimately
failed in this endeavor, but succeeded in introducing a mode of analysis of competition using spatial modeling that was to have a profound impact on the development of the field, particularly among practitioners trained in political science.
Building again on insights from Schumpeter (1950, pp. 256264), Downs also
developed a model of the rational voter who, among other things, rationally chooses
to remain ignorant of most of the issues in an election (Chaps. 1114).
Another doctoral dissertation that was to have a profound impact on both the
public choice field and political science in general was that of Mancur Olson,
published in book form in 1965.5 Just as Downs had shown that the logic of rational
decision making led individuals to invest little time in collecting information to
help them decide how to vote, the logic of collective action would prevent
individuals from voluntarily devoting time and money to the provision of public

Alt (1999) describes the impact of Olsons work on political science literature.

2 Public Choice: An Introduction


goods. Mancur Olson did not invent the free-rider problem, but no one has put it
to better use than he did in this and his subsequent contributions to the literature.
All the early classics discussed so far were written by economists. One
contribution by a political scientist that certainly falls into this category is William
Rikers The Theory of Political Coalitions (1962). In this book Riker developed the
logic of coalition formation into a theory that could explain among other things why
grand coalitions were short lived. Rikers book foreshadowed a large literature
that would apply tools of the game theory to political analysis.
Deciding when the early classics end and the late ones begin is a somewhat
subjective judgment. Perhaps from the vantage point of 2002, however, the definition
of early can be extended through the early 1970s to include three more sets of works.
First of these in chronological order would be an article published by Gordon Tullock
in 1967. This article might be dubbed a hidden classic, since its seminal nature did
not become apparent to the profession at large until its main idea was rediscovered and
developed by Anne Krueger (1974) and Richard Posner (1975) some time later. It was
Krueger who gave the idea the name of rent seeking. Until Tullocks 1967 article
appeared, standard discussions of the social costs of monopoly measured these costs
solely in terms of the deadweight triangle of lost consumers surplus resulting from
the monopolists restriction of output. The rectangle of monopoly rents was treated as a
pure transfer from consumers to the monopolist and as such devoid of any welfare
significance. Tullock pointed out, however, that the right to supply the monopolized
product or service was a valuable right, and that individuals could be expected to invest
time and money to obtain or retain this right. These investments constitute a pure social
waste as they only serve to determine the identity of the monopoly rent recipient. They
have no positive impact on the allocation of resources.
The social costs of rent seeking are potentially very large. Numerous articles
have appeared since the pioneering contributions of Tullock and Krueger. One
branch has analyzed theoretically the conditions under which the total resources
invested in rent seeking fall short of, equal, or exceed the size of the rents pursued.
A second branch has sought answers to the same questions empirically.6 One of the
curiosities of this literature has been that it has by and large analyzed rent seeking as
if it were exclusively a problem of the public sector, even though the logic of rent
seeking applies with equal validity to the private sector.7
While Tullocks rent-seeking article has proved to be a hidden classic, Sens
(1970) article about the Paretian liberal might be dubbed as an unassuming
classic. Sen put forward another sort of paradox, in the spirit of the Arrow
paradox, but neither the author nor any of the readers of this six page note is likely

For recent surveys of this literature, see Magee (1997), Tollison (1997) and Mueller (2003,
Ch. 15).
The same might be said of the implications of Arrows impossibility theorem. The theorem
establishes that no method for aggregating preferences is consistent with the five Arrow axioms.
The theorem thus casts a shadow over both market and non-market methods for aggregating
individual preferences, and yet most discussions of the theorems import focus only on democratic


D.C. Mueller

to have appreciated, at the time it appeared, the impact it was to have on the
literature.8 Where Arrow proved that it was impossible not to have a dictator and
satisfy four other axioms, Sen proved that it was impossible to allow someone to be
a dictator over even one simple choiceas for example whether he sleeps on his
back or his stomachand satisfy three other axioms.
The last early contribution that qualifies as a classic is William Niskanens (1971)
book on bureaucracy. Niskanen posited that bureaucrats seek to maximize the size of
their budgets and then proceeded to derive the implications of this assumption. A, by
now, huge literature has been built on the analytical foundation that he laid.9

