Mom Document
Mom Document
Mom Document
Sr. No.
Abstract 'A'-
Abstract 'B'-
Abstract 'C'-
Abstract 'D'-
Abstract 'E'-
Abstract F'-
Abstract 'G'-
Operating Expenses-Traffic
Abstract 'H'-
Operating Expenses-Fuel.
Abstract 'J'-
Abstract 'K'-
Abstract 'L'-
Abstract 'M'-
Appropriation to Funds
Abstract 'N'-
The Sub-major heads are divided into minor, sub, and detailed heads as shown in the accompanying
classification. The introduction or abolition or change of nomenclature of any minor or sub head, the
transfer of a sub-head or detailed head from one minor head or sub head to another, and any
rearrangement of abstracts are not within the competence of a Railway Administration. But the
Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer of a Railway may with the approval of the General
Manager introduce a new detailed head within a sub-head except when the necessity arises of a new
class of expenditure, in which case the orders of the Railway Board should be obtained as to the subhead under which the detailed head should appear. When, however, a new detailed head is opened
by Railway Administration, the Railway Board should be informed.
The structure of the accounts classification is such that it corresponds to and is in line with the revised
classification of the Demands for Grants. While the alpha (i.e. the letter of the Abstract) corresponds
to the Demand head, the minor, sub-head and detailed heads of accounts, represent classification of
the activity from a broad grouping into its details. The classification lends itself to computerisation and
its utility from the point of view of analysis of costs will be greater when the compilation is taken on
the computer in due course of time. On computerisation of the accounting system, the alpha of the
abstract classification will be substituted by a Numerical Code as follows:A-03, B-04, C-05, D-06, E-07. F-08, G-09, H-10, J-11, K-12, L-13, M-14 & N-12
Which will be the same as for Demands for Grants. Under the manual system however it is preferable
to retain the alpha character of the Abstract classification in view of its age long familiarity. In this
connection, a summary of the Revised demand Structure-Demand for Grants for Expenditure on
Railways is given below:-
Name of demand
Railway Board
Miscellaneous Expenditure
General Superintendence 3.
and Services on
Repairs and
Repairs and Maintenance of
Carriages and Wagons.
Operating Expenses-Rolling
Stock and Equipment.
Operating Expenses-Traffic.
Operating Expenses-Fuel.
Miscellaneous Working
Appropriation to Funds.
While the classification upto the detailed head represents only the activity, the structure of the
classification also incorporates a two digit code to represent the primary unit, i. e. the object of the
expenditure/indicating on "what" the expenditure is incurred viz., salary, allowances, wages,
materials, consumable stores etc. The indication of a classification of expenditure will, therefore, be
complete only if the Abstract, the minor, sub or detailed heads of activity as well as the code of the
object of expenditure are given, in that order for instance.
(i) The wages of the permanent gangs engaged in manual maintenance of a section of BG. track
(with sanctioned speed of 100 km.p.h. -- i.e. a group 'D' track) will be indicated as B. 241-01.
(ii) Ballasting of the same track will be indicated by B. 243-28.
(iii) The wages of Steam Loco crew will be indicated as F. 112-01.
(iv) The wages of a Diesel Loco crew will be indicated as F. 212-01.
(v) The kilometrage allowance of Diesel Loco crew will be indicated as F. 212-10.
(vi) The dearness allowance of train passing and Control office staff such as Station Masters,
Assistant Station Masters etc. will be indicated as G. 250-02 and so on,
It will be noted that last two digits show the "object" of expenditure.
In order to make the new classification "function" and "activity'' oriented the following major changes
have been made in the new classification as compared to the existing ones: (i) The expenditure on salary and allowances of those officers who are directly connected with the
work of maintenance in the field will be charged to the respective Abstracts on Repairs and
Maintenance instead of to General Administration as at present e.g. Bridge Engineers in-charge of
Bridge Engineering Workshops, Workshop Officers (such as Superintendent of Workshops, Works
Managers etc.), Senior D. E. Es. In-charge of Electric Loco Sheds etc.
(ii) The expenditure on repairs and maintenance of staff quarters and welfare buildings which used to
be charged to existing Abstract 'A'-Maintenance of Way and Works will now be charged to Abstract'
'J'--Staff Welfare and Amenities.
(iii) The Repairs and Maintenance of Plant and Equipment of all Departments which used to be
charged to the respective Maintenance Abstracts such as 'A', 'B','C' etc., will now be charged to a
separate Abstract for Repairs and Maintenance of Plant and Equipment viz., Abstract 'E'.
(iv) Operating Expenses for Rolling Stock and Equipment which is part of the existing Abstracts 'B',
'C', 'D', 'H' and 'J' will all be charged to a separate Abstracts for Operating Expenses for Rolling Stock
and Equipmentviz., the new Abstract 'F' and Operating Expenses forming part of existing Abstract 'E'
and 'G' will be charged to Abstract 'G' and 'K'.
(v) The expenses of the Medical Department, which used to be charged to Abstract 'F' under General
Departments will now be included in new Abstract 'J' Staff Welfare and Amenities.
(vi) Expenditure of the Security Department and related expenses such as Order Police and payment
to State Governments in this connection, which used to be included under the existing Abstract 'F' for
General Departments will now be charged under Abstract 'K' for Miscellaneous Working Expenses.
(vii) The retirement benefits to staff such as the contribution of bonus to S. R. P. F. gratuities, Special
contribution to Provident Fund which used to be charged to Abstract 'G' Miscellaneous Expenses and
the payment of the pension and other retirement benefits which were charged to Abstract 'N' will now
be charged to separate Abstract for Provident Fund, Pension and other retirement benefits Abstract
(viii) The Abstract 'K' for purposes of recording Miscellaneous Expenses includes the payment of
Compensation Claims, which used to be booked under different Abstracts under the existing scheme.
(ix) The appropriation to Depreciation Reserve Fund which used to be booked under Abstract 'K' and
appropriation to Pension Fund which used to be booked under Abstract 'M ' under the existing
arrangement are now both booked under Abstract 'M '-Appropriation to Funds.
(x) The expenditure under Suspense which used to be charged to Abstract' I'-Suspense will now be
charged to Abstract 'N'-Suspense.
111 Officers.
112 Office Establishment.
113 Contingencies.
131-133As in 111-113.
141-143-As in 111-113.
144. Inangural functions
150 Vigilance .. .. .. ..
151-153-As in 111-113.
161-163As in 111-113.
164 Fees paid to counsel.
165 Costs and other legal exp
166 Less cost recovered.
170 Miscellaneous expenses
210 Accounts .. .. ..
220 Cash and Pay .. ..
230 Statistical .. ..
211 Officers.
212 Office establishment,
213 Contingent expenses,
214 Outdoor inspection and ve
215 Payment to Accountant G
221-223-As in 211-213.
231-233-As in 211-213.241-24
244 Cost of punching cards.
245 Cost of computer ribbons.
246 Cost of computer statione
247 Computer rental.
248 Rental for Punches. Verifie
249 Discs and tapes.
(Authority:- Railway Boards letter No. 2014/AC-II/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116
311 Officers.
312 Office Establishment.
313 Contingent expenses.
321-323-As in311-313
331-333-As in311-313.
391Recovery of O&M ch
Railways /SPVs etc
392 CENVAT credits
393 Others
411 Officers.
412 Office Establishment.
413 Contingent expenses.
414 Officers EDP.
415 Office Estt. EDP.
416 Cost of Stationary, EDP.
417 Discs & Tapes.
418 Rentals EDP.
419 Repairs & Maintenance/ C
Machines etc. EDP.
421 Officers.
422 Office Establishment (othe
423 Contingent Expenses.
424 Establishment Reciept
425 Establishment Stock ke
(Authority:- Railway Boards letter No. 2014/AC-II/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116
511 Officers.
512 Office Establishment.
513 Contingent Expenses.
531 Officers.
532 Office Establishment.
533 Contingent Expenses.
571-574-As in271-274.
621 Officers.
622 Office Establishment.
623 Contingent Expenses.
For Carriage and Wagon
624 Officers.
625 Office Establishment.
626 Contingent Expenses.
631-633 As in 311-313.
640 Others
671-674As in271-274.
(Authority:- Railway Boards letter No. 2014/AC-II/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116
710 Administration
711-713-As in 111-113.
731-733-As in 111-113.
741-743-As in 111-113.
771-774As in271-274.
(Authority:- Railway Boards letter No. 2014/AC-II/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116
810 Administration
820 Signalling
821-823-As in 111-113.
830 Telecommunication
831-833As in111-113.
871-874-As in 271-274.
(Authority:- Railway Boards letter No. 2014/AC-II/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116
930 Safety
940 Planning
971-974-As in271-274.
(Authority:- Railway Boards letter No. 2014/AC-II/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116
A113,123,133,143, Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the
153,163, 213,223, office such as, stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms,
233, 243,313,323, clothing to class IV staff, departmental advertising charges, cost of repairs and
maintenance of typewriters and accounting, machines etc., rental for office
equipment (other than data processing), conveyance hire to staff , at
333,413, 423,
Headquarters or outstations, taxi hire to officers, rental for P & T telephones and
513,529, 533,
call charges including trunk calls, water, electric light and power expenditure and
613,616, 623,
miscellaneous other charges. (The expenditure on repairs and maintenance of
computer and other machinery in the Electronic Data Processing Centre will be
646,713, 723,
726,733,743, 823, booked to the head A-243) Expenses on account of advertisements relating to a
833,843, 913, 923, particular department should be charged to the contingencies of that particular
department while those relating to general publicity should be charged to A. 143.
933, 943, 953.
Commission paid to private canvassers for securing advertisements in the
Railway buildings and carriages, etc. will also be debited to this head.
Note '-Commission paid to organisers of pilgrim and excursion special trains is
charged to G-723.
A120, (A121, 122) The expenditure on DRMs, and their office establishment will be recorded in
these detailed heads.
A124, 128,
A130, (A131, 132) Will record the expenditure on Chief Planning Officer and his officers and office
establishment as well as Efficiency and Work-Study Officers and staff
A140 (A141, 142)
Will record the expenditure on the officers and staff of the public relations
organisations and those employed in commercial advertisement and publicity.
Will record court fees and other legal expenses incurred in instituting suits on
behalf of and defending suits against the Railway.
Will record the expenditure on all officers of the Accounts and Cash and Pay
Department and Statistical Offices at the Headquarters as well as on the
Will record the expenditure on sports and cultural activities and connected
establishment and other officers and staff of the Personnel Department not
included in A-310 or 320 above.
A414, 418
A 419
Will record the expenditure on all officers and their establishment at the
Headquarters of the Railway as well as at the Divisional Headquarters who do not
hold any specific charge of a sub-division or workshop.
Will record the expenditure on Chief Engineer Track, Addl. Chief Engineer Track
etc. and other Engineers in-charge of Track maintenance and their establishment
including Estimating, Drawing and Designs sections etc.
Will record the expenditure on salary and allowances of Chief Engineer and other
officers under him and their staff including Estimating, Drawing and Designs
section etc. meant exclusively for works other than workshop and bridges.
Will record the expenditure on officers and their staff whose responsibilities cover
track and other works.
Will record the expenditure on all officers at the Headquarters of the Railway and
their establishment as well as at the Divisional Headquarters if they are on
general duty and not holding any specific charge of a shed/workshop or
This head will also record expenditure on Repairs & Maintenance / Contingencies
on Computer and other machines etc. in EDP of workshops.
Will record the expenditure on all officers and their establishment at the
Headquarter of the Railway or the Divisional Headquarters excluding those who
are directly in charge of a workshop/Loco, E.M.U. Shed. The expenditure on the
latter will be booked under their respective abstracts for maintenance expenditure
e.g., Abstract 'C', 'D', 'E' as the case may be.
