2010 TC Catalog
2010 TC Catalog
2010 TC Catalog
Thompson/Center commissioned wildlife artist Eddie LeRoy to paint the
T/C catalog cover featuring the new T/C Venture. For more information
about the artist visit www.eddieleroy.com or call 334.687.5868.
\\\\ T / C V enture ™ *
Pg. 14 - 15
\\\\ T / C V E N T U R E ™ p re d at o r *
Pg. 16 - 17
new f o r 2 0 1 0
\\\\ I M PA C T *
Pg. 56 - 57
\\\\ HO T SHO T ™ *
Pg. 62 - 63
\\\\ E N C O R E ® p r o h unter ™ p re d at o r *
Pg. 24 - 25
N E W FO R 2 010
\\\\ E N C O R E ® p r o h unter ™ x t *
Pg. 20 - 21
\\\\ I C O N ® WA R LO R D ® *
Pg. 12 - 13
\\\\ N o rt h W e s t E XPLO R E R ™
Pg. 58 - 59
BOLT ACT ION tech nolo gy
Thompson/Center sets the standard for development and innovative thinking in the hunting firear ms industry. Our
professional staf f of hunters, engineers, and craftsmen, continuously seek better technologies, simpler designs and
per for mance enhancing features to employ in our bolt-action rifles. T/C’s engineers and gunsmiths then process all the
infor mation, test each and every modification to ensure everyday hunters get the best per for ming, most accurate bolt
action rifles available.
5r rifling
6 g roo v e r i f l i n g
Land Opposite Land Oppo
ses G
Sharp Transition Gent
ly Slo
Between Land Trans ped
& Groove ition
\\\\ 5 R R i f l i n g
5R rifling’s unique design provides benefits to the shooter by causing less bullet deformation. How? By design, the edges of each land do
not cut into and deform the bullet jacket. When the bullet jacket is less deformed, there will be less jacket fouling in the grooves. The results
are better consistency of accuracy from shot to shot, greater bullet stability over multiple shots, and ultimately a rifle that’s easier to clean
thoroughly. -Standar d on all Bolt-Action models.
\\\\ M O A
// Bolt-Action MOA Grid
T/C’s match grade barrels with 5R
ICON WARLORD ½ " MOA CERTIFIED rifling deliver certified Minute of
ICON PRECISION HUNTER SUB 1" MOA CERTIFIED Angle accuracy...1” groups or better
at 100 yards. Each ICON® is certified
ICON WALNUT 1" MOA CERTIFIED with the actual test target included
ICON WEATHER SHIELD 1" MOA CERTIFIED in each box. Every T/C Venture is
guaranteed MOA- Each rifle shoots
3 shots in 1” or less at 100 yards.
T/C VENTURE PREDATOR 1" MOA GUARANTEED Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
\\\\ W E AT H E R S H I E L D ®
results after just 9 hours of enhanced
environmental spray T/C searched the world for the most advanced,
tough as nails, corrosion protection system.
Weather Shield® when applied to the barrel and
unprotected weather shield
Stainless Steel other critical metal parts, make the gun nearly
impervious to rust. In vigorous environmental
testing, Weather Shield® proved 50X more
corrosion resistent than stainless steel alone.
results in remains like new
harsh corrosion BONE COLLECTOR and OMEGA
B O LT A C T I O N te c h n o l o g y
\\\\ IN T E G R A - B A S E TM
Solid top receiver with integral
Weaver® style bases provides an
unparalleled mounting platform.
-Standar d on ICON, PRECISION
\\\\ B O LT- L O K TM
Two position safety allows the
shooter to load and unload his rifle
with the safety on. Independent
bolt-lok secures the bolt from
opening during field use. Bolt lock is
automatically disengaged when the
safety is removed.
-Standard on ICON, PRECISION
3 0tc
\\\\ T he 3 0 t c c artr i d g e
T/C and Hor nady have teamed up to cr eate the 30TC, a cartridge designed to work per fectly with T/C’s
Bolt-Action rifles. It’s a .30 caliber medium action cartridge with the velocity and knock-down power
of a 30-06 cartridge.
Sp eci f ic ally d es igned fo r Tho mpso n/Ce nte r’s Bo lt - A ctio n rif les , th e 3 0 TC is qu ite po s s ib ly th e m o s t
r e v ol ut iona r y c a r t r idge ever developed. Its optimized case geometry and advanced pr opellants exceed
30-06 ballistics per for mance in a medium action case. The 30TC r equir es 25% less powder than a 30-06
cartridge r esulting in 15% less r ecoil. -Standar d on ICON, VENTURE, and ENCORE PRO HUNTER
B A L L I S T I C S C O M PA R I S O N O F T H E 3 0 T C , 3 0 8 W I N C H E S T E R A N D 3 0 - 0 6 S P R I N G F I E L D
Ammo Description Velocity (fps) / Energy (ft/lb) Trajectory Tables
CARTRIDGE BULLET MUZZLE 100yds 200yds 300yds 400yds 500yds MUZZLE 100yds 200yds 300yds 400yds 500yds
30TC 150 gr SST InterLock 3000/2997 2772/2558 2555/2173 2348/1836 2151/1540 1963/1283 -1.5 1.5 0.0 -6.9 -20.0 -40.7
30-06 Sprg 150 gr. SST InterLock 2910/2820 2686/2403 2473/2037 2270/1716 2077/1436 1893/1193 -1.5 1.7 0 -7.4 -21.5 -43.7
308 Win 150 gr. SST InterLock 2820/2648 2601/2252 2392/1905 2192/1601 2003/1336 1823/1107 -1.5 1.8 0 -7.9 -23.1 -47.0
weather shield
\\\\ I C O N ® we at h er s h i e l d T M R i f l e
Hogue Stock and Weather Shield Barrel
T h e I CO N W S ® d e l i v e r s a l l t h e a c c u r a c y p l u s t h e a d d e d p r o t e c t i o n o f
We a t h e r S h i e l d f o r t h e h a r s h e s t c o n d i t i o n s . T h e H o g u e T M r u b b e r o v e r - m o l d e d
c o m p o s i t e s t o c k a n d We a t h e r S h i e l d T M f i n i s h c a n w i t h s t a n d a n y t h i n g m o t h e r n a t u r e m a y t h r o w a t
t h e m a n d t h e o p t i o n o f R e a l t r e e ’s A P H D c a m o m a k e s t h e I CO N W S a n i d e a l c h o i c e f o r a n y h u n t e r.
5510 22-250 REM BLACK HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ " 44" 7 ½ LBS. 1:12
5512 243 WIN BLACK HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44" 7 ½ LBS. 1:09
5514 308 WIN BLACK HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44" 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
5543 6.5 CREEDMOOR BLACK HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44" 7 ½ LBS. 1:8
5516 30 TC BLACK HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44" 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
T/C searched the world for the most
5547 270 WIN BLACK HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ " 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
advanced, tough as nails, corrosion
protection system. Weather Shield® when 5548 30-06 SPRG BLACK HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
applied to the barrel and other critical metal 5549 300 WIN MAG BLACK HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
parts, make the gun nearly impervious to
rust. In vigorous environmental testing, 5518 308 WIN AP CAMO HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44" 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
Weather Shield® proved 50X more 5520 30 TC AP CAMO HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44" 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
corrosion resistent than stainless steel
alone. Available on ICON®, Triumph®, 5597 270 WIN AP CAMO HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
Triumph® Bone Collector™ and Omega®. 5598 30-06 SPRG AP CAMO HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
5599 300 WIN MAG AP CAMO HOGUE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ " 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
i c oN ® \\ W E AT H E R S H I E L D T M
i c o n ® \\ W E A T H E R S H I E L D T M
\\\\ I C O N ® we at h er s h i e l d T M R i f l e
RealtreeTM AP Camo Hogue Stock and Weather Shield Barrel
integra base bolt-lock bedding system
A better scope platform Load or unload with the safety The foundation for accuracy
\\\\ I C O N ® R i f l e W I T H U LT R AW OOD *
5528 .22-250 REM FIELD GRADE WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44” 7 ½ LBS. 1:12
5522 243 WIN FIELD GRADE WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44” 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
5524 308 WIN FIELD GRADE WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44” 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
5526 30 TC FIELD GRADE WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44” 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
5500 .22-250 REM ULTRA WOOD ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44” 7 ½ LBS. 1:12
5502 243 WIN ULTRA WOOD ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44” 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
5504 308 WIN ULTRA WOOD ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44” 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
5506 30 TC ULTRA WOOD ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44” 7 ½ LBS. 1:10
5503 6.5 CREEDMOOR ULTRA WOOD ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 44” 7 ½ LBS. 1:8
5540 270 WIN CLASSIC CHECKERED WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / FLOOR PLATE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:12
5569 280 REM CLASSIC CHECKERED WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / FLOOR PLATE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:09
5542 30-06 SPRG CLASSIC CHECKERED WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / FLOOR PLATE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
5546 7MM REM MAG CLASSIC CHECKERED WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / FLOOR PLATE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
5544 300 WIN MAG CLASSIC CHECKERED WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / FLOOR PLATE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
5570 338 WIN MAG CLASSIC CHECKERED WALNUT ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / FLOOR PLATE 13 ¾ ” 44 ¾ ” 7 ¾ LBS. 1:10
* Scope Not Included
i c oN ®
\\\\ I C O N ® FI E LD R i f l e
\\\\ I C O N ® C l a s s i c ™ R i f l e *
ultra WOOD ® trigger
Deman d in g s h o o t ers se a rc h th e wo r l d f o r th e m o s t accu r at e
r ifle t h e y c an fin d … th e y fi nd i t i n I CON ® . T his t r u e ®
A better scope platform Load or unload with the The foundation for accuracy Receiver machined from solid
safety ON barstock
\\\\ I C O N ® P R E C ISIO N H U N T E R ™ *
Laminate Stock with Laser Stippled Grips
T h omps on/ C e nte r d e l i ve r s th e ne x t l e vel o f accu r ac y in t he ICON ® Bol t -Act ion famil y w it h
t h e I CO N ® Pre ci s i on H u nte r T M . . . a p remiu m bu il t mediu m act ion v ar mint and p redat or r ifl e.
C er t ified to d e l i ve r s u b - m i nu te o f a ngl e accu r ac y r ight o u t of t he box, t he ICON Precision
Hu n t e r f e a t u re s a l l t h e s t a n d a rd I CON f eatures plus t wo f eatures - deep fluting and th e
C onve c t i on E n h a n c e m e n t S y s t e m t o keep the barrel cool f or long sessions at the benc h. The
I CO N Pre c i s i on H u n t e r. . . m e e t i n g t h e demands of var mint and predator hunters and pro vidin g
t h e h ig h e s t l e ve l o f accu r ac y, cons i ste nc y and rel iabil it y.
5580 .204 RUG BROWN LAMINATE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ " 41 ¾ " 8 LBS. 1:10
5581 .223 REM BROWN LAMINATE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 41 ¾ ” 8 LBS. 1:12
5582 .22-250 REM BROWN LAMINATE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 41 ¾ ” 8 LBS. 1:12
5583 .243 WIN BROWN LAMINATE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 41 ¾ ” 8 LBS. 1:10
5545 6.5 CREEDMOOR BROWN LAMINATE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 41 ¾ ” 8 LBS. 1:8
5586 308 WIN BROWN LAMINATE ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ¾ ” 41 ¾ ” 8 LBS. 1:10
i c oN ® \\ P R E CI S I O N H U N T E R
i c o n ® \\ P R E CI S I O N H U N T E R
Convection TACTICAL heavy fluted single shot
enhancement SYSTEM bolt handle barrel adapter
Ports and channels to move Tactical style for comfort and Disperses heat faster from Easy one shot feeding
heat out fast speed barrel
ORDER 1.800.243.4570
\\\\ I C O N ® wa r l o r d ® *
T h e c row n i n g j e we l i n t h e I CO N ® f a m i l y o f B o l t - Ac t i on r i f l e s i s t h e I CO N ® Wa r l o rd ® . W i t h s u p e r i o r
ac c u r ac y a n d T / C C u s t om S h o p q u a l i t y, t h e Wa r l o rd i s e q u a l l y s u p e r i o r on t h e t a r ge t r a n ge o r a s a
p re c i s i on t ac t i c a l r i f l e. Ut i l i z i n g T / C ’s Fo u n d a t i on f o r Ac c u r ac y a n d a h a n d - l a p p e d , s t a i n l e s s s t e e l
b a r re l w i t h 5 R r i f l i n g, Wa r l o rd i s c e r t i fi e d ½ M OA w h i c h i s t h re e s h o t s i n a ½ i n c h g ro u p a t 1 0 0 y a rd s .