The Second Generation

More Impossibilities
During the 1970s several papers appeared, which extended the dire implications of
Arrows impossibility theorem and the literature it spawned. Satterthwaite (1975)
and Gibbard (1977) demonstrated the incompatibility of having a preference
aggregation procedure that was both nondictatorial and strategyproof, where strategyproof meant that everyones best strategy was to faithfully reveal their true
preferences. These theorems illustrated the close relationship between Arrows
independence-of-irrelevant-alternatives axiom and the goal of having a preference
aggregation procedure in which individuals did not have an incentive to behave
McKelvey (1976) and Schofield (1978) drew out a further implication of a
procedures failure to satisfy the transitivity axiom. When a procedure leads to
voting cycles it is possible to move anywhere in the issue space. An agenda setter
can take advantage of this feature of cycling to lead a committee to the agenda
setters most preferred outcome.

The Veil of Tears Rises

The theorems of McKelvey and Schofield might be regarded as the capstonesor
should we say tombstonesfor the literature initiated by Arrow. It paints a very
negative picture of the capacity for democratic procedures to aggregate information
on voter preferences in a normatively appealing matter. Collective decisions were
likely to be arbitrary or dictatorial. Free riding and the strategic concealment of
individual preferences undermined democracys legitimacy. Rent seekers and
bureaucrats contributed to the waste of democracy. William Rikers (1982)

See, for example, Sen (1996).

For recent surveys of this literature, see Moe (1997), Wintrobe (1997) and Mueller (2003, Chs.
16 and 17).

2 Public Choice: An Introduction


attack against populist democracythe idea that democratic procedures could

aggregate individual preferences reasonablyaccurately conveys the flavor of this
literature. Even before Rikers book appeared, however, several developments in
the public choice literature were taking place that painted a far more cheery picture
of democracys potential. The first of these concerned the potential for direct
revelation of preferences.

Voting Rules
In his classic article deriving the conditions for the Pareto optimal allocation of
private and public goods, Paul Samuelson (1954) matter-of-factly proclaimed that it
would be impossible to get people to honestly reveal their preferences, because no
person could be excluded from consuming a pure public good. So things stood for
nearly 20 years, when Clarke (1971) and Groves (1973) showed that individuals
could be induced to reveal their preferences for public good honestly by charging
them a special incentive tax equal to the costs that their participation in the
collective choice process imposed on the other voters. This class of procedures was
first discovered in another context by William Vickrey (1961), and has come to be
known in the public choice literature as demand revelation processes.
Mueller (1978, 1984) showed that the preference revelation problem could
be solved using a three-step procedure in which each individual first makes a
proposalsay a quantity of public good and a tax formula to pay for it; and then
following a random determination of an order of veto voting removes (vetoes) one
element from the set of all proposals.
Hylland and Zeckhauser (1970) added to the list of preference-revelation procedures by showing that individuals will allocate a stock of vote points across a
set of issues to reveal the intensities of their preferences on these issues, if the
quantities of public good provided are determined by adding the square roots of the
points each individual assigns to an issue. During the decade of the 1970s, one new
method appeared after another to solve the heretofore seemingly insoluble problem
of inducing people to reveal their preferences for public good honestly.

Two-Party Competition
During the decade of the 1980s, several papers appeared that suggested that twoparty representative governments were far better at aggregating individual preferences than had previously been demonstrated. One set of these articles simply
replaced the assumption of the Downsian voter model that each individual votes
with probability one for the candidate promising her a higher utility, with the
assumption that the probability of an individuals voting for a candidate increases
when the candidate promises her a higher utility. Substituting this probabilistic
voting assumption for the standard Downsian deterministic voting assumption
allowed Coughlin and Nitzan (1981a, b) and Ledyard (1984) to prove that the


