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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2007;51 (3) : 193-199

Special Article


S S Harsoor1, S Bala Bhaskar

Designing of an operation theatre complex is a major exercise and is mainly intended to benefit the
patient. The need for safety, convenience and economy will guide the planning of a modern operation theatre
complex, whatever the size, number or the speciality. Guidelines based on current and widely accepted recommendations as also ones for possible expansion of the operation theatre complex are dealt with in this article.
Key words
Operating room, Operating theatre complex; Designing , Planning and organisation;
Induction room, Accreditation.

An operation theatre complex is the heart of any
major surgical hospital. An operating theatre, operating
room, surgery suite or a surgery centre is a room within a
hospital within which surgical and other operations are
carried out. Operating theatres were so-called in the United
Kingdom because they traditionally consisted of semi-circular amphitheatres to allow students to observe the medical procedures .The Old Operating Theatre in London is
one of the oldest, dating back to 1822 (Oxford English Dictionary and Wikipedia.com).
The patient is the centre point of a functioning OT
complex. He / she is in isolation for varying times, away
from his near and dear ones and is physically sick. Efforts
are directed to maintain vital functions, prevent infections /
promote healing with safety, comfort and economy.
The establishment and working of the operation theatre ( O.T.) needs specialised planning and execution and is
not a simple civil engineering work.Acivil-mechanical-electrical-electronic- bio medical combo effort driven and coordinated by the needs, preferences and safety of the medical/ surgical team forms the basis for starting and maintaining an operation theatre. Anaesthesiologists, by virtue of their
knowledge of the intricacies of physiology, physics and biomedical aspects of medicine and constant proximity to the
operation theatre should preferably be involved from the early
stages of planning of operating theatres1.
On an average, operation theatres cater to 50% of
the needs of total healthcare seekers. Anaesthesia-con-

trolled time typically represents a small fraction (1020%)

of the total case time, the remainder (> 80%) being surgeon and nurse-controlled2.
In the following pages, we will discuss the various
considerations while planning an operation theatre complex. Functioning of an OT complex including scheduling,
administration, staffing, sterilization techniques and data /
audit management are out of purview of this topic.

Purpose of operation theatre complex

OT complexes are designed and built to carry out
investigative, diagnostic, therapeutic and palliative procedures of varying degrees of invasiveness. Many such set
ups are customized to the requirements based on size of
hospital, patient turnover and may be speciality specific.
The aim is to provide the maximum benefit for maximum
number of patients arriving to the operation theatre. Both
the present as well as future needs should be kept in mind
while planning.

Different zones of OT complex

The location and flow of the patients, the staff and
the materials form the three broad groups to be considered during all stages of design3 .
Four zones can be described in an O T complex4 ,
based on varying degrees of cleanliness, in which the bacteriological count progressively diminishes from the outer
to the inner zones (operating area) and is maintained by a
differential decreasing positive pressure ventilation gradi-

1. M.D., Principal, 2. D.N.B., Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences
(VIMS), Bellary 583104 ( Karnataka ) Correspondence to : S S Harsoor, Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS), Bellary 583104
(Karnataka ) E mail:harsoorss@hotmail.com
Accepted for publication on 25.4.07


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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, June 2007

ent from the inner zone to the outer zone.

corridors and ready access to the operating room. It

will also allow cleaning, testing and storing of anaesthesia equipment. It should contain work benches,
sink(s). It should have sufficient power outlets and
medical gas panels for testing of equipment.

Protective zone: It includes


Change rooms for all medical and paramedical

staff with conveniences

Transfer bay for patient, material & equipments

Rooms for administrative staff

Stores & records

Pre & post-operative rooms

I.C.U. and P.A.C.U.

Sterile stores



Post anaesthetic care units (PACU) preferably

adjacent to recovery room. These should contain a
medication station, hand washing station, nurse station, storage space for stretchers, supplies and monitors / equipment and gas, suction outlets and ventilator. Additionally 80 sq ft (7.43 sq m) for each patient
bed, clearance of 5 ft (1.5 m) between beds and 4 ft
(1.22m) between patient bed sides and adjacent walls
should be planned.


