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Chinese Vision Headaches

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By: Avi Jeddah, June 2002

Headache is one of the usual symptoms that encounter clinical
practice. There are few people who have never experienced a headache from
the time or way or another in their lives.
Headache is a symptom of a disease manifested by an unpleasant feeling at
the top of all or part of it. Is rarely an isolated symptom headache. Usually
accompanied by headache all disease is expressed in other signs, too, or is
related to the patient's lifestyle. After a cough and cold, headaches are the
most common complaints doctor listens. Most headaches do not indicate the
existence of a serious illness - headache also not necessarily indicative of the
reality that (brain tumor) or circulatory disorder. On the contrary, these
diseases constitute only a small part of the reason for headache.
Major studies revealed that only one patient from 75 to 100 patients who
complained of headaches were referred to the family doctor.
Statistical surveys show that four out of five people suffer from occasional
headaches, but only a minority (about 10%) see the need to evacuate due to
the doctor. The rest apparently complete with the father, or at least try
Lsachchma with drugs such as Actosal or aspirin (drugs containing acid
Acttilsaliciliat.) Annual consumption of such drugs in the developed countries
comes to 20 million tablets per million inhabitants.
Etiology (see more detailed classification in "clinic")
1. No specific headache - the vast majority of headaches are caused by
conditions like fatigue, stress, fever and dehydration. These situations
headache varies in its intensity, quality (adequate or continuous),
positioned at the top and pull between different people.
2. Migraine - this is the exact cause of headache is unknown and has
special characteristics. Migraine is usually between the ages of 20-60
and often disappears after age 50. This disease, family history and it
appears more often in girls. Women and the disease associated with
conditions such as pregnancy and influenced by circulation. The pain
itself was caused by contraction and relaxation of the arteries at the
base of the skull. It is not known what causes these changes in the
arteries. Migarnoti headache seizures appears. Frequency of seizures
varies from patient to patient ranging from a few seizures a week and
the seizure every few months. Seizure duration varies from two to
three days.
Symptoms: usually starts early for some reason. The pain of migraine
usually starts low intensity increasing until the reduction in function, or
to stop the day's activities. Increases during physical activity. The pain
is usually unilateral, throbbing, usually in reaction temple can spread
to the head. The pain can occur each time a different side of the
head. Migraine, other headaches contrast, involves additional systems:
nausea accompanied by vomiting, sensitivity to light and noise,
sweating, pallor, Shlshlulim, much has changed, the feeling of
discomfort (a knocking at the top). Untreated migraine attack lasts 4
to 72 hours. Attack frequency changed from person to person, the

duration of a single number to 2-3 seizures per week!

Early signs: Some migraine sufferers experience headache before the
appearance of neurological signs, such as bright lights, glazing lines
before the eyes, blindness of the half field of view to full blindness,
speech disorders, paralysis of half his body and more. These
phenomena, which are called "aura" , 1-2 days to appear shortly
before a migraine attack, and when they disappear is a headache.
3. Cluster Headache - This is a headache for an unknown reason
appears more than men. The pain is difficult and not appropriate, oneside located behind the eye and cheek. The tears are painful, red,
runny nose and paralysis of the eyelid. The attack lasted between 20
minutes to an hour and returns several times a day.
4. Headache secondary to chemical substances - alcohol, lead and
various drugs such as morphine cause headache. Sometimes lab or
chemical plants workers are suffering from a headache due to
exposure to substances at work.
5. Headache secondary hypertension - high blood pressure causes
headache is important to deny this reason a patient suffering from a
6. Secondary headache problems in the eye, ear, teeth and
cosines - different eye conditions such as unsuitable reflect
intraocular pressure causes headache. The ear infection, tooth and
sinus headache causes.
7. In cranial pressure - there are serious medical conditions that
increase the pressure inside the skull causes a headache. Brain tumor
causes a headache and nausea that appear especially waking up from
sleep. Severe headache accompanied by nausea, vomiting and Elite
Heat suspicious infection in my skull. Hemorrhage raises the pressure
in my skull, causing a bad headache demands and other signs such as
a decrease in consciousness.
The headaches tend to be divided into two main groups. The first group
includes the five most common types of recurrent headaches. The second
group includes ten varieties, emergence and recurrence rare.
Common headaches:
1. Headaches resulting from blood vessel disorders (headaches
Oskolareim kind of salute (migraine) are repeated seizures differ from
each other in their intensity, instead continuing. The pain usually
attacks one side of the head and accompanied by nausea and
vomiting. Sometimes a slight disorder is associated with the nervous
system . Such headaches are often a family phenomenon. in this
group can be seen in various forms differ in signs accompanying pain.
such as Dimoa long, flushing, hyperhidrosis, and more.
2. Tension headache from the rest of the neck muscles or muscles of the
3. Combination of such headaches 1 and 2.
4. Headache disorders caused by nasal blood vessels (Comments

5. Headache from mental disorder at the end, for example in awe illness
(hypochondria). Constantly anxious patient health and imagines
himself because he suffered from various diseases.
Special types of headache:
Characteristic of this second group of headache is almost always possible to
point to Siabtam direct.
1. Headache Oskolareim from poisoning, infection or hypertension.
2. Resulting from the continuing headache, or tension of tissue from his
skull by you - an abscess or still occupy space in the skull that pressed
the adjacent tissues.
3. Headache due to poor eyes: distance vision, myopia, eye muscle
tension (stress-spotted Lizard - Aokolomoturi)
4. Headache originating in the inflammatory process within or outside the
skull. Brain tissue inflammation is not accompanied by pain. Due to
lack pain-sensitive cells lightning brain itself. Not designed infections
(meningitis) are most sensitive to pain. Meningitis brain or spinal cord
Division for pain so intense that the patient refrained from moving the
head or moving his spine.
5. Headache due to nasal disease nose presses (sinus) drawn infection
processes, especially the nose presses inflammation (sinusitis) may
cause severe headaches in the face.
6. Bad teeth can cause tooth pain is also felt pain in the upper jaw jaws
(mandible), upper jaw, bad teeth (fangs) can cause pain and even
over the eyes.
7. Headache is sometimes the neck and head coverage and
exceptions. Among the reasons this type of pain: neck vertebrae
grinding processes (rear) defects in the muscles of the neck or head
skin inflammation.
8. Headache is a common side effect of inner ear disease, middle, or
outer. Middle ear infection in children is manifested in many cases first
9. Headache may also be inflammation of the nerves of the skull (brain)
If in the skull and abroad. There lighting is situated near the openings
of the skull out of the skull nerve. In this case the pain is sharp,
because a lot of periodontal sensitivity nerve (korma)
Other symptoms:
Front headache or back-end headache. Neck stiffness, dizziness, buzzing in
the ears, irritability, and sometimes nosebleed. Increase in blood pressure,
blood vessel expansion, or contraction of blood vessels
Blurred vision. Aversion to cold, chills, increase heat, pain and stiff
shoulders. Lack of thirst, shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing, runny
nose, with a cold white or even obscure, pale urine, pulse closely.
Treatment of tension headache due to:
The tension can be relieved with massage, heating, hot shower, different
relaxation techniques or any other activity Mschiahah the everyday
worries.You can take the recommended dose of painkillers (you can consult
your doctor.)

Migraine treatment
The main treatment of migraine is divided into two - prophylaxis and
treatment during the seizure. After the treatment course is not apparent that
the migraine headache from another source. Prophylaxis to people who suffer
often, in order to reduce the frequency. The treatment is mainly driven by
lower pressure medicines - blood. Preventive treatment course should be
taken into account the accelerating factors (Trigger) and avoid as much as
possible to be exposed to them, know with certainty when a particular
matter, a certain food, certain situations may accelerate the appearance of
Locating factors help to prevent headache. Nutrition, drinking water, avoiding
over-smoking, lifestyle changes - reducing stress, lowering high blood
pressure medication.
In Chinese diagnosis and treatment:
Flow channels Chi
The head is anatomically the most energetic. Maximum potential energy in
the flow of Chi channels in the head, so is more prone to rebellion Chi, like an
outbreak of liver yang. Also, blocking by moisture - Liang phlegm out of the
way up top. Yang channels. The most involved in UB, GB, most channels are
involved in wine and their partner, K, LIV.
Etiology headaches:
1. Structure: depends on the health of the parents during conception,
health is during pregnancy. Headaches that begin in childhood, 70-10 years,
and usually only a problem in the building. Chi and Ginger weak parents,
older parents very leading subtract on K and / or LIV in the child, which can
lead to dull headache , urinary tract and sometimes lacks beauty.
The weakness of Qi and Ginger parents against over-work, excessive sex,
use of alcohol, drugs, cause weakness of the SP, LU or HT that drive dietrelated headaches, especially in the forehead, or any head.
2. Emotions: anger, resentment or indignation detainees, causing the rise of
liver yang or Liver fire rising, which lead to headaches down the Meridian GB,
part of the temporal head.
Concern - tied Chi of HT, LU - their lack of Yang may cause an increase in
liver. Dull headache in the forehead.
Fear: a chronic state of fear leads to deficiency in K, Young again causes an
increase in the liver. Pain in the head.
3. Nutrition: missing in your diet causes headaches from lack of blood and /
or chi, pain appearing at the top. Overeating causes blockage Chi leads the
stomach weakens SP Front headaches usually sharp in nature.
Excessive consumption of foods Yang Heat causes liver or brown
stomach. Sharp pain when they are Ltrleime liver, stomach forward.
Food raises SP affects mucus causing dull headaches in the forehead. Feeling
of heaviness in the head.
Salty food causes weakening K - dull headaches in the head region
Sour foods affects the LIV to headaches. Eating fast, or while talking to
something else, late at night, causing headaches in the forehead.

4. Headaches and trauma are always targeted the same area of the head,
due to stagnation of blood. The pain can occur after a period since the
event. Sometimes the person does not remember a purple stain on the tip of
the tongue can indicate that.
5. Multiple births and abortions decreasing K, blood deficiency causing
headaches of liver yang rising.
6. External factors - wind and humidity are the most common. Wind
will cause acute headaches which may be accompanied by cold, affects
the neck, causing stuffiness. Humidity attacks usually in the lower
body but disturbing Liang open the doors at the top - felt heavy.
Differential diagnosis
The diagnosis is made in two perspectives: the type of pain and factors
improve / worsen it, meridians and / or organs involved. Location of pain.
Diagnosis based on pain location:
Pain in top of the head - common among pain. LIV meridian related, not
enough blood reaches the area. Dull pain lying down. In the case of liver
yang rising, sharp pain.
Sides of the head - flow area of GB, Yang pain belonging to the heavy
flow. Sharp pain and throbbing.
One side of the head - as above on both sides. Some say that pain on the left
is due to a lack, right side against the change.
My temples - like the sides of the head.
Behind the eyes - very typical of migraines. Anemia associated with liver as a
dull pain. Sharp pain - the rise of Young.
Forehead - related to ST, humidity and mucus that prevent openings Young
head up blockers. Feeling of heaviness, blurring and confusion, when mucus
will also have spots in vision dizziness.
Auxipot - related to K, the lack of expressed BL meridian - a chronic
condition. Acute - exposure to wind, typically cold.
All head - a chronic condition associated with deficiency on K, there is no
input to the brain, gives a sense of empty, dull ache. Acute - or exposure to
hot and cold wind. Strong pain.
Headaches often appear in different parts of the head, when there are
different causes of pain and one affects the other. When the pain varies every
time it points to the heavy wind or phlegm - different signs from one to
Diagnosis by Type of pain:
Dull pain related to missing, pain related to change. Sudden pain related to
an external factor, pain that costs related to the internal situation gradually.
Missing situations that cause headaches: no chi and / or blood, no blood in
LIV, K.'s no extra conditions: liver yang rising, the heavy burst of gunfire,
heavy wind, phlegm, stagnation of blood, fever what - ST .
Feeling of heaviness: characteristic moist, phlegm and prevent it attacking
the head of Yang Qi and prevent a drop of wine Chi. Heavy, blurring, a sense
that the head wrapped in a cloth cover, especially in the morning, difficulty
concentrating, dizziness, black spots in vision.
DISTENDING PAIN - throbbing, burning, head of the "exploding." Tied to
respect - the spirit, the rise of Young / fire. When connected to an external

wind whole head hurts. From the liver - on one side or two.
Stiff - usually tied in a cold wind Auxipot.
Chronic conditions - is missing which leads to increased K Young LIV.
A sense of emptiness - of wine or deficiency related to Young K.
Improve diagnosis based on factors - strict:
Chronic headache, which worsened on the day - the lack of Chi / Yang or
excess moisture. Mohammad evening - no blood, wine (which causes an
increase in Young).
Mohammed in pain - no chi or blood.
Slow exercises should hurt - the rise of liver yang or phlegm.
Better pain at rest lying down - moisture and phlegm.
Weather - heat pain Mohammed - extra modes from the liver.
Mohammad cold headache - Lack Young. Mohammad increased humidity pain
- excess moisture and phlegm course.
Emotions - anger, excitement and sudden, sharp decline in power - to do with
Sex - when pain occurs with an orgasm - the lack of K.
If getting better after sex - linked to the liver.
Nutrition - Pain appears after a meal - excess moisture, heat and ST, leftover
food in the stomach, which block the flow of chi. Pain Mokl eating - no chi
and / or blood.
Sour food-related pain - belongs to the liver.
Pain that starts with the menstrual cycle linked Liang liver, if Mohammed
during heavy fire cycle or associated with stagnation of blood.
If you see the end-related anemia.
ZHANGJIE BIN mean that all surplus related headaches Chi at the top or the
lack of chi at the top of the various signals accordingly course of treatment.
Options differential diagnosis - based on eight principles:
External: - A cold / hot wind / wind and moisture.
Internal: Excess: - yang / fire / heavy wind
- Stagnation qi / blood / liver stagnation of cold
- Moist, mucus / food scraps / brown stomach
Lack of: - lack of qi / blood / lack of in - K
Signs will be parallel treatment of headaches source.
When the pain first frequent and stronger focus on treating them, when the
pain first pick rarely original. The treatment will be based on the nature of
pain and meridians involved.
Integration into the society: (a complementary treatments)
Exists in society a sense of distrust in the ability of shiatsu to address
headaches. Despite the large number of headache sufferers, there is no clear
treatment of shiatsu. Even conventional medicine still does not recognize
shiatsu as a therapeutic tool in the field.
According to Chinese medicine, diagnosis is a type of headache causing
determining appropriate treatment will improve the sufferer's life beyond
Of course, recovery is not only by the Shiatsu treatment. Patient awareness
lifestyle change, if necessary nutrition, change in life - reducing the load and