T h e I CO N Wa r l o rd i s a v a i l a b l e t h ro u g h T / C ’s C u s t om S h o p w i t h s e ve r a l c o l o r o p t i on s f o r t h e s t o c k
a n d We a t h e r S h i e l d ® c o ve re d b a r re l . V i s i t w w w. TCA R M S. c om f o r m o re d e t a i l s o r c a l l 1 . 8 0 0 . 2 4 3 . 4 5 7 0
5560 .308 WIN MANNERS CARBON FIBER ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 5 OR 10 RND MAG 13 ½ ” 42” 12 ¾ LBS.
N/A .338 LAPUA MANNERS CARBON FIBER ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 5 OR 10 RND MAG 13 ½ " 48 1/2" 13 ¾ LBS
i c oN ® \\ War l ord ®
MOA - T / C ’s m a t c h g r a d e b a r r e l w i t h
5R rifling delivers certified half
M i n u t e o f A n g l e a c c u r a c y. . . 1 / 2 ”
groups or less at 100 yards with a
certified target in every box.
i c o n ® \\ W ar l ord ®
Stock color
Weather Shield color COLOR OPTIONS
OD Green
OD Green Flat Black
Flat Black Desert SandSand
Desert OD Green
OD Green Flat Black
Flat Black Sniper GrayGray
Sniper Desert SandSand
Weather Shield color
\\\\ T / C V E N t U R E ™ *
with Weaver® Style scope bases factory installed
T h e N e w T / C Ve n t u r e ™
is the most value-packed Bolt-
A c t i o n r i f l e a v a i l a b l e o n t h e m a r k e t t o d a y.
Designed to deliver top end quality and accuracy at an entr y level price,
t h e T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r Ve n t u r e f e a t u r e s a 5 R r i f l e d m a t c h g r a d e b a r r e l a n d m a t c h g r a d e
crown, adjustable precision trigger and a classic style composite stock that puts it in a class all
i t s o w n . A r u g g e d , r e l i a b l e t o o l f o r t h e o u t d o o r s m a n , t h e T / C Ve n t u r e f e a t u r e s T / C ’s r e n o w n e d i n n o v a t i o n ,
c r a f t s m a n s h i p a n d c u t t i n g e d g e b a r r e l t e c h n o l o g y. G u a r a n t e e d t o d e l i v e r M i n u t e o f a n g l e a c c u r a c y. . . 1 i n c h g r o u p s
at 100 yards.
5538 .204 RUG COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ " 41 ¾ " 7 LBS. 1:10
5539 .223 REM COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 41 ¾ ” 7 LBS. 1:12
NEW 5561 .22-250 REM COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 41 ¾ ” 7 LBS. 1:12
CALIBERS 5588 7MM-08 COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 41 ¾ ” 7 LBS. 1:9
5562 .243 WIN COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 41 ¾ ” 7 LBS. 1:10
5563 .308 WIN COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 41 ¾ ” 7 LBS. 1:10
2010 5564 30 TC COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 41 ¾ ” 7 LBS. 1:10
5565 .270 WIN COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 43 ½ " 7 LBS. 1:12
5566 30-06 SPRG COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 43 ½ ” 7 LBS. 1:10
5568 7MM REM MAG COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 43 ½ ” 7 LBS. 1:10
5567 .300 WIN MAG COMPOSITE w/ TRACTION PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 43 ½ ” 7 LBS. 1:10
T / C v e n ture ™
T / C v e n ture ™
For smooth operation and 5R rifling for superior For maximum scope clearance
RAISED traction
\\\\ T / C V E N T U R E ™ P R E DAT O R *
with Weaver® Style scope bases factory installed
I n t h e f i e l d , y o u ’r e t h e p r e d a t o r a n d t h e p r e y w i l l n e v e r s e e y o u c o m i n g . T h e Ve n t u r e ™
Pr e d a t o r t a k e s p r e d a t o r h u n t i n g t o t h e e x t r e m e - e x t r e m e a c c u r a c y, e x t r e m e c o n c e a l m e n t .
Fe a t u r i n g a 2 2 ” l i g h t f l u t e d b a r r e l a n d T / C ’s 5 R r i f l i n g , t h e a c c u r a c y i s u n m a t c h e d i n a
r i f l e p r i c e d s o a f f o r d a b l y. T h e b e l l s t y l e b o l t h a n d l e m a k e s f o r q u i c k , c o m f o r t a b l e f o l l o w
u p c y c l i n g a n d t h e n y l o n t h r e e r o u n d c l i p r e d u c e s w e i g h t i n t h e f i e l d . Ve n t u r e Pr e d a t o r
f e a t u r e s R e a l t r e e M a x 1 c a m o f o r t h e b e s t i n s e c l u s i o n t e c h n o l o g y. W i t h f e a t u r e s l i k e
t h i s , a n a f f o r d a b l e p r i c e a n d a n M OA g u a r a n t e e , t h e c o y o t e s d o n’t h a v e a c h a n c e .
5467 .204 RUG MAX 1 COMPOSITE w/ HOGUE PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 39 ¾ ” 6 ¾ LBS. 1:10
5469 .223 REM MAX 1 COMPOSITE w/ HOGUE PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 39 ¾ ” 6 ¾ LBS. 1:12
5468 .22-250 REM MAX 1 COMPOSITE w/ HOGUE PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 39 ¾ ” 6 ¾ LBS. 1:12
5470 .308 WIN MAX 1 COMPOSITE w/ HOGUE PANELS ADJ. 3.5 - 5 LBS. 3+1 / MAGAZINE 13 ½ ” 39 ¾ ” 6 ¾ LBS. 1:10
T / C v e n ture ™ \\ P redator
T / C v e n ture ™ \\ P R E D A T O R
Inlays PREDATOR CAMO Bolt Handle Trigger
Superior grip ultimate seclusion Quick cycling of rounds Adjusts between 3.5-5lbs
\\\\ E N C O R E ® P R O H U N T E R T M Xt
* with Endeavor barrel featuring Speed Breech XT
T h e r e a r e r e a s o n s t h a t t o d a y ’s
top professional hunters, like Jim
S h o c k e y, s h o o t o n l y T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r Pr o
H u n t e r r i f l e s a n d m u z z l e l o a d e r s ; a c c u r a c y, q u a l i t y
a n d r e l i a b i l i t y a r e j u s t a f e w. T h e y s t a k e t h e i r c a r e e r s o n h u n t i n g s u c c e s s
a n d t h e y c h o o s e t h e o n e g u n t h a t p e r f o r m s e v e r y t i m e . T h e Pr o H u n t e r f a m i l y o f
products is the finest crafted interchangeable system available - choose the caliber
y o u d e s i r e , w i t h t h e r e m o v a l o f t w o s c r e w s a n d o n e p i n ; s i m p l y c r e a t e a “n e w ” g u n
b y r e p l a c i n g t h e b a r r e l w i t h a n o t h e r c a l i b e r. P i s t o l , c e n t e r f i r e r i f l e , m u z z l e l o a d e r o r
s h o t g u n . . . E n c o r e ® Pr o H u n t e r T M i s t r u l y t h e g u n f o r a l l s e a s o n s .
pro hu n ter tm \\ s y stem
\\\\ E N C O R E ® P R O H U N T E R T M SL U G G U N B A R R E L
\\\\ E N C O R E ® P R O H U N T E R T M PIS T OL B A R R E L
\\\\ pro hu n ter tm X T M U ZZL E LOAD E R
* Featuring the Endeavor Barrel
5722 STAINLESS / BLACK .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 8 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 SPEED BREECH XT
5724 STAINLESS / AP CAMO .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 8 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 SPEED BREECH XT
3990 BLUE / FLEXTECH .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ " 8 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 SPEED BREECH
3995 BLUE / WALNUT .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 8 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 SPEED BREECH
3976 STAINLESS / FLEXTECH .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 8 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 SPEED BREECH
3974 STAINLESS / HWD FLEXTECH .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 8 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 SPEED BREECH
3978 STAINLESS / FLEXTECH THUMBHOLE .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 8 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 SPEED BREECH
3997 KATAHDIN STAINLESS / BLACK .50 209 PRIMER 20” 14” 34 ½ " 7 ¼ LBS. PEEP 1:28 SPEED BREECH
pro hu n ter tm \\ xt
T H E U L T I M AT E R I F L E f o r
\\\\ pro hu n ter tm center f i re
* Stainless, Fluted, 28”, Rifle Barrels in a Variety of Calibers
pro hu n ter tm \\ C E N T E R FI R E
T H E U L T I M AT E R I F L E f o r
\\\\ pro hu n ter tm T ur k e y Gun
In 12 and 20 Gauge with 3” chamber
3928 AP CAMO / FLEXTECH 12 GA 24” 14” 39 ¾ ” 6 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. T/C XTRA FULL
3931 AP CAMO / FLEXTECH 20 GA 26” 14” 41 ¾ ” 6 ¾ LBS. ADJ. F.O. T/C XTRA FULL
5672 MAX 1 CAMO / FLEXTECH .204 RUG 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 7 ¾ LBS. BASE INCL.
5670 MAX 1 CAMO / FLEXTECH .223 REM 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 7 ¾ LBS. BASE INCL.
5668 MAX 1 CAMO / FLEXTECH .22-250 REM 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 7 ¾ LBS. BASE INCL.
5666 MAX 1 CAMO / FLEXTECH .308 WIN 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 7 ¾ LBS. BASE INCL.
pro hu n ter tm \\ T U R K E Y
pro hu n ter tm \\ P R E D AT O R
\\\\ pro hu n ter tm s l u g g un
In 20 and 12 Gauge. 3” chambers
12Ga uses scope base # 9949. 20Ga uses standar d Encor e base #9907.
pro hu n ter tm \\ s l u g
RIFLED fluted
P R O H U N T E R tm S E R I E S \\ barre l s
\\\\ E N D E AV O R TM 2 8 ” M U ZZL E L O A D E R
Featuring Speed Breech XT
E NC O R E ® S E R I E S \\ barre l s
\\\\ 2 6 ” E n c ore ® 2 0 9 x 5 0 M a g n um M u z z l e l oade R
\\\\ E NC O R E tm 1 5 ” P I S T O L
\\\\ E N C O R E ® center f i re
Composite and SST. 26” drilled and tapped for scope mounts
e n c ore ® \\ c e n ter f i re
e n c ore ® \\ Ce n ter f i re
26” Barrel Stainless Steel with REALTREETM Hardwoods HD
Camo Composite Stock. Drilled and tapped for scope mounts.
\\\\ e n c ore ® 2 0 9 x 5 0 ma g n um
3842 BLUED / WALNUT .50 209 PRIMER 26” 14 ¾ ” 41 ¼ " 7 LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 THREADED
5886 SST / BLACK .50 209 PRIMER 26” 14” 40 ½ " 7 LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 THREADED
3929 ALL HWD CAMO .50 209 PRIMER 26” 14” 40 ½ ” 7 LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 THREADED
3873 STAINLESS / HWD CAMO .50 209 PRIMER 26” 14” 40 ½ ” 7 LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 THREADED
3967 STAINLESS / HWD CAMO THUMBHOLE .50 209 PRIMER 26” 14” 40 ½ ” 7 LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28 THREADED
e n c ore ® \\ mu z z l e l oaders
e n c ore ® \\ S H O T G U N S
take your best shot!
Long range handgun Accuracy
\\\\ 1 5 ” B arre l M ode l has never been so good!
Stainless Steel
value unequalled by any other. The Encore is a single shot “break open” style pistol that is capable of “minute of
angle” accuracy with interchangeable barrels. It features a patented (Patent #5680722) automatic hammer block
safety, with a bolt interlock and chambered for some of the most popular high performance rifle cartridges in this
country, capable of serious long range shooting. Whether a serious varmint hunter or big game hunter, if it’s the
thrill of handgun hunting that you are looking for, T/C’s Encore pistol will provide you with the handgun that
will do it all.
.45 / .410 models include
removable choke tube and wrench
Note: .45 Colt/.410 Barrels Are Not Of fered For Sale In Califor nia
e n c ore ® \\ P I S T O Ls
\\\\ P i sto l H u n ter ’ s Pa c k a g e
T/C’s Encore® Hunter’s Package provides the handgun hunter with a scoped Encore pistol ready for the field. The hassle of purchasing
a suitable scope mount, rings and a scope has been eliminated. All the hunter has to do is sight in his Encore and he’s ready to go. The
Hunter’s Package consists of a 15” barrel without iron sights, base and rings, 2.5X–7X variable Recoil Proof Pistol Scope and a rugged
soft carrying case that will also house extra barrels. The frame and barrel are blued; grip and forend are rugged black rubber.
