National Income
National Income
National Income
Intermediate goods are items purchased by firms for using them in production of some other good of
Define final goods.
Final goods are demanded by the final consumer for using these goods as they are.
National income is defined as the money value of all the final goods and services produced in an
economy during an accounting period of time, generally one year.
Tools used for measuring national income:
1. Gross Domestic Product: (GDP)
GDP is the sum of money values of all final goods and services produced within the domestic territories
of a country during an accounting year.
GDP = C + I + G + (X-M)
C = Consumption Expenditure; I = Investment Expenditure; G = Government Expenditure; X = Exports;
M = Imports
GDP at factor cost = GDP at Market Prices - Indirect Taxes + Subsidies
2. Gross National Product: (GNP)
GNP is the aggregate final output of citizens and businesses of an economy in a year.
NFIA = Net Factor Income from Abroad.
3. Net Domestic Product: (NDP)
NDP refers to the exclusion of that part of total output which represents depreciation, wear and tear and
replacements during the particular accounting year.
NDP = GDP - Depreciation.
4. Net National Product: (NNP)
NNP is the actual addition to a year's wealth and is the sum of consumption expenditure, government
expenditure, net foreign expenditure and investment, less depreciation, plus net income earned from
NNP = GDP - Depreciation + NFIA
NNP = GNP - Depreciation
NNP = C + I + G + (X-M) - Depreciation + NFIA
NNP at factor cost = NNP at Market Prices - Indirect Taxes + Subsidies
NNP at Market Price = GNP - Depreciation
5. Nominal National Income:
If national income is estimated at the prevailing prices, it is called national income at current price or
Nominal National Income.
6. Real National Income:
If national income is estimated on the basis of some fixed price, say price prevailing at a particular point
of time, or by taking a base year, it is known as national income at constant price or real national income.
7. Real GDP:
Real GDP is the ratio of nominal GDP to GDP deflator where GDP Deflator is the ratio of nominal GDP
in a year to real GDP of that year.
8. Per Capita Income: (PCI)
The average income of the people of a country in a particular year is called per capita income.
Per Capita Income = National Income / Total Population.
Per Capita Income can be referred to as per capita income or per capita GNP or per capita GDP or per
capita NNP, depending upon which measure of national income has been used as numerator in the above
9. Personal Disposable Income:
Personal Disposable Income is the income which can be spent on consumption by individuals and
Personal Disposable Income = National Income - Undistributed Corporate Profits - Corporate Taxes Social security Contributions + Transfer payments + Interest on Public debt.
Personal Disposable Income = Personal Income - Personal Taxes.
Measurement of National Income / Methods of measuring National Income:
1. Product Method:
The product method adds up the market values of all final goods and services produced in the country by
all the firms across all industries. This method is also known as national income by industry of origin.
Steps to calculate national income by product method:
1. The economy is divided on basis of industries, such as agriculture, fishing, mining and quarrying, large
scale manufacturing, small scale manufacturing, electricity, gas etc.
2. The physical units of output are then interpreted in monetary value.
3. The total value thus obtained is then added up.
4. The indirect taxes are subtracted and the subsidies are added (GDP).
5. The net value can be calculated by subtracting the depreciation from the total value thus obtained
a) Final Product Method:
In this method the total value of final goods and services produced in a country during a year is calculated
at market prices. No intermediary goods and services are taken into consideration.
b) Value Added Method:
This method measures the contribution of each producing enterprise of the economy. The difference
between the values of material outputs and inputs at each stage of production is the value added.
Limitations of Product Method:
a) Problem of Double Counting:
The greatest difficulty in calculating national income by the product method is that of unclear distinction
between a final good and an intermediate good. Hence the possibility of double counting cannot be fully
b) Not Applicable to Tertiary sector:
This method is useful only when output can be measured in physical terms. Thus it cannot be applied to
the service sector due to the absence of input output relationship.
c) Exclusion of Non Marketed Products:
National income is always measured in money, but there are number of goods and services which are
difficult to be assessed in terms of money. This leads to problem in measuring national income accurately.
2. Income Method:
In this method, national income is the net income received by all citizens of a country in a particular year
that is added up., i.e., total of net rents, net wages, net interest and net profits. This method is also known
as national income by distributive shares. National income at factor cost is national income calculated by
income method.
Steps to calculate national income by income method:
1. The economy is divided on the basis of income groups, such as wage/salary earners, rent earners, profit
earners and so on.
2. Income of each of these groups is calculated.
3. Income of all earners is added, including income from abroad and undistributed profits.
4. From (3), income earned by foreigners and transfer payments made in the year are subtracted.
GNP at factor cost = Rent + Wages + Interest + Profit + Other income + (Income from abroad - Payments
made to foreigners) - Transfer payments.
Limitations of Income method: