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March Cavalier 2010

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The Cavalier

March 2010

A Parent/Student Newsletter keeping you in touch with Archbishop Spalding High School

Greetings from the President’s Office

When I started to write this letter, I was staring at a yard that was at least a little green and I could see
Archbishop Spalding the sidewalks. I now find myself looking at a wall of snow that is frankly depressing. I am certain that
most of you are also sick of the snow and are anxious for some remote sign of spring. I always thought
High School it would be fun to be part of something that was a record breaking event. I have quickly earned that it is
not that much fun. To be a part of the history books for living through the largest snowfall amount is not
8080 New Cut Road~ Severn, MD 21144 what I thought it would be.
Phone: (410) 969-9105
Fax: (410) 969-1026 As the snow continued to pile up, I realized there was a silence that was somewhat unnatural. The cars
and the sounds of everyday life had suddenly stopped in my neighborhood. No one ventured out into the
streets. There was a feeling that the world with all of its absurdities had somehow disappeared. I suddenly
felt that I was living in a time and place far removed from my real life. Even when I went to the internet,
it just did not seem real.

Since my wife was out of town with the grandchildren, there was no one to talk to and nowhere to go. I
initially thought that I could find something on television but found myself watching news stories about
the snow. I did not want to watch or hear one more story about snow today, tomorrow, or until sometime
Dr. Michael E. Murphy
Looking around my office at home, I remembered that I recently bought a book by Mitch Albom. He is the
author of one of my favorite books, Tuesdays with Morrie. His latest book is entitled Have a Little Faith.
Principal I decided that a good use of my time alone would be to read Albom’s latest creation. Little did I know that
Mrs. Kathleen K. Mahar this small book could force me to think about who I am and what I do.
Assistant Principal, Academic Affairs
Mr. Lewis R. Van Wambeke There is a line in the book that has resounded in my head: “Faith is about doing. You are how you act,
not just how you believe.” The words are simple but powerful. So often, we talk about our faith and the
Assistant Principal, Student Affairs
fact that is at our core. We talk about faith in our God and in other people but do not always make the
Mr. William M. Weber
connection with the real world in which we live. We might be able to recite line and verse from scripture
Assistant Principal, Student Affairs but what do the words really mean. How do we put our faith into action and not simply keep it on a shelf
Ms. Kaycie S. Lomax to be viewed only in times of crisis?
CFO / Business Manager
Mr. John C. Coppola With the recent tragedy in Haiti, people from across the country and the world rallied to help those in
need. Millions of dollars were raised to provide food and shelter for those left homeless and hopeless.
Director of Athletics
I thought about the words from Albom’s book as I remembered the $14,000 our students raised to help
Mr. Lee R. Dove
the Haitian relief effort. They were putting their faith into action. There are so many cases where I see
Director of Development people put their faith into action every day. I also see cases where people use their faith only when it is
Mrs. Katy A. Caruso convenient. They use it when they think other people are looking.
Director of Alumni and Media Relations
Ms. Kristen A. Koehler At the end of Albom’s book, he is talking with a rabbi about what he would say if he had five minutes
with God. In the last minute of his conversation with God, the rabbi says he would say the following:
Director of Admissions
Mr. Thomas E. Miller
“Look, Lord, I have done X amount of good stuff on earth. I have tried to follow your
Editor, Assistant to the President teachings and pass them on. I have loved my family. I’ve been part of a community.
Mrs. Heide C. Cornet-Hostelley And I have been, I think, fairly good to people.
So, Heavenly Father, for all this, what is my reward?
And what do you think God will say?
He smiled.
IN THIS ISSUE... He’ll say, Reward? What reward? That’s what you were supposed to do?”
Greetings from the President 1
Principal/Student Affairs 2 As we begin the Lenten season, I pray that we take some time to think about our faith and how we put it
Academic Affairs 3 into action every day. Giving up something we like is only one part of the equation. We also need to put
Campus Ministry 4 our faith into practice every day. The real test is not just during Lent. It is throughout our entire lifetime.
Ministry Contd/SHS/SSS Raffle Ticket 5
Guidance Department 6 I know that the snow will eventually melt and I pray that the melting extends to our hearts. May God grant
Parents’ Association 7 us the strength and wisdom to make the journey of our lives true to our faith.
Athletics/Athletic Trainer Physicals 8
Cavalier Club/Spalding Theatre 9
At the Crossroads/National Science Bowl 10
Education Technology 11
Spalding Spring Sensation ~ Bella Italia! 12
