Physical Therapy For Beginners
Physical Therapy For Beginners
Physical Therapy For Beginners
1, 43-46
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Science and Education Publishing
Received October 28, 2013; Revised November 28, 2013; Accepted December 08, 2013
Abstract To evaluate the effectiveness of Infrared rays on wound healing and pain level in the experimental
group comparison with control group mothers were conducted at Puducherry, India. Methodology: quantitative
approach and pre- test/ post- test control group design adopted and 100 caesarean section mothers (50 experimental
& 50 control group) were selected by simple random sampling technique. Pretest was done to assess the existing
wound healing & pain level for both group with standard scale (Modified Southampton wound assessment scale
&Numeric pain rating scale). Experimental group received infrared therapy whereas the control group received
routine dressing for twice a day for 3 days. Post-test assessment of wound healing & pain level was done on 5th & 7th
post operative days with the same standard scales. Result and findings: Pre& post-test mean wound healing scores
in experimental group was 2.1 1.446 & 1.26 0.828 respectively with t value 4.365(p<0.05), Similarly the mean
pain level scores was 3.900.303 & 1.940.424 with the t value 28.100(p<0.05) and found statistically significant.
There was a positive correlation between the wound healing and pain level score r = 0.22.
1. Introduction
Pregnancy and child birth are special events in
womens lives. Naturally, expectant mothers spend a lot of
time thinking about how they will give birth. Although
most people believe that a vaginal birth is the best way to
deliver, sometimes a Caesarean section (CS) cannot be
avoided [1,2,3].
Caesarean birth is used most often as a prophylactic
measures, to alleviate problem of birth such as cephalo
pelvic disproportion , failure to progress in labour or fetal
distress. A major concern in maternal and child health
nursing is the increasing number of caesarean birth being
performed annually [4,5].
In India, the incidence of primary caesarean birth is
about 30.2% or onethird of births (National Vital
Statistics System, 2008). The majority of the states are
within the WHO specified range of 5 to 15% Caesarean
section, among that, five states are above the range and 12
states below the specified range. This rate ranged between
26 % and 2%.The prevalence of Caesarean section is
generally more in the southern states and in Pondicherry it
is around 31.93% in rural and 39.92% in the urban area
Post caesarean wound infection is not only a leading
cause of prolonged hospital stay but a major cause of the
widespread aversion to caesarean delivery in developing
1.1. Objectives
To evaluate the effectiveness of Infrared rays on
wound healing and pain level in the experimental
group comparison with control group.
To correlate the level of pain with the Wound healing.
Assumption: Infrared ray therapy may have an effect
on wound healing and reduces the intensity of pain among
the caesarean section mothers.
1.2. Hypothesis
H1: There will be a significant difference between the
pre &post tests wound healing & pain level scores among
the control and experimental group.
2. Methodology
2.1. Research Approach & Design
A Quantitative approach& True experimental - Pretest/post-test control group design was adopted to fulfill
the aim of this study. The sample for the study comprises
of all Caesarean Section mothers and the sample size was
100 subjects, who underwent caesarean section of which
50 in the control group and 50 in the experimental group.
Figure 1. Effectiveness of Post tests (5th& 7th day) wound healing scores among the control &experimental group
Figure 2. Effectiveness of Post tests (5th& 7th day) pain level scores among the control &experimental group
Table 3. ANOVA for effectiveness of the post tests wound healing scores in the experimental group
Level of significance
Post test Wound healing scores
F value &p value
H1 is accepted.
0.001*** S
***p<0.001, S significance.
Table 4. ANOVA for effectiveness of the post tests pain scores in the experimental group
Level of significance
Post test pain scores
F value & p value
***p<0.001, S significance.
H1 is accepted.
0.000*** S
Conflict of Interest
Table 5. Correlation between the wound healing & pain level scores
of subjects among experimental group
r value
Pain level
Wound healing
3. Conclusion
The study result showed that infrared light application
was effective in enhancing wound healing & relieving
pain level among the caesarean mothers. All the subjects
in the experimental group had healed caesarean wound
and reduced pain level almost on 5th and 7thpost operative
day. This is also the cheapest procedure & convenient
measure. So this infrared light therapy can be
administered as an adjunct therapy by health personnel in
their day to day caring the mother in hospital setting.
4. Limitation
Time consuming
Man power and skilled person was needed to perform
the procedure.
5. Recommendation
Replication of the study may be done with large
samples in different setting to validate and generalize
the findings.
A comparative study can be done between elective
and emergency caesarean section mothers to find out
differences of degree of wound healing.
The findings can be used as evidence based for
providing infrared therapy among caesarean section
6. Ethical Consideration
Permission was obtained from the concern authority.
The subjects were selected based on the inclusion and
exclusion criteria for the study. Written consent was taken
from each subject before the intervention. Confidentiality
and anonymity were assured.