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Python Redmine

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At a glance
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The key takeaways are that Python Redmine is a library for communicating with a Redmine project management application via its REST API. It provides a Pythonic ORM-style API.

The main features of Python Redmine are that it supports 100% of the Redmine API, supports Python versions 2.6-3.4 and PyPy, is extensively documented, and provides an ORM-style Pythonic API.

Support is available by contacting the author via feedback, pull requests, issues, or questions. The author can be contacted via email.

Python Redmine Documentation


Max Tepkeev

February 20, 2015



Contacts and Support

Donations and Sponsorship

Copyright and License

Table of contents
5.1 Installation . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Configuration . . . . . . . .
5.3 Operations . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Resources . . . . . . . . . .
5.5 Advanced Usage . . . . . .
5.6 Frequently Asked Questions
5.7 Exceptions . . . . . . . . .
5.8 License . . . . . . . . . . .
5.9 Changelog . . . . . . . . .

Python Module Index










































Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Python Redmine is a library for communicating with a Redmine project management application. Redmine exposes
some of its data via REST API for which Python Redmine provides a simple but powerful Pythonic API inspired by
a well-known Django ORM:
>>> from redmine import Redmine
>>> redmine = Redmine(http://demo.redmine.org, username=foo, password=bar)
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.id
>>> project.identifier
>>> project.created_on
datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 31, 13, 27, 47)
>>> project.issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>
>>> project.issues[0]
<redmine.resources.Issue #34441 "Vacation">
>>> dir(project.issues[0])
[assigned_to, author, created_on, description, done_ratio,
due_date, estimated_hours, id, priority, project, relations,
start_date, status, subject, time_entries, tracker, updated_on]
>>> project.issues[0].subject
>>> project.issues[0].time_entries
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with TimeEntry resources>


Python Redmine Documentation, Release




Supports 100% of Redmine API features

Supports Python 2.6 - 3.4, PyPy and PyPy3
Extensively documented
Provides ORM-style Pythonic API

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Chapter 1. Features


Contacts and Support

I will be glad to get your feedback, pull requests, issues, whatever. Feel free to contact me for any questions.

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Chapter 2. Contacts and Support


Donations and Sponsorship

If you like this project and want to support it you have 3 options:
1. Just give this project a star at the top of the GitHub repository. That doesnt cost you anything but makes the
author happier.
2. You can express your gratitude via Gratipay.
3. Become a sponsor. Contact me via tepkeev at gmail dot com if you are interested in becoming a
sponsor and we will discuss the terms and conditions.

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Chapter 3. Donations and Sponsorship


Copyright and License

Python Redmine is licensed under Apache 2.0 license. Check the License for details.

Python Redmine Documentation, Release


Chapter 4. Copyright and License


Table of contents

5.1 Installation
5.1.1 Dependencies
Python Redmine relies heavily on great Requests library by Kenneth Reitz for all the http(s) calls.

5.1.2 Conflicts
Python Redmine cant be used together with PyRedmine because they both use same module name, i.e. redmine
which causes unexpected behaviour for both packages. That means that you have to uninstall PyRedmine before
installing Python Redmine.

5.1.3 PyPI
The recommended way to install is from Python Package Index (PyPI) with pip:
$ pip install python-redmine

or with easy_install:
$ easy_install python-redmine

If the PyPI is down, you can also install Python Redmine from one of its mirrors, e.g. from Crate.IO:
$ pip install -i http://simple.crate.io/ python-redmine

5.1.4 GitHub
Python Redmine is actively developed on GitHub. If you want to get latest development sources you have to clone the
$ git clone git://github.com/maxtepkeev/python-redmine.git

Once you have the sources, you can install it into your site-packages:
$ python setup.py install

You can also install latest stable development version via pip:


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

$ pip install git+https://github.com/maxtepkeev/python-redmine.git@master

5.2 Configuration
5.2.1 Redmine
To start making requests to Redmine you have to check the box Enable REST API in Administration -> Settings ->
Authentication and click the Save button.
Hint: Sometimes it is a good idea to create a special user in Redmine which will be used only for the calls to
Redmines REST API.

5.2.2 Parameters
Configuring Python Redmine is extremely easy, the first thing you have to do is to import the Redmine object, which
will represent the connection to Redmine server:
from redmine import Redmine

Now you need to configure the Redmine object and pass it a few parameters. The only required parameter is the
Redmine location (without the forward slash in the end):
redmine = Redmine(http://demo.redmine.org)

Most of the time, the API requires authentication. It can be done in 2 different ways:
using users regular login and password:
redmine = Redmine(http://demo.redmine.org, username=foo, password=bar)

using users API key which is a handy way to avoid putting a password in a script:
redmine = Redmine(http://demo.redmine.org, key=b244397884889a29137643be79c83f1d470c1e2fac)

The API key can be found on users account page when logged in, on the right-hand pane of the default layout.
As of Redmine 2.2.0, you can impersonate user through the REST API. It must be set to a user login, e.g. jsmith. This
only works when using the API with an administrator account, this will be ignored when using the API with a regular
user account.
redmine = Redmine(http://demo.redmine.org, impersonate=jsmith)

If the login specified does not exist or is not active, you will get an exception.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

There are a lot of different Redmine versions out there and different versions support different resources and features.
To be sure that everything will work as expected you need to tell Python Redmine what version of Redmine do you
redmine = Redmine(http://demo.redmine.org, version=2.3.3)

DateTime Formats
Python Redmine automatically converts Redmines date/datetime strings to Pythons date/datetime objects:
-> datetime.date(2013, 12, 31)
2013-12-31T13:27:47Z -> datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 31, 13, 27, 47)

Starting from Python Redmine 0.7.0 the conversion also works backwards, i.e. you can use Pythons date/datetime
objects when setting resource attributes or in ResourceManager methods, e.g. filter():
datetime.date(2013, 12, 31)
-> 2013-12-31
datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 31, 13, 27, 47) -> 2013-12-31T13:27:47Z

If the conversion doesnt work for you and you receive strings instead of objects, you have a different datetime formatting than default. To make the conversion work you have to tell Redmine object what datetime formatting do you
use, e.g. if the string returned is 31.12.2013T13:27:47Z:

redmine = Redmine(http://demo.redmine.org, date_format=%d.%m.%Y, datetime_format=%d.%m.%YT%H:%M:

Exception Control
New in version 0.4.0.
If a requested attribute on a resource object doesnt exist, Python Redmine will raise an exception by default. Sometimes this may not be the desired behaviour. Python Redmine provides a way to control this type of exception.
You can completely turn it OFF for all resources:
redmine = Redmine(https://redmine.url, raise_attr_exception=False)

Or you can turn it ON only for some resources via a list or tuple of resource class names:
redmine = Redmine(https://redmine.url, raise_attr_exception=(Project, Issue, WikiPage))

Connection Options
New in version 0.3.1.
Python Redmine uses Requests library for all the http(s) calls to Redmine server. Requests provides sensible default
connection options, but sometimes you may have a need to change them. For example if your Redmine server uses
SSL but the certificate is invalid you need to set a Requestss verify option to False:
redmine = Redmine(https://redmine.url, requests={verify: False})

Full list of available connection options can be found in the Requests documentation.
Hint: Storing settings right in the code is a bad habit. Instead store them in some configuration file and then import
them, for example if you use Django, you can create settings for Python Redmine in projects settings.py file and then
import them in the code, e.g.:

5.2. Configuration


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

# settings.py
REDMINE_URL = http://demo.redmine.org
REDMINE_KEY = b244397884889a29137643be79c83f1d470c1e2fac
# somewhere in the code
from django.conf import settings
from redmine import Redmine
redmine = Redmine(settings.REDMINE_URL, key=settings.REDMINE_KEY)

5.3 Operations
Now when you have configured your Redmine object, you can start making operations on the Redmine. Redmine has
a conception of resources, i.e. resource is an entity which can be used in Redmines REST API. All operations on the
resources are provided by the ResourceManager object which you usually dont have to use directly. Not all resources
support every operation, if resource doesnt support the requested operation, an exception will be thrown.

5.3.1 Create
New in version 0.2.0.
Python Redmine provides 2 create operation methods: create and new. Unfortunately Redmine doesnt support the
creation of some resources via REST API. You can read more about it in each resources documentation.
Creates new resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.

>>> project = redmine.project.create(name=Vacation, identifier=vacation, description=foo, homep

>>> project
<redmine.resources.Project #123 "Vacation">

New in version 0.4.0.
Creates new empty resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set some resource fields
later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine.
>>> project = redmine.project.new()
>>> project.name = Vacation
>>> project.identifier = vacation
>>> project.description = foo
>>> project.homepage = http://foo.bar
>>> project.is_public = True
>>> project.parent_id = 345
>>> project.inherit_members = True
>>> project.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> project.save()


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

5.3.2 Read
New in version 0.1.0.
Python Redmine provides 3 read operation methods: get, all and filter. Each of this methods support different
keyword arguments depending on the resource used and method called. You can read more about it in each resources
Returns requested Resource object either by integer id or by string identifier:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.name
>>> project[name] # You can access Resource attributes this way too

Note: Resource object provides 2 ways to introspect itself:

dir(). Returns all the attributes Resource has as a list.

list(). Returns all the attributes with its values Resource has as a list of tuples.

Hint: Under some circumstances Redmine doesnt return all the data about Resource, fortunately Resource object
provides a convenient refresh() method which will get all the available data:

Returns a ResourceSet object that contains all the requested Resource objects:
>>> projects = redmine.project.all()
>>> projects
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Project resources>

Returns a ResourceSet object that contains Resource objects filtered by some condition(s):
>>> issues = redmine.issue.filter(project_id=vacation)
>>> issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>

Hint: ResourceSet object supports limit and offset, i.e. if you need to get only some portion of Resource objects, in
the form of [offset:limit] or as keyword arguments:

5.3. Operations


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

redmine.project.all()[:135] # Returns only the first 135 projects

redmine.project.all(limit=135) # Returns only the first 135 projects
redmine.issue.filter(project_id=vacation)[10:3] # Returns only 3 issues starting from 10th
redmine.issue.filter(project_id=vacation, offset=10, limit=3) # Returns only 3 issues starting fro

Please note, that keyword arguments have a higher priority, e.g.:


# Returns 10 projects and not 20

Hint: ResourceSet object provides 5 helper methods get(), filter(), update(), delete() and values():
get. Returns a single resource from the ResourceSet by resource id:
redmine.project.all().get(30404, None)

# Returns None if a Resource is not found

filter. Returns a ResourceSet with requested resource ids:

redmine.project.all().filter((30404, 30405, 30406, 30407))

update. Updates fields of all resources in a ResourceSet with the given values and returns an updated ResourceSet object, e.g., the following assigns issues of a project vacation with ids of 30404 and 30405 to the user with
id of 547:
New in version 1.0.0.

redmine.project.get(vacation).issues.filter((30404, 30405)).update(assigned_to_id=547)

delete. Deletes all resources in a ResourceSet, e.g. the following deletes all issues from the vacation project:
New in version 1.0.0.


values. Returns a ValuesResourceSet a ResourceSet subclass that returns dictionaries when used as an
iterable, rather than resource-instance objects. Each of those dictionaries represents a resource, with the keys
corresponding to the attribute names of resource objects. This example compares the dictionaries of values()
with the normal resource objects:
New in version 1.0.0.