Engaging Faith & Learning 1
The Cavalier •March 2010
Principal’s Desk ~ Mrs. Kathy Mahar Student Affairs ~ Mr. William M. Weber
The registration process for the 2010-2011 school year will be The office of Student Affairs is proud to announce that the school
completed by the time this newsletter is published. Guidance year has been a huge success thus far. With the winter months
counselors met with Homerooms and individual students to upon us and the start of the new semester there are several items I
help guide the many choices involved in shaping each student’s would like to bring to your attention:
schedule. Parents of rising Juniors and Seniors may have begun to
immerse themselves in the college application experience which is Attendance Requirements
quite similar to various forms of torture. This application process I would like to reiterate the Attendance Requirements at Archbishop
is as anxiety producing as buying a home. As parents, we read Spalding. When a student has eight (8) or more absences in a
every scrap of information we can lay our hands on; we listen semester course, or fifteen (15) or more absences in a year course,
to the many proffered horror stories of relatives and friends and an attendance review hearing will be convened. The hearing
what they experienced with their children; and we panic that our will consider the circumstances of the absences, and determine
child may not have the proverbial mandatory Advanced Placement appropriate consequences. Absences that are included in the
(AP)/Honors courses and corresponding 4.0 grade point average attendance requirement consist of but are not limited to, vacations,
for admission to college. illness not documented by a physician, and tardiness. Absences
not included in the attendance requirement are the following:
There is no doubt that the competition for admission to most medical (with physician verification), court dates, funerals, college
colleges has increased. The standards for admission are high and visits, sports early dismissals, field trips, and retreats.
continue to change. One year a college emphasizes the types and
level of high school courses that a student has taken. Another year We have recently sent two letters to let you know if your child
they focus on grade point average. And another year the colleges has missed a large number of days . There will be another letter
are looking at extracurricular activities and service of the student. generated around the second week of March. Please remember to
The pressures on both student and parent can seem suffocating. get absent notes turned in to Mrs. Trumpler, so you do not receive
Questions abound. For some, the question may be, “Should my an attendance letter. If you do receive an attendance letter make
child take all Advanced Placement (AP) courses?” Or, “Will sure you fulfill all of the attendance requirements so that your
a few honors or college preparatory courses lessen the rigor of daughter/son does not lose academic credit. We thank you for
their transcript?” “Will a ‘C’ in an AP class ruin their acceptance your diligence in this matter.
chances?” “How many hours of service are competitive? 100?
500?” Whatever happened to the ‘good old days’ when applying to Late Arrival to School
college consisted of completing an application and writing a check I would also like to review the late arrival policy. Students
for the admission fee?! are allowed 3 tardies per semester. A tardy includes, but is not
limited to: carpools, oversleeping, traffic, weather, not feeling
The pace of our lives is already frenetic, so it sometimes seems well, etc. The only tardies that are exempt from the policy are:
impossible to take a step back, along with a deep breath, and not medical appointments with a physician’s note or documented court
succumb to these pressures at the expense of the child. So often appearances. When a student has accrued his/her fourth (4) tardy
a student registers for an upper level course because they think in one semester, he/she will be issued a general detention. For
it is crucial to their college acceptance not because of a burning each subsequent tardy a general detention will be issued.
desire to learn more about the subject. Yet, they struggle with
both course content and workload. They get caught in a cycle Students, tardies will add up quickly so please make sure you do
of anxiety, frustration, and sometimes failure. As parents and as not put yourself in a bad position early.
educators, we must ask, “How much is too much?”
Cell Phone Policy
Teachers, counselors, and administrators are always here to help Cell phones may not be used from 7:30am – 3:30pm. Cell phones
throughout the year, not just during registration. However, you cannot be turned on during the school day, in addition the student
know your child better than anyone. You know their work habits, who violates this policy will receive a general detention. Continued
their strengths and their weaknesses, and we ask that you keep violations will result in suspension and/or guardian conference.
front and center this guiding educational principle: The key is to
challenge yet not overwhelm. Thank you for your efforts thus far, I cannot wait for the second
semester to be even better!

2 Engaging Faith & Learning

The Cavalier • March 2010
Academic Affairs ~ Mr. Lewis R. Van Wambeke
Improve How You Learn the book open for an hour of listless studying. I tell students that
the goal is not just to “look like a good student,” but to actually
How do students learn best? Learning can be unique to the learn the material. Research shows that the traditional method
individual but there are some common practices that research of cramming only works for a handful of students and has been
has shown to be effective. Understanding, rather than merely shown to be ineffective in learning for the long-term.
memorizing, is the ultimate goal. I often recount a story where I
asked one of our students a question as we passed in the hallway. Advanced Placement Exam Reminder and Schedule
She paused then apologized because she told me she was thinking Information for registering to take Advanced Placement exams
about something she learned in class. She does very well in school was sent in February. If your son/daughter is planning on taking
and is able to connect her classroom life with her experiences in an exam but did not receive this packet, please call us at (410) 969-
personal life. When a student can make these connections it makes 9105 x270. These were due to the Office of Academic Affairs (Mr.
learning so much more meaningful. Van Wambeke’s office) by March 2, 2010.

I am always looking for better ways to help students learn and Extended Absence
was fortunate to come across an article published in American If you have a son/daughter out for an extended period of time
Educator entitled “What Will Improve a Student’s Memory?” by (more than 4 days), please contact his/her guidance counselor to
Daniel Willingham. This article espouses some known and new coordinate an academic plan. The most direct way to keep up
truths about learning. How many times do we expect students with school work is to e-mail the teachers directly and check their
to remember everything they read or everything they hear? Our websites.
own experience tells us that this is not the way it works. What do
we remember? This article stresses that “memories are formed
as the residue of thought.” Thus, the things students think about
and are truly interested in are learned easier. This, of course, is CALENDAR CHANGES DUE TO SNOW!!!!
no surprise, and the author recommends that students attempt to We have made some modifications to the calendar in an effort
make meaning of the material rather than simply memorizing. to restore instruction time. Please note the following for your
The article also points to two items that research shows do not calendars:
work – copying notes and reading over the textbook. Of course, March 6 Incoming Freshman Registration;
not everything students learn will have meaning to them. In these 8:00 am – 12:30 pm
cases it, is necessary to employ a mnemonic device, such as an March 12 Full day of school, dismissal 2:35 pm
acronym or visual associations. Visual associations are often March 15 Change to Summer Uniform,
successful because so many students are visual learners. There P. 18-19 in handbook
are a host of mnemonic devices that student’s can learn to suit March 19-20 Spring Musical; 7:00 pm
their learning style. We teach several of these in the summer study March 21 Spring Musical; 2:00 pm
skills course offered at Spalding. March 24 3rd Quarter Ends
March 25 Senior Teach Day/PM – PepRally
At the other end of learning is not forgetting! How many times do March 26 9th Grade Plan Test 7:50 am – 11:00
we forget something that we thought we had locked in our mind? am, No Classes 10th, 11th, 12th
Or, how many times has your child known the material the night March 27 Spring Sensation 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm
before only to forget on the next day’s test? This is human nature March 31 FULL day of school, dismissal 2:35 pm - with
and students need to overcome this with a few simple steps. It is Liturgy and Report Cards Distributed
normal to think that we will remember more than we actually do. Any possible end of the year changes will be announced in mid-
Students should over-learn the material – keep studying even after March.
they think they know it all! They should assess themselves with a
test like the one they might have in class. Friends or parents can
help by quizzing them. Lastly, and this is something we stress
in the summer course, is for students to distribute their studying
at different times and in smaller intervals, what we call spurts.
Willingham points out that this will allow students to retrieve
information at different times of the day, rather than having
one time associated with studying. I will add that a focused,
meaningful twenty minutes is much more valuable than having

Engaging Faith & Learning 3

The Cavalier •March 2010
Campus Ministry
Mrs. Kathy Mayer, Campus Minister
Mrs. Caitlin Boyle, Service Coordinator/Religion Teacher

Stocking the Sarah’s House Shed… Thank you once again for your response during the month of February in
supporting our collection for Sarah’s house. Your generosity supplied many of the items needed for families moving
into transitional housing and new homes of their own. Thanks also to the teams and groups of students and adults who
continue to support the Sunday dinners at Sarah’s House. If you would like more information about how your team/
group might be able to support this outreach, please call Mrs. Caitlin Boyle or email boylec@archbishopspalding.org

Senior Service Requirement….The Senior Service Requirement is well overdue…having been due on Friday, January 8th. Those who
have still yet to comply are in jeopardy of not being able to attend Senior Breakfast. In addition, students who have not completed their
requirement are considered ineligible and are not permitted to participate in any before/after school activities. This includes but is not
limited to clubs, practices, tryouts, games, work-out room, and all senior/graduation activities until they have complied and received
approval from Mrs. Caitlin Boyle, Service Coordinator.

Junior Retreat…Each of our junior students attends a one day Retreat during regular school hours. We travel by bus to Our Lady of
the Fields, Millersville. The theme of the Retreat is “Life Choices”. Students are assigned by homeroom and will be provided with
information as well as a Permission form prior to the date of their Retreat. The remaining Junior Retreats are:
March 05, 2010 – Ms. Mauro & Mr. Hondrum & part of Cafe’ (Aiello to Froelich)
March 19, 2010 – Mr. Ruddy & Ms. Shilow & Mrs. Hodges & part of Cafe’ (Goutzoulis to Jachelski)
April 16, 2010 – Mrs. Mullin & Mrs. Dominquez & part of Cafe’ (Jackson to Witherspoon)

Freshmen…Along with a “laundry list” of information, on their day of Retreat in August, Freshmen were provided with details relative
to the Graduation Service Requirement of Archbishop Spalding High School. Contained in their packet that day was the “Service Hours
Record and Requirement” form as well as “Approved Outreach Opportunities”. Recognizing that this information may have been filed
in a place yet to be found, it may also be obtained through www.archbishopspalding.org. If you click students in the top and then Campus
Ministry on the side bar, there are links that access this information. In addition, paper copies may be found on the table outside the
Campus Ministry office. If you have any questions or desire any additional information, kindly email boylec@archbishopspalding.org
or call 410-969-9015 ext. 345. Please keep in mind that beginning with the Class of 2013 (current Freshmen), students must complete
60 hours of Community Service with a minimum of 25 in an “outreach” setting and the remaining 35 hours may be obtained through
“unspecified” service to their community, school, church. All volunteer service must be obtained through a non-profit organization listed
on our approved listing or pre-approved through the Campus Ministry office.

Archdiocesan Youth and Young Adult Pilgrimage…March 27, 2010…Join the Archbishop of Baltimore and hundreds of young
adults and youth in the 16th Annual Commemoration of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. Additional information may be found http://
www.archbalt.org/youngchurch/compass/upload/PilgrimageRegistratio2010-2.pdf which is the link to the Archdiocesan page or pick
up a packet on the table in the hallway by the Campus Ministry office. If you are interested in attending, please see Mrs. Mayer, email
mayerk@archbishopspalding.org or call 410-969-9105 ext. 236.

Leadership Opportunities…Don’t Miss Out!! (offered through the Archdiocese of Baltimore)

…Justice Action Week (JAW)…July 11 to 16, 2010….A six day intensive immersion experience for High School aged young people
passionate about working toward justice and peace in our world – includes time for reflection, Catholic Social Teaching, prayer and
action in the city of Baltimore. Open to students who have completed their Freshmen year – registration is limited. Approx. cost
$400.00 (1/2 paid by student; ½ by ASHS). If interested, stop by the Campus Ministry office and see Mrs. Mayer , email mayerk@
archbishopspalding.org or call 410-969-9105 ext. 236. “I cannot even begin to describe what a wonderful experience Justice Action
Week was for me…I’ve come to find the true meaning of Servant Leadership…it is about stepping out of your comfort zone and living out
the Word..it is about doing service for others and promoting peace and justice for all” Megan Sprankle ‘10

4 Engaging Faith & Learning

The Cavalier • March 2010
Campus Ministry Continued Students Helping Students
…High School Leadership (High LI)…July 25 to July 31, Students Helping Students (SHS) – NEW! SHS is now offered
2010…A week long summer leadership development program BEFORE school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and during ALL
at Monsignor O’Dwyer Youth Retreat House in Sparks, MD. lunch periods (by appointment only), EVERY DAY! National
Students have an opportunity to live and pray in community Honors Society students are available to provide tutoring in various
while learning how to be more competent and effective leaders. academic subjects. SHS is a great place to get help, review for
Anticipated cost $650.00 (1/2 paid by student; ½ paid by ASHS). upcoming tests, get organized or just work quietly on your own!
Limited registrations. If interested, see Mrs. Mayer in Campus
Ministry, email mayerk@archbishopspalding.org or call ext. 236. • OPTION 1: Morning Tutoring
o Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays
o Time: 7:00-7:40
A Students Reflection…
o Location: Room 114
“We are all here at Archbishop Spalding High School because
of the commitment and often the sacrifices of our parents and
• OPTION 2: Lunch Tutoring
guardians. Our families have provided us with the opportunity
o See Mrs. O’Kieffe in room 114 to request a
to experience a Catholic education…The Faculty, Staff and
Lunch Tutor
Administration of Archbishop Spalding High School have enriched
o Tutors will be assigned based on availability
my life tremendously in my relationship with God and others. As a
and subject
young adult I feel a sense of maturity in my beliefs having accepted
the practices of my faith and I strive each day to incorporate my
Please contact Tara O’Kieffe, Resource Coordinator, at ext. 279
faith into daily living…Archbishop Spalding High School helps us
for details about SHS or other tutoring options.
to gain greater knowledge about faith, to trust God and to live life
with faith. These valuable lessons will enable us to live a solid
healthy prosperous adult life.” Haley Shine ’10 – Catholic
Schools Week Liturgy 2/2/10.
Spalding Spring Sensation Tuition Raffle
Questions….please email mayerk@archbishopspalding.org or
boylec@archbishopspalding.org or give us a call 410-969-9105 “Bella Italia”
ext. 236 (Kathy), ext. 345 (Caitlin). Win Free Tuition or over $6,000 cash
$100 per ticket-ONLY 400 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD
“Father, open our minds and hearts to be the Word of your Son.
Help us to give voice to that Word not only in our churches but in Name: _________________________Phone:_________________
our homes, our classrooms, our work spaces and gathering places”
Daily Reflections for Lent – Not by Bread Alone Address: ______________________________________________

Child/Children’s Name and current grade(s):

“Through fasting and praying, we allow Him to come and
satisfy the deepest hunger that we experience in the depths of
our being: the hunger and thirst for God.” — Pope Benedict XVI Your relationship to Child:
___Parent ___Grandparent
___Staff/Faculty ___I am an alum (year ___)
___Friend of Student ___I am a friend of ASHS
Notes from the Music Department
I would like to purchase ___ticket(s) x$100 for $_______
The Spring Spalding Music Wear Kick Off dates have been
set. The Kick-off will begin Wednesday, March 17th and Method of Payment: Check____ CC____
will run through Monday, March 29th. New items include
tye dye t-shirts, hoodies, bubblegum flannels, and scrapeez Visa___ MC___ Account#_____________________________
headbands to name a few. Delivery will be before the Spring
Music Department trip. Anyone with questions should contact Exp. Date________ 3 Digit Security Code______
Mrs. Huesgen.

Engaging Faith & Learning 5

The Cavalier •March 2010
Guidance Department ~ Mrs. Cheryl S. Ventura
SAT and ACT Testing Dates

May 1 and June 5 are the last two SAT dates for this school year. No SAT testing is available during the summer months. Students
are encouraged to register online at www.collegeboard.com. All Junior’s should take the SAT once, even though they will repeat it
in the Senior year. If Sophomore’s or Junior’s are going to need to take SAT II Subject Tests, the ideal time to take them is the June
date. Students should check some of the requirements for testing at the colleges in which they are interested.

The last ACT testing date is June 12. Register online at www.actstudent.org

College Fair at Anne Arundel Community College

On Wednesday, March 10 AACC is hosting a college night/college fair program from 6 to 8:30 PM in the Jenkins Gymnasium.
All Spalding students and their parents are invited to attend. It is suggested that you arrive between 6 and 7 PM. In addition to 100
representatives from colleges and universities, there will be workshops on financing a college education, careers, and a session on how
colleges make their decisions.

Summer Opportunities

The Guidance department is now receiving information about summer opportunities for travel and academic experiences. Many colleges,
for example, host summer classes and workshops on their campuses for high school students. The costs for these programs vary and
some programs offer financial aid.

Unfortunately, the office does not receive much information about summer jobs that pay a salary. The few that are received are posted
on the bulletin board in the guidance office. Most employers do not have to recruit for summer help as they get more than their share of
teens applying for a few jobs. Summer, therefore, is a time when many adolescents can perform some interesting volunteer work. These
hours may be able to be used to complete Spalding’s service hours that are required for graduation.

Work Permits Have a New Procedure

The State of Maryland has revised their procedure for applying for a work permit. You now apply online. The website is www.dllr.state.
md.us; scroll down to the Quick Links section and click on the link for Minor Work Permit. Follow the instructions found in the column
on the left entitled “INSTRUCTIONS – MINOR”.

The student prints a hard copy of the Work Permit Application which the student, a parent and the employer all sign. Then the student
completes the online application and receives a “Minor Data Receipt”. Finally the student brings this “Minor Data Receipt” and the
original hard copy of the application with the 3 signatures to their guidance counselor. The counselor acts as an “issuing officer” and
can then verify the online information and will print the actual official permit for the student.

PLAN Test for Ninth Grade

On Friday, March 26, the ninth grade will be tested in the morning with an 11:00 AM dismissal. The PLAN test is an introductory test
for the ACT College Admissions Testing Program. There are four sections to the test: Reading, English Language, Math and Science.
When the results are received by the school, they will be mailed home.

On the day of the test students should come to school at the normal time, dressed in their complete uniform and should bring their
calculator and two #2 pencils.

Alumni Transcripts

Graduates of the school need to contact, Mrs. Carol Gordon, Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Principal of Academic Affairs, for
any transcript requests. She can be reached at extension 270.

6 Engaging Faith & Learning

The Cavalier • March 2010
Parents’ Association
Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9. Our speaker will be Justin Hibbard, the Education Technology Specialist here at
Spalding. His presentation will include information on social networking sites, internet security and other important tips for parents.
Please join us for a very informative discussion. The meeting will be held at 7:00 pm in the Library.

Our next big event coming up is New Student Registration on Saturday, March 6th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. We are asking for parent
volunteers to provide breakfast-type finger foods and juice. We would also like to have volunteers to help set-up and serve refreshments
in the cafeteria. If you are interested, please send an email to Amy Stolarski at amywosto@gmail.com.

The Senior Breakfast will be held on Thursday, April 15. The theme this year is “Nantucket – Picnic on the Beach”. It is a great event for
the Senior Class and relies on the help of many senior parents to make it a success. If you are interested in helping, please send an email
to Maureen Dustin at maureendustin@gmail.com, Kelly Hedin at hedin1606@verizon.net or Denise Rize at denise.rize@comcast.net.

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week will be held April 26 – 30. If you are interested in helping with activities to honor our teachers and
staff, please email Amy Stolarski @ amywosto@gmail.com.

Executive Board Nominations

It is time to start planning for 2010 – 2011. Please consider sharing your time, talents and ideas as part of the Parents’ Association
Executive Board. Serving on the Board is a great opportunity to become involved in the continuous effort to make Spalding a great place
for our children. The following positions are available:
President: Conduct and oversee board and general meetings. Coordinate committee chairs.
Vice-President: Assist the president and perform the duties of the president in his or her absence.
Treasurer: Keep the financial records and books of the Association.
Secretary: Record and distribute minutes of all the meetings.
We will begin accepting nominations for all positions in April. If you would like more information about any of the positions, please
contact any of the officers listed below.

Giant, Safeway, Target and Office Depot Programs

We have earned $3,640.98 through the Giant program and $1,719.78 through the Escrip program as of December 31, 2009. To sign up
your Giant card, go to www.giant.com/aplus. The school code for ASHS is 01172. To sign up your Safeway card, go to www.escrip.
com. The school code for ASHS is 6642757. You may also register your Target credit card, Target Visa card or a Target check card at
www.target.com/tcoe. The ASHS school code is 7858. ASHS will receive 1% of your purchases made at Target using any of the cards
and ½% of purchases made anywhere else using the Target Visa card. ASHS will also receive 5% of your purchases at Office Depot if
you give them our school name and ID#70047318 at the check out counter.

There are more ways to earn money from the Escrip program than just shopping at Safeway. Please check out their website, www.escrip.
com, to find out more ways you can help Spalding earn free money.

Please help us to take advantage of all these offers. The dollars really add up! If you have any questions about any of these programs,
please contact Greta Bill or June Lawson at asgiantsafeway@gmail.com.

2009 – 2010 Remaining Meeting Dates:

March 9, April 20

Questions? Ideas? Please contact:

Amy Stolarski – President - amywosto@gmail.com
Valerie Washington – Vice-President - Val_48331@yahoo.com
Julie McHale – Treasurer - sjmchale@aol.com
Anna Johnston – Secretary - zlavia@hotmail.com
You may also find additional information about our activities at our website www.ashsteacher.org/pa.

Engaging Faith & Learning 7

The Cavalier •March 2010
Athletics ~ Mr. Lee R. Dove
“A Better Understanding”

As the athletic program at Spalding has expanded and grown over the years, so too has the scope of influence that sports participation
requires of athletes, coaches and parents. As the effort to seek qualified coaches, and to provide professional development opportunities
for those coaches continues each school year, so does the hope that our athletes are receiving the best effort, instruction and guidance
possible. Our expectation is that athletes will learn from the coaches and likewise that the coaches will learn from the athletes.

Our partnership with the Positive Coaching Alliance over the past several years has helped to spread the message that while winning
is an important component of athletic participation, it is even more important to reap the lessons learned through sports and apply
those lessons to other facets of life. To this end we offer educational opportunities through PCA workshops, intended to target different
audiences, over the course of the school year. Our coaching staff has already attended a workshop in November geared toward player
development, understanding and self improvement.

On March 2nd a workshop will be held for athletes representing all of our sports programs. Two individuals will be selected from each
program, by the head coach, to attend this workshop and carry its message back to others on their respective teams. The message of this
workshop will center around the concept of what it means to be a competitor in terms of; the athlete’s relationship with him/her self,
with teammates and with the sport itself.

Likewise, on April 21st a PCA workshop for parents will be presented to offer a better understanding of how parents can assist in the
effort to make sure that the athletic experience is a healthy and developmentally sound experience that will carry on far beyond the
playing field. This opportunity will allow parents to become more familiar with the core mission of the PCA and its potential influence
upon athletes of all ages. It is my hope that parents will heed the invitation to participate in this workshop experience. The workshop
will be held in the cafeteria on April 21st at 6:30pm and will be open to the first 100 parents to sign up. If interested please RSVP Mrs
Krell in the athletic office at extension 357.

The athletic department will sponsor an informational meeting for parents of incoming freshman who are interested in participating in
the sports programs while attending Spalding. This meeting will be held on April 21st as well, in the auditorium at 6:30. Athletic Program
information will be available and an opportunity to ask questions of different athletic department personnel will be provided. A video
presentation entitled “The Role Of Parents In Athletics” will be a part of this evening in order to encourage a very thought provoking
look at what it means to be the parent of a high school athlete.

Providing a sound, well founded extracurricular experience through athletics is, has been, and always will be a high priority for me as
Athletic Director. My ultimate goal for the athletic program is to continue to provide the best overall athletic experience possible for
every student athlete that we encounter. Won’t you join in this effort by showing your support for these special programs.

From the Athletic Trainer

Parents and students,

Once again, the athletic training department will offer physicals for returning student athletes. The physicals will be
conducted on site for a cost of $25/ student. At present we are working out dates and will publish firm dates in the April/
May Cavalier, on the school website, and the athletic training website. Appointments will be necessary as we will only
be able to accomodate 125-150 students. We look forward to taking care of your kids!