No. 4964 22-250 Rem, Encore® Hunter’s Package with 15” barrel
No. 4960 270 Win, Encore® Hunter’s Package with 15” barrel
No. 4962 308 Win, Encore® Hunter’s Package with 15” barrel
P a c ka g e I n c l ud e s :
• 2.5x–7x Variable Scope with Rings and Bases
• Rugged Carrying Case
e n c ore ® \\ P I S T O L S
Rubber Grip
& Forend
All stocks and Forends fit every Encore,
Pro Hunter and Endeavor Frame
No. 7687
No. 7664
No. 6711 12 Gauge Camo Pro HunterTM FlexTech® REALTREE™ Hardwoods HD Camo No. 7682
No. 7683
No. 7593
No. 7708 Composite – Fits both 24” & 26” Centerfire rifle barrels
No. 7660 Composite – Fits Encore® Katahdin Carbine centerfire barrel No. 7567
No. 7701 Composite in REALTREE TM
Hardwoods HD Camo. Fits 24” & 26” rifle barrels
Hardwoods HD Camo, Muzzleloader Forend for Pro Hunter™
No. 7710
No. 7662 Walnut – Fits 209x45 and 209x50 muzzleloader barrels
No. 7710 Composite – Fits 209x45 and 209x50 muzzleloader barrel
No. 7149
No. 7149 Composite in REALTREE Hardwoods™ HD Camo. Fits Encore® 209x50 & 209x45 bbl
No. 7514 Composite Fits Pro Hunter™ Muzzleloader
No. 7592 Composite in REALTREE APTM Camo FlexTech® Rifle Forend, For Encore® Pro HunterTM No. 7662
No. 7946 Composite in Pink FlexTech Rifle Forend, For Encore Pro Hunter
® ® TM
No. 7946
e n c ore ® & P R O H U N T E R tm \\ sto c k s
\\\\ r i f l e , shot g u n & mu z z l e l oader B uttsto c k s
A Monte Carlo styled buttstock of American Black Walnut or Composite material, with pistol grip and pistol grip cap.
High comb positions the eye in direct alignment with scope for fast sighting. Ready to install.
No. 7722 Encore® Buttstock – Walnut Standard Length, 14” Pull
No. 7623 Encore® Buttstock – Walnut Bantam Length, 13¼” Pull
No. 7248 Encore® Thumbhole Buttstock – Composite, 14” Pull
No. 7251 Encore® Thumbhole Buttstock Composite with REALTREETM Hardwoods HD Camo, 14” Pull
No. 7803 Encore® Thumbhole Buttstock – Walnut, 14” Pull
No. 7706 Encore® Buttstock – Composite Standard Length, 14 3/8” Pull
No. 7146 Encore® Buttstock – Composite REALTREETM Hardwoods , 14” Pull
No. 7881 Pro HunterTM FlexTech® Thumbhole Stock REALTREETM Hardwoods, 14” Pull
No. 7883 Pro HunterTM FlexTech® Thumbhole Stock Black, 14 7/8” Pull
No. 7853 Pro HunterTM Stock, REALTREETM Hardwood, 14” Pull
No. 7879 Pro HunterTM FlexTech® Composite, 14 3/8” Pull
No. 7945
No. 7883 No. 7881
No. 7706
No. 7146
No. 7251
\\\\ B uttsto c k Cartr i d g e Carr i er
Especially suited for single shot rifles like the Encore and Contender, this cartridge
carrier is made of Bio-Flex® silicone which tolerates temperatures from -80˚ F to
300˚ F while still staying flexible. Soft material will not mar or scratch gun stocks and
Bio-Flex® is also resistant to the common elements of ozone, ultraviolet rays and
sunlight, so it does not crack or craze. Laces quickly onto your stock.
No. 7069 Small (01) 225 Win No. 7071 Med (02) 35 Remington 454 Casull 350 Rem Mag
17 Remington 25/35 Win 243 Rem 35 Whelen 6mm Remington 416 Remington
204 Ruger 357 Mag 25-06 Remington 356 Win 7mm Mauser 416 Rigby
22 Jet 6.8 Rem 257 Roberts 358 Winchester 7mm-08 Remington 45/70 Govt
22 PPC 6mm PPC 270 Winchester 375 H&H 300 H&H 450 Marlin
220 Swift 7.62 x 39 MM 280 Remington 375 JDJ 30 TC 7mm Rem Mag
221 Fireball 7-30 Waters 284 Win 375 Win
221 Remington 7mm TCU 300 Savage 38-55 Win No. 7165 Lg (03)
222 Rem Mag 22-250 30-06 Springfield 405 Win 264 Win Mag
222 Remington 250 Savage 7-30 Waters 444 Marlin 300 Win Mag
223 Rem 30/30 Win 308 Winchester 445 Super Mag 338 Win Mag
\\\\ T / C E NC O R E ® R IFL E C A S E W I T H
Full length soft case to accommodate the T/C Encore rifle with or
\\\\ r i f l e barre l c ase without scope. Side pouch holds one extra Encore barrel - scoped
or not. Great for taking your Encore system to the range or on your
This case fits EncoreTM and Contender® rifle barrels. next hunt. Rugged construction
Made of vinyl with tricot lining and a velcro closure. and thoroughly padded
to provide excellent
No. 7490
protection. Embellished
with the T/C logo.
e n c ore ® \\ a c c essor i es
\\\\ R E A LT R E E T M A P T / C S LING
Camo faced sling with easy screw swivels and neoprene grip design
High quality leather faced sling with embroidered T/C logo and quick
No. 7587
detach swivels.
No. 7584
e n c ore ® \\ A c c essor i es
\\\\ E n c ore B arre l
R emo va l T oo l
This multi-use tool allows you to easily
interchange your barrels. Simply unscrew
the forend and then knock out the hinge pin.
No. 7503
\\\\ E n c ore A djustab l e H ING E P IN
Easily adjustable hinge pin for increased accuracy
on big bore models.
No. 7010
\\\\ E NC O R E ® P R O H U N T E R FI E L D
A pocket-sized breech plug wrench that
the shooter can carry in the field. Quickly
removes the Speed Breech. Smaller and
easier to carry than standard wrench.
No. 7727
No. 7521 Standard Pro Hunter Wrench
G 2 c o n te n der ®
G 2 c o n te n der ®
Since t h e first Contender ® pistol was made in 1967, the Contender® has been
the choice of serious handgun hunters throughout the world. The reputation this pistol has achieved in terms of its versatility,
“minute of angle” accuracy and proven long range performance is unquestioned. When demanding hunters and IHMSA target
shooters wanted a handgun that would perform, they chose the Contender®. Now, 43 years later, the second generation
Contender pistol emerges and it only got better.
Maintaining t h e same barrel interchangeability, the same time-proven long range accuracy
and the same adaptability of converting to rimfire or centerfire, the new G2 Contender® has added some features which make
it even more user-friendly in the field. In addition, the grip, frame and forend have been profiled and sculpted for a more modern
and streamlined appearance. Size and weight remained approximately the same, adding less than 1/10th of a pound to the frame
assembly. The G2 Contender pistol and rifle have become the choice of women and youth hunters based on this styling.
check local and state laws for rifle and pistol conversions
* Scope Not Included
\\\\ g 2 c o n te n der ® r i f l e
23” Barrel, Stainless/Composite, Drilled and Tapped for scope mount
\\\\ G 2 Co n te n der ® P I S T O L
12” Barrel Model
G 2 c o n te n der ® r i f l es
G 2 c o n te n der ®
G 2 c o n te n der ® p i sto l s
\\\\ 1 2 ” R i bbed B arrel M odel \\\\ 1 4 ” Ri bbed Barrel Mode l
Blued Finish only in .45 Colt / 410 Ga. Blued Finish only in .45 Colt / 410 Ga.
with Internal Choke and Bead Sight with Internal Choke and Bead Sight,
SST Also Available
Available in 12” and 14”. See page 72 for Selection All Contender® Barrels will fit on the G2 Frame * Scope Not Included
G 2 c o n te n der
f rames & sto c k s
\\\\ g2 RIFLE FRAMEs with stock & forend
No. 8770 G2 Contender® Rifle Frame, Stainless, Composite
No. 8720 G2 Contender ® Rifle Frame, Blued, Walnut
pro hu n ter jour n a l
f eatur i n g l arry we i shuh n
G 2 c o n te n der ®
“What you planning on doing with that thing?” questioned the outfitter/guide as I reached in my gun case and
pulled out my 30-06 T/C Encore pistol. I simply grinned and asked him if I might make a quick trip to the range
to make certain airline baggage handlers had failed. After setting up a target at 100 yards I made a hasty soft
rest out of my hunting coat, peered through the Nikon Monarch scope and when the sight picture looked good
gently tugged the trigger. “Dead in line and about 1 ½ inches high,” came the report from the guide seated next
to me.
I broke open the action, extracted the spent case and replaced it with a fresh 168 grain Winchester Ballistic
Silvertip, closed the action and fired a second shot. “Almost the same hole,” I heard the spotter say. I loaded
another Winchester round and then fired a third shot. “You either missed the entire target or put into one of
the first two holes.” A slowly walked 100 yards down range and I noted the second and third shot had simply
enlarged the first thirty caliber bullet hole. I was ready to go hunting.
Are T/C Encore handguns accurate? Many Encore pistols chambered in rifle rounds will shoot more accurately
than longer barreled rifles chambered in the same round (at least with me pulling the trigger). Add the fact
Encore pistols are a whole lot easier and lighter to carry than rifles. That combination makes the Encore pistol (or
for that matter G2 Contender pistol) fantastic hunting guns.
Over the years I’ve used both Contender and Encore pistols throughout the states, as well as in South Africa.
I’ve used them on antelope, big bears, moose, elk, caribou, pronghor n, mule deer and whole lot of big white-
tailed deer. My favorite whitetail combination is an Encore pistol chambered in either a .30-06 or .308. Now that
I reflect on it; I’ve also shot a few whitetails with the .44 Mag, .454 Casull, .460 S&W Mag and .500 S&W Mag,
among numerous others. All my hunting handguns are topped with scopes, mostly variables. Even though I often
use variable with power ring settings up to 7X or beyond, I seldom if ever crank them beyond 5X or 6X, unless
making a shot well over 200 yards.
When it comes to whitetails I’ve been extremely fortunate, during the last three years I’ve taken three bucks that
gross score over 200, two typicals and one non-typical with two drop-tines. I shot these three bucks with three
dif ferent calibers from my Encore; the first with a .460 S&W Mag, the second with a .308 Win and the most recent
with my old favorite, a 30-06.
Regardless of your choice of T/C pistols; an Encore or a G2 Contender.. practice a bunch, get a good rest and
spend time in the field… those are the keys to handgun hunting success!
T / C ’ s mu z z l e l oader c ate g or i es
mu z z l e l oaders
Another T/C technology that all T/C muzzleloaders come with is the patented QLA... Quick Load
Accurizor. QLA makes loading simple and fast. Unlike other muzzleloaders, QLA allows the hunter
mu z z l e l oaders
or shooter to quickly and easily load their muzzleloader by incorporating a false muzzle design into
the end of the barrel. In the midst of the hunt T/C technology’s QLA can help save you precious time
when loading that second shot . -Standar d on all T/C Muzzleloaders
T/C searched the world for the most advanced, tough as nails, corrosion protection system.
Weather Shield® when applied to the barrel and other critical metal parts, make the gun nearly
impervious to rust. In vigorous environmental testing, Weather Shield proved 50X more
corrosion resistent than stainless steel alone. -Standar d on ICON ® , Triumph ® , Triumph ® Bone
Collector™, Omega™ and NorthWest Explor er™.
The Patented Speed Breech XT has revolutionized modern muzzleloaders and made T/C muzzleloaders
the easiest to clean. Simply turn 90 degrees by hand and pull it out - It’s that fast! Speed Breech XT
eliminates 95% of the fouling thanks to 3 gas compression rings similar to those found on a piston in a
gas engine. The Speed Breech XT also does not get seized like other breech designs due to its unique
opposing series of locking lugs which are similar to those found on a Howitzer cannon. It is practical
innovations like this that helps to take the work out of the hunt. -Speed Br eech XT is standar d on
Triumph ® , Triumph ® Bone Collector™ and Pr o Hunter™ XT.
