Daa Prev Final
Daa Prev Final
Daa Prev Final
2. Write the Quick Sort algorithm and show that Quick Sorts best-case
running time is (n log n) 6+6
1. a) Explain the general method of divide and conquer 6
b) Solve Binary Search (Searching for a key) using divide and
conquer and generate a solution with your own example 6
3. a) Describe the Kruskals algorithms for finding the minimum
spanning tree 6
b) Describes the Prims algorithms for finding the minimum
spanning tree 6
4. Write the Dijkstras algorithm and its time and space complexity
3. Explain the Dijkstras algorithm for single-source shortest path
problem with an example. Compare Dijkstras with Floyds 12
6. State the all pairs shortest path problem. Discuss a method to find
solution to the all pairs shortest path problem
8. Write the Depth First Search algorithm and its time and space
7. a) Explain the Back Tracking Strategy 4
b) State and explain the Graph coloring problem using backtracking 8
9. a) Explain the Branch and Bound technique 4
10. a) Compare FIFOBB and LIFOBB for the Branch and Bound
Technique 6
b) How efficiency can be improved using Branch and Bound
compared to the other optimization techniques
9. Explain the terms FIFO branch and bound, LC branch and bound
and LC search 12