>>> list(redmine.issue_status.all(limit=1))
[<redmine.resources.IssueStatus #1 "New">]
>>> list(redmine.issue_status.all(limit=1).values())
[{id: 1, is_default: True, name: New}]


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

The values() method takes optional positional arguments, *fields, which specify field names to which resource
fields should be limited. If you specify the fields, each dictionary will contain only the field keys/values for the
fields you specify. If you dont specify the fields, each dictionary will contain a key and value for every field in
the resource:
>>> list(redmine.issue_status.all(limit=1).values())
[{id: 1, is_default: True, name: New}]
>>> list(redmine.issue_status.all(limit=1).values(id, name))
[{id: 1, name: New}]

ResourceSet object also provides some attributes:

limit. What limit value was used to retrieve this ResourceSet:

offset. What offset value was used to retrieve this ResourceSet:


total_count. How much resources of current resource type there are available in Redmine:
New in version 0.4.0.


Note: ResourceSet object is lazy, i.e. it doesnt make any requests to Redmine when it is created and is evaluated
only when some of these conditions are met:
Iteration. A ResourceSet is iterable and it is evaluated when you iterate over it.
for project in redmine.project.all():

len(). A ResourceSet is evaluated when you call len() on it and returns the length of the list.

list(). Force evaluation of a ResourceSet by calling list() on it.


Index. A ResourceSet is also evaluated when you request some of its Resources by index.

# Returns the first Resource in the ResourceSet

5.3.3 Update
New in version 0.4.0.
Python Redmine provides 2 update operation methods: update and save. Unfortunately Redmine doesnt support
updates on some resources via REST API. You can read more about it in each resources documentation.

5.3. Operations


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Updates a resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.

>>> redmine.project.update(1, name=Vacation, description=foo, homepage=http://foo.bar, is_publi


Saves the current state of a resource to the Redmine.
>>> project = redmine.project.get(1)
>>> project.name = Vacation
>>> project.description = foo
>>> project.homepage = http://foo.bar
>>> project.is_public = True
>>> project.parent_id = 345
>>> project.inherit_members = True
>>> project.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> project.save()

5.3.4 Delete
New in version 0.3.0.
Resources can be deleted via delete method. Unfortunately Redmine doesnt support the deletion of some resources
via REST API. You can read more about it in each resources documentation.
>>> redmine.project.delete(1)

Warning: Deleted resources cant be restored. Use this method carefully.

5.4 Resources
5.4.1 Issue
Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.0
All operations on the issue resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.issue where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure
redmine object.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Create methods

Creates new issue resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of issues project.
subject (string) (required). Issue subject.
tracker_id (integer) (optional). Issue tracker id.
description (string) (optional). Issue description.
status_id (integer) (optional). Issue status id.
priority_id (integer) (optional). Issue priority id.
category_id (integer) (optional). Issue category id.
fixed_version_id (integer) (optional). Issue version id.
is_private (boolean) (optional). Whether issue is private.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). Issue will be assigned to this user id.
watcher_user_ids (list or tuple) (optional). User ids who will be watching this issue.
parent_issue_id (integer) (optional). Parent issue id.
start_date (string or date object) (optional). Issue start date.
due_date (string or date object) (optional). Issue end date.
estimated_hours (integer) (optional). Issue estimated hours.
done_ratio (integer) (optional). Issue done ratio.
custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
uploads (list or tuple)
path (required). Absolute path to the file that should be uploaded.
filename (optional). Name of the file after upload.
description (optional). Description of the file.
content_type (optional). Content type of the file.
Returns Issue resource object

>>> issue = redmine.issue.create(project_id=vacation, subject=Vacation, tracker_id=8, description

>>> issue
<redmine.resources.Issue #123 "Vacation">


Creates new empty issue resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set some
resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid attributes are
the same as for create method above.

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Returns Issue resource object

>>> issue = redmine.issue.new()
>>> issue.project_id = vacation
>>> issue.subject = Vacation
>>> issue.tracker_id = 8
>>> issue.description = foo
>>> issue.status_id = 3
>>> issue.priority_id = 7
>>> issue.assigned_to_id = 123
>>> issue.watcher_user_ids = [123]
>>> issue.parent_issue_id = 345
>>> issue.start_date = date(2014, 1, 1)
>>> issue.due_date = date(2014, 2, 1)
>>> issue.estimated_hours = 4
>>> issue.done_ratio = 40
>>> issue.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> issue.uploads = [{path: /absolute/path/to/file}, {path: /absolute/path/to/file2}]
>>> issue.save()

Read methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.get(resource_id, **params)
Returns single issue resource from the Redmine by its id.
resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the issue.
include (string)
Returns Issue resource object
>>> issue = redmine.issue.get(34441, include=children,journals,watchers)
>>> issue
<redmine.resources.Issue #34441 "Vacation">

Hint: New in version 0.4.0.

Issue resource object provides you with on demand includes. On demand includes are the other resource objects
wrapped in a ResourceSet which are associated with an Issue resource object. Keep in mind that on demand includes


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

are retrieved in a separate request, that means that if the speed is important it is recommended to use get method with
a include keyword argument. The on demand includes provided by the Issue resource object are the same as in the
get method above:
>>> issue = redmine.issue.get(34441)
>>> issue.journals
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with IssueJournal resources>

Hint: Issue resource object provides you with some relations. Relations are the other resource objects wrapped in
a ResourceSet which are somehow related to an Issue resource object. The relations provided by the Issue resource
object are:
>>> issue = redmine.issue.get(34441)
>>> issue.time_entries
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with TimeEntry resources>


Returns all issue resources from the Redmine.
sort (string) (optional). Column to sort with. Append :desc to invert the order.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> issues = redmine.issue.all(sort=category:desc)
>>> issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>


Returns issue resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (optional). Id or identifier of issues project.
subproject_id (integer or string) (optional). Get issues from the subproject with the given
id. You can use project_id=X, subproject_id=!* to get only the issues of a given project and
none of its subprojects.
tracker_id (integer) (optional). Get issues from the tracker with the given id.
query_id (integer) (optional). Get issues for the given query id.
status_id (integer or string)
open - open issues
5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

closed - closed issues

* - all issues
id - status id
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). Get issues which are assigned to the given user id.
To get the issues assigned to the user whose credentials were used to access the API pass
me as a string.
cf_x (string) (optional). Get issues with the given value for custom field with an ID of x.
sort (string) (optional). Column to sort with. Append :desc to invert the order.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object

>>> issues = redmine.issue.filter(project_id=vacation, subproject_id=!*, created_on=><2012-03-01

>>> issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>

Hint: You can also get issues from a project, tracker, issue status or user resource objects directly using issues
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of an issue resource and saves them to the Redmine.
resource_id (integer) (required). Issue id.
project_id (integer) (optional). Issue project id.
subject (string) (optional). Issue subject.
tracker_id (integer) (optional). Issue tracker id.
description (string) (optional). Issue description.
notes (string) (optional). Issue journal note.
status_id (integer) (optional). Issue status id.
priority_id (integer) (optional). Issue priority id.
category_id (integer) (optional). Issue category id.
fixed_version_id (integer) (optional). Issue version id.
is_private (boolean) (optional). Whether issue is private.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). Issue will be assigned to this user id.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

parent_issue_id (integer) (optional). Parent issue id.

start_date (string or date object) (optional). Issue start date.
due_date (string or date object) (optional). Issue end date.
estimated_hours (integer) (optional). Issue estimated hours.
done_ratio (integer) (optional). Issue done ratio.
custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
uploads (list or tuple)
path (required). Absolute path to the file that should be uploaded.
filename (optional). Name of the file after upload.
description (optional). Description of the file.
content_type (optional). Content type of the file.
Returns True

>>> redmine.issue.update(1, project_id=1, subject=Vacation, tracker_id=8, description=foo, notes=



Saves the current state of an issue resource to the Redmine. Fields that can be changed are the same as for
update method above.
Returns True
>>> issue = redmine.issue.get(1)
>>> issue.project_id = 1
>>> issue.subject = Vacation
>>> issue.tracker_id = 8
>>> issue.description = foo
>>> issue.notes = A journal note
>>> issue.status_id = 3
>>> issue.priority_id = 7
>>> issue.assigned_to_id = 123
>>> issue.parent_issue_id = 345
>>> issue.start_date = date(2014, 1, 1)
>>> issue.due_date = date(2014, 2, 1)
>>> issue.estimated_hours = 4
>>> issue.done_ratio = 40
>>> issue.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> issue.uploads = [{path: /absolute/path/to/file}, {path: /absolute/path/to/file2}]
>>> issue.save()

Delete methods

Deletes single issue resource from the Redmine by its id.
5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Issue id.

Returns True
>>> redmine.issue.delete(1)

New in version 0.5.0.
Python Redmine provides 2 methods to work with issue watchers: add and remove.

