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Safety and Health Management Practices

Why should we pay attention to health and safety?

It is the right thing to do. Protecting workers from injury and illness is the
right thing to do.
Its the law. Occupational health and safety is about the prevention of
workplace injury or illness. Because it is such an important issue, there are
laws in place to ensure that Albertans have a safe and healthy place to work.
Health and Safety is also good business. Informed employers also realize
that health and safety is good business and that health and safety pays in
more ways than one.
Key elements of Safety and Health Management
Policy. Effective health and safety policies set a clear direction for the
organization to follow. They contribute to all aspects of business
performance as part of a demonstrable commitment to continuous
improvement. Responsibilities to people and the environment are met in
ways which fulfil the spirit and letter of the law. Stakeholders expectations
in the activity (whether they are shareholders, employees, or their
representatives, customers or society at large) are satisfied. There are costeffective approaches to preserving and developing physical and human
resources, which reduce financial losses and liabilities.
Organizing. An effective management structure and arrangements are in
place for delivering the policy. All staff are motivated and empowered to
work safely and to protect their long-term health, not simply to avoid
accidents. The arrangements are:
underpinned by effective staff involvement and participation; and
sustained by effective communication and the promotion of
competence which allows all employees and their representatives to
make a responsible and informed contribution to the health and safety
There is a shared common understanding of the organizations vision,
values and beliefs. A positive health and safety culture is fostered by the
visible and active leadership of senior managers.

Planning. There is a planned and systematic approach to implementing the

health and safety policy through an effective health and safety management
system. The aim is to minimize risks. Risk assessment methods are used to
decide on priorities and to set objectives for eliminating hazards and
reducing risks. Wherever possible, risks are eliminated through selection and
design of facilities, equipment and processes. If risks cannot be eliminated,
they are minimized by the use of physical controls or, as a last resort,
through systems of work and personal protective equipment. Performance
standards are established and used for measuring achievement. Specific
actions to promote a positive health and safety culture are identified.
Measuring Performance. Performance is measured against agreed
standards to reveal when and where improvement is needed. Active selfmonitoring reveals how effectively the health and safety management
system is functioning. This looks at both hardware (premises, plant and
substances) and software (people, procedures and systems) including
individual behavior and performance. If controls fail, reactive monitoring
discovers why by investigating accidents, ill health or incidents which could
cause harm or loss. The objectives of active and reactive monitoring are:
to determine the immediate causes of sub-standard performance; and
to identify the underlying causes and the implications for the design
and operation of the health and safety management system.
Long-term objectives are also monitored.
Auditing and Reviewing performance. The organization learns from all
relevant experience and applies the lessons. There is a systematic review of
performance based on data from monitoring and from independent audits of
the whole health and safety management system. These form the basis of
self-regulation and of complying with sections 2 to 6 of the Health and
Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSW Act) and other relevant statutory
provisions. There is a strong commitment to continuous improvement
involving the constant development of policies, systems and techniques of
risk control. Performance is assessed by:
internal reference to key performance indicators; and
external comparison with the performance of business competitors
and best practice, irrespective of employment sector.
Performance is also often recorded in annual reports.

Initial Safety and Health Management System Review

The organization should carry out an initial review of its safety and health
management arrangements. This review should compare existing safety and health
practice with:

the requirements of safety and health legislation;

the provisions set out in the organizations Safety Statement;
safety and health guidance in the organization;
existing authoritative and published safety and health guidance;
best practice in the organizations employment sector.

As a minimum, in order to comply with safety and health legislation, the

organization must:
identify hazards and carry out their risk assessments;
prepare and implement the Safety Statement requirements;
have effective safety consultation and employee participation programmes in
facilitate the selection of and support the role of the Safety Representative.
The initial review of the organizations safety and health management system
should cover the issues listed above. The following checklist may be use for the
Is the Safety Statement clear and concise so that it can be read and
understood by those who may be at risk?
Is it available at the workplace to which it relates and are workers given
relevant extracts where they are at specific risk?
Is the overall safety and health policy of the organization and the internal
structure for implementing it adequate, e.g. are responsibilities of named
persons clearly outlined?
Does the Statement contain a systematic identification of hazards and an
assessment of risks for the workplace(s) it covers?
Are risk assessments being carried out on a regular basis as risks change,
and are the necessary improvements made to keep the safety and health
management system up to date?
Are the necessary safety control measures required for a safe workplace
identified and implemented - e.g. the provision of safe access and egress,
good housekeeping, clear passageways and internal traffic control?

Are written safe procedures available for those operations that require them,
e.g. for routine processing and ancillary activities, handling and using
chemicals, preventive maintenance, plant and equipment breakdown
maintenance, accident and ill-health investigations, emergency planning,
assessment of personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements?
Are procedures available for monitoring the implementation of safety
systems and control measures, e.g. are safety audits being carried out?
Is safety and health training being carried out and does the training give
adequate information to workers on risks they might be exposed to?
Is the impact of this training and the level of understanding of the
information assessed by anyone?
Do safety consultation, employee participation and representation
procedures exist and are these procedures effective, e.g. is there good cooperation between employer, managers and employees on safety and health
issues at the workplace? Is there a safety committee in existence and if so
does it comply with the 2005 Act requirements. Are safety committee
meetings constructive, with meeting reports and follow-up action lists? Is
the Safety Representative or Representatives involved at every stage of the
safety consultation process?

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