A 710 (A.711, 712) Will record the expenditure on C.E.E. and his officers and establishment.
A. 720 (A. 721,
722 . 724, 725)
Will record the expenditure on Addl. C.E.E. or Dy. C.E.E. or D.E.E., A.E.E. and
their establishment in-charge of traction, and operation.
A. 730 (A.731,
A. 740 (A.741,
A. 800
Will record the expenditure on all officers and their establishment at the
Headquarters of the Railway or the Divisional Headquarters excluding those who
are directly in-charge of a workshop.
A. 810 (A.811,812) Will record expenditure on C.S.T.E. and his officers and their establishment.
A.820, (A.821,822)
A. 830 (A.831,832) Will record expenditure on officers and staff according to their specific charges,
A. 840 (A.841,842)
A. 900
Will cover the expenditure on officers and their establishment at the Headquarters
and also of the Divisional Officers and their office staff who are on general duty
and not holding any specific charge of a unit.
A. 910 (A.911,
Will cover the expenditure on, C. 0. P. S. and his Officers and establishment
except Safety and Planning as well as the Operating Officers in the Divisions who
are on general duty and not holding any specific charge of a unit.
A.930 (A. 931,932) Will cover the expenditure on C.O.P.S./Addl. C.O.P.S./Dy. C.O.P.S. and Executive
incharge of Safety at the Headquarters/Divisions and their establishment who are
not holding specific charge of a unit.
A.940 (A.941,942) Will cover the expenditure on Addl. C.O.P.S. Planning/Dy. C.O.P.S., Planning etc.
at the Headquarters of the Railway and their establishment.
A. 951 & A. 952
Will record expenditure on officers, and their staff in-charge of other items such
as road service etc.
200 Maintenance of
Permanent Way.
Detailed Heads
130 Contingent
130 Same.
300 Maintenance of
Bridge work and Tunnels
including Road
over/undor bridges.
400 Maintenance of
service buildings (other
than staff Quarters and
Welfare buildings).
240 Group'D'(B.G.) ..
260 Group'Q'(M.G.) ..
291 Maintenance.
293 Ballasting.
310 Same.
320 Same.
330 Tunnels
330 Same.
340 Same.
410 Same.
420 Same.
431 Workshops.
432 Sheds.
433 Stores.
440 Same.
510 Same.
520 Sanitation
520 Same.
610 Same.
620 Same.
630 Conservancy of
Rivers ..
630 Same.
650 Miscellaneous
710 Breaches
711 Earthwork,
712 Bridges.
713 Permanent Way.
714 Ballast.
715 Miscellaneous.
900 Credits or
720 Accidents
730 Others
930 Same
(Authority:- Railway Boards
letter No. 2014/AC-II/2/2 dt. 14.08.14)
..acs no.116
Will record the expenditure on officers such as A.E.N s. in direct charge of a subdivision, X. E. Ns, "Superintendent Workshop' Bridge Engineers solely in-charge of
Bridge(s) etc. and their office establishment.
Subordinate supervisory staff includes all non-gazetted staff, not directly employed
on the execution of any work but supervising the work of men actually doing the
work. Inspectors in charge of permanent way, interlocking, girders bridges, etc. Come
under this category. Pay and allowances of land surveyors will also be booked under
this head.
B. 125128
B. 130
Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms, clothing to
class IV staff, departmental advertising charges, cost of repairs and maintenance of
typewriters and accounting machines etc; rental for office equipment (other than data
processing), conveyance hire to staff at Headquarters or outstation, taxi hire to
officers, rental for P & T telephones and call charges including trunk calls, water,
electric light and power expenditure, and miscellaneous other charges.
B. 211,
271, 281. 291
Will record the outlay on maintenance of permanent way and earth-work of the track
viz. Labour (including wages of the fixed staff of mates, Gangmen, Line watchmen
and trolleymen), Permanent way materials, consumable stores etc. The cost of
maintenance and repairs of protective work not connected with bridges shall be
debited to this head.
232, 242, 252,
262 272, 282.
Will record the expenditure on Sections which have been specifically identified for
mechanized maintenance and in which maintenance has been wholly or almost
wholly mechanized.
233, 243.253,
263. 273, as
283. 293.
Will also include the charges for loading and unloading of ballast train working for
maintenance purposes (including truck money allowance of Ballast train guard),
charges for ballast train working as well as the cost of sidings if any specially
constructed in connection with quarrying and carriage of ballast for revenue
purposes. It will, however, not include departmental labour charges, the cost of
spreading and ballasting of track or machine packing of track which will come under
manual or machine maintenance as the case may be.
Sub-head- B. 210 Group 'A' (B.G.) means track with a sanctioned speed of 160 km.
p. h.
Sub-head- B. 220 Group 'B' (B.G.) means track with a sanctioned speed of 130 km.
p. h.
Sub-head- B. 230 Group C' (B.G.) means suburban Sections Mumbai and
Sub-head- B. 240 Group 'D' (B.G.) means track with a sanctioned speed of 100 km.
p. h.
Sub-head- B. 250 Group 'E' (B.G.) means other track including yards and sidings.
Sub-head- B. 260 Group 'Q' (M.G.) means track with a sanctioned speed of more
than75km.p. h.
Sub-head- B. 270 Group 'R' (M.G.) means track with a sanctioned speed of 75 km. p.
Sub-head- B. 280 Group 'S' (M.G.) means track with a sanctioned speed of less
than75 km. p. h.
B. 310
(i) This will record expenditure on maintenance of girder bridges such as painting,
repairs to steel work, repairs to masonry and road decking etc.
(ii) The cost of incidental works which are part of the bridges themselves such as the
rivetment of banks as bridge approaches or shore protection piers will also go under
this head. Aerial surveys which are required principally in connection with the
maintenance of existing bridges and take the place of annual surveys carried out by
the open line staff, should also be charged to this head.
(iii) Will also cover the expense of retimbering the sideway of bridges as well as the
expenditure on bridge watchmen.
Will bear the outlay on the maintenance such as white washing, colour washing,
distempering, painting, flooring, roofing and other maintenance of various types of
service buildings enumerated under the sub-heads. Repairs and renewals of fencing
of detached land for service buildings should be charged to this head. Expenditure on
repair and maintenance of buildings of Railway schools and colleges should not be
booked under this head but under J-110.
Will record expenditure on arrangements for water supply i.e., source of supply,
pumping installations, water columns, storage including painting of high service
tanks, treatment, distribution arrangements, cost of water etc.
Will record expenditure on arrangements for sanitation i.e., drains, sewers, sewage
installations and all other expenditure on sanitary arrangements.
Will record the expenditure for maintenance of fencing and level crossings with
gates, bars, turnstiles, gate keepers' lodges, approaches and any signals or
appliances connected with the working of the same, as also mile plates, boundary
pillars, and other similar items of miscellaneous nature which cannot be allocated to
other specific sub or detailed heads.
Will bear all the charges for maintaining river bunds and river training works (but not
those protection works which are charged to the bridges).
All expenditure on planting, upkeep and care of trees along Railway lines and the
planting and maintenance of station gardens, and of nurseries for the supply of
required trees and plants and similar expenditure in railway staff colonies and
compounds of railway staff quarters will be charged to this head.
Will be debited with all freight charges for materials for the maintenance of way,
works and stations.
Includes expenditure on repairs arising from special causes such as floods,
monsoons, earthquake damages caused due to accidents etc. and will not include
ordinary recurring expenses on routine repairs to the formation. Expenditure on
arrears of repairs put off from one year to another, being in the nature of nonrecurring charges is also treated as special.
Detailed Heads
111 Officers-Mechanical.
112 Officers-Ferry service.
113 Administrative Office Establishment-Steam
114 Administrative Office Establishment-Diesel
115 Administrative Office Establishment-Ferry
130 Same.
160 Contingent
expenses (Electrical)
160 Same.
230 Periodical
240 Intermediate
overhauls ..
250 Special repairs ..
317 As in 313.
318 As in 314.
320 Running repairs
done in workshops for
330 Periodical
overhauls ..
340 Intermediate
350 Special
repairs .. .. ..
370 Miscellaneous
charges including
530 Periodical
overhauls ..
540 Intermediate
Electric Locos A. C.
560 Other
repairs .. .. .. ..
570 Miscellaneous
charges including
640 Same.
650 Other
miscellaneous expenses
(Mechnical Department
including Ferry service).
670 Other
671 to 674- As in 651 -654.
miscellaneous expenses
(Electrical Department).
900 Credits or
(Authority:- Railway
Boards letter No. 2014/ACII/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116
Will also include the expenditure on officers, supervisory staff and their office staff in
Loco sheds as well.
Will record the expenditure of the office establishment of the offices in C. 111 above.
Contingent expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms, clothing to
class IV staff, departmental advertising charges cost of repairs and maintenance of
typewriters and accounting machines etc. rental for office equipment (other than data
processing), conveyance hire to staff at Headquarters or outstations, taxi hire to
officers, rental for P & T telephones and call charges including trunk calls, water,
electric light and power expenditure and miscellaneous other charges.
All laboratory expenses relating to Mechanical Department other than the pay and
allowances of the Chemist and Metalurgist and his staff e. g. cost of chemicals
,consumable stores etc. will be booked under the head C-130.
Will record all expenses incurred on maintenance and upkeep of locomotives and
boilers (of steam locos) in running sheds.
Will record all expenses incurred on maintenance and upkeep of locomotives and
boilers (for steam locos) work done in Workshops for sheds.
The loss of efficiency and reliability normally displayed by locomotives after 1,00,000
or more kilometres run renders their stoppage for general machinery repairs
essential. Such repairs are called "Intermediate overhauls".
Works which cannot be carried out in the running sheds themselves either owing to
considerations of economy or to inadequacy of mechanical equipment and which
have therefore to be done in workshops should be clearly defined for each railway
and all expenditure on such works should, in the first instance, be charged to this
head and subsequently cleared therefrom by charging the running sheds (allocation
C-220) with a prefixed schedule of average repair charges to each item, the
difference between the actual expenditure and the amount charged to the Running
Sheds being allowed to stand at debit of this head. In the absence of such a
schedule the repair costs may be estimated provided they are not more than Rs.
500/- in each case. If the estimated cost exceeds Rs. 500/- the actual expenditure
incurred should be debited to the Running shed or Division.
C. 271
C. 273
C. 372
C. 376*
This head is intended to record the expenditure (or credits) which cannot be regarded
as expenditure (or credits) pertaining to the year of accountal.
C. 274
C. 373
C. 377*
The difference between the actual 'on cost' expenditure booked under "on cost" work
orders and the estimated 'on cost' distributed amongst the various work order should
be booked to this head.
C. 275
C. 374
C. 378*
Difference between actual cost of manufacture or repair and the estimated cost at
which materials have been issued:
(i) by the manufacturing shops (e. g. smithies and foundries) to the finishing shops or
stores, or
(ii) by the finishing shops to stores or outstations or for use on work in the shops
themselves, Should be booked under this head; balances under the grouping work
orders under the Locomotives Workshop Manufacture Suspense Account on account
of the difference between the actuals of Work executed on these work orders and the
credits realized therefor on an estimated basis should also be booked under this
C. 300
Will bear the expenditure on schedule maintenance in sheds, e. g.,1A. 1B, 1C, AOH
repairs etc
C. 610
C. 630
Will record the expenditure on all type of repairs (petty repairs to periodical
overhauls), carried out either in the general workshop of the railway or if a subsidiary
workshop is specially maintained for the flotilla in such workshop.
Note :-The subsidiary workshop if maintained in connection with a flotilla is to be
treated in all respects like a Loco Workshop at an outstation and the outlay on the
repairs to the flotilla will be intimated through general workshop out-turn statement.
C. 640
C. 651
C. 671
Will record the outlay on repairs and maintenance of harbours under the control of
the Railway will bear the freight charges on material for the repairs and maintenance
of Motive power including rail cars and ferry steamers relating to mechanical and
Electrical Departments.