pressure. Reference conventional tests - eye examinations, blood tests,

The most common cause of headache in children and adults. This disease
Friodit (period), when the next seizure free patient complaints. Bouts of pain
are headaches, but involved different systems especially sympathetic
nervous system. The spectrum varies from mild disease and limit difficult.
Mgranah is a common disease. 18% of women and 6% of men suffer from
migraine. Phenomenon exists in 3.9% of the children. Around age 7 it comes
almost to three percent, then it is more common in boys than in
girls.Common adolescent girls grew up to 14% (only 6% of men).
Migraine, there are five stages, not all are true
* Pervdroama - time announcing. Can result in mood changes, depression,
fatigue, and urge to eat (which can itself be a trigger for migraine), or
* Aura - not always exist.
* Headache - detailed below.
* End of headaches with sleep and relaxation.
* Pustdroama - signs that sometimes come later.
Usually ends in pain Migarnotti alone after several hours or days and usually
after hibernation. Medications can cause relaxation methods to end the
problem before.Ahpervdroama include fatigue, headache, on a low
background, low mood or spirits, etc..
Aura = halo. It appears gradually, over 50-20 minutes before the start of
migraine attack consists of not passing in an hour. Sometimes headache
starts as aura.Sometimes aura symptoms have evidence or symptoms of the
sensor. Negative symptoms include a hole in vision (scotoma) or reduction in
numbness around the mouth or in the palm Auniltrli.
Positive symptoms include flashes of light in the form Portipyakcioat
(fortification with turrets) black and white colors. Sometimes you see
Myakropsiah or Mckerupsiah (small or large objects more like Alice in
Wonderland syndrome).
Aura can be two together, that is also a visual and sensory. Other aura aura
are rare and include a motor paralysis, aphasia (inability to speak) and
Migarnotti headache pain is typical. Pain lasting more than three days is

called Status Mgranuzuc, but per definition in adults is between 4-72

hours. Children can take an hour, that is short.
Who is in pain - Ckeraneieli - that is one-sided. He beats = Polstili. Most
people have more side who suffer from it.The literature was beyond the pain
and side to side. The pain is interfering with daily activities, ie, limiting such
work or reading. All such activity aggravates headaches.
Not by definition, we see children who continue to do their usual activities
and yet there is a migraine.
Other signs are Ponupubia (fear noise) Upotupubia (fear light). Sometimes
nausea. Sympathetic nervous against passing activation system can be
sweating, vomiting, pallor. Quick action can lead to diarrhea system.
Characteristics in children
As we have said, short duration of pain. Bilateral pain than the
front. Apparently, he Polstili, but it is difficult for children to describe it.
Children can set the severity of pain (p. Y. Bar Smiley pain ranging from very
sad face). Also interfere with their noise and light. Have nausea and
vomiting. School children are losing because of migraines and prefer dark
quiet room.
Because of the nature, family, migraine, diagnosis helps family story. More
than 90% of cases have a family.
Migraine without aura (formerly called Common Migrain)
Five characteristic features of headaches (Myakrnialim, Polstilim, Ponupubia,
Apotopubia, vomiting and nausea, short and strong). Children do not receive
all the criteria and rely on family story.
Migraine with aura
At least two attacks of aura. Very rare in children.
Complicated migraine (not common)
Mipgit migraine - migraine that is accompanied by terrifying paralysis. It can
also be a family. This is based on genetic problems associated with damage
to calcium channels. This disease is contact with other disease: Ataxia
(walking on a broad base). He calls to CACNA1b Garden.
Confucional Migraine - mode confusion. Sometimes after a female head of
the child went into a coma = Floor is a similar confusion. It is also related to
Mgranah Auptlmupgit - sudden strabismus.

Mgranah Abzilratit - Dyplupia (double vision), Ataxia and confusion.

Latifa migraine or Acwiulntiat
The most common is the Cyclic Vomiting. Multiple suddenly a periodic
vomiting. This is Acwiulnat of Mgranah.
Paroxysmal Vertigo - dizziness manifested pallor. The little boy refused to go
and has Nisstegmauc = flicker.
Abdominal Migraine - periodic abdominal pain. Have an argument if it exists
and indeed Migarnotti.
Other features:
Characterized by a young man, a perfectionist. Sometimes with travel
sickness Motion sickness.
Migraine belong to a group of diseases Henweroptiut with epilepsy. She has
an important genetic component. Some of them have changes in EEG in
Haoksipetealim other hand, epilepsy characteristics Migarnoteim
Mutations have been shown in CACNA1b future probably more genes will be
discovered. Family connection points to the genetic aspects authorized. If one
parent has migraine, then the chance is fifty percent of children suffer a
similar problem.
Migraine is also important environmental factors are called triggers.
Migraine triggers:
Stress - along every day.
Sleep Disorders
More rare;
Bright lights
Caffeine, sometimes in Tension headaches
Nytrittim (preserves sausages)
Monosodium Galutmaat (Chinese restaurant syndrome, is found in soups)
Aspartame (low-calorie sweeteners)
Red wine
Otiramin cheese

Not entirely clear and there are arguments whether the initial cause is
neurological or vascular. What is clear is that aura is Neweroganit that
explains Ahstkotoama but does not explain well enough the
positive. Vazodilitecia of blood vessels (expansion) leads to pain and
throbbing.Vazokonstrickcia (contraction) causes pallor and sense of calm in
the periphery.
Trigger, or a Stimolcia begin the process of Edpolarizcia Newerogani
neuron. This is done mainly by calcium channels. Process forward and it
spreads back aura. While this process has the release of peptides, ions, acid
Aarchidonit Ahkelcetonen garden-related peptides. They excite the facial
nerve fifth. Ssansiteizcia Trig's nerve-stimulation Ahstimolcia Cenali causes of
pain I went through the brain stem and cerebral cortex where translated into
This passage has an assistant is serotonin which allows transfer of pain. (And
hence influence the way the chocolate raises serotonin).
The treatment is divided into acute phase treatment should be fast and
strong preventive chronic treatment. If an aggressive enough treatment so
he did not become chronic and then it reduces the need for preventive
treatment. Usually begin Abanegziah. Paracetamol or Optalgin. Sometimes
doctors need strong medicine to give them fear. No Anaxen and
Nurofen. Nurofen for recent works on the treatment of migraine. Today he
came into the market Achmorid more heat then consider using it.
Many times there is vomiting, then vomiting and give such treatment
improves the evacuation of the stomach.Sometimes transfusion should be
given to fluid loss because of vomiting.
Analgesic does not change the course of migraine. There are treatments
Aburtibim stop the pain if he can head two hours / tons. Migraine has
expanded blood vessels and blood vessels give purses.
The great revolution of migraine is the Ahtriptenim.Which are the serotonin
receptors agonists. The sub has a receptor activated receptor here only if the
appropriate areas. For example Selective 5 HT serotoninergic receptor
agonist. They do Uzokonstrickcia of vascular Wainaibicia of pain and
expensive market.
She Haymeterx familiar but there are Anaramyak others.There are
differences in the rate of absorption and impact, side effects, but everyone
has had the most appropriate treatment.
Children there is a problem. If approved drugs only after age 18 despite
some good jobs that can be given to indicate the age of 12 (and then half
dose) .. Today children have the same medication spray (leaves a bad taste

in the mouth but is absorbed much more easily).

Prophylactic treatment
Usually do not need prophylactic treatment. Example of situations that often
once a month.
Treatment includes follow-up with a diary of headaches and trying to find the
trigger and get it. Some commonly recommended things like good sleep,
sports, etc..
Frequently interferes with normal life-long prophylactic treatment may be
considered. One of the other drug therapy - alternative medicine.
There are not many formal jobs are the only medication proven to effectively
fifty percent. Adults begin Bdralin = Pervfraneolol he beta blocker. She has
many side effects.
Second group is a group of antidepressants, especially Abameteripttilin
proven less migraines and regular headaches.
Anti Aplipttiut - Depalet. Dose is given as epilepsy, but can harm the liver
and cause obesity.
Tegretol proved effective.
Recent studies Tofamx she talking about anti-epileptic drug, currently only
for adults.
Ciproahptedyne - contrary to serotonin receptors (and of histamine) and is
suitable for children aged 4-5, but can cause sleepiness.
Since drugs are problematic and not always effective conventional medicine
receives additional treatment methods:
Proven methods: biofeedback, relaxation techniques (Actually, kids respond
to it better than adults).
Practice Autogani muscle relaxants, Heating hands, neck muscles exercise,
meditation, hypnosis.
Acupuncture - a method that helps happy.
Nutrition - conventional approach does not support the results.
Plants - There was a time who advocated the use of Ben chrysanthemum,
indeed gives great results but less placebo drug treatments.
Headaches Psikoganim
Common in adults. Sometimes appear every day. Is described as pain
pressing shaped helmet. This is a little pain Chaillot gnat daily
activities. More characteristic for the evening and usually accompanied by the
perception of bilateral neck muscles.
Usually accompanied by a factor Strstogy, concern from school, head
injuries, informed use of medications Anegttiut, caffeine, sleep apnea.
Tension Headache

What people tend to use analgesic and treatment difficult and respond
well. Users Abameteripttilin and complementary methods.
Organic headaches
Against the tumor, Pseudotumor cerebri or Ahidocplus.Population not suitable
for Complementary Medicine.They have vomiting and headaches in the
morning, sometimes Pphiladama (eye disc edema), changes in behavior and
Cluster headaches
Sharp pain behind the eye accompanied by inflammation of the eye, tears,
runny nose and is very strong. He came for a given period and is rare in
Trig, Lynelle Neorlgy - rare in children. Very painful.
Glaucoma - also rare in children
Drug substance - caffeine. More common in adults
TMJ - joint pain tempura - Mandeeveulary. Even in adults.

Reference migraines
Chinese perspective
Headaches is one of the most common disorders in adults and children.
There are several types
Of pain Head, called most powerful bothersome migraine. Mgranah
characterized by headache
One side of an appropriate Usually strong, Mohammed effort,
accompanied by nausea and / or vomiting.

Migraines machines in Chinese:

pian tou tong

One-sided headache -

Wind sides of the head -

Headaches -

pian tou feng

tou tong


Constitution (structure) of the body (health and parents at the time of

conception and pregnancy)

Repressed emotions such as anger, tension, anxiety, frustration

Hard work without rest

Much sexual activity (weakens the kidneys)

Fatty diet, acute, alcohol consumption, dairy products, eating while


External factors like wind and humidity

Trauma (injury) at the top

Many births (weakens the blood and the kidneys in woman)

Age (adolescence or beyond)

Mechanisms of disease;
All mechanisms of migraines involve the liver.

Emotional stress depressed liver stagnation of Qi

Qi (yang) Liv (yin)
Yang Qi of the channel will Liv eyes Vortex.
Channel GB or sides of the head blocks the vascular channels.

Horizontal heavy suppression effect ST nausea and vomiting.

Heat the heavy oppression heat bother breaking up the openings

(pain in the eyes, ringing ears, ..)

Heat makes fire hot wind flows over radicalization of expression of

the heat.
Because the head is a box of bones of these pathogens is almost no
option to go outside, so
They get stuck in the head and block are cumulative free flow of Qi and
blood and it causes pain.

In many cases, Liv Qi flow towards the woman up and attributed to the cycle.

In the middle of the yin cycle comes to trucks and makes a fire kidney
yang becomes redundant worsening repression created heavy

Pre-regulators in the heart blood was sent down to the uterus. If there is
no blood input and moisture of the blood vessels in the muscles of the
upper body and liver liver suppression Created pathogenic heat
heat flow towards the top.

During menstruation, followed by a sea of blood depleted anemic / yin

heavy repression worsened Liv yang rising.

depressed liver invades Lma, gastrointestinal (Sp / St) damaged and

weakened spleen (spleen also may weaken too much importance,
concerns or unrest) can not produce enough blood.

After menopause, blood and liver Yin Kid exhausted higher probability
of these processes occur: Qi Liv down, Liv yang rising, Liv fire, Liv wind.

Poor nutrition and / or Sp def phlegm production blocks the flow of

Qi heater means pure yang + yin can get murky heater can not get
lower cost humidity mucus blocking the channels and blood vessels. A
process like this could happen more likely in situations of fire or wind
internal or chi goes up.

If the free flow of qi and blood are blocked for a long time or repeated
times over a long period Bld stasis worsening of pain (stuck blood,
causing blood vessels into a sharp pain

Differential diagnosis
Chinese medicine syndromes of migraine is divided into several

Yang rise
Missing Wine
Mucus blocks
Stagnzia of Chi liver
Stomach heat
Missing yin and yang
Stazs of blood
Headaches can be diagnosed by: pain location, type of pain, factors
improve or worsen the

Diagnosis based on pain location:

Top of head pain - related to meridian LIV, not enough blood reaches the
area. Dull pain lying down. In the case of liver yang rising, sharp pain.

Sides of the head - flow area of GB, Yang pain belonging to the heavy
Sharp pain and throbbing.

One side of the head - as above on both sides. Some say that pain on the
left is due to a lack, right side against the change.

My temples - like the sides of the head.

Behind the eyes - very typical of migraines. Anemia associated with liver
as a dull pain. Sharp pain - the rise of Young.

Forehead - related to ST, humidity and mucus that prevent openings

Young head up blockers. Feeling of heaviness, blurring and confusion, as
a mucus will also have dizzy.

Auxipot - related to K, the lack of expressed BL meridian - a chronic

Acute - exposure to wind, typically cold.

All head - a chronic condition associated with deficiency on K, there is no

input to the brain, gives a sense of empty, dull ache. Acute - exposure to
cold wind or hot. Strong pain.

According to type of pain diagnosis

Spirit - This severe Aoksipeteali, with expressions of induration

Wind - Heat: severe, swollen, each head

Spirit - Humidity: sense of heaviness, as if wrapped head Liver Yang, Liver

Fire: pompous

Heavy wind: nervous

Stazs of blood: stabbing, piercing, penetrating / ream

Topic: feeling of heaviness, as if wrapped head

Lack of chi, blood: dull

Lack of kidney yin: a sense of emptiness

Improve diagnosis based on factors - strict

Chronic headache, which worsened on the day - the lack of Chi / Yang or
excess moisture.

Mohammed evening - no blood, wine (which causes the rise Yang).

Mohammed in pain - no chi or blood.

Slow exercises should hurt - the rise of liver yang or phlegm.

Better pain at rest lying down - moisture and phlegm.

Weather - heat pain Mohammed - extra modes from the liver.

Mohammed in the cold - the lack of Young. Mohammad increased

humidity pain - excess moisture and phlegm course.

Emotions - anger, excitement and sudden, sharp decline in power - to do

with respect.

Sex - when pain occurs with an orgasm - the lack of K. If getting

better after sex - linked to respect

Nutrition - Pain appears after a meal - excess moisture, heat

and ST, leftover food in the stomach, which block the flow of chi. Pain
Mokl eating - no chi and / or blood. Sour food-related pain - belongs to the

Pain that starts with the menstrual cycle linked Liang liver, if Mohammed
during heavy fire cycle or associated with stagnation of blood.

If you see the end-related anemia.

ZHANGJIE BIN mean that all surplus related headaches Chi at the top or the
lack of chi at the top of the various signals accordingly course of treatment.

General treatment principles:

Treat headaches necessary to combine local and remote points. In general, local
Selected by the pattern, which characterizes the meridian and headache
involved. They do not have to be
Related to each other. Other points can be selected by position regardless
headache pattern.

Therapeutic strategy Syndrome

Sp-6 GB-43 TW5 + Soothe the liver, to

GB34 Lu-7 Ht-7
suppress the
TaiYang Shao Yang Yang Rebel
Liv-3, 8,14 PC-6

Liver Yang rising

GB-20,21,38,43,44 Heat treatment,

Liver fire or wind

Liv-2, 3
removal of fire and
Sp-6 TaiYang TW-5 reducing wind
Lu-7 + K-6
SI-3 + UB-62 GV16, 20
GB-2 0,34 LI-4 K-6 Downloading the
Liv-3 Shao Yang
wind entering the
SI-3 TaiYang TW5 wine
+ GB34 PC-6
Liv-34 GB-3 + LI-4
TaiYang YinTang
PC-6 Ht-7 GV24GB-41 + St-5

Relaxing the liver,

the opening of
Relaxing the mind

Liver Yang rising

wind Internal
Stagnation Chi liver

ST-36 CV-4, 6 UB- Entering the blood, Missing Chi or anemic

17, 18,20 Yu Yao
strengthening and
Sp-6 Liv-3, 8, GV- increasing Chi
20 UB-15
Liv-3 + LI-4 Sp-6, Moving blood,
10 UB-18
opening doors
LI-11 UB-2 TaiYang
St-8, 40 Sp-4 Sp +
Sp-6-9-12 CV-20 +
LI-4 YinTang Lu-7
GV-20, 23,24

Blood stagnation

Removal of
Mucus moist
moisture, stimulating
the rise of Young
Pure, strengthening
the stomach and

St-44, 45 Liv-2 GB- Relaxing the liver,

20, 21,38,43,44
liver cleansing fire
LI-11 Sp-6 Shao

Stomach heat

UB-23 K-3, 4 Lu-7 Strengthening the

+ K-6
kidneys, bone
marrow Feed

Missing kidney

LI-4, 11 GB2 0TaiYang UB60,10

GV-8, 14, 16,20Lu7 TW-5, 16

Wind heat /cold outside
release, heat
treatment / disposal
Spirit Cold, open
blockMr '

Chinese vision headaches

Headaches is one of the most common disorders in adults and children. This
article is one of the most thorough job in the field. Latiology addition, various
approaches to diagnosis and treatment method and details, branches out to
corresponding article each year dealing with the typical headaches
Vsnderomim aspect of acupuncture or Akofrsura, nutrition and medicinal
plants. Pathology close reference to clinical diagnosis, tongue and pulse
diagnosis. This is an article for every key aspect of headaches.
Article detailing the headaches and the Western view Click here
A.. Constitution is weak: it seems mostly aged 70-10. Due to parents' health
before and during conception, during pregnancy and the state is
On. Emotions: anger, frustration, resentment (Liv), concern (Lu), fear (Kid),
shock (Ht, Lu, SP), including other mental work and overwork.
III. Sex: excess sexual activity in men, women and childbirth sequence
IV. Nutrition: anorexia, overeating, consumption of spicy food surplus /
wetting / salty / sour, processed foods / boxes, eating fast or during work,
meals not aligned or late at night, chemicals such as monosodium
Galutmaat, and caffeine.
The. Accidents: head injury can cause pain
Headaches can be diagnosed in two approaches: From the perspective of
meridians, or internal organs. Both equally relevant to practice, especially in
terms of acupuncture.
Primary diagnoses of three points of view:
A - diagnosis by meridians;
This classification provides a useful guideline to quickly identify practice
meridian is involved, the type of headache. But it's just a guideline widely,
first of all need further definition, and second should be combined with the
pattern identified internal organ. For example, when the headache is the top
of the head, he often involves the Terminal Yin Channel, ie the liver meridian,
could be due to liver yang rising or liver blood deficiency.
Another diagnostic meridian touches different areas of the head headaches is
expressed as follows:
Top of the head: the inner liver meridian comes top of the head, and the
most common cause headaches there. Vertex headache is often due to liver
blood deficiency, which can reach the area, headache is better lying down
and dull character. In some instances, as if to head in this region could be

due to the rise of liver yang, in which one character would be pain. There are
also other factors in this headache, not related to a missing liver meridian qi
and blood can not reach the top, heart and blood. Should not be confused
with a headache that only top of the head and the pain that affects the top
but starting from the base Haoksipot - This type of headache is due to
bladder meridian.
Sides of the head: This section is suitable for gall bladder meridian, headache
is often due to the rise of liver yang, fire and heavy heavy wind. Headache
sharp throbbing nature.
Only one side: this region is also associated with gall bladder pain is also
head here due to the rise of liver yang or Liver fire. Chinese medicine say,
the more likely that the headache will be due on the left side is missing, and
on the right due to a surplus, but that's no way you can count on the law.
Temples: this region is associated with the gall bladder meridian, headache
often affects primarily only on one side. This fabric headache, thanks to Liang
about the liver, liver fire, or heavy wind rising, throbbing character.
Behind the eyes: This area is very common in migraine. The headache is due
to liver blood deficiency if it is dim, or the rise of the liver yang and severe if
it is one.
Stop: headaches in this area of cloth, some associated with the stomach, and
can indicate if no stomach pain or a dull fire in the stomach if a sharp pain.
Very common causes frontal headaches or mucus is moist and prevent the
head held up head pure Yang highlight the openings of the senses. For this
reason this type of headache was connected with a feeling of heaviness of
the head, a sense of vagueness / ambiguity of the head and lack of
concentration. If mucus is causing the headache will be in addition to the
dizziness ((Dizziness Blurred vision. In some cases frontal headache could be
due to remaining as a pathogenic factor external spirit who was deported
after the invasion of wind - cold or wind - external heat.
Behind the head (Auxipot): chronic headaches in this area are cloth, some
due to kidney failure, expressed in bladder meridian. Acute headaches in this
region are due to invasion of external Wind (cloth, some wind - cold),
characteristic of the Tai Yang pattern of six layers model. This type of
headache accompanied by a large induration of the neck. In some cases
headache Aoksipeteali may be related to a pattern of the bladder as phlegm heat bladder, and sometimes if the pain will be sharp.
In the head: headache is due to deficiency Jing kidneys. Jing enters the brain
and kidneys, when there is no lack of input. This can cause a dull headache
in the head, accompanied by a sense of emptiness in the head. Acute
headaches that affect the entire head are due to invasion by an external wind

(wind - cold / wind - heat), a sharp and severe in nature, sometimes

accompanied by a sense of Pulling.
Despite this change of cloth, about Courlacia the pattern attributed to a
specific type of headache, mixed meridian. For example, the pattern of liver
yang rising, can cause headache gallbladder meridian, while the pattern of
missing cause headache kidney bladder meridian. Still can be exceptions,
and it happens in situations where more than one pattern involved. For
example a person might suffer from chronic kidney deficiency, leads to an
increase of liver yang. If there is missing kidneys over time, the top bladder
meridian is affected, could be a headache Yang liver (ie very sharp and
throbbing in character), reflected Bauxipot bladder meridian. Keep in mind
also headaches often occur in different parts of the head at different times.
This is not a rare condition and is simply due to the existence of two different
patterns, causing headache. For example, anemic liver can cause liver yang
rise. In this case the person might suffer a dull ache at the top head,
reflected in anemic liver, sometimes changing headache and throbbing
temples reflected a sharp rise in liver yang. If the area is constantly changing
pain, headache occurs in different parts of the head, at different times, it
indicates the presence of heavy wind in this case the pain will be
accompanied by a sense of stretching / pulling, or the presence of mucus,
which in this case heavy feeling pain at the top of halva.
On a diagnosis by type of pain:
A. F. 8 principles, fabric, dull pain points about the state is missing, while the
sharp pain indicates a surplus situation.
Paroxysm tends to point to an external factor, while a gradual attack tends to
indicate internally. States without a dull headache causes, including missing
chi and / or blood, anemic kidney and liver.
Excess modes include liver yang rising, heavy burst of fire, heavy wind,
phlegm, Stazs of blood and heat in the stomach.
Dim: a dull headache is due to one of the above missing.
Feeling heavy: a typical moisture or mucus, blocking the head, preventing
Yang Chi purely to get a head, wine Chi get murky. Typically head feel heavy,
dull / blurred, as if his head wrapped. Person would be hard to concentrate or
think mainly morning.
Moisture and mucus can cause feelings ditto, but more mucus blocks clouded
'entrances' sensory organs, causing dizziness, blurred vision. If symptoms
last two distinguish between mucus and moisture in the head.
Pain and swelling: (Distending Pain) is a typical Chinese phrase seldom used
in Western patients (or at least in Anglo-Saxon). Repeated phrases about the
most common type of pain that they 'vibrate', 'explode', 'beating', all
matching inflating.
This feeling was typical headache attributed to the liver, the liver can be due
to Yang or Liver fire.

This headache can also be due to wind - external heat, which in this case will
affect the whole head, while in the case of liver yang or fire in the liver,
probably affect one side or both sides at the top.
Hard: Hardness considerable Haoksipot canvas' indicates an approximately
spirit - an external source.
Chronic headache with induration of the upper part of the shoulders /
shoulder blades and neck, fabric, as Yang points to the rise of the liver.
Tense / pulling: a sense of tension and points to the inner spirit of the liver
Stabs piercing: This feeling is very intense and permanent in one place,
pointing to Stazs of blood, chronic headaches Criticism. (Further description
in this context is that users 'headache hiatus'
Feelings of emptiness: emptiness of the brain indicates missing kidneys (yin
or yang)
You can summarize the various types of headaches by patterns:
Spirit - This severe Aoksipeteali, with expressions of induration
Wind - Heat: severe, swollen, each head
Spirit - Humidity: sense of heaviness, as if wrapped head
Liver Yang, Liver Fire: pompous
Liver Wind: tense
Stazs of blood: stabbing, piercing, penetrating / ream
Topic: feeling of heaviness, as if wrapped head
Lack of chi, blood: dim
Lack of kidney: a sense of emptiness
C - diagnosis by improving the deterioration:
Factors better or worsen a headache give an indication to determine the
cause of headache
Time of day: chronic headaches Shmuahmarym daytime show Missing Chi or
Yang or moisture. Chronic headaches Shmuahmarym evening or night show
no blood or wine (which can cause an increase in Young).
Activity / Rest: headache Shmuahmarym activities are due to missing chi or
blood, while beneficiaries in headaches can be due to a slight rise or due to
liver yang phlegm.
Headaches are the beneficiaries alone lying down due to missing chi or blood,
while headaches are due to Ahmuahmarym lying damp or phlegm.
Weather: headaches Shmuahmarym heat rise may be due to liver yang or
Liver fire, while the cold Shmuahmarym headaches can be due to missing
If they Muahmarym wet weather, this is a clear sign that they are due to
moisture or phlegm.
Headache should temporarily exposed to cold (eg cold water) could be due to
liver yang rising.
Sexual activity: chronic headaches, Shmuahmarym after sexual activity,
(when you reach the peak of male ejaculation, orgasm in woman) clearly
indicates the missing kidney.
In rare cases, headaches can be improved by Chi sexual activity, indicating
the heavy fire.

