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Daa Prev Final

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1. a) Describe Merge sort algorithm using Divide-and-conquer

Strategy 6
b) Explain how the above merge sort algorithm sorts the
following numbers 5,8,6,3,7,2 6

2. a) What is an algorithm ? State & Explain basic properties

of an algorithm 6
b) Explain the Space & time complexities

1. a) Consider sorting n numbers stored in array A by first finding

the smallest element of A and exchanging it with the element in
A [1]. Then find the second smallest element of A, and exchange
it with A[2]. Continue in this manner for the first n-1 elements of
A. Write pseudocode for this algorithm, which is known as
selection sort. What loop invariant does this algorithm maintain?
Why does it need to run for only the first n-1 elements, rather
than for all n elements? Give the best-case and worst-case
running times of selection sort in -notation 8
b) Insertion sort can be expressed as a recursive procedure as follows.
In order to sort A [1..n], we recursively sort A [1.n-1] and then
insert A[n] into the sorted array A [1n-1]. Write a recurrence for
the running time of this recursive version of insertion sort 4

2. Write the Quick Sort algorithm and show that Quick Sorts best-case
running time is (n log n) 6+6
1. a) Explain the general method of divide and conquer 6
b) Solve Binary Search (Searching for a key) using divide and
conquer and generate a solution with your own example 6

2. a) Explain Asymptotic notations with illustrations.

Solve finding the minimum and maximum value in a set using
divide and conquer strategy consider your own illustration 6
b) Solve Strassens matrix multiplication

1. a) Explain the general method of divide and conquer 6

b) Solve Binary Search (Searching for a key) using divide and
conquer and generate a solution with your own example 6

2. a) Explain Asymptotic notations with illustrations.

Solve finding the minimum and maximum value in a set using
divide and conquer strategy consider your own illustration 6
b) Solve Strassens matrix multiplication
1. a) Analyze the Quick sort algorithm for its average case performance 6
b) Discuss an effective technique for finding maximum and minimum
in a set of numbers 6

2. Apply the Strassens matrix multiplication technique for multiplying

n x n matrices showing each step in detail

3. a) Describe the Kruskals algorithms for finding the minimum
spanning tree 6
b) Describes the Prims algorithms for finding the minimum
spanning tree 6

4. a) Explain the greedy technique with Kuapsack problem as

an example 6
b) What is the solution generated by the function Job
sequencing when N=7, (P1, P2, .. P7) =
(3, 5, 20, 18, 1, 6, 30) and (d1, d2, d7) = (1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2) 6
3. Suppose that in a 0-1 knapsack problem, the order of the items when
sorted by increasing weight is the same as their order when sorted by
decreasing value. Give an efficient algorithm to find an optimal
solution to this variant of the knapsack problem, and argue that your
algorithm is correct 12

4. Write the Dijkstras algorithm and its time and space complexity
3. Explain the Dijkstras algorithm for single-source shortest path
problem with an example. Compare Dijkstras with Floyds 12

4. a) Explain the General Greedy method with an Algorithm 6

b) Solve Job sequencing with deadlines using the above technique
with your own example 6
3. Solve the job sequencing problem for the given data
n = 5, profits (1,5,20,15,10) and deadlines (1,2,4,1.3) using greedy
strategy 12

4. Explain in detail about various minimum cost spanning trees. Give

two types. Give the algorithm and explain the types with your
own diagram. Differentiate them
3. Explain the general principle of Greedy algorithm. Show its
application to a job sequencing problem 12

4. What is a Spanning tree? Explain a procedure to determine a

minimum cost spanning tree 12


5. a) Write the algorithm for Optimal Binary Search Tree 6

b) Show that the computing time of function OBST is
( n2 ) 6

6. a) What are the differences between dynamic programming and

divide-and-conquer techniques 2
b) Design a dynamic programming algorithm and explain for
finding an optimal order of multiplying n matrices
5. Write the algorithm for Multistage graph corresponding to forward
and backward approaches 12

6. Write and explain the dynamic programming algorithm for computing

a binomial coefficient. Obtain the time efficiency of the algorithm
5. a) Explain the general method of Dynamic Programming 6
b) Consider three stages of a system with

1 0.3, 2 0.5 3 0.2

1 30 2 20 3 30
Where the total cost of the system is C=80 and and u1=2,
u2=3, u3=2
find the reliability design 6

6. Compute w(i,j), c(i,j), r(i,j) for the identifier set n = 4,

(a1,a2,a3,a4) = {cout, float, int, while} with P(1:4) = {2,1,1,2}
and q = {2,3,1,1,1}. Using the r (i,j) s construct the optimal binary
search tree
5. a) Explain the detail about travelling salesperson problem with
suitable example 6
b) Explain the technique of dynamic programming for all pairs
shortest path in a graph 6

6. Consider the three stages of a system with (r 1,r2,r3) = (0.2,0.5,0.3)

and (c1,c2,c3) = (20,30,20) where the total cost of system 70 and
(u1,u2,u3) = (3,2,2) find the reliability design
5. What is an Optimal binary search tree? What is its significance?
Write a procedure to build such a tree 12

6. State the all pairs shortest path problem. Discuss a method to find
solution to the all pairs shortest path problem


7. a) Explain the Back Tracking Strategy 4

b) State and explain the n-Queen problem using backtracking 8

8. Write the Depth First Search algorithm and its time and space
7. a) Explain the Back Tracking Strategy 4
b) State and explain the Graph coloring problem using backtracking 8

8. Describe the Kruskals and Prims algorithms for finding the

minimum spanning tree
7. a) Explain the general method of Backtracking. Illustrate the above
method for solving eight queens problems 6
b) Using the above technique, find all possible sum of subsets for 3
items {1,2,3} where the total sum of subsets is 6 6

8. a) Explain the representation of graphs 6

b) Generate the biconnected components and articulation points
using depth-first search tree
7. Enumerate and solve the problems using back tracking
a) 8-queens problem b) Hamiltonian circuit problem 12

8. Let M=81, weight W=(7,11,13,24) draw a portions of state space

tree using algorithm of sum of subsets in Back tracking. Clearly
show the solutions obtained
7. a) Write a non-recursive Preorder traversal algorithm for a binary
tree 6
b) What is a spanning tree? Write a method to generate a spanning
tree of a given graph 6

8. a) State the graph coloring problem. Discuss the complexity of

solving such a problem 6
b) State the eight queen problem. Is it a NP hard problem? Justify
your answer

9. a) Explain the Branch and Bound technique 4

b) Explain the Branch and Bound Technique using traveling

salesman problem as an example 4

10. Give an algorithm for Lagrange and Newtonian interpolation

9. Give an algorithm for Lagrange and Newtonian interpolation 6+6

10. a) Write the differences between backtracking and branch-and-bound

techniques 2
b) Apply the branch-and-bound techniques in solving the Traveling
salesman problem
9. Explain the general method of Branch and Bound.
Generate FIFO BB on the problem Travelling Sales Person, and
find the solution space 12

10. a) Compare FIFOBB and LIFOBB for the Branch and Bound
Technique 6
b) How efficiency can be improved using Branch and Bound
compared to the other optimization techniques
9. Explain the terms FIFO branch and bound, LC branch and bound
and LC search 12

10. Explain in detail with an algorithm about decision problem

9. Analyze the efficiency of Branch and Bound approach in solving
problems. Explain, how this technique can be applied in graph search 12

10. Explain the applicability of interpolation method for solving algebraic


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