Transilvania University of BRA Ş OV: Roject
Transilvania University of BRA Ş OV: Roject
Transilvania University of BRA Ş OV: Roject
Faculty of Mechanical Ingineering
Automotive Ingineering
: Hoovercraft actuation
How it Operates
A hovercraft is an air cushion vehicle (ACV) that flies above the
earth's surface on a cushion of air. An engine that provides both
the lift cushion and the thrust for forward or reverse movement
powers it. It is a true multi-terrain, year-round vehicle that can
make the transition from land to water without touching the
surface. A Thrust propeller provides forward propulsion and
directional control is accomplished via rudders mounted aft of the
Thrust Fan.
The Lift Fan provides air to inflate the "Skirt" to create a semisealed area between the hull and the ground permitting the craft
to "Hover" in ground effect. On the 19XR, lift is controlled by the
lift throttle handle on the left side of the handle bars. This
regulates air pressure and volume in and under the skirt.
Steering is accomplished with moveable rudders mounted
behind the thrust propeller. A horizontal wing acts as an in flight
trim system
To properly operate your hovercraft you must become familiar
with the machine and all of its components. This helps to build a
general understanding of the mechanics and limitations of the
Principals of Operation
A Hovercraft is a vehicle which travels over any surface on a
cushion of air which is trapped in a chamber under the vehicle.
This chamber is supplied with air under pressure from an axial 4blade lift fan. The top and bottom of the chamber is formed by the
vehicle bottom and the surface over which the vehicle is traveling
respectively. The sides of the chamber are formed by the flexible
skirt. The simplest skirt is the "C" skirt or the straight skirt shown
in Fig. I.
The peripheral jet hovercraft was one of the first full size
machines built. It was built in the late 1950's by Sir Christopher
Cockrell in Great Britain. This type of Hovercraft required a large
amount of horsepower for the weight it lifted. Too much power
was required to maintain the air jet. This type of craft was later
fitted with a flexible extension to the air jet to increase the total
height of the hull with a corresponding decrease in the air jet
height and power required, as shown in Fig. III.
Bag skirts generally give the best stability and the roughest ride.
To get a smoother ride, Finger skirts may be added to (Fig. IV)
the bag skirt or they may be used separately, with a decrease in
the operating height of the hull. Finger skirts are difficult to build
due to the large number of separate fingers that must be
attached. The overall result of flexible skirts is to give greater
operating height with less power required for lift.
With flexible skirts the power required for lift varies from 20 to
over 200 lbs. per horsepower and depends on many factors. In
general a vehicle that has about 100 to 150 lbs. weight for every
horsepower of lift will operate well provided an efficient lift fan
and duct are used.