For any further quextions please contact TJ Morgan at extension 250 or email morgant@archbishopspalding.org

8 Engaging Faith & Learning

The Cavalier • March 2010
Cavalier Club Spalding Theatre Presents
Cavalier Club Kicks Off A Great 2010

The Cavalier Club just finished an historic month in raising funds

for the ASHS Athletic Department. We played a part in two
events, the Cavalier Club Duals for wrestling and the First Annual
Spalding Cheerleading Tournament. The Cavalier Duals was a
wrestling tournament that included 14 teams, two gyms and five
mats in use at the same time. This tournament was spread out over
two days and lasted over twenty hours. The final result was $6,000
in profit which will be shared between the Wrestling Team and the
Cavalier Club.

The first annual Cheerleading Tournament hosted twenty teams.

The Cheerleaders and the Cavalier Club generated over $5,500 in
profit. The revenue will help with the Cheerleading budget.

The biggest success of January was the Bull Roast. This event was Dates:
held in the new gym and had close to 600 in attendance. Parents
danced to the DJ while other parents tried their luck at the wheel.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Tom Scalley did a fantastic job with the food and everyone had a Saturday, March 20, 2010
great time. The Cavalier Club cleared $19,200 with $6,080 of that Sunday, March 21, 2010
being donated back to individual team budgets.

In February the Cavalier Club kicked off the “Got Mulch” Description:
campaign. We have hired a mulch consultant to help us organize
and set up our distribution. With 12 teams participating, we are
Spalding Theatre presents
quickly on our way to the most profitable fundraiser the Cavalier THE PAJAMA GAME,
Club has ever attempted. The final sales deadline for orders is a musical based on the novel
March 8, 2010. Each bag of mulch a student athlete sells, one
dollar will go toward that student’s sports team or designated club. 7-1/2 Cents by Richard Bissell and a score
So help us meet our goal and sell that mulch!! by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross.
Between the Mulch Drive and the Bull Roast, we hope to have
A strike is imminent at the Sleep-Tite Pajama
the funds in place to break ground on the new snack shack at the Factory because the Union is seeking a wage
start of the summer. Thank you to the parents and volunteers of the rise of seven and a half cents an hour. Sid and
Spalding community. With your help and continued support we
look forward to a successful 2010! Babe are in opposing camps yet a romance is
born between them.

7:00pm Friday and Saturday night;
2:00pm Sunday matinee

$10.00 at the door

Engaging Faith & Learning 9

The Cavalier •March 2010
National Science Bowl
There’s a first time for everything…….
…..and this was the year that Archbishop Spalding High School
fielded its first team ever at the National Science Bowl. The
tournament was held on 16 January 2010 at Montgomery College
Yearbook Update in Rockville, Maryland with a check in time of 0730am on a
Saturday. We started out a bit tired and cranky but rose to the
challenge. This was a Maryland Regional event and even though
Check here issue for important news and information related to we were newbies to the competition, we had a great showing! The
our yearbook production! Please submit yearbook inquires to Mrs. pace was fast, the questions demanding, and the pressure intense.
Sola. Our team rose to the challenge, had one win and one really close
one, but in the end we missed out on advancing to the play-offs.
Yearbooks Have Arrived! – The 2009 edition of Crossroads is We’ll get ‘em next year!!
available for graduates to pick up in the front office.
Last year our yearbook staff worked extremely hard to
produce a quality book to capture your year, so give them a pat on
the back when you see them! As always, the staff tried incredibly
hard to have a “perfect” book, but as we all know, nobody is
perfect! The staff & editors apologize for any omissions or errors
we may have made in the production process. We hopes everyone
thoroughly enjoys reading the latest edition as much as we enjoyed
creating it.

Senior Portraits – By now all seniors should have had their senior
portraits taken by Lifetouch (aka Prestige Portraits) to be included
in the yearbook. If for some reason you have not yet had yours
taken, please notify Mrs. Sola immediately, otherwise your portrait
will not appear in the yearbook.

If you have not made a “Yearbook Selection” for your portrait, Left to Right: Mrs. Colaianni (Faculty Advisor), John Vernon,
please do so ASAP otherwise the yearbook staff will be making a Matthew Thompson, Dan Brady (Team Captain), Kris Madsen,
selection for you. and John Hodges

Senior Baby Pictures Needed – Please send in a baby photo with

students name and homeroom written on the back. Pictures can
be dropped off in the front office and will be returned after being

Senior Tributes - Deadline is March 31st. A mailing was sent

recently to all senior families. Visit
for additional information, and to create your loving masterpiece.

Juniors: In May you will be receiving a mailing from Prestige

Portraits (Lifetouch Studios) for your senior portrait date in June.
All rising seniors must have a yearbook pose taken by Lifetouch
for inclusion in the yearbook. Make-up dates will be available in
August and September.

