Why Companies Fail
Why Companies Fail
Why Companies Fail
by Carmen Nobel
Most companies fail. It's an unsettling fact for bright-eyed entrepreneurs, but
old news to start-up veterans.
But here's the good news: Experienced entrepreneurs know that running a
company that eventually fails can actually help a career, but only if the
executives are willing to view failure as a potential for improvement.
The statistics are disheartening no matter how an entrepreneur defines failure.
If failure means liquidating all assets, with investors losing most or all the
money they put into the company, then the failure rate for start-ups is 30 to 40
percent, according to Shikhar Ghosh, a senior lecturer at Harvard Business
School who has held top executive positions at some eight technology-based
start-ups. If failure refers to failing to see the projected return on investment,
then the failure rate is 70 to 80 percent. And if failure is defined as declaring a
projection and then falling short of meeting it, then the failure rate is a
whopping 90 to 95 percent.
"Very few companies achieve their initial projections," says Ghosh. "Failure is
the norm."
"In a start-up, if a company is doing well and a founder gets greedy and takes
more than his fair share, people sort of forgive him," Ghosh says. "But when a
company is going down and you protect your own interests it's always at the
cost of someone else. People don't forgive that."
Ironically, a personal failure often occurs because an entrepreneur is trying too
hard to avoid an enterprise failure. Trying to keep the venture capitalists happy
and the bankruptcy at bay, the founder or CEO will resort to illegal acts such
as fraud, or to morally problematic acts such as blatant misrepresentation of
the company's capabilities or prospects when talking to customers or
financiers . "And when you do that, you're then on the slippery slope of taking
an enterprise failure and making it a personal failure," Ghosh says.
"Executives do that all the time because they do not distinguish between the
Ghosh notes that venture capitalists could help mitigate personal failures by
allowing for the expectation of company growing pains. He points out that a
baseball player with a .350 average is considered to be a success, even
though he has a .650 failure rate. But in entrepreneurial management, there's
a tendency to see things in black and white, rather than looking at the whole
picture. And while VCs are likely to recruit an executive with experience at a
failed company, they are less patient with individual failures. VCs rarely
consider their role in establishing unrealistic expectations or an environment
where the ends are more important than the means, he says.
"In any natural system, failure is the engine that causes growth, that causes
new birth, that causes anything to happen," he says. "One of the truly big
differences between growing economies and economies that stagnate is the
acceptance of failure. If you don't let forests burn, if you don't let the old trees
die out and the new trees grow, you don't get a healthy forest. The ability to
manage failure so that enterprises fail but people can still succeed becomes
one of the tricks of how you build a society that can reinvent itself as the world
I appreciate the discussion of the necessity of failure. As mentioned above, failure allows companies
(and people) to adjust to reality or changing circumstances.
The issue not addressed, though lurking around the corner, is when government interferes and
organizations aren't allowed to fail. This creates a moral hazard, as the penalty/remedy, failure, isn't
allowed to happen.
Without failure, life's most important lessons are never learned.
Nobody likes to fail because of pride, but the lessons are priceless!
Just a few thoughts on why failures occur however we should also recognise that some 60-70 %
succeed based on Ghosh's commentary(interesting that we give primacy to the failures.....)
Anchoring biases and other forms of cognitive bias-when looked at from a starting position make
interesting reading-what did the investors and the proponents believe in the face of alternative views
and facts?
The getting caught mid-stream and failure to adapt and overcome-is this a function of blind
faith,absence of a suitable mentoring model or independent review and challenge of the real state of
play or an absence of metrics and indicators that reflect the truth rather than something convenient-or
something else?
Maybe the false positives,successful failures are an important source of IP for us all-and we should
value the downside events more on the basis of learning and appreciating just how fragile business
can be,when the concept seems so sound to start with?
Very interesting. For organizations at the peak of performance, Adizes tells us that 'success often
breeds failure' due to complacency, inward focus, resting on laurels, arrogance, etc. This article tells
us that at the beginning of the lifecycle, failure often breeds success if founders can learn from the
experience, overcome the founder's trap the next time around and perhaps learn to park their egos at
the door, take advice from others and share the leadership.
Thank you. I will definitely read further.
An interesting addition to this article would be the way different cultures view failures on the business
In the USA, a failed venture means you tried.
In China, a failed venture means you lost face, and possibly blemished your family's name.
In India, a failed venture means something in between.