T/C’s Power Rod is a patented pivoting handle that is integrated with a solid aluminum ramrod.
With a convenient low profile T-handle, loading your muzzleloader is quicker and less painful
than ever. -The Power Rod ® comes standar d on the Triumph ® Bone Collector™ and is
also available as a T/C Authentic Accessory.
\\\\ T R I U M PH ® B O N E C OLL E C T O R ™
Bone Collector™ in REALTREE AP Camo
mu z z l e l oaders \\ B O N E C O LL E C T O R
bone collectors \\
mu z z l e l oaders \\ B O N E C O LL E C T O R
m i c hae l wadde l l , n i c k mu n dt
& trav i s “ t- bo n e ” tur n er
Hammer ®
Reversible Hammer 28” Fluted Weather Shield® Barrel QLA® Muzzle System
Extension Fiber Optic Sights
Speed Breech XT™
Power Rod®
Weather Shield® Receiver
\\\\ T R I U M PH ®
*No. 8512 Triumph® .50 Cal, Weather ShieldTM Barrel
and Receiver, REALTREETM AP Camo Stock, Includes fiber optic sights
8503 BLUED/BLACK .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 6 ½ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8504 WEATHER SHIELD/AP CAMO BARREL .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 6 ½ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8511 WEATHER SHIELD/BLACK .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 6 ½ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8512 WEATHER SHIELD/AP CAMO .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42 ½ ” 6 ½ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
mu z z l e l oaders \\ T R I U M P H ®
mu z z l e l oaders \\ T R I U M P H ®
\\\\ O M E GA ™
No. 8993 Omega™, .50 caliber, 28” Round Barrel, 209 Primer Ignition, Fluted Stainless
Steel Barrel with Thumbhole Composite REALTREE™ Hardwoods HD Camo Stock
O m e g a’s ™ s l e e k p r o f i l e a n d “s e a l e d p i v o t i n g b r e e c h” l e v e r a c t i o n d e s i g n m a k e t h i s m u z z l e l o a d e r o n e o f t h e
s i m p l e s t o n t h e m a r k e t … S i m p l e t o o p e r a t e ; S i m p l e t o c l e a n . T h e O m e g a’s u n i q u e a c t i o n o p e r a t e s b y u s i n g
the for ward motion of the trigger guard lever to pivot the breech block downward, allowing easy access to
the 209 primer pocket. This closed breech design seals the 209 primer away f rom rain, snow or sleet. The
patented hammer and trigger mechanism permits the hammer to make contact with the firing pin only when
the trigger is pulled fully rear ward. Accurate, Simple and Reliable...Omega delivers them all.
8924 STAINLESS/BLACK .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8928 STAINLESS/HWD CAMO .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8991 STAINLESS FLTD/BLK THUMBHOLE .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8926 STAINLESS/GREY LAMINATE .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8993 STAINLESS FLTD/HWD THUMBHOLE .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8913 STAINLESS/FLTD/GREY LAM. THUMBHOLE .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
mu z z l e l oaders \\ O M E G A T M
mu z z l e l oaders \\ O M E G A T M
No. 8993 Omega™, .50 caliber, 28” Round Barrel,
209 Primer Ignition, Fluted Stainless Steel Barrel
with Thumbhole Composite REALTREE™ Hardwoods
HD Camo Stock
\\\\ O M E GA ™
*No. 8865 Omega™ Z5, Weather ShieldTM .50 caliber,
Composite Stock
8898 BLUED/BLACK .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8886 BLUED/BLACK (STARTER KIT) .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8865 WEATHER SHIELD/BLACK .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
8864 WEATHER SHIELD/HWD CAMO .50 209 PRIMER 28” 14” 42” 7 ¼ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
mu z z l e l oaders \\ O M E G A T M
mu z z l e l oaders \\ O M E G A T M
\\\\ O me g a ™ Z 5 P rem i um Pa c k
The Z5 Premium Pack contains the basic
accessories you need to get started in
the sport of muzzleloading. Contents:
(1) Extended Super Jag. (1) Breech plug
wrench. (1) Composite T-handle. (1) 4oz.
Bottle of #13 bore cleaner. (1) ¾ oz. Natural
Lube 1000+. (20) Cleaning Patches. (1)
Super Lube grease. (1) Flex Loader™. (10)
Shockwave™ bullets. No. 8886
\\\\ Im pa ct
*No. 6680 Composite and Blued Barrel
MSRP $249 for Black/Blue model
6680 BLUED / BLACK .50 209 PRIMER 26” ADJ. 12 ½ " - 13 ½ “ 41 ½ “ 6 ½ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
6681 BLUED / CAMO .50 209 PRIMER 26” ADJ. 12 ½ ” - 13 ½ “ 41 ½ “ 6 ½ LBS. ADJ. F.O. 1:28
mu z z l e l oaders \\ IMPACT
mu z z l e l oaders \\ I M P A C T
\\\\ Im pa ct M U ZZL E LOAD E R
No. 6681 Camo and Blued Barrel
Factory installed quality Easy opening for right or left Removes quickly- won’t seize Perfect for smaller shooters-
handers room to grow!
\\\\ N o rt h we s t e x p l o rer ™
Composite and Weather Shield®
8795 BLUED/BLACK .50 #11 CAP 28” 14” 42” 7 LBS. ADJ. 1:48
8796 WEATHER SHIELD/BLACK .50 #11 CAP 28” 14” 42” 7 LBS. ADJ. 1:48
8797 WEATHER SHIELD/HWD CAMO .50 #11 CAP 28” 14” 42” 7 LBS. ADJ. 1:48
muzzleloaders \\ NORTHWEST EXPLORER ™
mu z z l e l oaders \\ N O R T H W E S T E X P L O R E R ™
REALTREETM Hardwoods Camo Stock, Weather ShieldTM Barrel
\\\\ H aw k en T M
HawkenTM Flint Lock Rifle, .50 cal.
\\\\ F i re s t o rm T M
.50 cal. Fire StormTM, Flint Lock, SST with Composite Stock
T R A D I T I O N A L mu z z l e l oaders
a P REMI UM q ualit y american made muzzleloading rifle
In .50 Caliber Cap Lock or .50 Caliber Flint Lock
Undoubtedly the most copied rifle in the history of firearms, the T/C HawkenTM was designed for the American shooter. This is a top
quality firearm—every bit as fine as the one your great, great granddaddy carried across his saddle pommel or packed along on the
wagon train. It captures the romance of the original but it is manufactured to standards of quality control that were unheard of in
the early 1800’s. The proper use of the investment casting, improved methods of hardening parts and deep hole drilling, the use
of continuous Magnaflux process to guard against imperfections in the steel itself coupled to our constant attention to min./max.
tolerances is what allows us to offer a lifetime Warranty! We manufacture the finest quality muzzleloading firearms available.
T R A D I T I O N A L mu z z l e l oaders
5024 BLUED/WALNUT .50 CAP LOCK 28" 13 ½" 45 ¼" 8 ½ LBS. 1:48
reliable Ignition
the “fire storm” positive Ignition
Designed specifically for ultra-reliable ignition with modern Pyrodex®
The Fir e Stor m’s Pellets, the Fire StormTM also has a removable breech plug for easy
r emovable br eech plug cleaning from either the breech end or the muzzle.
with the “Pyr odex The Fire Storm’s massive recoil lug assures solid and consistent barrel
Pyramid” dir ects the lock up for repeatable accuracy and the all steel click adjustable fiber
ignition fir e 360˚ ar ound optic sights aid in precise sight alignment in low light conditions.
the base of the pellet. As
the pellets move forwar d, features
the flame is drawn up
thr ough the center of the
• St eel Fiber O pt ic Sig h t s
pellets, cr eating a “fir e
stor m” in the br eech for • Mag n u m Capabilit ies
r eliable ignition! • 1 in 48” Twis t fo r Co n icals
5152 BLUED/BLACK .50 FLINT LOCK 26" 14" 41 ¾" 7 ¼ LBS. 1:48
\\\\ HO T SHO T T M
.22LR, Composite Stock in RealTree AP Camo, Blued Barrel
42 1/2”
G e t k i d s s t a r t e d r i g h t w i t h t h e n e w H o t S h o t TM . 2 2 c a l i b e r f r o m T h o m p s o n /
C e n t e r. W i t h s t y l i z e d l o o k s o f o u r f a m o u s Pr o H u n t e r, H o t S h o t h a s a l l t h e
f e a t u r e s y o u n g s h o o t e r s n e e d a n d t h e c o o l l o o k s o f d a d ’s h u n t i n g g u n . S a f e t y
i s p a r a m o u n t a n d H o t S h o t b y d e s i g n i s a l w a y s “o n s a f e ” u n t i l t h e h a m m e r i s
cocked. This single shot .22 features a T/C precision barrel and peep site so
accuracy and easy target acquisition make for an enjoyable day of plinking.
Choose f rom black/blue or Realtree® AP Camo models. Drilled and tapped for
\\\\ HO T SHO T T M
.22 LR Cal. Black Composite, Blued Barrel
\\\\ HO T SHO T T M
.22LR Cal. in Pink RealTree AP Camo and Blued Barrel
HotShot is always on safe until Simple to use for young Accuracy equals fun!
hammer is cocked shooters
HOTSHOT™ is not a toy and must be used under adult supervision and with eye and ear protection specified for use with firearms at all times.
the world ’ s finest rimfire rifle S
\\\\ R 5 5 ® SPO R T E R
.22 LR Cal. Sporter Blued with Laminated Stock
T/C’s R-55® is not you’re everyday plinking gun. Featuring a 20” match grade barrel with target crown threaded into the
receiver, the R-55 attains maximum rigidity and “tack driving” accuracy. The fully adjustable fiber optic rear sight and ramp style
fiber optic front sight are easily picked up even in low light conditions. The R-55 loads from a detachable 5-shot magazine, with
the magazine release forward of the trigger guard for easy operation. The manual thumb safety is located on the right side of the
receiver for convenient access. The superb balance and handling characteristics of the R-55 coupled with its pinpoint accuracy,
make it highly suitable for serious target shooters, plinkers, or hunters. Drilled and tapped to accept Weaver style scope mounts.
Choose from the R-55 Sporter with laminated wood stock, stainless/composite or blued/composite.
6893 BLUED / BLACK .22 LR 20" 13 ¾" 37 ½" 6 ¼ LBS. ADJ. 5 ROUND
\\\\ T H E R - 5 5 ®
.22 LR Cal. Blued Finish with Composite Stock
\\\\ r - 5 5 ® a l l weather
.22 LR Cal. All Weather Stainless with Composite Stock
OPTIONAL 10 5 round
round magazine magazine
big selection for
smaller shooters!
