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CoreAnimation Guide PDF

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Core Animation

Programming Guide


About Core Animation 10

At a Glance 10
Core Animation Manages Your Apps Content 11
Layer Modifications Trigger Animations 11
Layers Can Be Organized into Hierarchies 11
Actions Let You Change a Layers Default Behavior 11
How to Use This Document 12
Prerequisites 12
See Also 12

Core Animation Basics 13

Layers Provide the Basis for Drawing and Animations 13
The Layer-Based Drawing Model 13
Layer-Based Animations 14
Layer Objects Define Their Own Geometry 15
Layers Use Two Types of Coordinate Systems 16
Anchor Points Affect Geometric Manipulations 17
Layers Can Be Manipulated in Three Dimensions 19
Layer Trees Reflect Different Aspects of the Animation State 21
The Relationship Between Layers and Views 24

Setting Up Layer Objects 26

Enabling Core Animation Support in Your App 26
Changing the Layer Object Associated with a View 27
Changing the Layer Class Used by UIView 27
Changing the Layer Class Used By NSView 28
Layer Hosting Lets You Change the Layer Object in OS X 28
Different Layer Classes Provide Specialized Behaviors 29
Providing a Layers Contents 30
Using an Image for the Layers Content 30
Using a Delegate to Provide the Layers Content 31
Providing Layer Content Through Subclassing 33
Tweaking the Content You Provide 33
Working with High-Resolution Images 35

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Adjusting a Layers Visual Style and Appearance 35

Layers Have Their Own Background and Border 36
Layers Support a Corner Radius 37
Layers Support Built-In Shadows 38
Filters Add Visual Effects to OS X Views 39
The Layer Redraw Policy for OS X Views Affects Performance 40
Adding Custom Properties to a Layer 42
Printing the Contents of a Layer-Backed View 42

Animating Layer Content 43

Animating Simple Changes to a Layers Properties 43
Using a Keyframe Animation to Change Layer Properties 45
Specifying Keyframe Values 46
Specifying the Timing of a Keyframe Animation 47
Stopping an Explicit Animation While It Is Running 48
Animating Multiple Changes Together 48
Detecting the End of an Animation 49
How to Animate Layer-Backed Views 50
Rules for Modifying Layers in iOS 50
Rules for Modifying Layers in OS X 51
Remember to Update View Constraints as Part of Your Animation 52

Building a Layer Hierarchy 53

Arranging Layers into a Layer Hierarchy 53
Adding, Inserting, and Removing Sublayers 53
Positioning and Sizing Sublayers 54
How Layer Hierarchies Affect Animations 55
Adjusting the Layout of Your Layer Hierarchies 55
Using Constraints to Manage Your Layer Hierarchies in OS X 55
Setting Up Autoresizing Rules for Your OS X Layer Hierarchies 59
Manually Laying Out Your Layer Hierarchies 60
Sublayers and Clipping 60
Converting Coordinate Values Between Layers 61

Advanced Animation Tricks 63

Transition Animations Support Changes to Layer Visibility 63
Customizing the Timing of an Animation 65
Pausing and Resuming Animations 66
Explicit Transactions Let You Change Animation Parameters 67
Adding Perspective to Your Animations 69

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Changing a Layers Default Behavior 70

Custom Action Objects Adopt the CAAction Protocol 70
Action Objects Must Be Installed On a Layer to Have an Effect 71
Disable Actions Temporarily Using the CATransaction Class 72

Improving Animation Performance 74

Choose the Best Redraw Policy for Your OS X Views 74
Update Layers in OS X to Optimize Your Rendering Path 74
General Tips and Tricks 75
Use Opaque Layers Whenever Possible 75
Use Simpler Paths for CAShapeLayer Objects 75
Set the Layer Contents Explicitly for Identical Layers 75
Always Set a Layers Size to Integral Values 76
Use Asynchronous Layer Rendering As Needed 76
Specify a Shadow Path When Adding a Shadow to Your Layer 76

Layer Style Property Animations 77

Geometry Properties 77
Background Properties 78
Layer Content 79
Sublayers Content 80
Border Attributes 81
Filters Property 82
Shadow Properties 82
Opacity Property 84
Mask Properties 84

Animatable Properties 86
CALayer Animatable Properties 86
CIFilter Animatable Properties 89

Key-Value Coding Extensions 90

Key-Value Coding Compliant Container Classes 90
Default Value Support 90
Wrapping Conventions 91
Key Path Support for Structures 92
CATransform3D Key Paths 92
CGPoint Key Paths 93
CGSize Key Paths 93
CGRect Key Paths 94

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Document Revision History 95

Swift 9

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Figures, Tables, and Listings

Core Animation Basics 13

Figure 1-1
Figure 1-2
Figure 1-3
Figure 1-4
Figure 1-5
Figure 1-6
Figure 1-7
Figure 1-8
Figure 1-9
Figure 1-10

How Core Animation draws content 14

Examples of animations you can perform on layers 15
The default layer geometries for iOS and OS X 16
The default unit coordinate systems for iOS and OS X 17
How the anchor point affects the layers position property 18
How the anchor point affects layer transformations 19
Converting a coordinate using matrix math 20
Matrix configurations for common transformations 21
Layers associated with a window 22
The layer trees for a window 23

Setting Up Layer Objects 26

Figure 2-1
Figure 2-2
Figure 2-3
Figure 2-4
Figure 2-5
Table 2-1
Table 2-2
Listing 2-1
Listing 2-2
Listing 2-3
Listing 2-4
Listing 2-5
Listing 2-6

Position-based gravity constants for layers 34

Scaling-based gravity constants for layers 34
Adding a border and background to a layer 36
A corner radius on a layer 37
Applying a shadow to a layer 38
CALayer subclasses and their uses 29
Layer redraw policies for OS X views 41
Specifying the layer class of an iOS view 27
Creating a layer-hosting view 28
Setting the layer contents directly 31
Drawing the contents of a layer 32
Setting the background color and border of a layer 36
Applying a filter to a layer 40

Animating Layer Content 43

Figure 3-1
Listing 3-1
Listing 3-2
Listing 3-3
Listing 3-4
Listing 3-5

5-second keyframe animation of a layers position property 45

Animating a change implicitly 44
Animating a change explicitly 44
Creating a bounce keyframe animation 45
Animating two animations together 48
Animating a layer attached to an iOS view 50

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Figures, Tables, and Listings

Building a Layer Hierarchy 53

Figure 4-1
Figure 4-2
Figure 4-3
Table 4-1
Listing 4-1
Listing 4-2

Constraint layout manager attributes 56

Example constraints based layout 57
Clipping sublayers to the parents bounds 61
Methods for modifying the layer hierarchy 53
Defining a simple constraint 57
Setting up constraints for your layers 57

Advanced Animation Tricks 63

Listing 5-1
Listing 5-2
Listing 5-3
Listing 5-4
Listing 5-5
Listing 5-6
Listing 5-7
Listing 5-8

Animating a transition between two views in iOS 63

Using a Core Image filter to animate a transition on OS X 64
Getting a layers current local time 65
Pausing and resuming a layers animations 66
Creating an explicit transaction 67
Changing the default duration of animations 67
Nesting explicit transactions 68
Adding a perspective transform to a parent layer 69

Changing a Layers Default Behavior 70

Listing 6-1
Listing 6-2

Providing an action using a layer delegate object 72

Temporarily disabling a layers actions 72

Layer Style Property Animations 77

Figure A-1
Figure A-2
Figure A-3
Figure A-4
Figure A-5
Figure A-6
Figure A-7
Figure A-8
Figure A-9

Layer geometry 77
Layer with background color 78
Layer displaying a bitmap image 79
Layer displaying the sublayers content 80
Layer displaying the border attributes content 81
Layer displaying the filters properties 82
Layer displaying the shadow properties 83
Layer including the opacity property 84
Layer composited with the mask property 85

Animatable Properties 86
Table B-1
Table B-2
Table B-3

Layer properties and their default animations 86

Default Implied Basic Animation 88
Default Implied Transition 88

Key-Value Coding Extensions 90

Table C-1

Wrapper classes for C types 91

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Figures, Tables, and Listings

Table C-2
Table C-3
Table C-4
Table C-5
Listing C-1

Transform field value key paths 92

CGPoint data structure fields 93
CGSize data structure fields 93
CGRect data structure fields 94
Example implementation of defaultValueForKey: 91

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2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

About Core Animation

Core Animation is a graphics rendering and animation infrastructure available on both iOS and OS X that you
use to animate the views and other visual elements of your app. With Core Animation, most of the work required
to draw each frame of an animation is done for you. All you have to do is configure a few animation parameters
(such as the start and end points) and tell Core Animation to start. Core Animation does the rest, handing most
of the actual drawing work off to the onboard graphics hardware to accelerate the rendering. This automatic
graphics acceleration results in high frame rates and smooth animations without burdening the CPU and
slowing down your app.
If you are writing iOS apps, you are using Core Animation whether you know it or not. And if you are writing
OS X apps, you can take advantage of Core Animation with extremely little effort. Core Animation sits beneath
AppKit and UIKit and is integrated tightly into the view workflows of Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. Of course, Core
Animation also has interfaces that extend the capabilities exposed by your apps views and give you more
fine-grained control over your apps animations.

At a Glance
You may never need to use Core Animation directly, but when you do you should understand the role that
Core Animation plays as part of your apps infrastructure.

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About Core Animation

At a Glance

Core Animation Manages Your Apps Content

Core Animation is not a drawing system itself. It is an infrastructure for compositing and manipulating your
apps content in hardware. At the heart of this infrastructure are layer objects, which you use to manage and
manipulate your content. A layer captures your content into a bitmap that can be manipulated easily by the
graphics hardware. In most apps, layers are used as a way to manage the content of views but you can also
create standalone layers depending on your needs.
Relevant Chapter: Core Animation Basics (page 13), Setting Up Layer Objects (page 26),

Layer Modifications Trigger Animations

Most of the animations you create using Core Animation involve the modification of the layers properties.
Like views, layer objects have a bounds rectangle, a position onscreen, an opacity, a transform, and many other
visually-oriented properties that can be modified. For most of these properties, changing the propertys value
results in the creation of an implicit animation whereby the layer animates from the old value to the new value.
You can also explicitly animate these properties in cases where you want more control over the resulting
animation behavior.
Relevant Chapters: , Animating Layer Content (page 43), Advanced Animation Tricks (page 63),
Layer Style Property Animations (page 77), Animatable Properties (page 86)

Layers Can Be Organized into Hierarchies

Layers can be arranged hierarchically to create parent-child relationships. The arrangement of layers affects
the visual content that they manage in a way that is similar to views. The hierarchy of a set of layers that are
attached to views mirrors the corresponding view hierarchy. You can also add standalone layers into a layer
hierarchy to extend the visual content of your app beyond just your views.
Relevant Chapters: Building a Layer Hierarchy (page 53)

Actions Let You Change a Layers Default Behavior

Implicit layer animations are achieved using action objects, which are generic objects that implement a predefined
interface. Core Animation uses action objects to implement the default set of animations normally associated
with layers. You can create your own action objects to implement custom animations or use them to implement
other types of behaviors too. You then assign your action object to one of the layers properties. When that
property changes, Core Animation retrieves your action object and tells it to perform its action.

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About Core Animation

How to Use This Document

Relevant Chapters: Changing a Layers Default Behavior (page 70)

How to Use This Document

This document is intended for developers who need more control over their apps animations or who want to
use layers to improve the drawing performance of their apps. This document also provides information about
the integration between layers and views for both iOS and OS X. The integration between layers and views is
different on iOS and OS X and understanding those differences is important to being able to create efficient

You should already understand the view architecture of your target platform and be familiar with how to create
view-based animations. If not, you should read one of the following documents:

For iOS apps, you should understand the view architecture described in View Programming Guide for iOS .

For OS X apps, you should understand the view architecture described in View Programming Guide .

See Also
For examples of how to implement specific types of animations using Core Animation, see Core Animation
Cookbook .

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Core Animation Basics


Core Animation provides a general purpose system for animating views and other visual elements of your app.
Core Animation is not a replacement for your apps views. Instead, it is a technology that integrates with views
to provide better performance and support for animating their content. It achieves this behavior by caching
the contents of views into bitmaps that can be manipulated directly by the graphics hardware. In some cases,
this caching behavior might require you to rethink how you present and manage your apps content, but most
of the time you use Core Animation without ever knowing it is there. In addition to caching view content, Core
Animation also defines a way to specify arbitrary visual content, integrate that content with your views, and
animate it along with everything else.
You use Core Animation to animate changes to your apps views and visual objects. Most changes relate to
modifying the properties of your visual objects. For example, you might use Core Animation to animate changes
to a views position, size, or opacity. When you make such a change, Core Animation animates between the
current value of the property and the new value you specify. You would typically not use Core Animation to
replace the content of a view 60 times a second, such as in a cartoon. Instead, you use Core Animation to move
a views content around the screen, fade that content in or out, apply arbitrary graphics transformations to
the view, or change the views other visual attributes.

Layers Provide the Basis for Drawing and Animations

Layer objects are 2D surfaces organized in a 3D space and are at the heart of everything you do with Core
Animation. Like views, layers manage information about the geometry, content, and visual attributes of their
surfaces. Unlike views, layers do not define their own appearance. A layer merely manages the state information
surrounding a bitmap. The bitmap itself can be the result of a view drawing itself or a fixed image that you
specify. For this reason, the main layers you use in your app are considered to be model objects because they
primarily manage data. This notion is important to remember because it affects the behavior of animations.

The Layer-Based Drawing Model

Most layers do not do any actual drawing in your app. Instead, a layer captures the content your app provides
and caches it in a bitmap, which is sometimes referred to as the backing store. When you subsequently change
a property of the layer, all you are doing is changing the state information associated with the layer object.