* Will record expenditure on repairs of the engines which are undertaken in workshops and the charge for
which is made through workshop outturn statement. The analysis of expenditure under these heads
should be in accordance with the instructions.
** Will include expenditure on repairs of all coaching and goods stock adjusted through the workshop outturn statement. The principle involved in the analysis and recording of expenditure under these heads
would be the same as in the case of workshop repairs under Abstract' C '.
Detailed Heads
111 Officers-Mechanical.
112 Officers-Ferry service.
113 Administrative Office Establishment-Steam
114 Administrative Office Establishment-Diesel
115 Administrative Office Establishment-Ferry
130 Same.
160 Contingent
expenses (Electrical)
160 Same.
230 Periodical
240 Intermediate
overhauls ..
250 Special repairs ..
330 Periodical
overhauls ..
340 Intermediate
350 Special
repairs .. .. ..
370 Miscellaneous
charges including
530 Periodical
overhauls ..
540 Intermediate
Electric Locos A. C.
560 Other
repairs .. .. .. ..
570 Miscellaneous
charges including
640 Same.
650 Other
651 Carriage of Revenue stores.
miscellaneous expenses 652 Loss of Cash.
(Mechnical Department 653 Loss of Stores-Physical Loss. 654 Loss of
(Authority:- Railway
Boards letter No. 2014/ACII/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116
Will also include the expenditure on officers, supervisory staff and their office staff in
Loco sheds as well.
Will record the expenditure of the office establishment of the offices in C. 111 above.
Contingent expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms, clothing to
class IV staff, departmental advertising charges cost of repairs and maintenance of
typewriters and accounting machines etc. rental for office equipment (other than data
processing), conveyance hire to staff at Headquarters or outstations, taxi hire to
officers, rental for P & T telephones and call charges including trunk calls, water,
electric light and power expenditure and miscellaneous other charges.
All laboratory expenses relating to Mechanical Department other than the pay and
allowances of the Chemist and Metalurgist and his staff e. g. cost of chemicals
,consumable stores etc. will be booked under the head C-130.
Will record all expenses incurred on maintenance and upkeep of locomotives and
boilers (of steam locos) in running sheds.
Will record all expenses incurred on maintenance and upkeep of locomotives and
boilers (for steam locos) work done in Workshops for sheds.
The loss of efficiency and reliability normally displayed by locomotives after 1,00,000
or more kilometres run renders their stoppage for general machinery repairs
essential. Such repairs are called "Intermediate overhauls".
Works which cannot be carried out in the running sheds themselves either owing to
considerations of economy or to inadequacy of mechanical equipment and which
have therefore to be done in workshops should be clearly defined for each railway
and all expenditure on such works should, in the first instance, be charged to this
head and subsequently cleared therefrom by charging the running sheds (allocation
C-220) with a prefixed schedule of average repair charges to each item, the
difference between the actual expenditure and the amount charged to the Running
Sheds being allowed to stand at debit of this head. In the absence of such a
schedule the repair costs may be estimated provided they are not more than Rs.
500/- in each case. If the estimated cost exceeds Rs. 500/- the actual expenditure
incurred should be debited to the Running shed or Division.
C. 271
C. 273
C. 372
C. 376*
This head is intended to record the expenditure (or credits) which cannot be regarded
as expenditure (or credits) pertaining to the year of accountal.
C. 274
C. 373
C. 377*
The difference between the actual 'on cost' expenditure booked under "on cost" work
orders and the estimated 'on cost' distributed amongst the various work order should
be booked to this head.
C. 275
C. 374
C. 378*
Difference between actual cost of manufacture or repair and the estimated cost at
which materials have been issued:
(i) by the manufacturing shops (e. g. smithies and foundries) to the finishing shops or
stores, or
(ii) by the finishing shops to stores or outstations or for use on work in the shops
themselves, Should be booked under this head; balances under the grouping work
orders under the Locomotives Workshop Manufacture Suspense Account on account
of the difference between the actuals of Work executed on these work orders and the
credits realized therefor on an estimated basis should also be booked under this
C. 300
Will bear the expenditure on schedule maintenance in sheds, e. g.,1A. 1B, 1C, AOH
repairs etc
operating expenses under Abstract 'F'. The expenditure on these items incurred by
workshops will, however, be booked under Abstract C'.
C. 610
C. 630
Will record the expenditure on all type of repairs (petty repairs to periodical
overhauls), carried out either in the general workshop of the railway or if a subsidiary
workshop is specially maintained for the flotilla in such workshop.
Note :-The subsidiary workshop if maintained in connection with a flotilla is to be
treated in all respects like a Loco Workshop at an outstation and the outlay on the
repairs to the flotilla will be intimated through general workshop out-turn statement.
C. 640
C. 651
C. 671
Will record the outlay on repairs and maintenance of harbours under the control of
the Railway will bear the freight charges on material for the repairs and maintenance
of Motive power including rail cars and ferry steamers relating to mechanical and
Electrical Departments.
* Will record expenditure on repairs of the engines which are undertaken in workshops and the charge for
which is made through workshop outturn statement. The analysis of expenditure under these heads
should be in accordance with the instructions.
** Will include expenditure on repairs of all coaching and goods stock adjusted through the workshop outturn statement. The principle involved in the analysis and recording of expenditure under these heads
would be the same as in the case of workshop repairs under Abstract' C '.
Detailed Heads
200 Carriages ..
130 same.
141 Officers-Workshop-E.M.U.
142 Officers-Open Line-E.M.U.
143 Officers "Workshop-General services.
144 Officers-Open Line-General services.
145 Office establishment-Workshop E.M.U.
146 Office establishment-Open Line-E.M.U.
147 Office establishment-Workshop-General
148 Office establishment-Open Line-General
160 Same.
300 Wagons
241, 242
270 Miscellaneous
expenses including
310 Same.
320 Same.
340 Same.
400 Electrical
Multiple Unit
360 Same.
370 Miscellaneous
expenses including
510 Same.
520 Same.
530 Same.
540 Same.
550 Same.
560 Same.
570 Same.
580 Same.
600 Miscellaneous
Repairs &
900 Credit or
590 Miscellaneous
610 Miscellaneous
expenses (Mechanical
620 Miscellaneous
expenses (Electrical
621-624-As in 611-6l4.
710 same
720 same
730 same
740 same
750 same
760 same
943 Other
Will record the expenditure on officers, supervisory and their office establishment
dealing with repairs and maintenance of coaching and wagon stock in workshops
and will also include the expenditure on officers, supervisory staff, and their office
staff in carriage and wagon depots/sheds as well.
D. 130. D. 160
Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms, clothing to
class IV staff, departmental advertising charges, cost of repairs and maintenance of
typewriters and accounting machine etc., rental for office equipment (other than data
processing), conveyance hire to staff at Headquarters or outstations, taxi hire to
officers, rental for P & T telephones and call charges including trunk calls, water,
electric light and power expenditure, and miscellaneous other charges.
D. 140, 150
Will cover all expenses incurred in maintenance and upkeep in sick lines as also the
cost of work done in workshops for sick lines.
D. 230
D. 330**
D 240
D. 340**
Occasional special repairs to damaged stock, each estimated to cost over Rs.
12,500/- in the case of carriages and Rs.5,000/- in the case of wagons and service
motor-cars, should be carried out only after necessary estimates have been prepared
and sanctioned by competent authority. This head will also include expenditure on
the reconditioning of stock and on the conversion of stock chargeable to revenue.
D. 260
D. 360**
Other Repairs will include(i) The cost of petty repairs to coaching vehicles and goods wagons, and treated as
non-periodical overhauls; and
(ii) The difference between the actual cost of repairs of components and duplicates,
supplied to train examining staff and sick lines, after repairs, and the fixed rates, at
which such repairs are charged.
D. 275, 276,
373, 473, 591,
277, 278, 374,
474, 592
D. 410
Will bear the expenditure on scheduled maintenance in sheds e.g., 1A, 1B, 1C etc..
D. 430
Will bear the expenditure on items of work included in the normal schedule of P.O.H.
Note.-The expenditure on consumable items (e.g., lubricants, carbon brushes, brake
blocks, lamps, bolts etc.) used on C & W stock by Divisions will be booked to
Operating expenses under Abstract 'F. The expenditure incurred on these items by
workshops will, however, be booked to Repairs and Maintenance under this Abstract
** Will include expenditure on repairs of all coaching and goods stock adjusted
through the workshop out-turn statement. The principle involved in the analysis and
recording of expenditure under these heads would be the same as in the case of
workshop repairs under Abstract'C'.
Will bear the freight charges for materials for the upkeep of carriage and wagon
Will bear the freight charges for materials for the E. M. U. stock and Electric Genera!
Services on C. & W. Stock.
Detailed Heads
111Officers (Workshop).
112 Officers -(0pen Line).
113 Administrative office establishment(Workshop).
114 Administrative office establishment(Open Line).
160 Same.
210 Same.
340 Same.
343 Diesel Traction. DMU
420 Power supply equipment for 421 Transmission lines and cables.
422 Traction sub-stations and control
423 Main traction power generating
stations and bulk power receiving
424 Traction Remote control equipment
430 Power supply equipments
for general services.
letter no.2013/AC-II/3/1
07/07/2014)acs no.113
750-Passenger Reservation
Reservation system, UTS, system, UTS, FOIS etc.
FOIS etc.
760 Other Expenses
Traffic Department
810 Same.
800 - Other Plant 810 - Equipment
Departments(Authority:(Authority:-Boards letter no.2015/ACBoards letter no.2013/AC-II/3/1 II/2/1 dated 11.02.15)acs no.120
dated 07/07/2014)acs no.113
Management System
General Department
900 Credits or recoveries. 910 Credits for material released 911 Dismantling charges.
from Revenue works (Civil
912 Credits for released material.
Engineering Department).
920 Credits for material released 921 & 922-As in 911-912.
from Revenue works
(Mechanical Department).
930 Credits for material released 931 & 932-As in 911-912.
from Revenue works (Electrical
940 Credits for material released 941 & 942 As in 911-912.
from Revenue works (S. & T.
950 Credits for material released 951 & 952 As in 911-912.
from Revenue works (Traffic
960 Credits for material
released from Revenue works
(General Department)
This abstract is for recording expenditure on repairs and maintenance of all plant and
machinery and equipment by the Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and S. & T.
Departments and the other departments.
Will record the expenditure on officers, supervisors and their office staff in workshops
or open line dealing with the repairs and maintenance of all plant and equipment of
the S. & T. Department.
Note.- Officers in charge of the workshops only will be booked to this sub-head.
Other S. & T. officers in Divisional offices will be booked under Abstract A, unless they
are located (outside the Divisional office) at a separate headquarters on the open
line. As regards non-Gazetted staff these sub-heads will be utilized to book the
expenses on all field staff involved in the maintenance of S.& T. plant and equipment
and machinery.
E. 130
Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publication, uniforms, 'clothing to
class IV staff, departmental advertising charges, cost of repairs and maintenance of
typewriters and accounting machines etc.; rental for office equipment (other than data
processing), conveyance hire to staff at Headquarters or outstations taxi hire to
officers, rental for P & T telephone and call charges including trunk calls, water,
electric light and power expenditure, and miscellaneous other charges.
E. 140, 150
Will record the expenditure on officers, supervisors and their office staff in workshops,
or open line dealing with the repairs and maintenance of all plant and equipment of
the Electrical Department.
E. 210
Will record the expenditure for the upkeep of furniture jn all offices of the Civil
Engineering Department.
E. 220
Will record the expenditure on maintenance and upkeep of all engineering tools, plant
and equipment whether in the Divisions or in Engineering Workshops. All equipment
used in connection with track maintenance be booked to E. 221 and the other
equipment to E. 222.
