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Pla Yer's Guide

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The Kingdoms of Kalamar

Player’s Guide
Authors: Lloyd Brown III, Brian Jelke, David S. Kenzer, Noah Kolman, Don Morgan, Mark Plemmons

Jolly Blackburn, Jason Carl, Scott Casper, Monte Cook, Caleb Cleveland, Thomas Denmark, Lars Grant-West,
Bruce Cordell, Dan Donnelly, David Eckelberry, Jon Hodgson, Chuck Lukacs, Jeremy Mohler, David Esbri
D. Andrew Ferguson, Ed Greenwood, Christopher Heath, Molinas, Gregory Price, Kevin Wasden
Rob Heinsoo, Richard Jensen, David Johansson, PLAYTESTERS: German Altgelt, John Benner, Holger Brackmann,
Steve Johansson, Robert King, Anthony Lowman, brynjolf, Douglas Click, Len Cogle, Roxann Cogle, Joel Conner,
Brad Daeda, Gary Duell, Ted Elsner, Gigi Epps, Craig Furness,
Andy Miller, James Mishler, Barratt Moy, David Noonan,
Leslie Furness, Randy Gardner, Phil Greenwood,
John Rateliff, Rich Redman, Sean Reynolds, Dave Ritzlin,
Alison Grisenthwaite, Casey Grooms, Jeff Harding, Roy Hart, Jim
Mike Selinker, Jarret Sylvestre, Johnathan Tweet, Ivens, Pam Ivens, Mark Lane, Marc Kowallik, Glenn Martin,
Skip Williams, Tony Wilson, James Wyatt and D.M. Zwerg Harald Menschel, Oliver Mauermann, Hans Messersmith,
PROJECT MANAGER: Brian Jelke Greg Nelson, Roger Pascal, Mark Prater, Patrick Pricken,
PRODUCTION MANAGER: Steve Johansson John Richard, Lee Sharp, Michelle Sharp, Kevin Stillwell,
ART DIRECTOR: Bob Burke Brian Testa, Jeff Thomas, Stefan Thomassen, Thomas Young,
ART LIAISON: Mark Plemmons Bill Watson, John Williams, John Wright.
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Bob Burke, Jiffy Burke
BEHIND THE SCENES : Tracy Casper, Gerda Hansen,
Jennifer Kenzer

Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
Chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . .Races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206
Chapter 3 . . . . . . . .Prestige Classes . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Place of Origin Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213
Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . . .Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Feat Summary Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220
Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . .Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Character Record Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233
Chapter 6 . . . . . . . . . . .Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Spell Planners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235
Chapter 7 . . . . . . . . . .Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263
Chapter 8 . . . . . . . . . . .Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
Chapter 9 . . . . . . . . . .Adventuring . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
Chapter 10 . . . . . . . . . . .Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
Chapter 11 . . . . . . . . . . .Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Chapter 12 . . . . . . . . .Magic Items . . . . . . . . . . . . .195

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place to live. You need the good, the bad and even the so-so to
Why Kalamar? populate your campaign to make the party’s heroic deeds excep-
tional. After all, if everybody on the block is a superhero,
nobody stands out.
Kalamar is a vibrant setting for your D&D game, alive with Kalamar is designed to enhance your D&D experience by
rich characters, imminent danger, complex intrigue and providing you a realistic backdrop for your character. Every
exciting adventure, all awaiting your shaping hand. It is a type of person you could imagine lives somewhere in Kalamar.
robust and detailed world filled with many cultures, both In fact, that’s one of the reasons Kalamar is such an enjoyable
human and demihuman. It is also a world rife with adventure setting to play in: it is tremendously versatile. No matter what
possibilities, where fantastic creatures roam the wilderness, evil type of character you choose to play, you should feel confident
clerics worship evil deities hellbent on destruction, and the that they will have an important place in the world of Kalamar.
dead rise again to spread terror throughout the world. Complex Kalamar also provides a realistic, dynamic world for your
political alliances mix with marauding bands of humanoids and character to live in. Every sort of adventure can be found on the
technology and industry come face to face with magic and the continents of Tellene. Whether you dream of finding great
fantastic. Kalamar combines the best of the real medieval world riches in the bellies of mountains or ridding the desert of
with all the elements of fantasy you have come to enjoy. And undead abominations, Kalamar provides the where and the
while nearly any setting suffices for a single adventure, because how, all the while maintaining a commitment to realism that
of these qualities your characters will find Kalamar to be an lets you experience your character’s adventures in the most
engaging game setting to live in and explore, long after the satisfying ways.
novelty of the “tourist bazaars” has worn thin. In Kalamar, your character has a chance to stand out. In fact,
This is because the geo-historical basis of Kalamar is its you have a chance to be the greatest character in the campaign
strength. The maps feel right because they are right, at least world. But greatness is different for every individual. While
from a standpoint of verisimilitude. The continents, the lakes, you may dream of conquering the continent and bringing peace
the rivers, the forests, all the geographical features are based on and prosperity to its people, others may wish for the ultimate in
real examples. Kalamar was built from the ground up, and it was scholarly or magical achievement. What sets Kalamar apart is
built with an attention to detail. Everything was determined at its ability to give you the opportunity to do all this and more
the start, from the direction of the prevailing winds to the plate without sacrificing continuity or common sense. This book
tectonics. There are no glaciers in the middle of warm lakes, no provides rules for playing haughty nobles, influential clerics
swamps adjacent to deserts, nor huge jungles in temperate and avaricious warlords. It also includes information on
latitudes. The realistic basis of Kalamar allows it to become the customizing your character for Kalamar and more detail on the
invisible backdrop for the real action: you. various races and subraces that populate the continent. Here
Your player character is the real hero of any D&D game. You you are presented with the opportunity to become great.
rescue the princess and you recover the stolen Whatzit for Lord Realizing that opportunity, however, requires skill, effort and a
So-and-So. You are the focus, and a campaign world should be little bit of luck.
shaped by your actions, not the other way around. Kalamar is
that kind of campaign world as it offers you the opportunity to
be a world-shaper. Life in Kalamar is guided by ordinary men
and women with extraordinary courage and resolve. This book
gives you the information you need to become one of those
people. But fear not, for all the detail and background history
that this setting provides adds depth to your adventures without
confining them. Kalamar allows you to be the author of your
own destiny by providing the scenery but not the story.
Of course, player characters cannot be everywhere at once. While primarily a guide for players, this book does
The world continues moving even when you are off exploring a include notes for DMs as well. Generally, these notes
forgotten dungeon somewhere. Evil cults spread their influ- suggest ways to incorporate some of the options given in
this book, or why you might or might not use some of them.
ence throughout a small town. A villiage succumbs to a myste- Ultimately, the DM decides which options to include in his
rious disease. A band of humanoids halts merchant routes own Kalamar campaign. You will find these notes indicated
between two cities. Villains even kidnap princesses when you in small boxes like this one set apart from the main text.
are not around to do anything about it. What happens then? The DM will need the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR campaign setting
sourcebook for the maps and full details concerning the
Well, usually the Vicelord has his way with her. You see, the
2 lands, cities, deities, secret organizations, languages and
NPCs of Kalamar are not inept, otherwise they would not be other aspects of Tellene.
worthy (or successful) villains. A world full of morons is no
Chapter 1: Races