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Core Animation Basics

Layers Provide the Basis for Drawing and Animations

When a change triggers an animation, Core Animation passes the layers bitmap and state information to the
graphics hardware, which does the work of rendering the bitmap using the new information, as shown in
Figure 1-1. Manipulating the bitmap in hardware yields much faster animations than could be done in software.
Figure 1-1

How Core Animation draws content

App Window

App Window
Core Animation
Layer Object

Because it manipulates a static bitmap, layer-based drawing differs significantly from more traditional view-based
drawing techniques. With view-based drawing, changes to the view itself often result in a call to the views
drawRect: method to redraw content using the new parameters. But drawing in this way is expensive because
it is done using the CPU on the main thread. Core Animation avoids this expense by whenever possible by
manipulating the cached bitmap in hardware to achieve the same or similar effects.
Although Core Animation uses cached content as much as possible, your app must still provide the initial
content and update it from time to time. There are several ways for your app to provide a layer object with
content, which are described in detail in Providing a Layers Contents (page 30).

Layer-Based Animations
The data and state information of a layer object is decoupled from the visual presentation of that layers content
onscreen. This decoupling gives Core Animation a way to interpose itself and animate the change from the
old state values to new state values. For example, changing a layers position property causes Core Animation

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Core Animation Basics

Layer Objects Define Their Own Geometry

to move the layer from its current position to the newly specified position. Similar changes to other properties
cause appropriate animations. Figure 1-2 illustrates a few of the types of animations you can perform on layers.
For a list of layer properties that trigger animations, see Animatable Properties (page 86).
Figure 1-2

Examples of animations you can perform on layers

During the course of an animation, Core Animation does all of the frame-by-frame drawing for you in hardware.
All you have to do is specify the start and end points of the animation and let Core Animation do the rest. You
can also specify custom timing information and animation parameters as needed; however, Core Animation
provides suitable default values if you do not.
For more information about how to initiate animations and configure animation parameters, see Animating
Layer Content (page 43).

Layer Objects Define Their Own Geometry

One of the jobs of a layer is to manage the visual geometry for its content. The visual geometry encompasses
information about the bounds of that content, its position on the screen, and whether the layer has been
rotated, scaled, or transformed in any way. Like a view, a layer has frame and bounds rectangles that you can
use to position the layer and its content. Layers also have other properties that views do not have, such as an
anchor point, which defines the point around which manipulations occur. The way you specify some aspects
of layer geometry also differs from how you specify that information for a view.

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Core Animation Basics

Layer Objects Define Their Own Geometry

Layers Use Two Types of Coordinate Systems

Layers make use of both point-based coordinate systems and unit coordinate systems to specify the placement
of content. Which coordinate system is used depends on the type of information being conveyed. Point-based
coordinates are used when specifying values that map directly to screen coordinates or must be specified
relative to another layer, such as for the layers position property. Unit coordinates are used when the value
should not be tied to screen coordinates because it is relative to some other value. For example, the layers
anchorPoint property specifies a point relative to the bounds of the layer itself, which can change.
Among the most common uses for point-based coordinates is to specify the size and position of the layer,
which you do using the layers bounds and position properties. The bounds defines the coordinate system
of the layer itself and encompasses the layers size on the screen. The position property defines the location
of the layer relative to its parents coordinate system. Although layers have a frame property, that property is
actually derived from the values in the bounds and position properties and is used less frequently.
The orientation of a layers bounds and frame rectangles always matches the default orientation of the
underlying platform. Figure 1-3 shows the default orientations of the bounds rectangle on both iOS and OS X.
In iOS, the origin of the bounds rectangle is in the top-left corner of the layer by default, and in OS X it is in
the bottom-left corner. If you share Core Animation code between iOS and OS X versions of your app, you
must take such differences into consideration.
Figure 1-3

The default layer geometries for iOS and OS X



One thing to note in Figure 1-3 (page 16) is that the position property is located in the middle of the layer.
That property is one of several whose definition changes based on the value in the layers anchorPoint
property. The anchor point represents the point from which certain coordinates originate and is described in
more detail in Anchor Points Affect Geometric Manipulations (page 17).
The anchor point is one of several properties that you specify using the unit coordinate system. Core Animation
uses unit coordinates to represent properties whose values might change when the layers size changes. You
can think of the unit coordinates as specifying a percentage of the total possible value. Every coordinate in

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Core Animation Basics

Layer Objects Define Their Own Geometry

the unit coordinate space has a range of 0.0 to 1.0. For example, along the x-axis, the left edge is at the
coordinate 0.0 and the right edge is at the coordinate 1.0. Along the y-axis, the orientation of unit coordinate
values changes depending on the platform, as shown in Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4

The default unit coordinate systems for iOS and OS X



Note: Until OS X 10.8, the geometryFlipped property was a way to change the default orientation
of a layers y-axis when needed. Use of this property was sometimes necessary to correct the
orientation of a layer when flip transforms were in involved. For example, if a parent view used a flip
transform, the contents of its child views (and their corresponding layers) would often be inverted.
In such cases, setting the geometryFlipped property of the child layers to YES was an easy way
to correct the problem. In OS X 10.8 and later, AppKit manages this property for you and you should
not modify it. For iOS apps, it is recommended that you do not use the geometryFlipped property
at all.

All coordinate values, whether they are points or unit coordinates are specified as floating-point numbers. The
use of floating-point numbers allows you to specify precise locations that might fall between normal coordinate
values. The use of floating-point values is convenient, especially during printing or when drawing to a Retina
display where one point might be represented by multiple pixels. Floating-point values allow you to ignore
the underlying device resolution and just specify values at the precision you need.

Anchor Points Affect Geometric Manipulations

Geometry related manipulations of a layer occur relative to that layers anchor point, which you can access
using the layers anchorPoint property. The impact of the anchor point is most noticeable when manipulating
the position or transform properties of the layer. The position property is always specified relative to the
layers anchor point, and any transformations you apply to the layer occur relative to the anchor point as well.

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Core Animation Basics

Layer Objects Define Their Own Geometry

Figure 1-5 demonstrates how changing the anchor point from its default value to a different value affects the
position property of a layer. Even though the layer has not moved within its parents bounds, moving the
anchor point from the center of the layer to the layers bounds origin changes the value in the position
Figure 1-5

How the anchor point affects the layers position property



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Core Animation Basics

Layer Objects Define Their Own Geometry

Figure 1-6 shows how changing the anchor point affects transforms applied to the layer. When you apply a
rotation transform to the layer, the rotations occur around the anchor point. Because the anchor point is set
to the middle of the layer by default, this normally creates the kind of rotation behavior that you would expect.
However, if you change the anchor point, the results of the rotation are different.
Figure 1-6

How the anchor point affects layer transformations



Layers Can Be Manipulated in Three Dimensions

Every layer has two transform matrices that you can use to manipulate the layer and its contents. The transform
property of CALayer specifies the transforms that you want to apply both to the layer and its embedded
sublayers. Normally you use this property when you want to modify the layer itself. For example, you might

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Core Animation Basics

Layer Objects Define Their Own Geometry

use that property to scale or rotate the layer or change its position temporarily. The sublayerTransform
property defines additional transformations that apply only to the sublayers and is used most commonly to
add a perspective visual effect to the contents of a scene.
Transforms work by multiplying coordinate values through a matrix of numbers to get new coordinates that
represent the transformed versions of the original points. Because Core Animation values can be specified in
three dimensions, each coordinate point has four values that must be multiplied through a four-by-four matrix,
as shown in Figure 1-7. In Core Animation, the transform in the figure is represented by the CATransform3D
type. Fortunately, you do not have to modify the fields of this structure directly to perform standard
transformations. Core Animation provides a comprehensive set of functions for creating scale, translation, and
rotation matrices and for doing matrix comparisons. In addition to manipulating transforms using functions,
Core Animation extends key-value coding support to allow you to modify a transform using key paths. For a
list of key paths you can modify, see CATransform3D Key Paths (page 92).
Figure 1-7

Converting a coordinate using matrix math

Figure 1-8 shows the matrix configurations for some of the more common transformations you can make.
Multiplying any coordinate by the identity transform returns the exact same coordinate. For other
transformations, how the coordinate is modified depends entirely on which matrix components you change.

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Core Animation Basics

Layer Trees Reflect Different Aspects of the Animation State

For example, to translate along the x-axis only, you would supply a nonzero value for the tx component of
the translation matrix and leave the ty and tz values to 0. For rotations, you would provide the appropriate
sine and cosine values of the target rotation angle.
Figure 1-8

Matrix configurations for common transformations

For information about the functions you use to create and manipulate transforms, see Core Animation Function
Reference .

Layer Trees Reflect Different Aspects of the Animation State

An app using Core Animation has three sets of layer objects. Each set of layer objects has a different role in
making the content of your app appear onscreen:

Objects in the model layer tree (or simply layer tree) are the ones your app interacts with the most. The
objects in this tree are the model objects that store the target values for any animations. Whenever you
change the property of a layer, you use one of these objects.

Objects in the presentation tree contain the in-flight values for any running animations. Whereas the layer
tree objects contain the target values for an animation, the objects in the presentation tree reflect the
current values as they appear onscreen. You should never modify the objects in this tree. Instead, you use
these objects to read current animation values, perhaps to create a new animation starting at those values.

Objects in the render tree perform the actual animations and are private to Core Animation.

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Core Animation Basics

Layer Trees Reflect Different Aspects of the Animation State

Each set of layer objects is organized into a hierarchical structure like the views in your app. In fact, for an app
that enables layers for all of its views, the initial structure of each tree matches the structure of the view hierarchy
exactly. However, an app can add additional layer objectsthat is, layers not associated with a viewinto the
layer hierarchy as needed. You might do this in situations to optimize your apps performance for content that
does not require all the overhead of a view. Figure 1-9 shows the breakdown of layers found in a simple iOS
app. The window in the example contains a content view, which itself contains a button view and two standalone
layer objects. Each view has a corresponding layer object that forms part of the layer hierarchy.
Figure 1-9

Layers associated with a window

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Core Animation Basics

Layer Trees Reflect Different Aspects of the Animation State

For every object in the layer tree, there is a matching object in the presentation and render trees, as shown in
Figure 1-10. As was previously mentioned, apps primarily work with objects in the layer tree but may at times
access objects in the presentation tree. Specifically, accessing the presentationLayer property of an object
in the layer tree returns the corresponding object in the presentation tree. You might want to access that
object to read the current value of a property that is in the middle of an animation.
Figure 1-10

The layer trees for a window


Layer Tree

Presentation Tree

Render Tree

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Core Animation Basics

The Relationship Between Layers and Views

Important: You should access objects in the presentation tree only while an animation is in flight. While
an animation is in progress, the presentation tree contains the layer values as they appear onscreen at that
instant. This behavior differs from the layer tree, which always reflects the last value set by your code and
is equivalent to the final state of the animation.

The Relationship Between Layers and Views

Layers are not a replacement for your apps viewsthat is, you cannot create a visual interface based solely
on layer objects. Layers provide infrastructure for your views. Specifically, layers make it easier and more efficient
to draw and animate the contents of views and maintain high frame rates while doing so. However, there are
many things that layers do not do. Layers do not handle events, draw content, participate in the responder
chain, or do many other things. For this reason, every app must still have one or more views to handle those
kinds of interactions.
In iOS, every view is backed by a corresponding layer object but in OS X you must decide which views should
have layers. In OS X v10.8 and later, it probably makes sense to add layers to all of your views. However, you
are not required to do so and can still disable layers in cases where the overhead is unwarranted and unneeded.
Layers do increase your apps memory overhead somewhat but their benefits often outweigh the disadvantage,
so it is always best to test the performance of your app before disabling layer support.
When you enable layer support for a view, you create what is referred to as a layer-backed view. In a layer-backed
view, the system is responsible for creating the underlying layer object and for keeping that layer in sync with
the view. All iOS views are layer-backed and most views in OS X are as well. However, in OS X, you can also
create a layer-hosting view, which is a view where you supply the layer object yourself. For a layer-hosting view,
AppKit takes a hands off approach with managing the layer and does not modify it in response to view changes.
Note: For layer-backed views, it is recommended that you manipulate the view, rather than its layer,
whenever possible. In iOS, views are just a thin wrapper around layer objects, so any manipulations
you make to the layer usually work just fine. But there are cases in both iOS and OS X where
manipulating the layer instead of the view might not yield the desired results. Wherever possible,
this document points out those pitfalls and tries to provide ways to help you work around them.

In addition to the layers associated with your views, you can also create layer objects that do not have a
corresponding view. You can embed these standalone layer objects inside of any other layer object in your
app, including those that are associated with a view. You typically use standalone layer objects as part of a
specific optimization path. For example, if you wanted to use the same image in multiple places, you could

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Core Animation Basics

The Relationship Between Layers and Views

load the image once and associate it with multiple standalone layer objects and add those objects to the layer
tree. Each layer then refers to the source image rather than trying to create its own copy of that image in
For information about how to enable layer support for your apps views, see Enabling Core Animation Support
in Your App (page 26). For information on how to create a layer object hierarchy, and for tips on when you
might do so, see Building a Layer Hierarchy (page 53).

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Setting Up Layer Objects


Layer objects are at the heart of everything you do with Core Animation. Layers manage your apps visual
content and provide options for modifying the style and visual appearance of that content. Although iOS apps
have layer support enabled automatically, developers of OS X apps must enable it explicitly before they can
take advantage of the performance benefits. Once enabled, you need to understand how to configure and
manipulate your apps layers to get the effects you want.

Enabling Core Animation Support in Your App

In iOS apps, Core Animation is always enabled and every view is backed by a layer. In OS X, apps must explicitly
enable Core Animation support by doing the following:

Link against the QuartzCore framework. (iOS apps must link against this framework only if they use Core
Animation interfaces explicitly.)

Enable layer support for one or more of your NSView objects by doing one of the following:

In your nib files, use the View Effects inspector to enable layer support for your views. The inspector
displays checkboxes for the selected view and its subviews. It is recommended that you enable layer
support in the content view of your window whenever possible.

For views you create programmatically, call the views setWantsLayer: method and pass a value
of YES to indicate that the view should use layers.