Staff room Men and women change dress from

street cloth to OT attire; lockers and lavatory are
essential; rest room TV, etc. are desirable.
Sanitary facility for staff- One wash basin and one
western closet (WC) should be provided for 8-10
persons. Showers and their number is a matter of
local decision. Inclusion of toilet facilities in changing
rooms is not acceptable; they should be located in an
adjacent space4 .

Clean zone : Connects protective zone to aseptic

zone and has other areas also like

Stores & cleaner room

Equipment store room

Maintenance workshop

Kitchenette (pantry)

Firefighting device room

Emergency exits
Service room for staff

Close circuit TV control area




Aseptic zone - Includes operation rooms (sterile)


Disposal zone - Disposal areas from each OR &

corridor lead to disposal zone

Sub areas (excluding OT place)




Pre-operative check in area (reception)- This is

important with respect to maintaining privacy, for
changing from street clothes to gown and to provide
lockers and lavatories for staff.
Holding area- This area is planned for IV line insertion, preparation, catheter / gastric tube insertion,
connection of monitors, & shall have O2 and suction
lines. Facility for CPR should be available in this area.
Induction room (anaesthetic room). It should
have all facilities as in OT, but there is controversy
as to its need. One for each OT is required, ideally
each is a duplicate of the other in each floor5 . The
anaesthetic room will provide a more tranquil atmosphere to the patient than the OT. It should provide
space for anaesthetic trolleys and equipment and
should be located with direct access to circulation



The anaesthesia gas / cylinder manifold room /

storage area- A definite area to be designated. It
should be in a cool, clean room that is constructed of
fire resistant materials. Conductive flooring must be
present but is not required if non inflammable gases
are stored. Adequate ventilation to allow leaking gases
to escape, safety labels and separate places for empty
and full cylinders to be allocated1 .
Offices for staff nurse and anaesthesia staffThe office should allow access to both unrestricted
and semi-restricted areas as frequent communication with public is needed.

Rest rooms- Pleasant and quiet rest for staff should

be arranged either as one large room for all grades
of staff or as separate rooms; both have merits.
Comfortable chairs, one writing table, a book case
etc., may be arranged.4
(10) Laboratory Small lab. with refrigerator for pathologist to be arranged.
(11) Seminar room- Since staff can not leave an OT
complex easily, it is better to have a seminar room


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S S Harsoor et al. Ideal OR complex

(ICU), accident and emergency department (A&E),
Radiological department (X-Ray) should be closely
related and access is also required to Sterilizing and
disinfecting unit (SDU) and laboratory facilities. The
location of the operation complex in a multistorey
building is planned on the first floor, connecting to
surgical and other wards on the same floor. Adequate
electric lift is planned for vertical movement from
casualty on the ground floor and ENT, Orthopaedics,
Ophthalmology & other wards on the floors above.

within the OT complex. Intra-departmental discussions, teaching and training sessions for staff (with
audio-visual aids) may be conducted here.
(12) Store room- This is designed to store large but less
frequently used equipment in the OT. There should
be storage space for special equipment after cleaning.
(13) Theatre sterile supply unit (TSSU)- Within this
area, following are desirable i. Temperature between 180 -220 C, humidity of 40%50% is the aim.
ii. Air conditioned with 10-12 air exchanges per hour


Zone wise distribution of the area, so as to avoid crisscross movements of men & machines


Adequate & appropriate space allotted as per utility

of the area

iii. Storage of sterile drapes, sponges, gloves, gowns

and other items ready to use.

iv. Option to store in from one side and remove from
other side .
v. Proper inventory to prevent running out of stock.
(14) Scrub room- This is planned to be built within the
restricted area. Elbow operated or infrared sensor
operated taps / water source is ideal. It is essential to
have non slippery flooring in this area.

Types of OT complexes
There are three main categories of operating theatres4 :

The single theatre suite with OT, scrub-up and gowning, anaesthesia room, trolley preparation, utility and
exit bay plus staff change and limited ancillary accommodation.


The twin theatre suite with facilities similar to 1, but

with duplicated ancillary accommodation immediate
to each OT, sometimes sharing a small post anaesthesia recovery area.


OT complexes of three or more OTs. with ancillary

accommodation including post anaesthesia recovery,
reception, porters desk, sterile store and staff change.