Adds a user to issue watchers list by its id.
Parameters user_id (integer) (required). User id.
Returns True
>>> issue = redmine.issue.get(1)
>>> issue.watcher.add(1)


Removes a user from issue watchers list by its id.
Parameters user_id (integer) (required). User id.
Returns True
>>> issue = redmine.issue.get(1)
>>> issue.watcher.remove(1)

5.4.2 Project
Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.0
All operations on the project resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.project where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Create methods

Creates new project resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
name (string) (required). Project name.
identifier (string) (required). Project identifier.
description (string) (optional). Project description.
homepage (string) (optional). Project homepage url.
is_public (boolean) (optional). Whether project is public.
parent_id (integer) (optional). Projects parent project id.
inherit_members (boolean) (optional). If project inherits parent projects members.
tracker_ids (list) (optional). The ids of trackers for this project.
issue_custom_field_ids (list) (optional). The ids of issue custom fields for this project.
custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
enabled_module_names (list) (optional). The names of enabled modules for this project
(Redmine >= 2.6.0 only).
Returns Project resource object

>>> project = redmine.project.create(name=Vacation, identifier=vacation, description=foo, homep

>>> project
<redmine.resources.Project #123 "Vacation">


Creates new empty project resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set some
resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid attributes are
the same as for create method above.
Returns Project resource object
>>> project = redmine.project.new()
>>> project.name = Vacation
>>> project.identifier = vacation
>>> project.description = foo
>>> project.homepage = http://foo.bar
>>> project.is_public = True
>>> project.parent_id = 345
>>> project.inherit_members = True
>>> project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
>>> project.issue_custom_field_ids = [1, 2]
>>> project.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> project.enabled_module_names = [calendar, documents, files, gantt]
>>> project.save()

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Read methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.get(resource_id, **params)
Returns single project resource from the Redmine by its id or identifier.
resource_id (integer or string) (required). Project id or identifier.
include (string)
enabled_modules (Redmine >= 2.6.0 only)
Returns Project resource object
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation, include=trackers,issue_categories,enabled_modules)
>>> project
<redmine.resources.Project #123 "Vacation">

Hint: New in version 0.4.0.

Project resource object provides you with on demand includes. On demand includes are the other resource objects
wrapped in a ResourceSet which are associated with a Project resource object. Keep in mind that on demand includes
are retrieved in a separate request, that means that if the speed is important it is recommended to use get method with
a include keyword argument. The on demand includes provided by the Project resource object are the same as in
the get method above:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.trackers
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Tracker resources>

Hint: Project resource object provides you with some relations. Relations are the other resource objects wrapped in
a ResourceSet which are somehow related to a Project resource object. The relations provided by the Project resource
object are:
time_entries (available from v1.0.0)
deals (available from v1.0.0 and only if CRM plugin is installed)
contacts (available from v1.0.0 and only if CRM plugin is installed)

Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

deal_categories (available from v1.0.0 and only if CRM plugin 3.3.0 and higher is installed)
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>


Returns all project resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
include (string)
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> projects = redmine.project.all(offset=10, limit=100)
>>> projects
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Project resources>


Not supported by Redmine

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of a project resource and saves them to the Redmine.
resource_id (integer) (required). Project id.
name (string) (optional). Project name.
description (string) (optional). Project description.
homepage (string) (optional). Project homepage url.
is_public (boolean) (optional). Whether project is public.
parent_id (integer) (optional). Projects parent project id.
inherit_members (boolean) (optional). If project inherits parent projects members.
tracker_ids (list) (optional). The ids of trackers for this project.

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

issue_custom_field_ids (list) (optional). The ids of issue custom fields for this project.
custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
enabled_module_names (list) (optional). The names of enabled modules for this project
(Redmine >= 2.6.0 only).
Returns True

>>> redmine.project.update(1, name=Vacation, description=foo, homepage=http://foo.bar, is_publi



Saves the current state of a project resource to the Redmine. Fields that can be changed are the same as for
update method above.
Returns True
>>> project = redmine.project.get(1)
>>> project.name = Vacation
>>> project.description = foo
>>> project.homepage = http://foo.bar
>>> project.is_public = True
>>> project.parent_id = 345
>>> project.inherit_members = True
>>> project.tracker_ids = [1, 2]
>>> project.issue_custom_field_ids = [1, 2]
>>> project.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> project.enabled_module_names = [calendar, documents, files, gantt]
>>> project.save()

Delete methods

Deletes single project resource from the Redmine by its id or identifier.
Parameters resource_id (integer or string) (required). Project id or identifier.
Returns True
>>> redmine.project.delete(1)

5.4.3 Project Membership

Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.4


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

All operations on the project membership resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.project_membership where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about
how to configure redmine object.
Create methods

Creates new project membership resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of the project.
user_id (integer) (required). Id of the user to add to the project.
role_ids (list or tuple) (required). Role ids to add to the user in this project.
Returns ProjectMembership resource object

>>> membership = redmine.project_membership.create(project_id=vacation, user_id=1, role_ids=[1, 2])

>>> membership
<redmine.resources.ProjectMembership #123>


Creates new empty project membership resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want
to set some resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid
attributes are the same as for create method above.
Returns ProjectMembership resource object
>>> membership = redmine.project_membership.new()
>>> membership.project_id = vacation
>>> membership.user_id = 1
>>> membership.role_ids = [1, 2]
>>> membership.save()

Read methods

Returns single project membership resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Project membership id.
Returns ProjectMembership resource object

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

>>> membership = redmine.project_membership.get(521)

>>> membership
<redmine.resources.ProjectMembership #521>


Not supported by Redmine


Returns project membership resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of the project.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> memberships = redmine.project_membership.filter(project_id=vacation)
>>> memberships
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with ProjectMembership resources>

Hint: You can also get project memberships from a project resource object directly using memberships relation:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.memberships
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with ProjectMembership resources>

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of a project membership resource and saves them to the Redmine.
resource_id (integer) (required). Project membership id.
role_ids (list or tuple) (required). Role ids to add to the user in this project.
Returns True
>>> redmine.project_membership.update(1, role_ids=[1, 2])


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release


Saves the current state of a project membership resource to the Redmine. Fields that can be changed are the
same as for update method above.
Returns True
>>> membership = redmine.project_membership.get(1)
>>> membership.role_ids = [1, 2]
>>> membership.save()

Delete methods

Deletes single project membership resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Project membership id.
Returns True
>>> redmine.project_membership.delete(1)

5.4.4 User
Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.1
All operations on the user resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call redmine.user
where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
Create methods

Creates new user resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
login (string) (required). User login.
password (string) (optional). User password.
firstname (string) (required). User name.
lastname (string) (required). User surname.
mail (string) (required). User email.
auth_source_id (integer) (optional). Authentication mode id.
5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
Returns User resource object

>>> user = redmine.user.create(login=jsmith, password=qwerty, firstname=John, lastname=Smith,

>>> user
<redmine.resources.User #32 "John Smith">


Creates new empty user resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set some
resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid attributes are
the same as for create method above.
Returns User resource object
>>> user = redmine.user.new()
>>> user.login = jsmith
>>> user.password = qwerty
>>> user.firstname = John
>>> user.lastname = Smith
>>> user.mail = john@smith.com
>>> user.auth_source_id = 1
>>> user.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> user.save()

Read methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.get(resource_id, **params)
Returns single user resource from the Redmine by its id.
resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the user.
include (string)
Returns User resource object
>>> user = redmine.user.get(17, include=memberships,groups)
>>> user
<redmine.resources.User #17 "John Smith">

Hint: You can easily get the details of the user whose credentials were used to access the API:
>>> user = redmine.user.get(current)
>>> user
<redmine.resources.User #17 "John Smith">

Hint: New in version 0.4.0.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

User resource object provides you with on demand includes. On demand includes are the other resource objects
wrapped in a ResourceSet which are associated with a User resource object. Keep in mind that on demand includes
are retrieved in a separate request, that means that if the speed is important it is recommended to use get method with
a include keyword argument. The on demand includes provided by the User resource object are the same as in the
get method above:
>>> user = redmine.user.get(17)
>>> user.groups
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Group resources>

Hint: New in version 1.0.0.

User resource object provides you with some relations. Relations are the other resource objects wrapped in a ResourceSet which are somehow related to a User resource object. The relations provided by the User resource object
deals (only available if CRM plugin is installed)
contacts (only available if CRM plugin is installed)
>>> user = redmine.user.get(17)
>>> user.issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>


Returns all user resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> users = redmine.user.all(offset=10, limit=100)
>>> users
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with User resources>


Returns user resources that match the given lookup parameters.
5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

status (integer)
0 - anonymous
1 - active (default)
2 - registered
3 - locked
name (string) (optional). Filter users on their login, firstname, lastname and mail. If the
pattern contains a space, it will also return users whose firstname match the first word or
lastname match the second word.
group_id (integer) (optional). Get only users who are members of the given group.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> users = redmine.user.filter(offset=10, limit=100, status=3)
>>> users
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with User resources>

Hint: You can also get users from a group resource object directly using users on demand includes:
>>> group = redmine.group.get(524)
>>> group.users
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with User resources>

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of a user resource and saves them to the Redmine.
resource_id (integer) (required). User id.
login (string) (optional). User login.
password (string) (optional). User password.
firstname (string) (optional). User name.
lastname (string) (optional). User surname.
mail (string) (optional). User email.
auth_source_id (integer) (optional). Authentication mode id.
custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
Returns True

>>> redmine.user.update(1, login=jsmith, password=qwerty, firstname=John, lastname=Smith, mai



Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release


Saves the current state of a user resource to the Redmine. Fields that can be changed are the same as for update
method above.
Returns True
>>> user = redmine.user.get(1)
>>> user.login = jsmith
>>> user.password = qwerty
>>> user.firstname = John
>>> user.lastname = Smith
>>> user.mail = john@smith.com
>>> user.auth_source_id = 1
>>> user.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> user.save()

Delete methods

Deletes single user resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). User id.
Returns True
>>> redmine.user.delete(1)

5.4.5 Time Entry

Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.1
All operations on the time entry resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.time_entry where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to
configure redmine object.
Create methods

Creates new time entry resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
issue_id or project_id (integer) (required). The issue id or project id to log time on.

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

hours (integer) (required). The number of spent hours.

spent_on (string or date object) (optional). The date the time was spent (current date if
not set).
activity_id (integer) (optional). The id of the time activity. This parameter is required
unless a default activity is defined in Redmine.
comments (string) (optional). Short description for the entry (255 characters max).
Returns TimeEntry resource object

>>> time_entry = redmine.time_entry.create(issue_id=123, spent_on=2014-01-14, hours=3, activity_id=

>>> time_entry
<redmine.resources.TimeEntry #12345>


Creates new empty time entry resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set some
resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid attributes are
the same as for create method above.
Returns TimeEntry resource object
>>> time_entry = redmine.time_entry.new()
>>> time_entry.issue_id = 123
>>> time_entry.spent_on = date(2014, 1, 14)
>>> time_entry.hours = 3
>>> time_entry.activity_id = 10
>>> time_entry.comments = hello
>>> time_entry.save()

Read methods

Returns single time entry resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the time entry.
Returns TimeEntry resource object
>>> time_entry = redmine.time_entry.get(374)
>>> time_entry
<redmine.resources.TimeEntry #374>


Returns all time entry resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.

Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> time_entries = redmine.time_entry.all(offset=10, limit=100)
>>> time_entries
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with TimeEntry resources>


Returns time entry resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (optional). Get time entries from the project with the given
issue_id (integer) (optional). Get time entries from the issue with the given id.
user_id (integer) (optional). Get time entries for the user with the given id.
spent_on (string or date object) (optional). Redmine >= 2.3.0 only. Date when hours was
from_date (string or date object) (optional). New in version 0.4.0. Limit time entries
from this date.
to_date (string or date object) (optional). New in version 0.4.0. Limit time entries until
this date.
hours (string) (optional). Get only time entries that are =, >=, <= hours.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object

>>> time_entries = redmine.time_entry.filter(offset=10, limit=100, project_id=vacation, hours=>=8

>>> time_entries
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with TimeEntry resources>

Hint: You can also get time entries from an issue resource object and starting from 1.0.0 project and user resource
objects directly using time_entries relation:
>>> issue = redmine.issue.get(34213)
>>> issue.time_entries
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with TimeEntry resources>

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of a time entry resource and saves them to the Redmine.

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

resource_id (integer) (required). Time entry id.

issue_id or project_id (integer) (optional). The issue id or project id to log time on.
hours (integer) (optional). The number of spent hours.
spent_on (string or date object) (optional). The date the time was spent.
activity_id (integer) (optional). The id of the time activity.
comments (string) (optional). Short description for the entry (255 characters max).
Returns True

>>> redmine.time_entry.update(1, issue_id=123, spent_on=2014-01-14, hours=3, activity_id=10, commen



Saves the current state of a time entry resource to the Redmine. Fields that can be changed are the same as for
update method above.
Returns True
>>> time_entry = redmine.time_entry.get(1)
>>> time_entry.issue_id = 123
>>> time_entry.spent_on = date(2014, 1, 14)
>>> time_entry.hours = 3
>>> time_entry.activity_id = 10
>>> time_entry.comments = hello
>>> time_entry.save()

Delete methods

Deletes single time entry resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Time entry id.
Returns True
>>> redmine.time_entry.delete(1)

5.4.6 News
Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.1
All operations on the news resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call redmine.news
where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Create methods
Not supported by Redmine
Read methods

Not supported by Redmine


Returns all news resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> news = redmine.news.all(offset=10, limit=100)
>>> news
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with News resources>


Returns news resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of news project.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> news = redmine.news.filter(project_id=vacation)
>>> news
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with News resources>

Hint: You can also get news from a project resource object directly using news relation:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.news
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with News resources>

Update methods
Not supported by Redmine

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Delete methods
Not supported by Redmine

5.4.7 Issue Relation

Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.3
All operations on the issue relation resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.issue_relation where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how
to configure redmine object.
Create methods

Creates new issue relation resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
issue_id (integer) (required). Creates a relation for the issue of given id.
issue_to_id (integer) (required). Id of the related issue.
relation_type (string)
delay (integer) (optional). Delay in days for a precedes or follows relation.
Returns IssueRelation resource object

>>> relation = redmine.issue_relation.create(issue_id=12345, issue_to_id=54321, relation_type=preced

>>> relation
<redmine.resources.IssueRelation #667>


Creates new empty issue relation resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set
some resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid attributes
are the same as for create method above.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Returns IssueRelation resource object

>>> relation = redmine.issue_relation.new()
>>> relation.issue_id = 12345
>>> relation.issue_to_id = 54321
>>> relation.relation_type = precedes
>>> relation.delay = 5
>>> relation.save()

Read methods

Returns single issue relation resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the issue relation.
Returns IssueRelation resource object
>>> relation = redmine.issue_relation.get(606)
>>> relation
<redmine.resources.IssueRelation #606>


Not supported by Redmine


Returns issue relation resources that match the given lookup parameters.
issue_id (integer) (required). Get relations from the issue with the given id.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> relations = redmine.issue_relation.filter(issue_id=6543)
>>> relations
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with IssueRelation resources>

Hint: You can also get issue relations from an issue resource object directly using relations relation:
>>> issue = redmine.issue.get(6543)
>>> issue.relations
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with IssueRelation resources>

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Update methods
Not supported by Redmine
Delete methods

Deletes single issue relation resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Issue relation id.
Returns True
>>> redmine.issue_relation.delete(1)

5.4.8 Version
Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.3
All operations on the version resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.version where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
Create methods

Creates new version resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of versions project.
name (string) (required). Version name.
status (string)
open (default)
sharing (string)
none (default)

Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

due_date (string or date object) (optional). Expiration date.
description (string) (optional). Version description.
wiki_page_title (string) (optional). Version wiki page title.
Returns Version resource object

>>> version = redmine.version.create(project_id=vacation, name=Vacation, status=open, sharing=

>>> version
<redmine.resources.Version #235 "Vacation">


Creates new empty version resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set some
resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid attributes are
the same as for create method above.
Returns Version resource object
>>> version = redmine.version.new()
>>> version.project_id = vacation
>>> version.name = Vacation
>>> version.status = open
>>> version.sharing = none
>>> version.due_date = date(2014, 1, 30)
>>> version.description = my vacation
>>> version.wiki_page_title = Vacation
>>> version.save()

Read methods

Returns single version resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the version.
Returns Version resource object
>>> version = redmine.version.get(1)
>>> version
<redmine.resources.Version #1 "Release 1">


Not supported by Redmine

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release


Returns version resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of versions project.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> versions = redmine.version.filter(project_id=vacation)
>>> versions
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Versions resources>

Hint: You can also get versions from a project resource object directly using versions relation:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.versions
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Version resources>

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of a version resource and saves them to the Redmine.
resource_id (integer) (required). Version id.
name (string) (optional). Version name.
status (string)
open (default)
sharing (string)
none (default)
due_date (string or date object) (optional). Expiration date.
description (string) (optional). Version description.
wiki_page_title (string) (optional). Version wiki page title.

Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Returns True
>>> redmine.version.update(1, name=Vacation, status=open, sharing=none, due_date=2014-01-30,


Saves the current state of a version resource to the Redmine. Fields that can be changed are the same as for
update method above.
Returns True
>>> version = redmine.version.get(1)
>>> version.name = Vacation
>>> version.status = open
>>> version.sharing = none
>>> version.due_date = date(2014, 1, 30)
>>> version.description = my vacation
>>> version.wiki_page_title = Vacation
>>> version.save()

Delete methods

Deletes single version resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Version id.
Returns True
>>> redmine.version.delete(1)

5.4.9 Wiki Page

Supported by Redmine starting from version 2.2
All operations on the wiki page resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.wiki_page where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
Create methods

Creates new wiki page resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of wiki pages project.
title (string) (required). Title of the wiki page.
text (string) (required). Text of the wiki page.
comments (string) (optional). Comments of the wiki page.
Returns WikiPage resource object

>>> wiki_page = redmine.wiki_page.create(project_id=vacation, title=FooBar, text=foo, comments=

>>> wiki_page
<redmine.resources.WikiPage "FooBar">


Creates new empty wiki page resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set some
resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid attributes are
the same as for create method above.
Returns WikiPage resource object
>>> wiki_page = redmine.wiki_page.new()
>>> wiki_page.project_id = vacation
>>> wiki_page.title = FooBar
>>> wiki_page.text = foo
>>> wiki_page.comments = bar
>>> wiki_page.save()

Read methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.get(resource_id, **params)
Returns single wiki page resource from the Redmine by its title.
resource_id (string) (required). Title of the wiki page.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of wiki pages project.
version (integer) (optional). Version of the wiki page.
include (string)
Returns WikiPage resource object

>>> wiki_page = redmine.wiki_page.get(Photos, project_id=vacation, version=12, include=attachmen

>>> wiki_page
<redmine.resources.WikiPage "Photos">

Hint: New in version 0.4.0.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

WikiPage resource object provides you with on demand includes. On demand includes are the other resource objects
wrapped in a ResourceSet which are associated with a WikiPage resource object. Keep in mind that on demand
includes are retrieved in a separate request, that means that if the speed is important it is recommended to use get
method with a include keyword argument. The on demand includes provided by the WikiPage resource object are
the same as in the get method above:
>>> wiki_page = redmine.wiki_page.get(524)
>>> wiki_page.attachments
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Attachment resources>


Not supported by Redmine


Returns wiki page resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of wiki pages project.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> wiki_pages = redmine.wiki_page.filter(project_id=vacation)
>>> wiki_pages
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with WikiPage resources>

Hint: You can also get wiki pages from a project resource object directly using wiki_pages relation:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.wiki_pages
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with WikiPage resources>

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of a wiki page resource and saves them to the Redmine.
resource_id (string) (required). Title of the wiki page.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of wiki pages project.

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

title (string) (optional). Title of the wiki page.

text (string) (optional). Text of the wiki page.
comments (string) (optional). Comments of the wiki page.
Returns True

>>> redmine.wiki_page.update(Foo, project_id=vacation, title=FooBar, text=foo, comments=bar



Saves the current state of a wiki page resource to the Redmine. Fields that can be changed are the same as for
update method above.
Returns True
>>> wiki_page = redmine.wiki_page.get(Foo, project_id=vacation)
>>> wiki_page.title = Bar
>>> wiki_page.text = bar
>>> wiki_page.comments = changed foo to bar
>>> wiki_page.save()

Delete methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.delete(resource_id, **params)
Deletes single wiki page resource from the Redmine by its title.
resource_id (string) (required). Title of the wiki page.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of wiki pages project.
Returns True
>>> redmine.wiki_page.delete(Foo, project_id=1)

5.4.10 Query
Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.3
All operations on the query resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.query where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure
redmine object.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Create methods
Not supported by Redmine
Read methods

Not supported by Redmine


Returns all query resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> queries = redmine.query.all(offset=10, limit=100)
>>> queries
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Query resources>


Not supported by Redmine

Update methods
Not supported by Redmine
Delete methods
Not supported by Redmine

5.4.11 Attachment
Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.3
All operations on the attachment resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.attachment where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to
configure redmine object.

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Create methods
Not supported by Redmine. Some resources support adding attachments via its create/update methods, e.g. issue.
Read methods

Returns single attachment resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the attachment.
Returns Attachment resource object
>>> attachment = redmine.attachment.get(76905)
>>> attachment
<redmine.resources.Attachment #76905 "1(a).png">

Hint: New in version 0.9.0.

