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Bit Torrnt

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Simulating BitTorrent

Karel De Vogeleer David Erman Adrian Popescu

Blekinge Institute of Blekinge Institute of Blekinge Institute of
Technology Technology Technology
kdv@bth.se david.erman@bth.se adrian.popescu@bth.se

ABSTRACT server load as well as providing a simple way of locating in-

IP Television (IPTV) and other media distribution applica- formation. P2P applications impose their own routing and
tions are expected to be one of the next Internet killer appli- forwarding on top of the Internet infrastructure, in effect
cations. One indication of this is the corporate backing that forming overlay networks.
the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is getting. However, the While P2P applications are the de-facto most prominent
bandwidth utilization of these applications is still an issue, contributors to Internet traffic today, there is another group
as the volume of multimedia grows due to larger image res- of applications expected to challenge this situation. This
olution and higher bitrate audio. One way of managing this group consists of IPTV, Voice over IP (VoIP), Video-on-
increase in bandwidth requirements is to use existing end- Demand (VoD) and other multimedia distribution applica-
host bandwidth to decrease the load on the content server tions. By the amount of attention placed upon it, large-
in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) fashion. One of the most successful scale multimedia streaming is expected to be the next killer
P2P applications is BitTorrent (BT), a swarming file transfer
application. Indications of this are the corporate backing
system. This paper presents an implementation of a BT sim- that, e. g. , the IMS has achieved as well as the amount of
ulator intended for future use in investigating modifications research put into mechanisms for compression, coding, dis-
to the BT system to provide streaming media capabilities. tribution and related domains. Previous attempts to provide
The simulator is validated against real-world measurements streaming services using IP Multicast (IPMC) have to a large
and a brief performance analysis is provided. extent been unsuccessful. This is due to a number of rea-
sons: IPMC lacks buffering capabilities, a lack of applications
using IPMC, poor deployment of IPMC and reluctance of In-
Categories and Subject Descriptors ternet Service Providers (ISPs) to allow IPMC forwarding
C.2.2 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network across their networks. Overlay Multicast (OLMC) has been
Protocols—Applications; C.2.4 [Computer-Communication investigated as a possible solution to these issues. Systems
Networks]: Distributed Systems—Distributed Applications such as End-System Multicast (ESM) [19], PeerCast [16],
dPAM [18], oStream [7] and others have been proposed to
address the issues with IPMC in the context of media stream-
Keywords ing.
P2P, simulation, BitTorrent, streaming, multimedia, video- One of the most popular P2P applications is BT [6], a
on-demand swarming file distribution system. BT has shown to be very
efficient in distributing large files without increasing the load
on the original server of the files being distributed. While
1. INTRODUCTION originally a file distribution system, research has been done
The advent of P2P applications has instigated a signifi- on adapting the core BT algorithms to facilitate VoD. So-
cant amount of research into many aspects of these appli- lutions such as BASS [8] and BiToS [21] have been proposed
cations. A large number of measurement, analytical and that modify the original BT algorithms to be able to handle
simulation studies have been performed on a wide variety of streaming scenarios. Streaming media places significantly
P2P applications and protocols. P2P applications appear in different demands on both the network and the distribution
a multitude of forms, but the most common is some form mechanism from those of non-streaming file transfers. The
of file sharing or resource location application. These appli- most obvious difference are the temporal demands, i. e. , de-
cations have shown to be very efficient in both decreasing lay sensitivity and the associated timeliness of data packet
arrival. In addition to packet timeliness, the ordering of
the packets is important. The data of a video object is
played back in a linear fashion, but in BT, data segments are
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for downloaded in a random fashion. As for the delay demands
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are of VoD, it is very difficult to provide any true Quality of
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies Service (QoS) for these demands, and the BT protocol does
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to not provide any means for this. The work we present in this
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee.
paper is part of the Routing in Overlay Networks (ROVER)
QoSim 2008, March 3, 2008, Marseille, France. project at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) to rectify
Copyright 2008 ACM ISBN 978-963-9799-20-2 ...$5.00.
these issues with BT, so as to make it a viable and cost- In order to have a fair level of upload and download re-
effective solution for VoD. While testing on real and active ciprocation, the choking algorithm was introduced in BT.
BT networks would be beneficial, the risk of adversely affect- Two states are assigned to each peer: choked by a peer and
ing the network during development of our modifications is interested in a peer. When a peer is choked it will not be
too high. Thus, we have designed a simulator in which the allowed to download from the peer it is choked by. A peer
core BT algorithms can easily be exchanged for alternative is interested in another peer when the latter peer has pieces
algorithms. Which is used for investigating modifications to that the former doesn’t have. The choking algorithm differs
the BT system to provide streaming media capabilities [10]. in leecher and seeder state. However, in both cases there can
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. In section only be 4 peers unchoked by a peer and interested in that
2, we briefly describe the BT system. This is followed by specific peer at the same time. Every peer starts as choked
a survey of related work on P2P simulators and simulation by a peer. The policy to get unchoked by a leecher is as
