Data Books
Data Books
Data Books
they serve?
By Jon Couch
Data books are pieces of gear that are often misunderstood, used by few shooters, and as
a result that lack of usage, many above average shooters fail to become excellent
shooters. The purpose of this article is to enlighten the uninitiated as to the use of data
books, as well as help adequate shooters reach their true marksmanship potential.
This article includes the following subjects:
An explanation of what data books are, as well as the various types
A detailed explanation of how to use data books.
How data books help us while preparing new loads.
How data books help us better prepare for (formal or informal) matches or
Sources (or where) we can acquire data books and, finally,
How we might make our own data books, as well as where to get the materials
for the home made data book.
What are Data books?
Data books are small, typically 5 X 8 sized handbooks, that allow shooters to
gather data about shooting. There are commercial data books, military data books (used
for rifle or pistol requalification, matches, and sniping), as well as the home made variety.
Being a former Marine, I am most familiar with those used in the Corps; at least through
1999 when I retired from active duty.
In essence, data books allow the shooter to go back at a certain period in time on
the range (or deployment for snipers) and review what the shooting conditions were, how
the conditions affected the shooter, round, weapon, and optics (in the case of scoped
shooting). Data books also provide the shooter a place to record his performance and
thoughts about that days shooting session.
For match shooters, the data collected in these books often mean the difference
between one day ending up in the top few shooters or in some cases, not even placing in
the top or advancing shooters for matches. Match shooters will often go through their
data books and review previous shooting conditions, rounds (and loads used) for a
specific shooting location. To illustrate this point, I will discuss shooting data captured in
my personal data book and then explain how this effected my later shooting sessions at
nearby Marine Corps Base Quantico ranges.
On 28 February 2010, I was shooting at Quanticos Range 1 (100 and 300 yards).
During this particular session, I was chronographing new loads for my .Remington 700
(.308 Winchester). I had narrowed the load down for this gun to four likely candidates
(for the desired 2700 FPS for the .30 caliber Sierra Match King round). The load I finally
settled on, based on the chronograh data, was 44.5 grains of Alliant Powders Reloader15. I recorded all the velocities, as well as the barometric pressure, altitude, temperature,
as well as the wind conditions. Using this data, I then went home and used EXBAL
Ballistics Calculator to generate my elevation data (in minutes of angle) in 10 degree
increments from 40 degrees to 90 degrees.
A few weekends later, I went back out to Quanticos ranges; this time on Range 4
(100 yards all the way out to 1000 yards). Using the data from my previous
chronographing session, as well as notes about weather conditions, I shot at 100, 300, and
600 yards. I confirmed my zero at 100 yards, but also took notes of the wind and weather
conditions. A picture of this ranges challenges started forming in my mind as I learned
more about this range.
One thing I very quickly learned is that wind at Quanticos Range 4 is very
deceiving (see below depiction of the range). On this particular day, I noted that the
wind came from the shooters 9:00 oclock (or shooters left). We would observe the
range flags (the two red dots in the impact area at the top of the drawing), then look at the
trees in the impact area, as well as observe and try to detect blowing grass. What we
were to learn (and record in the data books) was the effects the wind had on the rounds,
and more importantly that these conditions were the norm for conditions at this range.
At this range, the wind typically blows from the shooters left over the berms
with trees and would effect the bullets at their points of greatest trajectory (or highest
point). The tricky part, and the reason this needed to be recorded was that the range flags
rarely indicate the true winds for 600 yards and beyond on this range.
I came back the next day, 21 March and (using the knowledge gathered the
previous day) was able to correctly judge the winds at 1000 yards. Furthermore, since
this data is captured in my data book, I know understand some of the ranges effects on
bullets (at least under these conditions). Remember, the data book is also used to record
other factors like temperature, wind, humidity, humidity, barometric pressure, and
altitude. This data would serve me well in the future. But how did I and how do shooters
use these data books?
How to use data books.
In explaining how to use data books, I will cover three periods of time; before
shooting, during shooting, and post shooting.
Pre-shooting. Before shooting, it is recommended that the shooters sit and
observe the conditions at the range and then record these in his data book (see sample
data book image below). For this collection I use a Kestrel 3500 anemometer. There are
others on the market but this one has served me well. Record the time and date, range
location, altitude. Most of this recorded information is seen in the top two lines of data
for the sample data sheet (already filled in with blue ink for figure 2). Once this data is
recorded, the shooter should then compare these conditions to previous sessions on this
range. This will give the shooter a glimpse into what data (elevation and windage) did or
didnt work. It will also indicate changes in overall conditions. These all affect the
bullets performance. Lets now discuss using the data book during the shooting session.
During shooting. Figure 2 is used to walk the shooter through the process of
using the data book during shooting. The conditions are already plotted. The shooter
should accomplish the below (in the order listed).
1. Watch for the weather (wind) to become favorable for the shot. Note that
some shooters like shooting in the lulls, while others may shoot in the wind.
