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Detox Fasting Notes

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DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat
Professional Notes

Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni


Introduction to Detox
Fiqh is how the Muslim scholars derive rules from the evidence. Fatwa is a specific answer based on
the askers need and specific situation, it is a customized answer.

To remember to have the attitude that this could be your last Ramadan.

This course can prepare us for Ramadan, but also beyond Ramadan. There are many days outside of
this blessed month that it is highly encouraged to fast. Many of our community believe that we
should give our Zakat in Ramadan to get the most reward, but Sh. Waleed mentioned that not a
single companion or the Prophet (S) gave their zakat during the month of Ramadan. We will also
discuss the matter of sadaqah.

Aisha (r) said that the Prophet (S) was like the wind. Just as the wind touches everything, so was
the Prophet (S) with his (S) generosity.

The Pillars of Islam
The five pillars: Shahada, Salah, Siyam, Zakah, and Hajj. The five pillars are split into three
categories: physical, financial, and a combination of the two.

Al Shahada is the basis to believe. The Salah is performed with one body. The Zakah has to do with
ones wealth. The fast is asking to abstain from something. The hajj combines all these concepts:
believe with your heart, exert with your body, you abstain from certain things during ihram, use
your wealth in order to go on hajj.

Preparation For Ramadan
However, Ramadan since it is such an important pillar of Islam it needs its own preparation.
Shabaan nicknamed the Al Shahr al Quraa- the month of the Quran- because individuals read a lot of
Quran in Shabaan in preparation for Ramadan to excel and the make the most of the blessings of
Ramadan. Aisha (R) said she never saw the Prophet (S) fast as much as in Shabaan, so the nafs and
the soul is ready for the fast.

So when Ramadan comes, you do not have these ill feelings in your heart. Thats the importance of
detoxing in order to purify our heart. Do not go to sleep tonight until you forgive all those who have
done injustice to you, and instead trust Al Wakeel to handle your affairs.

Hadith about the 15th of Shabaan
In regards to the 15th of Shabaan, scholars have differed over the authenticity of hadiths that
would indicate it is a blessed night.

One such hadith was reported by Aisha, (R), in which she says, Allah, exalted is He, descends to the
nearest heaven in the middle night of Sha'ban and His forgiveness is greater than the number of
hairs on the sheep [in the tribe] of Kalb. Another such hadith was reported by Mu'adh b. Jabal who
related that the Prophet, (S), said: Allah looks at His creation during the middle night of Sha'ban
and forgives all of them, except an idolator and one who harbors rancor. In general, we should
forgive all those who have done injustice to us and let go of all grudges.

Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

How can you have the best Ramadan?
-Have a plan for how you will make it a best
-Make a commitment to not miss any prayer and to pray it at the beginning of the time
-Commit to read 1 Juz every day (have a commitment)
-I will limit my social interactions that waste my time to make ibadah
-Try to control social media consumption; Limit social media time to that is beneficial
-Will control good: will only say what is good or remain silent
-Praying 5 prayers in the masjid
-Commit to do ihtiqaaf
-Eat less- Al Hasan Basri was asked what brings the fear of God into the heart, he replied an empty
-Be good to parents
-Visit the sick, make dua for them, give them hope
-Actively renew your intention every day
-Use it as a means to reach out to neighbors
-Make a Ramadan Buddy
-Make dua that Allah swt makes it the best Ramadan ever
-Give sadaqah and do it in the beginning, and make sure youre moderate

Real Life Scenarios
Jabir is a severe diabetic and requires insulin injections. On the 12th of Ramadan, he has a doctors
appointment for a blood sample. Unsure of the rulings of fasting, he comes to ask you (knowing you
took detox) what to do.

Fatimah usually fasts every Monday and Thursday. It is currently the month of Shabn, and
Ramadanis around the corner. One day, Fatimah comes across the hadith, When the middle of
Shabn approaches, then do not fast until Ramadan arrives. Confused as to whether or not she can
continue fasting her Mondays and Thursdays, she asks you, her friend, for the ruling.

usayn is faced with the same confusion he witnesses every year towards the beginning of
Ramadan. The community is split. Some Muslims are fasting with Saudi Arabia and some a day later
with Pakistan. Others are fasting before them based on scientific calculations, yet othershave gone
to the roof of the mosque to sight the moon for themselves. Confused, usayn comes to you to ask
for your advice.

Part 1 | Fasting Is For Me Alone


Allah, the Most High, says Every action of the child of Adam is for him except fasting, for it is
for Me and I will reward it [Bukhari & Muslim]

Whoever comes [on the Day of Judgement] with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof [to his

Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

credit], and whoever comes with an evil deed will not be recompensed except the like thereof; and they
will not be wronged. (6:160)

Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom's weight; while if there is a good deed,

He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward. (4:40)

Every single good deed one does, it will be multiplied starting with at least 10. In Surat 4:40, Allah
says He swt will give great reward for doing good. And the more we improve our Islam, the more
our deeds are multiplied.

If our Islam is perfected, deeds will be multiplied by 700 or more. If you intended to do something
bad, and you give it up for the sake of Allah swt, you will be rewarded with one hasanat. If you do
something bad, then you will be given one bad deed.

Allah, the Most High, says, Every action of the child of Adam is for him except fasting, for it is for
Me and I will reward it (Bukhari& Muslim)In this hadith, we learn that the reward is way more
than 700 times; the reward is beyond our imagination. The virtue of fasting is so great that Allah
(swt) has not specified a reward for it.

Another interpretation is: on the Day of Judgment, individuals will start setting matters with others
(e.g. if you have been backbite) and you will take all of their good deeds except fasting. You can talk
all the deeds of an individual, except fasting. This is how they explain it is for Me.Fasting cannot be
touched because that belongs solely to Allah swt as stated in this hadith. Also, if this individual who
has no good deeds left except his fasting, and he or she goes to Hell-fire, fasting can take this person
out of such torment.Fasting cannot be showing off because no one can see this act of ibadah, unlike
salah or sadaqah, which manifest themselves through physical actions. Fasting is one of the great
acts of sincerity between you and Allah (swt).In the opinion of Sufyan, even if all of his other deeds
are taking away, the reward of fasting will save him and that will save the person and lead him into

The Importance of Sincerity
The most important things in fasting is sincerity. A great blessing of fasting is that there is great
sincerity in this act of worship because no one necessarily knows you are fasting. It is a secret
between you and your Creator. Indeed, We have sent down to you the Book, [O Muhammad], in
truth. So worship Allah, [being] sincere to Him in religion. Surah Az-Zumar, Ayah 2.In Surat Al
zumur, we are commanded to worship Allah swt with sincerity. Sincerity will elevate you and give
life to your actions. Insincerity will invalidate your actions and will not be accepted by Allah swt.
Because of Ikhlas (sincerity), Allah swt will put so much barakah into your efforts and give you
tawfique (success).

Imam Al Ghazali said the difference between insincerity and sincerity is like the difference between
the house/web of the spider and the house that is made by the silkworm. The silk of the worm goes

Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

to dress the queens and royalty and is elite (high value), while the web that is made by the spider is
meant to catch the bugs (of no value).

The Prophet said, give the glad tidings to my nation that Allah swt will make it easy for them,
elevate their level, make their religion superior. And Allah will give them victory and the ability to
rule. If you do anything that should be for Allah and you do it for anything other than Allah, then
you will lose the reward for it in the akhira because of your lack of sincerity.

A person who reaches the level of enjoying fasting will fast at every and any opportunity.

Your Headline: Sincerity (Ikhlas)
The most important things in fasting is sincerity. A great blessing of fasting is that there is great
sincerity in this act of worship because no one necessarily knows you are fasting. It is a secret
between you and your Creator. In Surat Al-Zumur, we are commanded to worship Allah swt with
sincerity. Sincerity will elevate you and give life to your actions. Insincerity will invalidate your
actions and will not be accepted by Allah swt. Because of Ikhlas (sincerity), Allah swt will put so
much barakah into your efforts and give you tawfique (success).

Imam Al Ghazali said the difference between insincerity and sincerity is like the difference between
the house/web of the spider and the house that is made by the silkworm. The silk of the worm goes
to dress the queens and royalty and is elite (high value), while the web that is made by the spider is
meant to catch the bugs (no value).

In the narration of Sad bin AbiWaqaas traversing the (Tigris) river in the conquest of al-Madin,
Sadmobilised his soldiers saying, I have decided to fight the enemy before the dunya harvests you!
Indeed I have decided to cross this river! Then he called upon Allah saying to his soldiers, Say, We
seek help from Allah and we place our trust in him. Allah suffices us and he is the best disposer of
affairs. By Allah! Allah gives victory to His righteous slaves, He makes His deen dominant and
vanquishes His enemy. There is no strength or power except with Allah, the High, the Great! They
then crossed the river, one after the other, followed by their horses. Allah gives victory to those are

Another example, there were tens and tens of scholars who wrote a book of 40 hadiths. However,
the collection of Imam An-Nawawi, rahimuhu Allah, remains the most famous. Some would
attribute this victory as a reward from Allah (swt) for being sincere.

There will be no reward if your act of ibadah was for the dunya.

The goal of fasting is to achieve piety as Allah (swt) says in surah al-Baqarah, ayah 183, O you who
believe, fasting has been prescribed on you as it has been prescribed on those before you that you
may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).

The Prophet said, give the glad tidings to my nation that Allah swt will make it easy for them,
elevate their level, make their religion superior. And Allah will give them victory and the ability to
rule. If you do anything that should be for Allah and you do it for anything other than Allah, then
you will lose the reward for it in the akhira because of your lack of sincerity.

Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Your Goal: Piety (Taqwa)
Ayah about the reason for fasting:

Taqwa is you are always conscious of Allah existence and you abstain from anything that is
displeasing to Him. When fasting, you are abstaining things you enjoy for the sake of Allah swt and
are submitting completely to Him. When we fast, we abstain from the halal, ultimately giving us
strength to abstain from the haram as well.

With taqwa comes the ability to control ones anger, emotions, and desires. Allah is greater than our
desires. We develop a conscience of Allahs presence. Therefore, we dont break our fast early, even
though no human being is watching us. When we realize that Allah is watching us every moment,
we can better submit to Him fully. Fasting requires a lot of patience.

Siyam is half of patience- the Prophet (S). Fasting teaches you patience.

Your Battle: Fighting Your Desires
While fasting, you abstain from the halal (relations with your spouse, drinking, eating) for the sake
of Allah. Allah swt is training us to control your desires so you will be stronger in abstaining from
the haram as well.

Your Motto: Allahu Akbar
Allah swt is greater than our desires. Ramadan teaches us to prioritize Allah swt in our hearts over
all things, including our desires.

Your Weapon: Being Conscious Of Allah (Muraqabah)
You recognize that Allah swt is watching you at all times. Thus, you wont break your fast even a
moment before it is time.

Your Prize: The Gate Of Rayyan
It was narrated from Abu Salamah that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever fasts Ramadaan out of faith and seeking reward,
his previous sins will be forgiven. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Eemaan, 37).

It was narrated from Sahl ibn Sad (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: In Paradise there are eight gates, among which is a gate
called al-Rayyaan, which none will enter but those who fast. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3017).

Sahl (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) said: In Jannahthere is a gate called al-Rayyaan, through which those who used to fast will
enter on the Day of Resurrection, and no one but they will enter it. It will be said, Where are those
who fasted? They will get up, and none will enter it but them. When they have entered, it will be
locked, and no one else will enter. (al-Bukhaari, 1763; Muslim, 1947). Only those who fast
(Ramadan and other the month of Ramadan) will enter this gate, those who are committed to this
act of worship. In Jannah there is a gate called Al-Rayyan. The way the Prophet (S) worded this
indicates that the gate is in Jannah and as soon as you go to it you are already experiencing the
beauty of Paradise, where the other gates you dont experience the amazingness of Paradise until
you are going through it.

Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

After the people of fasting enter through it, the gates will be closed and no one except those
committed to fasting can enter through it. For those that are promised that they will get to choose
any of the 8 gates of paradise (E.g. woman who raises her kids after her husband passes away
without remarrying, or who says the shahada and the dua after wudu), the scholars try to reconcile
by saying Allah swt guide them to choose another gate. Another way is that these individuals are
exceptions to the rule.

Rayaan comes from word meaning when we quench our thirst. At that gate, upon entering, people
will consume from the water that will make our thirst go away with forever. Those that fast will be
given food and drink before they even enter Jannah and no one else from the other gates.

Everyone is different in which act of worship they excel them and how they grow closer to Allah
swt. Abu Haraira would only fast the month of Ramadan, as he wanted the strength to attain

Attainment Of Lofty Ranks And Stations
The day that comes when youre fighting the hadith about tell them I.m fasting, smell of mask The
person who is fasting will have two joys the moment they break their fast and the moment they
meet their Lord and receive the reward for their fasting.

Fasting Is Limitless In Reward
Allah, the Most High, says every action of the child of Adam is for him except fasting, for it is for Me
and I will reward it [Bukhari& Muslim]..

Hadith Talha: He (S) hosted three people in his house, 2 people died in the battlefield and one died
later. The Prophet (S) had a dream and was confused by it, because he saw the one that died later
was in a higher status than that of the shaheeds. Gabriel said it was because he was alive for one
more Ramadan, one more year for dhikr, one more year of taraweeh. That is the importance and
great reward of fasting.

The reward of fasting is multiplied more than 700 times, it has no limit.

The smell coming from the mouth of a fasting person is better than the smell of musk to Allah (swt).

The fasting person enjoys two joys when fasting: when he breaks his fast and when he meets his

Worshipping Allah Through One Of His Attributes
Allah is not in need of anything from you, but you are in need of Him. He is As-Samad.One of the
attributes of Allah swt is that He needs no nourishment, food, or drink. So fasting should remind us
of the greatness of our Creator and our need for him in that we do need food/drink.

Expiation For Sins
For those who fasted with Imaan and ihitisaaba (seeking reward from Allah), the sins that
committed between you and Allah will be expiated by fasting and keep you from sinning.

Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Those who fast for the sake of Allah swt will have all of their previous sins will be forgiven. When
you fast the day of Arafah, the Prophet (S) said it should erase the sins of the previous year and the
upcoming year. The sins that will be forgiven are the minor sins; major sins require specific tawba.

Allah And The Angels Pray For Those Who Fast
The Prophet (S) said that the Allah and His angels pray for those who consume sahoor (the food
that you use to make suhoor, suhoor is the action) because they are preparing themselves for
fasting. So then imagine the reward and prayers you will receive for fasting.

A Veil From The Fire
Fasting is a protection. - (S) A protection both from Hellfire and even from committing sins. For
example, the Prophet (S) recommended those who cannot get married to fast to protect them from
falling into any indecent action.

Fasting is protection from Allahs punishment- (S)

Fasting is a great protection and shield for you from the Hellfire (S)

When you fast one day for the sake of Allah, Allah makes the distance between that person and the
Hellfire the distance it would take 70 years to cross- (S) in al Tabarani

Allah, the Most High, says every action of the child of Adam is for him except fasting, for it is for
Me and I will reward it [Bukhari& Muslim]- Nasai

In Tirmidhi, when you fast one day for the sake of Allah, Allah will make between you and the
Hellfire a trench the distance between the heavens and the Earth.

Whoever Fasts A Hot Day Will Have His Thirst Quenched On The Day of Judgment
Allah will provide water for them.

Abu Musa would look for the hottest day of the year and would fast then. This is something many
companions would not only do, but enjoy. Surat Al Haqqa, Verse 24. Some scholars say this verse
was revealed for those who fast to detail their reward.

Allah would quench his thrist on the Day of Judgment.

The companions looked for the hottest days to fast.

The Call Of The Gate Of Rayyan

A Sure Path To Paradise
Whoever says La IlahaIla Allah and it was the last thing he said he will enter Jannah and whoever
is fasting whoever makes sadaqqah and it is the last thing he does he will surely enter Jannah.

As SayiddaNafisa was from the Prophets family, lived in Egypt, well respected so much that the
ignorant people of Egypt worshipped her after her death. used to fast almost every day except Eid
and pray almost all the night, she memorize the Quran and used to teach Tafseer, made Hajj 30
times. At her last moments, the doctors ask her to break her fast for the medicine but she refused.

Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

She said that I had been making dua for 30 years to die while in a state of fasting, so I will not break
my fast. She passed away a few minutes before Maghrib in a state of fasting.

Fasting Will Intercede For You
Abdallah Ibn Amar Ibn Al As reported the Prophet (S) said,That your fasting and your recitation
will intercede for you on the day of fasting. .. (Imam Ahmad reports this and Hadith Muslim)

Many Propehts observed fasting as it was presecribed on the nations before you can possibly be
referring to the Propehts.
30 nights became 40 nights for Musa (AS)

Jews fast on Passover, and when the Romans destroyed the temple.
Mormos fast the 1st Sunday on oevery month.
Bhuddist have no food after noon.
The Mahhais fast from March 1st-28th

The Prophet (S) fasted very frequently. Ibn Al Qayyim said that if you counted the days the Prophet
(S) fasted it was as much as Dawood.

He used to fast every Monday and Thursday consistently, never missing these days. He said that
these days are the days that are presented to Allah swt and He wanted His deeds to be presented
while fasting. Also, used to fast the 13, 14, 15 of the month, while he was travelling or in residence.

Abu Haraira and Anas Ibn Malik said there were some days where we went several days without
breaking his fast. The sahabah were told not to do this.

When the Prophet (saw) wouldnt find any food at Aishas (r), he would fast.

Aisha (R) would wait until right before Ramadhaan to make up the fasts, around Shabaan. She
wouldnt usually do voluntary siyyam because she wanted to make sure she was free for Prophet
(S) and serve him. But after his death, she fasted every day except Eid.

Uthman (R) would fast almost every day of his life. He was killed while he was fasting.

Talhas voice in the army was better than 1000 soldiers. He wouldnt usually fast because he would
be at the battles, but after the death of Prophet (S), he fasted almost every day.

What about the ijma that you cannot fast an entire month except Ramadhaan? This refers to
singling out a month to fast.

Mormons believe fasting the first Sunday of every month.

Sikhism is one of the few major religions in which there is concept of fasting.

Bahaism says they have the fast one-month a year (March 2-March 28), but you can consume water.

Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Some say the great flood of Nuh (AS) occurred in Ramadan, that Musa (AS) spoke to Allah (swt) and
received the Tawrah, and that Isa (S) was elevated.

Part 2 | Important Events That Occurred During the Month of Ramadan

-Gates of Jannah are Open, Gates of Hell are closed, leaders of the shayateen is chained
-Allah talked to Musa for the first time, Torah revealed at that time
-Flood occurred
-The ascension of Jesus
-The revelation of the Quran

-The Battle of Badr (17th of Ramadan, 2AH): It was 310 believers against ~950 of the Quraish.
Quraish were arrogant and convinced they would be victorious. If Muhammad (S) is saying the
truth and we are fighting Allah swt, there is no way we will win and then your soldier will be killed.
Also, when Abu Jahl is killed. The companions said to Prophet (S), if you lead us to the end of the
world, you will find us with you in the fight, we never turn our back.