he felt lost and afraid. The jade ring was a symbol of dire peril. The throughout elven lands, preferring the company of other elves
danger must be both extreme and immediate. War? A great fire? to that of the “lesser” races.
What could it be? Religion: Gray elves favor worship of the Eternal Lantern, the
The guards passed the messenger, a tall elf dressed for riding. Peacemaker, the Pure One, the Founder, the Mule, the Eye
Despite the urgency of his message, he was visibly impressed at the Opener and the Fate Scribe, with the largest following
majesty of the gray elf court. He recovered his composure, hustled belonging to the Pure One. Their attitude toward others and
forward and knelt in greeting. Imari let him kneel a moment longer their choice of religion might seem a contradiction. How can a
than was polite. race that holds others in disdain worship a goddess of love? The
“Rise and give me your message, neighbor.” Friend would not have dichotomy is easily explained; they love other races in the way
been quite right, would it? The elves in Cilorealon were distant in more that a pet owner loves her pet.
ways than mere geography. Language: Gray elves consider themselves the trustees of
“You are of course aware of the great green dragon Ghanamoor. Five ancient High Elven. Among the elves, they speak it exclusively.
years ago, after an epic battle, one of our heroes managed to defeat They speak Low Elven to other races. They typically learn to
Ghanamoor with no small amount of aid from Your Majesty.” comprehend a human tongue or other popular regional
Dorlanisti nodded. He had given the promising champion a fine suit of language in order to better understand strangers, however, they
magical mail from his own hoard. It was a well-appointed gift, in both are loath to speak in such barbaric tongues.
fit and in its use. It also ingratiated his northern kin, a situation that Adventurers: The desire for knowledge usually prompts a
had proven useful. gray elf to take up a life of adventure, but experience in the real
“The dragon has returned, and she is angry!” world or boredom can motivate them as well. A sage might
Dorlanisti was later proud to boast that his face showed none of the become a mercenary, for example, so that he can write a book
panic he felt. Ghanamoor surely knew that Dorlanisti’s aid led directly about the military organization of Korak. Wizards are their
to the dragon’s defeat, and dragons never forgave anyone or anything. favorite class, and gray elves excel in the arcane arts. Their
desire for knowledge and self-awareness leads a few to the life of
Personality: Gray elves are haughty creatures. They project a monk. More typically, they become clerics, fighters and bards.
either good intentions tinged with arrogance or depraved indif- Less commonly, adventuring gray elves are paladins, rangers or
ference, depending on their alignment. They are somber and rogues. Gray elf druids are rare, sorcerers very rare, and if there
dignified, and they do not tolerate familiarity or open affection is a gray elf barbarian, she is probably unique.
Physical Description: The doulathan are the tallest of the • +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution. Gray elves
elves. Their skin resembles that of high elves, although they can achieve supernatural learning over their long lives, but their
might possess a golden tone. Their hair colors run light and light bodies do not handle abuse well.
their eyes are blue, green, brown or gray. On rare occasions, a • Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, gray elves have no
gray elf has black eyes. Gray elves, unique among elven special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
cultures, often have beards in their old age. Younger gray elves • Gray elf base speed is 30 feet.
can grow them, but consider them horribly unfashionable. • +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (arcana) checks. The teaching
Gray elves do not require eight hours of sleep. They need only of lore to the young is standard, and gray elf youths can recite
four hours of meditation, just like high elves. long passages of tales and tidbits of magic.
Relations: Gray elves do not consider other races equals. • Automatic Languages: High Elven, Low Elven and
They respect the dignity of lowland dwarves, tolerate high elves Merchant’s Tongue. Bonus Languages: Celestial and Sylvan.
and ignore most other races. Gnomes can be annoying, • Favored class: Wizard. A multiclass gray elf’s wizard class
especially the ones fond of practical jokes, while half-orcs are does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP
offensive. Surprisingly, they treat hobgoblins with some penalty for multiclassing; fighter/wizards are especially
respect, usually because they show the same in return. Gray common among them (see Experience for Multiclass
elves pay no attention to halflings. When they must, they are Characters, page 56 of the Player’s Handbook).
generally condescending.
Alignment: Doulathan are far less chaotic than their cousins.
While they are often neutral good, they tend more toward Dark Elves
lawful neutral or lawful good. Other elves hide the existence of the dark elves (also known
Gray Elf Lands: Gray elf cities have more stone and fewer as “shadow elves” or, in Low Elven, “drow”) in myth and legend,
trees than those of other elven civilizations, and their govern- mixing fact with fantasy to conceal the existence of these
ments are similar in complexity to human nations. Gray elves hateful cousins. In fact, dark elves are as evil and treacherous as
live all over Tellene, but their greatest concentration is in the these tales tell.
city of Doulathanorian in the Edosi forest. Individuals live
Chapter 1: Races

Ameth moved through the comforting night with no more of a Religion: Drow clerics, who are exclusively female, are
disturbance than a cool breeze. The sharp-eyed surface elves on watch powerful leaders in drow society. The head of each clergy is also
did not blink an eye as he slipped past their blockade and into the trees likely to be the matron of a noble house, each of which rules her
below. A few agile steps later he was past their bow range and in the lands with near-total power. Organized religion is an integral
clear. part of drow culture, though it is mostly for show. Most drow
When he turned to make sure he was past the last of them, he pay only lip service to the god they supposedly worship, while
glimpsed movement ahead. An instinctive dodge was all that saved his others propitiate a large number of gods.
neck from a quick rapier poke. The moonlight caught a mithril blade The most popular churches are the House of Vice, the House
pointed at his chest.
of Knives, the Church of Endless Night and the Order of the
“Your kind aren’t welcome here. Go back to your foul hole in the
Passionate One.
ground.” The melodic voice told Ameth his foe was one of the oppressors
Language: Dark elves speak their own language. Despite
who kept his people in the dark. He bit back his distaste and spread his
their hatred, drow often speak the languages of other races
hands open in a gesture of peace.
because drow secrecy prevents them from teaching their own
“Wait! I have come unarmed. I moved past your guards without
harming them, despite the ease with which I could have done so. I just tongue to others. Their own natural Intelligence also makes it
want to explore the world, to enjoy the same beauties that you do.” fairly simple to learn other languages. They tend to speak Drow,
Ameth had to avoid fighting. Anyone silent enough to surprise him Undercommon, Low Elven (reluctantly) and sometimes
had to be talented. Merchant’s Tongue, plus a diverse array of other languages
The leather-clad form in front of him hesitated, the point of the common to subterranean creatures.
rapier wavering just a bit. Ameth continued his plea. “I want to taste Adventurers: Adventuring drow are either on a mission of
the fresh fruit that falls from the trees, and the berries that grow in the destruction or renegades, and sometimes both. These
daylight,” he said. It was true; just two days ago, he had tasted his first renegades seek notoriety among the surface-dwellers, hoping
blackberries, and he had stuffed himself full. “I want to see the silver that their terrible deeds will allow them to become members of
light of the moon. I want to ride on the sea in a ship with real sails.” the drow society once again. Rare and short-lived is the drow
The rapier was lowered now, pointing at Ameth’s feet. Then the who abandons his old ways entirely and turns to good.
figure’s arm flexed and the blade prepared to rise again. “You’re lying.
You all do!” Ameth lunged, stepping on the sword and drawing a thin DARK ELF RACIAL TRAITS
dagger from his wrist sheath. He gritted his teeth. “I want to be trusted • +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution. Dark elves are clever and
and not attacked on sight.” The shock on the elf’s face was obvious and quick learners, but they suffer from the same physical frailty as
frozen in death as Ameth slid his dagger into an unarmored throat. other elves.
Ameth looked down at his fallen victim and shook his head. Being • Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures, dark elves have no
good, like learning to survive the searing sun, would take some time. special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Dark elf base speed is 30 feet.
Personality: Drow are paranoid, ambitious and untrust- • Darkvision: Shadow elves can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
worthy. Individuals might be furtive, bold or secretive. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like
Physical Description: In silhouette, a dark elf is indistin- normal sight, and drow function just fine with no light at all.
guishable from any other elf. In full light, however, its appear- • +2 racial bonus to Escape Artist, Move Silently and Spot
ance is striking. Their skin is jet black, in sharp contrast to their checks. Dark elves have a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks.
white hair. Their eyes are amber, blood red or shades of violet.
• +2 racial bonus on Alchemy checks to identify or make
Dark elves, like high elves, meditate for four hours instead of
• Light sensitivity: In direct sunlight, or within the radius of
Relations: Dark elves hate most other races. They enslave
light from a continual flame or daylight spell (or similar effects),
those that live near them and undertake long journeys to kill
a drow suffers a -1 penalty to all skill checks, attack rolls and
those distant. They respect mind flayers, whom they consider
saving throws.
their equals, and fear the enigmatic aboleths.
• Automatic Languages: Undercommon and Drow. Bonus
Alignment: Dark elves are individually evil and strongly
chaotic. Collectively, their society tends toward a more neutral Languages: Abyssal, Draconic, Ignan and Terran.
sort of evil in that it does have an organized structure with • Favored Class: Varies with sex: cleric for females, wizard for
strong repercussions for acting out of order (a lawful trait), but males. A multiclass dark elf female’s cleric class does not count
accepts frequent violations of the laws (a chaotic trait). when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multi-
Dark Elf Lands: Dark elves live in cities underneath the classing (see Experience for Multiclass Characters, page 56 of
surface of the earth. These cities are large enough to be self- the Player’s Handbook). A multiclass dark elf male’s wizard
sufficient (5,000 to 10,000), but they never grow to the size of class does not count when determining whether he suffers an
XP penalty for multiclassing (see Experience for Multiclass
large human cities because of space constraints, warfare and the
chaotic nature of their inhabitants. Characters, page 56 of the Player’s Handbook).
Chapter 1: Races