Enabling layer support in one of the preceding ways creates a layer-backed view. With a layer-backed view,
the system takes responsibility for creating the underlying layer object and for keeping that layer updated. In
OS X, it is also possible to create a layer-hosting view, whereby your app actually creates and manages the
underlying layer object. (You cannot create layer-hosting views in iOS.) For more information on how to create
a layer-hosting view, see Layer Hosting Lets You Change the Layer Object in OS X (page 28).

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Changing the Layer Object Associated with a View

Changing the Layer Object Associated with a View

Layer-backed views create an instance of the CALayer class by default, and in most cases you might not need
a different type of layer object. However, Core Animation provides different layer classes, each of which provides
specialized capabilities that you might find useful. Choosing a different layer class might enable you to improve
performance or support a specific type of content in a simple way. For example, the CATiledLayer class is
optimized for displaying large images in an efficient manner.

Changing the Layer Class Used by UIView

You can change the type of layer used by an iOS view by overriding the views layerClass method and
returning a different class object. Most iOS views create a CALayer object and use that layer as the backing
store for its content. For most of your own views, this default choice is a good one and you should not need
to change it. But you might find that a different layer class is more appropriate in certain situations. For example,
you might want to change the layer class in the following situations:

Your view draws content using Metal or OpenGL ES, in which case you would use a CAMetalLayer or
CAEAGLLayer object.

There is a specialized layer class that offers better performance.

You want to take advantage of some specialized Core Animation layer classes, such as particle emitters
or replicators.

Changing the layer class of a view is very straightforward; an example is shown in Listing 2-1. All you have to
do is override the layerClass method and return the class object you want to use instead. Prior to display,
the view calls the layerClass method and uses the returned class to create a new layer object for itself. Once
created, a views layer object cannot be changed.
Listing 2-1

Specifying the layer class of an iOS view

+ (Class) layerClass {
return [CAMetalLayer class];

For a list of layer classes and how you use them, see Different Layer Classes Provide Specialized Behaviors (page

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Changing the Layer Object Associated with a View

Changing the Layer Class Used By NSView

You can change the default layer class used by an NSView object by overriding the makeBackingLayer
method. In your implementation of this method, create and return the layer object that you want AppKit to
use to back your custom view. You might override this method in situations where you want to use a custom
layer such as a scrolling or tiled layer.
For a list of layer classes and how you use them, see Different Layer Classes Provide Specialized Behaviors (page

Layer Hosting Lets You Change the Layer Object in OS X

A layer-hosting view is an NSView object for which you create and manage the underlying layer object yourself.
You might use layer hosting in situations where you want to control the type of layer object associated with
the view. For example, you might create a layer-hosting view so that you can assign a layer class other than
the default CALayer class. You might also use it in situations where you want to use a single view to manage
a hierarchy of standalone layers.
When you call the setLayer: method of your view and provide a layer object, AppKit takes a hands-off
approach to that layer. Normally, AppKit updates a views layer object but in the layer-hosting situation it does
not for most properties.
To create a layer-hosting view, create your layer object and associate it with the view before displaying the
view onscreen, as shown in Listing 2-2. In addition to setting the layer object, you must still call the
setWantsLayer: method to let the view know that it should use layers.
Listing 2-2

Creating a layer-hosting view

// Create myView...

[myView setWantsLayer:YES];
CATiledLayer* hostedLayer = [CATiledLayer layer];
[myView setLayer:hostedLayer];

// Add myView to a view hierarchy.

If you choose to host layers yourself, you must set the contentsScale property yourself and provide
high-resolution content at appropriate times. For more information about high-resolution content and scale
factors, see Working with High-Resolution Images (page 35).

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Changing the Layer Object Associated with a View

Different Layer Classes Provide Specialized Behaviors

Core Animation defines many standard layer classes, each of which was designed for a specific use case. The
CALayer class is the root class for all layer objects. It defines the behavior that all layer objects must support
and is the default type used by layer-backed views. However, you can also specify one of the layer classes in
Table 2-1.
Table 2-1

CALayer subclasses and their uses




Used to implement a Core Animationbased particle emitter

system. The emitter layer object controls the generation of the
particles and their origin.


Used to draw a color gradient that fills the shape of the layer
(within the bounds of any rounded corners).


Used to set up and vend drawable textures for rendering layer

content using Metal.


Used to set up the backing store and context for rendering layer
content using OpenGL ES (iOS) or OpenGL (OS X).


Used when you want to make copies of one or more sublayers

automatically. The replicator makes the copies for you and uses
the properties you specify to alter the appearance or attributes of
the copies.


Used to manage a large scrollable area composed of multiple



Used to draw a cubic Bezier spline. Shape layers are advantageous

for drawing path-based shapes because they always result in a
crisp path, as opposed to a path you draw into a layers backing
store, which would not look as good when scaled. However, the
crisp results do involve rendering the shape on the main thread
and caching the results.


Used to render a plain or attributed string of text.


Used to manage a large image that can be divided into smaller

tiles and rendered individually with support for zooming in and
out of the content.


Used to render a true 3D layer hierarchy, rather than the flattened

layer hierarchy implemented by other layer classes.

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Providing a Layers Contents




Used to render a Quartz Composer composition. (OS X only)

Providing a Layers Contents

Layers are data objects that manage content provided by your app. A layers content consists of a bitmap
containing the visual data you want to display. You can provide the content for that bitmap in one of three

Assign an image object directly to the layer objects contents property. (This technique is best for layer
content that never, or rarely, changes.)

Assign a delegate object to the layer and let the delegate draw the layers content. (This technique is best
for layer content that might change periodically and can be provided by an external object, such as a

Define a layer subclass and override one of its drawing methods to provide the layer contents yourself.
(This technique is appropriate if you have to create a custom layer subclass anyway or if you want to
change the fundamental drawing behavior of the layer.)

The only time you need to worry about providing content for a layer is when you create the layer object
yourself. If your app contains nothing but layer-backed views, you do not have to worry about using any of
the preceding techniques to provide layer content. Layer-backed views automatically provide the contents for
their associated layers in the most efficient way possible.

Using an Image for the Layers Content

Because a layer is just a container for managing a bitmap image, you can assign an image directly to the layers
contents property. Assigning an image to the layer is easy and lets you specify the exact image you want to
display onscreen. The layer uses the image object you provide directly and does not attempt to create its own
copy of that image. This behavior can save memory in cases where your app uses the same image in multiple
The image you assign to a layer must be a CGImageRef type. (In OS X v10.6 and later, you can also assign an
NSImage object.) When assigning images, remember to provide an image whose resolution matches the
resolution of the native device. For devices with Retina displays, this might also require you to adjust the
contentsScale property of the image. For information on using high-resolution content with your layers,
see Working with High-Resolution Images (page 35).

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Providing a Layers Contents

Using a Delegate to Provide the Layers Content

If the content of your layer changes dynamically, you can use a delegate object to provide and update that
content when needed. At display time, the layer calls the methods of your delegate to provide the needed

If your delegate implements the displayLayer: method, that implementation is responsible for creating
a bitmap and assigning it to the layers contents property.

If your delegate implements the drawLayer:inContext: method, Core Animation creates a bitmap,
creates a graphics context to draw into that bitmap, and then calls your delegate method to fill the bitmap.
All your delegate method has to do is draw into the provided graphics context.

The delegate object must implement either the displayLayer: or drawLayer:inContext: method. If the
delegate implements both the displayLayer: and drawLayer:inContext: method, the layer calls only
the displayLayer: method.
Overriding the displayLayer: method is most appropriate for situations when your app prefers to load or
create the bitmaps it wants to display. Listing 2-3 shows a sample implementation of the displayLayer:
delegate method. In this example, the delegate uses a helper object to load and display the image it needs.
The delegate method selects which image to display based on its own internal state, which in the example is
a custom property called displayYesImage.
Listing 2-3

Setting the layer contents directly

- (void)displayLayer:(CALayer *)theLayer {
// Check the value of some state property
if (self.displayYesImage) {
// Display the Yes image
theLayer.contents = [someHelperObject loadStateYesImage];
else {
// Display the No image
theLayer.contents = [someHelperObject loadStateNoImage];

If you do not have prerendered images or a helper object to create bitmaps for you, your delegate can draw
the content dynamically using the drawLayer:inContext: method. Listing 2-4 shows a sample
implementation of the drawLayer:inContext: method. In this example, the delegate draws a simple curved
path using a fixed width and the current rendering color.

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Providing a Layers Contents

Listing 2-4

Drawing the contents of a layer

- (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)theLayer inContext:(CGContextRef)theContext {

CGMutablePathRef thePath = CGPathCreateMutable();


CGContextAddPath(theContext, thePath);

CGContextSetLineWidth(theContext, 5);

// Release the path


For layer-backed views with custom content, you should continue to override the views methods to do your
drawing. A layer-backed view automatically makes itself the delegate of its layer and implements the needed
delegate methods, and you should not change that configuration. Instead, you should implement your views
drawRect: method to draw your content.
In OS X v10.8 and later, an alternative to drawing is to provide a bitmap by overriding the wantsUpdateLayer
and updateLayer methods of your view. Overriding wantsUpdateLayer and returning YES causes the
NSView class to follow an alternate rendering path. Instead of calling drawRect:, the view calls your
updateLayer method, the implementation of which must assign a bitmap directly to the layers contents
property. This is the one scenario where AppKit expects you to set the contents of a views layer object directly.

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Providing a Layers Contents

Providing Layer Content Through Subclassing

If you are implementing a custom layer class anyway, you can override the drawing methods of your layer
class to do any drawing. It is uncommon for a layer object to generate custom content itself, but layers certainly
can manage the display of content. For example, the CATiledLayer class manages a large image by breaking
it into smaller tiles that can be managed and rendered individually. Because only the layer has information
about which tiles need to be rendered at any given time, it manages the drawing behavior directly.
When subclassing, you can use either of the following techniques to draw your layers content:

Override the layers display method and use it to set the contents property of the layer directly.

Override the layers drawInContext: method and use it to draw into the provided graphics context.

Which method you override depends on how much control you need over the drawing process. The display
method is the main entry point for updating the layers contents, so overriding that method puts you in
complete control of the process. Overriding the display method also means that you are responsible for
creating the CGImageRef to be assigned to the contents property. If you just want to draw content (or have
your layer manage the drawing operation), you can override the drawInContext: method instead and let
the layer create the backing store for you.

Tweaking the Content You Provide

When you assign an image to the contents property of a layer, the layers contentsGravity property
determines how that image is manipulated to fit the current bounds. By default, if an image is bigger or smaller
than the current bounds, the layer object scales the image to fit within the available space. If the aspect ratio
of the layers bounds is different than the aspect ratio of the image, this can cause the image to be distorted.
You can use the contentsGravity property to ensure that your content is presented in the best way possible.
The values you can assign to the contentsGravity property are divided into two categories:

The position-based gravity constants allow you to pin your image to a particular edge or corner of the
layers bounds rectangle without scaling the image.

The scaling-based gravity constants allow you to stretch the image using one of several options, some of
which preserve the aspect ratio and some of which do not.

Figure 2-1 shows the how the position-based gravity settings affect your images. With the exception of the
kCAGravityCenter constant, each constant pins the image to a particular edge or corner of the layers
bounds rectangle. The kCAGravityCenter constant centers the image in the layer. None of these constants

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Providing a Layers Contents

cause the image to be scaled in any way, so the image is always rendered at its original size. If the image is
bigger than the layers bounds, this may result in portions of the image being clipped, and if the image is
smaller, the portions of the layer that are not covered by the image reveal the layers background color, if set.
Figure 2-1

Position-based gravity constants for layers

Figure 2-2 shows how the scaling-based gravity constants affect your images. All of these constants scale the
image if it does not fit exactly within the bounds rectangle of the layer. The difference between the modes is
how they deal with the images original aspect ratio. Some modes preserve it and others do not. By default, a
layers contentsGravity property is set to the kCAGravityResize constant, which is the only mode that
does not preserve the image aspect ratio.
Figure 2-2

Scaling-based gravity constants for layers

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Adjusting a Layers Visual Style and Appearance

Working with High-Resolution Images

Layers do not have any inherent knowledge of the resolution of the underlying devices screen. A layer simply
stores a pointer to your bitmap and displays it in the best way possible given the available pixels. If you assign
an image to a layers contents property, you must tell Core Animation about the images resolution by setting
the layers contentsScale property to an appropriate value. The default value of the property is 1.0, which
is appropriate for images intended to be displayed on standard resolution screens. If your image is intended
for a Retina display, set the value of this property to 2.0.
Changing the value of the contentsScale property is only necessary if you are assigning a bitmap to your
layer directly. A layer-backed view in UIKit and AppKit automatically sets the scale factor of its layer to an
appropriate value based on the screen resolution and the content managed by the view. For example, if you
assign an NSImage object to the contents property of a layer in OS X, AppKit looks to see if there are both
standard- and high-resolution variants of the image. If there are, AppKit uses the correct variant for the current
resolution and sets the value of the contentsScale property to match.
In OS X, the position-based gravity constants affect the way image representations are chosen from an NSImage
object assigned to the layer. Because these constants do not cause the image to be scaled, Core Animation
relies on the contentsScale property to pick the image representation with the most appropriate pixel
In OS X, the layers delegate can implement the layer:shouldInheritContentsScale:fromWindow:
method and use it to respond to changes in the scale factor. AppKit automatically calls that method whenever
the resolution for a given window changes, possibly because the window moved between a standard-resolution
and high-resolution screens. Your implementation of this method should return YES if the delegate supports
changing the resolution of the layers image. The method should then update the layers contents as needed
to reflect the new resolution.

Adjusting a Layers Visual Style and Appearance

Layer objects have built in visual adornments such as a border and background color that you can use to
supplement the layers main contents. Because these visual adornments do not require any rendering on your
part, they make it possible to use layers as standalone entities in some situations. All you have to do is set a
property on the layer and the layer handles the necessary drawing, including any animations. For additional
illustrations of how these visual adornments affect the appearance of a layer, see Layer Style Property
Animations (page 77).