Attachment can be easily downloaded via the provided download() method which is a proxy to the
redmine.download() method which provides several options to control the saving process (see docs for details):
>>> attachment = redmine.attachment.get(76905)
>>> filepath = attachment.download(savepath=/usr/local/, filename=image.jpg)
>>> filepath


Not supported by Redmine


Not supported by Redmine

Update methods
Not supported by Redmine
Delete methods
Not supported by Redmine


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

5.4.12 Issue Status

Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.3
All operations on the issue status resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.issue_status where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how
to configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by Redmine
Read methods

Not supported by Redmine


Returns all issue status resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> statuses = redmine.issue_status.all()
>>> statuses
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with IssueStatus resources>

Hint: New in version 1.0.0.

IssueStatus resource object provides you with some relations. Relations are the other resource objects wrapped in a
ResourceSet which are somehow related to an IssueStatus resource object. The relations provided by the IssueStatus
resource object are:
>>> statuses = redmine.issue_status.all()
>>> statuses[0]
<redmine.resources.IssueStatus #1 "New">
>>> statuses[0].issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release


Not supported by Redmine

Update methods
Not supported by Redmine
Delete methods
Not supported by Redmine

5.4.13 Tracker
Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.3
All operations on the tracker resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.tracker where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by Redmine
Read methods

Not supported by Redmine


Returns all tracker resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> trackers = redmine.tracker.all()
>>> trackers
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Tracker resources>


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Hint: New in version 1.0.0.

Tracker resource object provides you with some relations. Relations are the other resource objects wrapped in a
ResourceSet which are somehow related to a Tracker resource object. The relations provided by the Tracker resource
object are:
>>> trackers = redmine.tracker.all()
>>> trackers[0]
<redmine.resources.Tracker #1 "FooBar">
>>> trackers[0].issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>


Not supported by Redmine

Update methods
Not supported by Redmine
Delete methods
Not supported by Redmine

5.4.14 Enumeration
Supported by Redmine starting from version 2.2
All operations on the enumeration resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.enumeration where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to
configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by Redmine

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Read methods

Not supported by Redmine


Not supported by Redmine


Returns enumeration resources that match the given lookup parameters.
resource (string)
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> enumerations = redmine.enumeration.filter(resource=time_entry_activities)
>>> enumerations
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Enumeration resources>

Update methods
Not supported by Redmine
Delete methods
Not supported by Redmine

5.4.15 Issue Category

Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.3
All operations on the issue category resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.issue_category where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how
to configure redmine object.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Create methods

Creates new issue category resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of issue categorys project.
name (string) (required). Issue category name.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). The id of the user assigned to the category (new
issues with this category will be assigned by default to this user).
Returns IssueCategory resource object

>>> category = redmine.issue_category.create(project_id=vacation, name=woohoo, assigned_to_id=13)

>>> category
<redmine.resources.IssueCategory #810 "woohoo">


Creates new empty issue category resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set
some resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid attributes
are the same as for create method above.
Returns IssueCategory resource object
>>> category = redmine.issue_category.new()
>>> category.project_id = vacation
>>> category.name = woohoo
>>> category.assigned_to_id = 13
>>> category.save()

Read methods

Returns single issue category resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the issue category.
Returns IssueCategory resource object
>>> category = redmine.issue_category.get(794)
>>> category
<redmine.resources.IssueCategory #794 "Malibu">


Not supported by Redmine

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release


Returns issue category resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Get issue categories from the project with the
given id, where id is either project id or project identifier.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> categories = redmine.issue_category.filter(project_id=vacation)
>>> categories
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with IssueCategory resources>

Hint: You can also get issue categories from a project resource object directly using issue_categories relation:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.issue_categories
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with IssueCategory resources>

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of an issue category resource and saves them to the Redmine.
resource_id (integer) (required). Issue category id.
name (string) (optional). Issue category name.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). The id of the user assigned to the category (new
issues with this category will be assigned by default to this user).
Returns True
>>> redmine.issue_category.update(1, name=woohoo, assigned_to_id=13)


Saves the current state of an issue category resource to the Redmine. Fields that can be changed are the same as
for update method above.
Returns True


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

>>> category = redmine.issue_category.get(1)

>>> category.name = woohoo
>>> category.assigned_to_id = 13
>>> category.save()

Delete methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.delete(resource_id, **params)
Deletes single issue category resource from the Redmine by its id.
resource_id (integer) (required). Issue category id.
reassign_to_id (integer) (optional). When there are issues assigned to the category you
are deleting, this parameter lets you reassign these issues to the category with given id.
Returns True
>>> redmine.issue_category.delete(1, reassign_to_id=2)

5.4.16 Role
Supported by Redmine starting from version 1.4
All operations on the role resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call redmine.role
where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by Redmine
Read methods

Returns single role resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the role.
Returns Role resource object
>>> role = redmine.role.get(4)
>>> role
<redmine.resources.Role #4 "Waiter">

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release


Returns all role resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> roles = redmine.role.all()
>>> roles
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Role resources>


Not supported by Redmine

Update methods
Not supported by Redmine
Delete methods
Not supported by Redmine

5.4.17 Group
Supported by Redmine starting from version 2.1
All operations on the group resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.group where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure
redmine object.
Create methods

Creates new group resource with given fields and saves it to the Redmine.
name (string) (required). Group name.
user_ids (list or tuple) (optional). Ids of users who will be members of a group.
Returns Group resource object


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

>>> group = redmine.group.create(name=Developers, user_ids=[13, 15, 25])

>>> group
<redmine.resources.Group #8 "Developers">


Creates new empty group resource but doesnt save it to the Redmine. This is useful if you want to set some
resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the Redmine. Valid attributes are
the same as for create method above.
Returns Group resource object
>>> group = redmine.group.new()
>>> group.name = Developers
>>> group.user_ids = [13, 15, 25]
>>> group.save()

Read methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.get(resource_id, **params)
Returns single group resource from the Redmine by its id.
resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the group.
include (string)
Returns Group resource object
>>> group = redmine.group.get(524, include=memberships,users)
>>> group
<redmine.resources.Group #524 "DESIGN">

Hint: New in version 0.4.0.

Group resource object provides you with on demand includes. On demand includes are the other resource objects
wrapped in a ResourceSet which are associated with a Group resource object. Keep in mind that on demand includes
are retrieved in a separate request, that means that if the speed is important it is recommended to use get method with
a include keyword argument. The on demand includes provided by the Group resource object are the same as in
the get method above:

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

>>> group = redmine.group.get(524)

>>> group.users
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with User resources>


Returns all group resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> groups = redmine.group.all()
>>> groups
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Group resources>


Not supported by Redmine

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of a group resource and saves them to the Redmine.
resource_id (integer) (required). Group id.
name (string) (optional). Group name.
user_ids (list or tuple) (optional). Ids of users who will be members of a group.
Returns True
>>> redmine.group.update(1, name=Developers, user_ids=[13, 15, 25])


Saves the current state of a group resource to the Redmine. Fields that can be changed are the same as for
update method above.
Returns True


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

>>> group = redmine.group.get(1)

>>> group.name = Developers
>>> group.user_ids = [13, 15, 25]
>>> group.save()

Delete methods

Deletes single group resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Group id.
Returns True
>>> redmine.group.delete(1)

New in version 0.5.0.
Python Redmine provides 2 methods to work with group users: add and remove.

Adds a user to a group by its id.
Parameters user_id (integer) (required). User id.
Returns True
>>> group = redmine.group.get(1)
>>> group.user.add(1)


Removes a user from a group by its id.
Parameters user_id (integer) (required). User id.
Returns True
>>> group = redmine.group.get(1)
>>> group.user.remove(1)

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

5.4.18 Custom Field

Supported by Redmine starting from version 2.4
All operations on the custom field resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.custom_field where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how
to configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by Redmine
Read methods

Not supported by Redmine


Returns all custom field resources from the Redmine.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> fields = redmine.custom_field.all()
>>> fields
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with CustomField resources>


Not supported by Redmine

Update methods
Not supported by Redmine
Delete methods
Not supported by Redmine


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

5.4.19 Contact
Supported starting from version 1.0.0 and only available if CRM plugin is installed.
Hint: It is highly recommended to use CRM plugin 3.3.0 and higher because some bugs and inconsistencies in REST
API exists in older versions.

All operations on the contact resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.contact where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
Create methods

Creates new contact resource with given fields and saves it to the CRM plugin.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of contacts project.
first_name (string) (required). Contact first name.
last_name (string) (optional). Contact last name.
middle_name (string) (optional). Contact middle name.
company (string) (optional). Contact company name.
phones (list) (optional). List of phone numbers.
emails (list) (optional). List of emails.
website (string) (optional). Contact website.
skype_name (string) (optional). Contact skype.
birthday (string or date object) (optional). Contact birthday.
background (string) (optional). Contact background.
job_title (string) (optional). Contact job title.
tag_list (list) (optional). List of tags.
is_company (boolean) (optional). Whether contact is a company.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). Contact will be assigned to this user id.
custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
address_attributes (dict)
street1 - first line for the street details
street2 - second line for the street details
city - city

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

region - region (state)

postcode - ZIP code
country_code - country code as two-symbol abbreviation (e.g. US)
visibility (integer)
0 - project
1 - public
2 - private
Returns Contact resource object

>>> contact = redmine.contact.create(project_id=vacation, first_name=Ivan, last_name=Ivanov, mi

>>> contact
<redmine.resources.Contact #1 "Ivan Ivanov">


Creates new empty contact resource but doesnt save it to the CRM plugin. This is useful if you want to set some
resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the CRM plugin. Valid attributes
are the same as for create method above.
Returns Contact resource object

>>> contact = redmine.contact.new()

>>> contact.project_id = vacation
>>> contact.first_name = Ivan
>>> contact.last_name = Ivanov
>>> contact.middle_name = Ivanovich
>>> contact.company = Ivan Gmbh
>>> contact.phones = [1234567]
>>> contact.emails = [ivan@ivanov.com]
>>> contact.website = ivanov.com
>>> contact.skype_name = ivan.ivanov
>>> contact.birthday = 1980-10-21
>>> contact.background = some background here
>>> contact.job_title = CEO
>>> contact.tag_list = [vip, online]
>>> contact.is_company = False
>>> contact.address_attributes = {street1: foo, street2: bar, city: Moscow, postcode:
>>> contact.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> contact.visibility = 0
>>> contact.save()

Read methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.get(resource_id, **params)
Returns single contact resource from the CRM plugin by its id.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the contact.

include (string)
Returns Contact resource object
>>> contact = redmine.contact.get(12345, include=notes,contacts,deals,issues)
>>> contact
<redmine.resources.Contact #1 "Ivan Ivanov">

Hint: Contact resource object provides you with on demand includes. On demand includes are the other resource
objects wrapped in a ResourceSet which are associated with a Contact resource object. Keep in mind that on demand
includes are retrieved in a separate request, that means that if the speed is important it is recommended to use get
method with a include keyword argument. The on demand includes provided by the Contact resource object are
the same as in the get method above:
>>> contact = redmine.contact.get(12345)
>>> contact.issues
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Issue resources>


Returns all contact resources from the CRM plugin.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> contacts = redmine.contact.all(offset=10, limit=100)
>>> contacts
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Contact resources>


Returns contact resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (optional). Id or identifier of contacts project.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). Get contacts which are assigned to this user id.
query_id (integer) (optional). Get contacts for the given query id.
search (string) (optional). Get contacts with the given search string.