Surnames are common only among nobility and freemen. Brandobians Dwarves are clannish and reluctant to break a family tradition by brazenly
speak the family name first, though most scribes follow the Kalamaran claiming to start their own dynasty. Therefore, they have retained only a
custom of listing the personal name first. Brandobians address strangers by handful of family names for centuries. Similarly, they often reuse personal
their full names and expect the same in return. names, hoping that some admired quality of the original will appear in the
namesake as well. Dwarves mingling among other races will choose names
Surnames: Blondol, Brendril, Brodoran, Celdon, Colbrandar, Colmen, Corvled,
Dolcrindel, Dorbren, Dorguld, Edarn, Folnester, Fortron, Galborn, Guldselan,
in Merchant’s Tongue or the local human language. Examples include
Ingamin, Lelten, Melran, Minel, Norcrensel, Olmcrelnel, Rancren, Rondstern, Stron, Bromide Ironheart, Borli the Smith, Silverbeard the Axe, Cesium Stonecraft
Thronel,Torist,Velsin,Vleldin,Volven and Ferrous.
Male: Altamir, Brendol, Coldon, Crend, Defrin, Estand, Fortind, Glandal, Granden,
Gruthal, Ichil, Ilthan, Lonvlen, Malvus, Munvaln, Nandten, Nurband, Senden, Sevlen, Surnames: Angklin, Damvalk, Gramdal, Gunterm, Kerak,Talek,Tukurz, Zarduk
Transen,Valesin,Voldomar,Vrasten,Vrindon Male: Adurmak, Blim, Borli, Durmak, Fargad, Forbarek, Fulkaft, Golzumak, Khazuk,
Female: Avil, Blesden, Brava, Brennor, Cosolel, Dandrel, Elbren, Elvled, Eve, Gulda, Kelterak, Lomburd, Rurik,Trezhek, Ulgrum, Urgaz
Lelten, Mindoleen, Mindrel, Mindril, Norlel, Norvita, Olita, Pandred, Ranselita, Female: Ada, Adel, Dagmar, Edda, Femek, Ganila, Gomore, Imelka, Kelarr, Klass,
Sabeleen, Selguld, Strolema,Vurethel,Wencrel,Yulan Kormeta, Kuoro, Mieka, Zarakil, Zomed.

When dealing with non-elves, family names are usually translated to Low
Most Dejy tribesmen use only one name.
Elven. Some elves translate directly them into Merchant’s Tongue, so high
Male: Bajyr, Chojen, Gyrjen, Janesh, Jaresh, Jish, Jorjen, Khodri, Kotesh, Nyrash, Rijani, elves have names such as Whitehelm, Highspear and Lightfoot, while wood
Roshnyr, Saryf, Shanko, Shathy, Shiseth, Shyja, Shynath,Thakyr,Thekevi elves use arboreal or rural-sounding names, like Woodhall, Oaklimb and
Female: Adagyr, Ashny, Aslesh, Chada, Cheshy, Daresh, Dolshy, Enshy, Freesha, Jolndar, Greentree. Wild elf names might refer to animals or locations such as
Jynko, Koshy, Kylsha, Rosharek, Shary, Slajen,Thena,Vashel,Yendo,Yerjen,Yuji Foxtail or Riverrunner. Gray elves prefer to use their native names, since
they are less concerned with making pronunciation easier for the “lesser
FHOKKI: races.” If the humans cannot pronounce Veirseleak, it simply further demon-
The Fhokki disdain the use of surnames. strates their barbarism and lack of culture.
Male: Arturr, Dvorn, Elmin, Froljar, Gortha, Gurthay, Hostud, Hreathwrot, Hurrkal, Male: Amator, Artesidet, Bare, Cyrn, Hulirrad, Hurell, Jumar, Mellitee, Selemar, Shifan,
Lokkur, Mantak, Ragil, Rastur, Rythok,Thalnawr,Thelvan,Thurvan,Viljar,Vosted Sincarel,Telarai,Torasceine,Werlen,Wevelin
Female: Defyn, Dythrok, Enga, Fontharra, Gulli, Gytha, Halvena, Otha, Rortakk, Rothla, Female: Ameris, Asaivelia, Celmereian, Colinaseti, Culessa, Hanasila, Jelena, Jeserel,
Ryndar, Shrokker, Sorykka,Tankarra,Thanarkka,Thelka,Thilla,Thrayd, Unula,Vrykor Laraneai, Mehelet, Setita,Tessevi,Tultetika,Wylee, Zowale

Kalamaran nobility always have two names. Freemen have picked up this Gnomes use both personal names and family names, and are unlikely to
custom as well, with two names being more common in heavily populated translate their surnames into human words or to adopt human surnames.
areas. Serfs and rural Kalamarans only use one name. Still, the practice is not too rare, and gnomish communities among larger
Surnames: B’Peratak, Balemo, Darisek, Dilomas, Esamil, Falama, Fapeki, Gomanas, human settlements generally use both methods, so a Faerbast Galborn
Hap’nam, Heran, Ku’Ato, Kuwaki, Lesepar, Mokira, P’Folosip, P’Mare, Pateris, might live next door to a Hreslin Whitewright. Merchant’s Tongue names
Ragarela, Ragosip, Remel, Remosa, Saketi, Sepiter, Setiran,Vitisar tend to reflect crafts, metals or tools.
Male: Balamir, Balan, Fanam, Feledar, Feranis, Folikar, Fonamar, Haraman, Hovaran,
Hul’Mar, Lakaran, Malaran, Minon, Morisato, Nelata, P’Ligel, Parama, Pilamel, Pitar, Surnames: Bagazi, Chivralpa, Dalfort, Galborn, Gozer, Herit, Nitanni, Piulman, Tesafel,
Pulan, Puramal, Resemer, Saterus, Satira, Selemar, Sulat,Vanamir Zarayt
Female: Asa, Benali, Dela, Dorata, Famaril, Fanam, Felana, Fitolima, Gimane, Goranu, Male: Banarak, Faerbast, Fulmor, Gruthal, Gultemp, Herjrast, Hreslin, Restam, Romari,
Helena, Hilu’A, Ilubek, Inala, Kaperele, Ki’Isa, Kibika, Korasela, Lamasaru, Lisanara, Sil
Mepate, Nelata, Pakara,Takane,Tomare Female: Cainfreda, Habamel, Jandy, Lulla, Meileen, Merabal, Raxeen, Salipa, Semaneo,
Reanaarians tend to use only personal names. Few Reanaarians, save for HALFLING:
nobility (or those attempting to appear cosmopolitan), use surnames. Halflings use both personal names and surnames. However, nicknames are
extremely popular with halflings, and any given halfling might be known by a
Surnames: Feasiari, Feaveu, Fooromau, Gazee, Huuraew, Laaria, Leenoorova, Lorot, dozen different nicknames among his friends and other associates.
Nae, Naizix, Narituir, Peer, Reemae, Rooxea, Seetoov, Sumoraa, Tarealeon, Vaotal,
Vuria, Xookaer Surnames: Altean, Bojardi, Kapran, Maleki, Murmalal, Padravan, Ramin, Sadek, Sapran,
Male: Boelain, Bouzaar, Dealaan, Emearer, Geolain, Haar, Lenaiz, Liamar, Neila, Nooregaa, Takhti
Peasor, Raizix, Reenea, Reolain, Sortureer, Sutila, Taofoor,Vaxea,Vuuawa,Wiuxiu Male: Babaktar, Borin, Furum, Gonflen, Guvrokam, Kavleta, Nolan, Nurdan, Theartan,
Female: Alixoor, Boebea, Ceopeari, Daaralau, Gaafoor, Huurum, Keilaaw, Leugoo, Zandi
Lewao, Miana, Naavabi, Naavazoor, Neavazaar, Rianoo, Teelia, Vandakeer, Vaolai, Female: Arenou, Bousrah, Catrakkan, Mari, Noolau, Sahar, Sarshar, Sejeyla,Tajela,Virda
Veuza,Vuubou, Ziliana
SVIMOHZISH: Both Kargi and Krangi hobgoblins use personal names and surnames. Other,
Svimohz take two names, sometimes three (two personal names and a family smaller hobgoblin tribes, such as the Kors, usually follow this practice as
name). When a Svimohz becomes a wizard, he takes a single name only and well.
drops any family name. The most modest wizards keep their given name,
Surnames: Akdrenned, Diaddun, Gabrazel, Grazlak, Grond, Haadrik, Kolredden,
but others give themselves new names, taken from arcane words of power.
Krolovik, Kubannik, Kurgar, Malzurek, Stirnog,Terenkol,Thulhak,Vakhtan
Surnames: Arhomven, Aziri, Damozh, Eshovim, Ghanim, Izahn, Mezahn, Mizani, Male: Azzak, Dolmak, Ganakh, Gornatt, Graz-Naz, Grezat, Gulak, Herkuul, Kargran,
Mozaresh, Neshnamohn, Ohmdalz, Shenshal, Svowmizh, Vezdor, Vlan, Whenonesh, Kelghaz, Kelrand, Kinshag, Koron, Kurgaz, Patukhar, Raitagh, Shagraz, Thaltak,
Yahul, Zalden, Zhamish, Zhasorozh Thanagazh,Tuvagh
Male: Amar, Anarvis, Ansven, Athasvero, Azhanimahr, Hilanozh, Hilano, Izvan, Mawhal, Female: Akagh, Brogarz, Brogatu, Dazulka, Guldaz, Gulkumek, Gulmabek, Kaghaz,
Mesvanish, Miznamvho, Mizovohr, Movazh, Onsar, Razhan, Roshanaz, Selevahn, Kanaraz, Kathal, Krokamel, Makkel, Makranmek, Mukli, Nagraz, Randarz, Silkathal,
Shazahn, Suvar, Svemahni,Wherahzni, Zhulurahn, Zohshanam Thakarz,Tubrak,Tukrome
32 Female: Anasvish, Daresvim, Ehnosham, Emeni, Hava, Lashasvow, Leshan, Menahvna, ,
Minona, Morashez, Movamo, Nomishim, Sanano, Savano, Sharresh, Sisi, Vanazha,
Zeminah, Zhashosa, Zoravam
Chapter 2: Classes

