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N M (E E) T NM M NM: Physics 6210/spring 2007/lecture 34

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Physics 6210/Spring 2007/Lecture 34

Lecture 34
Relevant sections in text: 5.6
Time-dependent perturbation theory (cont.)
We are constructing an approximation scheme for solving
X i
ih cn (t) =
e h (En Em )t Vnm (t)cm (t), Vnm = hn|V (t)|mi.
For simplicity we shall suppose (as is often the case) that the initial state is an eigenstate of H0 . Setting |(0)i = |ii, i.e., taking the initial state to be one of the unperturbed
energy eigenvectors, we get as our zeroth-order approximation:

cn (t) cn = ni .

We get our first-order approximation cn (t) by improving our approximation of the

right-hand side of the differential equations to be accurate to first order. This we do by
using the zeroth order approximation of the solution, cn in the right hand side of the
equation. So, we now approximate the differential equation as

cn (t) e h (En Ei )t Vni (t),

with solution
cn (t)


+ cn (t)

1 t 0 i (En Ei )t0
= ni +
dt e h
Vni (t0 ).
ih 0

Successive approximations are obtained by iterating this procedure. We shall only deal with
the first non-trivial approximation, which defines first-order time-dependent perturbation
We assumed that the system started off in the (formerly stationary) state |ii defined
by H0 . Of course, generally the perturbation will be such that |ii is not a stationary state
for H, so that at times t > 0 the state vector will change. We can still ask what is the
probability for finding the system in an eigenstate |ni of H0 . Assuming that n 6= i this is
1 t 0 i (En Ei )t0
P (i n, i 6= n) = |
dt e h
Vni (t0 )|2 .
h 0
This is the transition probability to first-order in TDPT. The probability for no transition
is, in this approximation,
P (i i) = 1
P (i n, i 6= n).

Physics 6210/Spring 2007/Lecture 34

TDPT is valid so long as the transition probabilities are all much less than unity. Otherwise, our approximation begins to fail.
The transition probability for i n is only non-zero if there is a non-zero matrix
element Vni connecting the initial and final states. Otherwise, we say that the transition
is forbidden. Of course, it is only forbidden in the leading order approximation. If a
particular transition i n is forbidden in the sense just described, then physically this
means that the transition may occur with very small probability compared to other, nonforbidden transitions. To calculate this very small probability one would have to go to
higher orders in TDPT.
Example: time-independent perturbation
As our first application of TDPT we consider what happens when the perturbation V
does not in fact depend upon time. This means, of course, that the true Hamiltonian H0 +V
is time independent, too (since we assume H0 is time independent). If we can solve the
energy eigenvalue problem for H0 +V we can immediately write down the exact solution to
the Schrodinger equation and we dont need to bother with approximation methods. But
we are assuming, of course, that the problem is not exactly soluble. Now, in the current
example of a time-independent perturbation, we could use the approximate eigenvalues
and eigenvectors from time independent perturbation theory to get approximate solutions
to the Schrodinger equation. This turns out to be equivalent to the results we will obtain
below using time dependent perturbation theory. Its actually quite a nice exercise to prove
this, but we wont bother.
Assuming V is time independent, the integral appearing in the transition probability
can be easily computed and we get (exercise)

4|Vni |2
(En Ei )t
P (i n, i 6= n) =
(En Ei )2
Assuming this matrix element Vni does not vanish, we see that the transition probability
oscillates in time. The amplitude of this oscillation is small provided the magnitude of
the transition matrix element of the perturbation is small compared to the unperturbed
energy difference between the initial and final states. This number had better be small or
the perturbative approximation is not valid.
Let us consider the energy dependence of the transition probability. The amplitude
of the temporally oscillating transition probability decreases quickly as the energy of the
final state differs from the energy of the initial state. The dominant transition probabilities
occur when En = Ei , i 6= n. For this to happen, of course, the states |ni and |ii must
correspond to a degenerate or nearly degenerate eigenvalue. When En Ei we have
P (i n, i 6= n, En = Ei ) = 2 |Vni |2 t2 .

Physics 6210/Spring 2007/Lecture 34

Because of the growth in time, our approximation breaks down eventually in this case.
Still, you can see that the transition probability is peaked about those states such that
En Ei , with the peak having height proportional to t2 and width proportional to 1/t.
Thus as the time interval becomes large enough the principal probability is for transitions
of the energy conserving type, En Ei . For shorter times the probabilities for energy
non-conserving transitions are less negligible. Indeed, the probability for a transition with
an energy difference E at time t is appreciable once the elapsed time satisfies


as you can see by inspecting the transition probability. This is just a version of the timeenergy uncertainty principle expressed in terms of the unperturbed stationary states. One
sometimes characterizes the situation by saying that one can violate energy conservation
by an amount E provided you do it over a time interval t such that tE h.
All this talk of energy non-conservation is of course purely figurative. The true
energy, represented by H0 + V is conserved, as always in quantum mechanics when the
Hamiltonian is time independent. It is only because we are considering the dynamics in
terms of the unperturbed system, using the unperturbed energy defined by H0 , that we
can speak of energy non-conservation from the unperturbed point of view. You can see,
however, why slogans like you can violate conservation of energy if you do it over a short
enough time might arise and what they really mean. You can also see that such slogans
can be very misleading.

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