replace an item (item revision phase). Then finally, the final draft of the test is
subjected to validation if the content is to make use of the test as a standard
test for the particular unit or grading period according to Rosita L. Navarro,
Ph.D. and Rosita G. Santos, Ph.D.
School Naawan campus the need to item analyze the test questions is often
ignored due to the difficulty and complexity of the process, since it is done
manually it consumes a length of time to have the desired statistical result.
On the other hand, the teachers/instructors needs to calculate the item
analysis statistics hand on hand following its precise formulation and more
often the implication of item analysis on the examination is not possibly applied
and even the reliability of the test due to its complicated computation and
because it is done manually it is unavoidable to commit inaccuracy and
miscalculation of statistical reports for item analysis and reliability testing due
to the number papers to be checked and inaccessibility of students performance
and progress.
This section presents the goals of this project namely: the general and
specific objectives. Specific objectives presented in here will aid the proponents
of this project to attain its ultimate goal.
General Objective
The project aims it to develop an automated item analysis on an
examination basis that would enable the teachers/instructors to determine the
level of difficulty, the power of discrimination, and test reliability of a multiple
choice test items that will generate automated statistical reports by means of
tables and graph.
Specific Objective
To evaluate the develop system through unit testing, integration testing, system
testing and acceptance testing.
g) To apply the changes and refine the prototype based on the conducted
h) To deploy the system in the examination period.
Chapter 2
Review Related of Literature
Related Literature
This section presents the related literature of the project that is shown below.
the discrimination (item effectiveness) indicates how well the question separates
the students who know the material well from those who dont.( Schreyer
Institute, 2012)
According to Rosita L. Navarro, Ph.D. and Rosita G. Santos, Ph.D. that
after the test has been administered and scored, it is essential to determine the
effectiveness of the items. This is done by analyzing the learners responses to
each item. The procedure is known as item Analysis. Item analysis gives
information which are as follows:
1. The difficulty of the item.
2. The discriminating power of the item.
3. The effectiveness of each option.
Information from item analysis can access whether the item is too
easy or too difficult. It determines how well it discriminates between high
and low achievers on the test and tells whether all the options function well.
Item analysis data also help in determining specific technical defect.
Item Difficulty
Index of Difficulty =
x 100
RU = the number in the upper group who answered the item correctly.
RL = the number in the lower group who answered the item correctly.
T = the total number of both upper and lower groups
Table 2.1
Right Difficulty
Revise or Discard
Revise or Discard
The table 2.1 represents the arbitrary rule of item difficulty, so by looking
at the range of difficulty index which is obtain by the computing the Index of
Difficulty formula (2.1), there is a corresponding Interpretation and Action.
Very easy questions may not sufficiently challenge the most able
students. However, having a few relatively easy questions in a test may
be important to verify the mastery of some course objectives. Keep
tests balanced in terms of question difficulty.
Item Discrimination
According to Rosita L. Navarro, Ph.D. and Rosita G. Santos, Ph.D.
that difficult items tend to discriminate between those who know and
those who do not know the answer. Conversely, easy items cannot
discriminate between these two groups of students. We are therefore
interested in deriving a measure that will tell us whether an item can
discriminate between these two groups of students. Such a measure is
called an index of discrimination.
In estimating the index of discriminating power, consider the
difference of the right response between the upper group (RU) and the
response from lower group (RL) divided by the number of students in
each group (NG. The formula is as follows:
Index Discrimination =
RU = the number in the upper group who answered the item correctly
RL = the number in the lower group who answered the item correctly
NG = the number of students in each group
The discriminating power of an item is reported as a decimal fraction;
maximum discriminating power in indicated by an index of 1.00. Maximum
discrimination is usually found at the 50 percent level of difficulty.
Index Range
-1.0 -.50
-.55 0.45
0.46 1.0
Can discriminate but item is questionable
Discriminating item
If a question is very easy so that nearly all students answered correctly, the
questions discrimination will be near zero. Extremely easy questions cannot
distinguish among students in terms of their performance.
The most effective questions will have moderate difficulty and high
discrimination values. The higher the value of discrimination is, the more
effective it is in discriminating between students who perform well on the test
and those that dont.
k Number of items or number of indicator
- Average correlation between items or mean inter indicator
not working properly, this number may not be your actual weight. If that
is the case, this is an example of a scale that is reliable, or consistent, but
not valid. For the scale to be valid and reliable, not only does it need to tell
you the same weight every time you step on the scale, but it also has to
measure your actual weight.
b) Switching back to testing, the situation is essentially the same. A test can
be reliable, meaning that the test-takers will get the same score no matter
when or where they take it, within reason of course. But that doesn't
mean that it is valid or measuring what it is supposed to measure. A test
can be reliable without being valid. However, a test cannot be valid unless
it is reliable.
Here is some sample Item Statics that shows information statistical reports of
item analysis. Refer to table 2.4, table 2.5 and table 2.6:
Basing on table 2.4 it shows the distinction of the score by the upper and
lower group specifically for item no. 18
Referring to table 2.5, it shows the difficulty index with its corresponding
remarks and item discrimination remark on its specific item.