D.C. Mueller

competition for votes between two candidates led them to select an equilibrium pair
of platforms that maximized some form of social welfare function. Schumpeters
assertion that the competition for votes between parties resulted in a form of
invisible hand theorem for the public domain was, after forty years, finally
In a multidimensional issue space, every platform choice by one party can be
defeated by an appropriate choice of platform by the other, and the two candidates
might cycle endlessly, under the Downsian assumption of deterministic voting.
Such cycling could in theory take the candidates far away from the set of most
preferred points of the electorate. A platform x, lying far from the set of most
preferred points of the electorate would, however, be dominated by some other
point y, lying between x and the set of most preferred points of the electorate, in the
sense that y could defeat every platform that x could defeat, and y could also defeat
x. By restricting ones attention to points in the issue space that are not dominated in
this way, the set of attractive platforms for the two candidates shrinks considerably.
The cycling problem does not disappear entirely, but it is reduced to a small area
near the center of the set of most-preferred points for the population.10
These results clearly sound a more optimistic note about the potential for
preference aggregation than many of the early classics and the works discussed
in the earlier sections. The reader can see how dramatic the difference in perspectives is by comparing the books by Wittman (1995) and Breton (1996) to that of
Riker (1982).

Political Business Cycles

Almost all Nobel prizes in economics have been awarded for contributions to
economic theory. All of the early classics in public choice have been theoretical
contributions, as have the subsequent contributions reviewed so far.11 As the public
choice field has matured, however, an increasing number of studies have appeared
testing every and all of its theoretical propositions. Space precludes a full review of
the many empirical contributions that have been made to the field. We have
therefore selected only three areas, where a lot of empirical work has been done,
beginning with the area of political business cycles.
One of the most frequently quoted propositions of Anthony Downs (1957, p. 28)
is that parties formulate policies in order to win elections, rather than win elections
in order to formulate policies. Among the policies of great concern to voters few
stand higher than the state of the economy. If the quoted proposition of Downs is
correct, then parties should compete for votes on the basis of their promised
Gordon Tullocks (1967) claim that this was the case was rigorously proved Miller (1980, 1983)
and McKelvey (1986) among others.
Riker (1962) demonstrated the explanatory power of his theory of coalitions with historical
examples, but the main contribution of the book was to propose a theory.

2 Public Choice: An Introduction


macroeconomic policies, and both parties in a two-party system should offer the
same set of policies. Kramer (1971) was the first to test for a relationship between
the state of the economy and votes for members of the House and the president.
Nordhaus (1975) and MacRae (1977) were among the first to develop a Downsian
model of the political business cycle in which both parties are predicted to follow
the same strategy of reducing unemployment going into an election to induce shortsighted voters to vote for the incumbent party/candidates.
Numerous observers of politics in both the United States and the United Kingdom have questioned the prediction of the one-dimensional Downsian model that
both parties adopt identical positions at the most-preferred outcome for the median
voter. This prediction appears to be blatantly at odds with the evidence concerning
macroeconomic policies, where right-of-center parties clearly seem to be more
concerned about inflation, while left-of-center parties are more concerned about
unemployment. Early contributions by Hibbs (1977, 1987) and Frey and Schneider
(1978a, b) incorporated these partisan effects into a political model of macroeconomic policy and provided empirical support for them.
In some areas of public choice, data for testing a particular proposition are
difficult to obtain and empirical work is accordingly sparse. Such is not the case
with respect to hypotheses linking policy choices to macroeconomic outcomes.
Data on variables like unemployment and inflation rates are readily available for
every developed country, as are data on electoral outcomes. Each passing year
produces more observations for retesting and refining previously proposed hypotheses. The empirical literature on political business cycles is, by now, vast. The main
findings grossly condensed are that partisan differences across parties are significant and persistent, but that both the parties of the left and parties of the right do
tend to become more Downsian as an election approaches and adapt their
policies to sway the uncommitted, middle-of-the-road voters.12

Public Choice Goes Multinational

All the early classics discussed earlier were written by either American or British
authors. It is thus not surprising that the literature on representative government, as
for example in the political business cycle area, has almost always assumed the
existence of a two-party systemeven when testing the model using data from
countries with multiparty systems. In the last couple of decades, however, considerably more attention has been devoted to analyzing properties peculiar to multiparty systems. This literature has been heavily populated by persons trained in
public choice, and is one in which the lines between political science and public
choice are particularly blurred.


For recent surveys of this literature, see Paldam (1997), Drazen (2000) and Mueller (2003,
Ch. 19).