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Adjusting a Layers Visual Style and Appearance

Layers Have Their Own Background and Border

A layer can display a filled background and a stroked border in addition to its image-based contents. The
background color is rendered behind the layers contents image and the border is rendered on top of that
image, as shown in Figure 2-3. If the layer contains sublayers, they also appear underneath the border. Because
the background color sits behind your image, that color shines through any transparent portions of your image.
Figure 2-3

Adding a border and background to a layer

Listing 2-5 shows the code needed to set the background color and border for a layer. All of these properties
are animatable.
Listing 2-5

Setting the background color and border of a layer

myLayer.backgroundColor = [NSColor greenColor].CGColor;

myLayer.borderColor = [NSColor blackColor].CGColor;
myLayer.borderWidth = 3.0;

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Adjusting a Layers Visual Style and Appearance

Note: You can use any type of color for the background of a layer, including colors that have
transparency or use a pattern image. When using pattern images, though, be aware that Core
Graphics handles the rendering of the pattern image and does so using its standard coordinate
system, which is different than the default coordinate system in iOS. As such, images rendered on
iOS appear upside down by default unless you flip the coordinates.

If you set your layers background color to an opaque color, consider setting the layers opaque property to
YES. Doing so can improve performance when compositing the layer onscreen and eliminates the need for
the layers backing store to manage an alpha channel. You must not mark a layer as opaque if it also has a
nonzero corner radius, though.

Layers Support a Corner Radius

You can create a rounded rectangle effect for your layer by adding a corner radius to it. A corner radius is a
visual adornment that masks part of the corners of the layers bounds rectangle to allow the underlying content
to show through, as shown in Figure 2-4. Because it involves applying a transparency mask, the corner radius
does not affect the image in the layers contents property unless the masksToBounds property is set to YES.
However, the corner radius always affects how the layers background color and border are drawn.
Figure 2-4

A corner radius on a layer

To apply a corner radius to your layer, specify a value for the cornerRadius property of the layer. The radius
value you specify is measured in points and applied to all four corners of the layer prior to display.

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Adjusting a Layers Visual Style and Appearance

Layers Support Built-In Shadows

The CALayer class includes several properties for configuring a shadow effect. A shadow adds depth to the
layer by making it appear as if it is floating above its underlying content. This is another type of visual adornment
that you might find useful in specific situations for your app. With layers, you can control the shadows color,
placement relative to the layers content, opacity, and shape.
The opacity value for layer shadows is set to 0 by default, which effectively hides the shadow. Changing the
opacity to a nonzero value causes Core Animation to draw the shadow. Because shadows are positioned directly
under the layer by default, you might also need to change the shadows offset before you can see it. It is
important to remember, though, that the offsets you specify for the shadow are applied using the layers native
coordinate system, which is different on iOS and OS X. Figure 2-5 shows a layer with a shadow that extends
down and to the right of the layer. In iOS, this requires specifying a positive value for the y axis but in OS X the
value needs to be negative.
Figure 2-5

Applying a shadow to a layer



When adding shadows to a layer, the shadow is part of the layers content but actually extends outside the
layers bounds rectangle. As a result, if you enable the masksToBounds property for the layer, the shadow
effect is clipped around the edges. If your layer contains any transparent content, this can cause an odd effect
where the portion of the shadow directly under your layer is still visible but the part extending beyond your
layer is not. If you want a shadow but also want to use bounds masking, you use two layers instead of one.
Apply the mask to the layer containing your content and then embed that layer inside a second layer of the
exact same size that has the shadow effect enabled.
For examples of how shadows are applied to layers, see Shadow Properties (page 82).

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Setting Up Layer Objects

Adjusting a Layers Visual Style and Appearance

Filters Add Visual Effects to OS X Views

In OS X apps, you can apply Core Image filters directly to the contents of your layers. You might do this to blur
or sharpen your layers contents, to change the colors, to distort the content, or to perform many other types
of operations. For example, an image processing program might use these filters to modify an image
nondestructively while a video editing program might use them to implement different types of video transition
effects. And because the filters are applied to the layers content in hardware, rendering is fast and smooth.
Note: You cannot add filters to layer objects in iOS.

For a given layer, you can apply filters to both the foreground and background content of the layer. The
foreground content consists of everything that the layer itself contains, including the image in its contents
property, its background color, its border, and the content of its sublayers. The background content is the
content that is directly under the layer but not actually part of the layer itself. The background content of most
layers is the content of its immediate superlayer, which may be wholly or partially obscured by the layer. For
example, you might apply a blur filter to the background content when you want the user to focus on the
layers foreground content.
You specify filters by adding CIFilter objects to the following properties of your layer:

The filters property contains an array of filters that affect the layers foreground content only.

The backgroundFilters property contains an array of filters that affect the layers background content

The compositingFilter property defines how the layers foreground and background content are
composited together.

To add a filter to a layer, you must first locate and create the CIFilter object and then configure it before
adding it to your layer. The CIFilter class includes several class methods for locating the available Core
Image filters, such as the filterWithName: method. Creating the filter is only the first step, though. Many
filters have parameters that define how the filter modifies an image. For example, a box blur filter has an input
radius parameter that affects the amount of blur that is applied. You should always provide values for these
parameters as part of the filter configuration process. However, one common parameter that you do not need
to specify is the input image, which is provided by the layer itself.
When adding filters to layers, it is best to configure the filter parameters prior to adding the filter to the layer.
The main reason for doing so is that once added to the layer, you cannot modify the CIFilter object itself.
However, you can use the layers setValue:forKeyPath: method to change filter values after the fact.

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Setting Up Layer Objects

The Layer Redraw Policy for OS X Views Affects Performance

Listing 2-6 shows how to create and apply a pinch distortion filter to a layer object. This filter pinches the
source pixels of the layer inward, distorting those pixels closest to the specified center point the most. Notice
in the example that you do not need to specify the input image for the filter because the layers image is used
Listing 2-6

Applying a filter to a layer

CIFilter* aFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName:@"CIPinchDistortion"];

[aFilter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:500.0] forKey:@"inputRadius"];
[aFilter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.25] forKey:@"inputScale"];
[aFilter setValue:[CIVector vectorWithX:250.0 Y:150.0] forKey:@"inputCenter"];

myLayer.filters = [NSArray arrayWithObject:aFilter];

For information about the available Core Image filters, see Core Image Filter Reference .

The Layer Redraw Policy for OS X Views Affects Performance

In OS X, layer-backed views support several different policies for determining when to update the underlying
layers contents. Because there are differences between the native AppKit drawing model and the one introduced
by Core Animation, these policies make it easier to migrate your older code over to Core Animation. You can
configure these policies on a view-by-view basis to ensure the best performance for each of your views.
Each view defines a layerContentsRedrawPolicy method that returns the redraw policy for the views
layer. You set the policy using the setLayerContentsRedrawPolicy: method. To preserve compatibility
with its traditional drawing model, AppKit sets the redraw policy to
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawDuringViewResize by default. However, you can change the policy to any
of the values in Table 2-2. Notice that the recommended redraw policy is not the default policy.

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Setting Up Layer Objects

The Layer Redraw Policy for OS X Views Affects Performance

Table 2-2

Layer redraw policies for OS X views




This is the recommended policy. With this policy, view geometry changes
do not automatically cause the view to update its layers contents. Instead,
the layers existing contents are stretched and manipulated to facilitate
the geometry changes. To force the view to redraw itself and update the
layers contents, you must explicitly call the views setNeedsDisplay:
This policy most closely represents the standard behavior for Core
Animation layers. However, it is not the default policy and must be set


This is the default redraw policy. This policy maintains maximum

compatibility with traditional AppKit drawing by recaching the layers
contents whenever the views geometry changes. This behavior results
in the views drawRect: method being called multiple times on your
apps main thread during the resize operation.


With this policy, AppKit draws the layer at its final size prior to any resize
operations and caches that bitmap. The resize operation uses the cached
bitmap as the starting image, scaling it to fit the old bounds rectangle. It
then animates the bitmap to its final size. This behavior can cause the
views contents to appear stretched or distorted at the beginning of an
animation and is better in situations where the initial appearance is not
important or not noticeable.


With this policy, AppKit does not update the layer at all, even when you
call the setNeedsDisplay: method. This policy is most appropriate for
views whose contents never change and where the size of the view
changes infrequently if at all. For example, you might use this for views
that display fixed-size content or background elements.

View redraw policies alleviate the need to use standalone sublayers to improve drawing performance. Prior to
the introduction of view redraw policies, there were some layer-backed views that drew more frequently than
was needed and thereby caused performance issues. The solution to these performance issues was to use
sublayers to present those portions of the views content that did not require regular redrawing. With the
introduction of redraw policies in OS X v10.6, it is now recommended that you set a layer-backed views redraw
policy to an appropriate value, rather than creating explicit sublayer hierarchies.

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Setting Up Layer Objects

Adding Custom Properties to a Layer

Adding Custom Properties to a Layer

The CAAnimation and CALayer classes extend the key-value coding conventions to support custom properties.
You can use this behavior to add data to a layer and retrieve it using a custom key you define. You can even
associate actions with your custom properties so that when you change the property, a corresponding animation
is performed.
For information about how to set and get custom properties, see Key-Value Coding Compliant Container
Classes (page 90). For information about adding actions to your layer objects, see Changing a Layers Default
Behavior (page 70).

Printing the Contents of a Layer-Backed View

During printing, layers redraw their contents as needed to accommodate the printing environment. Whereas
Core Animation normally relies on cached bitmaps when rendering to the screen, it redraws that content when
printing. In particular, if a layer-backed view uses the drawRect: method to provide the layer contents, Core
Animation calls drawRect: again during printing to generate the printed layer contents.

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Animating Layer Content


The infrastructure provided by Core Animation makes it easy to create sophisticated animations of your apps
layers, and by extension to any views that own those layers. Examples include changing the size of a layers
frame rectangle, changing its position onscreen, applying a rotation transform, or changing its opacity. With
Core Animation, initiating an animation is often as simple as just changing the property but you can also create
animations and set the animation parameters explicitly.
For information about creating more advanced animations, see Advanced Animation Tricks (page 63).

Animating Simple Changes to a Layers Properties

You can perform simple animations implicitly or explicitly depending on your needs. Implicit animations use
the default timing and animation properties to perform an animation, whereas explicit animations require you
to configure those properties yourself using an animation object. So implicit animations are perfect for situations
where you want to make a change without a lot of code and the default timing works well for you.
Simple animations involve changing the properties of a layer and letting Core Animation animate those changes
over time. Layers define many properties that affect the visible appearance of the layer. Changing one of these
properties is a way to animate the appearance change. For example, changing the opacity of the layer from
1.0 to 0.0 causes the layer to fade out and become transparent.
Important: Although you can sometimes animate layer-backed views directly using Core Animation
interfaces, doing so often requires extra steps. For more information about how how to use Core Animation
in conjunction with layer-backed views, see How to Animate Layer-Backed Views (page 50).
To trigger implicit animations, all you have to do is update the properties of your layer object. When modifying
layer objects in the layer tree, your changes are reflected immediately by those objects. However, the visual
appearance of the layer objects does not change immediately. What happens instead is that Core Animation
uses your changes as a trigger to create and schedule one or more implicit animations for execution. Thus,
making a change like the one in Listing 3-1 causes Core Animation to create an animation object for you and
schedule that animation to run starting in the next update cycle.

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Animating Layer Content

Animating Simple Changes to a Layers Properties

Listing 3-1

Animating a change implicitly

theLayer.opacity = 0.0;

To make the same change explicitly using an animation object, create a CABasicAnimation object and use
that object to configure the animation parameters. You can set the start and end values for the animation,
change the duration, or change any other animation parameters before adding the animation to a layer. Listing
3-2 shows how to fade out a layer using an animation object. When creating the object, you specify the key
path for the property you want to animate and then set your animation parameters. To execute the animation,
you use the addAnimation:forKey: method to add it to the layers you want to animate.
Listing 3-2

Animating a change explicitly

CABasicAnimation* fadeAnim = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"opacity"];

fadeAnim.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0];
fadeAnim.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0];
fadeAnim.duration = 1.0;
[theLayer addAnimation:fadeAnim forKey:@"opacity"];

// Change the actual data value in the layer to the final value.
theLayer.opacity = 0.0;

Tip: When creating an explicit animation, it is recommended that you always assign a value to the
fromValue property of the animation object. If you do not specify a value for this property, Core
animation uses the layers current value as the starting value. If you already updated the property
to its final value, that might not yield the results you want.

Unlike an implicit animation, which updates the layer objects data value, an explicit animation does not modify
the data in the layer tree. Explicit animations only produce the animations. At the end of the animation, Core
Animation removes the animation object from the layer and redraws the layer using its current data values. If
you want the changes from an explicit animation to be permanent, you must also update the layers property
as shown in the preceding example.
Implicit and explicit animations normally begin executing after the current run loop cycle ends, and the current
thread must have a run loop in order for animations to be executed. If you change multiple properties, or if
you add multiple animation objects to a layer, all of those property changes are animated at the same time.

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Animating Layer Content

Using a Keyframe Animation to Change Layer Properties

For example, you can fade a layer while moving it offscreen by configuring both animations at the same time.
However, you can also configure animation objects to start at a particular time. For more information about
modifying animation timing, see Customizing the Timing of an Animation (page 65).

Using a Keyframe Animation to Change Layer Properties

Whereas a property-based animation changes a property from a start value to an end value, a
CAKeyframeAnimation object lets you animate through a set of target values in a way that might or might
not be linear. A key frame animation consists of a set of target data values and the times at which each value
should be reached. In the simplest configuration, you specify both the values and times using an array. For
changes to a layers position, you can also have the changes follow a path. The animation object takes the key
frames you specify and builds the animation by interpolating from one value to the next over the given time
Figure 3-1 shows a 5-second animation of a layers position property. The position is animated to follow a
path, which was specified using a CGPathRef data type. The code for this animation is shown in Listing
3-3 (page 45).
Figure 3-1

5-second keyframe animation of a layers position property

See the HTML version of this

document to view the video.

