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Antenna Measurement Theory

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Antenna Measurement Theory

Introduction to
Antenna Measurement

1. Basic Concepts


The radiation field from a transmitting antenna is

characterized by the complex Poynting vector E x H* in
which E is the electric field and H is the magnetic field.
Close to the antenna the Poynting vector is imaginary
(reactive) and (E,H) decay more rapidly than 1/r, while
further away it is real (radiating) and (E,H) decay as 1/r .
These two types of fields dominate in different regions in
space around the antenna. Based on this characterization
of the Poynting vector, we can identify three major
regions (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Radiating Regions

1.1.1. Reactive Field

This region is the space immediately surrounding the antenna. The extent of this region
is 0 < r < λ/2π, where l is the wavelength. In this space the Poynting vector is
predominantly reactive (non-radiating), has all three components in spherical
coordinates (r,θ,φ) and decays more rapidly than 1/r.

1.1.2 Radiating Near-Field

Beyond the immediate neighborhood of the reactive field the radiating field begins to
dominate. The extent of this region is λ/2π < r < 2D2/λ, where D is the largest dimension
of the antenna. This region can be divided into two subregions. For λ/2π < r < D2/4λ the
fields decay more rapidly than 1/r and the radiation pattern (relative angular distribution
of the field) is dependent on r. For D2/4λ < r < 2D2/λ the fields decay as 1/r, but the
radiation pattern is dependent on r. The radiation pattern is equal to the Fourier
transform of the aperture distribution with a phase error of more than 22.5°. The phase
error is dependent on r (for r →∞ the phase error is equal to zero). This region is often
referred to as the Fresnel zone, a terminology borrowed from optics.

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1.1.3 Radiating Far-Field

Beyond the radiating Near-Field region r > 2D2/λ or r > 10l (criterion for small antennas)
the Poynting vector is real (only radiating fields) and has only two components in
spherical coordinates (θ,φ). The fields decay as 1/r and the radiation pattern is
independent of r. The radiation pattern in this region is approximated by the Fourier
transform of the aperture distribution with a phase error of less than 22.5°. This region is
often referred as the Fraunhofer zone, a terminology borrowed from optics.


1.2.1 Antenna
The antenna is a device which transforms guided electromagnetic signals into
electromagnetic waves propagating in free space. It can be used for reception and

1.2.2 Polarization
Polarization is the property of the electric field vector that
defines variation in direction and magnitude with time. If
we observe the field in a plane perpendicular to the
direction of propagation at a fixed location in space, the
end point of the arrow representing the instantaneous
electric field magnitude traces a curve. In the general
case, this curve is an ellipse (Figure 2). The ellipse can be
characterized by the axial ratio (AR), the ratio of the two
major axes and its tilt angle t. Polarization may be
classified as linear, circular or elliptical according to the
shape of the curve. Linear and circular polarization are
special cases of elliptical polarization, when the ellipse
becomes a straight line or circle, respectively. Clockwise
rotation of the electric field vector is designated as right-
hand polarization (RH) and counterclockwise rotation is Figure 2: Elliptical
left-hand polarization (LH), for an observer looking in the Polarization
direction of propagation.

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1.2.3 Input Impedance and VSWR

Input impedance is defined as the impedance presented by the antenna at its terminals or
the ratio of the voltage to current at its terminals. If the antenna is not matched to the
interconnecting transmission line, a standing wave is induced along the transmission line.
The ratio of the maximum voltage to the minimum voltage along the line is called the
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR).

1.2.4 Directivity
The directivity is a measure that describes the directional transmitting properties of the
antenna. It is defined as the ratio of the antenna radiation intensity in a specific direction
in space over the radiation intensity of an isotropic source for the same radiated power.
There are cases in which the term directivity is implied to refer to its maximum value.

1.2.5 Gain
The gain of the antenna is closely related to the directivity, but takes into consideration
the losses in the antenna as well as its directional capabilities.

1.2.6 Efficiency
The antenna efficiency is the ratio of directivity to gain. It takes into consideration all the
power lost before radiation. The losses may be due to mismatch at the input terminals,
conduction losses, dielectric losses and spillover losses.

1.2.7 Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP)

The Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) is a figure of merit for the net radiated
power in a given direction. It is equal to the product of the net power accepted by the
antenna and the antenna gain.

