Post WWII Presidents
Post WWII Presidents
Post WWII Presidents
1968: Vietnam War: longest & most unpopular foreign war in US history
Casualties: 100,000+
Tet Offensive
o Turning point for public opinion
o Communist offensive during Vietnamese New Year, Tet
Attack 27 key South Viet cities, even safe Saigon; beaten off
w/ heavy losses
Shows that war is far from over
American public demands speedy end to war
o US military leaders request 200,000 more troops
o Democratic Party split on war issue
o March 31, 1968: LBJs address
Would put break on escalating war
Would not be candidate for presidency 1968
o Nixon is elected; implements
De-escalation: freeze US troop levels , scale down aerial
Vietnamization: gradually shift responsibility to South Viets