E. 231
Under this head will be booked all cost of working service motor-cars and trolleys
under the Civil Engineering Department viz., cost of petrol, and consumable stores
used in working and pay of drivers.
E. 234,
Will bear the freight charges on the material for repair and maintenance of plant and
366,493, 551,
644, 833, 854.
E. 310
E. 350
E. 362
Will bear the expenses on repairs and working the service motor-cars and trolleys
belonging to the Mechanical Department (Loco and C. & W. etc.), i.e., cost of petrol,
diesel, pay of drivers etc. The cost of working of motor-cars and trolleys intended for
the exclusive use of work-shops should, however, be charged to the W.M.S. Account
of the shop concerned
E. 410
E. 420
E. 443,444
453, 454
Will include all plant and equipment identifiable as used^ mainly for electrical locos
and EMUs. irrespective of purposes i.e. whether for maintenance of Electrical
equipment on Rolling stock or Mechanical equipment on Rolling stock.
E 491, 547,
642 492, 548,
The explanation relating to' overcharges and undercharges-on cost 'and' overhead
undercharges-manufacture and repairs' in the explanatory notes under the heads C
274, 373, 377 and C. 275,374,378 under Abstract C apply also to these heads.
E. 510 to E
The repairs and maintenance are treated as ordinary or special according to the
530 and E 610 circumstances in which they are carried out.
to E 630
(a) Ordinary repairs and maintenance are those which are carried out normally from
year to year for the maintenance and upkeep of the asset.
(b) Special works relate to such works are considered necessary from special causes
and are normally based on estimates-such as repairing flood, monsoon, or
earthquake damage, abnormal repairs to & replacement of old & wornout interlocking
gear, old cables, wires etc.
(c) E. 621 will also include expenditure on Traffic Control Telephone instruments and
E. 544
The repairs and maintenance charges of watches clocks, time pieces, time recorders,
stopwatches in station buildings, platforms, offices, workshops etc. will also be
E. 700
Will include all payments to P. & T. Department on account of rent and maintenance
of wires used in connection with the circuits detailed under the various sub and
detailed heads.
E. 810
Detailed Heads
130 Same.
141 Water.
142 Oil, tallow and other stores, including
143 Contingent expenses.
Payments to non-Government Railways
and other bodies.
150 Miscellaneous
211-212 As in 111-112.
230 Same.
290 Miscellaneous
331 Lubricants.
332 Other Operating stores including clothing
333 Contingent expenses.
340 Miscellaneous
Electrical Multiple
Unit Coaches
431 Lubricant-EMU.
432 Other Operating Stores
including Clothing EMU.
433 Contingent expenses-EMU.
434 Lubricant-MEMU.
435 Other Operating Stores
including Clothing MEMU.
436 Contingent expenses-MEMU.
440 Miscellaneous
expenses EMU
450 Miscellaneous
451-455 as in 441-445
expenses MEMU
500 Carriages and
510 Subordinate
510 Same.
Supervisory staff and their
Office staff (Running)
520 Inspection staff for
Running vehicles
541 Hire of vehicles loaned, Payable to nonGovernment Railways and other bodies.
542 Carriage of Revenue stores.
543 Loss of cash.
544 Loss of stores-Physical loss.
545 Loss of stores - depreciation /
560 same
570-Other operating
expenses including
Lubricants and
Consumable Stores
571-573 as in 241-243
580-Misc. Exp.
581-585 as in 291-295
630 Distribution
630 Same.
arrangements for general
640 Same,
660 Same.
680 Miscellaneous
710 Signalling
710 Same.
720 Telecommunication
720 Same.
810 Same.
830 Miscellaneous
Expenses-Ferry services
840 Same.
850 Same.
860 Miscellaneous
Expenses-Rail cars
860 Same.
941Stem loco
942 Diesel loco
943 Electric loco
Will record the expenditure on staff employed in connection with the operation of
steam locomotives. such as Drivers, Fireman, etc.
Will record the expenditure on all shed and yard staff connected with the cleaning
and looking after engines and other miscellaneous expenditure in sheds and yards,
(but will exclude the shed staff engaged on fuelling engines who will be included in
the new Abstract 'H'- Fuel).
F. 141
Will book the charges for supplying water for working locomotives whether incurred
departmentally or under the contract system. The expenditure on staff connected with
water columns etc. and the cost of stores used in connection with the same will also
be booked under this head.
Will record the cost of stores used in the locomotives in sheds such as lubricating oil
or grease used in engines before the run (i.e. for making the engines ready for the
run) and also that consumed during the run. However, any oil, grease, etc used on
engines in running sheds for the upkeep of locomotives and boilers (i.e., during their
repairs or storage etc. would be booked under Abstract 'C'.
433, 532,
Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms to class IV
F.151 to154
Will bear the charges mutually agreed upon between the Administrations on account
of (i) engine power supplied by a foreign Railway for hauling home line trains;
(ii) engine power supplied for shunting purpose at joint stations;
(iii) hire paid for locomotive borrowed from other Railways for specified periods;
(iv) haulage on mis-sent wagons and consignments accrued in terms of Conference
(v) haulage on borrowed vehicles (coaching and goods) accrued in transit from one
Railway to another;
(vi) haulage incurred on vehicles when hauled by one Railway for another in the
running Power Area in terms of Running Power Agreements
(vii) freight charges for the haulage of engines transferred from one railway to
another Receipts from various Railways on similar accounts should be adjusted in
reduction of expenditure.
Note- As between Indian Government railways no adjustment is made on account of
these transactions.
Will bear the freight charges on the material required in connection with the operation
of rolling stock and equipment.
Will record the expenditure on staff employed in connection with the operation of
Diesel Locomotives such as Drivers, Diesel Assistants etc.
F. 230
Will record the expenditure on sheds and yard staff connected with looking after all
types of diesel locomotives and other miscellaneous expenditure.
F. 240
Will record expenditure on lubricants oil and other stores used on diesel locomotives
in sheds before the run as also that consumed during the run.
Will record the expenditure on staff employed in connection with the operation of
Will record the expenditure on shed and yard cleaning staff, examiners, cleaners,
oilers etc. engaged specially on electric locos.
F. 330
Will record the expenditure on the lubricating oils and other operating stores such as
cotton waste etc. but excluding transformer and switch oils which will be charged to
Abstract 'C1.
F. 412, F. 420
F. 430
Similar to the explanatory notes under 312,320 and 330 (331,332) for Electric
F. 510
Will record pay and allowances of the Head Train Examiners (or the Senior Train
Examiners at stations who supervise staff) and that of their staff.
F. 521
Will record the wages of oilers, examiners etc. who actually examine and maintain
the passenger and goods trains.
F. 522
Will bear the share of Railway expenditure payable to Indian Railway Conference
Association on account of the cost of Neutral Control Establishment.
F. 531
The cost of stores used on running vehicles and the expenditure on lighting (other
than electrical) required by Train Examiners will also be charged to this head. The
cost of clothing of oilers, cleaners and carriages examiners who actually examine
and maintain the trains should also be charged to this head.
F. 541
Payments on account of hire of carriages and wagons obtained from other railways
on loan for general use on the home line will be debited to this head. Receipts from
foreign Railways on similar accounts should be adjusted in reduction of expenditure
under this head.
Note:--As between Budget Lines (Indian Government Railways) no adjustment is
made on account of these transactions
This will include expenditure on On Board Housekeeping services,
Clean Train Station Scheme, Mechanical coach Cleaning, pest &
rodent control treatment or any other activity of coach sanitation.
16.10.2014)acs no.118
no.2014/AC-II/2/2 dated
Will record the operating expenses on Electric traction (other than rolling stock and
electric energy), such as the expenditure on Traction power control staff, and other
Operating Staff booked to 611 and Operating Stores to 613 respectively. The direct
Operating expenses on rolling stock will be booked under F. 300 for Electric
Locomotives and F. 400 for E. M. Us.
F. 611
Will record the expenses on Traction power control staff etc. at Traction sub-station,
Switch station etc.
F. 613
Will record the cost of stores used by the staff booked against F. 611.
F. 620
The expenditure on generation and purchase of electricity will first be booked under
this head. At the end of each month when the distribution statement for electrical
energy used is made out of the cost of energy will be booked to the detailed heads
640, 651, 654, 660 (for battery charging) to Abstract F and J.581 by contra credit to
Detailed Head F.627. As the cost of electrical energy generated or purchased is to be
finally allocated to the final Detailed Heads, the expenditure under the sub- head 620
should finally be reduced to zero.
Will record the expenditure on Operating staff such as the Air-conditioned coach
attendants. Power staff, etc. and operating stores involved in train lighting and also
the functioning of Air-conditioned services in trains. The power supply for charging of
batteries (as distinct from preparing of batteries in the Workshops) will also be
booked under this head. Stores will also include the cost of lubricants used in power
cars and other stores.
Will record the expenditure on wages of staff and stores required for operations of
lifts etc.
Will record the expenditure on running staff as well as traffic staff, steamer working
staff, Jetty and Shore connection and other staff.
Will record other expenses on Ferry services, i.e., establishment employed for out
agency purposes, tickets, stationery forms etc., pilotage fee, registry and stores other
than fuel and gas light in boats and clothing.
Will record the expenditure on staff employed on rail car and other expenses.
Detailed Heads
110 Operating
111 Officers.
112 Office Establishments.
113 Contingent Expenses.
120 Commercial
210 Same.
220 Same.
230 Same.
240 Same.
260 Same.
270 Tickets
270 Same.
Sanitation at stations
290 Other expenses
including station sanitation.
310 Same.
320 Same.
330 Same.
340 Same.
350 Same.
360 Same.
370 Same.
410 Same.
420 Same.
430 Same.
Joint Transhipment expenses
440 Repacking-Goods
440 Same.
450 Repacking-Parcels
450 Same.
460 Same.
510 Same.
511 Guards and Assistant Guards
512 Guards and Assistant Guards (DMU)
520 Same.
540 Same.
560 Same.
620 Same.
630 Same.
711 Staff.
715 Payment to contractors
716 Miscellaneous charges, including
contingent expenses.
Will record the expenditure on officers and office establishment of the Operating and
Commercial Departments directly in-charge of the operations viz., Area Officers, A. 0.
S. in charge of Marshalling yards and others and A. C. S. etc. and their office
133, 298
G. 210
Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms to class IV
staff, departmental advertising charges, cost of repairs and maintenance of typewriters
and accounting machines etc; rental for office equipment (other than data processing)
conveyance hire to staff at Headquarters or outstations, taxi hire to officers, rental for
P & T telephones and call charges including trunk calls., water, electric light and power
expenditure, and miscellaneous other charges.
Will record the expenditure on the Traffic Inspectors and Movement Inspectors
and other subordinate staff employed on duties connected with the supervision of
Traffic working.
G. 220, G.230 Will record the expenditure on staff performing the specific duties. However, in the
and G. 240
case of staff doing both coaching and goods work, their expenditure will be
apportioned as prescribed and allocated to the appropriate heads.
Will record pay, leave salary, overtime and other allowances of Station Masters, Asstt.
Station Masters, Block Signalmen, Asst. Block Signalmen, Cabinmen. Pointsmen and
Point Jamadars (employed on train passing duty), Signalmen, Gatekeepers and Staff
Working in Control offices. The wages of Gatekeepers employed beyond station limits
will also be debited to this head.
Will record the expenditure on joint Traffic and Commercial staff such as Station
Superintendents, Supervisory Station Masters, Commercial Inspectors,
Traffic Convassers Outstanding Supervisors, Cash Witnesses, Station Masters, Clerks
not wholly employed either on coaching or goods services etc.
G. 270
Tickets will cover all outlay (stores, wages, printing charges etc.) incurred in the
manufacture and supply of passenger tickets including blank paper tickets, excess
fare tickets and season tickets.