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

tags (string) (optional). Get contacts with the given tags (separated by comma).
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object

>>> contacts = redmine.contact.filter(project_id=vacation, assigned_to_id=123, search=Smith, tags

>>> contacts
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Contact resources>

Hint: You can also get contacts from a project and user resource objects directly using contacts relation:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.contacts
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Contact resources>

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of a contact resource and saves them to the CRM plugin.
resource_id (integer) (required). Contact id.
first_name (string) (optional). Contact first name.
last_name (string) (optional). Contact last name.
middle_name (string) (optional). Contact middle name.
company (string) (optional). Contact company name.
phones (list) (optional). List of phone numbers.
emails (list) (optional). List of emails.
website (string) (optional). Contact website.
skype_name (string) (optional). Contact skype.
birthday (string or date object) (optional). Contact birthday.
background (string) (optional). Contact background.
job_title (string) (optional). Contact job title.
tag_list (list) (optional). List of tags.
is_company (boolean) (optional). Whether contact is a company.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). Contact will be assigned to this user id.
custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
address_attributes (dict)
street1 - first line for the street details
street2 - second line for the street details


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

city - city
region - region (state)
postcode - ZIP code
country_code - country code as two-symbol abbreviation (e.g. US)
visibility (integer)
0 - project
1 - public
2 - private
Returns True

>>> redmine.contact.update(12345, first_name=Ivan, last_name=Ivanov, middle_name=Ivanovich, com



Saves the current state of a contact resource to the CRM plugin. Fields that can be changed are the same as for
update method above.
Returns True

>>> contact = redmine.contact.get(12345)

>>> contact.first_name = Ivan
>>> contact.last_name = Ivanov
>>> contact.middle_name = Ivanovich
>>> contact.company = Ivan Gmbh
>>> contact.phones = [1234567]
>>> contact.emails = [ivan@ivanov.com]
>>> contact.website = ivanov.com
>>> contact.skype_name = ivan.ivanov
>>> contact.birthday = 1980-10-21
>>> contact.background = some background here
>>> contact.job_title = CEO
>>> contact.tag_list = [vip, online]
>>> contact.is_company = False
>>> contact.address_attributes = {street1: foo, street2: bar, city: Moscow, postcode:
>>> contact.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> contact.visibility = 0
>>> contact.save()

Delete methods

Deletes single contact resource from the CRM plugin by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Contact id.
Returns True

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

>>> redmine.contact.delete(1)

Python Redmine provides 2 methods to work with contact projects: add and remove.

Adds project to contacts project list.
Parameters project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of a project.
Returns True
>>> contact = redmine.contact.get(1)
>>> contact.project.add(vacation)


Removes project from contacts project list.
Parameters project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of a project.
Returns True
>>> contact = redmine.contact.get(1)
>>> contact.project.remove(vacation)

5.4.20 Contact Tag

Supported starting from version 1.0.0 and only available if CRM plugin 3.4.0 and higher is installed.
All operations on the contact tag resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.contact_tag where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to
configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by CRM plugin


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Read methods

Not supported by CRM plugin


Returns all contact tag resources from the CRM plugin.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> tags = redmine.contact_tag.all()
>>> tags
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with ContactTag resources>


Not supported by CRM plugin

Update methods
Not supported by CRM plugin
Delete methods
Not supported by CRM plugin

5.4.21 Note
Supported starting from version 1.0.0 and only available if CRM plugin 3.2.4 and higher is installed.
All operations on the note resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call redmine.note
where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by CRM plugin

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Read methods

Returns single note resource from the Redmine by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the note.
Returns Note resource object
>>> note = redmine.note.get(12345)
>>> note
<redmine.resources.Note #12345>


Not supported by CRM plugin


Not supported by CRM plugin

Update methods
Not supported by CRM plugin
Delete methods
Not supported by CRM plugin

5.4.22 Deal
Supported starting from version 1.0.0 and only available if CRM plugin is installed.
Hint: It is highly recommended to use CRM plugin 3.3.0 and higher because some bugs and inconsistencies in REST
API exists in older versions.

All operations on the deal resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call redmine.deal
where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
Create methods

Creates new deal resource with given fields and saves it to the CRM plugin.

Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of deals project.
name (string) (required). Deal name.
contact_id (integer) (optional). Deal contact id.
price (integer) (optional). Deal price.
currency (string) (optional). Deal currency.
probability (integer) (optional). Deal probability.
due_date (string or date object) (optional). Deal should be won by this date.
background (string) (optional). Deal background.
status_id (integer) (optional). Deal status id.
category_id (integer) (optional). Deal category id.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). Deal will be assigned to this user id.
custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
Returns Deal resource object

>>> deal = redmine.deal.create(project_id=vacation, name=FooBar, contact_id=1, price=1000, curren

>>> deal
<redmine.resources.Deal #123>


Creates new empty deal resource but doesnt save it to the CRM plugin. This is useful if you want to set some
resource fields later based on some condition(s) and only after that save it to the CRM plugin. Valid attributes
are the same as for create method above.
Returns Deal resource object
>>> deal = redmine.deal.new()
>>> deal.project_id = vacation
>>> deal.name = FooBar
>>> deal.contact_id = 1
>>> deal.price = 1000
>>> deal.currency = EUR
>>> deal.probability = 80
>>> deal.due_date = date(2014, 12, 12)
>>> deal.background = some deal background
>>> deal.status_id = 1
>>> deal.category_id = 1
>>> deal.assigned_to_id = 12
>>> deal.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> deal.save()

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Read methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.get(resource_id, **params)
Returns single deal resource from the CRM plugin by its id.
resource_id (integer) (required). Id of the deal.
include (string)
Returns Deal resource object
>>> deal = redmine.deal.get(123, include=notes)
>>> deal
<redmine.resources.Deal #123>

Hint: Deal resource object provides you with on demand includes. On demand includes are the other resource objects
wrapped in a ResourceSet which are associated with a Deal resource object. Keep in mind that on demand includes
are retrieved in a separate request, that means that if the speed is important it is recommended to use get method with
a include keyword argument. The on demand includes provided by the Deal resource object are the same as in the
get method above:
>>> deal = redmine.deal.get(123)
>>> deal.notes
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Note resources>


Returns all deal resources from the CRM plugin.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> deals = redmine.deal.all(limit=50)
>>> deals
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Deal resources>


Returns deal resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (optional). Id or identifier of deals project.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). Get deals which are assigned to this user id.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

query_id (integer) (optional). Get deals for the given query id.
status_id (integer) (optional). Get deals which have this status id.
search (string) (optional). Get deals with the given search string.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object

>>> deals = redmine.deal.filter(project_id=vacation, assigned_to_id=123, status_id=1, search=Smith

>>> deals
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Deal resources>

Hint: You can also get deals from a project, user and deal status resource objects directly using deals relation:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.deals
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Deal resources>

Update methods

redmine.managers.ResourceManager.update(resource_id, **fields)
Updates values of given fields of a deal resource and saves them to the CRM plugin.
resource_id (integer) (required). Deal id.
name (string) (optional). Deal name.
contact_id (integer) (optional). Deal contact id.
price (integer) (optional). Deal price.
currency (string) (optional). Deal currency.
probability (integer) (optional). Deal probability.
due_date (string or date object) (optional). Deal should be won by this date.
background (string) (optional). Deal background.
status_id (integer) (optional). Deal status id.
category_id (integer) (optional). Deal category id.
assigned_to_id (integer) (optional). Deal will be assigned to this user id.
custom_fields (list) (optional). Custom fields in the form of [{id: 1, value: foo}].
Returns True

>>> redmine.deal.update(123, name=FooBar, contact_id=1, price=1000, currency=EUR, probability=80,


5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release


Saves the current state of a deal resource to the CRM plugin. Fields that can be changed are the same as for
update method above.
Returns True
>>> deal = redmine.deal.get(123)
>>> deal.name = FooBar
>>> deal.contact_id = 1
>>> deal.price = 1000
>>> deal.currency = EUR
>>> deal.probability = 80
>>> deal.due_date = date(2014, 12, 12)
>>> deal.background = some deal background
>>> deal.status_id = 1
>>> deal.category_id = 1
>>> deal.assigned_to_id = 12
>>> deal.custom_fields = [{id: 1, value: foo}, {id: 2, value: bar}]
>>> deal.save()

Delete methods

Deletes single deal resource from the CRM plugin by its id.
Parameters resource_id (integer) (required). Deal id.
Returns True
>>> redmine.deal.delete(123)

5.4.23 Deal Status

Supported starting from version 1.0.0 and only available if CRM plugin 3.3.0 and higher is installed.
All operations on the deal status resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.deal_status where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to
configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by CRM plugin


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Read methods

Not supported by CRM plugin


Returns all deal status resources from the CRM plugin.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> statuses = redmine.deal_status.all()
>>> statuses
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with DealStatus resources>

Hint: DealStatus resource object provides you with some relations. Relations are the other resource objects wrapped
in a ResourceSet which are somehow related to a DealStatus resource object. The relations provided by the DealStatus
resource object are:
>>> statuses = redmine.deal_status.all()
>>> statuses[0]
<redmine.resources.DealStatus #1 "New">
>>> statuses[0].deals
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Deal resources>


Not supported by CRM plugin

Update methods
Not supported by CRM plugin
Delete methods
Not supported by CRM plugin

5.4.24 Deal Category

Supported starting from version 1.0.0 and only available if CRM plugin 3.3.0 and higher is installed.