Alternate Gladiator Starting Package Alignment: Infiltrators, like others who prefer to work alone,
Race: Half-hobgoblin, elf or half-orc. lean toward chaotic alignments. They might be either good,
Armor: Breastplate +5 AC, speed 20 ft., 30 lb. neutral or evil.
Weapons: Dire flail (1d8/1d8, crit x2, 20 lb., Large, Religion: Infiltrators prefer gods of luck, chance and skill.
Bludgeoning), Heavy crossbow (1d10, crit 19-20/x2, 120 ft., 9 They worship Risk, Raconteur, the Traveler, the Landlord and
lb., Piercing). the Laugher most often. They generally avoid the Fate Scribe’s
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 2 + Int insistence that their actions might be predetermined, and
modifier from the following list. dislike constraining faiths such as those of the True or the
SKILL RANKS ABILITY ARMOR Background: The infiltrator is a humanoid class that certain
Balance 4 Dex -4 members of the elf and gnome races have begun to follow as
Bluff 4 Cha
Climb 4 Str -4 well. It arose from the need to quickly sneak into another settle-
Intimidate 4 Cha ment and steal supplies or stir up trouble with arson or other
Jump 4 Str -4
Knowledge (fighting styles) 4 Int mayhem. This practice is so common among these cultures that
Pantomime 4 Wis woodland races have adopted it for striking back at the
Sense Motive 4 Wis humanoids. Bands of infiltrators sneak into orcish fortifications
Speak Language 4 Int
Spot 4 Int or gnoll camps with poison or tindertwig to inflict as much
Tumble 4 Dex -4 harm as possible.
Races: The most likely player character infiltrators are wood
Feat: Power Attack. elves, high elves or gnomes of any sort. Dwarven infiltrators,
enhancing their class skills with the dwarven racial traits, make
INFILTRATOR highly effective underground adventurers. Some braver
Infiltrators are a variant class of rogue that combines halflings adopt it also, and these are more likely to use their
elements of several classes to make a unique raider and skills against human or other “friendly” races. Among humans,
saboteur. Originally a crude humanoid plague on peaceful the most likely infiltrators are the Dejy, who make war on their
settlements, infiltrators have become proud of their skills and enemies as infiltrators, or Fhokki. Reanaarian pirates, press
put them to use in a variety of situations. Infiltrators might be gangs and buccaneers might include infiltrators as well. The
spies, assassins, bandits or highwaymen. They might also be intellectual gray elves are possibly the only subrace that virtu-
stealthy scouts, dependable guides, tough caravan guards or ally never embraces this class.
honest hunters. Other Classes: While infiltrators are very self-reliant, they
Adventures: Infiltrators work alone or in small groups,
appreciate the strengths of other classes. A wizard or sorcerer can
making them ideal fits for an adventuring party. Since they
be useful for bestowing invisibility or other enhancing spells.
typically know the local geography, have good contacts and are
Heavily armored warriors such as fighters and paladins are useful
familiar with hazards of travel, they make
excellent companions. They adventure TABLE 2–8: THE INFILTRATOR
out of a desire for excitement, a love of CLASS BASE ATTACK FORT REF WILL
trouble or an irrepressible urge to LEVEL BONUS SAVE SAVE SAVE SPECIAL
wander and explore. 1 +0 +0 +2 +0 Sneak attack +1d6, Fast Movement (10 ft.)
Characteristics: Infiltrators combine 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Uncanny dodge, woodland stride
3 +2 +1 +3 +1 Trackless Step
the stealthy aspects of a rogue with 4 +3 +1 +4 +1 Woodcraft, Sneak attack +2d6
martial skills and a certain amount of 5 +3 +1 +4 +1
woodcraft. Their skills are similar to the 6 +4 +2 +5 +2 Internal Compass
7 +5 +2 +5 +2 Sneak attack +3d6
ranger, but their mind-set is closer to 8 +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Fast Movement (20’)
that of the rogue. Whereas rogues rely 9 +6/+1 +3 +6 +3
on Intelligence, infiltrators need 10 +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Moving Target, Sneak attack +4d6
11 +8/+3 +3 +7 +3
Wisdom, representing their woodcraft, 12 +9/+4 +4 +8 +4
native lore and knack for following 13 +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Sneak attack +5d6
intuition. In a pinch, though, they find 14 +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 Fast Movement (30 ft.)
15 +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5
they cannot avoid brute force, thus they 16 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Sneak attack +6d6
also need Strength. 17 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5
18 +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6
19 +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 Sneak attack +7d6 43
20 +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6
Chapter 2: Classes

in certain situations, but limited in their versatility. The right Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Pick Pocket (Dex), Profession
cleric or druid can be a fun-loving, valuable companion, but the (Wis), Read Lips (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Int), Swim
wrong cleric can be a stick-in-the-mud. Barbarians might have (Str), Use Rope (Dex), Wilderness Lore (Wis). See Chapter 4:
the right frame of mind, if they lack a little subtlety. Rangers are Skills in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.
close kin, but infiltrators consider their emphasis on protecting Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
wildlife pointless; most animals can take care of themselves. Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Game Rule Information
All of the following are class features of the infiltrator class.
Infiltrators have the following game statistics.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The infiltrator is proficient
Abilities: A high Dexterity is useful for avoiding attacks, since
with all simple and martial weapons. They are proficient with
the infiltrator does not wear heavy armor. Many of her skills
light armor and shields, but they generally disdain the use of a
also rely on Dexterity. A high Constitution score is useful
shield, since it ties up a hand that can be useful for climbing,
because the infiltrator is often alone and might need that extra
holding a rope or disarming a trap. Note that armor check
bit of durability in order to survive. For infiltrators who
penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills
routinely deal in stolen documents and other such items,
Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently and
Intelligence can also come in handy.
Pick Pocket. Also, Swim checks suffer a -1 penalty for every 5
Alignment: Any.
pounds of armor, equipment or loot carried.
Hit Die: d6.
Sneak Attack: The infiltrator can make a sneak attack just as a
CLASS SKILLS rogue does.
The infiltrator’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) Fast Movement (Ex): The infiltrator has a bonus of +10 feet to
are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft his base speed when wearing no armor or light armor, or when
(Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), wearing medium armor and not carrying a heavy load (though
Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), of course the infiltrator must have the Armor Proficiency
Handle Animal (Cha), (Medium) feat. This movement increases to +20 feet at 8th level
Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), and +30 feet at 14th level.
Listen (Wis), Move Woodland Stride (Ex): At 2nd level, the infiltrator
may move through natural thorns, briars,
overgrown areas, and similar terrain at her
normal speed and without suffering
damage or other impairment. However,
thorns, briars and overgrown areas that are
enchanted or magically manipulated to impede
motion still affect the infiltrator.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Also at 2nd level, the infil-
trator can react to danger without consciously sensing
it. She gets her Dexterity bonus to AC even if caught
flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker.
Trackless Step (Ex): At 3rd level, the infiltrator
leaves no trail in natural surroundings and thus
cannot be tracked.
Woodcraft (Ex): At 4th level the infiltrator gain a +2
circumstance bonus to Climb, Hide, Listen, Move
Silently and Spot checks when outdoors in a rural or
wilderness setting.
Internal Compass (Ex): At 6th level, the
infiltrator always knows which way is north.
Determining direction for the infiltrator
is a standard action.
Moving Target (Ex): At 10th level, the
infiltrator is hard to hit when she is
moving. If an infiltrator moves more
than a 5-foot step during her combat
Gnomes make excellent infiltrators.
Chapter 2: Classes