Cost of tarpaulins, wagon covers etc. will also include the expenses on repairs and
maintenance of tarpaulins, wagon covers, etc. (for old head E. 2102).
Will include the expenditure on account of clothing allowance to employees or the cost
of clothing supplied to them by the railway.
G. 300
Will record the expenditure on Yard Masters, Yard Foremen, Train Clerks,
Gunners, Shunters, Shunting Jamadars, Shuntmen, Shunting Porters
and Pointsmen employed in yards and charged to the appropriate sub-head according
to the duties performed by them in coaching yards, goods yards or common yards etc.
G. 400
G. 500
Will record the expenditure on staff connected with train operations such as
Guards, IInd Guards, Assistant Guards and other traffic staff on running trains.
Safety will also include the cost of staff employed for the appropriate
duties viz publicity or safety compaign, training courses etc., besides the cost of
materials, used.
Will record theshare of expenses (staff and stores) payable to foreign railways for the
use of their junction stations.
Will bear the payments made to other liens for share of rent (i. e. interest and
maintenance) for the use of their joint stations as well as replacements and renewals
(Depreciation Reserve Fund) expenditure in respect of joint stations.
"Payments for running powers" will include all payments made to railways for the right,
under agreement, to exercise running powers over sections of foreign railways.
Transactions on this account would be booked under this head where it has been
specifically provided in the agreement between two railways, that the payments for
running powers will be accounted for in expenditure abstracts as expenditure or
reduction of expenditure.
In the absence of such a provision in the agreements the payments or receipts for
running powers should be accounted for as earnings.
Amounts received from foreign railways on accounts similar to those mentioned in
Explanatory Notes under headsG.731-G.733 should be adjusted in reduction of
payments, but both payments and receipts should be shown separately.
Adjustment on account of conference hire on goods wagons only will be booked under
this head.
Will record the receipt / charges on account of adjustments carried out amongst Indian
Govt. Railways on account of repairs and maintenance and depreciation in respect of
rolling stock (other than goods wagons) of one Railway in use on other Railways.
Will bear the freight on stores issued for the use of the Traffic Department.
Charges for loss or breakage of revenue stores in transit of departments other than
traffic which under the rules should be borne by the Traffic Department should be
debited to this head.
"Other receipts "will include the hire and penalty charges on interchanged stock,
recovered from non-Government Railways and other bodies-Port Trust etc.
110 Cost of coal at it's
mouth or station of
Detailed Heads
111 Passenger trains.
112 Goods Trains.
113 Mixed trains.
114 Shunting operations.
115 Departmental and Miscellaneous services.
116 Ferry service.
117 Steam Propelled rail car.
118 Losses of fuel.
120 Freight and handling 121 Sea and foreign railway freight.
charges including fuelling 122 Home Railway freight.
of engines.
141 Officers.
142 Office Establishment.
143 Contingent expenses.
144 Inspection charges on coal-Debits.
150 Same.
241 Officers.
242 Office Establishment.
243 Contingent expenses.
252. CNG/LNG
(Authority: Boards letter no. No.
2013/AC-II/2/2 dated 19.05.05)--acs..122
940 Same.
(Authority:- Railway
Boards letter No. 2014/ACII/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116 953 Others
Will bear the cost of coal used in working steam locomotives. The actual outlay and
quantity on each class of fuel are required to be recorded separately. The division
between passenger trains and good trains mixed and shunting and departmental will
be rnade as at present.
Apart from the freight and handling charges this head will also record the expenditure
on fuelling of engines (against head H 124). This head H124 also bear the cost on
contract labour employed on fuelling of engines.
H. 143,243
Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the
office such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms to
class IV staff, departmental advertising charges, cost of repairs and maintenance of
typewriters and accounting machines etc. rental for office equipment (other than data
processing Conveyance hire to staff at Headquarters or outstations, taxi hire to
officers, rental for P&T telephones, and call charges including trunk calls, water,
electric light and power expenditure and miscellaneous other charges.
H. 144
Will record the inspection charges on coal. However, receipts realised from other
Railways on account of proportionate inspection charges on coal will be booked
under credits H. 940.
Will record the cost of patent fuel, oil fuel, wood and other fuel for loco purposes. The
cost of furnace oil for working the engines worked by furnace oil will also be booked
under this head.
The cost of diesel fuel used in working diesel locomotives will be charged to this
head and also include petrol /fuel used for rail cars as well.
The cost of labour employed on fuelling of engines will be booked to this Head,
However, the cost of the fuel organisation including inspection will be booked under
H. 240.
Will record the cost of generation of electric energy for traction in Railways Power
houses. The expenditure on generation of electricity for traction purposes will in the
first instance be booked to the Detailed head 311 and the expenditure on purchases
of electricity for traction to the Head 321. After the distribution statement allocating
the energy to various services is prepared, the cost of energy generated/purchased
should be finally booked to Detailed heads331,332.333.335,336 and 338 with contra
credit to 318 and 322 respectively. At the end of the accounting period the net
expenditure appearing under Sub-heads 310 and 320 will be zero.
This head is not intended to accommodate sale proceeds of coal ashes recovered in
workshops which should be credited to workshop suspense.
As the cost of works executed in workshops should include all "on-cost" expenditure,
the cost of current supplied to workshops (including the correct share of the
supervision charges, if any, debitable to A. 700 and of "expenditure on repairs and
maintenance of generating stations, etc. " debitable to E.430 should be debited to
Workshop Manufacture Suspense by per contra credit to Abstract H-under this head.
To this head, should also be credited , out of the amount recoverable from other
railways and outsiders for the current supplied to them, the expenditure that stands
charged to Abstract H, i.e.. the cost of the current calculated at the same rates as
those applied in ascertaining the cost of energy chargeable to the workshops. As,
however, amounts recovered from other railways and outsiders for electrical energy
supplied to them are based on rates which are inclusive of interest and depreciation,
the amount realizable in respect of these factors should be worked out and credited
to "Abstract Z- Sundry other Earnings.'1 The rate of interest to be levied on the capital
cost of generating plant, power house buildings and sub-stations, etc. for the purpose
of arriving at the rate per unit of energy supplied to other railways and outsiders,
should be the dividend rate as applicable at the time of interest. The rate once fixed
will remain current for, and be subject to revision after five years.
This head will be operated upon in the books of the Eastern Railway only (under
whose control the coal Inspection Organisation has been set up) for recording the
amounts realised by that Railway from other Railways an account of proportionate
inspection charges on coal which will be taken as reduction of expenditure.
Detailed Heads
110 Railways on
schools and colleges
111 Officers.
Office establishment.
Contingent expenses
120 Reimbursement of
tuition fees and subsidy.
120 Same.
130 Educational
Assistance to Railway
130 Same.
211 Officers.
213 Office establishments.
214 Other medical and nursing staff,
215 Contingent expenses.
240 Reimbursement of
Medical expenses and
251 Staff.
252 Medicine-Cost thereof and freight charges.
260 Maintenance of
equipments- Medical
310 Sanitation in
Railway Colonies
330 Same.
341 Contributions to R. S. B. F.
342 Other contributions and grants for Labour
Preventive Health Measures and Pest
510 Residential
Buildings-All types
570 Improvements in
Railway Colonies
600 Miscellaneous
610 Miscellaneous
(Authority:- Railway
933 Others
Boards letter No. 2014/ACII/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116
Will record the expenditure ons reimbursements made to the employees of all
Departments on account of tuition fees paid by them for their children studying upto
higher secondary classes subject to the observance of the conditions laid down for
the purpose, and subsidy for the purchase of text books on transfer. This head, will,
however, not be operated for the staff engaged on works chargeable to other than
'Ordinary Revenue'.
Will record the amount of annual or monthly grants made by Railways to NonRailway Schools for the benefit of the Railway employees and their children.
Will record expenditure on subsidised hostels for the children of Railway employees
on account of boarding or mess charges will also be recorded under this head and
will be taken as reduction of expenditure.
This head will also record Non-Practising allowance to Doctors under Primary Unit
Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms, clothing to
The contingent expenses for Medical Department to up keep the office and the
instruments and appliances etc. will continue to be booked under existing detailed
heads viz. J-215 & J-313.
Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of the office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms, clothing to
class IV staff, departmental advertising charges, cost of repairs and maintenance
of typewriters and accounting machines etc., rental for office equipment (other than
data processing), conveyance hire to staff at Headquarters or outstations, taxi hire to
officers, rental for P &T telephones and call charges including trunk calls, water,
electric light and power expenditure, and miscellaneous other charges. In respect of
Medical Department, cost of dressing material, laboratory sera and laboratory
antigens, X-ray films, X-ray contrast media and dyes, dispensing appliance
anaesthetic instruments and appliances including nursing appliances, orthopaedic
instruments and appliances general and special surgical instruments and appliances,
physiotherapy and occupational therapy equipment will also be recorded under this
J. 221
Will bear diet charges for Railway staff, indigent passengers, trespassers and
employees injured in accidents who are entitled to free diet under existing orders.
Will record cost and carriage of medicines including blood therapeutic sera, antitoxins, medical oxygen, nitrous oxide cyclopropane, holthane etc. and dental drugs,
including packing charges.
Will also record the expenditure connected with the reimbursement of medical
expenses of Railway employees and their families entitled to treatment free of
charge, as well as the amount of contribution paid by the Railway to non-Railway
Hospitals as well as charges on account of the cost of school of Tropical Medicines
and Hygiene, Calcutta.
Will record miscellaneous expenditure e.g., fees for attending medical boards as
members and such charges as are not included under any detailed heads under J.
Will also include maintenance of other electrical equipment in Hospitals and Health
The cost of maintenance of institutue buildings and engineering Repairs to tennis
courts should also be booked under this head.
The supply of energy for power and lighting in railway quarters etc. would be charged
on the same basis as the supply to workshops and others as explained in the note
under the head H. 930.
Will bear freight on stores required in connection with the provision of amenities to
staff and staff welfare activities.
Detailed Heads
111 Officers
112 0ffice Establishment
113 Other members of the Force
114 Expenditure on Arm, Ammunition and
115 Special expenses.
116 Contingent expenses.
140 Miscellaneous
220 Compensation
230 Compensation
Goods settled through
payment in cash.
240 Miscellaneous
260 Compensation
Goods settled through
book adjustment
270 Awards of
Consumer Forum
310 Same.
410 Stationery
** Note: This detailed head will be operated in the accounts for the year 1994-95 only to transfer the
booking of expenditure from K-250 (deleted w.e.f. 1-8-1994) upto 31-7-1994
500 Cost of training of
520 Hindi
660 Rashtriya
Premium towards Rashtriya
Swasthya Bima
(Authority: Board's
letter no. No.
dated 17-01/0211)---ACS NO.105
670 Indian charges on
stores excluding fuel,
timber, spares, boilers,
wheels and axle,
permanent way material
Other Expenses.
and girders.
680 Miscellaneous
681 Rewards and prizes to Railway staff.
682 Staff engaged on special works.
683 Expenses on collection of Bridge tolls.
684 Expenditure relating to Railway Users
Committee Members.
685 Expenditure on Commission of Enquiry into
Railway Accidents.
686 Other expenses in connection with Railway
687 Sundries - (Unclassified miscellaneous
688 Banking Cash Transaction Tax
690 Freight recovered
from spending
Departments and other
710 Same
710 Same
921-Reimbursement of operating
losses of Strategic Lines.
922- Other Credits.
(Authority:- Railway
Boards letter No. 2014/ACII/2/2 dt. 14.08.14) ..acs no. 116 933 Others
K. 110
The cost of Railway Protection Force is to be charged to this head regardless of the
Department under which portions of the Force may be employed. The cost of the
Force which forms part of workshop staff, will however, be charged to "Workshop
Manufacture Suspense Account - General on Cost".