\\\\ HO T SHO T T M
.22LR, Composite Stock in Black, RealTree AP Camo,
or Pink RealTree AP Camo
sma l l shooters
sma l l shooters
\\\\ G 2 Co n te n der r i f l e
Blued Finish, Adjustable Sights
\\\\ G 2 C O N T E N D E R P I S T O L
14” Barrel, Blued Finish, Adjustable Sights
\\\\ r - 5 5 ® a l l weather
.22 LR Cal. All Weather Stainless with Composite Stock
17HMR 4862 - 4286 4796 - 1799
22LR 4860 - 4278 4797 - 1685
204 Ruger 4801 4907 - 4864 1775 (26”) -
22 Hornet - - - - - 1767
223 Rem 4813 4968 4917 4866 1543 1758
22-250 Rem 4805 4998 4919 4868 1557 1756
243 Win 4817 - 4999 4869 - 1760
6.8 Rem - - - - 1503 -
25-06 Rem 4819 4914 4911 4877 1547 1765
270 Win 4823 - 4226 4880 - 1762
280 Rem 4829 - 4213 4883 - 1768
7mm-08 Rem 4859 - 4990 4871 - 1754
7mm Rem Mag 4857 4921 - 4890 1551 -
30TC 4854 - - 4897 - -
308 Marlin 4856 - - 4799 - -
30-06 SPFD 4831 4936 4996 4888 1507 1752
300 Win 4833 4923 - 4891 1553 -
308 Win 4839 4934 4992 4874 1505 1750
338 Win Mag 4847 - - 4892 - -
338 Federal 4852 - - 4895 - -
375 H&H Mag 4853 - - 4893 4229 (26”) -
416 Rigby 4855 - - 4894 - -
45-70 Govt 4804 (20") - 4995 - - 1766
460 S&W 4812 (20") - - - - -
500 S&W 4814 (20") - - - - -
20Ga Rifled 4822 - - 4788 4234 (26”) -
20 Ga Smooth Bore - - - - 6270 (V/R) (26”) -
6201 (Hardwoods)
20 Ga Turkey - - - - -
12Ga Rifled 4824 - - 4787 - 4239
12 Ga Smooth Bore - - - - 4211 (V/R) 1753
12 Ga Turkey - - - - - 6206 (Hardwoods)
209x50 Endeavor 4750 - - 4751 - -
209x50 Pro Hunter 4932(28")/4800 (20") - - 4789 - -
209x50 Encore - 4986 - - 6260 -
209x50 Hardwoods - - - - 4939 (Hardwoods) -
c harts
c harts
375 H&H Mag 5659 5661 5640 5638 - -
416 Rigby 5663 5665 5695 5693 - -
45/70 Govt. - - - - 3993 -
460 S&W - - - - 3996 -
500 S&W - - - - 3998 -
PH 209x50 3976 3974 3978 3964 3997 3990
PH XT 209x50 5722 5724 (AP CAMO) - - - -
20Ga Rifled 4297 - - - - -
3928 (All AP
12ga Turkey (AP) - - - - -
12Ga Rifled 4299 - - - - -
26” 26” 24” 24” 26” Blued / 26” Blued / 26” Blued / 24” Blued / 24” BLUED / 24” Blued /
CALIBER Stainless / Stainless / Stainless / Stainless / ComPOSITE Hwd CAMO WALNUT COMPOSITE WALNUT Hwd Camo
204 Ruger 5819 5842 - - 3920 3607 3930 - - -
22 Hornet - - - - - - - 3853 3851 3505
22-250 5898 5846 5823 5808 5930 3601 3627 3858 3508 3501
223 Rem 5943 5844 5821 5810 5926 3609 3603 3817 3512 3517
243 Win - - 5861 5812 - - - 3836 3514 3519
6.8 Rem - - - - 5903 3614 3606 - - -
25-06 Rem 5828 5848 5826 5814 5928 3612 3605 3849 3857 3507
270 Win - - 5824 5816 - - - 3838 3516 3521
280 Rem - - 5887 5825 - - - 3794 3522 3523
- - 5890 5830 - - - 3815 3506 3525
7mm Rem 5827 5855 - - 5922 3616 3621 - - -
30-06 Sprg 5813 5860 5863 5836 5907 3620 3617 3798 3504 3529
300 Win
5829 5862 - - 5924 3624 3623 - - -
308 Win 5806 5857 5892 5834 5905 3618 3608 3796 3502 3527
375 H&H - 5867 - - 3909 3628 3906 - - -
45/70 Govt - - 5859 5838 - - - 3792 3520 3531
209x50 - 3873 5886 - - 3842 - - -
- 3967 - - - - - - - -
c harts
c harts
460 S&W - 4944 - - 1772 -
45/70 GOVT - - - - 1734 -
500 S&W - 4942 - - 1730 -
12” BluED / Walnut 14” Stainless / 23” Stainless /
CALIBER 12” Blued / Walnut
w/Sights Rubber
23” Blued / Walnut
22 Hornet - 3554 - - -
CALIBER 23” Stainless 14” Stainless 23” Blued 14” Blued 12” Blued
17 HMR 4247 4251 4210 4462 -
22 LR Match 4261 4218 4220 4531 4048
22 Hornet - - - 4409 -
204 Ruger 4259 - 4246 4418 -
223 Rem 4263 4203 4224 4405 -
6.8 Rem - - 4202 4513 -
7-30 Waters 4273 - 4275 4527 -
30-30 Win 4266 4205 4228 4502 -
357 Rem Mag - - - - 4040
44 Rem Mag - 4222 - 4508 4042
45Colt/410 Rib - 4219 - 4547 4044
45/70 Govt 4271 - 4230 4107 -
c harts
ENCORE / PRO HUNTER / G2 // FRAMES - frames include frame, rifle forend & butt stock
FRAMES Pro Hunter Camo Pro Hunter Black Pro Hunter Walnut Encore Camo Encore Black Encore Walnut
Stainless Rifle 1875 1870 - 1803 6288 -
Blued Rifle - 1887 1918 - 1808 1804
Stainless TH 1883 1885 - - - -
Stainless Pistol - 1876 - - 1842 -
Blued Pistol - 1920 - - - 1806
G2 Frame Assemblies Composite Walnut
Pistol 8750 8700
Rifle 8770 8720
c harts
12GA Forend 6711 6011 - 7683 7682 7593
20GA Forend 6713 6013 - 7880 7687 7664
Pistol Forend - - - - 7654 7702
Pistol Grip - - - - 7652 7720
Buttstock 7853(HW)7589(AP) 7879 7945 7706 7146 7722
Buttstock TH 7881 7883 - 7251 7248 7803
Bantam (12 1/2 LOP) - - - - - 7623
ORDER 1.800.243.4570
\\\\ I C O N ® we at h er s h i e l d T M R i f l e
with Fancy Grade Walnut and a High Gloss Finish
T/C Custom S hop takes the ultr a-accur ate ICON to the next le vel of beaut y! Combining the good looks of our
Gr ay Weather S hield with the elegance of r ic h, high gloss walnut makes this a tr ul y unique col lector ’s piece.
Av a i l a b l e i n : . 3 0 8 W i n , 3 0 T / C , . 2 4 3 W i n , . 2 2 / 2 5 0 , 6 . 5 C r e e d m o o r, . 2 7 0 W i n , 3 0 - 0 6 , . 3 0 0 W i n M a g
\\\\ I C O N ® we at h er s h i e l d T M R i f l e
in Tactical Gray Weather Shield with Hogue® Stock
Fe a t u r i n g o u r t o u g h - a s - n a i l s We a t h e r S h i e l d T M i n t h e s n i p e r g r a y t o n e s g i v e s t h i s I CO N i t s d i s t i n c t l o o k s .
The Hogue overmolded stock provides a sure grip rubberized surface over a tough carbon fiber shell. This is
the perfect rifle for your next sheep hunt or wherever the weather and terrain are tough.
Available in: .308 Win, 30 T/C, .243 Win, .22/250, 6.5 Cr eedmoor, .270 Win, 30-06, .300 Win Mag
c ustom shop
\\\\ E N C O R E ™ r i f l e
with Color Cased Frame and Fancy Walnut.
c ustom shop
R i c h w a l n u t a n d d e e p c o l o r i n g o f t h i s E n c o r e ’s c o l o r e d c a s e f r a m e g i v e t h i s c a r b i n e r i f l e a t r u l y u n i q u e
look that will have the others talking. This beautiful package features a 22” barrel in four different barrel
options to choose f rom.
Available in these calibers in 22” carbine length: 6.5 Cr eedmoor, .22/250, .223 Rem, .204 Ruger
T h e c o m p l e t e E n c o r e Pr o H u n t e r p a c k a g e r e a d y t o h i t t h e f i e l d o r r a n g e . E x p e r t l y m a t c h e d ; t h i s s t a i n l e s s
s t e e l f r a m e c o m e s w i t h a 1 5 ” s t a i n l e s s b a r r e l s i n 6 . 5 C r e e d m o o r a n d . 4 5 / 4 1 0 Ve n t r i b b a r r e l . To g e t h e r w i t h
the black rubber grip and forend, this all in one package is ready to hunt. The combination package includes
our T/C Logo case.
P a c k a g e I n c l u d e s : 6 . 5 C r e e d m o o r, 1 5 ” S S T. B a r r e l , . 4 5 C o l t / 4 1 0 1 5 ” S S T. B a r r e l , P i s t o l C a s e
\\\\ R E C O IL - P R O O F ™ S C O P E S a c c essor i es
Thompson Centers Recoil Proof Pistol Scope is redesigned to withstand
the rigors of heavy recoil produced from firing heavy Centerfire Rifle
Cartridges in the Contender® and Encore®.
Features :
Centerplex Reticle - Centerplex Reticles have a bold outer section for fast
alignment on targets up close or in dense cover where light might be low.
Objective Objective Bell Outside Field of View at Main Tube Maximum Adjustment at Click Value at 100 Crosshair Coverage
Power Eye Relief Length Weight
Apperature Diameter 100 Yards Diameter 100 Yards Yards at 100 Yards
\\\\ H aw k e n H u n ter ™
Thompson Centers Harken Hunter™ is offered in a selection
of power to meet the demands of rifle and muzzleloader
No. 8652
hunters. Offered in a silver or matte black glare free finish
Matte Black Finish
with 32 or 40mm objectives for maximum light gathering
3X-9X Variable
a c c essor i es
Objective Objective Bell Outside Field of View at Eye Main Tube Maximum Adjustment at Click Value at 100 Crosshair Coverage
Power Length Weight
Apperature Diameter 100 Yards Relief Diameter 100 Yards Yards at 100 Yards
No. 8658 1X 32mm 1 9/16” 60’ 3.8” 1” 9 2/5” 10.2 oz. ±25” ¼” 1¾”
36.5’ on 3X 1” on 3X
No. 8652 3X–9X 40mm WA 1 7/8” 3” 1” 12 5/8” 13.5 oz. ±25” ¼”
13.5’ on 9X 1/3” on 9X
A premium spire point projectile for muzzleloaders that will penetrate
tough hide and bone with no separation of core and jacket. The bonded
A spire point projectile for muzzleloaders that will penetrate
Shock Wave® Bullets will deliver deep penetration and a destructive wound
tough hide and bone with no separation of core and jacket. The
channel, no matter what the range, and with expansion that is over twice the
bonded Shock Wave® Bullets will deliver deep penetration and a
original diameter. The bonded core and thicker jacket means this bullet will
destructive wound channel, no matter what the range, and with
stay together when driven through the shoulders of deer, and even heavier
expansion that is over twice the original diameter. The bonded
game like elk, moose or bear. Comes with Super Glide™ Sabots for easy
core and thicker jacket means this bullet will stay together when
driven through the shoulders of deer, and even heavier game
Catalog # Caliber Grain Quantity like elk, moose or bear. Comes with the Mag Express® Sabots for
No. 8245 .50 bonded 250 15 precision accuracy.
No. 8235 .50 bonded 300 15
The Shock Wave® is a new spire point bullet with polymer tip specifically
designed as a muzzleloading projectile. T/C’s Shock Wave® incorporates
modern technology previously only applied to centerfire rifle bullets. The
Shock Wave® is as advanced as today’s muzzleloaders and their propellants.
The polymer tip of the Shock Wave® bullet does double duty; it increases the
Ballistic Coefficient for sustained high velocity down range, and it punches
into the pocket to open up the nose cone for fast expansion. Comes with
Super Glide™ Sabots for easy loading. The Shock Wave® is a precision spire point bullet with a
Catalog # Caliber Grain Quantity polymer tip specifically designed as a muzzleloading projectile.
No. 8208 .50 250 15
T/C’s Shock Wave® incorporates modern technology previously
No. 8215 .50 300 15
applied only to centerfire rifle bullets. The Shock Wave® is as
advanced as today’s muzzleloaders and their propellants. The
Polymer Tip Spire Point for excellent Ballistic Coefficient polymer tip of the Shock Wave® bullet does double duty; it
(.240 for 250 grain bullet) increases the Ballistic Coefficient for sustained high velocity
Tapered jacket for controlled expansion
down range, and it punches into the pocket to open up the
nose cone for fast expansion.
Thicker copper jacket at the base to withstand
magnum pressures without deforming the bullet The result; 3˝ less drop at 200 yards, and devastating energy
at velocities between 1,000 ft/sec & 2,200 ft/sec. The Shock
Cutaway Wave® has a harder lead core with walls interlocked with the
View of a jacket for maximum weight retention and expansion. Pick the
The Shock Wave Bullet has a Shockwave bullet that will come up to the standards of your muzzleloader.
harder lead core with thicker Bullet
Comes with the Mag Express® Sabots for precision accuracy.
walls interlocked for maximum
expansion and weight retention.
This means deep penetration at
extended ranges and maximum Catalog # Caliber Grain Qty/Pkg
down range energy.