Food: Except in May extensive tolerance to certain foods, headaches

Shmuahmarym after eating indicate moisture, phlegm, blasts food, or heat in
the stomach.
Beneficiaries headaches suggest eating no chi or blood.
Headaches Shmuahmarym pickled foods consumption (like orange,
grapefruit, vinegar, etc.) are due to liver yang rising
Position: If the headache is better lying down by Roger Lack, if lying down is
Mohammed (preferably sitting) is due to change. For example, severe
headaches due to liver yang rising cloth, about getting better at the meeting,
and the patient would not like to lie.
Menstruation: Many types of headaches are affected by approximately chi
menstrual function.
Headaches ahead of the start of menstruation, they are cloth, some due to
liver yang rising. If they Muahmarym for menstrual They can be due to the
heavy fire or Stazs of blood. If they happen towards the end of menstrual
They point to lack of blood.
Pressure: If the patient does not like to click on the area where the headache
occurs, it indicates a state of excess, however if the pain is better to touch it
points to a situation of missing.
Diagnosis and treatment:
When diagnosed patterns to treat headaches that make it the first distinction
between internal and external headache.
8 Principles of external headaches are a type of change, and the headaches it
is important to distinguish between internal lack of change.
General treatment principles:
The question of whether to treat the root or the expression is particularly
important in the case of headaches.
There are three possible courses of action:
1. Root treatment simultaneous expression
This is the most common approach. In most cases, possible and necessary to
treat the root of the problem expression simultaneously. For example, if the
headache due to liver yang rising, resulting wine-deficient kidneys, the most
obvious course of action is to reinforce the kidneys, you've got heavy fire
But even if the root term care at the same time, it is often necessary to put
emphasis on one than the other. If the headache is very severe with frequent
seizures will need to concentrate more on treatment than the root
expression. In the example above, if the headache caused by liver yang
rising, and very frequent and severe, it will be important first to deal with the
expression, that is to subdue the yang of the liver. On the other hand if the
expression does not cause severe headaches, first of all have to deal with the
For example, if a person suffers from mild headaches due to missing chi, has
to deal with the root meaning to strengthen Qi.

2. First Care phrase et al about the root treatment

This approach is necessary when the expressions of a very severe headache
to frequent attacks over a lifetime.
Eg If the headache due to liver yang, is intense and frequent, the center has
the attention first of all for the expression only, that is humbly Yang liver.
Once the frequency the less hardware, you can begin to deal with the root.
3. Only root treatment;
It is possible Achsachavi moderate head and seldom. Ayala headaches cloth,
some are missing in nature. For example, a mild headache due to missing chi
or blood. Cases which will provide just concentrate on strengthening qi or
blood that headache will disappear gradually.
Select points:
Treat headaches necessary to combine local and remote points. More
headache as chronic or intense, local points required. Local Points needed
even in cases where chronic pain is always the same spot. This indicates
Stazs local blood, all the time requires use of local points to disperse it.
Overall Points Selected local press, which characterizes the meridian and
headache involved. They do not have to be connected to each other. Eg the
Young's headache is almost always expressed in liver gallbladder meridian
Therefore we may select a point distal the Liv-3 by the printing and Bl-43 by
meridian. Local points usually selected by the mixed meridian. Eg headaches
gallbladder meridian to choose the GB-6 points locally. Other points can be
selected by position regardless headache pattern. For example:
Frontal headache: GV-23, GB-14
Headache Ortyakali: GV-20 GV-21
Headache Aoksipeteali: Bl-10, GV-19
Temporal headache: GB-8, TaiYang
Nevertheless, local points can be chosen also according to the pattern.
Example the above, if the headache gallbladder meridian, due to liver yang
rising, in addition to points on the gallbladder meridian, you can also use the
Gv-20 if the internal route leads to the liver meridian point
The same principle applied herbal medicine. The plants 'local' I mean what,
specifically affect the head, selected by the involved meridian (but also to
some extent by the pattern), and plant the Dystleime, ie in which therapists,
which causes headache, selected by the pattern. For example, frontal
headache due Stgancait Chi liver and spleen, Bai Zhi local plant can be
selected to affect the forehead, while Xiao Yao San Free and Easy Wanderer
Powder = register can be selected for the main cause of the headache
pattern, ie Vstegancait Chi liver.

External heat moods = External wind heat

Pathophysiology: blocking the entrances.

Clinic: a sense of swelling in the head or a cracked head. Can be severe,

acute, sudden but short-lived. Fear of wind, chills, fever, thirst easy, yellow
runny nose, sore throat, swollen tonsils, red eyes, little dark urine, red
tongue side or edge, a floating pulse - Fast
Treatment principle: external release, the removal of wind, heat treatment,
the opening of the obstruction meridians
Acupuncture Wakofrsura: absent
LI4 hot head wind
GB20 head wind
GV16 head wind
GV14 wind, fever, headache
TW5 hot wind, headache
GV20 wind, pain in head
LI11 wind, heat
TW16 hot wind, headache
Outer liberating formula (Category 1) - Releasing the exterior
Sub Category 1 - Early stages
Scallion and Prepared Decoction = Cong Bai Jie Geng Tang
Bulbus Allii = Cong Bai
Semen Sojae Preparata = Dan Dou Chi
Rx. Platicodi Grandiflori = Jie Geng
Charred Fructus Gardeniae Jasmionoidis = Jiao ZhiZi
Hb. Menthae Haplocalycis = Bo He
Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae = Lian Qiao
Rx. GlycyrrhizaeUralensis = Gan Cao
Fresh Herba Lophatheri Gracilis = Xian Dan Zhu Ye
Action formula: wind dispersal, release of outer heat purification see (the
Symptoms: fever gauge, headache, slight aversion to wind, cough, sore
throat, thirst, tongue with red tip, with covering of white, floating rapid pulse
[Page 33]
Sub Category 4 - outer liberating formula with symptoms of head and
Chrysanthemum Powder to be taken with Green Tea = Ju Hua Cha
Tiao San
Flo. Chrysanthemi Morifolii = Ju Hua
Bombyx Batryticatus = Jiang Can
Herba Menthae Haplocalycis = Bo He
Rx. Ligusttici ChuanXiong = Chuan Xiong

Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae = Bai Zhi

Rx. + Rz. Notopterygii = Qiang Huo
Herba cumRadice Asari = Xi Xin
Hb. + Flo. Schizonepetae = Jing Jie
Rx. Ledebouriellae Divaricatae = Fang Feng
Rx. Glycyrhizae Uralensis = Gan Cao
Action formula: Wind dispersal of pain relief (the Association)
Symptoms: headache and dizziness due to wind heat
[Page 51]
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: onion, soy and black seeds, Monk Hat, Papi, black pepper,
white pepper, basil
External cold moods - External wind cold
Pathophysiology: penetrates through the Tai Yang blocks the Qi Wei
Clinic: acute headache, severe but short-lived, rigid Bauxipot, neck and
back. This concern, chills, fever, induration and pain in the shoulders, lack of
thirst, shortness of breath, coughing, Sneezing, runny nose or blocked
transparent, pale urine, floating pulse - tense.
Treatment principle: external release, the removal of wind and cold, blocking
meridians opening
Acupuncture Wakofrsura: absent
Lu7 wind, headache
GB20 head wind
GV16 spirit in mind, Tai Yang
UB10 Tai Yang
GV20 pain in head
SI3 + UB62 GV wind in the opening of Tai Yang
UB67 +66 distal pain Aoksipeteali
UB60 neck and shoulders
GV8 inner and outer wind, relaxing muscles
Outer liberating formula (Category 1)
Sub Category 1 - formulas releasing an external source
Ephedra Decoction = Ma Huang Tang
Hb. Ephedrae = Ma Huang
Ramulus Cinnamomi CasSIae = Gui Zhi
Semen Pruni Armeniacae = Xing Ren
Honey Fried Rx. Glycyrrhizae Uralensis = Zhi Gan Cao

Action formula: release of an external source and the cessation of wheezing.

Symptoms: fever and chills gauge, no sweating, headache, general body
pains, wheezing, tongue with thin white coating, a thin floating pulse.
[Page 33]
Sub Category 1 - formulas releasing an external source
Cinnamon Twig Decoction = Gui Zhi Tang
Ramulus Cinnamomi CasSIae = Gui Zhi
Rx. Paeoniae = Bai Shao Yao
Rz. Zingabiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang
Fr. Zizyphi Jujubae = Da Zao
Honey Fried Rx. Glycyrrhizae = Zhi Gan Cao
Rz. Et Rx. Ligustici = Gao Ben
Action formula: releasing muscle layer effect Pathogenicity, regulating qi
nourishes shield.
Symptoms: fever and chills gauge, not Moql sweating, headache, aversion to
cold, stiff neck, nasal congestion, dry strokes, there is a special thirst, tongue
with a thin coating of white damp, floating pulse, moderate or weak.
Can also be useful in an expression like a patient recovering from a serious
illness or after childbirth.
[Page 35]
Sub Category 1 - formulas releasing an external source
Nine Herb Decoction With Notopterygium = Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang
Rx. Et Rz. Notopterygii = Qiang Huo
Rx. Ledebouriellae Divaricatae = Fang Feng
Rz. Atractylodis = Cang Zhu
Hb. Cum Radice Asari = Xi Xin
Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong = Chuan Xiong
Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae = Bai Zhi
Rx. Scutellariae = Huang Qin
Rx. Rehamanniae Glutinosae = Sheng Di Huang
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Uralensis = Gan Cao
Action formula: external moisture release internal heat purification
Symptoms: fever and chills gauge, no sweating, headache, stiff neck, general
pain, thirst easy, bitter taste, tongue with white coating Pulse Floating.
[Page 40]
Sub Category 4 - outer liberating formula with symptoms of head and
Ligustricum Chuan Xiong Powder to be taken with Green Tea =
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
Herba Menthae Haplocalycis = Bo He

Rx. Ligusttici ChuanXiong = Chuan Xiong

Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae = Bai Zhi
Rx. + Rz. Notopterygii = Qiang Huo
Herba cumRadice Asari = Xi Xin
Hb. + Flo. Schizonepetae = Jing Jie
Rx. Ledebouriellae Divaricatae = Fang Feng
Rx. Glycyrhizae UralenSIs = Gan Cao
Action formula: Scatter Wind pain relief.
Symptoms: headache in any area at the top, accompanied by fever and chills
gauge, dizziness, nasal congestion,
Tongue with a thin coating of white, floating pulse.
[Page 49]
Sub Category five - formulas releasing an internal lack of external
Epheda, Asarum and Prepared Aconite Decoction = Ma Huang Xi Xin
Fu Zi Tang
Hb. = Ma Huang Ephedra
Rx. Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata = Fu Zi
Hb. Cum Radice Asari = Xi Xin
Action formula: Young and releasing external reinforces
Symptoms: extreme cold Vcmartzoroat sense of serious, heat gauge is easy
without sweating, fatigue, white tongue with a slick cover, Danpak a weak
[Page 55]
Modification: Cold Wind headache
Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong = Chuan Xiong
Rz. Zingiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: onion, green onion - Go to the top, a green ring, black seeds,
soy, Papi, black pepper, basil

Moisture conditions = Dampness conditions

Pathophysiology: A common cause in the wet. Chronic cases Stgancait MJ
blocks moisture, prevents from 's stomach down, the block gradually
spreading upwards. This prevents the pure yang go up to clarify the openings
of the senses, and the wine to get murky.
Subtracting Chi blasts of spleen or external moisture over time.
Clinic: Pain in the head / forehead dull, like a head full of wool, heavy head
and difficulty in thinking that Muahmarym morning.Side of the head if

gallbladder involvement. Catarrh, sinusitis, nausea, appetite, fullness in the

chest Ubapigastrium. Tongue: sticky thick cladding. Pulse: slippery, weak,
soft and floats (mainly in SP).
Treatment principle: the removal of moisture, stimulating the rise of pure
yang, strengthening the stomach and spleen
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
SP3 distribution - moisture throughout the body, Achshmkoonat meridian
end, specifically affects the head.
Li4 scattering - pathogenic factors forehead and face area
Lu7 strengthening - specifically headaches, stimulating the rise of the pure
Yang Back
Cv12 + Bl20 reinforcement - strengthening the spleen and disposal Humidity
St-8-point major local moisture removal from the head, this headache
SP6 + SP9
Formulas that deal with moisture (Category 6)
Sub Category 1 - formulas vary nurses humidity
Five-Ingredient Powder with Poria = Wu Ling San
Rz. Alismatis Orientalis = Ze Xie
Scl. Poriae Cocos = Fu Ling
Scl. Polypori Umbellati = Zhu Ling
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae = Bai Zhu
Rm. Cinnamomi Cassiae = Gui Zhi
Action formula is heartening changed, drains moisture, strengthens spleen,
warms Yang, encourages transformation
Symptoms: headache, fever, Iritabiliut, thirst with vomiting after drinking,
difficulty in urinating, a floating pulse. Edema, general feeling of heaviness,
diarrhea, difficulty urinating, possible vomiting and diarrhea by Roger
fever. Feeling the pulse in the Hub, vomiting fluids Akicfeim, vertigo,
shortness of breath, cough
[Page 174]
Sub Category 2 - formulas regulated humidity St Clearing
Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi = Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang
Hb. Agastaches seu Pogostemi = Huo Xiang
Cx. Magnoiliae Officinalis = Chen Pi

