Organization of Tongue Movements Before and After Frenotomy For Posterior Tongue-Tie: An Ultrasound Analysis
Organization of Tongue Movements Before and After Frenotomy For Posterior Tongue-Tie: An Ultrasound Analysis
Organization of Tongue Movements Before and After Frenotomy For Posterior Tongue-Tie: An Ultrasound Analysis
Normal Tongue
Restricted elevation
Restriction of
tongue motions
Restrictive frenulum
twisting on lateralization
Restricted extension
Restricted grooving
Failure to thrive
Breastfeeding Problems
Associated with Tongue-tie
Nipple wounds
3 views of same
infants tongue
Appearance Prefrenotomy
(type 3/50%)
Ultrasound examination of
sucking during breastfeeding
Normal Sucking
Elad et al
Current Study
Objective analysis of ultrasounds
previously recorded
9 infants, 6 from Tel Aviv, 3 from NY
One treating physician (NY) / pediatric
dentist (Tel Aviv) per site
Scissors frenotomy
Immediate (Tel Aviv) or delayed (NY)
post-frenotomy scan
Further information:
Ultrasound Research
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