There are two general types of statistical analysis:
Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics uses methods to summarize a collection of
Inferential statistics
Inferential statistics, also called predictive statistics, uses methods
Blooms Taxonomy
Questions (items) on quizzes and exams can demand different levels of
thinking skills. For example, some questions might be simple memorization of
facts, and others might require the ability to synthesize information from
several sources to select or construct a response. Benjamin Bloom created a
hierarchy of cognitive skills (called Bloom's
Sometimes objective tests (such as multiple choice) are criticized because the
questions emphasize only lower-level thinking skills (such as knowledge and
comprehension). However, it is possible to address higher level thinking skills via
objective assessments by including items that focus on genuine understanding -"how" and "why" questions. Multiple choice items that involve scenarios, case studies,
and analogies are also effective for requiring students to apply, analyze, synthesize,
and evaluate information. (Classroom Assessment, 2009)
2.2.1 Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) Item Analysis Software
SPSS has an item analysis that has useful set of procedures available for
teaching profession especially in assessing the students performance. SPSS uses
statistical tools for measuring item analysis and an ideal way for teachers to evaluate
their students performance specially when we based it on exams scores. In SPSS the
main function of item analysis is for teachers or instructors to enhance their
examinations on how they create it. SPSS is also an ideal tool in accurate item
analysis. In a basic explanation the main function of the SSPSs item analysis is to
improve teachers or instructors way of creating a test or exam. (SPSS INC, 2008)
SPSS item analysis gives test creators of test developers mostly teachers and
instructors a means of measuring consistency. SPSS provide a measurement of
internal reliability (consistency) of the test item they called it as Cronbachs Alpha.
That means that the higher the correlation among the items, the greater the alpha.
High correlation implies that high (or low) scores on question are associated with high
(or low) scores on the other questions. Alpha can vary from 0 to 1, with e that the test
is perfectly reliable. Furthermore, the computation of Cronbach s Alpha when a
particular item is removed from consideration is a good measure of that items
contribution to the entire tests assessment performance. In the SPSS output below ,
these and the other statistics are automatically generated using a procedure called
Realibity ( in the output, the term scale refers to the collection of all test items).
This system study mainly focused on developing an e-learning system that
provides different levels of task performed by the administrator teacher, students, and
parents. And, also system developed to handle and control the delivery of instructorled online course. The system can also perform item analysis in which the Admin has
the right to do it . (Tagupa, et.al, 2012)
By referring the figure 2.9 it shows the graphical representation of Item analysis
given by legends that corresponds to each color; blue represents the pupil who got
correct answer and red for the pupil who got the wrong answer. This quiz online will be
taken via online on which the administrator can only perform item analysis.
The figure 2.11 shows the item bank of the system, wherein the teacher
can perform such feature. It enables the teacher to store the pervious test
wherein he/she may be able to use it to another test or may even make some
revision basing on the difficulty and discriminating power of the test item. Technology Used:
Front-end: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax and PHP
Back-end: MySQL
Programming Environment: Notepad++
Utilized Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3 for web and graphic design
Chapter 3
This section discusses the methodology used in making the project as shown in
Figure 3.1 shown below:
As shown in Figure 3.1, the requirements analysis stage, this is the first phase.
On the other hand, database and architectural Design will be point out in the design
phase. For the development phase wherein the construction and coding of the project
is contrive. Unit and Usability testing will also be discuss for the testing phase in the
making the project. For the deployment of the project is deliberated in implementation
phase. Lastly the maintenance phase is conferring on the compassed of the project.
Requirement Analysis
In this phase,
Here are the methods to initiate the development of the proposed system by the
Define the research problem
By referring to table 3.2 it shows the supervisions of every module in the system.
First thing is that Admin supervises the teacher level; the teacher supervises the
student level. The develop project has three modules which are the following:
Admin module which has the right for creating space for new accounts that
Student module: is the one who will take the exam.
3.2 Design
Design is very important aspect need to be emphasized in any application
development process. Design determines the success of an end product
Design is very important aspect need to be emphasized in any application
Refer to
In this phase is recommended for developing code as well as for builds of
hardware and software components. The process of creating interim builds allows a
team to find issues early in the development process, which shortens the
development cycle and lowers the cost of the project. Daily builds are the practice
of assembling all the components working toward the final goal of a solution. This
enables the team to determine earlier rather than later that all components will
work together. This method also allows the team to add functionality onto a stable
build. The idea is to have a shippable product ready at any point in time. In this
way, the stability of the total solution is well understood and has ample test data
prior to being released into production.
Table 3.2 Software Specification
Front End
Back End
Programming Environment
Operating System
Windows XP or Higher
It is very important to have decent quality softwares. Having this means the
quality should match many requirements such as keeping the easy use of GUIs, as
well as containing faults and failures and many more. A lot of effort is required to
keep this quality to a reasonable standard. Testing is one of the most important parts
in quality assurance especially in the development stages. As the development of the
program comes to an end it becomes harder to fix errors, in fact becomes harder to
spot errors. This would mean, perhaps, to check each section during the development
so that the errors can be spotted and fixed before progressing to the next stages.
Testing should be done during the development stages and if it is not done during the
development stages then it is more than likely that there will be a lot of bugs and
errors. Some problems which may not have been seen during the development stages,
without testing at the end, could be something like a function being used whilst the
stack is empty. This could lead to a system crashing. However, if testing is done this
could be spotted before proceeding to the next stage. (Higgins, 2010)
Integration testing identifies problems that occur when units are combined. By using a
test plan that requires you to test each unit and ensure the viability of each before
combining units, you know that any errors discovered when combining units are likely
related to the interface between units. This method reduces the number of possibilities
to a far simpler level of analysis.
System Testing
System is concerned with the behavior of the system.
Acceptance Testing
To introduce a capstone project to a course this will provide students with an
The maintenance phase involves making changes to hardware, software, and