-Preparation for Khandaq
-Conquest of Makkah (8th AH)
-Destroying the idolsof Quraysh (20th of Ramadan): Hubul destroyed, Manah destroyed, Al 3uza
destroyed 25th of Ramadan
-Victorious Return from Tabuk
The Battle of Buqayb in Iraq
-The conquest of Andalus(91 A.H.)

-Death of Khadija(R)
-Death of Ali (R)
-Death of Aishah (R) (57 A.H.)
-Deaths of Al Zuhri, Ibn Mubarak, Abul-Abbas Abdullah
-Death of Fatimah

-The slander of Aishah (R)
-The Islam of Thaqif

Abu Umama reported, A man asked the Prophet (S), can you pray for me to die as a shaheed on the
The Prophet (S) prayed for him to survive and go home safely. YaProphetallah, we are waiting for
Jannah; The Prophet(S) replied, if you are seeking Jannah, so fast, there is nothing in reward like

Prophet (S) hosted 3 people in his house, 2 people died in battlefield, and the 3rd one died 1 year
later, Talha saw dream in which the latter was in higher place in Jannah than martyrs, asked
Prophet (S) how come the one who died at home has a higher status than those who died in the
battlefield; The Prophet (S) said didnt he live one year longer, witness the month of Ramadhaan, he


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

lived one year longer to say lots of subhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, la illahailla Allah, and Allahu Akbar.
He lived one 1 more year to fast Ramadan and pray Taraweeh, this raised his level in Jannah.

Amount of reward from fasting is unbelievable, and one of greatest acts of worship that is
sometimes missing in our lives.

Even some Muslims who dont pray will fast Ramadan even though salahis just as important
assiyam. They are still doing something great.

Fasting causes the body to use fat or energy! During a fast, the body is breaking down the fat in the
body that is being stored while conserving the essential tissues and muscles.

Even some animals fast. For example, polar bears go through hibernation. Spiders fast 6 months
after they delivery their babies.


Ibn A-Jawzi said, Fasting is of 3 types: the soul fasting and that is to know life is short; the mind
fasting and that is to stay away from desires, and the limbs fasting and that is to not eat, drink, or
have relations.

The Fast Of The Masses
Not eating, drinking, or sexual activity during the daytime. This is the fasting of the average Muslim.

The Fast Of The Elite
Preventing their eyes, ears, tongue, and other organs from disobedience. They abstain from
anything that is haram and their fasting has led them to avoid sins during their fast. Ibn Al Qayyim
and Imam Ghazali spoke of this kind of fasting.

Fasting is not just about being hungry and thirsty. The Prophet (S) said there is no point of
abstaining from food and drink, while not abstaining from evil. Fasting should allow us to cleanse
the soul and purify the heart.

Level 3 cannot be attained without level 1 and 2 you work your way up.

Fasting is not about hunger or thirst; Hadith, the person who doesnt stop saying and doing evil,
there is no point in him stopping eating and drinking .

Allah wants us to achieve spirituality, cleansing of heart and soul, reminds you of those less
fortunate you, increases you in gratitude. Makes you realize that your situation can change and lose
all the luxuries of food and water like those in current-day Sham.

The Fast Of The Super Elite
The fast of the heart from the thoughts of the dunya and complete submission to Allah.

The heart is completely directed to Allah swt. Just as siyaam comes from to stay away from or
withhold, so does the super elite stay away from thoughts other than Allah.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

The months of the year are like the sons of Yaqub (both are 12). The superiority of Ramadan is like
the superiority of Yusuf over his brothers. Just as Yusuf was the beloved of the sons of Yaqub,
Ramadan is the most beloved month to Allah.




2 continuous months (for manslaughter):
This type of fasting is when someone kills another by mistake (e.g. car accident) and the penalty is
to fast two consecutive months as expiation. Any responsible for the accidental killing is to free a
slave, or blood money (for the amount of 100 camels) that you give to the family of the deceased
unless they forgive you, OR fasting 2 consecutive months of fasting if you could not offer the first
two. Surah 4:Verse 90

3 days (Expiation for oaths):
When you swear by Allah swt that you will do something and you did not, then you have to make
tawbah and fast 3 consecutive days for breaking your oath with Allah as expiation. When you say
wallahi but do not really mean it, Allah swt will not hold you accountable. But if you really
intended it, you must fulfill it. You must fast and repent, because it is a sin to break your oath.

So the expiation is feed 10 poor people, give clothes to ten people (a set for winter or a set for
summer), free a slave, and if you cannot do that, the fast 3 consecutive days. When or is given in
the Quran, then you can choose any of the options. If it says, If you couldnt, then you only resort
to fasting or the last option if you could not do the other options.

Must the 3 days be consecutive? Imam al-Malik and Imam Ash-Shafi said, it is not a condition
because of no proof.
But Imam Abu Hanafi and Imam Abu Sufyanath-Thawri and the old position of Imam Ash-Shafi and
one narration from Imam Ahmed, says it must be consecutive b/c Ibn Masood when he recited this
verse in Maidah Verse 89, he read it fast 3 consecutive days (he added the word consecutive) he
said thats how he heard it from Rasul (S). This is qirashathaa, i.e. not popular (shaath in the science
of Quran doesnt mean weak, not necessarily rejected, but not part of the mushaf we have today,
but if the isnad (chain of narration) is authentic then we treat it like any other authentic hadith).

3 days (expiation for breaking rules during ihram)
Allah (swt) says in Surah al-Baqarah ayah 196, And whosoever of you is ill or has an ailment in
his scalp (necessitating shaving), he must pay a ransom of either observing Saum (fasting for three
days) or giving Sadaqah or offering sacrifice (one sheep) We have the option of picking any one
of these three.

Expiation for breaking the rules of ihram during umrah or hajj is charity, fasting, OR sacrificing a
sheep. You have the option to choose. And you can choose any time of the year and anywhere in the
world and it does not have to be consecutively.

10 days (Expiation for no sacrifice)


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

If you are doing Hajj Al Tumattu (the combination of doing umrah first stopping your ihram, then in
8th of DhullHujjah you declare intention for hajj and you enter Ihram again), you have to sacrifice a
sheep after Hajj for sacrifice. If you do not have money to purchase something as a hadi (sacrifice)
and thus cannot give a hadi, fast 3 days in Hajj and 7 days when you return back home. These 3 days
of Hajj cannot be the days of Eid.

2: 196

Fasting for Hunting During Ihram
Hunting during ihram is haram.

Oyou who have believed, do not kill game while you are in the state of ihram. And whoever of you
kills it intentionally - the penalty is an equivalent from sacrificial animals to what he killed Surah
5, Verse 95. You have to give a sacrifice equal to the animal that you hunted. If you do not have the
money to offer the sacrifice, you fast equal to the size of the animal you hunted.

Ibn Abas says if you hunt sheep, you offer a sheep. If you cannot, you feed 6 poor people. If you
could not, fast 3 days. If you cannot, then you fast 30 days. If someone hunts an elk, then a cow must
be offered. If one cannot afford a cow, then he or she must feed 20 miskins. If one cannot feed 20
miskins, then he or she must fast 20 days. If someone hunts an ostrich or zebra, then a camel must
be offered. If one cannot afford a camel, then he or she must feed 30 miskins. If one cannot feed 30
miskins, then he or she must fast 30 days.

Mondays & Thursdays
Hafsa said that the Prophet (S) used to fast Mondays and Thursday (Nisaie). Aisha (R) said that he
used to look for those two days to fast (narrated by Al Tabarani). It is significant that his wives,
though who sees him the most, are narrating these, which indicate that the Prophet (S) used to offer
these fasts continuously.

Aisha (r) said that the Rasul (S) used to look for these two days to fast, and that he would ask what
day is tomorrow so he can fast on Mondays and Thursdays.

Abu Hurarirah (R) stated that the Rasul (S) used to fast Mondays and Thursdays a lot, so he asked
him why he cares to fast these 2 days. The Rasul (S) answered, because the deeds are shown to
Allah (swt) on these days and Allah forgives the Muslims during these two days except those who
boycott one another.

Two of his wives stated that the Rasul (saw) used to fast these days a lot, signifying that he would
always fast these days. His wives saw him the most., he was always doing it, not like a companion
who maybe just saw him for 1 day.

Usama bin Zayd(R) narrated the Rasul (S) added that he would like his good deeds to be presented
to Allah (swt) while Im fasting.

Reported by Imam Ahmad, the Rasul (s) said that the gates of Paradise will be open every Mondays
and Thursdays and that the deeds are presented to Allah (swt).


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Reported by Abu Huraira, The gates of Paradise are open every Monday and Thursday and the
deeds are presented on Mondays and Thursdays (Ibn Hanban)

Day of Arafah
It is highly recommended for you to fast, if you are not doing Hajj.But it is not recommended to fast,
if you are doing Hajj.

Hadith about expiation of sins fasting on Arafah.Umm al-Fadhl (R) was in Hajj and there was a
group of companions arguing whether the Rasul (s) was fasting on that day. When she said that he
is not fasting, the companions started arguing with her. So, she brought a cup of milk to the Rasul
(s), and while he was sitting on his camel, he drank cup of milk in front of everyone. Reported by
Bukhari and Muslim.

It is also reported that the Rasul (s) drank on the Day of Arafah while he was standing to show the
people he was not fasting.
Ibn Umar said that the Rasul (S) did not fast that day, and neither did Abu Bakr, Umar, or Uthman.

The vast majority of the scholars say that it is highly recommended to break your fast during
We have evidence showing that some companions fasted the day of Arafah during Hajj like Ibn
Zubayr, Usamah bin Zayd, and Aisha.