action, she gains a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class until her next SHAMAN
Simple folk sometimes forego the rigid structure of Tellene’s
religious pantheon and worship the elements, creatures and
Elf/Half-Elf Infiltrator Starting Package forces of the world directly. Instead of paying homage to one or
Armor: Studded leather +3 AC, speed 30 ft., 20 lb. more gods, these people revere the unseen spirits that represent
Weapons: Rapier (1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 3 lb., Medium, the river that gives their village life, or the mountains that
Piercing), Shortbow (1d6, crit 20/x3, 60 ft., 2 lb., Medium, protect them and provide for them. Shamans guide these
Piercing). people in their worship and provide wise counsel in their
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int everyday lives as well, since the shaman sees no difference
modifier from the following list. between the two.
Adventures: Shamans guide and protect their tribes. While
SKILL RANKS ABILITY ARMOR warriors and barbarians charge the enemy, shamans protect
Disable Device 4 Int them with spells, and summon the spirits to aid in the fight.
Escape Artist 4 Dex They might leave the tribe for an extended period of time in
Hide 4 Dex -1
order to fight some evil, learn about a civilized land that
Jump 4 Str
Listen 4 Wis borders their own, or search for magical items or artifacts to
Move Silently 4 Dex -1 help their people.
Open Locks 4 Dex Characteristics: Shamans cast divine spells like druids,
Search 4 Int
although they believe their power comes from individual spirits,
Wilderness Lore 4 Wis
especially their totem spirit. This belief grants them certain
supernatural abilities as they gain experience, which supports
Feat: Sprint.
their claim and reinforces their position in their society.
Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail rations,
The shaman’s weapons and armor are a combination of simple
bedroll, sack, and flint and steel. Three torches, three tinder-
tribal living and lack of training. The shaman’s primary role is
twigs, and caltrops. that of an advisor, not a doer. Also, tribal superstition forbids the
Gold: 2d4 gp. use of worked metal, and its use outside of certain ceremonies
violates the shaman’s ethics and angers her totem spirit.
Alignment: While they often control the politics of a tribe,
Alternative Infiltrator Starting Package the shaman believes that avoiding extreme views helps the tribe
Race: Human, dwarf, gnome, half-orc, half-hobgoblin, most in the long run. Like the druid, she must retain at least one
halfling or hobgoblin. neutral aspect (neutral good, neutral evil, chaotic neutral, lawful
Armor: Leather +2 AC, speed 30 ft. (20 ft. for Small charac- neutral) or remain true neutral. Evil shamans, those who use as
ters), 15 lb. much power as their totem will allow them for harm, do exist,
Weapons: Shortsword (1d6, 19-20/x2, 3 lb., Small, Piercing), but even they realize that they must meet the demands of the
and shortbow (1d6, crit 20/x3, 60 ft., 2 lb., Medium-size, totem. These demands include actions that allow for the
continued survival of the shaman’s tribe.
Religion: Shamans follow and sometimes change ancient
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int
traditions in worshiping the elements and forces of nature. The
modifier from the following list.
shaman teaches others about the spirits, often by parable. They
follow no organization and have no secret language among
Disable Device 4 Int
themselves. The spirits are, in truth, different aspects of the
Escape Artist 4 Dex deity known as The Bear, not individual spirits with powers of
Hide 4 Dex -1 their own.
Jump 4 Str Background: Races and cultures that live most closely with
Listen 4 Wis
Move Silently 4 Dex -1 nature are as likely to have a shaman for their spiritual leader as
Open Locks 4 Dex they are a druid or cleric. The shaman worships each natural
Search 4 Int thing–-pine tree, storm cloud, lion, etc.–-as a spirit. Ancient
Wilderness Lore 4 Wis tradition dictates the spirit’s temperament and nature. The
shaman chooses a single one of these spirits as a totem and
Feat: Sprint. reveres that animal or object over the others, but he must
Bonus Feat: Spell Dodge (human only). placate or appease all of them for the good of his people.
Gold: 2d4 gp.
Shamans include Harmaan the Protector (an ancient gnoll of
the Elos), Nurzek (a wizened hobgoblin from the
Chapter 4: Skills


Alchemy • • • • • O No Int
Animal Empathy X X X X O X No Cha
Appraise • • • O • • Yes Int
Balance O • O O • • Yes Dex*
Bluff • O O O • • Yes Cha
Climb O O O O • • Yes Str*
Concentration O • • • O O Yes Con
Craft O O • O O O Yes Int
Decipher Script X X X O X X No Int
Diplomacy O • • • O • Yes Cha
Disable Device • • • O • • No Int
Disguise • O • O • • Yes Cha
Escape Artist O • • O • • Yes Dex*
Forgery • • • O • • Yes Int
Gather Information O O • O • • Yes Cha
Handle Animal • O • O O • No Cha
Heal • • • • O O Yes Wis
Hide • O • O • • Yes Dex*
Innuendo • • • • • • No Wis
Intimidate • O O • • • Yes Cha
Intuit Direction • O • • O • No Wis
Jump O O O O • • Yes Str*
Knowledge (ancient languages) • • • • • • No Int
Knowledge (arcana) O • • • O O No Int
Knowledge (art/music) • • • • • • Yes Int
Knowledge (art of war) • • • • • • No Int
Knowledge (fighting styles) • • O • • • Yes Int
Knowledge (military logistics) • • • • • • No Int
Knowledge (military tactics) • • • • • • No Int
Knowledge (military training) • • • • • • No Int
Knowledge (monsters) • • • • • • No Int
Knowledge (nature) • • • • O O No Int
Knowledge (races) • • • • • • Yes Int
Knowledge (religion) • • • • O • No Int
Knowledge (all skills*) • • • • • • No Int
Listen O • • O • • Yes Wis
Move Silently O O • O • • Yes Dex*
Open Lock • • • O • • No Dex
Pantomime O • O • • • Yes Wis
Perform O • • • • O Yes Cha
Pick Pocket O • • O • • No Dex*
Profession O • • O O O No Wis
Read Lips X X X O X X No Int
Read/Write Language O • • • • O No Int
Ride • O • O • • Yes Dex
Scry • • • • O O Yes Int
Search • O • O • • Yes Int
Sense Motive • • O • • • Yes Wis
Speak Language O • • • O O No Int
Spellcraft O • • • O O No Int
Spot • O O O • • Yes Wis
Swim O • • O O • Yes Str
Tumble O • O O • • No Dex*
Use Magic Device O X X X X X No Cha
Use Rope O • • O • • Yes Dex
Wilderness Lore • • • O O • Yes Wis

O Class skill.
• Cross-class skill.
X You can’t buy this skill because it is exclusive to another class.
* Your armor check penalty, if any, also applies.
Untrained – Yes: The skill can be used untrained. That is, a character can have 0 ranks in this skill but can make skill checks normally. No:You can’t use
68 the skill unless you have at least 1 rank.
Chapter 8: Combat