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1.2.8 Radiation Pattern

The antenna radiation pattern is the display of the radiation properties of
the antenna as a function of the spherical coordinates (θ,φ). In most
cases, the radiation pattern is determined in the Far-Field region for
constant radial distance and frequency. A typical radiation pattern is
characterized by a main beam with 3 dB beamwidth and sidelobes at
different levels (Figure 3). The antenna performance is often described in
terms of its principal E- and H-plane patterns. For a linearly polarized
antenna, the E- and H-planes are defined as the planes containing the
direction of maximum radiation and the electric and magnetic field vectors,

Figure 3: Radiation patterns

(a) Rectangular Form (b) Polar Form

1.2.9 Antenna Noise Temperature

The antenna noise temperature is a measure that describes the noise power received by
the antenna at a given frequency. It can be obtained by integrating the product of the
antenna directivity and the brightness temperature distribution of the environment over
the entire space. The brightness temperature of the environment is dependent on many
noise sources: cosmic, atmospheric, man-made and ground. The noise power received at
the antenna terminals is equal to KTaB in which K is Boltzman coefficient, Ta is the
antenna noise temperature and B is the bandwidth of the system receiver.

1.2.10 G/T Parameter

A convenient figure of merit proportional to the signal-to-noise ratio received by the
antenna is the value of G/T, in which G is the antenna gain and T is the receiving system
noise temperature in degrees Kelvin. T is the summation of the antenna noise
temperature and the RF chain noise temperature from the antenna terminals to the
receiver output.

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1.3.1 Mixers
The mixer is a critical component in the instrumentation of antenna measurements. It
converts RF power at one frequency into power at another frequency to make signal
processing easier and less expensive. It is a nonlinear device, which mixes the input RF
signal at a frequency, fRF, with a local oscillator signal at frequency, fLO, to obtain a signal
at an intermediate frequency fIF. The relationship among the frequencies is fIF = fRF ±nfLO ,
where n is the harmonic mixing number. At the IF port a filter is connected to reject all
spurious signals except the fIF frequency. If the mixer uses only the basic frequency of the
local oscillator (n = 1) it is called fundamental, while if it uses higher harmonics to obtain
the IF frequency it is called a harmonic mixer. Harmonic mixing is a cost-effective
technique used in the microwave frequency range to operate over an extremely wide
bandwidth with a single local oscillator that is tunable only a portion of the required
frequency band. The mixing efficiency is called the conversion loss and is defined as the
ratio of the IF output power to the RF input power. The typical conversion loss of a
broadband harmonic mixer employing the fundamental LO frequency is between 6 and 9
dB. As the harmonic number employed increases the mixer conversion loss increases by
approximately 6dB for each doubling of the harmonic mixing number. Consequently, the
system sensitivity is reduced with the increase in the operating frequency. In antenna
measurement systems, a harmonic mixer with only two ports is common. One port is
used for the RF input, while the other is common to the local oscillator and the IF signals.
This configuration is advantageous, since a single coaxial cable can connect the remote
Antenna Under Test (AUT) to the receiver.

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Antenna Measurement Theory

2. Antenna Measurements

The testing and evaluation of the antenna parameters is performed in antenna ranges.
Typically, there exist indoor and outdoor ranges with associated limitations for both.
Outdoor ranges are not protected from environmental conditions, while indoor ranges
are limited by space restrictions. Indoor ranges make use of anechoic chambers, which
are chambers lined with radar absorbing material to eliminate reflections from the walls.
There are two basic forms of chambers:
rectangular anechoic chambers and tapered anechoic chambers. Rectangular
chambers are typically used for frequencies above 1 GHz, while for frequencies below 1
GHz tapered chambers are used.

Various methods exist to measure the antenna parameters: radiation pattern directivity,
gain and polarization. Some of the methods require the Far-Field criterion and uniform
plane illumination and some can be performed in the Near-Field of the Antenna Under
Test (AUT).


The patterns of antennas can be measured in transmit or

receive mode. Some types of antennas must be measured
under both transmit and receive conditions. In general, the
pattern of an antenna is three-dimensional (Figure 5).
Because it is not practical to measure a three-dimensional
pattern, a number of two-dimensional patterns are
measured. A two-dimensional pattern is referred to as a
pattern cut. Pattern cuts can be obtained by fixing f and
varying q (elevation pattern), or fixing q and varying f
(azimuth pattern). To achieve the desired pattern cuts, the
mounting structure of the system must have the capability
to rotate in various planes. This can be accomplished by
Figure 5: Three-Dimensional
using different types of positioners such as Elevation-over- Radiation Pattern
Azimuth (EL/AZ) or Azimuth-over-Elevation (AZ/EL)

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The directivity can be computed by using measurements of the radiation pattern. By

definition, the directivity is equal to the ratio of 4þ times the maximum radiation intensity to
the total radiated power by the antenna. The radiated power is evaluated numerically by
integrating the radiation intensity over the entire space.