No. 8244 .45 200 15
No. 8238 .50 200 15
No. 8242 .50 250 15
No. 8236 .50 250 30
No. 8230 .50 300 15
T/C’s Copper Crusher Bullets T/C’s Super 45 XR Sabots provide magnum performance with
The 100% copper bullets feature a centerfire weight bullets without the punishing recoil. The 180 gr.
polymer tip that increases expansion centerfire weight bullets have a flatter trajectory because of increased
and a high ballistic coefficient for better velocity while also providing deep penetration and nearly 2 times the
long range performance. The Copper Crusher expansion of the bullet’s original diameter. Super 45 XR Sabots provide
is able to expand at any range, creating six superior accuracy at both standard and hyper velocities.• Superior
razor-edge cutting petals for maximum knock down power. accuracy at both standard and hyper velocities. Devastating at long
Copper Crusher™ is ideal for use in “lead-free” states. ranges • Driving penetration on the largest of game.
No. 8331 For .50 cal. muzzleloaders, Pkg of 15 No. 7767 For .45 cal. rifles, 180 gr. XTP™ Bullet, Pkg of 30
a c c essor i es \\ M U ZZL E L O A D E R P R O J E C T IL E S
T/C’s XTP™ bullets, known for their tremendous expansion, T/C Cheap Shot™ Sabot Bullets offer the hunter a more economical
are the choice for any big game animals. They offer superior alternative to the jacketed bullets that are available. The all-lead
performance with conventional charges, or magnum charges 240gr. hollow point bullet provides the shooter with the same basic
of up to 150 grains of black powder or Pyrodex® equivalent (or ballistics and trajectory. A muzzleloader sighted in with 240gr.
3 Pyrodex® Pellets). Comes with the Mag Express® Sabots for jacketed bullets will be “right on” with T/C’s Cheap Shot™ Sabot
precision accuracy. Bullets. Point of impact will be the same. These bullets are ideal for
the hunter who does a lot of pre-season practice, or the hunter who
prefers an all lead projectile (or is required by law to use one). The
Catalog # Caliber Grain Quantity
deep hollow point cavity provides maximum expansion and down
No. 8246 .50 240 gr. XTP Bullet 30
range energy transfer... at a fraction of the cost.
No. 8294 .50 300 gr. XTP Bullet 30
No. 8296 For .50 cal. rifles, 240 gr. HP Bullet, Pkg of 20
No. 8287 .54 250 gr. XTP Bullet 30
\\\\ Pillow Ticking Roundball
\\\\ 1 0 0 % Cotto n R ou n dba l l Patches
Pat c hes Shooters learned long ago that the same properties which existed in
Uniform thickness, these economical 100% cotton patches are pillow ticking were conducive to making excellent round ball patches.
available prelubricated with T/C’s Natural Lube 1000 Plus Bore The tight weave 100% cotton fabric was rugged, resisted tearing and
Butter, or unlubricated. Non toxic, biodegradable. 100 per bag prevented burn-through. T/C offers pillow ticking patches prelubricated
No. 7030 .45 & .50 cal. unlubed with Natural Lube 1000 Plus. All patches are biodegradable and non
No. 7043 .45 & .50 cal. pre-lubed toxic. Uniform thickness assures consistent velocities from shot to shot.
No. 7034 .54 & .56 cal. unlubed 100/bag
No. 7044 .54 & .56 cal. pre-lubed No. 7135 .32 & .36 cal. pre-lubed
No. 7136 .45 & .50 cal. pre-lubed
No. 7137 .54 & .56 cal. pre-lubed
No. 7138 .58 cal. pre-lubed
\\\\ T / C swa g ed R O U N D B A LL S
For those hunters who prefer (or are required by law) to use patched roundballs in their muzzleloader, T/C offers these precision
swaged, pure lead roundballs. Sized properly to work with any rifle or pistol of appropriate caliber. Used in conjunction with
T/C patches lubricated with Natural Lube 1000 Plus™ Bore Butter these round balls will give superior accuracy.
No. 8276 .50 Caliber Round Balls (100 per box, 175 grs.)
T/C’s Original Maxi-Ball® has been used extensively by target shooters T/C’s CAD designed Maxi-Hunter® bullet incorporates all the features of the
and hunters for almost 20 years. Its reputation as an exceptionally world famous Maxi-Ball®, superb accuracy and easy loading, with the added
accurate bullet (which is easily loaded in the field) is unequalled. The benefit of maximum expansion on deer sized game. The greatly improved
wide lubricating grooves allow generous amounts of lube, the key to easy terminal ballistics for deer sized game have made the Maxi-Hunter® the
and consistent loading. T/C Maxi-Balls® are available in .45, .50, .54 and primary choice of those who specifically concentrate on hunting the special
.58 caliber pre-lubed. Pre-lubed Maxi-Balls® are lubricated with Natural deer seasons. T/C’s newly designed Maxi-Hunters® are pre-lubed with Natural
Lube 1000 PlusTM Bore Butter eliminating the need to wipe the bore or Lube 1000 Plus™ Bore Butter eliminating the need to wipe the bore clean
clean between repeated shots. T/C’s Maxi-Ball® is the preferred bullet of between shots. Available in .45, .50, .54 or .58 caliber pre-lubricated.
experienced hunters who look for the penetration needed for large game
like elk, moose, or bear.
Box of 20 Maxi-Hunters® Pre-lubed with
Box of 20 Maxi-Balls Pre-lubed with
® Natural Lube 1000 Plus™ Bore Butter
Natural Lube 1000 Plus™ Bore Butter Catalog # Caliber Grain
Catalog # Caliber Grain No. 7784 .45 255 grs.
No. 7794 .45 240 grs. No. 7885 .50 275 grs.
No. 7895 .50 320 grs. No. 7785 .50 350 grs.
No. 7795 .50 370 grs. No. 7786 .54 435 grs.
No. 7796 .54 430 grs. No. 7790 .58* 560 grs.
No. 7797 .58* 555 grs. * .58 caliber bullets sold in boxes of 15
* .58 caliber bullets sold in boxes of 15
a c c essor i es \\ FLIN T L O CK
\\\\ P rem i um A g ate F l i n ts \\\\ F l i n ts
Cut from Agate, these premium flints will outperform standard These high quality rifle flints are recommended for use with all T/C flint
flints by producing at least twice the number of strikes. And their locks. Package of 4.
ability to produce more consistent sparks, longer, is the reason why No. 7200
they are used by top international muzzleloading shooters.
No. 7203
Package of 3
\\\\ F l i n t Lo c k T ou c h H o l e P i c k s
Durable polymer “spark proof”. Package of 2. No. 7093
\\\\ F l i n t Lo c k F i e l d K i t
All the basics you will need for flint lock maintenance while in the field.
Contains: pan brush, jaw tightening rod, stainless steel touch hole pick
a c c essor i es \\ F l i n t L O CK
and small screwdriver with 3 different size blades for a multitude of uses
including rear sight adjustment. Lightweight and compact. All tools
provided on a handy key ring.
No. 7099
\\\\ F l i n t Lo c k Pa n Char g er *
Solid brass, the knurled end screws off for easy filling. Holds approximately
80 grains FFFFG Black Powder. Dispenses a small amount of priming
powder. Each dispensed charge fills the pan of a T/C rifle one-half full.
No. 7020
\\\\ F l i n t Lo c k T ou c h H o l e P i c k
* N O T E : The Pan Charger is to be used with black powder only. Rugged stainless steel touch hole pick with lanyard loop. No. 7113
All implements must be used in accordance with the instructions
printed in our instructional booklet.
\\\\ Adjustable Black Powder Measure \\\\ F i e l d P owder M easure
Compact solid brass measures which quickly adjusts to the required Compact lightweight powder measure with solid brass cup and durable
increments for rifle or pistol. Measures are accurate and simple to operate. polymer adjusting sleeve marked in 10 grain increments from 20 to 120
Positive snap ring “clicks off” each increment of adjustment and holds grains. Brass locking setscrew can be locked into infinite positions; at
cavity at desired volume. No. 7040 (50-120 grs. in 10 gr. increments) graduated marks or between them. No. 7152
a c c essor i es \\ M E A S U R E S \ C A P P E R S
\\\\ U - V i e w ™ I n - L in e C a pp e r F o r 2 0 9 \\\\ I n - L in e C a pp e r f o r # 1 1 C a p s
Solid brass body with steel jaws. This unique design allows the plunger
P ri m e r s a n d Mu s k e t C a p s
spring to be locked in compressed position for easy loading. American
Designed specifically for use with any of the muzzleloaders that use
made, it holds seventeen #11 Percussion Caps.
a musket cap or primer, it holds eight caps or primers ready for instant
No. 7025
No. 7233 for Musket caps only
No. 7219 for 209 Primers only
\\\\ 2 0 9 F l e x C a pp e r TM \\\\ L i g h t w e i g h t P o ly m e r 2 0 9
Unique, flexible 209 Capper™ is shaped to accommodate all scoped “ P ri m in g / D e pri m in g ” T o o l
muzzleloaders for instant and easy priming. Made from Bio-Flex™, a For use with any of the in-line muzzleloaders that accept 209 primers.
special silicone material which will stay soft and flexible in the most frigid (Not for Encore 209x50 Magnum). 3-pack.
a c c essor i es \\ M E A S U R E S \ Cappers
conditions. The 209 Flex Capper™ presents two 209 shotshell primers for No. 7802
instant capping (one at each end) while storing six more. Also includes a
lanyard hole for thong attachment.
No. 8007
\\\\ T / C P R I ME R C ADD Y
This handy little accessory holds a reserve of 209 primers at the ready.
Keeps the primers dry and clean and makes it easy to find them in a
crowded pouch or pocket. Holds 9 primers and stays flexible in cold
weather conditions.
\\\\ D o g - B o n e 2 0 9 P ri m e r
A handy and durable polymer 209 priming tool holds two 209 shotshell
primers at each end for instant priming. Also holds a “reserve” of six more
inserted in the main shaft. Enables you to easily prime most in-lines even
when scoped.
No. 7808
a c c essor i es \\
\\\\ 4 - N - 1 Q uic k S h o t ™
Everything you need for quick loading all in one package. Incorporates all
the features and advantages of our famous “QuickShotTM ” with the added \\\\ “ R a in P r o o f ” Q uic k S h o t ™
features of a bullet starter. Now one tool does it all: Holds premeasured powder charge, projectile and priming in
(Two 4-N-1 Quick Shots per pack) a waterproof container. Used with patch and ball, Maxi-BallTM or
• Carries your powder Sabot, the QuickShotTM may be used with either a percussion or
• Carries your projectile flint lock rifle. You simply flip open the waterproof cover. Pour the
• Carries your cap premeasured powder charge into the barrel. Drive the projectile
• Serves as your bullet starter into the muzzle with your short starter and seat it with your ramrod.
*Also holds a 209 Primer in recess on top The percussion cap (or priming charge) is contained in a separate
No. 7057 .50 Caliber chamber ready for instant use, and a 209 Primer in recess on top.
No. 7058 .54 Caliber (3 per pk.).
No .7106 .50 Cal. Magnum 4-N-1 QuickShot™ No. 7027 .45 Cal. (Green)
Holds pre-measured powder charges (up to 150 grs. of black No. 7028 .50 Cal. (Red)
powder or Pyrodex® equivalent or 3 Pyrodex Pellets). No. 7029 .54 Cal. (Blue)
No. 7151 .45 Caliber Magnum Quick Shot*
No. 7104 .50 Caliber Magnum Quick Shot*
Holds 209 Primer on Top *Magnum Quick shots hold pre-measured powder charges of up
Waterproof Seal to 150 grs, of Black Powder or Pyrodex® equivalent - or 3 Pyrodex
50 gr. Pellets.
No. 7109 .54 Caliber Magnum QuickShot*
This product is protected by U.S. Patent # 4,411,088
Holds Pre-measured Black
Powder or Pyrodex Charge
Holds Percussion Cap or Flintlock Holds 209 Primer on Top
Priming Charge Waterproof Seal
Bullet Starter
pro hu n ter jour n a l
f eatur i n g j i m sho c k e y
a c c essor i es \\ Cappers \ P R I M E R S
Hunting Between Two Worlds
By: Jim Shockey
Jour nal Entry: October 29, 2008. 3:15 a.m.: Typical. My ride shows up in 20 minutes, and I’ve just started packing for a trip
to hunt one of the greatest hunting destinations in the world, Alaska! We’ll be hunting the wester nmost part of Alaska, out on
the stor my Aleutian Island chain that divides the Atlantic Ocean from the Bering Sea. We’ll literally be hunting between two
worlds, halfway between Asia and continental North America.
Two years ago a fellow named George Weaver approached me at the Safari Club Inter national (SCI) convention and asked if
I’d be interested in hunting reindeer in Alaska. Reindeer? Somewhere I’d heard that Asian reindeer, (largest antlered of all big
game species compared to body size), had been released in parts of Alaska something like 80 years ago, but I didn’t realize
reindeer could be hunted anywhere other Greenland and Europe. Took me about five seconds to sign on for the adventure!