frameworks in section 3. In section 4, we describe our BT follows. Every 10 seconds, the peers that are interested in
simulator, and present some results regarding the validation the leecher are ordered according to their download rate to
of the simulator against real-world traces of BT traffic. The the leecher. The 3 fastest peers are unchoked by the leecher.
paper is concluded with a discussion of future work in section The remaining peers that are unchoked are choked. Addi-
5. tionally, every 30 seconds another random interested peer
gets unchoked. The latter gives new peers, that don’t have
any pieces yet, the possibility to start their first download.
2. BITTORRENT The choking policy in seeder state is as follows. Every 10
BT is a swarming distribution system originally developed seconds, the unchoked peers are ordered according to the
to distribute large files. The system comprises two network time they were last unchoked. The first two consecutive pe-
entity types: peers and trackers. A peer is an end host riods of 10 seconds the fourth most recent unchoked peer
participating in the distribution of a specific set of data, is choked and an additional random choked and interested
and we denote a local peer a client. Peers can be either peer is unchoked. The third period of 10 seconds the 4 most
seeds or leechers. A seed is a peer that possesses all the recent unchoked peers are kept unchoked. This way each
pieces of the data, while a leecher is a downloading peer. A leecher in the swarm gets the opportunity to download from
tracker is a peer arbitrator that keeps track of what peers a seeder.
are currently participating in a swarm. The trackers and set More detailed descriptions of the BT system are available
of peers participating in distribution are collectively known in [5, 6, 9].
as a swarm.
BT employs a fairness system designed to provide incen-
tives for peers to reciprocate up- and downloads between
each other. Data is referenced in fixed-size byte ranges, The popularity of P2P applications has resulted in a large
called pieces. Requests for data among peers are made in amount of research activities in terms of developed simu-
parts of a piece, known as blocks. A piece is thus made up lators. These simulators range from general frameworks to
of several blocks. Once a client has downloaded all blocks application specific. A brief overview of P2P simulators is
of a piece correctly, all peers currently connected to are no- presented below. For a more complete review, the work
tified of this. This informs the peers that the piece is now in [15] is more comprehensive.
available at the client. An ambitious general framework is OverSim [1], which ex-
The characteristics of BT are primarily governed by two tends the OMNeT++ [20] simulation framework. OverSim
main algorithms: the piece selection algorithm and the peer provides a modular system for implementing both struc-
selection (or choking) algorithm. A peer may run any ver- tured and unstructured P2P protocols as well as various
sion of the algorithm, as the protocol does not dictate any types of underlays, i. e. , transport protocols such as TCP
semantics regarding these. or UDP. Depending on the selected underlay, simulations
The piece selection algorithm in the reference BT client can be made on realistic scenarios when needed, but be
employs four distinct policies when deciding what block to run without considering, e. g. , link delay or transport proto-
request next. When at least one block of any given piece is col details, when simulation speed is more important. The
downloaded, the remaining blocks from this piece are prior- OverSim framework also supports connecting real-world ap-
itized.1 This policy is known as the strict priority policy. plications to the simulation engine. Several overlay proto-
When fewer then four pieces have been downloaded, and cols such as Chord, Pastry and GIA are provided with the
there are no active pieces, a random piece is selected for OverSim distribution, and several more are planned for im-
download. This policy is known as the random-first policy. plementation.
When at least four pieces are downloaded, the least repli- PeerSim [12] is a Java P2P simulator comprising two dis-
cated piece in the swarm, i. e. , the piece that is available tinct simulation engines. One is an efficient cycle-based en-
at the fewest peers is selected for download. This policy gine, which does not take into account many parameters in
is known as the rarest-first policy. When every piece has the protocol stack. The other is a more accurate event-based
been requested or downloaded, i. e. , when the only active engine, and thus significantly slower but allows for more re-
policy is the strict priority policy, the remaining blocks are alistic simulations.
requested from all connected peers and are downloaded from As PeerSim, GPS [22] is another Java simulator. Also,
the first responding peer. This policy is known as the end- as OMNeT++, it is an event-driven, message-oriented sim-
game mode. ulator. GPS incorporates a GUI and logging features, in
addition to the core simulation components. The simulator
1 has been used to model the BT protocols, primarily the peer
A piece with at least one block downloaded is known as an
active piece. protocol, also known as the peer wire protocol. The authors
also report on running the reference client in a small-scale
LAN topology and compare measurements from this scenario
with an identical simulation scenario. The results indicate
some similarities between the measurement and simulation,
but nothing conclusive. Additionally, the authors present
a scalability analysis of the simulator, which indicates that
the wall-clock simulation time increases exponentially with
the number of simulated nodes.
One of the earliest attempts to simulate BT-like scenarios
is the swarming simulator described in [13]. The simulator
does not implement the full BT protocol, and development
seems to have stopped. Additionally, the simulator abstracts
the BT network entities in a rather unorthodox way, making
extending the simulator more complex and difficult.
Another BT-specific simulator is the one used for the work
presented in [2] and [3]. It is written in the C# language
and implements the majority of the BT mechanisms. Being
implemented in the C# language and making use of the
Microsoft .NET runtime makes platform independence an
issue, and, as with [13], development of the simulator seems
to largely have stopped.