Listing 3-3 shows the code used to implement the animation in Figure 3-1. The path object in this example is
used to define the position of the layer for each frame of the animation.
Listing 3-3

Creating a bounce keyframe animation

// create a CGPath that implements two arcs (a bounce)

CGMutablePathRef thePath = CGPathCreateMutable();

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Animating Layer Content

Using a Keyframe Animation to Change Layer Properties


CAKeyframeAnimation * theAnimation;

// Create the animation object, specifying the position property as the key path.
theAnimation=[CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"position"];

// Add the animation to the layer.

[theLayer addAnimation:theAnimation forKey:@"position"];

Specifying Keyframe Values

The key frame values are the most important part of a keyframe animation. These values define the behavior
of the animation over the course of its execution. The main way to specify keyframe values is as an array of
objects but for values that contain a CGPoint data type (such as the layers anchorPoint and position
properties), you can specify a CGPathRef data type instead.
When specifying an array of values, what you put into the array depends on the data type required by the
property. You can add some objects to an array directly; however, some objects must be cast to id before
being added, and all scalar types or structs must be wrapped by an object. For example:

For properties that take a CGRect (such as the bounds and frame properties), wrap each rectangle in an
NSValue object.

For the layers transform property, wrap each CATransform3D matrix in an NSValue object. Animating
this property causes the keyframe animation to apply each transform matrix to the layer in turn.

For the borderColor property, cast each CGColorRef data type to the type id before adding it to the

For properties that take a CGFloat value, wrap each value in an NSNumber object before adding it to the

When animating the layers contents property, specify an array of CGImageRef data types.

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Animating Layer Content

Using a Keyframe Animation to Change Layer Properties

For properties that take a CGPoint data type, you can create an array of points (wrapped in NSValue objects)
or you can use a CGPathRef object to specify the path to follow. When you specify an array of points, the
keyframe animation object draws a straight line between each successive point and follows that path. When
you specify a CGPathRef object, the animation starts at the beginning point of the path and follows its outline,
including along any curved surfaces. You can use either an open or closed path.

Specifying the Timing of a Keyframe Animation

The timing and pacing of keyframe animations is more complex than those of basic animations and there are
several properties you can use to control it:

The calculationMode property defines the algorithm to use in calculating the animation timing. The
value of this property affects how the other timing-related properties are used.

Linear and cubic animationsthat is, animations where the calculationMode property is set to
kCAAnimationLinear or kCAAnimationCubicuse the provided timing information to generate
the animation. These modes give you the maximum control over the animation timing.

Paced animationsthat is, animations where the calculationMode property is set to

kCAAnimationPaced or kCAAnimationCubicPaceddo not rely on the external timing values
provided by the keyTimes or timingFunctions properties. Instead, timing values are calculated
implicitly to provide the animation with a constant velocity.

Discrete animationsthat is, animations where the calculationMode property is set to

kCAAnimationDiscretecause the animated property to jump from one keyframe value to the
next without any interpolation. This calculation mode uses the values in the keyTimes property but
ignores the timingFunctions property

The keyTimes property specifies time markers at which to apply each keyframe value. This property is
used only if the calculation mode is set to kCAAnimationLinear, kCAAnimationDiscrete, or
kCAAnimationCubic. It is not used for paced animations.

The timingFunctions property specifies the timing curves to use for each keyframe segment. (This
property replaces the inherited timingFunction property.)

If you want to handle the animation timing yourself, use the kCAAnimationLinear or kCAAnimationCubic
mode and the keyTimes and timingFunctions properties. The keyTimes defines the points in time at
which to apply each keyframe value. The timing for all intermediate values is controlled by the timing functions,
which allow you to apply ease-in or ease-out curves to each segment. If you do not specify any timing functions,
the timing is linear.

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Animating Layer Content

Stopping an Explicit Animation While It Is Running

Stopping an Explicit Animation While It Is Running

Animations normally run until they are complete, but you can stop them early if needed using one of the
following techniques:

To remove a single animation object from the layer, call the layers removeAnimationForKey: method
to remove your animation object. This method uses the key that was passed to the
addAnimation:forKey: method to identify the animation. The key you specify must not be nil.

To remove all animation objects from the layer, call the layers removeAllAnimations method. This
method removes all ongoing animations immediately and redraws the layer using its current state

Note: You cannot remove implicit animations from a layer directly.

When you remove an animation from a layer, Core Animation responds by redrawing the layer using its current
values. Because the current values are usually the end values of the animation, this can cause the appearance
of the layer to jump suddenly. If you want the layers appearance to remain where it was on the last frame of
the animation, you can use the objects in the presentation tree to retrieve those final values and set them on
the objects in the layer tree.
For information about pausing an animation temporarily, see Listing 5-4 (page 66).

Animating Multiple Changes Together

If you want to apply multiple animations to a layer object simultaneously, you can group them together using
a CAAnimationGroup object. Using a group object simplifies the management of multiple animation objects
by providing a single configuration point. Timing and duration values applied to the group override those
same values in the individual animation objects.
Listing 3-4 shows how you would use an animation group to perform two border-related animations at the
same time and with the same duration.
Listing 3-4

Animating two animations together

// Animation 1
CAKeyframeAnimation* widthAnim = [CAKeyframeAnimation
NSArray* widthValues = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@1.0, @10.0, @5.0, @30.0, @0.5,
@15.0, @2.0, @50.0, @0.0, nil];

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Animating Layer Content

Detecting the End of an Animation

widthAnim.values = widthValues;
widthAnim.calculationMode = kCAAnimationPaced;

// Animation 2
CAKeyframeAnimation* colorAnim = [CAKeyframeAnimation
NSArray* colorValues = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)[UIColor greenColor].CGColor,
(id)[UIColor redColor].CGColor, (id)[UIColor blueColor].CGColor,


colorAnim.values = colorValues;
colorAnim.calculationMode = kCAAnimationPaced;

// Animation group
CAAnimationGroup* group = [CAAnimationGroup animation];
group.animations = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:colorAnim, widthAnim, nil];
group.duration = 5.0;

[myLayer addAnimation:group forKey:@"BorderChanges"];

A more advanced way to group animations together is to use a transaction object. Transactions provide more
flexibility by allowing you to create nested sets of animations and assign different animation parameters for
each. For information about how to use transaction objects, see Explicit Transactions Let You Change Animation
Parameters (page 67).

Detecting the End of an Animation

Core Animation provides support for detecting when an animation begins or ends. These notifications are a
good time to do any housekeeping tasks associated with the animation. For example, you might use a start
notification to set up some related state information and use the corresponding end notification to tear down
that state.
There are two different ways to be notified about the state of an animation:

Add a completion block to the current transaction using the setCompletionBlock: method. When all
of the animations in the transaction finish, the transaction executes your completion block.

Assign a delegate to your CAAnimation object and implement the animationDidStart: and
animationDidStop:finished: delegate methods.

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Animating Layer Content

How to Animate Layer-Backed Views

If you want to chain two animations together so that one starts when the other finishes, do not use animation
notifications. Instead, use the beginTime property of your animation objects to start each one at the desired
time. To chain two animations together, set the start time of the second animation to the end time of the first
animation. For more information about animation and timing values, see Customizing the Timing of an
Animation (page 65).

How to Animate Layer-Backed Views

If a layer belongs to a layer-backed view, the recommended way to create animations is to use the view-based
animation interfaces provided by UIKit or AppKit. There are ways to animate the layer directly using Core
Animation interfaces but how you create those animations depends on the target platform.

Rules for Modifying Layers in iOS

Because iOS views always have an underlying layer, the UIView class itself derives most of its data from the
layer object directly. As a result, changes you make to the layer are automatically reflected by the view object
as well. This behavior means that you can use either the Core Animation or UIView interfaces to make your
If you want to use Core Animation classes to initiate animations, you must issue all of your Core Animation
calls from inside a view-based animation block. The UIView class disables layer animations by default but
reenables them inside animation blocks. So any changes you make outside of an animation block are not
animated. Listing 3-5 shows an example of how to change a layers opacity implicitly and its position explicitly.
In this example, the myNewPosition variable is calculated beforehand and captured by the block. Both
animations start at the same time but the opacity animation runs with the default timing while the position
animation runs with the timing specified in its animation object.
Listing 3-5

Animating a layer attached to an iOS view

[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{

// Change the opacity implicitly.
myView.layer.opacity = 0.0;

// Change the position explicitly.

CABasicAnimation* theAnim = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"position"];
theAnim.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:myView.layer.position];
theAnim.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:myNewPosition];
theAnim.duration = 3.0;

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Animating Layer Content

How to Animate Layer-Backed Views

[myView.layer addAnimation:theAnim forKey:@"AnimateFrame"];


Rules for Modifying Layers in OS X

To animate changes to a layer-backed view in OS X, it is best to use the interfaces of the view itself. You should
rarely, if ever, directly modify the layer that is attached to one of your layer-backed NSView objects. AppKit is
responsible for creating and configuring those layer objects and for managing them while your app is running.
Modifying the layer could cause it to get out of sync with the view object and could lead to unexpected results.
For layer-backed views, your code must absolutely not modify any the following properties of the layer object:














Important: The preceding restrictions do not apply to layer-hosting views. If you created the layer object
and associated it with a view manually, you are responsible for modifying the properties of that layer and
keeping the corresponding view object in sync.
AppKit disables implicit animations for its layer-backed views by default. The views animator proxy object
reenables implicit animations automatically for you. If you want to animate layer properties directly, you can
also programmatically reenable implicit animations by changing the allowsImplicitAnimation property
of the current NSAnimationContext object to YES. Again, you should do this only for animatable properties
that are not in the preceding list.

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Animating Layer Content

How to Animate Layer-Backed Views

Remember to Update View Constraints as Part of Your Animation

If you are using constraint-based layout rules to manage the position of your views, you must remove any
constraints that might interfere with an animation as part of configuring that animation. Constraints affect any
changes you make to the position or size of a view. They also affect the relationships between the view and
its child views. If you are animating changes to any of those items, you can remove the constraints, make the
change, and then apply whatever new constraints are needed.
For more information on constraints and how you use them to manage the layout of your views, see Auto
Layout Guide .

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Building a Layer Hierarchy


Most of the time, the best way to use layers in your app is to use them in conjunction with a view object.
However, there are times when you might need to enhance your view hierarchy by adding additional layer
objects to it. You might use use layers when doing so offers better performance or lets you implement a feature
that would be difficult to do with views alone. In those situations, you need to know how to manage the layer
hierarchies you create.
Important: In OS X v10.8 and later, it is recommended that you minimize your use of layer hierarchies and
just use layer-backed views. The layer redraw policies introduced in that version of OS X let you customize
the behavior of your layer-backed views and still get the kind of performance you might have gotten
previously using standalone layers.

Arranging Layers into a Layer Hierarchy

Layer hierarchies are similar in many ways to view hierarchies. You embed one layer inside another to create
a parent-child relationship between the layer being embedded (known as the sublayer) and the parent layer
(known as the superlayer). This parent-child relationship affects various aspects of the sublayer. For example,
its content sits above the content of its parent, its position is specified relative to the coordinate system of its
parent, and it is affected by any transforms applied to the parent.

Adding, Inserting, and Removing Sublayers

Every layer object has methods for adding, inserting, and removing sublayers. Table 4-1 summarizes these
methods and their behavior.
Table 4-1

Methods for modifying the layer hierarchy






Adds a new sublayer object to the current layer. The

sublayer is added to the end of the layers list of
sublayers. This causes the sublayer to appear on top
of any siblings with the same value in their zPosition

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Building a Layer Hierarchy

Arranging Layers into a Layer Hierarchy






Inserts the sublayer into the sublayer hierarchy at the

specified index or at a position relative to another
sublayer. When inserting above or below another
sublayer, you are only specifying the sublayers position
in the sublayers array. The actual visibility of the
layers is determined primarily by the value in their
zPosition property and secondarily by their position
in the sublayers array.




Removes the sublayer from its parent layer.



Exchanges one sublayer for another. If the sublayer

you are inserting is already in another layer hierarchy,
it is removed from that hierarchy first.

You use the preceding methods when working with layer objects you created yourself. You would not use
these methods to arrange layers that belong to layer-backed views. However, a layer-backed view can act as
the parent for standalone layers you create yourself.

Positioning and Sizing Sublayers

When adding and inserting sublayers, you must set the size and position of the sublayer before it appears
onscreen. You can modify the size and position of a sublayer after adding it to your layer hierarchy but should
get in the habit of setting those values when you create the layer.
You set the size of a sublayer using the bounds property and set its position within its superlayer using the
position property. The origin of the bounds rectangle is almost always (0, 0) and the size is whatever size
you want for the layer specified in points. The value in the position property is interpreted relative to the
layers anchor point, which is located in the center of the layer by default. If you do not assign values to these
properties, Core Animation sets the initial width and height of the layer to 0 and sets the position to (0, 0).
myLayer.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100);
myLayer.position = CGPointMake(200, 200);

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Building a Layer Hierarchy

Adjusting the Layout of Your Layer Hierarchies

Important: Always use integral numbers for the width and height of your layer.

How Layer Hierarchies Affect Animations

Some superlayer properties can affect the behavior of any animations applied to its child layers. One such
property is the speed property, which is a multiplier for the speed of the animation. The value of this property
is set to 1.0 by default but changing it to 2.0 causes animations to run at twice their original speed and
thereby finish in half the time. This property affects not only the layer for which it is set but also for that layers
sublayers. Such changes are multiplicative too. If both a sublayer and its superlayer have a speed of 2.0,
animations on the sublayer run at four times their original speed.
Most other layer changes affect any contained sublayers in predictable ways. For example, applying a rotation
transform to a layer rotates that layer and all of its sublayers. Similarly, changing a layers opacity changes the
opacity of its sublayers. Changes to the size of a layer follow the rules for layout that are described in Adjusting
the Layout of Your Layer Hierarchies (page 55).