K. 116 K. 126
Contingent Expenses will include all expenditure incidental to the upkeep of office
such as stationery, forms, printing charges, books, publications, uniforms, clothing to
class IV staff, departmental advertising charges, cost of repairs and maintenance of
typewriters and accounting machine etc.; rental for office equipment (other than data
processing), conveyance hire to staff at Headquarters or outstations, taxi hire to
officers, rental for P &'T telephones and call charges including trunk calls, water,
electric light and power expenditure, and miscellaneous other charges.
K. 120
The share of expenditure on Railway Protection Special Force will be booked under
this head.
K. 131
This head will bear the contribution made to the State as well as the Central
Government to cover the pay, leave salary and allowances of Order" police
including contingent charges and rent of quarters provided for such Police by the
government concerned and the cost of vehicle provided at the cost of Railways for
the use of the police ; also a share of the cost of supervising, ministerial and other
K. 141
Will bear freight on stores supplied to the Security Department and Claims
Please see also the explanatory Note under Z-510 in Appendix III
K. 220 & K.
Wilt record, separately for Coaching and Goods traffic the payments made on
account of compensation for goods lost or damaged as also on account of plaintiff's
costs decreed by a Court Of Law or awarded by arbitration against the Railways. The
amount of unrealized freight, demurrage, etc, in respect of goods lost or damaged
should be debited to this head in accordance with the instructions contained in the
Explanatory Note under Z 510 in Appendix III.
Will record the payment of exgratia and / or compensation etc. at arising out of family
Welfare Scheme.
K, 271
K. 272
K. 273
K. 322
Will record compensation for personal injury and other claims-compensation awarded
for death or bodily injury to a person not a servant of the railway caused in the
working of the railway including the plaintiff's costs decreed by a Court of Law or
awarded by Arbitration against the railway, will also be charged to this head; but the
gratuity awarded under the Indian Railway Rules to a railway servant injured or to the
relations of a railway servants killed, in the execution of his duty, will be charged to
the detailed head L-730 Other gratuities.
K. 511
This will include pay and cost of instructors, messing charges, upkeep etc, of Railway
Training School except those for medical staff, in which case the charges will be
booked to Detailed head K. 531.
K. 512
This will cover stipend, pay and allowances of trainees and Trade Apprentices of all
Departments except Medical including Health and Welfare. Similar charges for
Medical/ Health and Welfare Department will be booked to head K. 532. Pay and
stipend to non-gazetted staff during refresher courses whether in Railway Training
Centres or outside will also be booked to this head.
K. 517
The expenditure incurred on the training of special class apprentices in India will be
borne by the Eastern Railway. The expenditure on subsequent training i.e. after
completion of the special class apprenticeship will be charged to Railway to which
the officers are posted.
K. 611
Will be debited with annual or other prescribed subscriptions paid to the Association.
The cost of any departmental sub-committee functioning under the IRCA will also
appear under this head.
K. 613
Will record expenditure which cannot be booked under the heads K. 611,612,614 or
under Abstract J and L
Will record expenses in connection with the maintenance and working of fire engines
and fire extinguishers (staff employed and other contingent charges in connection
therewith will also be debited to this head.)
K. 631, K. 632
K. 633
Will include payment of Municipal taxes, e.g., wheel tax, water tax etc.
Will include charges on freight, insurance, other incidental charges as laid down in
Chapter XXI of Stores code. This will, however, exclude such charges on fuel.
The recovery of freight charges from the spending department which instead of being
credited to earnings is taken in reduction of operating expenses. The total receipts
under each of the detailed heads 691,692 and 693 will be distributed amongst the
detailed heads provided under" credits or recoveries" under functional abstracts viz.,
B, C, D, E, F, G, H, etc. so as to ensure concurrent quarterly budgetary control.
K. 900
Credits under this head will be included under' credits or recoveries' for purpose of
Budgetary Demand No. 12. where a link is established between unconnected coal
wagons and the Compensation paid therefor within the same financial year, the
amount recovered from the Power houses, consuming Railway departments etc.
towards cost of such coal should be adjusted as minus debit to the compensation
head "appropriate detailed heads under K. 230 and K. 260" instead of crediting the
same to K-900, where the link is not established within the same financial year, the
recoveries should be credited to K-900 (Please see also explanatory note under Z510 in app. III).
Detailed Heads
110 Same.
120 Same
210 Same.
210 Same.
310 Same.
310 Same.
410 Same.
410 Same.
420 Same.
510 Same.
510 Same.
500 Death-cum-retirement
610 Same.
620 Same.
630 Same.
640 Same.
652- Extra-ordinary
653- Invalid Pension
(Authority:- Boards
654- Disability Pension
letter No. 2014/ACII/21/6
Detailed Heads
110 Same.
120 Same
210 Same.
210 Same.
310 Same.
310 Same.
410 Same.
410 Same.
420 Same.
510 Same.
510 Same.
500 Death-cum-retirement
610 Same.
620 Same.
630 Same.
640 Same.
652- Extra-ordinary
653- Invalid Pension
(Authority:- Boards
654- Disability Pension
letter No. 2014/ACII/21/6
Detailed Heads
110 Same
131 Carriages.
132 Wagons.
133 Electric Multiple Unit Coaches.
134 Electrical General Services, Train lighting,
200 Appropriation to
Pension Fund.
160 Same.
220 Same
300 Appropriation to
Development Fund
250 Same
260 Same
310 Same
310 Same
M 200
Detailed Heads
120 Same.
131- 136 --- Deleted
payments under
NPS -- Deleted vide (Authority: - Boards
letter No. 2014/ACII/21/6 dated
vide (Authority: 25.06.15)acs no. 123
Boards letter No.
2014/ACII/21/6 dated
25.06.15)acs no.
900 Credits or
920 Same.
Sub- Heads
Detailed Heads
110 Same
110 Same
(See Paragraph 701)
(See Paragraph 701)
The earnings of Railways are classified under three Sub major Heads with a separate abstract for each
Sub major Head. viz1.
Abstract "X"-
Abstract "Y"-
Abstract "Z"-
The Sub major Heads are divided into Minor, Sub and Detailed heads are shown belowIt is not within the competence of Railway Administration to introduce, abolish, change the nomenclature
or rearrange any of the Sub major, minor and sub-heads. They may, however, introduce or abolish any
of the detailed heads under any of the sub-heads.
The various heads of classification will be referred to by the numbers allotted to them prefixed by the
letter of the Abstract under which they occur. Thus the detailed head "Season and Zone tickets" will be
referred to as "X-122" (X-one-two-two);
Classification of Earnings
X. 110 - full fares- Earnings from Saloons attached to ordinary trains are also included in this head.
X. 120 -
Reduces fare -Theatrical and other parties may be shown under separate detailed heads
under this item if considered necessary.
X. 141 - Reservation charges-All classes records all earnings realized as "Reservation charges."
X. 200 -
Special trains and reserved Carriages Records all receipts on account of special trains
and reserved carriages whether for supply of engine power or for fares.
X. 610 - Special postal trains.-Total receipts, including those for engine power and haulage of
Penalties levied for irregular travelling-Does not include excess fares which are classified
under the sub-heads to which ordinary fares are Credited.
X. 732 - will also include clerkage Charges for the tickets made non-issued.
Refunds of earnings Collected refund in respect of a particular transaction
presupposes an earlier receipt of money with respect to that transaction- whether in cash by
X. 810 book adjustment. Consequently, overcharges or freight not collected by stations at the time
& Y. 810 of delivery of goods in connection with inwards 'To-Pay' traffic, as also overcharges on
Warrants and credit Notes discovered before the debits is raised against the departments
concerned, should not be shown under this head.
Y. 300
Z 242
Other incomes (long term lease, building rent for GRP, P&T, maintenance and
operational charges of level crossing & sidings and licence)
The earnings from development of Railway land/air-space will be booked under Z-243.
Haulage cost of pantry cars- Records all receipts from IRCTC for haulage of
pantry cars.
(iv) Any repayment should be adjusted to the head to which the net realisation was originally
credited but in the case of earnings - however, it will be be booked under Deduct
b) In case however, where a consignment of goods or parcels is lost or where the sale
proceeds of any damaged consignment are not sufficient to cover freight demurrage etc.
thereon, the latter or the excess of the latter over the former (as the case may be) should be
deleted to the compensation account (detailed heads in Abstract K-200) if the sale proceeds
of an unclaimed consignment of goods or parcels are not sufficient to cover freight,
demurrage, etc. thereon, the latter or the excess of the letter over the former should be
written off.
c) In exceptional cases, however, where a number of consignment are sold in one lot and
the sale proceeds of individual consignment cannot be ascertained, the aggregate of freight,
demurrage etc. on all such consignment should be adjusted against the sale proceeds in
proportion to the credits adjusted under a (i) to (iii) above and adjustments carried out as in
(b) above.
Z 650
Other unclassified receipts.-Include items of the nature of (1) Survey fees received from private bodies.
(2) Receipts of the Publicity Department of individual Railways.
(3) Cost of tender forms supplied to contractors on open lines:
(4) Maintenance charges of approach roads to oil sidings.
(5) Charges for printing work done for Railway institutes, sports, clubs, etc. in Railway Press.
(6) Cost of Stores Bulletin supplied to outsiders.
(7) Commission received from State Government for auditing the warrants issued by them to
their police staff (Commission recovered from the Military Department on account of audit of
Warrants and Credit Notes in connection with military traffic is taken as reduction of
(8) Commission received from catering contractors for auditing meal tickets, etc. issued to
(9) Commission received from local bodies for auditing the amount of pilgrim tax collected on
their behalf.
(10) The amount recovered on account of salary, travelling allowance and contingent
expenses of staff auditing the accounts of Out-Agencies.
(11) Charges for conservancy to Postal and Police Departments.
(12) Commission realized for collection of cess on soft coke.
(13) Commission realized for collection of terminal tax.
(14) Trade test fees received from the Military Department.
(15) Amount recovered from vendors and others on account of cost of water supplied to
(16) Amount recovered from vendors and outsiders for conservancy charges.
(17) Fines recovered from vendors.
(18) Recoveries from occupants of Railway rest houses on account of oil and electric
(19) Hire charges recovered for the use of motor cars and trolleys of one department to
another or outside bodies.
(20) Water charges on residential buildings recovered from employees of the Railway
(21) Cars and vendors licence fees.
(22) Forfeited deposits.
(23) Forfeited State Railway Provident Fund Bonus of Gazetted officers.
(24) Stall
(25) Amounts recovered from departments or ministries of the Government of India, etc. on
account of work done for them in the Railway Laboratories.
(26) Recoveries on account of diet or subsistence money to Railway servant summoned by
court to give evidence.
(27) Amount forfeited from Railway servants in lieu of notice of termination of service.
(28) Excess cash.
Abstract 'X' Coaching Earnings
Minor Head
120 Ordinary
reduced fares
Detailed Heads
130 Military
140 Reservation
I class, II class
(Mail and
(ordinary) ACC
Chair Car and II
class A.C.C.
charges and
200 Special
trains and
210 Same.
210 Special trains
carriages other than
220 Special trains
and reserved
carriages Military
other than Military
220 Same
300 Luggage.
Luggage 310 Same.
collected by station.
320 Luggage
charges ordinary
collected by Ticket
checking staff.
410Public Parcels
410 Same.
600 Transport
of Post office
510 Same.
520 Same.
610special Postal
610 Same.
620 Same.
630 Same.
710 Penalties levied
Miscellaneous for irregular
800 DeductRefunds
730 Sundry
810 Refunds of
Earnings collected
811 Overcharges.
812 Penalties levied for irregular travelling by T. C.
Staff at stations
813 Penalties levied for irregular travelling by T. C.
Staff in trains.
814 Demmurrage on luggage and Parcels and
receipts on account of left luggage.