4. A BITTORRENT SIMULATOR Figure 1: The BitTorrent simulator showing a sim-

In this section, we describe the BT simulator developed as ulation with 6 peers.
part of the ROVER project at BTH. We discuss the motiva-
tion for writing another simulator as well as provide a short
description of the simulator itself. 4.2 Design
4.1 OMNeT++ The BT simulator is comprised of four distinct modules.
Our BitTorrent simulator makes use of the OMNeT++ The TorrentFile module loads data from a real .torrent-file
framework [20]. OMNeT++ is a public-source, component- and makes it available for the other modules. This data is
based, modular, open-architecture discrete event simulation primarily the file size and piece length. The ClientAssigner
environment. Simple modules are written in C++ and de- module creates the necessary amount of BT clients at the
fined in the NED-language. NED is a simple language devel- start-up of the simulation by dynamic module creation. It
oped to easily insert modules into the simulator. Modules assigns the seeder /leecher states, session arrival and seeding
interact with each other by means of messages sent through time to each BT client. The two remaining modules are the
gates and over channels. Figure 1 shows a visualisation of BTClient and BTTracker modules, representing the corre-
a simulation run. The OMNeT++ GUI makes it intuitive sponding BT entities.
to debug and validate simulation scenarios. The simulation A large number of parameters are accessible through an
executable can also be compiled as a command-line vari- external initialisation file, loaded during the simulation start-
ant to get higher simulation speeds. Statistics are conve- up. These parameters are:
niently managed through specific classes provided by the • amount of clients that join the swarm during the sim-
OMNeT++ framework designed to collect simulation data. ulation run.
The modular architecture and structure of the OMNeT++
framework makes it quick and easy to extend the core BT al- • amount of seeders initially present in the swarm; these
gorithms. Furthermore, the fact that OMNeT++ is written stay present during the whole simulation.
in C++ has the added advantage of platform independence,
and allows us to run simulations on a wide variety of operat- • session interarrival time, the time between arrivals of
ing systems and architectures. Additionally, OMNeT++ is successive BT clients.
free for academic and non-profit use and has proven useful • seeding time of the clients when they turn into seeds.
success in other projects, e. g. , OverSim [1]. This implies that a client only leaves the swarm after
it is turned into a seeder.
• delay and bandwidth of the links between nodes in the
• an indicator whether links between nodes in the swarm
are asymmetrical or not.
• desired piece selection algorithm that the BT clients
• number of peers a client wants to receive when ex-
changing information with the tracker.
• maximum number of active connections between nodes 4.4.1 Parameters
in the swarm at any time. This represents the maxi- As most of the parameters for the simulation have not
mum amount of TCP connections at each client. been measured before, we make assumptions regarding the
• amount of pieces a client has when it joins the swarm. distributions. For instance, the exponential seeding time
and symmetric link assumptions are also used in [17]. The
• time between the arrival of a piece request and the parameters for the simulations presented in this section were
actual transmission of that piece. set as follows:
• block length. • The swarm interarrival time distribution is an expo-
nential distribution with a mean of 180 s.
Any of these parameters can be drawn from an arbitrary
distribution available through the OMNeT++ framework. • The seeding time distribution is also an exponential
The simulation ends when every scheduled BT Client has distribution with mean 180 s.
turned into a seeder. This is only possible if there is always
at least one seeder present in the swarm. This is also a • Each peer requests 10 peers from the tracker.
verification of whether the simulator works properly. If the • The piece response time distribution is an exponential
simulation does not end automatically, it means that certain distribution with mean 100 ms.
leechers could not download all the pieces of the content.
• The initial piece distribution per peer is a uniform dis-
4.3 Implementation tribution, with values between 0 % and 50 %.
The implementation of the BT protocol is based upon the