There are two basic methods that can be used to measure the gain of an antenna:
absolute gain and gain comparison techniques. The absolute gain method requires no a
priori knowledge of the transmitting or receiving antenna gain. If the receiving and
transmitting antennas are identical, one measurement and use of the transmission
formula is sufficient to determine the gain. If the antennas are different, three antennas
and three measurements are required to formulate a set of three equations with three
unknowns to determine the gain of the AUT. In the gain comparison method,
precalibrated Standard Gain Antennas are used to determine the absolute gain of the


The polarization measurement method requires that a linearly polarized antenna, usually
a dipole or a small horn, is rotated in the plane of polarization, which is taken to be normal
to the direction of the incident field, and the output voltage of the probe is recorded. The
recorded signal describes a polarization pattern for an elliptically polarized antenna. The
polarization ellipse is tangent to the polarization pattern, and can be used to determine
the axial ratio and the tilt angle of the AUT.

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Antenna Measurement Theory

3. Far-Field Measurements


The Far-Field measurements can be performed in outdoor or indoor ranges. In general,
there are two basic types of Far-Field antenna ranges: reflection and free space ranges.
In the reflection range, we create in the region of the AUT, a constructive interference
between the direct rays from the transmitting antenna and the specular reflection from the
ground. In the free space ranges the reflections from the ground are minimized. There are
three types of free space ranges: elevated ranges, slant ranges and compact ranges.

3.1.1 Elevated Range (Free Space)

Elevated ranges are usually designed to operate mostly over smooth terrain. The
antennas are mounted on towers or on roofs of adjacent buildings (Figure 6). The range
length r is designed to meet the Far-Field criterion r > 2D2/λ, in which D is the largest
dimension of the source or AUT. The height of the AUT, hr, is determined by two criteria
related to the source antenna. The source antenna should be chosen so that the
amplitude taper over the AUT is typically no greater than 0.25 dB, to ensure uniform
illumination. In addition, to minimize the range reflections, its first null points toward the
base of the test tower, ensuring that the range surface intercepts only sidelobe energy.
These two criteria determine the height of the AUT to be hr > 4D. In elevated ranges
diffraction fences are sometimes used to further minimize the reflections from the ground.
There are two cautions that should be emphasized. First, the diffraction fence should not
intercept the main beam of the source antenna. Second, the top edge of the fence should
not be straight knife edge, but rather serrated to reduce the edge diffraction.

Figure 6: Elevated Range

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Antenna Measurement Theory

3.1.2 Ground Reflection Range

In the ground reflection range, the specular reflection from the ground is used to obtain a
uniform phase and amplitude distribution over the AUT (Figure 7). Accordingly, it is
essential that the range surface be smooth. The range length r is designed to meet the
Far-Field criterion r > 2D2/λ, in which D is the largest dimension of the source or AUT.
The heights of the source and AUT are chosen so that the AUT is centered on the first
interference lobe of the direct and specular reflected rays. This criterion determines the
relation between the source height, ht , and the AUT height, hr, to be ht » λ/4hr. If the
amplitude taper over the AUT is required to be no more than 0.25 dB, the height of the
AUT should meet the criterion hr > 3.3D.

Figure 7: Full Reflection Range

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3.1.3 Slant Range

A slant range is one in which the source antenna is located close to the ground and the
AUT is mounted on a tower (Figure 8). The source antenna points toward the center of
the AUT and its first null points toward the tower base. It is desirable that the tower of the
AUT be constructed of nonconducting materials to reduce reflections. Slant ranges, in
general, require less real estate than elevated ranges.

Figure 8: Slant Range

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3.1.4 Compact Range

Antenna measurements require that the AUT be illuminated by a uniform plane wave.
This requirement is achieved in the far field for range length r > 2D2/λ, which in many
cases dictates large distances. A compact range creates a plane wave field at distances
considerably shorter than those needed under conventional Far-Field criteria. The
required compact range is usually so short that the implementation can be
accomplished indoors. In the compact range, a uniform plane wave is generated by a
large parabolic reflector (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Compact Range

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The parabolic reflector provides the means to convert a

spherical phase front from the feed into a planar phase
front close to its aperture. The AUT may be located near
the aperture of the reflector in order to illuminated by a
uniform plane wave.