Detailed Heads
120 Same.
130 Same.
210 Same.
220 Same.
230 Same.
310 Same
310 Same.
410 Same.
410 Same.
510 Same.
200 General
610 Demurrage.
610 Same.
620 Same.
630 Sundries.
630 Same.
710 Same.
710 Same.
811 Overcharges
812 Demurrage.
813 Wharfage and Storage.
600 Miscellaneous
Goods Earnings.
Detailed Heads
110 Same.
110 Same.
210 Same.
240 Land
o assist the aspirants for appearing the Appendix III (IREM) exam.conducted by the Railway
Board,New Delhi which is qualifying for promotion to the post of SO(A), TI(A) and ISA in
Indian Railways Accounts Dept.
Saturday, 14 December 2013
(1990- Books)
Suggestions for controlling expenditure under Demand No.9, 10. Examine critically the
recent orders advancing the date of submission of the Approximate Account current to
Railway Board.
Has cash budget and exchequer control proved effective in exercising control over
expenditure? (1995 With Books)
Role of Accounts Department in ensuring that the revenue expenditure on a Railway does
not exceed the budget allotment. In this regard, explain the working of exchequer control
mechanism in the Railways. - (1995 With Books)
(1990 WB)
It is often said that IR is over capitalised. Do you agree? What do you think are the reasons
and the extent of over capitalisation? What steps to reduce it? (1995 Without Books)
Elucidate the reasons and extent of over capitalisation in Railways. What are the salient
recommendations of Capital restructuring Committee in this regard. (1997 without
(1991- Books)
What irregularities would remain undetected if Post Audit of paid vouchers and Cheques
& Bills reconciliation are not done properly?
Which one of the above is considered as the most important for exercising strict control and
10) How far Performance Budgeting has been effective on the Railways?
The Convention Budget was more Appropriation oriented than Performance oriented.
Discuss the statement with reference to merits & demerits of performance
budgeting. (1996- With Books)
11) Explain critically the effectiveness of various stages of Budgetary control in exercising
control over expenditure.
12) What are weak links in the inter-relationship between Books section, Cash Office and the
traffic Accounts Office with suggestions for improvement?
How different from Accounts Department. Suggestions to make it more effective. (2004
with books)
15) What are implications of arrears in posting and reconciliation of suspense accounts?
16) What purpose does the distinguish between Voted and charged expenditure serve?
17) There is a proposal to maintain detailed asset register for working out depreciation
provision. Comment critically on the proposal.
18) Actual operation of any two funds being operated in the Railways Books Accounts.
Why do we allocate funds for Works Expenditure both plan Head wise and Allocation Head
21) Role of IRFC in financing the Plan expenditure. Recent developments. (2004 With Books)
( PLUS ) bringing out the changes, if any, in the respective share of budgetary support and
mobilisation of internal resources in the Railways in the recent past. (1995 With Books)
22) Trace the movement of a rupee collected on sale of a ticket in the counter of a station to its
estimate reflection in the accounts of Railways with RBI. Do you have any suggestions to
improve the present position.
24) Why are the link heads of accounts (a) Demands payable (b) Traffic Account (c) Labour and
(d) Demand recoverable needed when the Railways are a full-fledged Govt. Organisation?
25) Why is it necessary that the Chief cashier should return the paid voucher in time?
26) Steps leading to preparation of Annual budget for a Railway.- recent changes.
28) Items which require attention in the relationship between books section and cash office.
33) Parliamentary Control over Railway Finances exercised recent changes and developments.
Exercised :
(a) Before, and
(b) After expenditure is incurred. (1995 Without books)
34) Railways will have to move towards self-reliance and have to generate the resources
needed for growth. Discuss with reference to various Funds being operated in the Railway
35) Is it true that the time lag in making available the actual blunt the control mechanism?
What are your suggestions to improve the system and also to minimise the difference
between approximate and final account current.
36) While Railways are expected to be commercially viable they do not have the requisite
freedom. Discuss with particular reference to the following:
Comment with particular reference to the role of Accounts Department and the method of
budgetary control exercised in the Railways. (1997 Without books)
1995- With Books
38) Role of Accounts Department in ensuring that the revenue expenditure on a Railway does
not exceed the budget allotment.
39) Role of Railway Convention Committee w.r.t Railways contribution to the General Revenue.
40) Transfer transactions e-reconciliation how currently accepted, adjusted and reconciled.
42) Suggestion for improvements disbursement of cash and cheques by Cash & Pay office are
prompt and free from possible frauds.
How can the internal check mechanism be geared to put an end to frauds (alteration of the
name of the payee and value of the cheque and subsequent encashment) in cheques?
Discuss with reference to recent circulars issued by the Railway Board. (1999- With
45) Role of Accounts Department in exercising Expenditure control during financial year.
47) The Railway Budget is framed at grassroot level. Is it true? Explain the method for
compilation of the Budget for Revenue Grants on Zonal Railway.
48) What is the purpose of compiling Capital and Revenue Accounts and Finance Accounts of a
Zonal Railway? Bring out its important features.
without books)
54) Do you think that the classification of Account of expenditure and earnings has helped in a
proper depiction of expenditure and earnings on the Railways? Give reasons and suggestions
for improvement.
Mechanism on the Zonal Railways to ensure that the Plan Head expenditure remains within
the allotments made by the RB.
56) Importance of revised estimate in budgeting exercise of a Zonal Railway. Role of accounts
in this.
59) Suggestions for eliminating the differences between approximate and actual account
60) In the context of ECS and EFT what are the safeguards to be ensured while carrying out
cheques and bills reconciliation.
61) How does the system of cash imprests help the holders without diluting the internal check
Increasing complexity of managerial problems has led to the development of certain managerial
approaches, tools and techniques. Budget is one of such tools of scientific management. The
justification of budgeting is its potential service to the management. A budget programme results in
definite and tangible benefits directly related to the basic functions of management.
Budget is a statement of the estimated annual receipts and expenditure both on capital as well as
revenue transactions of an organization. It is the process of planning and reviewing the activities of an
organization. Railways, being a Govt of India Department, receipts and payment system in the General
Budget of the Govt of India. As a results of the Acworth Committee recommendations during 1920-21, it
was decided to separate the finances of the Railways from the general finances with the objective of
securing stability for General Revenues and to strengthen the Railway finances. Since 1924, Railway
Budget is submitted in advance to the General Budget to both houses of Parliament i.e. Lok-Sabha and
Rajya Sabha.
The annual budget is a statement of the estimated receipt and expenditure of the Govt. of India for the
year also known as the annual financial statement. The annual budget is also a constitutional and
management documents.
The Railway Budget is presented in the forms of demands for grants. The proposed expenditure included
in the budget may be either voted or charged. The former class includes items for which provision of
funds is subject to the vote of parliament while the funds for the latter class are sanctioned by the
President and are not to be voted by the Parliament.
The framing of the Railway Budget for earnings as well as expenditure has to be preceded by a careful
forecast of the level of traffic expected to be handled during the budget year.
On the expenditure side the revenue budget falls into 5 broad divisions.
Repairs and maintenance of track rolling stock and plant and equipment.
Operating expenses
Expenditure on fuel
On the expenditure side of the Railway budget, expenditure on Railways under above broad category
alongwith assets acquisition, modification and replacement is required to be presented under 16 demands
as follows.
Railway Board
Operating expenses
Works expenditure.
In this structuring of Demands for Grants, following basic consideration have been kept in mind.
Demand should represent a homogeneous activity broadly controlled by single departmental authority.
Demand should equally correlate costs to results duly bringing out the variable and fixed items of cost.
The Demand should be equally balanced from the point of view of total expenditure.
These demands have been further sub-divided into various sub-heads and primary units for proper
accountal of expenditure.
On the earning side of the Railway budget, earning of Railways have been categorized in three abstracts.
Coaching earning
Goods earnings
The budgeting exercises on the earning side is primarily carried out at Headquarter level
The budgeting as such should originate from the grass root level namely the lowest subordinate who is
executing the physical work since he has a better knowledge of the physical work. Such data is collected
from various subordinates and consolidated at divisional level and reviewed at HQ. level to see how far
the monetary terms reflected by the subordinates justifies the physical targets envisaged. It is a stage
where middle management level decisions are taken either to continue or to modify the existing ways of
The steps involved in presentation of Railway Budget are
Preparation of budget
Voting of budget
Execution of budget.
Voting and review of budget are parliamentary functions where as preparation and executions are
primarily the functions of executives at divisional and higher levels
The entire responsibility for framing the estimates depend upon the spending/earning
concerned. Though the actual work of compilation and scrutiny rests with the FA&CAO.
After proper scrutiny the budget estimates are submitted to the Railway Board. The estimates so
submitted are subject to the critical examination by the Railway Board and taking all relevant factors into
account the Board frames the estimates of income and expenditure for the Railways as a whole.
The revised estimate for the current year is fixed under each demand for each Railways after taking into
account the actual of the previous year, the expenditure during first 7 months of the current year and any
special feature that may be known.
So far as expenditure on works is concerned initially the Railway Admn. compile a list of new works to be
taken up in the following year within the ceiling fixed by the Board. These proposals for new works are
discussed by the Board with Railway Admn and a list of approved work is prepared. The proposed
expenditure in the following year on such new works and on works in progress forms the work programme
or the budget estimate of the Railway for expenditure to be incurred on new or ongoing works, chargeable
to Capital, DRF, DF, OLWR,
Before the presentation of budget in the parliament the recommendation of the President is obtained
under Article 113(3) of the constitution. The budget papers are circulated to the MPs and the budget is
debated in the parliament.
In accordance with the Article 114 of the constitution after the demands for grants have been voted by the
Lok-Sabha, a bill is introduced to provide for the appropriation out of the consolidated fund of India of all
money required to meet the grants made by the Lok-Sabha as also expenditure if any, charged on the
consolidated fund of India.
The grant as voted by the Parliament and appropriation for charged expenditure as sanctioned by the
President are distributed by the Railway Board among the Railway Admn and other spending authorities.
The order by which the allotments are made is called budget order.
As major portion of Railway expenditure in the form of cash expenditure the effectiveness of the
expenditure control is closely dependent on the powerful mechanism of exchequer control.
Exchequer control is a mechanism for concurrent regulation of cash outgo by each disbursing officer
against the cash content of the budget allotment. Railway expenditure falls into 2 categories viz cash and
adjustments. The former covers all transactions completed through cash payments or issue of Cheques
and broadly comprises disbursements to staff and contractors as also settlement of bills/claims for
supplies and services.
Adjustments represents inter or intra accounting unit book-keeping transactions which entailsno cash
outgo. The object of exchequer control is to establish a system for correct estimation of cash outgo and
to monitor disbursements. It is thus an important tool of budgetary control.
In the exercise of exchequer control, the total allotments for the year are divided between cash and
adjustments. Success of exchequer control greatly depends upon this distribution. Board have laid down
broad guidelines for making a realistic estimate of cash and adjustment portion of expenditure falling
within the sanctioned budget.
Thereafter the cash outgo is further distributed amongst the 4 quarters of the year. Railway Board issues
quarterly cash allotments. The actual cash disbursement during the quarter is reported while asking for
the cash allotment for the next quarter. The report is scrutinized in the Boards office to see the progress
of cash expenditure vis--vis the authorization for the quarter.
Exchequer control mechanism is necessarily limited in scope to the control of cash outgo which on an
average forms about 70% of the total expenditure of a railway. Exchequer control has thus the merit of
providing an effective means of monitoring a substantial part of expenditure on a day to day basis.
Broadly the cash budget can be distributed amongst the following main categories.
(i)Staff (ii) Fuel (iii) Other purchases (iv) payment of contractor bills (v) other disbursements and (vi) Civil
The deficiency in the present system of exchequer control is that certain expenditure incurred by other
Govt. Departments on behalf of the Ministry of Railways and affecting cash balance in the books of RBI
are not taken into account in the cash budget such transactions are as under.
