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Zombicide Mission "Mission C43"

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A Mission by Stanislas Gayot

We used to hear stories about a sickness , something

that made people more aggressive . Fortunately,
the governmentcontrolsthe situation, they said.
Yeah, right!
I can see theprison guardspanicking. They keep talking
about zombies , but they never say anything to us. They
want us to stay quiet, but too many things have gone
weird. Fewer guards. Patrols at unusual hours.
Strange noises, even for a prison. Nobodys
gone to the yard in two days. They even forgot
to feed us yesterday. It s time to get out and
discover what is happening outside.
That s it! I managed to pick my lock. But I
hear footsteps and screaming in the distance.
I have to release the other prisoners. Together,
we will be more likely to get out alive...

Material needed: Season 2: Prison Outbreak.

Tiles needed: 6P, 8P, 9P, 10P, 11P, 12P, 14P & 15P.

Escape before its too late! Here is the plan:
1 Find weapons. There is an armory just next
to your cells. Search the marked Zone until all
weapons have been found.
2 Find the green access card. The green door
stands between you and the exit. Youll have to
Search the Zones marked with a red X until you
find the green Objective.
3 Go through the Rotating Security Gate.
Youll have to activate the correct Switch in order
to get through it.
4 Open the Prison Main Entry Door. It opens
with the Violet Switch.

Cells doors
starting area

Open cell door

Exit Zone

security gate

Green access


Open door

and Objectives

The armory




5 You need a car to escape the jail. Reach the Exit Zone
with all Survivors aboard as many cars as needed. Any car
and its passengers may escape through this Zone at the end
of its drivers turn, as long as there are no Zombies in the

Go directly to jail. All Survivors begin the game in one of
the marked cell Zones. Set Survivors randomly in the cells.
Each one must contain up to two Survivors. NOTE: One of
them is opened, as you just destroyed its lock!

Do not collect $200. Survivors begin the game without

any Equipment cards. Set apart one Claw Hammer, one Fire
Axe, one Pistol, and three Nightsticks to form a reserve pile.
When a Survivor searches the marked Zone, he receives one
of these Equipment cards at random. When this reserve is
exhausted, the Zone can be Searched normally.
Survivors with a Start with [Equipment] Skill set their starting
weapon apart and receive it for free (along with a weapon
from the reserve, if any) the first time they Search the marked
Rescuing some reinforcementsand some more problems. Activating the white Switch opens the white cell doors
and activates the white Spawn Zone. Dont Spawn in cells
containing Survivors. The Survivor activating the white Switch
for the first time also takes the white Objective and gains 5
experience points. This Switch can only be activated once.
Damn green access card. Put the green Objective randomly among the red Objectives, face down. This is the
green access card. The other red Objectives represent useless stuff: toothpaste, clean socks, sausages, and so on (but
youll regret leaving them, trust me). They dont grant any
experience points; discard them when they are found. The
green Objective grants 5 experience points. Once the green
Objective has been found, the green door can be opened.
The yellow Switch for the rotating security gate. When
the yellow Switch is activated, the rotating security gate
rotates a quarter turn to the left or to the right (choose the
direction each time the Switch is used). The Survivor activating the yellow Switch for the first time also takes
the yellow Objective, gains 5 experience points, and
activates the yellow Spawn Zone. The Spawn Zone
remains active even if the Switch is used more
than once.
The violet Switch opens the Prison main
entry violet door. The Survivor activating
the violet Switch for the first time also takes
the violet Objective, gains 5 experience points, and
activates the violet Spawn Zone. This Switch can only
be activated once.
No time to lose! Cars can be driven but not Searched.



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