The Rasul (s) told us not to fast the day of Arafah so that we have strength to make dua and avoid
fatigue. These companions who fasted the day of Arafah knew that if they had enough strength to
fast and make dua, they would get 2 rewards.
There is no proof that the Rasul (S) made it haraam to fast the day Arafah.

Imam At-Tabari said that Arafah is Eid according to the statement of Umar (r) in which he says that
a specific ayah was revealed on the Day of Arafah on Eid. Imam At-Tabari says that since you are
not allowed to fast on Eid, you are not allowed to fast on the day of Arafah either. However, we can
refute this point by arguing that it is only Eid for those in Meccah, staying in Arafah. It is not Eid for

Fasting the day of Arafah will erase sins of the previous year and the upcoming year while fasting
the day of Ashoora will erase the sins of previous year. So why does fasting on Arafah erase more
sins? Al-Manawi explained that Arafah is the day when the Rasul (s) stood at Mecca and received
victory from Allah (swt). Ashoora, on the other hand, is the day when Musa (AS) experienced
victory over Firaun. And because the Rasul (S) has a higher status than Musa (AS), fasting the day of
Arafah has more reward.

What if someone has no sins on his or her record? It will come in the form of the reward.This is
talking about the minor sins. If there are no sins, then you will get equal reward.

Day of Ashura
It will erase the previous year.

In the beginning Islam, fasting on the day of Ashura was a wajib. When Ramadan became fard,
Ashura became only recommended.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

The Prophet (S) said that if he lived the next year, he would fast the 9th and the 10th. The best way to
offer the fast of Ashura is to fast the 9th and the 10th, so as to not offer Ashura by itself. However, if
you could not do the 9th or the 11th, it is still better to fast Ashura. Ibn Al Qayyim said that the best
way is to offer the 9th, 10th, and the 11th.

The Sahabah used to fast Ashura will travelling, but not necessarily in Ramadan because you have
the option to make it up in other days and they did not want to miss the opportunity to fast on

Six Days of Shawwal
Whoever fasts Ramadan and then follows it with 6 days in Shawwal, it is as if He fasted the whole
year.- Sahih Muslim. Recommended by most scholars.

Some scholars say it will be equal to whole year because Ramadan is worth 10 months (As a deed is
multiplied by 10) and the 6 days of Shawal are like 60 days (2 months). Imam Ahmad says this
calculation or how it is understand to be the whole year, but what is sahih is the hadith that says
fasting the 6 days of Shawal and Ramadan is like fasting the whole year.

Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Malik denied fasting the 6 days of fasting. Abu Hanifa says is because
this is ghulu like the Bani Israel; Allah swt commanded them with something and they extended.
However, the later Hanafi scholars amended this because of the Hadith narrated by Muslim, stating
that if Abu Hanifah came upon this hadith he would have said it was recommended. Imam Malik
says it is because he did not see anyone of his teachers or the people of Medina practicing this.

It is not a must to do these 6 days consecutively.

a.) Even though the fast of 6 days in Shawwal is not obligatory, it encourages you to do good after
Ramadan. One of signs that Allah accepts your deeds is that He guides you to do another good deed.
For example, when someone prays Qiyam al-Lail and then wakes up full of energy to go and pray
Fajr at masjid, this may be a sign that Allah has accepted the good deeds.

b.) Helps you form good habits.

c.) The sunnah acts fill in the gaps in any obligatory acts, so fasting these 6 days will help make up
for any deficiencies for your fast in Ramadhaan. Similarly, Zakat al-Fitr purifies you from the sins
you committed in Ramadan.

d.) It is equal to fasting the whole year.

e.) It shows your gratitude to Allah (swt) for the blessings of fasting in Ramadan.

Benefits Summary: Those who offer fasting while those who are exhausted after Ramadan are
neglecting this form of Ibadah, it is very special to Allah swt. Also, being guided to fast in Shawaal
could be a sign that Allah swt has accepted your deeds in Ramadan since one of the signs that Allah
swt accepted your deeds is he guides you to do another good deed. Additionally, it could make up
for deficiencies in your fard fasting (not when you is a day). It is also a way to show gratitude to
Allah swt by action for allowing you to fast Ramadan.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Making up Obligatory vs Fasting 6 days of Shawwal:
Cannot have both intentions to make up the fardsiyaam and complete the 6 days since both are
different kinds of fasting. However, there is difference of opinion whether it is better to make up the
days first or to fast the 6 days of Shawaal.

One opinion says that the most beloved things to Allah swt is more beloved to Allah swt, so the
making up the obligatory days is more beloved than the recommended fasting so it is better to fast
those first. However, it is not a must that we make up the obligatory days since we are given the
whole year to make it up. Also, because the hadith says the reward of fasting the whole year is for
one who fast Ramadan and then to follow it with the 6 days of Shawwal, and those who have fasts
to make up still have not fasted Ramadan (completely yet). Other scholars say you still fasted
Ramadan (even if you still have days to make up) if you miss certain days for valid reason (E.g.
menstruating women), so the hadith still applies if you choose to make up Shawaal first and you
will still take up the reward for fasting the whole year.

Al wajib al muwasa: we have the option to complete an act of ibadah within a certain time frame.
So, in terms of making up missed days of fasts from Ramadhaan, we have 11 months to make them
up (from Shawwal to Shabaan). Allah (swt) did not constrict the time which the fast has to be made
We pray sunnah before fajr as long as we have time to pray Fajr. We pray sunnah before Dhuhr as
long as we have time to pray Dhuhr. This illustrates that we are allowed to perform voluntary acts
of worship before the obligatory ones.

Some scholars say that you are not allowed to fast 6 days of Shawwal before the missed days of
Ramadan due to the specific wording of the hadith which says, Whoever fasts Ramadan and
follows it with six days of Shawwaal
Technically, a person who did not fast all the days of Ramadan does not fit the description of this
hadith. If Ramadan is 30 days, a person will have fasted 300 days. In addition to the 6 days from
Shawwal, which can be counted as 60 days, it will be 360 days total.
But if a person only fasts Ramadan for 20 days, then it will not add up to 360 days.

Another opinion states even those who missed some days of Ramadan due to a legitimate reason,
such as travel or menses, are still considered to have fasted Ramadan. The Rasul (s) taught us that
whoever fasted Ramadan with Iman and hoping from reward from Allah (swt),

You cannot have a double intention for missed days of Ramadan and the 6 days of Shawwal, just
like you cannot combine your niyyah for sunnah and Fajr Salah.

Three days of every month
Initially, recommended fasting any 3 days of the month. Reported that the Prophet (S) fasted the
first 3 days of every month. Also, reported fasted last 3 days of every month. Later on, became
consistent in fasting the 13, 14, and 15 and these became knows as the white days because the
moon is full then. This is narrated by Hadith Abu Haraira.

Fast a day, miss a day
The most beloved fasting is the fasting of Dawood and the most beloved prayer to Allah is the
prayer of Dawud (Bukhari and Muslim).


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

No one can fast better than Dawood (AS), he fasted half of his life (reported by Nisari).

The Rasul (s) advised Abdullah bin Amr al Aas to fast only 3 days a month, but he said that he could
do more. The Rasul (s) then told him to fast Mondays and Thursdays, but again, he said that he
could do more. Then the Rasul (s) told him to fast the fast of Dawud.
When Abdullah bin Amr al Aas became very old and weak, he wished he took the advice of the Rasul
(S) to do the lesser of the option of fasting. However, he never broke his promise to Rasul (S) that
he would fast the fast of Dawud.

Fasting certain months, such as Muharram
The Prophet said the best month of fasting after the month of Ramadan is the month of Muharram
(Sahih Muslim). In Islam, it is forbidden to fast a whole month accept Ramadan (or if it is expiation
for manslaughter) and that is agreed upon by all scholars.

However, what is curious is that it was Shaban that the Prophet (S) fasted most of the month. Ibn Al
Nawwai says this is because he (S) was not told about the virtue of this month until close the time
of his death, so no time to put into practice. Ibn Ragab says any volunteer act falls under a specific
time/quantity or it is not a specific time, and this also applies to fasting. There are specific days we
have been instructed to fast (e.g. Ashura), but Ibn Rajab says this hadith means the best time to do
non-specific fasting is during the month of Muharram.

Another opinion explains how any volunteer act is one of 2 types:
1.) specific (e.g. sunnah before Fajr, fasting Mondays and Thursdays)
2.) nonspecific ( Qiyam al-Lail, dhuhasalahthere is no specific time or numbers for the nonspecific
Fasting the month of Muharram is considered a nonspecific voluntary fast.

Why Muharram? Because the month before Muharram is DhulHijjah in which we are encouraged to
fast 10 days. So, we end the year with fasting and start the year with fasting.

The first 9 days of DhullHijjah
The companions and successors used to honor 3 tens: the last 10 days of Ramadan, the first 10 days
of Dhul-Hijjah, and the first 10 days of Muharram.

The Rasul (S) said the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah are the best 10 days of the year.

Al Hasan Al Basri said that fasting 1 day of the first 10 days Dhul-Hijjah is equal to fasting 2 months.

Hafash (R) said that the Prophet (S) would never miss fasting the 10th of Muharram (Day of
Ashoora) and the first 10 days of each and every month (this would include the first 10 days of

Aisha (R) said that she never saw the Prophet (S) fast the 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. This means that
we dont have to fast these days, as they are not obligatory. However, the good deeds on these days
are highly appreciated by Allah (swt). The Rasul (s) only used to fast the Day of Arafah, the 9th of
Dhul-Hijjah. But the best 10 nights in last 10 nights of Ramadan.



Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Optional Fasts for a woman
A woman cannot fast while her husband is present without his permission. If he is away, she does
not need to take his permission. If he is present and she does not take his permission, the majority
of scholars say it is a sin.

