Sample Training Proposal
Sample Training Proposal
Sample Training Proposal
P.O. Box 225008 San Francisco, CA 94122
Session 1: Understanding the Corporate Marketplace
Resolving considerations
For maximum quality and impact of the program, I would recommend Option A. This format
gives all students the opportunity to participate in an interactive instructor-led class and online
message board. I have found that being able to ask questions in person adds a great deal to the
students learning, as does participation in a virtual community where they can talk over issues
with their peers outside of class.
The price for Option A would be $5000 per six-session class of up to 20 students.
Because you indicated that a recorded class might be more acceptable for budgetary reasons, I
am also offering Option B. This option does not include a message board because my experience
has shown that students do not take advantage of this service when they arent participating in a
live class.
The price for the initial live sessions to be recorded would be the same $5000 for up to 20
students. After that, the price to provide individualized goal-setting assistance, accountability, and
feedback on homework assignments would be $150 per student enrolled.
C.J. Hayden, MCC, is a business coach and trainer who teaches people in
business to make more money with less effort. Her company, Wings for
Business LLC, specializes in working with business owners, service
professionals, and people in marketing and sales. C.J. is a former corporate
productivity consultant with over 25 years experience in business
management. She has been training since 1978, and coaching since 1992. C.J.
is the author of Get Clients Now! (AMACOM, 2007) and The One-Person
Marketing Plan Workbook. She has taught Marketing for John F. Kennedy
University, Mills College, Lifeprint, SCORE, and the U.S. Small Business
As one of the leaders in the emerging profession of coaching, C.J. was a
founding director of the worldwide Professional & Personal Coaches
Association (now part of the International Coach Federation). She also
founded and served as editor of Being in Action: The Journal of Professional &
Personal Coaching. C.J. is a Master Certified Coach has taught coaching skills
to individuals for The Coaches Training Institute, and for corporate clients
such as Marriott, Wells Fargo, and BP Amoco.
A popular speaker and seminar leader, C.J. has presented hundreds of
programs on relationship marketing, fearless self-promotion, and
entrepreneurial success to corporate clients, professional associations and
small businesses. Her articles have been published nationally in Selling Power
and Sales & Marketing Management magazines, and in numerous California
publications, including the California Job Journal and Enterprising Women. She
contributes regularly to dozens of online publications, including RainToday,
SalesDog, and
C.J. has been featured in Investor's Business Daily, Home Office Computing,
and Costco Connection, and in numerous books, including Get Slightly
Famous, How to Position Yourself as the Obvious Expert, and Take Back Your
Time. She has been widely profiled internationally by newspapers, radio, and
LifePlan Center *
Marriott Corporation
Mills College *
Multi-Level Marketing University *
No. California Human Resources
The One-Day MBA
The Patricia Moore Group
The Powers Alliance *
Professional Assoc. of Secretarial
Profl & Business Women's
Conference Professional & Personal
Coaches Assoc. * Professional
Women's Network
Qualitative Research Consultants
San Francisco Bar Association
San Francisco Business & Profl
Women *
San Francisco Chamber of
Commerce *
S.F. Renaissance Entrepreneurship
Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce
Service Corps of Retired Execs
Small Business World Expo
Society for Technical Communication
Success Factors for Women in
Third Wednesday Club
U.S. Small Business Administration *
Vercelli Associates
Wells Fargo Bank
Women in Business Mentoring
Circles *