mainline client [4], version 4.0.2 released in May 2005. The • Links between peers are assumed to be symmetric,
mainline client is considered the reference implementation of and the link delay distribution is a uniform distribu-
the BT protocol. As there exist many different implementa- tion, with values between 50 ms and 400 ms. The link
tions and extensions of BT, we have restricted our implemen- bandwidth distribution is also the uniform distribu-
tation to this client. The choking- and rarest first algorithm tion, with values between 2 Mbps and 10 Mbps.
are implemented as they were presented in [14], which are • We ran 8 sets of experiments, with one initial seed
the algorithms used in the mainline client v4.0.2. The BT and 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 peers,
protocol itself is rather simple, but the associated algorithms respectively. Each simulation was run once.
can be implemented in many different ways. Therefore, some
implementation patterns must be highlighted. The simulator is able to handle large swarm sizes. The
All messages are responded immediately. This implies major boundary when computing these is the physical mem-
that the processing time for a message is zero (in simula- ory of the device used for simulation. A BT client in the
tion time), except for piece requests, which have a response simulator occupies around ≈ 2,5 kB of memory space. This
delay. This delay is settable in the initialisation file. Con- number depends on the simulation settings, mainly the max-
sequently, a leecher starts downloading from another peer imum amount of connections. Thus, a network size of 5000
at the moment it is unchoked by that specific peer. A new nodes minimally needs a memory space larger than 12,5 MB
block is requested immediately after a block has arrived from plus additional memory space to store swarm information
a peer, provided that the client is not choked in the mean at each peer and the OMNeT++ simulation core. Conse-
time by that peer. Handshakes and bitfields are also ex- quently, it is possible to run large simulations on a device
changed without processing delay. As piece requests are the with an average amount of resources. Studies have shown
most occurring messages needing a response, it is a fair ap- that a real-world swarm usually doesn’t exceed a swarm size
proximation to only use response delay when handling piece of 3-500 nodes except during flash crowds [11]. During flash
requests. This response delay is also necessary to implement crowds, peer numbers are one order of magnitude larger.
the end-game mode. However, the swarm size parameter in our simulator doesn’t
As the simulator was written to be easily extendable for refer to the actual instantaneous swarm size but rather the
piece selection algorithms, it is highly desirable to insert an total number of peers connecting during the entire life time
easy to use mechanism to select a piece selection algorithm. of the swarm.
This is realised by means of a parameter setting accessible Figure 2 shows the simulation time as a function of the
in the initialisation file. A new algorithm must be added to number of clients connecting to the swarm. The course of
the source code and the internal simulator code then selects the curve tend to be linear, which means that the additional
the proper algorithm. computational overhead of adding a new peer during run-
The built-in topology generator makes it easy to simulate time is low for the specific torrent file and parameter set.
different swarm sizes by changing only one parameter in the
initialisation file. The BT clients are then created dynami- 4.5 Simulator Validation
cally upon start-up of the simulation. The maximum swarm To validate the simulator’s behaviour we compare simula-
size of a simulation is not explicitly defined. However, the tion data with real-world measurements.
swarm size can be altered by two parameters: the amount of
clients connecting during the simulation run and the session 4.5.1 Piece selection
interarrival time. Ideally, the rarest-first piece selection algorithm should
tend toward a uniform piece distribution of pieces. That is,
4.4 Simulation Results each piece should be replicated about the same number of
In this section, we discuss some preliminary simulation times in the swarm. This means that each piece will also be
results achieved with the simulator. requested about the same number of times.
Simulation time Proportion of peers in swarm
1 1 0
0.9 0.1
Simulation Time (normalised)