It is optional for you to break your fast while travelling. Sh. Waleed recommends if fasting while
travelling will create extra hardship for you, do not fast, but either way is permissible.

It is not among righteousness to fast while travelling (S). This does not prohibit fasting while
travelling, but informs us not to think we are more righteous or think we are better if we choose to
fast while travelling.

When you are fasting, you can break your fast when you leave the city limit (or airport even if it is
in the city).

Shariah does not define what exactly constitutes travelling, so how travelling is defined is
determined by the culture (not necessarily by the distance).

Those who are sick and cannot offer fasting are allowed to break their fasting. Islam does not define
sick; it is the Muslim doctor or a doctor who respects religion who defines what is sick or not sick.
Sick is also defined by the person himself and can decide for himself if he is really sick or if it is life-
threatening, but not for an average inconvenience (e.g. headache). These days have to be made up,

There is acute illness (e.g. severe pain, infection, etc.) and chronic illness (e.g. cancer, diabetes). For
cases of chronic illness, an individual will feed 1 poor person for every day you miss. If sickness is
acute and curable, you can make it up after Ramadan.

The last half of Shaban
If only 15 days left of Shaban, stop fasting until Ramadan starts (Tirmidhi). So scholars say fasting
after 15th of Shaban is disliked, unless you have days from the previous Ramadan to make up.

Shaafimadhab views fasting after the 15ht of Shabaan is disliked unless one has a habit of fasting
(e.g. on Monday and Thursday) since they consider the hadith authentic; while other scholars
majority do not consider it authentic so view it as permissible to fast except the last day or two
before Ramadan.

Aisha (R) said that the Rasul (S) used to love fasting during the month of Shabaan, but he wouldnt
continue fasting Shabaan and connect it to Ramadan. She also told the Prophet (S), that I have
never seen you fast more than I have seen you fast in the month of Shabaan. He told her that it is
the month which many people neglect, and that it is the month in which the deeds are presented to
Allah (swt) and he wanted to have his deeds presented while he fasting that month.

These hadiths support the opinion of the majority of the scholars.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Deeds are presented to Allah (swt) on a yearly, weekly, and daily basis. The daily basis includes at
the time of Fajr and Asr. The weekly basis includes every Monday and Thursday. The yearly basis
includes the month of Shabaan. This is why the Prophet (S) liked to fast this month.

Dont fast Friday by itself unless you fast one day before it or after it. Disliked to fast on Friday,
unless you add one day before or after, if Friday falls upon the day you habitually fast (e.g. 13-15 of
every month or if you fast the fast of Dawood) or if you make an oath to Allah to fast on a random
Friday. Another reason we do not fast Friday is because Friday is a day of Eid.

Saturday (or Sunday)
Fasting is not for you and is not against you

The vast majority said singling out fasting Saturday (or singling out Sunday) by itself for the sole
reason of fasting on Saturday that is highly disliked. However, if combined with another day,
because of a reason (E.g. day of Arafah), or if you are making a day of Ramadan, etc. then that is

Dont fast Sunday by itself


Continuous Fast
Those who fast every day did not fast and they did not break their fast (S). The Prophet did not
recommend it, but it does not seem that he forbade people from doing so. However, the vast
majority of scholars say it is disliked but is permissible. Shaafi said that it is actually preferable to
fast every day.

Many companions used to offer this kind of fast.

If you fast every 3 days of every month is as if you fast the entire year.

Id al Fitra, Eid al-Adha
Consensus among the scholars that fasting on Eid is forbidden.

Days of Tashriq (3 days after Eid Al Adha)
Some scholars (Ibn Abas) and majority of Muslims say that it is the day of Eid and 3 days after that
is forbidden to fast. And these days, the Prophet (S) said are meant for thikr and tasbeeh of Allah.
Majority of scholars, including- Ibn Abas, Abu Hanifa, Shafi, Imam Ahmad- says not allowed to fast
on these days. However, if you are in Makkah and you have to make up the 3 days for failing to offer
sacrifice, you can fast according to some scholars.

Hajj represents the life cycle of human beings, paralleling how we live our life as a traveller. The one
who performs Hajj must travel to the House of Allah in Mecca and assume a state of ihram. The
travel mirrors the travel from this dunya to the akhira, while the state of ihram mirrors the rules of
Shariah that prevent us from sins like zina and alcohol. When we live our lives according to the
rules of Allah (swt), we will be able to celebrate a later point in time.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Day of Shakk
The vast majority of scholars say fasting on the day of doubt is forbidden, unless you have a habit of
fasting. Yawm as-shakk (the day of doubt) refers to the day directly before Ramadhaan.

Those who fast yawm as-shakk have disobeyed Abu Qasim (S).

The Hanbalimadhab states that it is allowed to fast day right before Ramadhaan to be on safe side,
based on the hadith that month is 29 days or 30 days, but according to the scholars, it is haraam.

One opinion states that if it is cloudy, you should make the month short. Another opinion says that
you should base the start of the month on calculations. The start of the month needs proof, but the
continuation of the previous month needs no proof. So, if we are uncertain (e.g. cloudy), the default
ruling is that we are in Shabaan. We need proof to say Ramadhaan started.

However, if you have a habit of fasting, such as every Monday and Thursday, and happens to be day
before Ramadhaan, then you are allowed to fast. If there are only 15 days of Shabaan left, dont fast
unless you have days to make up from the last year.

Consecutive FastsWithout Breaking the Fast (Al WisalFilSawm)
This is to fast two consecutive fasts without breaking the fast in between. However, the Prophet (S)
gave the sahabah permission to extend the iftar all into the sahoor time, but it is not preferable. It is
recommended to rush to break the fast at iftar time.


Linguistically- to withhold, to stay away from

Technically- to withhold from certain things during a certain period of time with certain

A bedouin came to Madinah asking for the Rasul (S). He approached him and said O Muhammad, I
want to ask you something. Your messenger came to us and told us that Allah has sent you to all of
humanity, that you have claimed only 5 prayers and fasting in Ramadan, and the taking zakat from
wealthy and give to poor. The Rasul (S) replied that he had heard the truth. The Bedouin then
guaranteed that all of his tribe will enter Islam.

Ruling & Status
Abstaining from food, drink, and sexual intercourse.

How do decide when we should start the fast and break it each day?
Fajr: There is a first light that is going straight into the sky that is not the real fajr. The Prophet (S)
said on this it will not make eating forbidden and it will not make the prayer established (Hakim).
During this first fajr, the adhan of Bilal is made but individuals can continue eating. The second fajr-
the true fajr- is when the light has spread over the horizon. Ibn Al Maktoom is the second adhan.

Maghrib is when you break the fast.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

If you eat thinking fajr has not begun yet, you do not have the make up the day. However, if you
have iftar intentionally before maghrib thinking maghrib has begun but it did not, then you do have
to make up the day.

Pillar of Islam
Islam is based on 5 pillars, and fasting is one of those

Obligatory fast is that of Ramadan, but fasting outside of Ramadan is voluntary (unless it is
expiation for the items we discussed above).

Fasting was obligated in Shaban 2AH but went through a number of stages:

MuathIbn Jabal(narrated by Ibn Dawood)
Stage 1
Only obligated to fast in Ashura (when Ramadan was made obligatory, Ashura became
Stage 2
The option to fast or not to fast but feed instead.
Stage 3
Obligated but the one who missed iftar would not be able to eat until the following evening.
This was made in 2 A.H.- The Prophet (S) fasted 9 Ramadans in his lifetime)
Stage 4
Obligation as we know it today.

If you travel while fasting, and the fast will cause extra harm, you should not fast.
Once the Rasul (S) travelled with some of his companion, some of whom were fasting, others who
were not fasting. The ones who were not fasting collected the wood, set up tents, and served the
fasting companions. The Rasul (S) said that all the rewards were collected by those who did not fast
that day.

When travelling, when do you break your fast? When you leave city; for example, when you reach
the highway or airport.
Anas bin Maalik started drinking while he was leaving on his camel
Ibn Umar broke his fast as soon as he got on the ship
Some scholars say ok to break fastbefore leaving house, but safer to wait

Many companions would even break fast even shortly beforeMaghrib

If you break your fast due to travel or sickness, that fast doesnt count, and it must be made up at
another time.

Whoever ate at beginning of day, then reached home, continue eating and drinking

If a woman finishes menses, purifies herself, man returns home from travel and was not fasting, ok
for them to be intimate.

What is travel? Based on culture.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Culturally, not travel if travelling from North Chicago to South Chicago even though driving long
distance; So how do you decide? Suitcase, luggage, etc

Every Muslim who is:
Fasting only obligatory after you reach the age of puberty. Just like salah,highly recommended to
train children beforehand and get them accustomed to fasting after age 7.

According to Imam Bukhari, fasting Ramadhaan was practiced by children even before the age
puberty. Omar (RA) stated that a drunk man was brought to him. The drunk man covered his mouth
with his hand, and asked Omar, what do you want? Upon removing his hand, he burped, and Omar
said, woe to you and your face. Even our kids are fasting Ramadhaan! And you are an adult who
drinks alcohol and you dont fast! Omar had him whipped 80 times. Bukhari used this hadith.

Bint Rabi stated that during day of Ashoora, we used to fast and so did our children. We used to
bring them toys before Maghrib so they would be distracted until Maghrib time.

Of Sound Mind:
Mentally ill, having Alzheimers, someone who fainted and enters a temporary coma (they make up
afterward), etc.

Healthy and Resident
Permissible to break fast when sick or travelling, but must make the day up.

A person who is sick is classified as different categories. There are certain illnesses that are
temporarily and can be cured. If such a person misses fasting due to this kind of illness, the fast
must be made up at a later time when the individual is healthy enough.