Adjusting the Layout of Your Layer Hierarchies

Core Animation supports several options for adjusting the size and position of sublayers in response to changes
to their superlayer. In iOS, the pervasive use of layer-backed views makes the creation of layer hierarchies less
important; only manual layout updates are supported. For OS X, several other options are available that make
it easier to manage your layer hierarchies.
Layer-level layout is only relevant if you are building layer hierarchies using standalone layer objects you
created. If your apps layers are all associated with views, use the view-based layout support to update the size
and position of your views in response to changes.

Using Constraints to Manage Your Layer Hierarchies in OS X

Constraints let you specify the position and size of a layer using a set of detailed relationships between the
layer and its superlayer or sibling layers. Defining constraints requires the following steps:

Create one or more CAConstraint objects. Use those objects to define the constraint parameters.


Add your constraint objects to the layer whose attributes they modify.


Retrieve the shared CAConstraintLayoutManager object and assign to the immediate superlayer.

Figure 4-1 shows the attributes that you can use to define a constraint and the aspect of the layer that they
impact. You can use constraints to change the position the layer based on the position of its edges of midpoints
relative to another layer. You can also use them to change the size of the layer. The changes you make can be

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Building a Layer Hierarchy

Adjusting the Layout of Your Layer Hierarchies

proportional to the superlayer or relative to another layer. You can even add a scaling factor or constant to
the resulting change. This extra flexibility makes it possible to control a layers size and position very precisely
using a simple set of rules.
Figure 4-1

Constraint layout manager attributes

Each constraint object encapsulates one geometry relationship between two layers along the same axis. A
maximum of two constraint objects may be assigned to each axis and it is those two constraints that determine
which attribute is changeable. For example, if you specify constraints for the left and right edge of the layer,
the size of the layer changes. If you specify constraints for the left edge and width of the layer, the location of
the layers right edge changes. If you specify a single constraint for one of the layers edges, Core Animation
creates an implicit constraint that keeps the size of the layer fixed in the given dimension.
When creating constraints, you must always specify three pieces of information:

The aspect of the layer that you want to constrain

The layer to use as a reference

The aspect of the reference layer to use in the comparison

Listing 4-1 shows a simple constraint that pins the vertical midpoint of a layer to the vertical midpoint of its
superlayer. When referring to the superlayer, use the string superlayer. This string is a special name reserved
for referring to the superlayer. Using it eliminates needing to have a pointer to the layer or know the layers
name. It also allows you to change the superlayer and have the constraint apply automatically to the new
parent. (When creating constraints relative to sibling layers, you must identify the sibling layer using its name

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Building a Layer Hierarchy

Adjusting the Layout of Your Layer Hierarchies

Listing 4-1

Defining a simple constraint

[myLayer addConstraint:[CAConstraint constraintWithAttribute:kCAConstraintMidY


To apply constraints at runtime, you must attach the shared CAConstraintLayoutManager object to the
immediate superlayer. Each layer is responsible for managing the layout of its sublayers. Assigning the layout
manager to the parent tells Core Animation to apply the constraints defined by its children. The layout manager
object applies the constraints automatically. After assigning it to the parent layer, you do not have to tell it to
update the layout.
To see how constraints work in a more specific scenario, consider Figure 4-2. In this example, the design requires
that the width and height of layerA remain unchanged and that layerA remain centered inside its superlayer.
In addition, the width of layerB must match that of layerA, the top edge of layerB must remain 10 points
below the bottom edge of layerA, and the bottom edge of layerB must remain 10 points above the bottom
edge of the superlayer. Listing 4-2 (page 57) shows the code that you would use to create the sublayers and
constraints for this example.
Figure 4-2

Example constraints based layout

Listing 4-2

Setting up constraints for your layers

// Create and set a constraint layout manager for the parent layer.
theLayer.layoutManager=[CAConstraintLayoutManager layoutManager];

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Building a Layer Hierarchy

Adjusting the Layout of Your Layer Hierarchies

// Create the first sublayer.

CALayer *layerA = [CALayer layer];
layerA.name = @"layerA";
layerA.bounds = CGRectMake(0.0,0.0,100.0,25.0);
layerA.borderWidth = 2.0;

// Keep layerA centered by pinning its midpoint to its parent's midpoint.

[layerA addConstraint:[CAConstraint constraintWithAttribute:kCAConstraintMidY
[layerA addConstraint:[CAConstraint constraintWithAttribute:kCAConstraintMidX
[theLayer addSublayer:layerA];

// Create the second sublayer

CALayer *layerB = [CALayer layer];
layerB.name = @"layerB";
layerB.borderWidth = 2.0;

// Make the width of layerB match the width of layerA.

[layerB addConstraint:[CAConstraint constraintWithAttribute:kCAConstraintWidth

// Make the horizontal midpoint of layerB match that of layerA

[layerB addConstraint:[CAConstraint constraintWithAttribute:kCAConstraintMidX

// Position the top edge of layerB 10 points from the bottom edge of layerA.
[layerB addConstraint:[CAConstraint constraintWithAttribute:kCAConstraintMaxY

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Building a Layer Hierarchy

Adjusting the Layout of Your Layer Hierarchies


// Position the bottom edge of layerB 10 points


from the bottom edge of the parent layer.

[layerB addConstraint:[CAConstraint constraintWithAttribute:kCAConstraintMinY


[theLayer addSublayer:layerB];

One interesting thing to note about Listing 4-2 (page 57) is that the code never sets the size of layerB
explicitly. Because of the defined constraints, the width and height of layerB are set automatically every time
the layout is updated. Therefore, setting the size using the bounds rectangle is unnecessary.
Warning: When creating constraints, do not create circular references among your constraints. Circular
constraints make it impossible to calculate the needed layout information. When such circular references
are encountered, the layout behavior is undefined.

Setting Up Autoresizing Rules for Your OS X Layer Hierarchies

Autoresizing rules are another way of adjusting the size and position of a layer in OS X. With autoresizing rules,
you designate whether the edges of your layer should remain at a fixed or variable distance from the
corresponding edges of the superlayer. You can similarly designate whether the width or height of your layer
is fixed or variable. The relationships are always between the layer and its superlayer. You cannot use autoresizing
rules to specify relationships between sibling layers.
To set up the autosizing rules for a layer, you must assign the appropriate constants to the autoresizingMask
property of the layer. By default, layers are configured to have a fixed width and height. During layout, the
precise size and position of the layer is computed for you automatically by Core Animation and involve a
complex set of calculations based on many factors. Core Animation applies the autoresizing behaviors before
it asks your delegate to do any manual layout updates, so you can use the delegate to tweak the results of the
autoresizing layout as needed.

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Building a Layer Hierarchy

Sublayers and Clipping

Manually Laying Out Your Layer Hierarchies

On iOS and OS X, you can handle layout manually by implementing the layoutSublayersOfLayer: method
on the delegate object of the superlayer. You use that method to adjust the size and position of any sublayers
currently embedded inside the layer. When doing manual layout updates, it is up to you to perform the
necessary calculations to position each sublayer.
If you are implementing a custom layer subclass, your subclass can override the layoutSublayers method
and use that method (instead of a delegate) to handle any layout tasks. You should only override this method
in cases where you need complete control over the positioning of sublayers inside your custom layer class.
Replacing the default implementation prevents Core Animation from applying constraints or autoresizing rules
on OS X.

Sublayers and Clipping

Unlike views, a superlayer does not automatically clip the contents of sublayers that lie outside its bounds
rectangle. Instead, the superlayer allows its sublayers to be displayed in their entirety by default. However, you
can reenable clipping by setting the masksToBounds property of the layer to YES.

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Building a Layer Hierarchy

Converting Coordinate Values Between Layers

The shape of a layers clipping mask includes the layers corner radius, if one is specified. Figure 4-3 shows a
layer that demonstrates how the masksToBounds property affects a layer with rounded corners. When the
property is set to NO, sublayers are displayed in their entirety, even if they extend beyond the bounds of their
parent layer. Changing the property to YES causes their content to be clipped.
Figure 4-3

Clipping sublayers to the parents bounds

Converting Coordinate Values Between Layers

Occasionally, you might need to convert a coordinate value in one layer to a coordinate value at the same
screen location in a different layer. The CALayer class provides a set of simple conversion routines that you
can use for this purpose:





In addition to converting point and rectangle values, you can also convert time values between layers using
the convertTime:fromLayer: and convertTime:toLayer: methods. Each layer defines its own local
time space and uses that time space to synchronize the beginning and ending of animations with the rest of

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Building a Layer Hierarchy

Converting Coordinate Values Between Layers

the system. These time spaces are synchronized by default; however, if you change the animation speed for
one set of layers, the time space for those layers changes accordingly. You can use the time conversion methods
to to account for any such factors and ensure that the timing of both layers is synchronized.

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Advanced Animation Tricks

There are many ways to configure your property-based or keyframe animations to do more for you. Apps that
need to perform multiple animations together or sequentially can use more advanced behaviors to synchronize
the timing of those animations or chain them together. You can also use other types of animation objects to
create visual transitions and other interesting animated effects.

Transition Animations Support Changes to Layer Visibility

As the name implies, a transition animation object creates an animated visual transition for a layer. The most
common use for transition objects is to animate the appearance of one layer and the disappearance of another
in a coordinated manner. Unlike a property-based animation, where the animation changes one property of
a layer, a transition animation manipulates a layers cached image to create visual effects that would be difficult
or impossible to do by changing properties alone. The standard types of transitions let you perform reveal,
push, move, or crossfade animations. On OS X, you can also use Core Image filters to create transitions that
use other types of effects such as wipes, page curls, ripples, or custom effects that you devise.
To perform a transition animation, you create a CATransition object and add it to the layers involved in the
transition. You use the transition object to specify the type of transition to perform and the start and end points
of the transition animation. You do not need to use the entire transition animation either. The transition object
lets you specify the start and end progress values to use when animating. These values let you do things like
start or end an animation at its midpoint.
Listing 5-1 shows the code used to create an animated push transition between two views. In the example,
both myView1 and myView2 are located at the same position in the same parent view but only myView1 is
currently visible. The push transition causes myView1 to slide out to the left and fade until it is hidden while
myView2 slides in from the right and becomes visible. Updating the hidden property of both views ensures
that the visibility of both views is correct at the end of the animation.
Listing 5-1

Animating a transition between two views in iOS

CATransition* transition = [CATransition animation];

transition.startProgress = 0;
transition.endProgress = 1.0;
transition.type = kCATransitionPush;

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Advanced Animation Tricks

Transition Animations Support Changes to Layer Visibility

transition.subtype = kCATransitionFromRight;
transition.duration = 1.0;

// Add the transition animation to both layers

[myView1.layer addAnimation:transition forKey:@"transition"];
[myView2.layer addAnimation:transition forKey:@"transition"];

// Finally, change the visibility of the layers.

myView1.hidden = YES;
myView2.hidden = NO;

When two layers are involved in the same transition, you can use the same transition object for both. Using
the same transition object also simplifies the code you have to write. However, you can use different transition
objects and would definitely need to do so if the transition parameters for each layer are different.
Listing 5-2 shows how to use a Core Image filter to implement a transition effect on OS X. After configuring
the filter with the parameters you want, assign it to the filter property of the transition object. After that,
the process for applying the animation is the same as for other types of animation objects.
Listing 5-2

Using a Core Image filter to animate a transition on OS X

// Create the Core Image filter, setting several key parameters.

CIFilter* aFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName:@"CIBarsSwipeTransition"];
[aFilter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:3.14] forKey:@"inputAngle"];
[aFilter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:30.0] forKey:@"inputWidth"];
[aFilter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:10.0] forKey:@"inputBarOffset"];

// Create the transition object

CATransition* transition = [CATransition animation];
transition.startProgress = 0;
transition.endProgress = 1.0;
transition.filter = aFilter;
transition.duration = 1.0;

[self.imageView2 setHidden:NO];
[self.imageView.layer addAnimation:transition forKey:@"transition"];

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Advanced Animation Tricks

Customizing the Timing of an Animation

[self.imageView2.layer addAnimation:transition forKey:@"transition"];

[self.imageView setHidden:YES];

Note: When using Core Image filters in an animation, the trickiest part is configuring the filter. For
example, with the bar swipe transition, specifying an input angle that is too high or too low might
make it seem as if no transition is happening. If you are not seeing the animation you expected, try
adjusting your filter parameters to different values to see if that changes the results.

Customizing the Timing of an Animation

Timing is an important part of animations, and with Core Animation you specify precise timing information
for your animations through the methods and properties of the CAMediaTiming protocol. Two Core Animation
classes adopt this protocol. The CAAnimation class adopts it so that you can specify timing information in
your animation objects. The CALayer also adopts it so that you can configure some timing-related features
for your implicit animations, although the implicit transaction object that wraps those animations usually
provides default timing information that takes precedence.
When thinking about timing and animations, it is important to understand how layer objects work with time.
Each layer has its own local time that it uses to manage animation timing. Normally, the local time of two
different layers is close enough that you could specify the same time values for each and the user might not
notice anything. However, the local time of a layer can be modified by its parent layers or by its own timing
parameters. For example, changing the layers speed property causes the duration of animations on that layer
(and its sublayers) to change proportionally.
To assist you in making sure time values are appropriate for a given layer, the CALayer class defines the
convertTime:fromLayer: and convertTime:toLayer: methods. You can use these methods to convert
a fixed time value to the local time of a layer or to convert time values from one layer to another. The methods
take into account the media timing properties that might affect the local time of the layer and return a value
that you can use with the other layer. Listing 5-3 shows an example that you should use regularly to get the
current local time for a layer. The CACurrentMediaTime function is a convenience function that returns the
computers current clock time, which the method takes and converts to the layers local time.
Listing 5-3

Getting a layers current local time

CFTimeInterval localLayerTime = [myLayer convertTime:CACurrentMediaTime()


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Advanced Animation Tricks

Pausing and Resuming Animations

Once you have a time value in the layers local time, you can use that value to update the timing-related
properties of an animation object or layer. With these timing properties, you can achieve some interesting
animation behaviors, including:
Use the beginTime property to set the start time of an animation. Normally, animations begin during the
next update cycle. You can use the beginTime parameter to delay the animation start time by several
seconds. The way to chain two animations together is to set the begin time of one animation to match
the end time of the other animation.