There are a number of factors which affect the compact

range performance: aperture blockage, surface accuracy,
edge diffraction, depolarization effects, direct coupling
between the feed and AUT and room reflections.

The aperture blockage is reduced by using an offset

reflector system. In the design of the main reflector the
surface accuracy is chosen to be very stringent to reduce
the amplitude and phase variation of the reflected plane
wave. The edge diffraction is reduced by using serrated
or blended (e.g. rolled) edges. The depolarization effects
are minimized by using an offset Cassegrain system or
increasing the reflector focal length. Direct coupling
between the feed and AUT is reduced by a proper choice
of geometry and shielding. The room reflections are
minimized by using absorbing materials on the walls.


The signal received by the tested antenna is composed of

the direct signal, Ed, from the source and the reflected
signal, Er, from specular ground reflection and
surrounding objects present in the range. In elevated
ranges this reflected signal is the major cause for error in
radiation pattern and gain measurements. Figures 10a
Figure 10: Error Limits in Measured
and 10b show the dependence of the error on the ratio Pattern Coherent Levels Due to
Er / Ed for in-phase and out- of-phase reflected signals. Extranous Signals. (After ANSI/
For decibel ratios Er / Ed of less than -25 dB the error for IEEE)
in-phase and out-of-phase reflected signals is (a) Signal Ratios of +20 to –30 dB
(b) Below –25 dB
symmetrical. Figure 11 shows the peak-to-peak error (in-
phase and out-of-phase reflections) in the sidelobe level
due to the range reflections, with the range reflectivity
being the parameter.

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The system is calibrated to exclude all the frequency-

dependent components except the reflections from
the ground, and the received signal versus frequency
is recorded. The reflection level of the range is
determined from the ratio of the maximum and
minimum received power. The same effect can be
obtained at a fixed frequency by raising the source
antenna and recording the received signal, while the
AUT is stationary. The third method employs time
domain techniques and range gating, which help to
separate the direct signal from the reflected signal and
display only the direct signal. This is the most
accurate method to eliminate the range reflections.

An additional type of error in far-field ranges is caused Figure 11: Amplitude of

by the finiteness of the antenna range length, r. The spatial interference pattern
exact radiation pattern is defined for r → ∞, while in a for a given reflectivity level
practical range the length is finite. The finiteness of
the range introduces a phase error on the antenna's
aperture, which perturbs the measured radiation
pattern. Figure 12 shows typical radiation patterns for
a 30 dB Taylor aperture distribution measured on
different range lengths r=nD2/λ, where n=1,2,... and D
is the aperture diameter. One can observe that small
ranges cause null filling and an increase in the
sidelobe level.

The range surface irregularity affects the ground

reflections and causes phase and amplitude variations
along the tested antenna aperture. The ripple can be
measured by probing the field at the receiving end on
the tested antenna aperture, and it can be minimized Figure 12: Calculated
by taking special care of range smoothness. This type radiation patterns illustrating
of error is especially important in a full reflection the effect of quadratic phase
errors encountered in
range. measuring patterns at the
ranges indicated.
In outdoor ranges external signals may interfere with
the direct signal and cause measurement errors. Their
effect can be eliminated by using sharp filters.

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Four types of Far-Field ranges have been presented. The most

accurate antenna range is the indoors compact range, since all
its errors can be controlled and minimized. Its size is also minimal
compared to the other ranges. It is limited by the maximum AUT
size (the chamber’s physical dimensions) and the lowest usable
frequency range (absorbing material size and reflector edge
treatment). These limitations have a cost impact. The size of the
other three ranges is determined by the far-field criterion r >
2D2/l. The ground reflection range uses the surface reflections to
obtain uniform field distribution along the AUT aperture. However,
this fact imposes very strict requirements on the range Figure 13: The two
smoothness (related to the highest usable frequency), which has orthogonal rotation
cost and maintenance impact. The measurement errors due to axes required for a
ground reflections in the slant range are lower than in a spherical-coordinate
comparable elevated range; however, its receiving tower is
higher than in the elevated range. This fact puts a limit on the
maximum antenna size to be lifted at the top of the tower. The
elevated range is common in microwave measurements for
medium-size antennas. The ground reflection errors encountered
in this type of range are minimized by using diffraction fences, or
by using measurement techniques to determine precisely the
reflection level and subtract it from the measurement.