What about diabetes, hypertension, and cancer? These are considered long term sicknesses in
which the cure is not certain. These people will not fast, but rather they will feed 1 miskin for every
day they missed. For example, if they did not fast for 30 days, they must feed 30 masakeen.

Ibn Umar, miskin: 1 masakeen: plural

The woman is free of menses or nafas (postnatal bleeding).
Aisha (R) said that we were ordered to make up the missed days of fasting from mensturation, but
not the Salah. Even if a woman gets her period one minute before Maghrib, the fast doesnt count
and must be made up. What if she finds out she becomes pure before Fajr by 1 minute? She must
fast. Certainty is not negated by doubt. Bleeding after menses, istihadha, does not break fast.


The month begins in one of two ways:
1.) Sighting the new Crescent
2.) Completing 30 days of Shaban


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Sighting is made by the naked eye or with the help of an observatory, but cannot be done purely
based on calculations if no actual sighting is made. The beginning of the month is not based on the
existence of the moon, but on the sighting of the moon; therefore if it is on the day of doubt and you
do not see the moon because it is cloudy, you still do not fast based on the Prophets hadith (not
event to be on the safe side)

Make your fasting based on the sighting of it

The Arabic word for month is Shahr, and it comes from the word shahara which means well-known
and famous.
The Rasul (S), the beginning of the Arafah and the Eid and breaking fast and starting fast is when
you as a nation declare that.

Mutarrif Ibn Abdullah said regarding astronomical calculations, whenever the last day of Shabaan
is cloudy and you cannot determine whether Ramadan will begin tomorrow or not, only then could
astronomical calculations can be used. Ibn Quttayba believed we should use astronomical
calculations for determining the beginning of the month, but he was not a scholar of fiqh. Other than
these two, no other major scholars and none of the 4 madahab recommended using astronomical
calculations for determining the start and end of the month.

We are an illiterate nation. We dont write, we dont read, we dont calculate. The month is like this
(and gestured 30 with his fingers) or like this (and gestured 29 with his fingers)- He (S) meant
probably that we do not take the calculation method in taking the month; we use the sight, which is
something everyone regardless of their intelligence and status has access to. This sharia was meant
for humankind.

Tajidi Al Sujdi- astronomical calculations can be used when denying not proving it. What he is
saying is cannot be used to establish the beginning of the month, but could be used to reject the
testimony of someone else.

Opinion 1:
If the moon is sighted in one land, everyone should fast. This is the opinion of Abu Hanifa, Shaafi,
Imam Ahmad, Ibn Taymiyyah, etc; however, it was hypothetical in their time because they were of a
time where people across the world could not share information as quickly.

Fast when it has been seen- The Prophet (S) addressing the ummah as whole.

Opinion 2:
Every land sights its own moon. One position among the shafi and the hanabali.

Ibn Abbas and the consensus among scholars states that if the lands are very far away from one
other, the people should not follow each others moon sighting. So, Chicago should not follow the
moonsighting of India, and vice versa because they dont share the same night.

Ibn Taymiyyah said that if we live in a city that follows the astronomical calculations, then you
follow the opinion of that city so you are united.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Quray said that Umm al Fadhl sent to Muwiya in Syria, he started Ramadan in Syria, we saw the
hilal Thursday night. Ibn Abbas started one day later on Saturday. Muawiya started on Friday. If
Muawiya and people of Syria fast 30 days and Ibn Abbas / people of Mecca also fast 30 days, if we
take global moon sighting, that means Ibn Abbas would fast 31 days, for them the last day of
Ramadan is actually the Eid of Syria. Ibn Abbas said, you have your moon sighting and we have our
moon sighting. This hadith is used by some scholars who took the position we dont follow global
sighting but rather individual regional sightings.

How many witnesses do we need?
In a hadith in An-Nasai, the Rasul (S) said if there are two witnesses, you can declare your fast
(Ramadhaan) or break your fast (Eid).
But if there are less than two witnesses, it is not acceptable.

Ibn Umar - people were trying to see moon, he saw new moon, and the Rasul (S) observed siyam.
This is a single incident in which we dont generalize rulings from.

A bedouin told the Rasul (S) that he saw the new moon, and the Rasul (s) accepted his testimonial
even though he was only one person.

Ash-Shafis ruling it is enough to start Ramadan with one witness.

Abu Hanifa agreed that 1 is enough under the condition if sky is cloudy. But if the sky is clear, 1
person is not enough and must have more than 2 (because many people should have seen it).

Some scholars say even Beginning of Shawwal i.e. Eid can only be 1 witness.

If you see the new moon, your testimonial may be rejected, if you are the only one. Go with the
jamaa - opinion of Imam Ahmad and Ibn Taymiyyah.

Some scholars say ok to follow your own testimony if beginning of month but not for Eid.

The word moon comes from moonth which is the period of time from one new moon to the next.


The Intention
Majority of opinion is that you have to have intention before the day to fast for obligatory fasts.

Refraining From Anything That Breaks The Fast

The Correct Time

Beginning of Day
Fajr is of 2 types:
1.) True Fajr: this is actually the 2nd Fjar in which the light spreads out over the horizon and the
night leaves. This is when you should start your fast.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

2.) Deceiving Fajr: this is considered the 1st Fajr, and it is about an hour before the real Fajr. It looks
like a vertical tail of a fox and does not signify the true time of Fajr. There is no rule based on this
light. The Rasul (S) said that this light does not make eating forbidden, nor will it will not establish
Fajr Salah.

Bin Maktoom was blind, and didnt know if Fajr came or not. People would come up to him and say
Fajr has come, so he would go and proclaim the Athaan. It took him some time to get to the Athaan
location. Rasul (s) told us we can eat until the man finishes athaan.

AbiTaleb - when he sees Fajr appear, then should start siyyam. And eat and drink until you see the
white thread distinguished from the black thread

If you hear the Athaan, and you are holding a container in your hand, dont put it down until you
fulfill your desire from it. ~hadith

Even if the Athaan is called, you are allowed to finish what is in your hand quickly. If you wake up,
and the athaan is being called, you are allowed to quickly drink something.

You must end your fast at the start of Maghrib.

What if you eat and drink but realize suhoor was called 30 minutes ago? It is okay, because what is
confirmed is that it was time for suhoor.

What if eat and drink but realize you were 30 minutes early before Iftar? Must make up, because
what was confirmed was that he should have been fasting.

When Anas (r) finished his night prayer, he had time to read about 50 ayahs from the Quran until
the start of Fajr. This would be about 20 minutes.

If you wake up in morning, with a wet dream, it is okay to start fast.

You must have the intention to fast during every night of Ramadhaan.

What if you go to bed early not knowing if tomorrow is Ramadhaan or not, and upon waking, you
discover that it is Ramadhaan? The minority opinion that you can initiate your fast right then, based
on hadith in which the Rasul (S) sent a messenger to the companions telling them to start their fast
for Ashoora. The majority of scholars say you should have the intention from the night.

You dont need the have the intention from night for voluntary fasting because the Rasul (S) would
come to Aisha (r) and ask her if she had food. When she would say no, then the Rasul(s) would
make the intention right then to fast.

When you travel, you follow where you are. If the sun is out, you cannot break your fast. If on
airplane, night falls shortly after, break your fast.

Intentional eating & drinking
For intentional breaking your fast


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Ali Ibn Abu Talib and Ibn Masood said, even if the person fasted the rest of their entire life, they
could never make up the one day of fasting intentionally missed without a valid reason. The only
thing left for them is repent and to do extra volunteer fasting. This is the opinion of Imam Ahmad.

Imam Malik said cannot make up this day by fasting, but by feeding the poor.

If you break the fast unintentionally, Abu Hanifa, Shaafi, and Hanbali of the opinion it does not
break your fast and you do not have to make up. Imam Malik said that he/she does have to make it

This includes even non-food items, as long as it goes to your brain or stomach (E.g. swallowing
paper intentionally). Even transdermal nutrients break your fast. Smoking breaks the fast.

Exceptions for your saliva, but not if you collect in a cup and drink it. Intentionally gathering your
mucous (e.g. picking your nose) and ingesting it will break your fast.

What if someone swallows something while fasting? (Eg. A fly enters your mouth while yawning.)
Anything solid or liquid that enters the abdominal area or brain will break your fast. So, sniffing
cocaine breaks your fast because it reaches your brain. Eating stones, paper or plastic will also
break the fast. Anything that gv tat am meaning of food breaks your fast, such as nicotine patches,
and vitamin patches.

Intentionally inhaling smoke breaks your fast.

Intentional vomiting
Whoever throws up unintentionally while fasting, there is nothing on him. If you do this
intentionally, you have to make up the fast. (S). Majority of scholars agree that unintentional
fasting will break the fast and you must make it up.

Those with menstruating and postnatal bleeding are prohibited from fasting, but will have to make
those days up. A wisdom is that a woman bleeds a lot during this time, so it is for her health as well.
If woman finishes her period before fajr, she must fast that day even before making ghusl.

Post-Partum Bleeding

Marital Relations
The penalty is agreed between the majorities of scholars.

