Syllabus: Página 1 de 3
Syllabus: Página 1 de 3
Syllabus: Página 1 de 3
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Class schedule:
Aug. 18, 25
Sep. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (midterm)
Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27
Nov. 3, 10, 17 (final), 24
Dec. 1 (retake), 8, 15
Reading list:
Orwell, London, Coetzee, Safran Foer, (Oz), Watt, Corbin,
Reading guide:
While you are reading pay attention to the following elements:
- Context: production, distribution/circulation, reception
- Plot Overview: description of the story
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Plagiarism warning
Plagiarism is:
(Adapted from Professor Paul Brians from Washington State University)
1. Submitting someone else's work as your own;
2. Copying something from another source without putting it in quotation marks
or citing a source (you must do both);
3. Using an idea from a source without citing the source, even when you do not
use the exact words of the source.
4. Any time you use a book, article, or reference tool to get information or
ideas, which you use in a paper, you must cite it by providing a note stating
where you got the information or idea, using ABNT parenthetical annotation.
You do not need to cite material from classroom lectures or discussions. If you
are not certain whether you need to cite a source, check with me in advance.
6. Duplicating someone else's notes to answer study questions is also a form of
7. Anyone caught plagiarizing will get the lowest grade (zero) in the whole
activity (be it a test or other form of evaluation) and/or will be subject to fail the
semester. Besides that, the case will be reported at the NDE (Ncleo de
Desenvolvimento Educacional) meetings.
< >)
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