Principles to be taken into consideration while planning an O.T. (physical / architecture):


Location: Low rise buildings limited to two or three

storeys high are preferred because of maximum
advantage of natural light and ventilation as appropriate can be derived 4. The OT should be separate
from general traffic and air movement of rest of
the hospital, OT, surgical wards, intensive care units


Provision for emergency exit

Provision for ventilation & temperature control, keeping in mind the need for laminar flow, HEPA filter air
conditioner etc.
Operation rooms:

The number & size can be as per the requirement

but recommended size is 6.5 m x 6.5m x 3.5 m. Glass
windows can be planned on one side only.
Doors : Main door to the OT complex has to be of
adequate width (1.2 to 1.5 m) . The doors of each OT
should be spring loaded flap type, but sliding doors are preferred as no air currents are generated. All fittings in OT
should be flush type and made of steel.
The surface / flooring must be slip resistant, strong
& impervious with minimum joints (eg. mosaic with copper plates for antistatic effect ) or jointless conductive tiles/
terrazzo, linoleum etc., The recommended minimum conductivity is 1m ohm and maximum 10m Ohms.
Presently the need for antistatic flooring has diminished as flammable anaesthetic agents are no longer in
Walls- Laminated polyester or smooth paint provides
seamless wall; tiles can break and epoxy paint can chip
out. Collusion corners to be covered with steel or aluminium plates, colour of paint should allow reflection of
light and yet soothing to eyes. Light colour ( light blue or
green ) washable paint will be ideal. A semi-matt wall surface reflects less light than a highly gloss finish and is less
tiring to the eyes of OT team.


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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, June 2007

Operation table : One operation table per O T
Electric point : Adequate electric points on the wall
(at < 1.5 m height from the floor) (discussed later)
X-Ray illuminators : There should be X-ray film illuminators preferably recessed into the wall.
Scrub area : to be planned for atleast for 2-3 persons
in each OT.

There has to be a preparation room in clean zone


Corridors not less than 2.85 m width for easy movement of men, stretcher & machines


Separate corridors for uses other than going into OT.


Rooms for different persons working in OT & for

different purpose (it should be as per zone & size )


Gas & suction (control, supply & emergency stock)

for all OTs & areas where patients are retained.
Oxygen, gas and suction pipe to be connected with
central facility and standby local facility should also
be available.


Provision for adequate & continuous water supply :

Besides normal supply of available water at the rate
of 400 litres per bed per day, a separate reserve
emergency over head tank should be provided for
operation theatre. Elbow taps have to be 10 cm. above
wash basins.


Proper drainage system.


Pre-operative area with reception with separate designated area for paediatric patients is desirable.


Adequate illumination with shadow less lamps of

70,000-120,000 Lumens intensity, for assessing patient colour and tissue visibility ( discussed under


The safety in working place is essential, and fire extinguishers have to be planned in appropriate zone.


Provision for expansion of the OT complex should

be borne in mind during planning stages itself

Thus , in a 300 bedded hospital (with 150 surgical

beds), one OT complex with 3 OTs for General Surgery,
Gynaecology, Orthopaedics/ENT, one for Endoscopy and
one for Septic.
OT will be required with 8 hours a day working duration.

Ventilation should be on the principle that the direction of air flow is from the operation theatre towards the
main entrance4 .There should be no interchange air movement between one OT and another. Efficient ventilation
will control temperature and humidity in OT, dilute the contamination by micro-organisms and anaesthetic agents.
There are two types of air conditioning systems : recirculating and non recirculating3.
Non recirculating systems heat / cool the air as desired and convey it into the operating room with ideally 20
air exchange per hour. Air is then exhausted to outside.
Anaesthetic agents in the OT air are also automatically
removed. These are thus ideal but are expensive.
The circulating system takes some or all of the air,
adjusts the temperature and circulates air back to the room.
The broad recommendations include:
- 20-30 air exchanges / hour for recirculated air
- Only upto 80% recirculation of air to prevent build
up of anaesthetic and other gases
- Ultraclean laminar air flow the filtered air delivery must be 90% efficient in removing particles
more than 0.5m m.
- Positive air pressure system in OT: It should ensure a positive pressure of 5 cm H2 O from ceiling of OT downwards and outwards, to push out
air from OT.
- Relative humidity of 40-60% to be maintained4
- Temperature between 20 0 -240 C. Temperature
should not be adjusted for the comfort of OT personnel but for the requirement of patient, especially in pediatric, geriatric, burns, neonatal cases

Recommendations on the number of OTs required

It is observed that out of all surgical beds, of the hospital, 50% of patients are expected to undergo surgery.
Thus for 100 beds, with average length of stay of 10 days
for each patient, 10 operations per day can be performed.
In general, multiuse OTs, instead of multiple OTs offer advantages of efficient man power utilization, economical maintenance and better training of supporting staff.