Fol. Perillae Frutescentis = Zi Su Ye

Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae = Bai Zhi
Rz. Pinelliae Ternatae = Ban Xia
Pc. Arecae Catechu = Da Fu Pi
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae = Bai Zhu
Scl. Poriae Cocos = Fu Ling
Rx. Platycodi Grandifrlori = Jie Geng
Honey-fried Rx. Glycyrhizae Uralensis = Zhi Gan Cao
Action formula: external releases, removes moisture, regulates qi, Herman
the middle heater
Symptoms: fever and chills, headache, feeling of fullness and tension in the
chest, pain Abapigastrium stomach, nausea, vomiting, Borborigamos,
diarrhea, loss sense of taste, greasy white coating, pulse moderately rolling.
[Page 183]
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: rice, water chestnuts, rye, potato, fish, herring, carp, alfalfa,
squash, Chinese cabbage, radish, Colourevi, blueberries, grapefruit, apricot,
orange Sinai, papaya, fenugreek, cardamom, bay leaves, green onion, bean
Not recommended: barley, avocado, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame
seeds, duck, egg, cheese, sardine fish, beets, peach, eggs, soy - tofu, olives,
sesame full, sesame oil
Cloudy mucus - Turbid phlegm
Pathophysiology: Due to Missing Chi of the spleen. Mucus clouded the senses
Clinic: heavy dull pain with vague, blurred vision and dizziness, chest cold
uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the chest.Language - with a sticky
coating. Pulse roll.
Treatment principle: the removal of phlegm, harmonization heater means.
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
St40 distribution - the main points moisture removal
LI4 distribution - to remove the face and head pathogenic factors
Lu7 strengthening - raise a pure Yang Back
St8 locally - to remove moisture / phlegm
Gv20 pure Yang-raising head

Mental calming formula (Category 13) - Calming the spirit

Sub Category # 2 - Mnkesoat soothing soul
Iron Filings Decoction = Sheng Tie Luo Yin
Frusta Ferri = Sheng Tie Luo
Pulvis Arisaemae cun Felle Bovis = Dan Man Xing
Bul. Fritillaria = Bei Mu
Rx. Scrophulariae Ningpoensis = Xuan Shen
Tb. Asparagi Cochinchinensis = Tian Men Dong
Tb. Ophiopogonis Japonici = Mai Men Dong
Fr. Forsythiae Suspensae = Lian Qiao
Ramulus cun Uncis Uncariae = Gou Teng
Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae = Dan Shen
Scl. Poriae Cocos = Fu Ling
Scl. Poriae Cocos Pararadicis = Fu Shen
Pc. Citri Reticulatae = Chen Pi
Rz. Acori Graminei = Shi Chang Pu
Rx. Polygalae Tenuifoliae = Yuan Zhi
Cinnabaris = Zhu Sha
Action formula: heat and phlegm in the heart, soul soothing
Symptoms: restlessness, temper, severe headache, Insomia, loudmouth
[Page 386]
Formulas that deal with moisture (Category 6)
Sub Category # 3 - hot wet formulas Clearing
Three-Nut Decoction = San Ren Tang
Sm. Pruni Armeniacae = Xing Ren
Rf. Amomi Kravanh = Bai Dou Kou
Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis = Huo Po
Rz. Pinelliae Ternatae = Ban Xia
Sm. Coicis Lachryma-jobi = Yi Yi Ren
Med. Tetrapanacis Papyriferi = Tong Cao
Hb. Lophatheri Gracilis = Dan Zhu Ye
Talcum = Hua Shi
Formula One Activity: Distributor moving chi, purify Humidity - Heat
Symptoms: headache, chills, fever afternoon, Charles, a sense of heaviness
in the body, pain in general, pale yellow color, a sense of suffocation in the
chest, lack of appetite and thirst, white coating, pulse strings, thin sponge
[Page 186]
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: rice, water chestnuts, rye, potato, fish, herring, carp, alfalfa,

squash, Chinese cabbage, radish, Colourevi, blueberries, grapefruit, apricot,

orange Sinai, papaya, fenugreek, cardamom, bay leaves, green onion, bean
Not recommended: barley, avocado, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame
seeds, duck, egg, cheese, sardine fish, beets, peach, eggs, soy - tofu, olives,
sesame full, sesame oil
Cloudy mucus Spirit - Wind and turbid phlegm
Pathophysiology: Internal phlegm and wind. Old. Signaling unlikely to Wind
stroke (CVA)
Treatment principle: the removal of phlegm, the submission of spirit, calming
the liver.
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
St40 distribution - the main point of moisture removal
Li4 distribution - to remove the face and head pathogenic factors
Liv3 distribution - to remove the wind, and alleviate the headache
GB20 scattering
SI3 + Bl62-opening of the GV, relaxing mood disposal headache.
Moisture removal St8 local / phlegm
Gv20 raise pure Yang Back
Lu7 strengthening - raise a pure Yang Back
Formulas that deal with moisture (Category 6)
Sub Category 5 - moist wind formulas
Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome Dampness = Qiang Huo Sheng
Shi Tang
Rx. et Rz. Notopterygii = Qiang Huo
Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis = Du Huo
Rz. et Rx. Ligustici = Gao Ben
Rx. Ledebouriellae Divaricatae = Fang Feng
Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong = Chuan Xiong
Fr. Viticis = Mang Jing Zi
Honey-fried Rx. Glycyrhizae Uralensis = Zhi Gan Cao
Formula One Activity: Wind and handles moisture spreader
Symptoms: heavy headache, general feeling of heaviness, or general back

pain, difficulty turning or bending the body, slight fever, chills, and knocks
floating white cover
[Page 203]
Formulas and Clearing Spirit (Category 14)
Sub Category 1 - wind skin formulas Clearing Meridians
Eliminate Wind Powder from imperial gras formulary = Xiao Feng
Fs. Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae = Jing Jie Hui
Hb. Menthae Haplocalycis = Bo He
Rx et RH. Notopterygii = Qiang Huo
Rx. Ledebouriellae Divaricatae = Fang feng
Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong = Chuan Xiong
Periostracum Cicadae = Chan Tui
Bombyx Batryticatus = Jiang Can
SC. Poriae Cocos = Fu Ling
Pc. Citri Reticulatae = Chen Pi
Cx. Magnoliae Officinalis = Hou po
Rx. Ren Shen Ginseng =
Action formula: Wind scatters moisture, regulate qi
Symptoms: dizziness, Vartigv, nasal congestion, skin numbness, itching,
[Page 395]
Formulas and Clearing phlegm (Category 16)
Sub Category 6 - formulas Spirit Clearing mucus clearing houses
Pinellia, Atractylodis Macrocephalae, And Gastrodia Decoction = Ban
Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
Rz. Pinellia Ternatae = Ban Xia
Rz. Gastrodiae Elatae = Tian Ma
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae = Bai Zhu
Pc. Citri Erythrocarpae = Ju Hong
Sclerottium Poria Cocos = Fu Ling
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Uralensis = Gan Cao
Rz. Zingiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang
Fr. Ziziphi Jujubae = Da Zao
Action Formula: strengthens spleen, disperses moisture, changes phlegm,
wind scatters
Symptoms: dizziness or Vartigv (possibly severe), headache, lump in the
chest, nausea, vomiting, sputum color, greasy white coating, pulse cords,
[Page 447]

Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: rice, water chestnuts, rye, potato, fish, herring, carp, alfalfa,
squash, Chinese cabbage, radishes, Colourevi, blueberries, grapefruit,
apricot, orange Sinai, papaya, fenugreek, cardamom, bay leaves, green
onion, bean , handcuffed
Not recommended: barley, avocado, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame
seeds, duck, egg, cheese, sardine fish, beets, peach, eggs, soy - tofu, olives,
sesame full, sesame oil
Wind with wet, cold or phlegm
Pathophysiology: blocking the entrances. Prevents the rise of the decrease in
Turbid Clear Yin Yang
Clinic: heavy feeling, head is heavy and fuzzy like a wrapped
towel. Mohamed E. A damp. Difficulty concentrating. This concern, chills,
fever may, chest tightness Wapigastrium, runny nose transparent, tongue
with sticky coating, floating pulse - slick.
Treatment principle: external release, the removal of wind and humidity, the
opening of the obstruction meridians
Acupuncture Wakofrsura: absent
Lu7 external release, reducing fluids, headache
LI6 outer heater Download top, pain in jaw / ear
SP6 moisture
St8 local moisture
GV23 pain in the forehead and eyes
Formulas and Clearing phlegm (Category 16)
Sub Category 6 - formulas that are changing wind phlegm clearing
Stop Coughing Powder = Zhi Sou San
Rx. Platycodi Grandiflori = Jie Geng
Hb seu Fl Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae = Jing Jie
Rx. Astarici = Zi Wan
Rx. Stemonae = Bai Bu
Rx. et Rhizoma Cynanchi Baiqian = Bai Qian
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Uralensis = Gan Cao
Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae = Chen Pi
Action formula: cessation of cough, phlegm transformation, the external
distribution, distribution of Chi Visibility
Symptoms: cough with or without chills and fever, itchy throat,

Tongue with a thin white coating Pulse Floating moderate.

[Page 446]
Modification: headache, nasal congestion, chills and fever measurable due to
cold wind
Rx. Ledebouriellae Divaricatae = Fang Feng
Fl. Perillae Frutescentis = Zi Su Ye
Rz. Zingiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: onion, kohlrabi (wind damp), Black soybean seeds, Papi,

Blood stagnation or stasis

Pathophysiology: very chronic. Perhaps by Dr. trauma. Common in old men /
women with Stazs + lack of dry blood. Can be generated against Stgancait
Chi over time, no blood, blood heat, cold inside, and Chi.
Clinic: Pain Trauma suspicious specific point: severe and intense, constant,
stabbing / piercing, nails in the head. Weak pulse positions and front tip of
the tongue and stain purple, dark skin color, pain Bahipochondrium, or
abdominal pain, pain Weasti women with dark blood. Pulse - Firm, mounds or
broken. Language - Talisman
Treatment principle: moving blood, opening the doorways.
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
LI11 blood cools and Prevention
Li4 + Liv3
SP6 blood Prevention
Liv3 prevention of blood, facilitates a headache
All points absent or balanced (even)
Ahshi points

It should be emphasized Sstazs of blood is not independent, but can vary due
to different conditions like Stgancait chi, no blood, blood heat, cold inside,
and Chi. Treatment should be aimed in a reference in accordance with the
basic situation.
Blood moving formula (Category 10)
Sub Category 1st - blood moving formula blood Stzias clearing houses
Drive Out Stasis In The Mansion Of Blood Decoction = Xue Fu Yu Tang
Sm. Persicae = Tao Ren
Fl. Carthami Tinctorii = Hong Hua
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis = Dang Gui
Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong = Chuan Xiong
Rx. Paeoniae Rubra = Chi Shao
Rx. Cyathulae Officinalis = Chuan Niu Xi
Rx. Bupleuri = Chai Hu
Rx. Platycodi Grandiflori = Jie Geng
Fr. Citri seu Ponciri = Zhi Ke
Rx. Rehmanniae Glutinosae = Sheng Di Huang
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Uralensis = Gan Cao
Action formula: blood drives, dismantling Stazs, motive Chi liver, opens
obstructions meridians
Symptoms: chest pain Vhipochondiom, chronic headache, persistent,
constant, penetrating, chronically prolonged hiccups, sense of choking when
drinking, waves of drought, depression or low mood with a feeling of warmth
in the chest, Plpetecioat, insomnia, restless sleep, Iritabiliut, extreme moods,
hot flashes and night, dark red tongue with points on the sides, lips, whites
dark-skinned or purple, pulse Choppy, cords, stretched
[Page 314]
Sub Category # 1 - blood moving formula blood Stzias clearing houses
Unblock The Orifices and Invigorate the Blood Decoction = Tong Xiao Huo
Rx. Paeoniae Rubra = Chi Sho
Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong = Chuan Xiong
Sm. Persicae = Tao Ren
Fs. Carthami Tinctorii = Hong Hua
Bulbus Allii Fistulosi = Cong Bai
Fr. Ziziphi Jujubae = Da Zao
Rz. Zingiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang
Secretio Moschus = She Xiang add with a little white wine Lmratah filtered.
Action formula: blood drives, breaking Stzias, opens doors
Symptoms: Vertigo, Tinnitus chronic hair loss, skin color dark purple, dark
circles around the eyes, Brandy nose.
[Page 315]

Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: chestnuts, coconut milk, almond green, cod oil, butter,
shrimp, leeks, turnips, Colourevi, radish, radish, strawberry, eggs, lemon,
green pepper, turmeric, saffron, cherry

Stgancait Chi liver and situations that require harmonization = Liv Qi

stagnations and conditions treated by Harmonization
Pathophysiology: related stomach problems (such as Rtnzia), similar in terms
of pain, but more powerful. Background of tension and anxiety.
Clinic: headache in the forehead and temples, which moved from each
other. Pain and swelling Bahipochondrium, emotional tension, indigestion,
Gihuakim, gases in the stomach, bloated stomach, a small stool, sighs
(Akrahcnim), pulse strings.
Treatment principle: calming the liver, the opening of stagnation, calming the
mind and the Hun.
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
Liv3 scattering. Reassuringly heavy, stagnation, Back
+ LI4 scattering. Stagnation due to emotional
GB34 scattering. Stagnation, aiming Back
ST36 reinforcement. Contact the stomach
GV24 Chi heavy head, relaxing the mind
Yang Tai Chi heavy head, relaxing the mind
Liv14 stagnation
Local Tang Yin, per capita, sleep
Formulas Lrmonizcia (Category 4)
Sub Category 1 - the layer formulations Shao Yang
Bupleurum, Bitter Orange & Platycodom Decoction = Chi Hu Zhi Jie
Rx. Bupleuri = Chi Hu
Fr. Citri Aurantii = Zhi Ke
Ginger-fried Rz. Pinelliae Ternatae = Jiang Ban Xia
Rz. Zingiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang
Rx. Platycodi Grandiflori = Jie Geng
Rx. Scutellariae = Huang Qin
Pc. Citri Reticulatae = Chen Pi