A practical way to obtain the radiation pattern is to record the signal

received by the AUT through its motion in spherical coordinates (θ,
φ), while keeping the probe antenna stationary. Two orthogonal
rotational axes are required in order to provide the relative motion of
the AUT with respect to the source antenna. Figure 13 illustrates
these axes, OA (θ rotational axis) and OZ (f rotational axis). The
AUT is located at the origin, while the source antenna is located at
point S, with OS being the line of sight between them. Note that Figure 14: The
both OS and OZ are always perpendicular to OA. Moreover, to three basic
minimize radiation pattern measurement errors, the phase center of
the antenna should coincide with the axes-crossing point of the

There are various positioners that provide the θ and φ rotations.

Figure 14 shows the most common types of positioners and their
coordinate systems: (a) azimuth-over-elevation (AZ/EL), (b)

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elevation-over- azimuth (EL/AZ) and (c) azimuth-over-
elevation-over-azimuth (AZ/ EL/AZ). In the AZ/EL
positioner, the azimuth positioner provides 360° motion
around the φ axis, while the elevation positioner
provides a limited motion around the θ axis. In the EL/
AZ positioner, the elevation positioner provides the
motion around the θ axis, while the azimuth positioner
provides the motion around the Φ axis. The AZ/EL/AZ
positioner is similar to the AZ/EL positioner, but has an
extra F axis for the purpose of alignment with the
source antenna. The axes-crossing point of all these
positioners is lower than the phase center of the AUT,
Figure 14 (b) Elevation-over-
therefore measurement errors may be introduced. On azimuth positioner
the AZ/EL positioner, the AUT phase center is
relatively closer to the axes-crossing point compared to
the EL/AZ positioner, but its alignment to the source
(without affecting the accuracy of the measured
radiation patterns) is limited. The AZ/EL/AZ combines
the advantages of both AZ/EL and EL/AZ positioners
and can also be used as a polarization positioner.
Polarization measurements can be performed if the
source antenna (linear polarization) is assembled on a
special positioner and rotated at high speed.

Figure 14 (c) Roll-


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Antenna Measurement Theory

4. Near-Field Measurements

The dimensions of a conventional test range can be reduced by making

measurements in the Near-Field of the AUT, and then using analytical methods
to transform the measured Near-Field data to compute the Far-Field radiation
characteristics. Such techniques are usually used to measure patterns and gain.


The Near-Field measured data (amplitude and phase distribution) is acquired by

using a probe to scan the field over a preselected geometrical surface, which
may be a plane, a cylinder, or a sphere. The measured data is then transformed
to the Far-Field using analytical methods. The complexity of the analytical
transformations increases from the planar to the cylindrical, and then to the
spherical surfaces.

4.1.1 Planar
In the planar scanning technique, a probe antenna
is moved in a plane situated in front of the AUT and
the received signal (amplitude and phase) is
recorded. The position of the probe is characterized
by the coordinates (x,y,z0) in the xyz coordinate
system of the AUT. During the scanning, z0, is kept
constant, while x and y are varied. The distance z0
is approximately 3λ - 10λ to avoid sampling of the
reactive energy of the AUT. The dimensions of the Figure 15: Maximum scan
Near-Field scanning aperture must be large enough
to accept all significant energy from the AUT. The
scan dimensions, Ds, have to meet the criterion Ds > D+2z0tanθ, where D is
the largest AUT dimension and θ is the maximum processed radiation pattern
angle (Figure 15). For a specific scanner with an allowable scan area Dp, this
criterion determines the maximum and minimum AUT size (Dmin » 2λ).