Pendant services
Two ceiling pendants for pipeline services should be
designed; one for surgical team and one for anaesthetist4.


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S S Harsoor et al. Ideal OR complex

Anaesthetic pendant should be retractable and have limited lateral movement and provide a shelf for monitoring
equipment. It should have oxygen, nitrous oxide, four bar
pressure medical compressed air, medical vacuum, scavenging terminal outlets and atleast four electric sockets.


Wall outlets to be installed 1.5 m above ground (as

already mentioned).


Use of explosion proof plugs.

Piped gases in the OT


Multiple outlets from different electrical line sources

should be available.


Electrical load calculation should be based on, equipments likely to be used and appropriate current carrying capacity cords to be used.


Emergency power: OT electrical networks need to

be connected to the emergency generators with automatic two way changeover facility.


Automatic / semi-automatic fail safe manifold room

to be designed.


Two outlets for O2 and suction and one for N2 O are

a minimum in each OT.


Pipeline supply system should be able to cut off from

mainline if the problem occurs anywhere along the
delivery hosing / tubing.

damage wires. Wires inside rigid or retractable ceiling service column can help to some extent



Some natural daylight is preferred by staff 4 . Where

The method of scavenging should be decided during
planning stage of OT3 .US and International standards are possible , high level windows which give a visual appreavailable for scavenging but it is ideal to plan the type of ciation of the outside world can be considered in the OT.
system (active / passive) and number and location of scav- 1.
General lighting: Colour corrected fluorescent lamps
enging outlets beforehand.
( recessed or surface ceiling mounted) to produce
even illumination of atleast 500 Lux at working height,
with minimal glare are preferred4. Means of dimming may be needed during endoscopies. To miniAll electrical equipment in the OT need PROPER
mize eye fatigue, the ratio of intensity of general room
lighting to that at the surgical site should not exceed
In the past, isolated power systems were preferred
1:5, preferably 1:3. This contrast should be maintained
when explosive agents were being used. They have the
in corridors and scrub areas, as well as in the room
advantage of a transformer using grounded electricity and
itself, so that the surgeon becomes accustomed to
there is no risk to the patient or machines if a machine gets
the light before entering the sterile field. Colour and
hue of the lights also should be consistent.
The grounded systems as used at homes offer proAbout 2000 Lux light is needed to asses the patients
tection from macro shock but devices may lose power 2.
without warning. Life support systems, if in use could be
White and glistening / shiny body tissues need less
light than dark and dull tissues
Following criteria are ideal with respect to electricity
in OT complex:
Operating area : Overhead light should be shadowless
and give 25000-125000 Lux of light ( 50000 to 100000
1. Use of circuit breakers / interrupters is desirable if
there is an overload or ground fault.
Lux at the centre and atleast 15000 Lux at the periphery).
2. Power line of 220 Volts

Suspended ceiling outlets should have locking plugs

to avoid accidental disconnection.
Insulation around ceiling electrical power sources
should withstand frequent bendings and flexings. They
should not develop cracks and should not


About 10-12 inch of focus of light gives adequate

illumination both at depth as well as surface of body.


Lights should be freely movable both in horizontal

and vertical ranges. Pendant systems are preferred.
OT light should produce blue white colour of daylight


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Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, June 2007

at spectral energy range of 50000K (35000-67000kelvin acceptable)

Data management


Halogen lights produce less heat and hence preferred. OT light should not produce more than 25000
mw/cm2 of radiant energy. Elimination of heat by dichroic reflectors (cold mirrors) with heat absorbing reflectors or filters should be available along with the

Customised network connections should be put in place

or a conduit should be planned. A well designed system can
provide automated records, materials management, quality
improvement and assessment , laboratory tracking,etc6. The
Software for OT management are costly and hospitals are
generally slow to adopt to changes. Customized OT software can be designed for individual needs.