Jour nal Entry: October 30, 2008. 8 a.m.: We’re at the Ace Cargo hanger, we’ll be taking one of their Beechcraft 19 aircraft out
to the Islands we’ll be hunting. We’ll be stopping once for fuel, in Dutch Harbor of television “Deadliest Catch” fame. From
there we’re going to fly of f into the foggy divide between ocean and sea, headed for the place where East meets West!
Jour nal Entry: November 2, 2008: Barely started to work our way up the mountain trail and we’ve spotted the herd of bulls we
saw the first day, high up on the shoulder of the mountain. Picking a walking route that’ll put us above the herd.
There they are! Still 250 yards away. Too far, but they don’t know we’re here. There’s a runof f channel no more than a body
thickness deep. Crawled in. Per fect as long as we belly crawl. Close enough, 176 yards, the big bull is in a per fect position,
and I’ve got the entire world as a rest.
I’ve taken the shot and … he’s down! The wind pushed the big Nosler bullet slightly of f course, but still the shot was in the
nine ring. The other bulls are crossing over the ridge looking back over their shoulder for their leader, he was definitely the
biggest one of the bunch. As we walk up to him now I can see just how big he really is. Holy smokes! These reindeer are
massive in body and in antler growth! He’s got a double bez on one side, double shovels and long, long tines and main beams.
What a spectacular animal.
When I booked the hunt, I wasn’t sure I’d want to hunt two reindeer, now there’s no question. Without doubt, it’s a world-
class hunt. Only an act of God would stop me from trying for a second reindeer now that I’ve seen where they live and how
magnificent they are. Please volcano, sleep.
Jour nal Entry: November 4, 2008: Made it to the bulls. One is huge. One has the longest main beams I’ve ever seen, and
one has unbelievable bottoms. Kelly and I have decided that we like character. He’s going after the long-beamed bull, and
I’m going to sneak on the one with big bottoms. It’s a hands-and-knees-only stalk. Tough going. Can’t get closer, looks like
another 170-yard shot. Kelly’s going to wait until I’ve taken my shot. He’s using a rifle and can reach out and touch his bull if
he has to.
Got him! Down and out. No wind-drift this time, the Nosler bullet punched right through the bull’s vitals. Now Kelly has taken
his shot and dropped his bull in its tracks. The others are racing for the far side of the mountain.
What a hunt! What an absolutely world-class, once in a lifetime hunt! We’re thrilled. As we stand here on the side of this
mountain/volcano, both of us have smiles nearly as big as the ocean on one side of us and the sea on the other. The sun is
setting now on us, bathing us in golden light. I can’t speak for Kelly, but I’ll retur n to this enchanted place, to hunt reindeer
between two worlds, where East meets West.
\\\\ U - V i ew T M F l ex Loader
A unique loader that contains everything you’ll need for three shots, all in a
compact carrier. The rugged and flexible carrier holds three loading tubes,
each containing the projectile and charge. When the back up charge is
\\\\ R i p - Cord S peed Loader T M needed, the loading tube is pulled out of the holder and “dumped” down
A unique speed loader, with your second charge just a quick pull away. the bore pellets first, followed by the projectile. The carrier also holds four
Attach the carabiner to your belt, suspenders, or pack, pull the tube away 209 shot shell primers and has a lanyard hole to attach it to your possibles
from its top and dump your charge. The bottom of the Rip-Cord Speed bag or pouch. Made of Bio-Flex®, a
LoaderTM houses a 209 capper for instant priming plus a spare. Made special silicone material which will
of Bio-Flex®, a special medical-grade silicone material which will withstand frigid conditions and still be
withstand frigid conditions and still be pliable. pliable. Loading in the field doesn’t get
No. 9613 any easier than this. For .50 cal. or .45
cal. rifles. (Patent # 6,981,624)
Accepts magnum charges of three
Pyrodex® Pellets with sabot.
No. 8031 U-ViewTM Flex Loader
No. 7238 Pkg. of 3 Replacement Tubes
\\\\ E NC O R E ® P R O H U N T E R FI E L D
A pocket-sized breech plug wrench that
the shooter can carry in the field. Quickly \\\\ M u z z l e g uard
removes the Speed Breech. Smaller and Seals the muzzle of your black powder rifle
easier to carry than a standard wrench. in any condition. Prevents moisture
No. 7727 from entering the barrel, and won’t
No. 7521 Standard Pro Hunter Wrench harm the surface of the barrel. 20
to a package.
No. 7369
\\\\ N i pp l e W re n c h
Made of hardened steel, this is a high quality tool. One wrench fits all #11
nipples (except the T/C Scout) and fits Musket Cap nipples. It \\\\ E n c ore A djustab l e H ING E P IN
supplies the leverage necessary to remove even the Easily adjustable hinge pin for increased accuracy
most stubborn nipple from your muzzleloader. on big bore models.
No. 7010
No. 7482 For #11 Nipple Only
No. 7112 For Musket Cap Nipple Only
No. 7064 For Both #11 & Musket Nipple (Universal)
a c c essor i es \\ M U ZZL E L O A D ING
a c c essor i es \\ B R E E C H P L U G S
\\\\ tr i umph ® speed
bree c h xt tm \\\\ bree c h p l u g c l ea n i n g
Speed Breech XT for Triumph Magnum
TM ® too l
Muzzleloaders. Spin the breech plug through the stainless steel bristles
No. 7729 to thoroughly clean the threads of your breech plug.
No. 7465
\\\\ W O R M ( PAT C H P U LL E R )
A small but extremely important tool for the muzzleloading buff, the worm
is used for field cleaning or to retrieve a cleaning patch which is lost in the
\\\\ T / C H O T S H O T ® NI P P L E bore. Solid brass with strong spring steel fingers, fits all T/C muzzleloading
This heat treated stainless steel nipple will provide a more even and calibers.
consistent flow of pressurized gases from the nipple into the ignition No. 9010
chamber. They will virtually eliminate hammer blowback by venting
excessive gases through the side ports. (Not recommended for under-
hammer rifles or cap & ball revolvers). \\\\ 2 0 9 P R I M E R A D A P T E R
No. 7075 Hot Shot® Nipple for #11 Cap (¼ x 28 thread) for most F O R B L A CK D I A M O N D ™
T/C Cap Lock rifles. Uses #11 Cap. (Except Scout, Cherokee, Fire A N D W O O D S R IFL E
Storm & Seneca). Must be used with the correct striker.
No. 7204 Hot Shot® Nipple for Musket Cap (¼ x 28 thread) No. 7805 209 Primer Adapter for Black
for most T/C Caps Diamond™ and Woods Rifle
\\\\ M U S K E T C A P NI P P L E
\\\\ R E P L A C E M E N T NI P P L E S This nipple gives the owner of T/C’s muzzleloaders
(FOR NO. 11 CAPS) Made of stainless steel, these nipples are the option of using the much larger musket caps.
carefully machined and long lasting. Musket caps produce ignition fire that is 3 times hotter
No. 7070 for most T/C Cap Lock rifles than standard No.11 percussion caps. Made of
(Except Cherokee, & Seneca). Thread size ¼ x 28. Also fits all stainless steel, these nipples are carefully
T/C in-lines (except Encore 209x50, T/C Scout and Omega). machined & long lasting.
No. 7252 Fits T/C Traditional cap locks
and T/C in-lines (except Encore 209x50, TC Scout & Omega).
\\\\ . 5 0 c a l i ber S p i n
E xte n ded S uper J a g T M \\\\ E xte n ded S uper J a g T M
Knurled to provide maximum contact between patch and bore. Long Knurled to provide maximum contact between patch and bore. Long
stepped shank prevents patches from binding. Concave tip allows use stepped shank prevents patches from binding. Concave tip allows use for
for loading. Adds 3¾” to ramrod length. The Extended Jag is neces- loading. Adds 3¾” to ramrod. The Extended Jag is necessary for cleaning
sary for cleaning the Encore 209 Magnum Muzzleloaders and Omega the Encore 209 Magnum muzzleloaders and all Omega muzzleloaders.
muzzleloaders. No. 7227 (10 - 32 threads) .45 Caliber
The knurled portion of Super Jag spins freely. This spinning makes load- No. 9087 (10 - 32 threads) .50 Caliber
ing sabots easier as the sabot is allowed to follow the rifling all the way
down the bore until it is seated. Also makes cleaning more efficient as
the patch, swab, or bore brush follow the rifling grooves as the rod is
pushed/pulled up and down the bore. Solid brass.
No. 9059 \\\\ U n i v ersa l Load i n g T i p a n d
C l ea n i n g J a g
A knurled brass loading tip that will handle spire point bullets, hollow
point conical bullets or round nose bullets. The contour fits all three types,
\\\\ CL E A NING J A G preventing any possible deformity of the tip during the loading process. Fits
Solid brass cleaning jag.
10-32 thread ramrod or short starter.
No. 9085 (10 - 32 Thread) .50 Caliber
No. 9071 .45 Caliber
No. 9084 (10 - 32 Thread) .54 & .56 Caliber
No. 9067 .50 Caliber
No. 7201 (10 - 32 Thread) 12 Gauge
\\\\ B R O NZ E B O R E B R U S H E S a c c essor i es \\ R A M R O D S
For scrubbing out lead deposits. Available with
2 thread sizes: 5⁄16 -
27 which fits shotgun Caliber 5/16 - 27 10 - 32
cleaning rods and 10-32 .45 N/A No. 9500
Caliber 10 - 32
which fits muzzleloading Used to oil the bore or to apply Natural Lube
.50 No. 9405 No. 9502
ramrods. 1000 Plus™ Bore Butter as a seasoning agent. .45 No. 9512
.54 N/A No. 9504
.50 No. 9514
.54 No. 9516
\\\\ B A LL , B U LL E T & WA D P U LL E R
This one really works! Threads onto ramrod and successfully
removes stuck balls, bullets or shotgun wads from the bore.
No. 9013 (10 - 32) T/C .45 Caliber \\\\ B rush / S wab S et
No. 9014 (10 - 32) T/C .45 & .50 Caliber A bronze bore brush and cotton bore swab to handle your muzzleloader
No. 9015 (10 - 32) T/C .54 & .58 Caliber cleaning chores. Standard 10-32 threads, .50 Caliber Only
No. 7484
\\\\ P R O H U N T E R B U LL E T P U LL E R
Specially designed for removing spire point and polymer tipped
bullets from the bore. \\\\ F l ex P r i m i n g Pa l m S av er
No. 9009 (10 - 32) T/C .50 Caliber Made of soft Bio-Flex®, this handy little accessory fits over the end of
your ramrod, enabling you to exert steady pressure on your ramrod while
seating the projectile. Especially useful in the field
when you don’t have a long ramrod. Bio-Flex
a c c essor i es \\ R A M R O D S
\\\\ E NC O R E ® 2 0 9 X 5 0 “ E - Z T I P ” material is molded over a hard fiber core for
superior durability. Palm Saver houses four
EXTRACTOR spare 209 shotshell primers, with two
The “E-Z Tip” extractor for
ready for instant priming. No. 9611
the Encore 209x50 Magnum
muzzleloader is an accessory
item that allows the extractor
to be tipped out of the way \\\\ Lightweight Composite Short
for easy removal of the breech Starter & Ramrod Extension
plug for cleaning. This accessory T/C’s composite T-Handle Short Starter is a lightweight and compact
eliminates having to remove short starter with a “palm saver” built right into one of the ends. It
the standard extractor prior to also features a removable seating end which allows you to convert
Extractor Extractor
removing the breech plug when in place in out position your ramrod into a work rod. By removing the seating end of the rod
cleaning. and screwing the T-Handle onto a standard ramrod, it will extend
No. 7211 the length of your ramrod for easier seating of projectiles, especially
during continuous shooting at the range. It will provide you with extra
\\\\ P O W E R R O D ® leverage for firmer more uniform seating. It effectively converts your
Universal Power Rod for all styles of muzzleloaders with barrels up to ramrod to a range rod.