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The measured Near-Field data E (x,y,z0) is transformed into the

plane wave spectrum E (kx,ky) in the K-space, by a two-
dimensional Fourier transform. The coordinates (kx,ky) in the K-
space are related to the spherical coordinates (θ,φ), through the
relationships kx=ksinθcosφ, ky= ksinqsinf and k=2π/λ. The
antenna plane wave spectrum is distorted by the angular
response of the probe. This effect can be deconvoluted from the
AUT angular response by taking the ratio of the total plane wave
spectrum to the probe spectrum. This operation is known as
probe correction. The plane wave spectrum in the visible range, -
k < kx,ky < k, is proportional to the radiation pattern F(θ,φ).
Accordingly, the radiation pattern can be considered as a
spatially band-limited function in the K-space on which Nyquist
sampling theory applies and the sampling space can be chosen
as Ðx=Ðy=λ/2. This sampling criterion ensures that no aliasing
occurs in the visible range. For high-gain antennas we are
interested only in a limited angular sector around the AUT main

In these cases, we can increase the sampling space beyond λ/2

and allow aliasing in the visible range, without affecting the
accuracy of the AUT radiation pattern in the main beam and
surrounding sidelobes. The increase in the sampling spacing also
allows utilizing higher gain probes in the measurement without
affecting the accuracy. Three basic types of scans exist in planar
Near-Field measurements: rectangular, plane-polar and bi-polar.
In the plane-rectangular scan the data is collected on a Figure 16: Rectangular
rectangular grid and processed by the conventional FFT scan
algorithm (Figure 16).

In the plane-polar technique, the AUT is rotated around its axis

and the probe is attached to a linear positioner placed above
the AUT (Figure 17). The combination of the antenna rotation
and linear probe motion yields planar Near-Field data collected
on concentric rings with data points lying on radial lines. The
polar Near-Field data is processed to the far field by a Jacobi-
Bessel transform or by interpolation to obtain a rectangular grid
for FFT algorithm.

Figure 17: Plane-polar


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The bi-polar technique is similar to the plane-polar configuration in

the sense that the AUT is rotated, but differs in the probe motion.
The probe is rotated about a second axis and describes an arc that
passes through the AUT axis (Figure 18). The combination of
antenna rotation and probe arm rotation yields planar Near-Field
data collected on concentric rings with data points lying on radial
arcs. The Near-Field data is interpolated into a plane-rectangular
grid. The rectangular data is then processed using the FFT to
Figure 18: Bi-polar scan
obtain the radiation pattern.

4.1.2 Cylindrical
In the cylindrical scanning technique, the AUT is rotated around the
z axis of an xyz-coordinate system in ∆φ steps, while the probe is
moved on the cylindrical surface at various heights relative to the
xy plane in ∆z steps (Figure 19). The probe is located at a distance
a, which is the smallest cylinder radius enclosing the AUT. The
cylindrical scanning enables obtaining the exact azimuth pattern
but limited elevation pattern due to the truncation of the scanning
aperture in z direction. In accordance with the sampling theory the
sampling spacing is determined from ∆φ = λ/ 2a and ∆z = λ/2. A
two-dimensional Fourier transform of the Near-Field data gives the
cylindrical vector wave functions that determine the test radiation Figure 19: Cylindrical
pattern. The probe response is deconvoluted from the AUT angular
response in a similar way as in planar scanning.

4.1.3 Spherical

In the spherical scanning technique the AUT is rotated around the z

axis in ∆φ steps and the probe is moved on a circular track in ∆θ
steps (Figure 20). The radius of the rotation is "a" and is the
smallest radius enclosing the AUT. The alternative is to keep the
probe stationary and move the AUT in ∆φ and ∆θ steps. The
advantage of spherical scanning is that it delivers the full extent of
the AUT three-dimensional pattern.

The incident field on the probe is expanded in spherical wave Figure 20: Spherical
functions. Given the coefficients of these functions, the radiation scan
pattern can be computed. The sampling spacing is determined by
the sampling theory to be ∆φ = ∆θ = λ/2a.

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The accuracy in Near-Field measurements is determined by four major factors: RF

reflections, mechanical errors, truncation errors and system errors.

4.2.1 RF Reflections
In this category we can identify three types of errors: mutual coupling between the probe
and the AUT, multipath reflections (walls, scanner and AUT mount), and leakage from the
transmitting and receiving systems. The mutual coupling between the probe and the AUT
can be minimized by several methods: using absorbing material around the probe,
thinning the edge of the probe to minimize the reflective area, using an isolator at the
probe data input, and averaging the recorded data of a pair of Near-Field scans
separated by λ/4. The multipath reflections from the walls and the mount can be reduced
by using absorbing material on the wall behind the scanner, on the floor, on the scanner
and on the mount. Leakage from the transmitting and receiving systems can be
minimized by proper shielding and cabling, especially the connectors. This type of error
may be discovered by probing a possible signal when the transmitting terminals are

4.2.2 Mechanical Errors

In this category we include errors due to: imperfect scan surface, misalignment of the
scan surface, and probe positioning errors. An imperfect scan surface, which implies
deviation from a perfect planar, cylindrical, or spherical surface, may cause random
phase errors in the Near-Field data and may affect the accuracy of the computed
radiation pattern sidelobe levels. To minimize this type of error, very stringent
requirements are set on the scan surface during installation (∆z < λ/100).