Hadith: A man came to the Prophet (S) saying, I am doomed, I hhad intercourse with y wife during
Ramadan while I was fasting. The Prophet (S) told him to freee a slave, but he rplied that he cant.
The Prophet (S) then told him to fast 2 consecutive months, but he replied that he is too weak. The
Propher (S) then told him to feed 60 masakeen, but he replied that he doesnt have the money. The
Prophet (S) then gave him some dates and told the man to distribute it to the poor people, but he
said that he doesnt know anyone more poor than him. The Prophet (S) then told him to geed his
family. From this Hadith, we learn the patience of the Prophet (S) as he did not reprimand the man,
but rather gave him option to make amends. Also, this Hadith did not mention any kaffara for the


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

What if a person reached an orgasm without intercourse? There is no penalty, but this individual
has broken his/her fast. Only Ibn Hazm says such a case would not break your fast.
Any sexual activity in the form of foreplay is not allowed, because it can lead to ejaculation, which
would then break the fast. Ibn Masood (R) states that even if there is no ejaculation, just foreplay,
then you must make up the fast.
Others say that it is allowed for those who are old people, because they have less desire allowed
to kiss. The Prophet (S) used to kiss Aisha (R) and he has full control over himself. So, if you have
this kind of control, then you are allowed to kiss. Also from Umm Salamah, allowed to do good bye

Imam Malik says the narration is or allowing you to choose between them, but the majority
opinion is If you cannot and so you go by the order suggested by the hadith.

If they broke multiple days for this reason, Abu Hanifa says that one Qafara is enough.

Madi is the discharge that comes with foreplay. The Shafi and Hanafi madhab states that it does
break your fast and requires repentance, but you do not make up that day. Ibn Taymiyah, on the
other hand says that it does break your fast and you are required to make up that day.

Cupping (hijaama)
According to the majority is okay, as long as it keeps you strong. From this, scholars have the same
opinion of donating blood. However, many doctors do not recommend this.

The Prophet (S) said, The cupper and the one to who cupping is done both break their fast. Two
companions were making hijamah on the 18th of Ramadan, and the Prophet (S) told them both to
break their fast.
Another opinion states that it is permissible to do hijamah as long as it doesnt make you weak.
Anas (R) used to make hijamah while he was fasting.

Donating blood doesnt break your fast, as long as you have the strength to endure, but many
doctors recommend against it.

Khuhl will not break your fast.
Enema will break your fast.
Any IV fluids break your fast, even if it is to put you to sleep during surgery.
Vitamin shots break your fast.

Insulin and immunizations do not break your fast.
Eye drops dont break your fast.
Eardrops dont break your fast.
Nose drops will break your fast if it reaches the throat.
Using a toothbrush will not break fast unless you intentionally swallow the paste.\
Gargling water does not break your fast.

What if you feel the food come all the way up to the esophagus and then back down? This is not
considered throwing up.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

What about tasting food, while fasting? Ibn Abbas (R) said it is permissible to have food like honey
or oil touch the tip of the tongue, move it around your tongue and then spit it out. It is not allowed
to let it enter the throat or the stomach.

Is gum allowed? Only plastic gum that has no nutritional value is allowed to be chewed.

Menses or post-partum bleeding
See above.

See above.

The Sick
See above.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women
First opinion is that they feed a poor person for each day they miss and they do not need to make it
up. Ibn Umar, Abdallah Ibn Abas, Saeed Ibn Jubar, and original Shaafi (though not the

The hanafimadhab says the woman who is pregnant breastfeeding and is worried about themselves
or their child; they make up the day later on and nothing else. The Maliki says if the woman
worrying about herself and her child while pregnant, then she make it up; but for breastfeeding
woman, she makes up the day AND feeds a maskeen for each day she misses.

The shaafi and the hanbalimadahabsays the breastfeeding and pregnant woman if worried about
their own selves, they only make up the day. However, if they are not worried about their own
health but the baby they make up the day and feed the maskeen. This is because if she is worried
about herself she is like the sick person who can make up the fast. However, for breaking the fast
due to worry about her child, they follow the ayah that those who have the ability to fast and they
do not, should feed a maskeen.


Hastening the Iftar
Whenever you hear the adhan, you should hasten to break your fast. If you have no food or drink
available, you break your fast with intention. The best thing to break the fast is fresh dates, dry
dates, or water. Ibn Qayyim said if you are in a country with no dates, you can break it with grapes.

The most beloved servant to me is the one who has hastened to beak his fast

The Muaddhan breaks his fast after he finishes making the fast.

If you feed a fasting person, you get the reward like those you helped break their fast. This does not
just apply to their first item they used to break their fast, but everything that is consumed.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Breaking the fast with fresh dates, dry dates, or water

If the Prophet (S) had no dates, the he would drink water.
He is reported to have broken his fast with mile, but he ordered us to rinse our mouth before salah
because it is full of fat. This also applies to cheese.

The dua at iftar
Break your fast and then make the dua.

Dhahaba alzama wa abtalat al-urooq wa thabata al-ajr in shaAllah. (Thirst is fone, the veins are
moistened and the reward is certain if Allah wills.)

Allahumma laka sumtu wa alaika rizkika aftartu. O Allah, for You have I fasted and by Your
provision I have broken my fast. This is a famous dua, but it is not authentic.

The reward for making someone break his or her fast is not necessarily in the first morsel of food,
but rather in the general the food they eat.

Delaying the suhur
Suhoor differentiates the fasting of Muslims from the fasting of the People of the Book.

Zaid bin Thabit stated

The best suhur for the believer is dates (S)

Gargling water (or bringing too much water into the nose)
If it comes in unintentionally that is okay.

Anything that leads to arousal

Anything which will diminish a persons reward
Anger, cursing, etc

Should not say what is evil or act with ignorance


When to Pray It?
The night that the moon is located and stop when it is declared tomorrow is Eid.
It should be prayed the night the moon is first located, and it should be stopped when the declare
the next day to be Eid. In Islam, the night comes before the day, so the night of 20th is not the first
night of the last ten nights of Ramadhaan night of the 21st is the first night of the last 10 nights of

How many to pray?
We should be concerned more about quality not quantity of our prayers. Aisha described his prayer
and he never prayed more than 11 raqaahs.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

The number of rakahs prayed was never was an issue before, and the Sahhaba never really had a
problem concerning the number. The true issue at hand is how well you pray. The Rasul (s) prayed
focusing on quality instead of quantity. Some men came to Aisha (r) asking her how many rakahs
the Rasul (s) used to pray. She answered that he never prayed more than 11 rakah and that he
prayed in a very calm and focused manner. He response emphasized the quality of his prayer rather
than the mere number. It is more important to pray 6 rakahs Qiyam and 3 rakahs Witr instead of
20 rakahs.The Rasul (S) prayed a few days in the masjid, but then he stopped because he was
worried that Qiyam al-Lail would became obligatory on the Ummah like it was before.

The Qiyam of the Rasul (s) was very long. In one salah, he finished Surah al-Baqarah, Surah An-nisa,
Surah Ali-Imran, then he made ruku which was equal to his standing. He was praying this prayer
with Ibn Abbas who almost had to break his salah. The Rasul (S) did not want to make it hard for
his Ummah and thus stopped praying it in public out of his mercy to us.

Omar (r) saw Muslims praying tarawih in separate small groups, so he gathered them and put them
behind one Imam. Bukhair reports they prayed 11 rakahs after the Isha Salah and finish right
before Fajr. This kind of prayer was so long, that the Sahhaba used to have canes and stand on them
for support. So, they later spread the 11 rakahs to 22. Whatever they used to read in 1 rakah, they
would pray in 2 rakah.
At a later point in time, the 22 rakahs became 36, Sahaba didnt care about how many
If you want to follow the footsteps of the Rasul (S), he never prayed more than 11 rakahs, and in
one narration, he never prayed more than 13. However, it is permissible to pray more than 11/13
because he said the prayer of the night is two, two, two.

Must we complete the Quran in it?
No. You dont have to complete the entire Quran during taraweeh. It was never reported that that
the Rasul (S) completed the Quran with the Sahhaba in salah, but he did read all of it every
Ramadhaan with Jibril (AS).

Can I follow the imam with the mushuf?
You are allowed to do that but with the condition that you dont pronounce the words in English.
There is proof from traditional books of fiqh that say it is permissible to look at a book of tafseer as
long as you look with your eyes and refrain from saying anything with your tongue.
It is not permissible to make the dua of Qunut in jama in the masajid in English.

What if you miss one day from Ramadhaan, and the next Ramadhaan comes but you did not
make up that day yet? There is a scholarly difference of opinions concerning this matter, referred
to as al khilaf al qadeem (the old khilaf). Differences between madhahib are usually due to
differences in companions. For example, Imam Abu Hanifa usually chose the position of Ibn Masood
because he was the Imam of Kufa where Hanifa grew up. Imam Malik was heavily influenced by Ibn
Umar who lived in Medinah. Imam Ash-Shafi was greatly exposed to Ibn Abbas, especially in Ash-
Shafis youth. Imam Ahmed came later on and was heavily influenced by two school of thought, the
Hanfi and Maliki.
There are two opinions:
1.) Regardless whether you missed that day for a valid reason or not, you must make up the missed
day because Allah (swt) says so the same number (should be made up) from other days (Surah al-
Baqarah ayah185)
2.) If you had the ability to make up the fast and failed to do so, then you must feed a person for
every day they did not make up before Ramadhaan.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

When is it?
Where can it be done?
How long it should be?

It is the consensus of Muslim scholars that Itikaf is Sunnah. The act of Itikaf is well known in
history, as Zakkariyah and Maryam both performed this act of ibadaha as they stayed in the ihram.
Even monks and priests in other religions live in isolation and dedicate their lives to the worship of
God. So, it is an old concept, but Islam sets specific guidelines for this ibadah.

Allah (swt) says in Surah al-Baqarah ayah 125 We commanded Ibrahim and Isma'il that they
should purify My House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) for those who are circumambulating it, or staying
(in I'tikaf), or bowing or prostrating themselves.

Allah (swt) also says in the same surah in aya 187, And do not have sexual relations with them
(your wives) while you are in i'tikaf in the masajid.