10 Engaging Faith & Learning

The Cavalier • March 2010
Will Advertising End Copyright Laws?
By Justin Hibbard, Education Technology Specialist
Shortly after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, I created a video paying for it. However, the advertisers got their monies worth.
to show the widespread devastation in hopes that viewers would They thought that they were paying for a one-page ad that would
support relief efforts. I used a great song called “Mountains High” circulate to 1.1 million subscribers. Instead, they reached many
from Delirious - a Christian band. I hadn’t obtained permission more potential customers. Similarly, the links to NY Times articles
to use that song, but I justified it to myself, thinking, “Delirious on Facebook take readers straight to the NY Times where they can
would appreciate this.” And so I created the video. When I read it online, and more importantly to the company, see the ads
uploaded it to Facebook, I immediately got a note saying that I had on the side, top, and middle of the page. This is why NYTimes.com
appeared to violate copyright laws and that they would not upload generates nearly $2 million from advertising each month.
the video. I then uploaded the video to YouTube. They sent me
a much friendlier message saying that I might have infringed on In a sense, the newspapers are learning from network television.
a license owned by Sony Music. What was odd about their note You don’t pay a dime to watch Fox, NBC, ABC, or CBS, and
is that they said I wouldn’t need to do anything. They would because of that, more people watch the networks than cable
upload the video and would add an advertisement button. Sure channels like Comedy Central, TBS, or TNT. This is why the
enough, when I watched my video on YouTube, the title of the networks charge substantially more for advertising. Why are
song appeared, Sony Music’s name appeared, and a button to buy Superbowl ads so expensive? Because more people are watching
it on iTunes appeared as well. than any other time (Nielsen reported a record 106.5 million
watched Superbowl XLIV). Sites, such as Hulu.com, where you
There has been an enormous shift in copyright policies over the can watch streaming movies and shows for free, are growing in
past couple of years. It used to be that if you wanted to read a popularity. How do they do this? They advertise to cover the
newspaper article online, from a company like the NY Times, you cost of cyberspace-on-demand. The answer to these companies is
had to subscribe to their online service. Many times, these types always money, they will do whatever is most profitable for them.
of sites would disable copy features to keep people from copying Instead of Sony Music spending millions of dollars in litigation
their work. Now, not only can you read it for free, but they even against YouTube, they’ve seen that a little freedom can actually
give you buttons so that you can share it on Facebook, Twitter, bring them money. And in the end, that’s what they were looking
Digg, and a whole bunch of other sites. So, what happened? Why for anyway.
all of the sudden have companies changed from “that’s mine!” to
“please share!” While I’m not condoning copying copyright material, I want to
point out the shift in policy. It may not be long before we are
The answer is both simple and complex. In the past, companies such permitted to copy movies, though we can expect to have 30-second
as Sony Music or the NY Times wanted to share their information. commercials throughout or little pop-up advertisements during
They wanted the world to know their music and articles, with the the film. In regards to music, instead of songs being published
caveat that people would buy their CDs and subscriptions. That because the band is talented, has a lot of followers, and can sell
great song you heard on the radio actually has 12 mediocre buddies, more tracks and more albums, they’ll be looking at artists and
and you can buy them all for $9.99. However, the demand for hard songs that can market a product. Not only does that mean that
media like discs and newspapers is rapidly declining, as the digital we can expect to hear that song when we see a commercial on
demand increases. So, how do they get their products out amidst television, but it might actually get to the point where the song is
a fiercely competitive cyberworld? They get more people to use it mentioning brands in the lyrics itself (I guess all those rap songs
and share it. The more people that know their products, the more referencing Bacardi wasn’t just because it rhymes with party). If
people will buy. and when that happens, you can bet that those publishers will be
saying, “Forget copyright laws; please copy and send to all of your
But if newspaper companies aren’t selling any online subscriptions, friends.”
how are they getting paid? The answer is advertising. The NY
Times can leverage their site to prospective advertising clients by
saying, “Our site gets 310 million hits each month.” It’s almost
like someone buying a copy of the NY Times just before they get on
the subway, and instead of taking the newspaper with them, they
leave it there. Then, another passenger picks it up and reads it,
and then another, and the cycle continues all day. The newspaper
lost money because fifty people read that newspaper without

Engaging Faith & Learning 11

Archbishop Spalding High School PRESORTED
8080 New Cut Road ~ Severn, MD. 21144 PAID
PERMIT # 922

Address Service Requested

The Cavalier March 2010

Spalding Spring Sensation – “Bella Italia”
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mark your calendars!!!!
Join us for a fun-filled event with many wonderful items to choose from!

We still would love to have items donated such as:

Vacation homes, sports tickets or memorabilia, restaurant/store gift cards, beauty & spa certificates,
household items, art, etc!!! All donations are greatly appreciated! Also, advertisements and
sponsorship opportunities are available.

RSVP Online at www.archbishopspalding.org

To preview a small sampling of items we have collected so far OR to make a donation visit:

Proceeds to benefit Art, Technology and Athletic programs at Archbishop Spalding High School

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