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If the system collection data repeatability is good, this requirement may be alleviated and
correction tables may be used. Misalignment between the scan surface and the phase
front of the AUT may cause boresight error of the calculated radiation pattern. To reduce
this type of error, stringent calibration techniques with theodolite or lasers are used during
installation. Probe positioning errors may cause phase errors in the Near-Field collected
data and perturb the sidelobe level of the AUT radiation pattern. This type of error may be
minimized by using a set of lasers to measure the exact position of the probe during the
scan or by using correction tables prepared during the system calibration stage.

4.2.3 Truncation Error

A truncation of the scan surface in planar and cylindrical scanning results in two effects:
gain reduction due to lower integrated power and introduction of spurious sidelobes in the
AUT radiation pattern. To minimize this error, several scans with different truncations are
measured and the Far-Field is compared. If the measured power level at the edge of the
scan surface is significantly lower (> 30 dB) than the level at its center, then the effect of
this error is insignificant.

4.2.4 System Errors

This category includes errors related to receiver nonlinearity, source and receiver drift,
and phase variation of the cables. Nonlinearity of the receiver may result in the
perturbation of the sidelobe level of the AUT radiation pattern. A simple test to verify the
linearity is to repeat the measurement at two different attenuation levels and compare the
Far-Field patterns. The source and the receiver may encounter amplitude and phase drift
during the measurement. The drift can be measured by rescanning at the center of the
original scan aperture after the data acquisition sequence is completed. The probe motion
may introduce phase errors due to unstable cable phase. This type of error may be
reduced by using high quality cables, and it can be verified by repeating the
measurement for a different routing of the RF cables.


Three major types of Near-Field ranges have been presented. The choice is primarily
determined by the antenna to be measured. The planar system is best suited for high-
gain and flat antennas, since the measured field is restricted to a plane. It is also the
lowest cost system, since it involves relatively simple hardware and its computational
complexity is relatively low. The cylindrical system fits antennas with cylindrical symmetry.
It gives the exact radiation pattern in the azimuth plane (360° coverage), but a truncated
pattern in elevation. The spherical system is the most accurate system for the entire
space and essential for low-gain and omnidirectional antennas. It is also best suited for
antennas with controlled sidelobe levels in the entire space. Its deficiency is in its
relatively complex computations and the related processing time.

Reprinted with the permission of ORBIT/FR Inc.

Antenna Measurement Theory

5. Radome Measurements

Radome measurements are performed in order to characterize the electrical

parameters of the radome. The most commonly measured parameters are the Radome
Boresight error and the Radome Transmission Efficiency.


When the radome is placed over an antenna that

has a boresight null (e.g. monopulse or conical scan
antennas), then the Radome Boresight error (RBE)
is the shift induced by the radome in the direction of
the boresight null. For antennas with a boresight
null, the RBS is the angular difference in the
direction of the boresight null induced when the
radome is placed over the antenna (Figure 21).

For antennas without a boresight null, the RBE is

the angular difference in the direction of the main Figure 21: Radome Boresight Shift
lobe induced when the radome is placed over the
antenna. In general, the RBE depends on the relative position between the radome
and the antenna. Therefore, it is usually measured as a function of the relative angle
between the radome and the antenna.


The Radome Boresight Error Slope (RBES) is the rate of change of the RBE across
the radome. It can be computed from the RBE results as a function of the relative angle
between the radome and the antenna.



These are two different ways to represent the ratio between the electromagnetic power
transmitted through the radome in the direction of the main beam and the
electromagnetic power transmitted in the same direction in the free space (in the
absence of the radome). The Radome Transmission Efficiency is expressed in percent
(%) and the Radome Transmission Loss is expressed in dB, both as a function of the
relative angle between the radome and the antenna.


ANSI/IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Antennas, ANSI/IEEE Std.

149-1979, IEEE, New York; John Wiley Distributors.

Reprinted with the permission of ORBIT/FR Inc.


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