Wheeler Model PDF
Wheeler Model PDF
Wheeler Model PDF
P-ISSN: 2394-1685
E-ISSN: 2394-1693
IJPESH 2015; 1(4): 57-59
Received: 22-02-2015
Accepted: 03-03-2015
Gautam Kumar Chaudhary
Ph.D. Research scholar,
Department of Physical Education
and Sports Sciences, University of
Delhi, India
Rohit Kalia
Ph.D. Research scholar,
Department of Physical Education
and Sports Sciences, University of
Delhi, India
1. Introduction
Curriculum design is a complex but systematic process. This research paper describes a variety
of models of curriculum design in order to make this complex activity understandable and
manageable. It is important for you as a teacher to understand how the curriculum you are
using in your school and college was designed.
Curriculum design, development and assessment are central to teaching and learning in the
classroom. In India, teachers may have either a professional teaching qualification or only an
academic qualification. However, it is important for all teachers to be knowledgeable about the
theory, design and assessment of curriculum. This module provides teachers with information
about the basic elements, factors and institutions involved in the design and assessment of
school & college curricula.
If you are aware of the factors that influence curriculum design, you will be able to understand
how the content you are teaching and the learning experiences to which the children are
exposed have been selected. You may also develop some insight into the methods you can use
to deliver this content. Therefore, this research paper will help you to understand the various
factors that influence curriculum design.
The Concept of Curriculum
As a teacher, you need to know what curriculum means in order to:
Relate education to the socio-economic, technological, political and environmental
demands of your society.
Relate content or the body of knowledge to your local setting.
Apply the most effective and relevant teaching and learning methodologies.
Evaluate teaching and learning processes in your education system.
Gautam Kumar Chaudhary
Ph.D. Research scholar,
Department of Physical
Education and Sports Sciences,
University of Delhi, India.
Definition of Curriculum
Curriculum is a process, which includes all the academic activities known as syllabi contents
and co-curricular activities and experience to influence the development of the child [1]
In The Curriculum, John Franklin Bobbitt said that curriculum, as an idea, has its roots in the
Latin word for race-course, explaining the curriculum as the course of deeds and experiences
through which children become the adults they should be, for success in adult society.
Process Model
After studying this research paper, you should be able to:
Discuss various models of curriculum design.
Compare curriculum design models.
Explain steps in curriculum design in relation to models of
This unit covers the following models of curriculum design:
The objectives model,
The process model,
Tylers model,
Wheelers model, and
Kerrs model.
The Objectives Model
The objectives model of curriculum design contains content
that is based on specific objectives. These objectives should
specify expected learning outcomes in terms of specific
measurable behaviours.
This model comprises four main steps:
Agreeing on broad aims which are analysed into
Constructing a curriculum to achieve these objectives,
Refining the curriculum in practice by testing its capacity
to achieve its objectives, and
Communicating the curriculum to the teachers through the
conceptual framework of the objectives. (Gatawa, 1990:
Objectives Model
Wheelers Model
Wheelers model for curriculum design is an improvement
upon Tylers model. Instead of a linear model, Wheeler
developed a cyclical model. Evaluation in Wheelers model is
not terminal. Findings from the evaluation are fed back into
the objectives and the goals, which influence other stages.
Wheelers Model
2. Summary
The curriculum design models discussed show that curriculum
designing is conducted stage by stage. Some of the models
discussed consider the process to be more important than the
objectives. Other models take objectives to be the most
important feature of curriculum design. Generally, all models
stress the importance of considering a variety of factors that
influence curriculum.
Now that you have read about the types of curriculum design,
factors that influence curriculum design and models used to
design the curriculum.
3. References
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curriculum, 10 Mar, 2015.
2. http://www.tki.org.nz/r/health/curric_devt/lit_review/pe/lit
rev_pe7_e.php, 10 Mar, 2015.
3. Rakesh Gupta, Akhilesh Sharma, Santosh Sharma,
Professional Preparation and Curriculum Design in
Physical Education & Sports sciences, Friends
Publications (India), New Delhi, P. 11
4. Tichafa J, Chikumbu, Curriculum theory, design and
assessment, Ministry of Education, Sport and Culture
Masvingo, Zimbabwe, The Commonwealth of Learning,