Each shooter will have to try both methods to see which works best and under
what conditions each method may be used.
2. Shoulder the weapon and go through the basics of getting the best shot, e.g.,
breathe, relax, aim, stop (breathing), and squeeze. When comfortable that you
have a good shot, take the first shot. Dont forget follow-through.
3. After taking the shoot, do not remove the weapon from your shoulder. Think
for a moment where the front sight post or cross hairs were at the instant the
weapon went off.
4. Go to your data book and record where on the target you believe the shot was
(for this example were using the twenty small targets on Figure 2). This is
called calling the shot. For the first shot, you believed the shot was low on
the target (or at six oclock). You place a dot at six oclock.
5. Now you look at the target, either through the spotting scope or look for the
shot markers (in the case of formal matches where down range personnel will
spot your shots). For more informal shooting, simply try and find the bullet
hole with your spotting scope. For the range book in Figure 2., there is a large
area in the right hand center portion. It is here that the shooter would draw the
target being used for firing. In the example we used, the first shot was indeed
low (six oclock) so we put a number one where the bullet impacted the target.
6. The shooter would then look at the wind, note the windage and elevation
settings used and then make a judgment for adjustments prior to the next shot.
7. In this case, the shooter called the shot low and thats where the shot
impacted, so no adjustments were made to the sights.
8. The shooter takes a second shot. The shooter again goes through the sequence
of calling the shot, plotting the call, looking for the true impact, and placing
an indication of the impact point in his drawn target. For shot number two, the
shooter called the shot to the right. In this case, the shot impacted to the right.
Again, no sight adjustments were made.
9. A third shot is taken, and again the shooter goes through the sequence of
calling the shot, plotting the call, looking for the true impact, and placing an
indication of the impact point. For shot number three, the shooter called the
shot to the right. In this case, the shot impacted to the right. Still no sight
adjustments were made.
Post shooting. Once the shooter has completed his shooting session (and after
clearing and making the weapon safe), the shooter should then sit and write any notes of
the general conditions and how the shooter felt about that shooting session. The shooter
now has a record of what target he shot at, how he conducted each shot, when the
weather and shooter acted in certain ways, e.g., wind gusts, jerked shots, etc. This does
several things for the shooter.
o Permanent record. The shooter will know a month (or years) from
now how he or she shot on that day and in what conditions.
o Reloading. This can help the shooter for reloading purposes to be
discussed next).
o Shooters coach. The shooters log helps that shooters coach help the
shooter improve the shooters performance since the coach has a
record of each shot. In the example used, we saw the shooter take
three shots. Here the coach would take note of where the shooter
called the shots and also has a record of the points of impact. In this
case, the coach can assist the shooter there is an accurate record of
what occurred on the range.
o Gun performance. The shooter will also have a record of the rounds
fired through that gun. This data may be then transferred to that
shooters gun log (if they are not included in the same log).
How data books help us while preparing new loads.
Reloading ammunition is both fun and rewarding for match shooters, hunters, and
weekend plinkers alike. But, like anything else a shooter does, the shooting data must be
recorded and recorded accurately to be of any real use. This is where the shooters data
book comes in handy.
To make this discussion relevant, and perhaps useful for some shooters, Ill use
the example of load development I recently did for my Remington 700 .308 long gun. I
knew that I wanted to use .30 caliber 175 grain Sierra Match King rounds. I also knew
the powder I liked using with the .308 but was not satisfied with the down range
performance of the 175 SMK at the velocities I was currently shooting (2565 FPS). I
wanted a velocity of around 2700 FPS so that my bullet would be traveling faster (and
thus less drop) at 1000 yards.
The powder I use is Reloader 15. I was using 43.3 grains for the 2565 FPS so I
loaded four batches (of five rounds each) in increasing powder amounts (43.7, 44.0, 44.3,
etc). I recorded these four powder amounts into my data book (all else about the rounds
remained the same, e.g., overall length, type primers, case prep, etc.).
I went to the range on 28 February with my shooting gear including my data
book. I took shots through the chronograph, recorded the velocities in the data book, as
well as the exact temperature, winds, light conditions, barometric conditions, and
When I got home, after cleaning my rifle, I then broke out the data book. I
computed the standard deviations for each load, as well as looked at which load had the
smallest deviations. In this case, I was very pleased. The 44.5 gr load that came up with
2706 FPS and only a 9 FPS deviation (or spread). I next had to load this data into the
computer, and using the EXBAL Ballistic calculator (excellent software made for either
handheld computers or laptops/towers), made an elevation chart for the various
temperatures. I made an Excel spreadsheet for use on the range (as part of my data
book). See Figure 3. for this spreadsheet.
The folks at Impact data have several types of data books available (service, F
Class, etc) so the shooter may very well find the perfect data book here.
range firing (a commercial data book, not one I made). Figure 6 shows the home made
sheets I use for the collection of range and weather data.