Action formula: with pathological Shao Yang Chi stuck

Symptoms: fever, chills, headache temporal vertigo, fullness and chest
tightness Ubhipochondrium
[Page 138]
Major Bupleurum Decoction = Da Chi Hu Tang
Rx. Bupleuri = Chai Hu
Rx. Scutellariae = Huang Qin
Fr. Immaturus Citri Aurantii = Zhi Shi
Rx. et Rz. Rhei = Da Huang
Rx. Paeoniae Lactiforae = Bai Shao
Rz. Pinelliae Ternatae = Ban Xia
Rz. Zingiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang
Fr. Zizyphi Jujubae = Da Zao
Action formula: Herman releases the Shao Yang and drain layer internal
blocks E. R. Brown
Symptoms: fever and chills off and on, full chest Vhipochondrium (with /
without pain), bitter taste, nausea, vomiting, prolonged, focused
Abapigastrium full swelling, diarrhea burns or intestinal immobility,
depression, Iritabiliut easy, tongue with yellow coating, pulse strings
tight. Western: Migraine
[Page 139]

Sub Category # 2 - formulas Lrmonizcia Liv-SP

Rambling Powder = Xiao Yao San
Rx. Bupleuri = Chai Hu
Rx. Angelicae SInensis = Dang Gui
Rx. Paeoniae Lactiforae = Bai Shao
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae = Bai Zhu
SC. Poriae Cocos = Fu Ling
Honey-fried Rx. Glycyrhizae Uralensis = Zhi Gan Cao
Action formula: driving chi liver, spleen and nourishing blood strengthens
Symptoms: Pain hypochondria, headache, vertigo, bitter taste, dry mouth
and throat, fatigue, decreased appetite, pale red tongue, pulse and empty
strings. Intermittent fever and chills may, Dysmneuriah, swollen breasts
[Page 147]
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: avocado, grapefruit, lemon, orange Sinai, tangerine, saffron,
mint, melissa, sweet potatoes, green almond, soy beans, seed relates,
Stgancait cold meridians - Cold stagnation

Pathophysiology: rare. Headache of Jue Yin

Clinic: powerful Buortx pain, feeling cold, vomiting, cold limbs, pulse strings.
Treatment principle: to ease the heavy heating, removal of cold, download
Chi rebel
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
Liv3 absent with Bochsa. Distal, calming the liver, Chi rebel
GV20 local stagnation
Internal cold conditions that require heating - Internal cold

Formulas warmer interior (Category 7)

Sub Category 2 - formulas heater cold clearing houses face
Evodia Decoction = Wu Zhu Yu Tang
Fr. Evodia Rutaeacarpae = Wu Zhu Yu
Rz. Zingiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang
Rx. Ren Shen Ginseng =
Fr. Ziziphi Jujubae = Da Zao
Action formula: warms and strengthens a heavy stomach, lowers Chi down
down, stops vomiting
Symptoms: vomiting immediately after eating, hunger and erosion
immediately, Ragorgetcia acid, with or without pain Apigaastri.Dry, or spitting
waves of clear liquid, with a headache Buortx.Vomiting and diarrhea with cold
limbs, restless desire to die.Pale tongue with slippery white coating, thin and
slow pulse or thin cords
[Page 221]
Modification: severe headaches
Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong = Chuan Xiong
Rx. Angelicae SInensis = Dang Gui

St = stomach fire Fire

Clinic: Dizziness, Tinnitus, deafness, Iritabiliut, sore throat, dry throat,
insomnia. Thirst, bitter taste, a small, dark urine, constipation, dry stools,
red eyes, red tongue with yellow coating. Headache as the rise of Young
(throbbing, swelling in the head, pounding, explosive but more powerful,
focused, often with nausea / vomiting)

Treatment principle: calming the liver, liver cleansing fire

Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
Liv2 heavy fire
SP6 entering wine
TW5 distal. Shao Yang
GB38 purification Liv / GB, a sharp pain around the eye side.Chronic
GB20 wind, heavy fire
Tai Yang
GB43 GB heat treatment, pain around one eye
GB44 side of the head pain
LI11 Brown
GB4-six local, chronic
Local GB8 neck side ear area
GB9 local soothing
GB13 GB14 relaxing tension in the area
Local GB14
GB21 chronic. Neck muscle relaxing
Local eye brow UB2
Yu Yao local eye E. R. anemic
GB1 between the temples and eye pain
Purifying formulas Brown (Category 2) - Clear and detoxify heat
Sub Category 3 - Heat purifying formulations toxicity clearing
Clear Epidemics & Overcome Toxin Decoction = Qing Wen Bai Du Yin
Shi Gao Gypsum =
Rx. Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis = Zhi Mu
Rx. Glycyrhizae Uralensis = Gan Cao
Hb. Lophatheri Gracilis = Dan Zhu Ye
Cornu Rhinoceri = Xi Jiao
Rx. Rehmanniae Glutinosae = Sheng Di
Cx. Moutan Radicis = Mu Dan Pi
Rx. Paeoniae Rubrae = Chi Shao
Rx. Scrophulariae Ningpoensis = Xuan Shen
Rz. Coptidis = Huang Lian
Rx. Scutellariae = Huang Qin
Fr. Gardeniae Jasminoidis = Zhi Zi
Fr. Forsythiae Suspensae = Lian Qiao
Rx. Platycodi Grandiflori = Jie Geng
Action formula: heat treatment, the removal of toxic, cooling blood, fire and
Symptoms: heavy gauge heat, thirst, severe headache sticks, Iritabiliut

extreme, severe cases, the most emotional speech, rash and bleeding from
the nose. Dark red tongue, lips and dark, burnt, rapid pulse, sinking or
floating, thin and large.
[Page 81]
Sub Category 4 - purifying formulas brown organs
Gentiana Longdancao Decoction Drain The Liver = Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Rx. Gentianae Longdancao = Long Dan Cao
Rx. Scutellariae = Huang Qin
Fr. Gardeniae Jasminoidis = Zhi Zi
Caulis Mutong = Mu Tong
Sm. Plantaginis = Che Qian Zi
Rz. Alismatis Orientalis = Ze Xie
Rx. Bupleuri = Chai Hu
Rx. Rehamanniae Glutinosae = Sheng Di Huang
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis = Dang Gui
Rx. Glycyrrhize Uralensis = Gan Cao
Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii = Ju Hua
Folium Mori Albae = Sang Ye
Action formula: extreme fire drainage from the liver and gallbladder,
cleansing and drainage heat - heater lower humidity.
Symptoms: Pain Bahipochondrium, headache, dizziness, stinging red eyes,
hearing loss, swollen ears, bitter taste, Iritabiliut, impatience, difficulty in
urinating with a sense of warmth bladder, vaginal secretions, or Lweakuriah,
shortened cycle reddish purple blood. A red tongue with yellow coating, pulse
mounds, fast, strong
[Page 96]
Sub Category 4 - formulas and Clearing heat and organs
Bupleurum Decoction to clear the Liver = Chai Hu Qing Gan Tang
Rx. Bupleuri = Chai Hu
Rx. Rehmanniae Glutinosae = Sheng Di Huang
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis = Dang Gui
Rx. Paeoniae Rubra = Chi Shao
Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong = Chuan Xiong
Fr. Forsythiae Suspensae = Lian Qiao
Fr. Arcti Lappae = Niu Bang Zi
Rx. Scutellariae = Huang Qin
Fr. Gardeniae Jasminoidis = Zhi Zi
Rx. Trichosanthis Kirilowi = Tian Hua Fen
Rx. Ledebouriellae Divaricatae = Fang Feng
Rx. Glycyrrhizae UralenSIs = Gan Cao
Formula One activity: removal of toxic fire, scattering Chi liver, spleen

Symptoms: severe headache, red cheeks, Tinnitus, hearing loss, Iritabiliut,

Ansomia, cough with mucus viscous.
[Page 98]
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: Abtadtat Bar, avocado, artichoke, sesame oil, fish, mangoes,
squid, mussels, Melissa, broccoli, passion fruit, orange
Not recommended: chestnut, curly cabbage, pork liver, chicken liver
Wind from the liver
Pathophysiology: to appear against the heavy fire in the liver or anemic
Clinic: appealing character in the head. Accompanied by severe
vertigo. Boots head shaking, loss of sensation in the limbs, pulse according
Treatment principle: calming the liver, removal of wind
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
Liv3 heavy wind
SP6 strengthening blood wine
GB20 Spirit Indoor / outdoor
GV16 inner spirit, headache
GV20 inner spirit, headache
SI3 + UB62 opening GV inner spirit, headache
Lu7 + Kid6 women
GB4-six local, chronic
Local GB8 neck side ear area
GB9 local soothing
GB13 GB14 relaxing tension in the area
Local GB14
GB21 chronic. Neck muscle relaxing
Local eye brow UB2
Yu Yao local eye E. R. anemic
GB1 between the temples and eye pain
Formulas and Clearing Spirit (Category 14) - Expel Wind
Sub Category 2 - inner spirit formulas
Sedate The Liver And Extinguish Wind Decoction = Zhen Gan Xi Feng
Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae = Huai Niu Xi
Haematitum = Zhe Shi
Os Draconis = Long Gu
Concha Ostreae = Mu Li
Plastrum Testudinis = Gui Ban

Rx. Scrophulariae Ningpoensis = Xuan Shen

Tb. Asparagi Cochinchinensis = Xuan Shen
Rx. Paeoniae Lactiflorae = Bai Shao
Hb. Artemisiae Yinchenhao = Yin Chen Hao
Fr. Meliae Toosendan = Chuan Lian Zi
Fr. Hordei Vulgaris Germinantus = Mai Ya
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Uralensis = Gan Cao
Action formula: calming the liver, eliminates wind, nourishing wine anchors
Symptoms: headache, dizziness, tension in the eye, Tinnitus, Iritabaliut
[Page 402]
Modification: headaches and dizziness
Spica Prunellae Vulgaris = Xia Ku Cao
Fl. Chrysanthemi Morifolii = Ju Hua
Sub Category # 2 - inner spirit formulas - Internal Wind
Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction = Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Rz. Gastrodiae Elatae = Tian Ma
Rm. cun Uncis Uncariae = Gou Teng
Concha Haliotidis = Shi Jue Ming
Fr. Gardeniae Jasminoidis = Zhi Zi
Rx. Scutellariae Baicalenesis = Huang Qin
Hb. Leonuri Heterophylly = Yi Mu Cao
Rx. Cyathulae Officinalis = Chuan Niu Shi
Cx. Eucommiae Ulmoidis = Du Zhong
Rm. Sangjisheng = Sang Ji Shen
Cl. Poligoni Multiflori = Ye Jiao Teng
SC. Poria Cocos Pararadicis = Fu Shen
Action formula: calming the liver, eliminates wind, clears heat, invigorating
the blood, strengthens liver and kidney. Liver Yang with the rise of internal
liver wind.
Symptoms: Dizziness, Tinnitus, blurred vision, feeling of heat in the head,
insomnia with disturbing dreams, a red tongue and rapid pulse mounds.
[Page 405]
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: avocado, pine nuts (if there are no heat), sesame seeds, fish
oil (if there are no heat), beef liver, pig liver (if there are no heat), chicken
liver (if there are no heat), Lebanese fish, calamari, Lychee (if and brown),
chestnut (If there is no heat), Mango, Carambola, strawberry, turmeric,
saffron, mint, mint.