Ministry of Finance have been emphasizing the need for close monitoring of cash flow to Railways
Accounts with RBI and have been laying great stress on Railways confining net withdrawals from RBI to
prescribed limits. Under the revised system the Railways will have to estimate the cash outgo of not only
for the issue of Cheques by the Railways but also the debits of other Govt. departments adjusted through
RBI affecting Railways cash account in the books of RBI, in other words such debits are part of the
Railways. cash outgo. Thus the cash outgo of the Railways can be distributed under the following heads.
Budgeted Items
Demand No.2
Demand No.3 to 13
Demand No.16
Total A
Civil Grants
Refund of deposits
Total B
Total C
It is evident from the above that the correct estimation of cash out flow as detailed is very much essential
for exchequer control as an effective budgetary tool for the monitoring of substantial part of Railways
expenditure i.e 70% of total expenditure on day to day basis.
Over the years the efforts to create an accountable regime by monitoring the financial
performance has to be strengthen by translating every physical effort into measurable
monitory gains to the organization. This will have to be built into the budgetary exercises by
adopting the available techniques of calculating unit cost of any service undertaken by
Railways with acceptable parameter based formulae as the basic requirement and every
financial efforts has to be tested in the terms of its effect on the unit cost. This will ensure
the budget being a mirror image in financial terms of the policy statements and their
efficient execution for a strong and sustainable organizational bottom-line.
Posted by Nageswara Rao M, Sr.Instructor/Accounts Training Centre @ CTARA/Secunderabad Mobile: 09492432160 Email ID: at Friday, July 10, 2015 No comments:
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Posted by Nageswara Rao M, Sr.Instructor/Accounts Training Centre @ CTARA/Secunderabad Mobile: 09492432160 Email ID: at Tuesday, July 07, 2015 No comments:
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1. Choose the former name of Railway Development Fund ?
7. Expenditure on maintenance of Station gardens is
allocated to ?
Answer: Abstract B - Demand No.04 ,Sub Head 640 Detailed
Head 641
(All expenditure on planting, upkeep and care of trees along Railway lines and the
planting and maintenance of station gardens, and of nurseries for the supply of
required trees and plants and similar expenditure in railway staff colonies and
compounds of railway staff quarters will be charged to Sub Head 640 in Demand
Sub Head
Detailed Head
Likely Questions:
It is regarded as one of the Most Important financial statistics/ratios and has frequently
been used as an Index of the operating efficiency of the Railways.
Pension Fund. Note: True expenses in an accounting period whether or not actually
disbursed. That means excludes Suspense.
x 100
Gross Earnings
Important Note:
That means :-
In the examinations, if Gross Expenditure figure given, deduct Suspense from that in
order to arrive Gross Working Expenses. Similarly deduct Suspense from Gross Receipts
to arrive Gross Earnings.
There is no ideal Operating Ratio for Indian Railways. In rail road sector, an operating
ratio of 80 or lower is considered desirable. However lower O.R. helps in generating
In the year 2005, Indian Railways, changed its accounting policy for the lease charges.
The lease charges have been broken into two parts - capital and revenue. While revenue
has been charged to working expenses (Demand No.9G), capital portion is separately
provided for in the capital budget ( Plan Head 2200-Leased assets - Payment of capital
component of lease charges to IRFC etc.). This has resulted in the reduction of working
expenses and the operating ratio.
A) maximizing the traffic earnings inter-alia include rationalization of fare and freight
tariff; effective marketing strategies to capture more and more traffic; creation of
additional capacity and optimum utilization of the existing rail infrastructure.
B) contain the expenditure through diverse means including strict economy and austerity
measures; improved man-power planning; better asset utilization and inventory
management; optimizing the fuel consumption etc.
2009-10 - 95.28 %
2010-11 - 94.59 %
2011-12 - 94.85 %
2012-13 - 90.19 %
2013-14 - 93.60 %
2014-15 - 91.80 %
2016-17 i.e., terminal year of 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) target O.R. is 74 % ( to equal
the best ever O.R. of Indian Railways in 1963-64 - 74.7 %)
Comparing O.R of Indian Railways with other countries ' railways systems - Not possible
due to different computation methodologies across different countries thus reducing
validity of comparison of such statistical figures.
Glossary - Excerpts from Finance Code Para No.308 - better to understand Operating
Ratio and Railway finances.
Credit Side
Debit Side
(i) Coaching Earnings (less
Expenses = Expenses
booked under final
heads, excluding
appropriation to DRF &
Pension Fund
(xi) Appropriation to
Depreciation Reserve
(xii) Appropriation to
Pension Fund.
(xviii) Net
Expenses = (x)+(xi)+
Earnings =(v) -
earnings in an accounting
an accounting period
actually realized.
(vi) Suspense.
(vii) Gross Receipts = (v)+
(vi) = Earnings actually
realized during an
accounting period.
(xiv) Suspense.
Gross Expenditure
= (xiii) + (xiv) = Working
Expenses actually
disbursed during an
(viii)Misc. Receipts =
subsidized companies;
subsidy + other
Miscc Railway
Appropriations to
Pension Fund relating to
Railway Board
and Miscc
establishments booked
under grants 1 & 2 and
Accident Compensation,
and Passenger Amenities
Fund and OLWR
expenditure, and
payments to
worked lines.
= (vii)+(viii).
Expenditure = (xv)+
(ix) - (xvii).
(xix) Net
Receipts = (ix) - (xvii).
(xx) Payment to
General Revenues
(xxi) Surplus =
(xix) - (xx)
Comparing O.R of different Zonal Railways: It is not possible to compare the O R of one
Zonal Railway with another Zonal Railway due to several factors such as Floods, Accidents
and other special factors. Hence it is better to compare OR of particular Zonal Rly from Year
- Over - Year (YOY) basis.
In simple terms , the Operating Ratio is calculated based on the following glossary
terms only
1.Gross Earnings
Earnings Side
Expenditure side
Gross Receipts
Gross Expenditure
Misc. Receipts
Misc. Expenditure
Dividends paid to Gen. Revenues
Appropriation to D.F, Safety Fund, Capital Fund
Note: Where ever, Gross Receipts and Suspense (Earnings) were given, simply
deduct suspense from Gross Receipts and arrived Gross Earnings (Denominator) for
calculation of Operating Ratio
Similar lines,
Where ever, Gross Expenditure and Suspense (Expenses) were given, simply deduct
suspense from Gross Expenditure and arrived Gross Working Expenses (Numerator)
for calculation of Operating Ratio.
2. Working out the following from the set of figures as given below.
1. Gross Receipts
2. Suspense - Earnings
3. Misc. Receipts
4. Ordinary Working Expensee
6. Appropriation to DRF
8. Misc. Expenditure
9.Dividends payable
i) Operating Ratio
Gross Working Expenses = Ordinary Working Expenses(OWE) + App. to DRF & P.F
= 1400 + 50 = 1450
iii) Surplus/Shortfall
= 475 - 75 = 400
Surplus = 400
Note: Appropriation to Development Fund, Railway Safety Fund & Capital Fund will
not be considered for calculation of Operating Ratio/Net Revenue/Surplus.
3. Is OR, best financial ratio to show the performance of Railways ? If answer is No, what is
the reason and which one is the alternative one ?
It is true, that the Operating Ratio itself is not a perfect indicator for judging the efficiency
of Indian Railways.
Capital at
Gross Working
ROR- Rate of
Return/ROCE-Return on
Capital Employed
75 %
80 %
Considering the Operating Ratio as efficient indicator, Railway "A" is more efficient than
Railway "B". But taking ROR/ROCE i.e., indicator of utilisation of Capital, Railway "B"
is more efficient than Railway "A".
charge is the true indicator to judge the financial performance of Indian Railways.
Revenue Surplus = Net Receipts (actual basis) after adjusting misc receipts and misc
expenditure and payment of Dividend to General Revenues. (item xxi of para 308Finance Code)
Capital at Charge means "the Central Government's investment in the Railways by way
of Loan Capital and value of the assets created there from. (item xxii of para 308Finance Code)
To sum up, the combination of above two Ratios will be considered to evaluate the
performance of the Railways instead of Operating Ratio alone.
As of today, OR is not being calculated for Divisions and thus they cannot be treated as
Profit Centers.
That means unlike Operating Ratio, Appropriation to DRF and Pension Fund will not
be considered for calculating PEI. Also Apportioned Earnings not considered for
calculating PEI.
Demands 3 to 12
PEI of Division =
x 100
Originating Earnings
Differences between
Operating Ratio - O R
1. D.No. 3 to 13 considered
Note: In some Zonal Railways like SCR, D.No.13 also included for calculating
So, the drawbacks and their solutions for computing Operating Ratio of their respective
Divisions are
1. Appropriation to DRF -
Capital at Charge on the Division / Capital at Charge on the Zone x Appropriation to DRF
for the Zone.
consignment or passenger travelled over the Zonal Railways, the apportioned earnings
can be calculated for the Zonal Railways. The same mechanism will apply for calculate
of apportioned earnings for the Divisions based on distances covered among Divisions
within a Zonal Railway. With the help of Computers, it can be very easy exercise.
"If you cannot measure it, you cant improve it" By Lord Kelvin
I express special thanks to Shri Hemant B.Godbole, SAG/IRAS of kind permission for
using the excerpts from his presentation of "Application of Responsibility Centre
Approach for converting Divisions into Profit Centres" .
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- 2012
Question No.1 is compulsory. Answer any four of the remaining questions. All questions carry equal
1. For the following items of earning/expenditure, give Abstract of Allocation, Name of Demand,
Minor Head and Detailed Head:
Operating Ratio
d) Works Register
Question No.1 is compulsory. Answer any Four of the remaining questions. All Questions carry equal
Given below are the financial results of Railways for the years 2007-08 and
1.Gross Earnings
2. Traffic suspense
4. Miscellaneous Receipts
6. Appropriation to DRF
8. Miscellaneous Expenditure
9. Net Revenue
From the above figures, calculate the Operating Ratio for 2007-08 and 2008-09.
Comment on the performance of the Railway in 2008-09 compared to 2007-08, giving possible reasons
for improvement/deterioration.
Calculate the amount available for sourcing of capital expenditure in each year and how is it normally
d) Cash Imprest
What is meant by re appropriation of expenditure? What are the rules and powers of re appropriation?
What is the need for the head Cheques and Bills? What does the balance under this head represent
and what measures are taken to reduce the balance.
What are the sources of financing capital (plan) expenditure of Railways? What do you understand by
Extra Budgetary Resources (EBR)?
- 2012
Note: Question No.1 is compulsory. From the remaining questions, answer any four. All questions carry
equal marks.
1. (a) Allocate the following to correct heads of Account, giving the Demand Number and detailed head.
(b) Please indicate the competent authority to sanction the following. Please specify
the provision also.
Extension to the completion period in a works contract worth Rs. 6 crores, without penalty.
Creation of a work charged Sr. Scale post chargeable to Track Renewal estimates.
3. What is Railway Safety Fund (RSF) ? For what types of work is it used ? How does RSF get credit for
the use of Railway projects?
4. What is meant by earnest money, security deposit and Performance Guarantee ? What are these
important for ?
DRF and DF
8. How are labour pay sheets checked with regard to muster roles?
What are canons of financial propriety ? In this regard, how is irregular expenditure regularised ?
On account bills
Final Bills
Urgency certificate
4. Distinguish between:
5. What are the various records checked during the inspection of a PWI's Office ? In
case any irregularity is detected, what action is to be taken.
6. What do you understand by a Zonal contract ? How is it different from other works
contracts ?
7. What is two packet system of tendering ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this system
8. What role does the accounts department play with regard to control over revenue
expenditure ?