31” in length. Simply cut it to fit your gun and install the threaded No. 7127 Composite Short Starter
tip. The tip accepts 10-32 thread loading and cleaning tools. Pivoting No. 7058 Starter plus two Loading Tips
handle gives maximum grip and then folds neatly out of the way while No. 7239 Starter with Extended Jag
stored. (Patent # 6,145,235)
No. 7980 Universal Power Rod
(cut to length 31”)
\\\\ U n i v ersa l R u g g ed R od
No. 7983 Encore Pro HunterTM
Solid aluminum ramrod, 32” long, which can be cut to fit your
and OmegaTM with 28” Barrel
muzzleloader. The seating end of the ramrod is threaded to accept
No. 7977 20” Katahdin
the standard 10-32 thread ramrod accessories.
No. 7979 EncoreTM ML with
No. 9201
26” Barrel
\\\\ U n i v ersa l L i g htwe i g ht
\\\\ R u g g ed R od R a n g e R od R amrod
A 32” Range Rod made from solid aluminum stock and hard coat 31” universal ramrod, you cut to the desired length. Lightweight, hollow
anodized. Features a tough polymer palm saver knob for a firm grip aluminum with do-it-yourself tips that accept standard accessories with
when driving down balls, bullets or sabots. The ball seating end of the 10-32 threads.
ramrod is threaded to accept standard 10-32 threaded accessories. No. 9139
No. 9692
Specially formulated for Pyrodex ® and Triple Seven ®
*Triple Seven and Pyrodex® is a registered trademark of Hodgdon Powder Company of Shawnee Mission, KS.
a c c essor i es
i es
\\\\ T- 1 7 ® F i rearm
W i pes
A handy wipe that coats your firearm with a
micro thin layer of protectant that withstands
the corrosive effects of black powder
fouling. Use these wipes prior to hunting in
foul weather. Keeps your firearm in factory \\\\ T- 1 7 ® M U ZZL E L O A D E R
a c c essor i es \\ CL E A NING
condition. 50 Wipes. CL E A NING KI T
No. 7493 For thoroughly cleaning and conditioning your muzzleloading firearm
and keeping it in top shape. T-17 products are
specifically formulated to clean and protect your valuable muzzleloader.
• 2 oz. bottle T-17 Bore Cleaning Solvent
\\\\ T-1 7 ® B ASIC M U ZZL EL O A D ER
• oz. T-17 Natural Lube
CL E A NING KI T • ½ oz. T-17 Breech Plug Anti-Seize Grease
Everything you need for cleaning and conditioning your muzzleloading • (20) 2 ½” Dry Cotton Cleaning Patches
firearm. T-17 products are specifically formulated to clean and protect • .50 cal. Extended Cleaning Jag
your prized muzzleloader. • .50 cal. Bronze Bore Brush
Includes: • Breech Thread Cleaning Brush
• 2 oz. bottle T-17 Bore Cleaning Solvent No. 7473
• oz. T-17 Natural Lube
• ½ oz. T-17 Breech Plug Anti-Seize Grease
• (40) 2 ½” Dry Patches
No. 7471
\\\\ T-17 ® accessory kit
Works With Barrels Up To 32” Long.
• 3 Piece Aluminum Rod with Molded Handle
\\\\ T- 1 7 ® O IL E D PAT C H E S • .75 oz. T-17 Natural Lube 1000 Plus
Muzzleloading cleaning patches saturated with oil • 2 oz. of T-17 Bore Cleaner/Powder Solvent
formulated to prevent rust and corrosion and • T-17 Breech Plug Grease
displace moisture. Lubricates and protects the • Bore Brush - .50 Caliber
bore during storage. 2 ½˝ diameter works with • Bore Swab - .50 Caliber
most bore sizes. 50 Per Jar. • Jag - .50 Caliber - to hold patches in the bore
No. 7372 • Cleaning Patches (20)
No. 7530
\\\\ Gor i l l a Grease
An all-natural anti-seize lubricant formulated for use on the threads of
removable breech plugs and nipples. This heavy duty lube will withstand
the rigors of extensive firing, allowing the shooter to then
\\\\ Natura l Lube 1 0 0 0 P l us T M remove the breech plug with little effort. Works with any
removable breech plug or nipple.
B ore B utter T M i n a T ube No. 7356
A biodegradable all natural lubricant which
Gorilla Grease in ¼ oz. Micro Tub
contains no petroleum-based oil or additives.
Reacts differently (chemically) to the
combustion of black powder, producing far less
“tar-like” fouling. 5 oz. tube ideally suited for
easy application on patches. Can also be used \\\\ T / C I n - L i n e C l ea n i n g S y stem
to lube bullets. Excellent rust preventative on Works with any .50 Caliber In-Line Muzzleloader.
external surfaces of any firearm. Includes: All-Natural, biodegradable cleaning solvent and
No. 7309 5 oz. Tube Natural Scent lubricant in a simple and neat format.
No. 7409 5 oz. Tube Pine Scent • Natural Lube 1000 PlusTM Bore ButterTM, .75 oz.
No. 7411 2oz. Tube Natural Scent • Number 13TM Bore Cleaner/Powder Solvent, 4 oz.
• Bronze Bore Brush .50 Caliber
• Super Jag .50 Caliber
• Cotton Cleaning Patches
• Cleaning/Utility Brush
\\\\ Number 1 3 ® B ore • A Silicone Gun Cloth
C l ea n er • Super LubeTM Anti-Seize Lubricant, .23 oz.
The all natural bore cleaner which contains no No. 7357
petroleum-based additives and is compatible with
Natural Lube 1000 Plus.
No. 9065 8 oz. Spray Bottle
No. 9041 8 oz. Easy Pour Bottle
\\\\ General Purpose Cleaning
100% cotton, these patches work with rifles, shotguns or
pistols. By offsetting their position on the jag, centering
them or doubling the patch thickness, a variety of calibers
\\\\ Natural Lube 1000 TM Plus Bore and gauges can be accommodated with this one size. 2½”
diameter, works well with .45–.54 black powder
Butter TM Seasoning Patches
and .375–.45 centerfire.
2½” 100% cotton cleaning patches
No. 7037 100 Per Bag
saturated in Natural Lube 1000 PlusTM
No. 7178 250 Per Bag
Bore Butter.TM Great for use after
cleaning your muzzleloader or for easy
field cleaning. Seasons the bore with
repeated use. (works well with .45 - .58
cal. muzzleloaders) \\\\ B ree c h P l u g Lube A pp l i c ator
No. 7141 50 Per Jar w i th S uper Lube TM
No. 7003 100 Per Jar Uniformly and conveniently applies lube to the breech threads
in your barrel. Super LubeTM contains Teflon to seal the threads in
the breech to prevent your plug from getting seized. Works on
all break open and pivoting breech muzzleloaders. Applicator
with 1.44 oz. Super Lube®. (Does Not fit Pro Hunter TM)
No. 7497
a c c essor i es \\ CL E A NING
\\\\ A l l P urpose A n t i - S e i z e
\\\\ W ed g e P i n P u l l er
A hardened steel, dual-purpose tool which taps out the S uper Lube T M
forend wedge just enough so that it can be A hard working synthetic based lube containing Teflon, which seals
caught and pulled free with the claw end. the threads of muzzleloading breech plugs as well as shotgun choke
It’s also a nipple wrench that fits all T/C tubes. Withstands high operating temperatures and prevents fouling
nipples that take #11 caps, except the T/C or powder residue from binding breech plugs. Also protects threads
Scout. and other metal surfaces from corrosion. In a handy ½ oz. tube for
No. 7062 easy application.
No. 7362 ½ oz. Tube of Super Lube
No. 7348 The 1.44oz. Super LubeTM
fits the lube applicator for convenient
application of lube to the threads in the
\\\\ B ree c h brush barrel of your muzzleloader.
a n d f i re c ha n n e l brush set
Includes the Breech Plug Cleaning Brush and Fire Channel Brush for
cleaning your T/C muzzleloader. \\\\ B ree c h P l u g C l ea n i n g B rush
No. 9508 Makes cleaning the removable breech plug in your T/C in-line a snap. It’s
long enough to reach into the threads in the barrel/receiver as well.
No. 9507
a c c essor i es \\ CL E A NING
\\\\“Hunter’s Choice” Muzzleloading
a c c essor i es \\ KI T S
Accessory Kit
Deluxe kit that provides all the accessories to load, shoot and clean
your muzzleloader plus a 60 minute World of Muzzleloading DVD, with
instructions and tips on cleaning, sighting in and developing loads, plus
exciting footage of eight actual black powder hunts. \\\\ T / C E sse n t i a l M u z z l e l oader
(1) Lightweight composite T-Handle Short Starter/Ram Rod Extension
C l ea n i n g Pa c k
(10) .50 cal. Shock Wave Sabots with 250 gr. Shock Wave Bullets The essential elements every hunter/shooter needs to keep his
(1) Flex Loader for Easy Field Carry of Prepared Loads muzzleloader in top working order after a hunt or a day at the
(1) 4 oz. Bottle of Number 13 Bore Cleaner range.
(50) 2½” Cotton Cleaning Contains:
• Natural Lube 1000 Plus Bore Butter, .75 oz.
(25) 2½” All-Natural Seasoning
Patches • Number 13TM Bore Cleaner/Powder Solvent, 4 oz.
(1) .23 oz. Tube of Super Lube • Super LubeTM Anti-Seize Lubricant, .23 oz.
(1) Universal (Shock Wave) • 100% Cotton Cleaning Patches.
Loading Tip/Jag No. 7217
(1) Breech Brush
No. 7101
a c c essor i es \\ IC O N & V E N T U R E
p l ease v i s i t : www. t c armsappare l . c om
O R C A LL 1 . 8 0 0 . 7 2 3 . 5 6 5 6 E X T. 1 7 8
T / C A P PA R E L
\\\\ T / C “ s k u l l ” S H I R T \\\\ T/C ORANGE/NAVY CAP
”Skull” T-shirt, 6.1 oz., 100% pre-shrunk (NOTE: This cap is NOT blaze
cotton, adult short sleeve t-shirt with orange) Relaxed,
Thompson/Center “Since 1965” logo unstructured garment
screenprinted on full chest and “Skull” washed twill cap with
logo on full back. Color: Orange. Sizes: self-fabric backstrap and
Med - XXL. Imported. TCA108 slide buckle. Navy sandwich
peak and under visor. “Thompson/
Center” logo embroidered on front
and “America’s Master Gunmaker”
embroidered on back. One size fits
\\\\ T / C “ I M PA C T ” S H I R T most. Imported. TCA200
6.1 oz., 100% pre-shrunk cotton, adult
short sleeve t-shirt with Thompson/ \\\\ T/C OLIVE CAP
Center “Corporate Logo” screenprinted Relaxed, unstructured garment
on center chest and “Impact” logo on washed twill cap witht
full back. Color: Black. Sizes: Med - XXL. self-fabric backstrap with
Imported. TCA104 slide buckle Distressed
frayed edges along bill.
embroidered and woven label
“Bullseye” logos on front. “Thompson/
Center Arms” embroidered on
\\\\ T / C “ c orporate l o g o ” S H I R T back. One size fits most. Imported.
6.1 oz., 100% pre-shrunk cotton, adult TCA203
short sleeve t-shirt with Thompson/
Center “Corporate Logo” screenprinted \\\\ T/C ap camo CAP
t / c appare l
on center chest and full back. Color: Black. Relaxed, unstructured Realtree AP
Sizes: Med - XXL. Imported. TCA103 Grey Camo cap with
self-fabric backstrap
with slide buckle.
embroidered and
woven label “Bullseye” logos
\\\\ T / C “ patr i ot ” S H I R T on front. “Thompson/Center Arms”
6.1 oz., 100% pre-shrunk cotton, adult embroidered on back. One size fits
short sleeve t-shirt with Thompson/ most. Imported. TCA210
Center “Patriot” logo screenprinted on
full chest and “Bullseye” logo on upper
back. Color: Charcoal. Sizes: Med - XXL.
Imported. TCA107 \\\\ T/C aflex fitted cap
Soft structure, heavy
washed twill and
soft mesh cap with
“AFLEX” strech fit
\\\\ T / C B ea n i e cap. “Thompson/Center”
“America’s Master Gunmaker”
AP HD camo jersey knit reversible to
logo woven label on front.
Orange acrylic knit beanie. “Thompson/
“Thompson/Center Arms” “Bullseye”
Center Arms” “Bullseye” woven label
woven label on back. One size fits
on camo and orange sides. One size fits
most. Imported. TCA207
most. Imported. TCA201
and locating the sign-up box at the bottom of the page! be the
first to know what’s coming from your friends at Thompson/Center!
Thompson/Center | P.O. Box 5002 Rochester, NH 03866 | 603.332.2333
Shown: T/C Venture with Realtree Max-1 Camo Package with Nikon Scope