D.C. Mueller

A salient feature of multiparty systems is that no single party typically wins a

majority of seats in the parliament, and thus no single party is able to form the
government. Consequently, a coalition of parties must come together if the cabinet
is to reflect the wishes of a majority of the parliament, or a minority government
forms. Two important questions arise: (1) Which parties will build the coalition that
forms the government, and (2) How long will it last?
Game theory provides the ideal analytical tool for answering the first question,
and it has been used to make a variety of predictions of the coalition that will form
after an election. Rikers (1962) prediction, that a minimum winning coalition
forms, receives as much support as any theory, although it accounts for less than
half of the governments formed in European countries since World War II.13 In
particular, it failed to predict the many minority governments that have existed.
A theory that can account for the existence of minority governments has been put
forward by van Roozendaal (1990, 1992, 1993). His theory emphasizes the pivotal
position of a party that includes the median member of the parliament (a central
party), under the assumption that the parties can be arrayed along a single, ideological dimension. Under the assumption that each party favors proposals coming close
to their position along the ideological dimension over proposals lying far away, a
central party will be a member of every coalition that forms. A large central party is
likely to be able to successfully lead a minority government by relying on votes
from the left to pass some legislation and votes from the right for some other
When the issue space cannot be reasonably assumed to be one-dimensional,
cycling is likely to arise, which in the context of cabinet formation implies unstable
party coalitions. Here concepts of game theory such as the covered set and the heart
have proved useful for identifying the likely members of the coalitions that eventually form the government.14
A long literature beginning with Taylor and Herman (1971) has measured the
length of a governments life and related this length to various characteristics of the
government. One of the regularities observed is that minority governments tend
to be relatively short lived and governments formed by a single, majority party
long lived.15
Persson and Tabellini (2000, 2003) have developed and tested hypotheses about
the effects of electoral rules on political outcomes such as the size and composition
of state budgets, rent seeking and corruption. Their work uncovers significant
differences between two- and multi-party systems, and between presidential and
parliamentary systems.


See Laver and Schofield (1990). A minimum winning coalition is one which constitutes a
majority of the seats in the parliament, but falls to a minority coalition through the defection of any
member party.
For discussions of these concepts and surveys of this literature, see Laver and Schofield (1990),
Schofield (1997), and Mueller (2003, Ch. 13).
For a recent survey of this literature see Muller and Kaare (2000).

2 Public Choice: An Introduction


Other recent work with a multinational focus includes the work of Alesina and
Spolaore (2003) on the size of nations, and of Filippov, Ordeshook and Shvetsova
(2004) on federalism.

Experimental Economics
Experimental economics can be rightfully thought of as a separate field of economics
and not just a topic in public choice. Two of its pioneering scholarsVernon Smith
and Charles Plotthave also been major contributors to the public choice field,
however, and an important stream of the experimental economics literature has dealt
with public choice issues. It thus constitutes an important body of empirical evidence
corroborating, or in some cases undermining, certain hypotheses in public choice.
The first experimental study of the new voting mechanisms was by Vernon
Smith (1979). He ran experiments on the Groves and Ledyard (1977) iterative
version of the demand revelation process, and on a somewhat simpler auction
mechanism that he had developed. In most experiments the subject chose a public
good quantity and set of contributions that was Pareto optimal. The experiments
also served to demonstrate the feasibility of using the unanimity rule, as the
participants had to vote unanimously for the final set of contributions and public
good quantity for it to be implemented.
Hoffman and Spitzer (1982) devised an experiment with an externality to test the
Coase theorem and found that in virtually every run of the experiment the subjects
were able to reach a bargain that was Pareto optimal.
A third set of experiments might in some way be thought of as rejecting a
prediction of an important theory, but it rejects the theory in favor of alternatives
that support the behavioral premises underlying the public choice methodology.
Frohlich et al. (1987) presented students with four possible redistribution rules
Rawlss (1971) rule of maximizing the floor, maximizing the average, maximizing
the average subject to a floor constraint, and maximizing the average subject to a
range constraint. The students were made familiar with the distributional impacts of
the four rules and were given time to discuss the merits and demerits of each rule. In
44 experiments in which students were uncertain of their future positions in the
income distribution, five students in each experiment reached unanimous agreement on which redistributive rule to use to determine their final incomes in every
case. Not once did they choose Rawlss rule of maximizing the floor. The most
popular rule, chosen 35 out of 44 times, was to maximize the average subject to a
floor constraint. Similar experiments conducted in Canada, Poland and the United
States all found (1) that individuals can unanimously agree on a redistributive rule,
and (2) that this rule is almost never Rawlss maximin rule, but rather some more
utilitarian rule like maximizing the mean subject to a floor (Frohlich and Oppenheimer, 1992). While these results may constitute bad news for Rawlsians, they