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

All operations on the deal category resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.deal_category where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to
configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by CRM plugin
Read methods

Not supported by CRM plugin


Not supported by CRM plugin


Returns deal category resources that match the given lookup parameters.
project_id (integer or string) (required). Id or identifier of deal categorys project.
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> categories = redmine.deal_category.filter(project_id=vacation)
>>> categories
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with DealCategory resources>

Hint: You can also get deal categories from a project resource object directly using deal_categories relation:
>>> project = redmine.project.get(vacation)
>>> project.deal_categories
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with DealCategory resources>

Update methods
Not supported by CRM plugin
Delete methods
Not supported by CRM plugin

Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

5.4.25 CRM Query

Supported starting from version 1.0.0 and only available if CRM plugin 3.3.0 and higher is installed.
All operations on the crm query resource are provided via its manager. To get access to it you have to call
redmine.crm_query where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
Create methods
Not supported by CRM plugin
Read methods

Not supported by CRM plugin


Not supported by CRM plugin


Returns crm query resources that match the given lookup parameters.
resource (string)
limit (integer) (optional). How much resources to return.
offset (integer) (optional). Starting from what resource to return the other resources.
Returns ResourceSet object
>>> queries = redmine.crm_query.filter(resource=contact)
>>> queries
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with CrmQuery resources>

Hint: CrmQuery resource object provides you with some relations. Relations are the other resource objects wrapped
in a ResourceSet which are somehow related to a CrmQuery resource object. The relations provided by the CrmQuery
resource object are:

5.4. Resources


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

>>> queries = redmine.crm_query.filter(resource=deal)

>>> queries[0]
<redmine.resources.CrmQuery #10 "Deals by category">
>>> queries[0].deals
<redmine.resultsets.ResourceSet object with Deal resources>

Update methods
Not supported by CRM plugin
Delete methods
Not supported by CRM plugin

5.5 Advanced Usage

5.5.1 Custom Resources
New in version 0.5.0.
Sometimes there is a need to redefine a resource behaviour to achieve the needed goal. Python Redmine provides a
feature for such a case called custom resources. Basically this is just a normal class inheritance made especially for
Python Redmine.
To take advantage of this feature you need to tell Python Redmine where to search for your custom resources. This
should be done with a custom_resource_paths argument passed to the Redmine object which accepts a list or
tuple of module paths which contain your custom resources:
redmine = Redmine(https://redmine.url, custom_resource_paths=(foo.bar, bar.baz, foo.baz))

Note: The ordering is very important. Python Redmine will search for the resources in this order:
1. foo.bar
2. bar.baz
3. foo.baz
4. redmine.resources

Existing Resources
The list of existing resource class names that can be inherited from is available here.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

To create a custom resource choose which resource behavior you want to change, e.g. Project:
from redmine.resources import Project
class CustomProject(Project):

Python Redmine converts underscore to camelcase when it tries to import the resource, that means that it is important
to follow this convention to make everything work properly, e.g when you do:
custom_wiki_page = redmine.custom_wiki_page.get(Foo)

Python Redmine is searching for a resource class named CustomWikiPage in the modules defined via the
custom_resource_paths argument on Redmine object instantiation.
Methods and Attributes
All existing resources are derived from a _Resource class which you usually wont inherit from directly unless you
want to add support for a new resource which Python Redmine doesnt support. Below you will find methods and
attributes which can be redefined in your custom resource:
class redmine.resources._Resource(manager, attributes)
Implementation of Redmine resource
__init__(manager, attributes)
Accepts manager instance object and resource attributes dict
Returns the requested attribute and makes a conversion if needed
__setattr__(item, value)
Sets the requested attribute
Reloads resource data from Redmine
Tasks that should be done before creating the resource
Tasks that should be done after creating the resource
Tasks that should be done before updating the resource
Tasks that should be done after updating the resource
Creates or updates a resource
classmethod translate_params(params)
Translates internal param names to the real Redmine param names if needed

5.5. Advanced Usage


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

5.5.2 External Authentication

New in version 0.6.0.
It is possible to use Python Redmine as a provider for external authentication based on the Redmine user database, e.g.
imagine you are making a website and you want to only authenticate your users if they provide the same login/password
they use to login to Redmine:
username = john
password = qwerty

# username comes from the POST request on form submit

# password comes from the POST request on form submit

user = Redmine(https://redmine.url, username=username, password=password).auth()

If authentication succeeded, user variable will contain details about the current user, if there was an error during
authentication proccess, an AuthError exception will be thrown.
If you need more control, for example you want to return your own error message, you can intercept AuthError
exception and do what you need, for example:
from redmine.exceptions import AuthError
username = john
password = qwerty

# username comes from the POST request on form submit

# password comes from the POST request on form submit

user = Redmine(https://redmine.url, username=username, password=password).auth()
except AuthError:
raise Exception(Invalid login or password provided)

5.5.3 Working with Files

It is possible to use Python Redmine to upload/download files to/from Redmine. This document describes low-level
interfaces that Python Redmine provides, in most cases they shouldnt be used directly and high-level interfaces, e.g.
uploads parameter in Issue resource or download() method in Attachment resource should be used instead. To
get access to these low-level interfaces you have to call either redmine.upload() or redmine.download()
where redmine is a configured redmine object. See the Configuration about how to configure redmine object.
New in version 0.2.0.
Uploads file from filepath to Redmine and returns an assigned token which can then be used to attach the
uploaded file to some resource, e.g. Issue.
Parameters filepath (string) (optional). Local path to the file which should be uploaded.
Returns Token string
>>> token = redmine.upload(/usr/local/image.jpg)
>>> token

New in version 0.9.0.


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

redmine.Redmine.download(url, savepath=None, filename=None)

Downloads file from Redmine and saves it to savepath or returns it as bytes.
url (string) (required). A URL of the file which should be downloaded.
savepath (string) (optional). Local path where file should be saved.
filename (string) (optional). Filename which will be used for a file.
Returns String or Method
If a savepath argument is provided, then a file will be saved into the provided path with its own name, if a
filename argument is provided together with the savepath argument, then a file will be saved into the provided
path under the provided name and the resulting path to the file will be returned.

>>> filepath = redmine.download(https://redmine.url/foobar.jpg, savepath=/usr/local/, filename=i

>>> filepath

If only a url argument is provided, then a iter_content method will be returned which you can call with the needed
arguments to have full control over the iteration over the response data.
>>> iter_content = redmine.download(https://redmine.url/foobar.jpg)
>>> for chunk in iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
# do something with chunk

5.6 Frequently Asked Questions

5.6.1 Create/Update/Delete resource operations doesnt work
Your Redmine server is probably using https as the primary protocol and youre trying to connect to it under http
protocol. Please use the https protocol and it should work.
The problem described above happens because when youre trying to connect using the http protocol, your server
issues a redirect to the https which changes the request method, e.g. if your were trying to create/update/delete a
resource, then POST/PUT/DELETE is changing to GET which expectedly causes the create/update/delete operations
to fail.
The detailed explanation about why this happens is available here.

5.6.2 Can I use python-redmine with ChiliProject fork

Yes, you can. But keep in mind that ChiliProject is not actively developed and some features in REST API are missing,
not all filters will work, etc. Several problems are described in issues #37 and #38.

5.7 Exceptions
Python Redmine tries its best to provide human readable errors in all situations. This is the list of all exceptions that
Python Redmine can throw:
exception redmine.exceptions.BaseRedmineError(*args, **kwargs)
Base exception class for Redmine exceptions

5.6. Frequently Asked Questions


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceError
Unsupported Redmine resource exception
exception redmine.exceptions.NoFileError
File doesnt exist exception
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError
Requested resource doesnt exist
exception redmine.exceptions.ConflictError
Resource version on the server is newer than clients
exception redmine.exceptions.AuthError
Invalid authentication details
exception redmine.exceptions.ImpersonateError
Invalid impersonate login provided
exception redmine.exceptions.ServerError
Redmine internal error
exception redmine.exceptions.RequestEntityTooLargeError
Size of the request exceeds the capacity limit on the server
exception redmine.exceptions.UnknownError(code)
Redmine returned unknown error
exception redmine.exceptions.ValidationError(error)
Redmine validation errors occured on create/update resource
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceSetIndexError
Index doesnt exist in the ResourceSet
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceSetFilterParamError
Resource set filter method expects to receive either a list or tuple
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceBadMethodError
Resource doesnt support the requested method, e.g. get()
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceFilterError
Resource doesnt support requested filter(s)
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceNoFiltersProvidedError
No filter(s) provided
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceNoFieldsProvidedError
No field(s) provided
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceAttrError
Resource doesnt have the requested attribute
exception redmine.exceptions.ReadonlyAttrError
Resource cant set attribute that is read only
exception redmine.exceptions.VersionMismatchError(feature)
Feature isnt supported on specified Redmine version
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceVersionMismatchError
Resource isnt supported on specified Redmine version
exception redmine.exceptions.ResultSetTotalCountError
ResultSet hasnt been yet evaluated and cannot yield a total_count


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

exception redmine.exceptions.CustomFieldValueError
Custom fields should be passed as a list of dictionaries
exception redmine.exceptions.ResourceRequirementsError(requirements)
Resource requires specified Redmine plugin(s) to function
exception redmine.exceptions.FileUrlError
URL provided to download a file cant be parsed
exception redmine.exceptions.ForbiddenError
Requested resource is forbidden
exception redmine.exceptions.JSONDecodeError
Unable to decode received JSON

5.8 License
Copyright 2015 Max Tepkeev
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

5.9 Changelog
5.9.1 1.1.0 (2015-02-20)
Added: PyPy2/3 is now officially supported
Added: Introduced enabled_modules on demand include in Project resource
Fixed: Issue #78 (Redmine <2.5.2 returns only single tracker instead of a list of all available trackers when
requested from a CustomField resource which caused an Exception in Python Redmine, see this for details)
Fixed: Issue #80 (If a project is read-only or doesnt have CRM plugin enabled, an attempt to add/remove
Contact resource to/from it will lead to improper error message)
Fixed: Issue #81 (Contacts resource tag_list attribute was always splitted into single chars) (thanks to
Alexander Loechel)

5.9.2 1.0.3 (2015-02-03)

Fixed: Issue #72 (If an exception is raised during JSON decoding process, it should be catched and reraised as
Python Redmines own exception, i.e redmine.exceptions.JSONDecodeError)
Fixed: Issue #76 (It was impossible to retrieve more than 100 resources for resources which dont support
limit/offset natively by Redmine, i.e. this functionality is emulated by Python Redmine, e.g. WikiPage, Groups,
Roles etc)