Chapter 8

“The best answer to anger is a fist.” – Orcish saying left to gain experience and plan to return as a teacher, or
perhaps you met a rival at the school who has spurred you on
ever since.
The military forces of Tellene engage in battles on multiple Baruta’s Gladiator School
fronts. Nations strive to field the highest number of soldiers Baruta is a former four-time champion of the arena in Bet
while struggling to provide them with the best supplies, arms, Kalamar who believes that “a little slavery never hurt anyone.”
armor and training. They seek to meet the overall challenge of He purchases slaves liberally, searching for potential champions.
defending their borders by fielding mounted units and troops He sells or trades those who do not meet his exacting standards
with ranged attacks. to others with less need for physical perfection.
Behind the scenes, another type of battle goes on: the devel- At present, Baruta owns over 200 slaves, with 180 of those in
opment of skills and abilities that your soldiers use to defeat training and the balance supporting the school as cooks, servants
your foes. Smaller armies especially must use their troops or guards. His compound in Bet Kalamar includes a four-story
wisely, lest the enemy overwhelm them with the sheer weight barracks, his own two-story home, a smithy and an outdoor
of numbers. In the area of skill development, humans and their kitchen. A tall fence keeps out unwelcome visitors, spies from
allies often have a crushing advantage over their humanoid foes.
other schools and prevents slaves from wandering off.
The civilized nations strive to develop better skills among
The school’s reputation is outstanding. Baruta himself is
their soldiers by teaching them secret fighting techniques and
widely recognized in the city; his champion slaves wear an
styles. Famous warriors command high salaries by training
identifying brass band around their upper arms. The band
soldiers for an army. Not only fighters qualify for this presti-
displays a pair of axes, the weapons with which Baruta defeated
gious position. Paladins, rangers, monks, barbarians and even
the majority of his opponents. Having spent time in Baruta’s
clerics fill this role across the Sovereign Lands.
stable is a source of pride for many warriors throughout the vast
Within the game, these people teach basic training for troops:
Kalamaran Empire.
the ability to move in formation, the use of weapons and armor
Baruta’s program includes substantial martial training.
(and how to care for these necessities), combat techniques and
discipline. They develop the physical skills of their soldiers Common weapons and fighting styles include Baruta’s own
through exercise. The experienced and the well-read instruct trademark pair of hand axes, sword and dagger, longspear,
officers in the areas of tactics, strategy, leadership and logistics. rapier, dire flail and spiked gauntlets. Fighters who express an
Concerning actual game mechanics, these instructors interest can learn to use any weapon, the more exotic the better.
provide soldiers with the opportunity to learn weapon profi- Feats taught include Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (light),
ciencies, spend skill points and learn feats. Troops do not Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Expertise, Eyes of Fury,
automatically learn these things, but certain backgrounds Hammer and Anvil, Targeted Attack, Improved Disarm,
provide a reasonable basis for knowing them. You might wish Immovability, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike,
Power Attack, Push, Steadfast, Toughness, Two-Weapon
to include attendance at one of these schools as part of your
character’s history. Maybe you were kicked out, possibly you Fighting, Weapon Finesse and Weapon Focus.
Chapter 8: Combat

Royal Marine Academy Proficiency, Expert Tactician, Expertise, Great Cleave, Hammer
While not as famous as the academy in Eldor, Mendarn’s and Anvil, Improved Critical, Improved Disarm, Improved
Royal Marine Academy is a growing force on Tellene’s western Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Knock Prone, Know
coast. Its recent growth directly relates to the diligent care of Your Enemy, Mobility, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Smashing
Captain Inon Torist, a hoary old salt who twice drove off dragon Blow, Sunder, Targeted Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
attacks while at sea. Motivated by his tireless drive for excel- Focus and Weapon Specialization (to fighters only).
lence, he has the ability to take the initiative in any situation.
Marine training takes a minimum of 16 weeks, with some CAREER PATHS
specialists spending over six months at the Academy. The
Creating a fighter presents little difficulty. Assign your
barracks house hundreds of marines at a time, while other
highest ability score to Strength, then go with Constitution and
buildings serve as mess hall, armory, instructor’s quarters and a
Dexterity, and dump the low scores in your other abilities with
visitor’s building. Occupants of the visitor’s building typically
disregard. Buy the best armor you can afford, get a weapon, buy
include special instructors, nobility or foreign dignitaries that
a ranged weapon if you can still afford one, and head out in
the King might wish to house outside of the capital.
Graduates of the Academy know how to fight in a variety of search of the gold, killing anything that gets in the way.
situations: aboard ship, boarding, defending, under water, Creating an interesting hero with outstanding combat skills
assaulting a beach or select land-only missions such as guarding is a bit more challenging. Working with a model, or at least an
high profile nobility in foreign lands. They train with a wide idea of the direction you want your character to follow, provides
variety of weapons: short sword, shortspear, crossbow, cutlass, some focus. A Chors barbarian that charges headlong into the
dagger, light pick and net. They are proficient with only light enemy ranks, promising blood and glory for the Battle Rager
armor and few of them use shields. Feats taught at the Academy presents quite a different image from a serene gladiator, resting
include Alertness, Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (light), his trident shaft over his shoulder while he stoically awaits
Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Explorer, Improve Cover, Improved whatever danger lurks behind the arena’s opposite gate.
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise
Whether you play a paladin, a ranger or a good old-fashioned
Shot, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse and Weapon Focus.
fighter, it helps to have certain goals in mind when you create
Depending on the Marine’s specific job, he might also gain
the character or advance in level and want to choose feats and
ranks in Balance, Climb, Heal, Hide, Intuit Direction, Move
distribute skill points. These examples show how warriors
Silently, Profession (engineering), Spellcraft, Swim or
Wilderness Lore. across Tellene compare to each other in attitude, skills and their
approach to combat.
Koraki Coalition of Swordmasters
A dwarven fighter named Kurtha operates this school and Chors Light Cavalry
serves as head swordmaster. While he is specialized in the axe The Chors are the less savage remnants of a once fierce tribe
and personally prefers it over other weapons, he endorses the of Dejy warriors. Now inclined to trade with or ignore their
sword as the soldier’s main weapon. Kurtha’s building appears neighbors, the Chors struck fear into the hearts of Kalamaran
tiny when entered. There, visitors see a small office run by a and Fhokki people alike until the 3rd Century IR. In 233 IR,
small dwarf surrounded by many scrolls, parchments and Saint Shamur the Golden, cleric of the Shimmering One,
books. The clerk and one or more instructors interview brought his religion to the plains. While he did not convert all
prospective students before they allow entrance to the school
of the Chors, his teachings did convince them that the civilized
proper through a trapdoor that leads into a cavernous under-
folk produced things of value that should not be destroyed
ground arena.
without cause. Unprovoked raids out of the Wild Lands slowed
The school does not cater to beginners. Its students consist
from a flood to a weak trickle.
primarily of veteran soldiers, adventurers and mercenaries.
While most students come to increase their chance of survival The average Chors fighter is nonetheless a skilled and experi-
on the battlefield, some join to learn special techniques for enced foe. Their typical progression of feats goes as follows:
fighting monsters. Still others wish to compare themselves to
1st feat Born to the Saddle
other fighters. 2nd feat Mounted Combat
Graduates of this school (also known as swordmasters) are 3rd feat Ride-By Attack or Point Blank Shot
trained in many exotic fighting styles and tactics. All weapons 4th feat Power Attack or Mounted Archery
are taught here, and graduates are encouraged to learn as many 5th feat Improved Bull Rush or Rapid Shot
weapons as they can. Feats taught at the school include
126 Vital skills include Balance, Handle Animal, Ride, Spot and
Alertness, Ambidexterity, Armor Proficiency (heavy), Blind-
fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Wilderness Lore.
Chapter 8: Combat

Tharggy Infantry
The women of Tharggy have come a long way in a short time.
Indeed, staving off the largest and most organized military force
on Tellene motivated them to learn the art of war. In defending
their independence, they immediately realized that the shock
troop tactics upon which their men so heavily relied would not
be as successful for them as for the husbands and fathers killed
in the first wars with the Empire. A Kalamaran infantryman
faced his most feared moment when the men of Tharggy
crashed into the legion’s front ranks.
Instead, the women adapted a cooperative style that allows
them to concentrate their attacks against a single foe, dispatch
him quickly, then move on to the next. Against the veteran
troops of the Kalamaran Empire, this strategy worked very well.
It proved even more effective against the giant humanoids that
perennially pillage their outlying villages.
The average Tharggy fighter is a clever woman skilled with
her sword and prepared to defend her home at any time. Her
typical order of feats is as follows:

1st feat Sisterhood of Arms

2nd feat Hammer and Anvil
3rd feat Guardian
4th feat Quick Draw or Expertise Eldoran Marine
5th feat Rapid Ready or Improved Disarm
Famous throughout Tellene for his ruggedness and his
courage, the Eldoran marine fights on land and sea. While
Vital skills include Bluff, Heal, Innuendo (for secretly
primarily known for fighting at sea aboard the large galleys
relaying battle plans) and Sense Motive.
favored by all of Brandobia, boats can deliver them to any point
on the mainland as well. Their willingness to die for their king
Kalamaran Soldier
strikes fear and confusion into their enemies, while their ingen-
Once feared and respected by warriors across Tellene,
uous love of exploration and discovery earns them respect.
centuries of poor training and neglect dropped the Kalamaran
The average Eldoran marine is independent and shows
foot soldier from the pinnacle of military prowess to that of
strong personal initiative. The typical order of feats is as
mere regular infantry. Unfortunately for the Empire’s neigh- follows:
bors, as Kabori rose in power, so did the legion’s foot soldier
return to prominence. Relentless training, hard work and 1st feat Toughness
2nd feat Weapon Focus
superior resources have all contributed to the rejuvenated
3rd feat Combat Reflexes
infantryman. 4th feat Undying
As in days of yore, today the Empire’s lowly foot soldier is a 5th feat Final Strike

tough warrior. Training affords these soldiers the opportunity

to recognize strength, stamina and high morale and to use them Vital skills include Climb, Disable Device, Jump, Swim and
to advantage on the field of battle. Use Rope.
The average Kalamaran fighter is a strong and disciplined
soldier. The typical order of feat progression is:
Zazahni Mercenary Crossbowman
Zazahni’s notorious mercenary crossbowmen have been the
1st feat Power Attack deciding factor in major battles for the last two generations.
2nd feat Fearless
Their reputation for honoring a contract, their steadfastness in
3rd feat Cleave
4th feat Knock Prone battle and their willingness to go anywhere and fight anyone
5th feat Ram made them a famous force in a short time. They always bring
excellent equipment with them, including good armor, a supply
Vital skills include Climb, Intimidate, Jump and Tumble. of bolts and shields.
Chapter 8: Combat

Before the veterans induct a newcomer as a full soldier, the NEW COMBAT OPTIONS
trainee must spend time as a shield-bearer for a seasoned cross-
bowman. The shield bearer carries a mantelet, light armor and KICK
a large melee weapon such as an axe or a greatsword in case an A kick is an unarmed strike that you make with your foot. A
enemy manages to get in close. Medium-sized character’s kick inflicts 1d6 points of subdual
The average Zazahni crossbowman is well-trained, well- damage (Small characters inflict 1d4). Using a kick attack in the
equipped and ably led. The typical order of feats is as follows: same round as making a normal attack incurs the same penalty
as if you were using two weapons. The feats that offset some of
1st feat Improved Initiative the penalties for using two weapons do not apply to kicks. A
2nd feat Point Blank Shot
3rd feat Precise Shot
kick attack counts as a light weapon (for purposes of two-
4th feat Rapid Shot weapon attack penalties and other conditions).
5th feat Far Shot As with other unarmed attacks, you may attack with a -4
penalty to inflict normal damage instead of subdual damage. In
Vital skills include Craft (bowmaking), Hide, Spot and addition, the awkwardness of such a kick attacks incurs a -2
Tumble. circumstance penalty to attack rolls.

Hobgoblin Soldiers of Norga-Krangrel SHIELD DISARM

As a melee attack, you may make a shield disarm attempt. A
Hobgoblins, in general, respect only strength. As every
shield disarm attempt provokes an attack of opportunity from
hobgoblin must undergo strict military training, they have a
the defender. You make an attack roll against your opponent’s
long and glorious martial tradition. While they serve under
AC. If you succeed, you knock your opponent’s shield away,
superior officers, their leaders must constantly prove
removing the shield’s benefit to your opponent’s Armor Class
themselves on the field to retain their positions. Though most until your next action. The shield disarm is very effective as part
prefer swift, decisive battles, they also appreciate a prolonged of a team effort. Often, a quick rogue with the Improved
test of heroic proportions. Initiative feat attacks first, knocking the shield aside. Powerful
The foot soldiers of Norga-Krangrel have no time for fighters and other characters with heavy weapons come in after-
cowardly mounted tactics or extensive use of ranged weapons, ward and strike for large amounts of damage. The fighters often
nor do they seek to subdue or capture opponents in most use the Power Attack feat to deliver particularly devastating
circumstances. They prefer to do their killing up close and blows.
personal, within range of the smell of freshly spilled blood.
These hobgoblins live for toe-to-toe stands against respectable
As per the Player’s Handbook (page 137), once you are
grappling with an opponent (regardless of who started the
Hobgoblin infantry fight in well-organized, established
grapple), you can make an opposed grapple check. If you win,
maneuvers (making frequent use of flanking maneuvers),
you can damage your opponent, start a pin, break another’s pin
though each individual may seem at times to be a bloodthirsty
or escape.
maniac. Koraki and Kasite leaders respect the military leaders
Throwing your opponent is another option. You may only
in Norga-Krangrel, who are known for innovative tactics and
throw an opponent of your size category or smaller. You must
daring attacks. Most agree (if pressed) that the average
roll your grapple check to escape with a -4 circumstance
individual hobgoblin soldier outmatches the average individual
penalty. If you succeed, you throw your opponent up to one
human soldier.
square (five feet) per point of Strength modifier (with a
The average hobgoblin seeks advancement through personal
minimum of one square) in any direction you choose. The
glory in battle. Though some sil-karg undergo standard
opponent falls prone in that square and suffers 1d6 points of
hobgoblin military training, they do not train soldiers of other
subdual damage. If you fail, you are still grappling.
races, all of whom they consider natural enemies. The typical
order of feats is as follows: UNBALANCE
You may attempt to knock your opponent off balance with a
1st feat Hammer and Anvil melee attack. As a full-attack action, you make a melee touch
2nd feat Power Attack
attack against your opponent. If you succeed, your opponent
3rd feat Cleave
4th feat Great Cleave must make a Balance skill check opposed by your Strength
5th feat Iron Touch of Kruk-Ma-Kali check. If you win the opposed roll, the opponent loses her
Dexterity bonus to any checks (including Armor Class, Weapon
Vital skills include Climb, Intimidate and Jump. Some Finesse and Balance checks) until her next action.
128 hobgoblin soldiers also work on improving their Balance,
Listen and Spot skills.
Items listed in Bold are fully described in the Kalamar Player’s Guide – see Chapter 5: Feats