So, the masjid should be ready to accommodate those who want to make itikaf.
Aisha (R) said that the Rasul (S) would make itikaf in the last 10 nights of Ramadhaan.

One year he didnt make itikaf because all of his wives joined him in the masjid. Each wife put up a
small tent in the masjid, making it difficult for other people to have space and pray. The Rasul (s)
was slightly irritated because they were not thinking about other people. So, he put down his own
tent to break his itikaf, and his wives then broke their Itikaf too. He himself stopped Itikaf so his
wives would not feel bad and to show how important it is for a Muslim to be considerate of other
peoples feelings. The Rasul (s) then made up these days in the month of Shawwal.

From this scenario we learn:
A.) women are allowed to make itikaf
B.) she must follow certain conditions
1.) permission of wali such as the husband or father (because she may have a
duty to fulfill like taking care of the kids
2.) free from menses or post-natal bleeding
C.) masjid must accommodate her itikaf
1.) safe
2.) privacy for eating and sleeping

The Rasul (s) never made Itikaf outside the month of Ramadhaan. He only did so in Shawwal in
order to make up the Ramadhaan he missed. Fuqaha then ask why the Rasul (s) did not make Itikaf
outside the month of Ramadhaan, if doing so is permissible. The Rasul (s) possibly only make Itikaf
in Ramadhaan because that was the best time. Some say that itikaf can be made outside month of
Ramadhaan because of the pervious ayahs mentioned above. These ayahs were not limited to
Ramadhaan, rather they are general.

Itikaf can be made outside the month of Ramadhaan even if not fasting because the ayahs did not
connect Itikaf to fasting either linguistically or Islamically. One may argue that the Rasul (s) was
fasting, but that is because it was during Ramadhaan.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Men cannot be in state of janaba during itikaf, and he must leave the masjid to shower, then return
to the masjid.
How long should the Itikaf be?
The Itikaf of the Rasul (s) was 10 days. There is a general agreement amongst the four madhaahib
that there is no limit on the length of Itikaf. One could technically make Itikaf for the whole year,
except in Eid.

But there is a debate on the minimum length of Itikaf. Imam Malik says that the minimum should
be 10 days, following the practice of the Rasul (S). Imam Abu Hanifa, some Shafi scholars, and some
Maliki scholars say that the minimum is 1 day, starting from Fajr and ending at Asr time. The official
Maliki position states 1 day and 1 night (i.e. 24 hours). The Hanabila and the majority of Shafi and
Hanfi scholars say lahtha (any short period of time). So even 5 minutes would be permissible.
Some say even walking past the masjid with intention of Itikaf is valid.

Itikaf comes from the Arabic roots ukoof/akf, which has two meanings:
1.) isolation
2.) dedication

So, because one must be dedicated, some scholars will say that Itikaf should be a good period of
time such as several hours. And because one must also be in isolation, it would be best to avoid
constantly updating Facebook and Twitter while performing Itikaf. People should also avoid
swimming and watching movies with popcorn during Itikaf, because it is an act of worship which
must be respected.

Itikaf does not mean that you dont socialize at all. While the Rasul (S) was in Itikaf, his wife
Saffiyah stopped by to visit. He then her home while 2 Ansari companions saw them, at which they
quickened their pace. The Rasul (s) was worried about these two companions who may have been
subject to the whispering of Shaytan. Such whisperings would have put doubt in their hearts and
possibly destroyed them. So, the Rasul (s) called them back and explained to them that the woman
he was with is his wife, Saffiyah.

You are allowed to eat, drink, and talk during Itikaf, but the majority of time should be for ibadaha,
not for socializing or sleeping. It is permissible to have a class or halaqa during Itikaf because you
are still occupying yourself with worship of Allah.

It is permissible for men to make Itikaf in the womens prayer area as long as there are no women

Which days should you make Itikaf in?
The Rasul (s) made Itikaf during Ramadhaan in the first 10 nights, then in the middles ten 10
nights, and then in the last 10 nights. He did this in search of Lailutul Qadr. When he was told it was
limited to the last 10 nights, he limited himself to these nights.

Can Itikaf be in any masjid/mussalah?
The strongest opinions states that Itikaf must be performed in a place where the Jumuah prayer is
established. In ayah 187 mentioned above, Allah (swt) specifically says while you are in Itikaf in
the masajid. A masjid is a place where the 5 daily prayers are established so that you dont have to
leave in order to find a jama to pray with.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

What about performing Itikaf in caves?
Some may argue that the Rasul (s) isolated himself in the Cave of Hira before his Prophethood.
However, anything that the Rasul (s) did before revelation is not a legitimate form of Islamic

Do you need to perform Itikaf in an actual musuallah, or is it ok to make Itikaf in facilities
like gym?
You must make Itikaf where the prayer is established. If the gym is not used for prayer, it is not
permissible to make Itikaf in gym. A musallah does not necessarily equate with a masjid.

If you want you eat, can you go to the masjid caf in the gym? Yes, it is permissible. Even if you
go back home to eat and then come back immediately, it is permissible. Also, leaving the masjid for
an actual need like a doctors appointment does not break your Itikaf. However, you must come
back immediately upon finishing your need.
You can go back home and eat with your family only if the masjid does not provide food or if your
allergic to the food they offer.

What about leaving for matters that are not a necessity but for community service? (Such as
Zakat Foundation, matrimonial services, visiting the sick, feeding people, and following a
In this case, Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ash Shafi say that if you make such community service as
part of your original niyyah, it is permissible. But Imam Hanbali says it is not permissible to put
such a condition in the niyyah.

If you look at Hasan Al-Basri and other early scholars, they did not consider this as a condition at all
since good deed is part of the Itikaf itself.

Some scholars dont recommend to leave Itikaf for such causes unless you really have to and it is
personal since there are other times to volunteer for such events.

Imam al-Albaani from current day Syria took the opinion that Itikaf can only be done in the
following three masajid: Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Masjid an-Nabbawi in Medinah, and Masjid al-
Aqsa in Jerusalem.

During the time of Abu Musa Ashari, Hudhayfah told ibn Masood concerning people praying in a
Kufa masjid, There is no itikaaf except in al-Masjid al-Haraam or in the three mosques? He said he
quoted this from the Propeht (s). Abdullah replied, Perhaps you have forgotten and they
remembered, or you made a mistake and they got it right. Ibn Masood was telling that the Prophet
(s) did not say that, but rather that you cannot travel to pray in a masjid to make Itikaf except for
those three masajid. So, Hudhayfah misunderstood the hadith, and another companion corrected
him. So, scholars do not really accept the opinion of Hudhayfah.

So, you should not travel all the way to Istanbul to make Itikaf thinking that there will be some kind
of special reward from that specific masjid. It is permissible to travel to a masjid to benefit from its
classes, strong community, the Quran recitation, but you should not travel just for the mere
location. The only places that are blessed in and of itself are the three masjid listed above.

Allah (swt) says in Surah al-Baqarah aya 187, And do not have sexual relations with them (your
wives) while you are in i'tikaf in the masajid. The verse is general and thus refers to any masjid.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

There is no need to designate a space or territory for your Itikaf. The Rasul (s) used a kind of
garment to organize his space, but it wasnt a means of confinement. He had a kind of tent because
he wanted some privacy. At that time, there was no underwear or pants, so the awrah can possibly
be exposed during Salah. The tent is not really a sunnah, but rather a cultural concept.

Woman cannot make Itikaf at home because it must be at masjid.


The companions would make dua to Allah for 6 months of the year that He should allow them to
witness this month, and then would make dua for the remaining months that Allah accepts their
deeds within this month.

What do we gain from Ramadan?
Taqwa, Iman

How do we continue after Ramadhaan?
Set goals, keep going to the masjid
Continue fasting
Community service
Connect yourself to Quran
Surround yourself with people who will inspire you to do more good
(Fasting during Ramadhaan and praying in the masjid can sometimes be easier because everyone is
doing it. It shows us the power of jama)
Role of Eid?
We should not ruin our Eid with sin, lack of modesty, or missed salah.
We should continue doing the good deeds, even after Ramadhaan.

-What do we gain from Ramadan?
-How do we continue it after Ramadan?
-What is the role of Id?


Do Medicine Such As Eye Drops Break My Fast?

How Do I Make Fasts If I Miss Them?
What Do Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women Do?
What Is The Ruling Of An Old Person Who Is Unable To Fast?
Does Having A Blood Sample Taken Break The Fast?
Can a person swim while fasting?Yes as long as you do not break your fast.
Can I brush my teeth while fasting?Yes, but do not swallow the toothpaste or water. It is also
disliked to gargle.
Can a fasting person use an asthma inhaler?
Can a person go to the dentist while fasting for a filling?
I live in a land where there is constant daylight for certain months of the year . What do I do?
Can I receive a vaccination while fasting?
How often, who are the recipients, the type of wealth, and the precise amounts were later decreed
in Medina.


Qabeelat Wasat DETOX: Fiqh of Fasting & Zakat

June 2015 Shaykh Waleed Basyouni

Sister doesnt remember if she missed 9 or 10 days of fasting? Go with 10 days just in case.
Old person unable to fast? Feed a person for each missed day
Does having a blood sample taken break the fast? No
Swimming? Permissible
Asthma inhaler? Permissible
Visiting the dentists for a filling? Permissible, as long as you dont swallow anything
Brush teeth while tasting? Permissible
Living in a country with constant daylight for certain months of year? You should follow the closest
country where the day and night are average. For example, if you live in north pole, you can follow
What if the daytime is very long, like 20 hours? You still have to fast, but if during you fast you get
tired and cant continue, you can break your fast. You would be considered as a sick person, and
should make it up later.
Vaccination? Permissible


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