An auxiliary light for a second surgical site is often


Operating theatre satellite pharmacy

UPS of adequate capacity to be installed after considering OT light, anaesthesia machine, monitors,
cautery etc until the back up generator takes over


In endoscopic OTs, a reduced lighting is sometimes

recommended. A grazing light over the floor can be

Access to the OT areas and outside should be possible. It should have a laminar flow hood, a refrigerator,
space for drug storage locked containers for controlled
substances computer, desk area for paper work and pharmaceutical literature. Special kits for specific surgeries may
also be arranged. The pharmacy may open for 1 to 24
hours based on need but it is desirable that an after hour
system is planned.

Anaesthesia equipment and monitoring

Statutory regulations
At least one anaesthesiologist should be in the team
involved in planning an OT. It is imperative that certain
mandatory considerations with respect to the anaesthetic
equipment and monitors be planned during the planning and
design stage itself. Personal, practice and cost preferences
may influence the plans.

The design and planning of an OT complex will need

compliance with mandatory regulations related to local
administration such as Municipal Corporation, Government,
Pollution Control Board, Fire Safety Department, Water
supply and Drainage department, etc.,


Usual areas of deficiency in OTs

(existing OTs)

Telephones, intercom and code warning signals are

desirable inside the O T.3 One phone per OT and one exclusively for use of anaesthesia personnel is desirable. Intercom to connect to control desk, pathology and other OTs as
well as use of paging receivers (bleeps) is also ideal. A
code signal, when activated, signals an emergency state such
as cardiac arrest or need for immediate assistance.





Basic services such as preparation of beverages and

some snacks, use of vending machines may be planned,
augmented by provision of hot and cold meals from main
hospital kitchen4 .

The construction materials selected for the OT complex should aim to minimize maintenance and cleaning costs4.


No reception area.
No separate rooms for


Jr. doctor

OT attendants

Not enough number of change rooms for different

class of people.
Inappropriate size & type of doors etc.,
Lack of laminar flow & mandatory air exchange systems in OT.
Lack of standard OT protocol.


No separate Central Sterile Supply Department



Waiting Area Recovery - Not well equipped

- Lack of basic amenities


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S S Harsoor et al. Ideal OR complex

The authority for standardization

Recommendations are available in various surgical,
anaesthesia and nursing manuals with regard to the planning and establishment of operation theatres / complexes.
The hospital can get accredited by the Joint Commission
on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)7,
a professionally sponsored program that stimulates a high
quality of patient care in health care facilities. There is
also an accreditation option that is available for ambulatory surgery centers ( Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare- AAAH). The department of health
and social security (DHSS) in UK has publications containing information on planning for new health buildings
and for upgrading existing buildings.

In the present era of evidence based medicine, it becomes imperative to give maximum importance to planning an Operation Theatre Complex. Within the limitations
of finance and space, the best results can be obtained and
anaesthesiologist with multiple roles inside the operation
theatre complex, should be consulted in the process. Efforts should be made to conform to the standards laid down
by local bodies and international agencies, as healthcare
facilities in India are now catering to more and more international clientele. However, new OTs and hospitals that

are being established can not be expected to fulfil all theoretical requirements as new ideas are constantly being
developed. By the time they are incorporated into buildings, fresh ones take their place on the drawing board.


Dorsch JA and Dorsch SE. Operating room design and equipment selection. Understanding Anaesthesia Equipment, 4th edition ; Williams and Wilkins 1999 : 1015-16.

Barash P G , Cullen B F, Stoelting R K. Value based anesthesia

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2001; 111-112


Gupta S.K., Kant S, Chandrashekhar R. Operating unit - planning essentials and design Considerations. Journal of Academy
of Hospital Administration 2005;17:01 12.


Bridgen RJ. Ch.1.The Operating department 2. Organisation and

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Electricity : Operating theatre technique, 5th edition: Churchill
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Moyle JTB, Davey A, Ward C.S. The anaesthetic room and

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Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (http://www.jointcommission.org/AccreditationPrograms/



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