Ability Focus General Official Website None Choose one of your special attacks.This attack becomes more
potent than normal.
Acrobatic General Song and Silence None You have excellent body awareness coordination.
Alertness General Player's Handbook None You have finely tuned senses.
Alluring General Song and Silence Persuasive,Trustworthy Others have an inexplicable urge to believe your every word.
Ambidexterity General Player's Handbook Dex 15+ You are equally adept at using either hand.
Animal Control General Masters of the Wild Animal Defiance, ability to cast You can channel the power of nature to gain mastery over animal
speak with animals and animal friendship. creatures.
Animal Defiance General Masters of the Wild Ability to cast detect You can channel the power of nature to drive off animals.
animals or plants.
Animal Empathy General Kalamar Player's Guide 1 rank in Sense Motive You know what animals are thinking.
Antimage General Kalamar Player's Guide Spellcaster level 1+ You are skilled at disrupting the spells of others.
Arcane Defense General Tome and Blood Spell Focus in the school chosen. Choose a school of magic, such as Illusion.You can resist.spells
from that school better than normal.
Arcane Preparation General Forgotten Realms Campaign, Ability to cast arcane spells as You can prepare an arcane spell ahead of time just as wizards do.
Tome and Blood a bard or sorcerer.
Arcane Schooling General Forgotten Realms Campaign Chessenta, Halruaa, Lantan, In your homeland, all who show some skill at the Art may receive
Mulhorand, Unther. training as a wielder of magic. Many characters know something of
the ways of the bard, the sorcerer, or the wizard.
Armor Proficiency (Heavy) General Player's Handbook Armor Proficiency (Light), You are proficient with heavy armor (Table 7-5:Armor, page 104).
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Armor Proficiency (Light) General Player's Handbook None You are proficient with light armor (Table 7-5:Armor, page 104).
Armor Proficiency (Medium) General Player's Handbook Armor Proficiency (Light) You are proficient with medium armor (Table 7-5:Armor, page 104).
Art of Fascination Ancestor Oriental Adventures Clan: Crane. You claim descent from Kakita Wayozu, the first female Mistress of
the Kakita Academy, whose art was so great it is said that she
helped create an alternate world.
Arterial Strike General Song and Silence Base attack +4, sneak attack ability. Your sneak attacks target large blood vessels, leaving wounds that
cause massive blood loss.
Artificer Item Kalamar Player's Guide Any item creation feat You are knowledgeable in the creation of magic items.
Artist General Forgotten Realms Campaign Chessenta, Evermeet,Waterdeep, You come from a culture in which the arts, philosophy, and music
rock gnome. have a prominent place in society.
Artist Ancestor Oriental Adventures Clan: Crane. You claim descent from Doji, the founder of the Crane household,
known as a creator of culture and civilization.
Artistic Crafter General Kalamar Player's Guide Elf, Geanavue, Pekal, Xaarum You produce beautiful crafts.
Athletic General Song and Silence None You're physically fit and adept at outdoor sports.
Attention to Detail Ancestor Oriental Adventures Clan: Lion. You are descended from Akodo's advisor Ikoma--a historian, judge,
and storyteller.
Attune Gem Item Magic of Faerun Intelligence 13+, Craft (gemcutting) You can magically imbue gems to hold a spell until triggered.
Creation skill, arcane spellcaster level 3rd+.
Augment Construction Psionic Dragon Magazine #287 (Sep 01) Manifester level 2nd+. Your astral constructs are better than normal.
Augment Summoning General Tome and Blood, Spellcaster level 2nd+. Your summoned creatures are better than normal.
Magic of Faerun
Awareness General Kalamar Player's Guide Dex 13+, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes You are perceptive in combat.
Bazaar Veteran General Kalamar Player's Guide Raised in Ahznomahn,Ashoshani, You are skilled in barter and trade.
Bet Kalamar, Bet Seder, Bet Urala,
Dalen, Dowond-Brandel, Monahm-Ahnozh,
Ospolen, P'Bapar, Svomahni,Thygasha,
Zha-nehzmish or Zoa.
Bend Spell Metamagic Dragon Magazine #291 (Jan 02) None Cover does little to reduce the effectiveness of your spells.
Blessed General Kalamar Player's Guide None Bad luck never seems to touch you.
Blind Shot General Kalamar Player's Guide Dex 13+, Point-Blank Shot, You can shoot things that you cannot see.
Precise Shot
Blind-Fight General Player's Handbook None You are able to fight in melee without being able to see your foe.
Blindsight Wild Masters of the Wild Ability to use wild shape to become Your senses are as keen as the bat's.
a dire bat.
Blindsight, 5-foot Radius General Sword and Fist Base attack bonus +4, Blind-Fight, You sense opponents in the darkness.
Wisdom 19+
Blood Sorcerer Ancestor Oriental Adventures Clan: Scorpion. You are descended from Yogo, the Scorpion shugenja who was the
first guardian of the Black Scrolls of Fu Leng.
Blooded General Forgotten Realms Campaign Dalelands, Nelanther Isles, Sembia, You know what it means to fight for your life, and the value of
Silverymoon,Tethyr,Vaasa. quick wits and quicker reactions when blades are bared and deadly
spells chanted. Enemies find it difficult to catch you off guard.
Bloodline of Fire General Forgotten Realms Campaign Calimshan You are descended from the efreet who ruled Calimshan for two
millennia. The blood of these fire-spirits runs thick in your veins.
Body Fuel Psionic Psionics Handbook Inner Strength,Talented You can expand your power point total at the expense of your





STR ________________________
DEX ______________________

CON = 10 + SPEED
ARMOR SHIELD DEX SIZE NATURAL ________________________
RUN (4X)
WISDOM BONUS MODIFIER __________________ __________________ __________________ ______________________

= + + + + SKILLS MAX. # RANKS /

+ + + + o APPRAISE INT ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________

RANGED o BALANCE DEX** ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
BASE DEX SIZE TEMP. o BLUFF CHA ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o CLIMB STR** ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
TOTAL SAVE MODIFIER MODIFIER MISC. MODIFIER MODIFIER o CONCENTRATION CON ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o CRAFT ( ________________________________ ) INT ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
FORTITUDE = + + + +
(CONSTITUTION) ( ________________________________ ) INT ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o DIPLOMACY CHA ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
REFLEX = + + + + o DISGUISE CHA ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o ESCAPE ARTIST DEX** ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
W ILL = + + + + o FORGERY INT ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
(WISDOM) ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
TOTAL o HEAL WIS ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o HIDE DEX** ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o INTIMIDATE CHA ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o JUMP STR** ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o LISTEN WIS ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o MOVE SILENTLY DEX** ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
TOTAL o PANTOMIME WIS ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o PERFORM ( ______________________________ ) CHA ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o REMOTE VIEW (psion only) INT ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
WEIGHT TYPE SIZE SPECIAL PROPERTIES o RIDE ( ___________________________________ ) DEX ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o SEARCH INT ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o SENSE MOTIVE WIS ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
WEAPON RANGE ATTACK BONUS DAMAGE CRITICAL o SPOT WIS ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o SWIM STR** ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o USE ROPE DEX ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
WEIGHT TYPE SIZE SPECIAL PROPERTIES o WILDERNESS LORE WIS ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________

ARMOR MAX DEX ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________

o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
CHECK PENALTY SPELL FAILURE SPECIAL PROPERTIES o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
S H I E L D /P R O T E C T I V E ITEM ARMOR BONUS WEIGHT CHECK PENALTY SPELL FAILURE o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
AMMUNITION o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
o ____________________________________________ _________ ___________ + ___________ + ___________ = ________________
* These skills may be used normally even if the character has zero (0) skill ranks. Space is provided for the addition of skills that require skill
ranks before they may be attempted. Once you have selected a class, mark cross-class skills with an x to the left of the skill name.
** Armor Check Penalty, if any, applies.

© Copyright 2002 Kenzer and Company. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
G E A R /I T E M S C A R R I E D OR S T O W E D S P E C I A L A B I L I T I E S /F E A T S
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
TOTAL WEIGHT WORN/WIELDED: ______________________ TOTAL WEIGHT CARRIED: _____________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

LIGHT LOAD: __________________________________ MEDIUM LOAD: __________________________________ HEAVY LOAD: __________________________________ AGE: ______________________________________________ GENDER: ________________________________________________

LIFT OVER HEAD: _____________________________ LIFT OFF GROUND: ________________________________ PUSH OR DRAG: _______________________________ HEIGHT: _________________________________________ WEIGHT: ________________________________________________
EYE COLOR: ____________________________________ HAIR COLOR: ___________________________________________
LANGUAGES INITIAL LANGUAGES = RACE/PRIMARY LANG. + REGION/SECONDARY LANG. + INT BONUS GENERAL DESCRIPTION: _______________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ PLACE OF ORIGIN: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ NOTES: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


0 ______________ 1ST ________________ 2ND ________________ 3RD ________________ 4TH ________________

SPELLS KNOWN 5TH ______________ 6TH _______________ 7TH _______________ 8TH _______________ 9TH _______________
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
0 0
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
3RD _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

4TH _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

5TH _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ PSIONIC COMBAT: 1D20 + DC MODIFIER + KEY ABILITY MODIFIER
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
POWER SAVE 1D20+ ________________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
7TH FREE MANIFESTATIONS ____________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 0 - LEVEL
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ATTACK MODES POWERS
9TH _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
DEFENSE MODES _______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
© Copyright 2002 Kenzer and Company. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to _______________________________________ _______________________________________
photocopy for personal use only. With regard to trademarks, Kingdoms of Kalamar, the www.kenzerco.com _________________________________
Kingdoms of Kalamar logo, the Kenzer and Company logo and kenzerco.com are trade- NUMBER OF POWERS KNOWN
marks of Kenzer and Company. Dungeons and Dragons, D&D and the Wizards of the _________________________________
Coast logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. © 2002 0 __________ 1ST __________ 2ND __________ 3RD __________ 4TH __________
Wizards of the Coast.
_________________________________ 5TH _________ 6TH _________ 7TH _________ 8TH __________ 9TH _________

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