Liver Yang rising = Liver yang rising

Pathophysiology: mixed state of excess and lack. Most E. R. feelings: anger,
frustration, Tina. Could be due to the following conditions: 1. Anemic liver no matter Janey Shiagan the yang. (Thin and pale tongue) 2. Missing heavy
wine (a major sign: dry eyes. Language: red and peeled) 3. Wine in the liver
and kidneys is missing (red and blood does not nourish each other) 4. Wine
in the liver and kidneys was missing with no kidney yang (the missing
dominance by checking the color of the tongue. Representation Yang tongue:
pale, swollen, pulse: slow - deep).
Clinic: severe headache, strong, throbbing, explosive, head feel bloated, felt
in GB, temples, eyebrows, behind the eye, around the GB14. May have
nausea / vomiting, diarrhea. Better sitting upright, lying down with lots of
pillows. Visual disturbances (flashing lights, Aura, blurred vision). Appears
after a week down (Young).Vertigo, Tinnitus, deafness, dry throat, insomnia,
Iritabiliut, red tongue, pulse strings especially in Liv.
Treatment principle: to soothe the liver, suppress yang rebel, to treat
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
Liv3 scattering. Young liver. Head pain everywhere
Liv8 reinforcement. Blood & Wine
SP6 reinforcement. Blood, liver cleansing, relaxing the mind
TW5 + GB34 scattering. Shao Yang, Meridian problem
GB20 scattering. Young headache / wind, neck and eyes
Local temple Tai Yang
Kid3 reinforcement. Wine deficiency
Pc6 Jue Yin, Hun, Liv Yang
TW4 women with Shao Yang, stress
Lu7 any headache. Lu Qi download download Liv
GB43 distal surplus
GB4-six local, chronic
Local GB8 neck side ear area
GB9 local soothing
GB13 GB14 relaxing tension in the area
Local GB14
GB21 chronic. Neck muscle relaxing
Local eye brow UB2
Yu Yao local eye E. R. anemic
GB1 between the temples and eye pain
Formulas Mpzrut Spirit (Category 14)

Sub Category # 2 - Inner Spirit liberating formula = internal wind

Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction = Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Rz. Gastrodiae Elatae = Tian Ma
Rm. cun Uncis Uncariae = Gou Teng
Concha Haliotidis = Shi Jue Ming
Fr. Gardeniae Jasminoidis = Zhi Zi
Rx. Scutellariae Baicalenesis = Huang Qin
Hb. Leonuri Heterophylly = Yi Mu Cao
Rx. Cyathulae Officinalis = Chuan Niu Shi
Cx. Eucommiae Ulmoidis = Du Zhong
Rm. Sangjisheng = Sang Ji Shen
Cl. Poligoni Multiflori = Ye Jiao Teng
SC. Poria Cocos Pararadicis = Fu Shen
Action formula: calming the liver, release of wind, heat treatment, refresh the
blood, liver and kidneys and strengthening
Symptoms: headache, dizziness, vertigo, Tinnitus, blurred vision, feeling of
heat in the head, disturbing dreams and insomnia with sleep, in severe cases
there may also numbness, cramp or Miplgy Ucpazm edges, a red tongue fast
pulse mounds
[Page 405]
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: Abtadtat Bar, avocado, artichoke, sesame oil, fish, mangoes,
squid, mussels, Melissa, broccoli, passion fruit, orange
Not recommended: chestnut, curly cabbage, pork liver, chicken liver

Food stagnation
Pathophysiology: attributed to an unhealthy diet. Mohammed after eating.
Clinic: intense pain in the forehead. Sense of fullness Abapigastrium, raising
stimulated sour, belching, bad breath.Language - with a thick cover
adhesive. Pulse - slick.
Treatment principle:
Food blasts treatment, reducing the St QI-down, encouraging digestion,
harmonization heater measure.
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
CV10 download Chi stomach, moving food from the stomach down
St21 pain Apigaastri Food blasts
Pc6 distribution - download Chi stomach
St34 scattering - Blowing Food and stopping pain

St45 scattering - Food blasts, the end points on the head impact
LI4 scattering face and head to remove obstructions
Bao He Wan
Xiang Sha Wan Zhi Zhu
Bao He Wan
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: green peppers, not roasted peanut, red pepper (Cilli),

Dryness conditions
Formulas dryness (Category 5)
Sub Category 1 - formulas to moisten dry
Apricot Kernel & Perilla Leaf Powder = Xing Su San
Fol. Perillae Frutescentis = Zi Su Ye
Rx. Peucedani = Qian Hu
Sm. Pruni Armeniacae = Xing Ren
Rx. Platycodi Grandifrlori = Jie Geng
Fr. Citri Aurantii = Zhi Ke
Pc. Citri Reticulatae = Chen Pi
Scl. Poriae Cocos = Fu Ling
Rz. Pinelliae Ternatae = Ban Xia
Rz. Zingiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang
Fr. Ziziphi Jujubae = Da Zao
Rx. Glycyrhizae Uralensis = Gan Cao
Action formula: dry and gently spread - cold, spreading the Qi of the lung,
fluid stuck transformational
Symptoms: slight headache, chills without sweating, cough with watery
phlegm, though obscure, dry throat, dry white cover pulse strings
[Page 158]
Modification: You can add a headache over the eyes;
Rx. Angelicae = Bai Zhi

Sub Category 1 - formulas clearing houses to moisten dry

Mulberry Leaf & Apricot Kernel Decoction = Sang Xing Tang
Fol. Mori Albae = Sang Ye
Fr. Gardeniae Jasminoidis = Zhi Zi
Sm. Sojae Praeparata = Dan Dou Chi
Sm. Pruni Armeniacae = Xing Ren
Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii = Zhe Bei Mu
Rx. Adenophorae seu Glehniae Sha Shen
Fr. Pyri = Li Pi
Action formula: dry cleaning and spreads - Brown
Symptoms: slight fever, headache, thirst, dry cough with little phlegm, or
thick and sticky, red tongue with dry white cover floating and rapid pulse
mainly on the right
[Page 159]
Sub Category 1 - formulas clearing houses to moisten dry
Eliminate Dryness & Rescue the Lungs Decoction = Qing Zao Jiu Fei
Fol. Mori Albae = Sang Ye
Shi Gao Gypsum =
Tb. Ophiopogonis Japonici = Mai Men Dong
Gelatinum Corii ASIni = E Jiao
Sm. Sesami Indici = Hei Zhi Ma
Sm. Pruni Armeniacae = Xing Ren
Honey-fried Fol. Eriobotryae Japonicae = Mi Zhi Pi Pa Ye
Rx. Ren Shen Ginseng =
Rx. Glycyrhizae Uralensis = Gan Cao
Action formula: dry cleaner to moisten the lungs
Symptoms: headache, fever, dry cough, wheezing, dry throat and even
breaks, full chest, hypochondriac pain, Iritabiliut, thirst, dry tongue with no
cover, banging empty, bigger, brighter
[Page 160]

Qi deficiency
Pathophysiology: Chi failed to rise back to clarify the openings.Can be
stomach, spleen, lungs, heart.
Clinic: a dull ache in the head / forehead which come seizures, weighing at
rest lying down Mohammed work in the morning.Loss of appetite, fatigue,

soft stools, lack of breath easy, and knocks empty. Shortness of breath and
Treatment Principle: Strengthening increasing Chi
Acupuncture Wakofrsura:
St36 + SP6 reinforcement - strengthening integration Chi
Cv6 strengthening
Gv20 direct reinforcement Bochsa
Li4 + St36
Formulas reinforce (Category 8)
Sub Category 1 - formulas reinforce Chi
Tonify The Middle and Augment The Qi Decoction = Bu Zhong Yi Qi
Rx. Astragali Membranacei = Huang Qi
Rx. Ren Shen Ginseng =
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae = Bai Zhu
Honey-Fried Rx. Glycyrrhizae Uralensis = Zhi Gan Cao
Rx. Angelicae SInesis = Dang Gui
Pr. Citri Reticulata = Chen Pi
Rz. Cimicifugae = Sheng Ma
Rx. Bupleuri = Chai Hu
Action formula: Grip Chi Young warms up means falling
Symptoms: fever off and (Mohammad effort), spontaneous sweating, fear of
cold, hot and thirsty drink, shortness of breath, slurred speech, a tendency to
curl up, weak limbs, pale-skinned, shiny, heavenly soft stools, pale tongue
with thin white coating, floating pulse , missing, or missing root on the right
[Page 241]
Modification: Ortyakali headache or pain in your head
Rz. Et Rx. Ligustici = Gao Ben
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: rice, sweet potatoes, millet, wheat, quinoa, potato, walnuts,
peanut not roasted, sunflower oil, cod, sesame, sesame oil, beef liver,
chicken liver, egg, fish, herring, tuna, fish, Lebanon, Sardine , herring,
pumpkin, lettuce, eggplant, beets, leeks, cucumber, radish, kohlrabi,
zucchini, Carambola, figs, watermelon, green peas, soy - tofu, black pepper,
branchlet Cinnamon, peppermint
Anemic condition = Blood deficiency

Pathophysiology: the blood does not come back to enter the brain. Anemic
liver or heart.
Clinic: pain is more serious deficiency Chi, top of the head, Mohamed
afternoon, Charles / West, better lying down. Poor memory, lack of
concentration. Women may be at the end of menstruation.
Treatment principle: entering the blood, strengthening and increasing Chi.
Acupuncture Wakofrsura: Strengthening
St36 + SP6 + Bl20-entering the blood and strengthening Chi
Liv8 blood entering the liver
CV4 blood entering
Bl-20 + Bl-18 to strengthen the liver blood
Yu Yao
Ba Zhen Tang
Shi Chuan Da Bu Tang
Ba Zhen Wan
Shi Quan Da Bu Wan
Nutrition recommendations:
Recommended: Hezekiah fleet, avocado, pork liver, egg yolk, calamari, red
pomegranate, red Tamar, from loud, parsley, nettles
Missing modes kidney = Kid Qi and Yang deficiency
Missing Jing kidneys so there is no input to the brain. Can be expressed with
the lack of wine / Yang kidneys can affect UB Meridian
Clinic: Pain in the brain, not a specific place, dizzy feeling of emptiness in the
head. Perhaps Bauxipot. After intercourse.
Missing Young: moderate pain. Feeling cold, low back pain and knees, pale
and full of urine, pale tongue, deep and weak pulse.
No wine: the more severe pain, is felt deeply in the head.Feelings of warmth
in the evening, little urine, dizziness, Tinnitus, LBP, constipation, red tongue
without coating, floating pulse empty.
Treatment Principle: Strengthening the kidneys, bone marrow feed (Marrow)
Acupuncture Wakofrsura: Strengthening
Kid3 Bochsa if simulated heat. Wine strengthen kidney, kidney yang, and
Yuan Qi

St36 + SP6 strengthen qi and blood

GV20 can Bochsa. Attractive Chi Back, nutritious bone marrow
GB19 attractive red kidney brain, filling the mind with a local headache Dr.
missing kidney
CV4 nourishing kidney Wine
Bl23 Bochsa kidney yang short. Strengthens kidney yang
(Old Formula: (GV-23 + GB-20 + GB-19 + Bl-10 + Bl-3
Outer liberating formula (Category 1)
Sub Category 5 - with the outer release formulations faceless =
External conditions
Ephedra, Asarum and Prepared Aconite Decoction = Ma Huang Xi Xin
Fu Zi Tang
Hb. = Ma Huang Ephedra
Rx. Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli Praperata = Fu Zi
Hb. cum Rx. Asari = Xi Xin
Action formula: Liang releases external help
Symptoms: feeling cold and chills Severe (Moql wearing more layers), slight
fever without sweating, fatigue, slippery-white coating, weak pulse absorbed
[Page 55]
Modification: the spirit of headache type - Corr
Rx. Ligustici Chuanxiong = Chuan Xiong
Rz. Zingiberis Officinalis Recens = Sheng Jiang

Treatment of anemia the patient suffers from Classical Migraine

According to traditional Chinese medicine

Display case:
43-year-old woman came to our clinic in the midst of a severe attack of
migraine. As every month, the attack came immediately after menstruation.
Because the pain was the most powerful conventional drugs which did not
help in sorting acceptance, acupuncture can be an emergency care system

based on the Chinese. Unfortunately, even this treatment did not help her
feel better. The woman agreed to accept a series of treatments with the
passage of the seizure.
Migraine attacks are characterized by all the classic elements of migraine:
Apotopubia (fear of light) Uponupubia (fear of noise), adequate pain
unilateral aura (halo) harbinger Getting fit. Family history of the patient
suffering from migraines since childhood and had frequent headaches
(migraines, but apparently were not diagnosed as a child).
Medical examinations made during these years would deprive the reality of
the imaging process takes place, eye examinations denied vision problems or
pressure in my skull, lab tests raised by the findings of chronic anemia, which
was not the main complaint called conventional weapons.
Laboratory findings was found in anemia Myakrocetit Myakroachromit who
answered the phenomenon of lack of iron. Moved around the hemoglobin
levels improved from 9.8 to 10.2 after the courses of iron. Iron treatments
given every six months for three months at a time (fill reservoirs) which
caused a temporary improvement of hemoglobin levels for a short period.
This therapeutic ritual lasted over 15 years.
No direct connection between blood hemoglobin levels and migraine attacks
continued to occur in an orderly fashion every month.
Anamnesis did not increase dietary iron problem of missing patient nutrition.
In fact, you can tell the patient carefully about proper nutrition and balanced.
Review of systems according to Chinese medicine:
Because according to Chinese medicine, all the signs that accompany the
patient to be connected, this time I chose to focus on anemia (subject
headaches will dedicate a separate article sometime). Laboratory test results
are only partial information game piece assembly of the Chinese diagnosis.
Regardless of the laboratory findings, should be accompanied by signs and
symptoms maximize.
When patients show up with signs of pallor, weakness, feeling cold, feeling of
black dots (like flies) in front, a tendency to dizziness Fainting is defined as
suffering from anemic. Fabric-related phenomena as if signs of skin dryness,
split or hair loss, brittle nails and other symbols. We should distinguish
between the phenomenon of anemia Maubhanat by the results of laboratory
tests, and the behavior of anemic Maubhanat according to the patient's clinic,
regardless of laboratory results.
According to the Chinese concept could be due to lack of blood for many
reasons. Also a problem of low iron levels is not resolved by the acceptance
of external, for the obvious question is: why well-fed patient still suffers from
problems iron absorption and assimilation. Another question (not necessarily
touching the patient to the above), why some people's symptoms do not
anemic even though they are in terms of anemia in laboratory, while others,
proper image of their blood, still suffer from the anemic side.
Anamnesis taken by Chinese medicine (It takes a cloth, about an hour or
more) during which turned out to be the following:

General Description:
Patient carefully groomed, gentle and pleasant conversation. Weight border
norm. Looks a little pale. Mother of three children, an accountant by
Review of systems:
Digestion: a tendency to constipation, aged 16 (possibly earlier). Dry ports,
every day for two days, without gas or side GIT (gastro - Inatstenaliut) and
other prominent.
Head: pounding headache tendency, unilaterally starting behind the eyes.
The pain occurs after the end of the summer period there is some relief.
Passes the provision of drugs like Optalgin or Imeterx.
Skin: pale, hot days or after a hot shower may respond particularly mild
rash, itchy and tender that passes after a while.
Character and mood: Patient delicate, prone to take offense easily, taking
care not to harm others. Patient has a high work ethic and try not to miss
even during severe migraine, although she said, its labor relations are
excellent and no problem miss.
Tongue: pale tongue, thin and dry. Thin cover missing.
Following discussion the patient was referred to a therapist shiatsu therapy
clinical dietitian specialist herbalists according to Chinese medicine.
Discussion of differential diagnosis:
Chinese medicine refers to the phenomenon of the migraine phenomenon of
missing blood with equal importance. One cause of the problem is it makes
the rest of the phenomena in the body. Trace the phenomenon of missing
aspects of blood before we analyze the case.
Causes anemic, both Chinese and western side is very diverse. This is a
common phenomenon, especially in women of childbearing age.