To me the article seems too one-sided, putting all the blame of the failures on the founders. VCs who
fund these 90% failed ventures, surely, cannot escape the blame (at least in some measure) for the
The figures are staggering in their impact - "90% of the ventures fail" - but the author has not
apportioned any blame to the hard-nosed VCs . Clearly,the flip side of the 90% failure is that 90% of
ventures funded by the VCs are not screened appropriately, risks are not assessed and managed well
enough, contracts are not structured properly for the timely intervention and rescue of the floundering
ventures and the legendary VC Value-add is just not good enough to help the founders in times of
crisis.To me this article seems more like an indictment of the GPs than that of the founders.
My experience is that the entrepreneurs who get funded , thus having prolonged interaction with the
more savvy VCs, experience great learning about various aspects of managing their businesses and
the innate challenges of moving the ventures through various stages of growth. Even if their venture
bombs, at a personal level the founders seem to gain a lot in terms of entrepreneurial wisdom and
self-awareness, which have the potential to become the cornerstones of their future success.
Pankaj Sahai Author : Smooth Ride to Venture Capital
There's a mythology going on in the business press fueled by the glitz and glamour of a few VCbacked outliers. The reality, in my humble opinion, is that bootstrapping remains a much more viable
start-up route for the majority.
I would argue that Government or other institutional interventions are not to prevent or stop the
"benefits" of failures but to enable potentially failing organizations to renew themselves. If failure is not
due to personal leadership poverty (unethical practices, immorality, greed, selfishness etc) then
government or institutional support can actually aid learning or benefitting from potential failures.
The Bible teaches us that "a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall
fall by calamity" Proverbs 24: 16.
Overall, I would argue that societies should not support unrighteous leaders. They should be allowed
to fail and die. However, supporting righteous "entrepreneurial experiments" can enable societies to
thrive. I would also argue that societies need improved education for entrepreneurs so as to minimize
organziational failures.
And then you have the hidden failure: the company where the CEO has no industrial vision apart from
seeing the company being sold so the investors can recoup their investment. The CEO then finds a
position on a company's board or with a VC and has a good life. For the rest of the employees who
had been waiting for the shareholders to fire the CEO long ago it is a major failure: many will lose their
job as a result of the company being sold. The company as an industrial project will have been a
failure because the shareholders had no drive to make it a success by replacing the mostly
incompetent CEO.
Very interesting article. Having been part of a failed start-up (bad timing and a far too-rapid expansion)
and a successful one (customer-centric marketing, selling, product development, and support).
The key difference? A disciplined management team that was able to (1) work together and (2)
operate within tight financial parameters. As is mentioned, "funding has the potential to turn a little
failure into an enormous one."
In the latter venture, because our growth was enabled by success (as defined by the market, not an
investor) we did not fall prey to the maxim: "The predominant cause of big failures versus small
failures is too much funding".
Good article. Interestingly, there are few start-ups which failed prematured because the founders lived
in false dreams after founding the firm - having passive supervision, relying too much on employees,
due to not getting the devils in the details of business and due not able to emerge as a leader when
the situation called for the leadership role.
I found it interesting that your article did not consider the impact of management control by the
members of the boards of directors of the companies/examples discussed.
I chose continued involvement with the venture community because I initially felt that the VCs had
seen more companies fail than I ever would and could/would thus help me avoid the pitfalls leading to
failure. I have since come to believe that more companies fail and excess funding is required because
of VC board management. This is the industry that is supposed to be the expert in selecting the best
potential new companies. They choose one in a hundred to invest in and seven out of ten of those fail
- usually after large infusions of cash. The VCs would like to tell you that this occurs because of the
high risk involved in their business. I would suggest that the primary thing these failures have in
common is a board of directors composed entirely of VC investors - many of whom have little or no
operating experience and all of whom have their own agenda regarding liquidation rather that growth.
What is broken is the leadership model. Business success comes from individual management
innovation not BOD dictation of management strategy and action during their once a month visit to the
it is better to have tried and failed, rather than not to have tried at all. people may have fear of failure
after one unsuccessful venture, which keeps them from becoming overreliant on anything except
themselves.this begining of taking responsibility, is a turning point for success in later undertakings.
Some of the points raised in the article such as no proper business model and lack of funding are
universal phenomena. But my observation is that one of the major reasons why businesses fail is that
the entrepreneur himself should not be in business in the first place because he does not have the
characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.
Your article has given me lot of inputs and very close to my business interventions. Thanks for HBS
for posting me such an informative and down to earth article.
nice article.. it was really an interesting read...
1- Top management biased, protected certain individual which cannot perform well example some
ladies staffs. 2- Top management protected business partners from same country even bad services
and expensives cost. 3- Top management do not how to judge good performer staffs. 4- Top
management not listen to certain creative and good performer. 5- The most in important is key
operation staffs to manage total operations.One mistake by Top management to select unskilled staff
may cause big loss to company. 6- Key staffs in certain position cannot be removed and it may cause
more worsen.