If you delay the start of an animation, you might also want to set the fillMode property to
kCAFillModeBackwards. This fill mode causes the layer to display the animations start value, even if
the layer object in the layer tree contains a different value. Without this fill mode, you would see a jump
to the final value before the animation starts executing. Other fill modes are available too.

The autoreverses property causes an animation to execute for the specified duration and then return
to the starting value of the animation. You can combine this property with the repeatCount property
to animate back and forth between the start and end values. Setting the repeat count to a whole number
(such as 1.0) for an autoreversing animation causes the animation to stop on its starting value. Adding an
extra half step (such as a repeat count of 1.5) causes the animation to stop on its end value.

Use the timeOffset property with group animations to start some animations at a later time than others.

Pausing and Resuming Animations

To pause an animation, you can take advantage of the fact that layers adopt the CAMediaTiming protocol
and set the speed of the layers animations to 0.0. Setting the speed to zero pauses the animation until you
change the value back to a nonzero value. Listing 5-4 shows a simple example of how to both pause and
resume the animations later.
Listing 5-4

Pausing and resuming a layers animations

-(void)pauseLayer:(CALayer*)layer {
CFTimeInterval pausedTime = [layer convertTime:CACurrentMediaTime()
layer.speed = 0.0;
layer.timeOffset = pausedTime;

-(void)resumeLayer:(CALayer*)layer {
CFTimeInterval pausedTime = [layer timeOffset];

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Advanced Animation Tricks

Explicit Transactions Let You Change Animation Parameters

layer.speed = 1.0;
layer.timeOffset = 0.0;
layer.beginTime = 0.0;
CFTimeInterval timeSincePause = [layer convertTime:CACurrentMediaTime()
fromLayer:nil] - pausedTime;
layer.beginTime = timeSincePause;

Explicit Transactions Let You Change Animation Parameters

Every change you make to a layer must be part of a transaction. The CATransaction class manages the
creation and grouping of animations and their execution at the appropriate time. In most cases, you do not
need to create your own transactions. Core Animation automatically creates an implicit transaction whenever
you add explicit or implicit animations to one of your layers. However, you can also create explicit transactions
to manage those animations more precisely.
You create and manage transactions using the methods of the CATransaction class. To start (and implicitly
create) a new transaction call the begin class method; to end that transaction, call the commit class method.
In between those calls are the changes that you want to be part of the transaction. For example, to change
two properties of a layer, you could use the code in Listing 5-5.
Listing 5-5

Creating an explicit transaction

[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction commit];

One of the main reasons to use transactions is that within the confines of an explicit transaction, you can
change the duration, timing function, and other parameters. You can also assign a completion block to the
entire transaction so that your app can be notified when the group of animations finishes. Changing animation
parameters requires modifying the appropriate key in the transaction dictionary using the setValue:forKey:
method. For example, to change the default duration to 10 seconds, you would change the
kCATransactionAnimationDuration key, as shown in Listing 5-6.
Listing 5-6

Changing the default duration of animations

[CATransaction begin];

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Advanced Animation Tricks

Explicit Transactions Let You Change Animation Parameters

[CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:10.0f]

// Perform the animations
[CATransaction commit];

You can nest transactions in situations where you want to provide different default values for different sets of
animations. To nest one transaction inside of another, just call the begin class method again. Each begin call
must be matched by a corresponding call to the commit method. Only after you commit the changes for the
outermost transaction does Core Animation begin the associated animations.
Listing 5-7 shows an example of one transaction nested inside another. In this example, the inner transaction
changes the same animation parameter as the outer transaction but uses a different value.
Listing 5-7

Nesting explicit transactions

[CATransaction begin]; // Outer transaction

// Change the animation duration to two seconds

[CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:2.0f]
// Move the layer to a new position
theLayer.position = CGPointMake(0.0,0.0);

[CATransaction begin]; // Inner transaction

// Change the animation duration to five seconds
[CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:5.0f]

// Change the zPosition and opacity


[CATransaction commit]; // Inner transaction

[CATransaction commit]; // Outer transaction

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Advanced Animation Tricks

Adding Perspective to Your Animations

Adding Perspective to Your Animations

Apps can manipulate layers in three spatial dimensions, but for simplicity Core Animation displays layers using
a parallel projection, which essentially flattens the scene into a two-dimensional plane. This default behavior
causes identically sized layers with different zPosition values to appear as the same size, even if they are far
apart on the z axis. The perspective that you would normally have viewing such a scene in three dimensions
is gone. However, you can change that behavior by modifying the transformation matrix of your layers to
include perspective information.
When modifying the perspective of a scene, you need to modify the sublayerTransform matrix of the
superlayer that contains the layers being viewed. Modifying the superlayer simplifies the code you have to
write by applying the same perspective information to all of the child layers. It also ensures that the perspective
is applied correctly to sibling sublayers that overlap each other in different planes.
Listing 5-8 shows the way to create a simple perspective transform for a parent layer. In this case the custom
eyePosition variable specifies the relative distance along the z axis from which to view the layers. Usually
you specify a positive value for eyePosition to keep the layers oriented in the expected way. Larger values
result in a flatter scene while smaller values cause more dramatic visual differences between the layers.
Listing 5-8

Adding a perspective transform to a parent layer

CATransform3D perspective = CATransform3DIdentity;

perspective.m34 = -1.0/eyePosition;

// Apply the transform to a parent layer.

myParentLayer.sublayerTransform = perspective;

With the parent layer configured, you can change the zPosition property of any child layers and observe
how their size changes based on their relative distance from the eye position.

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Changing a Layers Default Behavior

Core Animation implements its implicit animation behaviors for layers using action objects. An action object
is an object that conforms to the CAAction protocol and defines some relevant behavior to perform on a
layer. All CAAnimation objects implement the protocol, and it is these objects that are usually assigned to be
executed whenever a layer property changes.
Animating properties is one type of action but you can define actions with almost any behavior you want. To
do that, though, you have to define your action objects and associate them with your apps layer objects.

Custom Action Objects Adopt the CAAction Protocol

To create your own action object, adopt the CAAction protocol from one of your classes and implement the
runActionForKey:object:arguments: method. In that method, use the available information to perform
whatever actions you want to take on the layer. You might use the method to add an animation object to the
layer or you might use it to perform other tasks.
When you define an action object, you must decide how you want that action to be triggered. The trigger for
an action defines the key you use to register that action later. Action objects can be triggered by any of the
following situations:

The value of one of the layers properties changed. This can be any of the layers properties and not just
the animatable ones. (You can also associate actions with custom properties you add to your layers.) The
key that identifies this action is the name of the property.

The layer became visible or was added to a layer hierarchy. The key that identifies this action is

The layer was removed from a layer hierarchy. The key that identifies this action is kCAOnOrderOut.

The layer is about to be involved in a transition animation. The key that identifies this action is

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Changing a Layers Default Behavior

Action Objects Must Be Installed On a Layer to Have an Effect

Action Objects Must Be Installed On a Layer to Have an Effect

Before an action can be performed, the layer needs to find the corresponding action object to execute. The
key for layer-related actions is either the name of the property being modified or a special string that identifies
the action. When an appropriate event occurs on the layer, the layer calls its actionForKey: method to
search for the action object associated with the key. Your app can interpose itself at several points during this
search and provide a relevant action object for that key.
Core Animation looks for action objects in the following order:

If the layer has a delegate and that delegate implements the actionForLayer:forKey: method, the
layer calls that method. The delegate must do one of the following:

Return the action object for the given key.

Return nil if it does not handle the action, in which case the search continues.

Return the NSNull object, in which case the search ends immediately.


The layer looks for the given key in the layers actions dictionary.


The layer looks in the style dictionary for an actions dictionary that contains the key. (In other word, the
style dictionary contains an actions key whose value is also a dictionary. The layer looks for the given
key in this second dictionary.)


The layer calls its defaultActionForKey: class method.


The layer performs the implicit action (if any) defined by Core Animation.

If you provide an action object at any of the appropriate search points, the layer stops its search and executes
the returned action object. When it finds an action object, the layer calls that objects
runActionForKey:object:arguments: method to perform the action. If the action you define for a given
key is already an instance of the CAAnimation class, you can use the default implementation of that method
to perform the animation. If you are defining your own custom object that conforms to the CAAction protocol,
you must use your objects implementation of that method to take whatever actions are appropriate.
Where you install your action objects depends on how you intend to modify the layer.

For actions that you might apply only in specific circumstances, or for layers that already use a delegate
object, provide a delegate and implement its actionForLayer:forKey: method.

For layer objects that do not normally use a delegate, add the action to the layers actions dictionary.

For actions related to custom properties that you define on the layer object, include the action in the
layers style dictionary.

For actions that are fundamental to the behavior of the layer, subclass the layer and override the
defaultActionForKey: method.

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Changing a Layers Default Behavior

Disable Actions Temporarily Using the CATransaction Class

Listing 6-1 shows an implementation of the delegate method used to provide action objects. In this case, the
delegate looks for changes to the layers contents property and swaps the new contents into place using a
transition animation.
Listing 6-1

Providing an action using a layer delegate object

- (id<CAAction>)actionForLayer:(CALayer *)theLayer
forKey:(NSString *)theKey {
CATransition *theAnimation=nil;

if ([theKey isEqualToString:@"contents"]) {

theAnimation = [[CATransition alloc] init];

theAnimation.duration = 1.0;
theAnimation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction
theAnimation.type = kCATransitionPush;
theAnimation.subtype = kCATransitionFromRight;
return theAnimation;

Disable Actions Temporarily Using the CATransaction Class

You can temporarily disable layer actions using the CATransaction class. When you change the property of
a layer, Core Animation usually creates an implicit transaction object to animate the change. If you do not want
to animate the change, you can disable implicit animations by creating an explicit transaction and setting its
kCATransactionDisableActions property to true. Listing 6-2 shows a snippet of code that disables
animations when removing the specified layer from the layer tree.
Listing 6-2

Temporarily disabling a layers actions

[CATransaction begin];
[CATransaction setValue:(id)kCFBooleanTrue
[aLayer removeFromSuperlayer];

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Changing a Layers Default Behavior

Disable Actions Temporarily Using the CATransaction Class

[CATransaction commit];

For more information about using transaction objects to manage animation behavior, see Explicit Transactions
Let You Change Animation Parameters (page 67).

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Improving Animation Performance


Core Animation is a great way to improve the frame rates for app-based animations but its use is not a guarantee
of improved performance. Especially in OS X, you must still make choices about the most effective way to use
Core Animation behaviors. And as with all performance-related issues, you should use Instruments to measure
and track the performance of your app over time so that you can ensure that performance is improving and
not regressing.

Choose the Best Redraw Policy for Your OS X Views

The default redraw policy for the NSView class preserves the original drawing behavior of that class, even if
the view is layer-backed. If you are using layer-backed views in your app, you should examine the redraw policy
choices and choose the one that offers the best performance for your app. In most cases, the default policy is
not the one that is likely to offer the best performance. Instead, the
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawOnSetNeedsDisplay policy is more likely to reduce the amount of drawing
your app does and improve performance. Other policies might also offer better performance for specific types
of views.
For more information on view redraw policies, see The Layer Redraw Policy for OS X Views Affects
Performance (page 40).

Update Layers in OS X to Optimize Your Rendering Path

In OS X v10.8 and later, views have two options for updating the underlying layers contents. When you update
a layer-backed view in OS X v10.7 and earlier, the layer captures the drawing commands from the views
drawRect: method into the backing bitmap image. Caching the drawing commands is effective but is not
the most efficient option in all cases. If you know how to provide the layers contents directly without actually
rendering them, you can use the updateLayer method to do so.
For information about the different paths for rendering, including those that involve the updateLayer method,
see Using a Delegate to Provide the Layers Content (page 31).

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Improving Animation Performance

General Tips and Tricks

General Tips and Tricks

There are several ways to make your layer implementations more efficient. As with any such optimizations,
though, you should always measure the current performance of your code before attempting to optimize. This
gives you a baseline against that you can use to determine if the optimizations are working.

Use Opaque Layers Whenever Possible

Setting the opaque property of your layer to YES lets Core Animation know that it does not need to maintain
an alpha channel for the layer. Not having an alpha channel means that the compositor does not need to blend
the contents of your layer with its background content, which saves time during rendering. However, this
property is relevant primarily for layers that are part of a layer-backed view or situations where Core Animation
creates the underlying layer bitmap. If you assign an image directly to the layers contents property, the
alpha channel of that image is preserved regardless of the value in the opaque property.

Use Simpler Paths for CAShapeLayer Objects

The CAShapeLayer class creates its content by rendering the path you provide into a bitmap image at
composite time. The advantage is that the layer always draws the path at the best possible resolution but that
advantage comes at the cost of additional rendering time. If the path you provide is complex, rasterizing that
path might get too expensive. And if the size of the layer changes frequently (and thus must be redrawn
frequently), the amount of time spent drawing can add up and become a performance bottleneck.
One way to minimize drawing time for shape layers is to break up complex shapes into simpler shapes. Using
simpler paths and layering multiple CAShapeLayer objects on top of one another in the compositor can be
much faster than drawing one large complex path. That is because the drawing operations happen on the
CPU whereas compositing takes place on the GPU. As with any simplifications of this nature, though, the
potential performance gains are dependent on your content. Therefore, it is especially important to measure
the performance of your code before optimizing so that you have a baseline to use for comparisons.

Set the Layer Contents Explicitly for Identical Layers

If you are using the same image in multiple layer objects, load the image yourself and assign it directly to the
contents property of those layer objects. Assigning an image to the contents property prevents the layer
from allocating memory for a backing store. Instead, the layer uses the image you provide as its backing store.
When several layers use the same image, this means that all of those layers are sharing the same memory
rather than allocating a copy of the image for themselves.

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Improving Animation Performance

General Tips and Tricks

Always Set a Layers Size to Integral Values

For best results, always set the width and height of your layer objects to integral values. Although you specify
the width and height of your layers bounds using floating-point numbers, the layer bounds are ultimately
used to create a bitmap image. Specifying integral values for the width and height simplifies the work that
Core Animation must do to create and manage the backing store and other layer information.