0.8 0.8 0.2

Proportion of leechers

Proportion of seeders
0.7 0.3
0.6 0.6 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4 0.6
0.3 0.7
0.2 0.2 0.8
0.1 0.9
0 0 1
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Number of connecting clients Time (s)

Figure 2: Evolution of the simulation time as a func- Figure 4: Simulation data representing the propor-
tion of the amount of connecting nodes during a sim- tion of seeders and leechers in the swarm during a
ulation run. simulation run.

In Figure 3, we show the Empirical Probability Density rate is set in the initialisation file. The session duration time,
Function (EPDF) for the piece distribution for a simulation however, is partially dependant on the amount of peers in
scenario with 1000 peers. The grey line is the theoretical the swarm and the initial amount of pieces of the peers as
density for a uniform distribution with minimum value 0 well as the piece response delay and available bandwidth. In
and maximum value 1204, while the black line represents order to be able to compare similar data of simulation re-
the proportion of requests of the associated piece. sults and real-world measurements we achieved a simulated
swarm size similar to the one observed in the real-world
measurements [9].
Piece distribution.
Figure 5(a) shows a graph of the session duration Com-

plementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) of all

peers for simulation run 8, i. e. , with 3000 peers in total.
Figure 5(b) shows the session duration for one of the mea-

surements reported in [9]. When fitting a log-normal distri-

bution to the simulated results, the Anderson-Darling (AD)

statistic for the fitted parameters of the data is 0.89, indi-


cating a very good measure of fit. This is an interesting


result, as in [9], results indicated that session durations are

log-normally distributed. This validates the functionality of

our simulator with regards to session duration.


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 While our simulator is capable of handling a wide range
Piece number of scenarios, there is still some functionality missing. For
instance, modular peer selection is not implemented, nor
is peer snubbing, i. e. , dropping peers that do not respond
Figure 3: Piece distribution for 1000 peer scenario. quickly enough. Also, as the BT protocol allows for exten-
sions, several clients have used this capability to add new
As Figure 3 shows, the simulated piece selection algorithm features to the protocol, e. g. , a trackerless Distributed Hash
quite clearly tends toward a uniform selection of pieces. Table (DHT) protocol, encryption, super seeding. Addition-
ally, some clients have extended the torrent file format to
4.5.2 Choking algorithm
contain more information, such as current download status,
The proper working of the choking algorithm was checked connected peers and QoS information. None of these non-
by tracing what decisions each peer made while running the standard extensions have been implemented in our simula-
choking algorithm. No irregularities were observed during tor. In the near future, we plan to add both snubbing and
our simulation test-runs. modular peer selection capabilities to our simulator, as well
as extend the protocol with QoS-related messaging.
4.5.3 Number of peers in swarm Furthermore, points of improvement can be carried out to
Figure 4 shows the amount of seeders and leechers in the improve the performance of the BT simulator. The current
swarm, taken from a simulation run. There are no noticeable version of the simulator loads all the BT clients that will
errors observed in this plot, and the results shows similarities connect during the simulation at the simulation start-up.
with the corresponding results in [11]. We will change this to loading each client when the session
4.5.4 Session duration arrives in simulation time. This way we will be able to simu-
Realistic session arrivals and session duration time are late larger and longer simulations. Further, an overloadable
fundamental for a realistic simulation. The session arrival piece selection algorithm would be preferred instead of a sim-
ple hard-coded switch. Also, the TorrentFile module needs
improvement so it can load more .torrent-files.
Additionally, we will run more and longer simulation runs,
as well as repeat runs with varying initial random number
seeds to achieve confidence intervals for the simulation re-

We would like to thank the Swedish Internet Infrastruc-
ture Foundation (IIS) and Euro-NGI for granting and sup-
porting the ROVER project during 2006 and 2007.

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