D.C. Mueller

lend support to the assumptions that underlie economic and public choice modeling.
They suggest further that individuals are not concerned merely with their own
welfare, but are also motivated by considerations of fairness and justice, although
apparently not in the extreme form posited by Rawls.
The last set of experiments is less comforting for students of public choice. At
least since the publication of Mancur Olsons Logic of Collective Action in 1965, a
basic tenet in the public choice literature is that individuals will free ride in
situations where contributions to the provision of a public good are voluntary.
Countless experiments have demonstrated that they do free ride, but to a far smaller
degree than one might have expected. If 100 is the contribution to the public good
that produces the optimum quantity of the good for the collective, and 1 is the
contribution that is individually optimal, then the typical finding in an experiment
testing for free rider behavior is that the mean contribution of the participants is
around 50. Some people do free ride, but many make contributions that are far
larger than is individually optimal. In aggregate the total contributions fall far short
of what would be optimal for the group, but far above what pure free riding
behavior would produce.16
Many additional types of experiments have been run that have important implications for both public choice and other branches of economics, and many more
will be run in the future. Experimental economics seems destined to remain an
important source of empirical evidence for testing various theories and propositions
from the field.17

Constitutional Political Economy

Over the last 25 years or so, considerable work has appeared that falls under the
heading, Constitutional Political Economy, and a journal with this title has
appeared. Much of this research builds on the two-stage modeling of the political
process in The Calculus of Consent and is theoretical and often normative.18 More
recent contributions have sought to test hypotheses about the effects of constitutional institutions on political outcomes. Persson and Tabellini (2003) falls into this
category. Voigt (1997) surveys this literature.

The pioneering contributions to this strand of the literature were by Marwell and Ames (1979,
For recent surveys of this literature, see Ledyard (1995) and Hoffman (1997). Ostrom and
Walker (1997) also survey large parts of the literature.
I tried to use developments in public choice to discuss possible contents of constitutions that
would improve on present constitutions in Mueller (1996). Cooter (2000) is a nice application of
game theoretic reasoning to constitutional issues. Ferejohn, Rakove and Riley (2001) contains
several interesting essays. Blankart and Mueller (2004) contains essays focusing on the new EU
constitution, as originally drafted.

2 Public Choice: An Introduction


The Next Generation

The field of public choice is now some sixty years old and befitting its age has
begun to resemble other mature fields in economics. Important theoretical breakthroughs are fewer and farther between than during the fields first 25 years. Much
current research consists of extending existing theories in different directions, and
of filling in the remaining empty interstices in the body of theory. Much current
research also consists of empirically testing the many theoretical propositions and
claims that have been made until now. The future development of the field will most
certainly parallel that of other mature fields in economicswith continually increasing use of sophisticated mathematics in theoretical modeling and continual use
of more and more sophisticated econometrics applied to larger and larger data sets
when estimating these models.
Two other trends are apparent. Although public choice is destined to remain just
one of many fields in economics, it is possibleI would dare to say likelythat it
eventually takes over the entire discipline of political science, takes over in the
sense that all political scientists will eventually employ rational actor models when
analyzing various questions in political science and all will test their hypotheses
using the same sort of statistical procedures that economists employ. Political
institutions are sufficiently different from market institutions to require important
modifications in the assumptions one makes about the objectives of rational actors
in politics and about the constraints under which they pursue these objectives.
Nevertheless, the assumption that individuals rationally pursue specific objectives
has proven to be so powerful when developing testable hypotheses about their
behavior, that this methodologythe methodology of public choicemust eventually triumph in some form throughout the field of political science.
The second discernable trend is the full internationalization of the discipline. In
addition to the US-based Public Choice Society, there is now a Japanese as also a
European Public Choice Society. In the spring of 2007, the American and European
branches jointly held the first World Public Choice Society meeting in Amsterdam.
Public Choice can now be said to be both an interdisciplinary and an international
field of research.

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2 Public Choice: An Introduction


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