Use Asynchronous Layer Rendering As Needed

Any drawing that you do in your delegates drawLayer:inContext: method or your views drawRect:
method normally occurs synchronously on your apps main thread. In some situations, though, drawing your
content synchronously might not offer the best performance. If you notice that your animations are not
performing well, you might try enabling the drawsAsynchronously property on your layer to move those
operations to a background thread. If you do so, make sure your drawing code is thread safe. And as always,
you should always measure the performance of drawing asynchronously before putting it into your production

Specify a Shadow Path When Adding a Shadow to Your Layer

Letting Core Animation determine the shape of a shadow can be expensive and impact your apps performance.
Rather than letting Core Animation determine the shape of the shadow, specify the shadow shape explicitly
using the shadowPath property of CALayer. When you specify a path object for this property, Core Animation
uses that shape to draw and cache the shadow effect. For layers whose shape never changes or rarely changes,
this greatly improves performance by reducing the amount of rendering done by Core Animation.

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Layer Style Property Animations


During the rendering process, Core Animation takes different attributes of the layer and renders them in a
specific order. This order determines the final appearance of the layer. This chapter illustrates the rendered
results achieved by setting different layer style properties.
Note: The layer style properties available on Mac OS X and iOS differ and are noted throughout this

Geometry Properties
A layers geometry properties specify how it is displayed relative to its parent layer. The geometry also specifies
the radius used to round the layer corners and a transform that is applied to the layer and its sublayers. Figure
A-1 shows the bounding rectangle of the example layer.
Figure A-1

Layer geometry

The following CALayer properties specify a layers geometry:



frame (computed from the bounds and position and is not animatable)

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Layer Style Property Animations

Background Properties





iOS Note: The cornerRadius property is supported only in iOS 3.0 and later.

Background Properties
The first thing Core Animation renders is the layers background. You can specify a color for the background.
In OS X, you can also specify a Core Image filter that you want to apply to the background content. Figure A-2
shows two versions of a sample layer. The layer on the left has its backgroundColor property set while the
layer on the right has no background color but does have a border some content and a pinch distortion filter
assigned to its backgroundFilters property.
Figure A-2

Layer with background color

The background filter is applied to the content that lies behind the layer, which primarily consists of the parent
layers content. You might use a background filter to make the foreground layer content stand out; for example,
by applying a blur filter.
The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layers background:


backgroundFilters (not supported in iOS)

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Layer Style Property Animations

Layer Content

Platform Note: In iOS, the backgroundFilters property is exposed in the CALayer class but the
filters you assign to this property are ignored.

Layer Content
If the layer has any content, that content is rendered on top of the background color. You can provide layer
content by setting a bitmap directly, by using a delegate to specify the content, or by subclassing the layer
and drawing the content directly. And you can use many different drawing technologies (including Quartz,
Metal, OpenGL, and Quartz Composer) to provide that content. Figure A-3 shows a sample layer whose contents
are a bitmap that was set directly. The bitmap content consists of a largely transparent space with the Automator
icon in the lower right corner.
Figure A-3

Layer displaying a bitmap image

Layers with a corner radius do not automatically clip their contents; however, setting the layers masksToBounds
property to YES does cause the layer to clip to its corner radius.
The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layers content:




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Layer Style Property Animations

Sublayers Content

Sublayers Content
Any layer may contain one or more child layers, known as sublayers. Sublayers are rendered recursively and
positioned relative to the parent layer's bounds rectangle. In addition, Core Animation applies the parent layers
sublayerTransform to each sublayer relative to the parent layers anchor point. You can use the sublayer
transform to apply perspective and other effects to all of the layers equally. Figure A-4 shows a sample layer
with two sublayers. The version on the left includes a background color while the version on the right does
Figure A-4

Layer displaying the sublayers content

Setting the masksToBounds property of a layer to YES causes any sublayers to be clipped to the bounds of
the layer.
The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layers sublayers:




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Layer Style Property Animations

Border Attributes

Border Attributes
A layer can display an optional border using a specified color and width. The border follows the bounds
rectangle of the layer and takes into account any corner radius values. Figure A-5 shows a sample layer after
applying a border. Notice that content and sublayers that are outside the layers bounds are rendered underneath
the border.
Figure A-5

Layer displaying the border attributes content

The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layers borders:



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Layer Style Property Animations

Filters Property

Platform Note: The borderColor and borderWidth properties are supported only in iOS 3.0 and

Filters Property
In OS X, you may apply one or more filters to the layers content and use a custom compositing filter to specify
how the layers contents blend with the content of its underlying layer. Figure A-6 shows a sample layer with
the Core Image posterize filter applied.
Figure A-6

Layer displaying the filters properties

The following CALayer property specifies a layers content filters:



Platform Note: In iOS, layers ignore any filters you assign to them.

Shadow Properties
Layers can display shadow effects and configure their shape, opacity, color, offset, and blur radius. If you do
not specify a custom shadow shape, the shadow is based on the portions of the layer that are not fully
transparent. Figure A-7 shows several different versions of the same sample layer with a red shadow applied.

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Layer Style Property Animations

Shadow Properties

The left and middle versions include a background color so the shadow appears only around the border of
the layer. However, the version on the right does not include a background color. In this case, the shadow is
applied to the layers content, border, and sublayers.
Figure A-7

Layer displaying the shadow properties

The following CALayer properties affect the display of a layers shadow:






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Layer Style Property Animations

Opacity Property

Platform Note: The shadowColor, shadowOffset, shadowOpacity, and shadowRadius properties

are supported in iOS 3.2 and later. The shadowPath property is supported in iOS 3.2 and later and
in OS X v10.7 and later.

Opacity Property
The opacity property of a layer determines how much background content shows through the layer. Figure
A-8 shows a sample layer whose opacity is set to 0.5. This allows portions of the background image to show
Figure A-8

Layer including the opacity property

The following CALayer property specifies the opacity of a layer:


Mask Properties
You can use a mask to obscure all or part of a layers contents. The mask is itself a layer object whose alpha
channel is used to determine what is blocked and what is transmitted. Opaque portions of the mask layers
contents allow the underlying layer content to show through while transparent portions partially or fully
obscure the underlying content. Figure A-9 shows a sample layer composited with a mask layer and two

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Layer Style Property Animations

Mask Properties

different backgrounds. In the left version, the layers opacity is set to 1.0. In the right version, the layers opacity
is set to 0.5, which increases the amount of background content that is transmitted through the masked portion
of the layer.
Figure A-9

Layer composited with the mask property

The following CALayer property specifies the mask for a layer:


Platform Note: The mask property is supported in iOS 3.0 and later.

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Animatable Properties

Many of the properties in CALayer and CIFilter can be animated. This appendix lists those properties, along
with the animation used by default.

CALayer Animatable Properties

Table B-1 lists the properties of the CALayer class that you might consider animating. For each property, the
table also lists the type of default animation object that is created to execute an implicit animation.
Table B-1

Layer properties and their default animations


Default animation


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CATransition object, described in Table B-3 (page
88). Sub-properties of the filters are animated using the default implied
CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CATransition object, described in Table B-3 (page
88). Sub-properties of the filters are animated using the default implied
CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Animatable Properties
CALayer Animatable Properties


Default animation


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


There is no default implied animation.


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88). Sub-properties of the filters are animated using the default
implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table B-2 (page 88).


This property is not animatable. You can achieve the same results by
animating the bounds and position properties.


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Animatable Properties
CALayer Animatable Properties


Default animation


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).


Uses the default implied CABasicAnimation object, described in Table

B-2 (page 88).

Table B-2 lists the animation attributes for the default property-based animations.
Table B-2

Default Implied Basic Animation






0.25 seconds, or the duration of the current transaction

Key path

Set to the property name of the layer.

Table B-3 lists the animation object configuration for default transition-based animations.
Table B-3

Default Implied Transition






0.25 seconds, or the duration of the current transaction


Fade (kCATransitionFade)

Start progress


End progress


2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Animatable Properties
CIFilter Animatable Properties

CIFilter Animatable Properties

Core Animation adds the following animatable properties to Core Images CIFilter class. These properties
are available only on OS X.



For more information about these additions, see CIFilter Core Animation Additions .

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Key-Value Coding Extensions

Core Animation extends the NSKeyValueCoding protocol as it pertains to the CAAnimation and CALayer
classes. This extension adds default values for some keys, expands wrapping conventions, and adds key path
support for CGPoint, CGRect, CGSize, and CATransform3D types.

Key-Value Coding Compliant Container Classes

The CAAnimation and CALayer classes are key-value coding compliant container classes, which means that
you can set values for arbitrary keys. Even if the key someKey is not a declared property of the CALayer class,
you can still set a value for it as follows:
[theLayer setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:50] forKey:@"someKey"];

You can also retrieve the value for arbitrary keys like you would retrieve the value for other key paths. For
example, to retrieve the value of the someKey path set previously, you would use the following code:
someKeyValue=[theLayer valueForKey:@"someKey"];

OS X Note: The CAAnimation and CALayer classes, which automatically archive any additional
keys that you set up for instances of those classes, support the NSCoding protocol.

Default Value Support

Core Animation adds a convention to key value coding whereby a class can provide a default value for a key
that has no set value. The CAAnimation and CALayer classes support this convention using the
defaultValueForKey: class method.

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Key-Value Coding Extensions

Wrapping Conventions

To provide a default value for a key, create a subclass of the desired class and override its
defaultValueForKey: method. Your implementation of this method should examine the key parameter
and return the appropriate default value. Listing C-1 shows a sample implementation of the
defaultValueForKey: method for a layer object that provides a default value for the masksToBounds
Listing C-1

Example implementation of defaultValueForKey:

+ (id)defaultValueForKey:(NSString *)key
if ([key isEqualToString:@"masksToBounds"])
return [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];

return [super defaultValueForKey:key];


Wrapping Conventions
When the data for a key consists of a scalar value or C data structure, you must wrap that type in an object
before assigning it to the layer. Similarly, when accessing that type, you must retrieve an object and then
unwrap the appropriate values using the extensions to the appropriate class. Table C-1 lists the C types
commonly used and the Objective-C class you use to wrap them.
Table C-1

Wrapper classes for C types

C type

Wrapping class










NSAffineTransform (OS X only)

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Key-Value Coding Extensions

Key Path Support for Structures

Key Path Support for Structures

The CAAnimation and CALayer classes lets you access the fields of selected data structures using key paths.
This feature is a convenient way to specify the field of a data structure that you want to animate. You can also
use these conventions in conjunction with the setValue:forKeyPath: and valueForKeyPath: methods
to set and get those fields.

CATransform3D Key Paths

You can use the enhanced key path support to retrieve specific transformation values for a property that
contains a CATransform3D data type. To specify the full key path for a layers transforms, you would use the
string value transform or sublayerTransform followed by one of the field key paths in Table C-2. For
example, to specify a rotation factor around the layers z axis, you would specify the key path
Table C-2

Transform field value key paths

Field Key Path



Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the x axis.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the y axis.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the z axis.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the rotation, in radians, in the z axis.
This field is identical to setting the rotation.z field.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the scale factor for the x axis.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the scale factor for the y axis.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the scale factor for the z axis.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the average of all three scale factors.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the translation factor along the x axis.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the translation factor along the y axis.


Set to an NSNumber object whose value is the translation factor along the z axis.


Set to an NSValue object containing an NSSize or CGSize data type. That data
type indicates the amount to translate in the x and y axis.

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Key-Value Coding Extensions

Key Path Support for Structures

The following example shows how you can modify a layer using the setValue:forKeyPath: method. The
example sets the translation factor for the x axis to 10 points, causing the layer to shift by that amount along
the indicated axis.
[myLayer setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:10.0]

Note: Setting values using key paths is not the same as setting them using Objective-C properties.
You cannot use property notation to set transform values. You must use the setValue:forKeyPath:
method with the preceding key path strings.

CGPoint Key Paths

If the value of a given property is a CGPoint data type, you can append one of the field names in Table C-3
to the property to get or set that value. For example, to change the x component of a layers position property,
you could write to the key path position.x.
Table C-3

CGPoint data structure fields

Structure Field


The x component of the point.

The y component of the point.

CGSize Key Paths

If the value of a given property is a CGSize data type, you can append one of the field names in Table C-4 to
the property to get or set that value.
Table C-4

CGSize data structure fields

Structure Field



The width component of the size.


The height component of the size.

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Key-Value Coding Extensions

Key Path Support for Structures

CGRect Key Paths

If the value of a given property is a CGRect data type, you can append the following field names in Table C-3
to the property to get or set that value. For example, to change the width component of a layers bounds
property, you could write to the key path bounds.size.width.
Table C-5

CGRect data structure fields

Structure Field



The origin of the rectangle as a CGPoint.


The x component of the rectangle origin.


The y component of the rectangle origin.


The size of the rectangle as a CGSize.


The width component of the rectangle size.


The height component of the rectangle size.

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to Core Animation Programming Guide .




Added brief discussion of CAMetalLayer among possible layer classes.


Major revamp, reorganization, and expansion to cover modern Core

Animation behavior in iOS and OS X.
Incorporated the content of Animation Types and Timing Programming
Guide into this document.


Updated the document to reflect Core Animation support in iOS 4.2.


Corrected iOS origin information. Clarified that the coordinate system

origin used in the examples are based on the OS X model.


Corrected autoresizing masks table.


Added missing constant to the contentGravity property resizing table in

Providing Layer Content.


Updated Core Animation Kiosk Style Menu tutorial project.


Updated infinite value for repeatCount.


Modified section headings.


Corrected availability of cornerRadius on iOS v 3.0 and later.


Introduces iOS SDK content to OS X content. Corrects frame animation



Corrected typos.

2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Document Revision History




Updated for iOS.


Corrected typos.


Corrected typos.


Corrected typos. Corrected RadiansToDegrees() calculation.


Corrected typos.


Added information on the presentation tree. Added example application


2015-03-09 | Copyright 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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