5.8. License


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

5.9.3 1.0.2 (2014-11-13)

Fixed: Issue #55 (TypeError was raised during processing validation errors from Redmine when one of the
errors was returned as a list)
Fixed: Issue #59 (Raise ForbiddenError when a 403 is encountered) (thanks to Rick Harris)
Fixed: Issue #64 (Redmine and Resource classes werent picklable) (thanks to Rick Harris)
Fixed: A ResourceSet object with a limit=100, actually returned 125 Resource objects

5.9.4 1.0.1 (2014-09-23)

Fixed: Issue #50 (IssueJournals notes attribute was converted to Note resource by mistake, bug was introduced in v1.0.0)

5.9.5 1.0.0 (2014-09-22)

Added: Support for the CRM plugin resources:
Added: Introduced new relations for the following resource objects:
Project - time_entries, deals, contacts and deal_categories relations
User - issues, time_entries, deals and contacts relations
Tracker - issues relation
IssueStatus - issues relation
Added: Introduced a values() method in a ResourceSet which returns ValuesResourceSet a ResourceSet
subclass that returns dictionaries when used as an iterable, rather than resource-instance objects (see docs for
Added: Introduced update() and delete() methods in a ResourceSet object which allow to bulk update
or bulk delete all resources in a ResourceSet object (see docs for details)
Fixed: It was impossible to use ResourceSets get() and filter() methods with WikiPage resource
Fixed: Several small fixes and enhancements here and there

5.9.6 0.9.0 (2014-09-11)

Added: Introduced support for file downloads (see docs for details)
Added: Introduced new _Resource.requirements class attribute where all Redmine plugins required by
resource should be listed (preparations to support non-native resources)


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Added: New exceptions:

Fixed: It was impossible to set a custom field of date/datetime type using date/datetime Python objects
Fixed: Issue #46 (A UnicodeEncodeError was raised in Python 2.x while trying to access a url property of a
WikiPage resource if it contained non-ascii characters)

5.9.7 0.8.4 (2014-08-08)

Added: Support for anonymous Attachment resource (i.e. attachment with id attr only)
Fixed: Issue #42 (It was impossible to create a Project resource via new() method)

5.9.8 0.8.3 (2014-08-01)

Fixed: Issue #39 (It was impossible to save custom_fields in User resource via new() method)

5.9.9 0.8.2 (2014-05-27)

Added: ResourceSets get() method now supports a default keyword argument which is returned when
a requested Resource cant be found in a ResourceSet and defaults to None, previously this was hardcoded to
Added: It is now possible to use getattr() with default value without raising a ResourceAttrError
when calling non-existent resource attribute, see Issue #30 for details (thanks to hsum)
Fixed: Issue #31 (Unlimited recursion was possible in some situations when on demand includes were used)

5.9.10 0.8.1 (2014-04-02)

Added: New exceptions:
Fixed: Issue #27 (Project and Issue resources parent attribute was returned as a dict instead of being converted
to Resource object)

5.9.11 0.8.0 (2014-03-27)

Added: Introduced the detection of conflicting packages, i.e. if a conflicting package is found (PyRedmineWS
at this time is the only one), the installation procedure will be aborted and a warning message will be shown
with the detailed description of the problem
Added: Introduced new _Resource._members class attribute where all instance attributes which are not
started with underscore should be listed. This will resolve recursion issues in custom resources because of how
__setattr__() works in Python
Changed: _Resource.attributes renamed to _Resource._attributes
Fixed: Python Redmine was unable to upload any binary files

5.9. Changelog


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Fixed: Issue #20 (Lowered Requests version requirements. Python Redmine now requires Requests starting
from 0.12.1 instead of 2.1.0 in previous versions)
Fixed: Issue #23 (File uploads via update() method didnt work)

5.9.12 0.7.2 (2014-03-17)

Fixed: Issue #19 (Resources obtained via filter() and all() methods have incomplete url attribute)
Fixed: Redmine server url with forward slash could cause errors in rare cases
Fixed: Python Redmine was incorrectly raising ResourceAttrError when trying to call repr() on a
News resource

5.9.13 0.7.1 (2014-03-14)

Fixed: Issue #16 (When a resource was created via a new() method, the next resource created after that
inherited all the attribute values of the previous resource)

5.9.14 0.7.0 (2014-03-12)

Added: WikiPage resource now automatically requests all of its available attributes from Redmine in case if
some of them are not available in an existent resource object
Added: Support for setting date/datetime resource attributes using date/datetime Python objects
Added: Support for using date/datetime Python objects in all ResourceManager methods, i.e.
create(), update(), delete(), get(), all(), filter()


Fixed: Issue #14 (Python Redmine was incorrectly raising ResourceAttrError when trying to call
repr(), str() and int() on resources, created via new() method)

5.9.15 0.6.2 (2014-03-09)

Fixed: Project resource status attribute was converted to IssueStatus resource by mistake

5.9.16 0.6.1 (2014-02-27)

Fixed: Issue #10 (Python Redmine was incorrectly raising ResourceAttrError while creating some resources via new() method)

5.9.17 0.6.0 (2014-02-19)

Added: Redmine.auth() shortcut for the case if we just want to check if user provided valid auth credentials,
can be used for user authentication on external resource based on Redmine user database (see docs for details)
Fixed: JSONDecodeError was raised in some Redmine versions during some create/update operations
(thanks to 0x55aa)
Fixed: User resource status attribute was converted to IssueStatus resource by mistake


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

5.9.18 0.5.0 (2014-02-09)

Added: An ability to create custom resources which allow to easily redefine the behaviour of existing resources
(see docs for details)
Added: An ability to add/remove watcher to/from issue (see docs for details)
Added: An ability to add/remove users to/from group (see docs for details)

5.9.19 0.4.0 (2014-02-08)

Added: New exceptions:
Added: Update functionality via update() and save() methods for resources (see docs for details):
Added: Limit/offset support via all() and filter() methods for resources that doesnt support that feature
via Redmine:
Added: On demand includes, e.g. in addition to redmine.group.get(1, include=users) users
for a group can also be retrieved on demand via group.users if include wasnt set (see docs for details)

5.9. Changelog


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Added: total_count attribute to ResourceSet object which holds the total number of resources for the
current resource type available in Redmine (thanks to Andrei Avram)
Added: An ability to return None instead of raising a ResourceAttrError for all or selected resource
objects via raise_attr_exception kwarg on Redmine object (see docs for details or Issue #6)
Added: pre_create(), post_create(), pre_update(), post_update() resource object methods
which can be used to execute tasks that should be done before/after creating/updating the resource through
save() method
Added: Allow to create resources in alternative way via new() method (see docs for details)
Added: Allow daterange TimeEntry resource filtering via from_date and to_date keyword arguments
(thanks to Antoni Aloy)
Added: An ability to retrieve Issue version via version attribute in addition to fixed_version to be more
Changed: Documentation for resources rewritten from scratch to be more understandable
Fixed: Saving custom fields to Redmine didnt work in some situations
Fixed: Issues fixed_version attribute was retrieved as dict instead of Version resource object
Fixed: Resource relations were requested from Redmine every time instead of caching the result after first
Fixed: Issue #2 (limit/offset as keyword arguments were broken)
Fixed: Issue #5 (Version resource status attribute was converted to IssueStatus resource by mistake) (thanks
to Andrei Avram)
Fixed: A lot of small fixes, enhancements and refactoring here and there

5.9.20 0.3.1 (2014-01-23)

Added: An ability to pass Requests parameters as a dictionary via requests keyword argument on Redmine
initialization, i.e. Redmine(http://redmine.url, requests={}).
Fixed: Issue #1 (unable to connect to Redmine server with invalid ssl certificate).

5.9.21 0.3.0 (2014-01-18)

Added: Delete functionality via delete() method for resources (see docs for details):

Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Redmine Documentation, Release

Changed: ResourceManager get() method now raises a ValidationError exception if required keyword
arguments arent passed

5.9.22 0.2.0 (2014-01-16)

Added: New exceptions:
Added: Create functionality via create() method for resources (see docs for details):
Added: File upload support, see upload() method in Redmine class
Added: Integer representation to all resources, i.e. __int__()
Added: Informal string representation to all resources, i.e. __str__()
Changed: Renamed version attribute to redmine_version in all resources to avoid name intersections
Changed: ResourceManager get() method now raises a ResourceNotFoundError exception if resource
wasnt found instead of returning None in previous versions
Changed: reimplemented fix for __repr__() from 0.1.1
Fixed: Conversion of issue priorities to enumeration resource object didnt work

5.9.23 0.1.1 (2014-01-10)

Added: Python 2.6 support
Changed: WikiPage resource refresh() method now automatically determines its project_id
Fixed: Resource representation, i.e. __repr__(), was broken in Python 2.7
Fixed: dir() call on a resource object didnt work in Python 3.2

5.9. Changelog


Python Redmine Documentation, Release

5.9.24 0.1.0 (2014-01-09)

Initial release


Chapter 5. Table of contents

Python Module Index

redmine.exceptions, 81


Python Redmine Documentation, Release


Python Module Index


_Resource (class in redmine.resources), 79
__getattr__() (redmine.resources._Resource method), 79
__init__() (redmine.resources._Resource method), 79
__setattr__() (redmine.resources._Resource method), 79

AuthError, 82

BaseRedmineError, 81

ConflictError, 82
CustomFieldValueError, 82

FileUrlError, 83
ForbiddenError, 83

ImpersonateError, 82

JSONDecodeError, 83

ResourceAttrError, 82
ResourceBadMethodError, 82
ResourceError, 81
ResourceFilterError, 82
ResourceNoFieldsProvidedError, 82
ResourceNoFiltersProvidedError, 82
ResourceNotFoundError, 82
ResourceRequirementsError, 83
ResourceSetFilterParamError, 82
ResourceSetIndexError, 82
ResourceVersionMismatchError, 82
ResultSetTotalCountError, 82

save() (redmine.resources._Resource method), 79
ServerError, 82

translate_params() (redmine.resources._Resource class
method), 79

UnknownError, 82

ValidationError, 82
VersionMismatchError, 82

NoFileError, 82

post_create() (redmine.resources._Resource method), 79
post_update() (redmine.resources._Resource method), 79
pre_create() (redmine.resources._Resource method), 79
pre_update() (redmine.resources._Resource method), 79

ReadonlyAttrError, 82
redmine.exceptions (module), 81
refresh() (redmine.resources._Resource method), 79
RequestEntityTooLargeError, 82

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