Possible causes blood deficiency in Chinese

1 - Problems transformation of spleen / pancreas - that is the most common
cause. According to Chinese medicine, spleen pancreas, in addition to their
functionality sellers, there are also implementing functions related to food
and its transformation into the blood. In this conception, food passes when
the number of processes and implementation process is as important as the
process of absorption. In this case plants Hezekiah spleen diet may help.
2 - abnormal regulation of blood by Chi liver - blood pools regulated by
different body systems, their sons and liver. Liver, in addition to cleaning the
blood was also responsible for the allocation of surpluses in various
physiological activities, their sons menstruation. In this case a plant Angelica
sinensis may contribute.

3 - no Chi - no chi, energy, according to Chinese medicine, leads to injury

and therefore lack of assimilation and absorption of blood. This function also
calls cloth, about the roles spleen / pancreas. In this case plants as
Kodonupsias may contribute. Extreme situations may no chi to lead to the
escape of blood (bleeding) that the patient with a plant Astraglus.
4 - a chronic weakness of the kidneys - the kidneys and therefore bone
marrow blood cell production. Her chronic kidney weakness (and Chi their)
production leads to damage of blood hematocrit.
5 - heat or lack of wine - deficiency leads to an internal temperature of wine
or liquid damage (it's basically the same). Phenomena which lead to ulcers
and bleeding or other bleeding during menstruation. If hemorrhages, even if
very small, over time may lead to the development of the phenomenon of
missing blood. In this case, to prevent the Heat foods (eg spices and
beverages) and give plants refrigerators, such as Gardenia (Yasmin). From
the corresponding lung Kononcionelit common phenomena expressed or
Abmanuragy autoimmune problems (bleeding other Wiasti).
6 - brown or brownish toxic blood - blood heat speeds up the death of a red
ball and contributes to the process Ahmulize. The heat can be true due to
toxicity, or imagined, against the lack of wine and other reasons. Parallel
phenomena are expressed common autoimmune or bleeding problems as
Mtroragy other (bleeding between Wiasti). The treatment is performed by a
combination of blood nutritious plants refrigerators, Hezekiah wine or
eliminate toxic heat.
7 - stagnation - hangs the Chi or stopping blood flow to part of the heat can
cause bleeding leading local. Phenomenon would be expressed pain before
menstruation multiple blood clots during bleeding.

Possible causes blood deficiency in Western

Please remember that there are other phenomena which are described in
the, especially, that differential diagnosis (DD) to each of the diverse
phenomena below. We'll list only the most common differential diagnosis.

Physiological (growth, cycle, pregnancy).

Decrease the supply of iron (diet, absorption).
Loss of pathological bleeding (peptic ulcer, tumor, hemorrhoids).
Lack of link utilization.
Aidioptti (15%).

For the convenience of readers, I chose to present the diagnosis Mbdlat The
laboratory test results, with emphasis on the MCV index.

MCV = HCT / RBC. Ie the ratio between the amount of solid substances in the
blood (hematocrit) and the number of red ball. Practice - hematocrit gives us
the total volume of red cells (which are the majority of the total solids in the
blood). That this ratio reflects the volume divided by the number, that is what
the average volume of each pellet. If the ball is too small or too big it can
indicate pathology.
Anemia due to red ball injury
Anemia with low MCV:
1 - no iron. In this case is a low ferritin. Iron diet does not provide the
amount of iron necessary for the patient. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy may
well (and it's not common) cause Lmotiliut (Movement) Balance leads to lack
of absorption in the intestine. Chronic conditions, as well as inflammatory
bowel disease - IBD or celiac disease, avoiding the absorption of iron and
other materials to the body. From a parallel phenomenon Chinese lung
problems such as missing chi or the problem of transformation (metabolism)
of the spleen / pancreas.
2 - thalassemia. This disease is caused by a malfunction due to abnormal
structure of one protein hemoglobin. Mediterranean Sea region beta respect
it is more common. Sometimes you can minimize repeated blood donations,
the decline of iron and increasing spleen. This phenomenon can also be
attributed to deficiency Chi but the treatment here is more complex.
3 - a chronic illness. Chronic debilitating illness the body or patients with
renal failure suffer from anemia, sometimes due to failure in producing a
hormone responsible for ripening Haritropweitin cells in the bone marrow.
4 - Anemia Sidrobelstit. Sidrobelast = Aritroblast normal size (= Normovlast)
accumulated iron was not effective. The red line continues to produce cells
find a red ball but had not come to fruition. Red ball with no nucleus remain
Hiapocaromiut (missing red color due to lack of iron) Omiakrocetioat
(relatively small regular size) that are not performing well. Blood ferritin
levels will be high. This phenomenon is also attributed, fabric, approximately,
of kidney problems. Recall that while the spleen / pancreas mainly
responsible for the liquid part of blood, the kidneys are responsible for the
solid part of blood (hematocrit), including the structure of a red ball. If more
serious problems to solve from Chinese lung.
5 - Lead poisoning. An interesting phenomenon in itself, coupled with various
mental problems. As various toxins, even in this case must be dealt with
through the cleansing of the liver.

Anemia with high MCV:

1 - Anemia Mgalublstit. No B12 is considered the main reason. Missing
vitamin in the diet is an important factor even though the State of Israel is
not uncommon. For vegans is that jurors did not exist a real lack of the
vitamin. So to look for the problem not only nutrition but the vitamin's
absorption capacity, even from the poor.
An important reason has sub septic problems. Which can be caused by
missing factor in FI that allows absorption of the vitamin from the digestive
tract. Another reason has intestinal problems, at Ilium terminal against
celiac, IBD, colon removal, tumors, etc.. The competition for the vitamin with
vitamin eating bacteria or use of drugs that prevent absorption can lead to
vitamin deficiency. Among the drugs included in drug anesthesia (general
anesthesia long) called Nytroauxid = N2O.
Gistrkteomi is cutting stomach. This can be harmful and lead to FI vitamin
B12 deficiency but not as a result of competition for the vitamin. Stazs of
intestinal bacteria called Blind Loop Syndrome also cause increased
consumption of vitamin E. J. bacteria there. Neiomicen her antibiotics,
although gut bacteria affects its part, but also affects vitamin. Another drug
problem is Ahcolhicen intended joint problems Oamiloaidozias diseases like
gout and FMF (Sea Fever Feature).
All the above seems Mbdlat diagnosis, according to Chinese medicine, is not
unequivocal and consider each case individually. Most problems relate to
problems without absorption Chi, more problems due to drugs, it seems
caused by heat injury due to drugs which cause wine.
2 - alcoholism. Alcoholism, according to Chinese medicine, over time causes
liver damage in wine and hence the problem.
3 - interference Milodsplstit. The phenomena of multiple controlled not bone
marrow cells indicates, many times, the lack of wine, although here the most
complex diagnosis Mbdlat required the intervention of Rbulog specializes in
4 - Hiputyrwaid. A phenomenon often attributed to autoimmune problem
corresponding deficiency or excess phlegm wine serious injury to the kidneys
and spleen / pancreas.
Anemia with normal MCV:
1 - a chronic illness.
2 - renal insufficiency.
3 - Endocrine Disorders. Which can lead to production of other blood or
bleeding during menstruation, a phenomenon that can relate to failure in the
regulation of Chinese medicine and blood by the liver or the problems of
internal heat.
4 - Aplastic anemia. Without the production of bone marrow, often due to
drug treatment Abachlorenpnikul or Optalgin, for example.
5 - Anemia Sidrobelstit.

6 - Imilopteizs (infiltration into why bone).

Anemia due to destruction of red cells
1 - bleeding. According to Chinese medicine, bleeding (not because of
trauma) to treat one of the following Hatiologyut: brown or wine without
leading to the formation of a bleeding ulcer (eg, duodenum) or damage to
blood vessels (eg Buaskolets) or other bleeding Wiasti (Manuragy). Another
reason could be lack of bleeding Chi leading extreme phenomena such as ITP
or drip blood Wiasti expressed by the regulator too long (Mtroragy).
Sometimes the problem is attributed to the regulation of the liver, such as
blood clotting diseases. Stagnation may also lead to bleeding, a phenomenon
observed when the placenta did not come out after the fetus or woman
suffering from bleeding in various places (Actofeim) during menstruation,
which is known as endometriosis.
2 - hereditary hemolytic diseases (sickle cell anemia Muglovinoptiut like,
lacking G6PD or spherocytosis). Situations which correspond, according to
Chinese medicine, congenital kidney problems. Unfortunately, the therapist
had limited cases.
3 - acquired hemolytic anemia (hot and cold antibodies, drugs, Mulizs
trauma, liver disease, Hipersplanizm (enlarged spleen), Muglovinoaria
Pervxismlit (varied hemoglobin). If symptoms are related to mechanisms in
which the body attacks itself. Phenomena which mainly women with common
wine-deficient . Despite the difficulty, according to Chinese medicine can help
in many cases.
Case study:
Not acceptable in the west to link the phenomenon of chronic anemia
problem migraine. Looking at patient perception of China as a rule system. In
this case seems to be an anemic liver failure due to regulate the blood.
To substantiate this assumption has to review the other systems: the
phenomenon of missing a patient's blood is characterized by pallor,
weakness, feeling cold, dry pale inner tongue. Signs such as dry skin and
hair, probably would support this assumption. Severe rash Maakccat summer
hot showers apparently interferes with diagnosis, as one would expect to
benefit from any cause warming. But, according to Chinese medicine, a
chronic lack of blood can cause damage to elements Jains (blood is an Janey
materials) cause an increase in elements Iangym periphery. This creates an
external heat source virtual real internal. So in a patient suffering from hot
days or hot showers (outdoor temperature) while prefer hot drinks and
problems - migraines - a little relieved during the summer (cold inside).
Incomplete treatment of blood will solve all the problems above.

We see that the headache is immediately after the menstrual period. During
this period the patient is losing blood since blood was missing to begin with,
all more severe symptoms. Sensitivity to noise, light, black dots that appear
in her field of vision appropriate to the problem of heavy energy channel
(which controls the eyes). Even the quiet nature of the situation and insulted
for lack of blood. This problem will be corrected when the phenomenon of
lack of blood disappear.
Given that diet has a comprehensive examination and was found valid also
suspect there is room for absorption and assimilation problems due to
weakness of the spleen / pancreas. Therefore special attention given to
strengthening the blood through the spleen energy channel / pancreas to
regulate blood flow in parallel by the liver.
Anemic treatment focuses primarily on the accompanying anemia completing
nutrition. Reinforcing nutrition guidance functions of the spleen / pancreas
and allows a better assimilation of food (no matter how much iron in it). In
this case, proper nutrition and therefore the patient was taken processes that
enhance the functions of the spleen / pancreas by treatment shiatsu
(Japanese treatment approach).
Trained clinical nutritionist recommended a Chinese medicine blood flow
regulation and strengthen all the elements above, E. J. herbal formula
containing Angelica Dang Gui fauna Bai Shao operating on the production,
regulation and saving of blood in the context of the liver functions. It should
be noted that the provision of Angelica alone could hurt patient because, in
addition to streaming production capacity, it is considered a vegetable
warming can exacerbate heat phenomena over time (eg menopause).
At the same time the analyst recommended the relaxation and breathing
exercises that contribute daily to deal flow and enable more high-quality
During this period the patient was a candidate to receive another course in
the light of the deterioration of iron and hemoglobin picture of her. It was
decided due to the iron treatment. After six weeks the patient felt less
dizziness and weakness side rash itch after shower passed. After two weeks,
she noted that migraine attack was weaker power. Blood test found that the
hemoglobin level rose to 11.6, the index experienced it claimed only after the
iron loading for short periods only. Her hemoglobin image stabilized at 11.8
to 12 while the sense of dryness disappeared completely. Four months after
the attacks of migraines completely stopped there while reducing the amount
of plants given to her.
Uses of plants was reduced to a minimum (taking 'Buster' once every six
months). Patient shiatsu treatment continued for two weeks so no one can
verify whether you stopped affect the return of migraines. The patient stayed
in control (semi-annually) for three years and then stopped contact with her.
In summary:

Nutritional therapy effective for complements Vrbulogy of migraine difficult

situations or different states of anemia. Combining clinical nutritionist who
understands Chinese medicine treatment can cure the problem. In all these
situations should be holistic and not only looking at focusing on the local
problem (headache or blood picture). Other complementary tools such as
touch exercises, breathing and shiatsu essential to complete the work of a
Article about changes in the founders can click here: About Changes
Explanation about Chinese medicine and integrated plan a comprehensive
training and integrated Western medicine can click here: The combined route
This material is available as a service by Chi Clinic of transformations.
This material does not constitute a recommendation or guideline and is
designed for service medical care doctors
General information only.

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