Bidyanando English 2nd Part PDF
Bidyanando English 2nd Part PDF
Bidyanando English 2nd Part PDF
8g kYx
BsiRx 2q c
1) gyij Kwei mif|
2) mvewibv mvC`|
3) ewki Avng` mRxe|
4) mvqiv mvC`|
5) gvnv` mvBdzj Bmjvg|
mgvRi GK kYxi wkv_x AvQ, hviv Avw_K msKU wKsev gavi `yejZvq wKsev w`Kwb`kbvi
Afve wQUK coQ cwZhvMxZvg~jK wkveev _K| Zv`i ga AbKiB mvebv wQjv my`i
fwelZi gavweKvki c_c`kK cj| mv_ `iKvi Avw_K mnvqZv Avi cvV mnvqK eB vb wevbi
eB| mgvRi GB AenwjZ QvQvx`i Avkvi Avjv `LvZ we`vb`( bvgK
cwZvbi R `b cevmx evOvwj wKkvi Kzgvi `vk| wbRB myweavewZ wQj ejB nqZv Rxebi me mq
w`q Aby`vb QvovB PvjvQb GB cwZvbK| Kvb FZzwfwK cwZvb bq we`vb`| XvKv, PMvg Ges
bvivqYMi wZb kvLvq eQii cwZwU w`b Kvhg Pj eZbfz PvKzi Ges wKQz gnrcvY ^QvmeK viv|
Avb`i mv_ wkv jvf- GB cwZvbi g~jg| wkkYx _K v`k kYx ch wkv_x`i
gavweKvki cvkvcvwk we`vb` Zv`i bwZK gyjevai DbwZ, ^wkvq wkwZKiY Ges Zv`i
^vmPZbZv wbq KvR Ki| eZgvb wZb kZvwaK QvQvxK cwZw`b wkv `evi cvkvcvwk Kbv Lvevi
`q GB cPviwegyL cwZvbwU| GwK mv_ webvg~j wkv DcKiY w`q _vK we`vb`i cwZwU wkK|
aygv myweavewZ`i Rb bq, meii cvVK`i Rb Pvjy KiQ 8,000 eBqi wZbwU cvVvMvi, hv
webvg~j eenvi Kiv hvq Kvbic m`m bv nqI| AbjvBb zji gvag we`vb`i KvRK cZ Aj
cuQ w`Z welqwfwK wkvg~jK wfwWI wUDUvwiqvj Zwi KiQ we`vb`| GB wUDUvwiqvjjvK AviI
mnR Ki ZzjZ webvg~j wkv mnvwqKv weZiY KiQ GB cwZvbwU| we`vb`i AviKwU cR bv
ejjB bq, mwU njv wekwe`vjqi fwZ KvwPs| MZeQii 85 Rb Mixe wkv_xi GB Kvhgi iZc~Y
Ask myhvM cvq `ki wewfb miKvix wekwe`vjq|
aygv wkveev bq, mgvRi mvaviY cwZeKZv `~i KiZI, we`vb` nvZ wbQ bZzb bZzb
cR| Zvu`i ga GKwU njv-dg evuav kke| 10,000 myweavewZ wki kkei Qwe msiYi
Rb webvg~j wcU Ges jwgbwUs Ki weZiY Ki we`vb`| DVwZ ZiY jLK Ges KweK ccvlKZv
w`Z wbR`i A_vqb Agi GKzk eBgjv-2015 Z cKvk KiwQj `yBwU M Ges KweZv msKjb, hvi
jfvsk eq nq wk`i Lvevii KvR| we`vb`i mv_ hy AvQb `ki miv wkvcwZvbi GKSvuK
ZiY ^QvmeK| GBme ^QvmeK`i hvM Ki ZzjZ wewfb cwkY `qv nQ ^bvgab cwkK
viv| Avkv GKw`b GLvb _KB mw ne `ki miv me gavex Ges wkwZ gvbyljv| cwZvbwU bZzb,
Ze mvgvwRK Dbqb Gi AMMwZ Ges Ae`vb ClYxq chvqi | AZ m bq we`vb`, ZvB hZ ne
Aviv AbK `~i| GKK cPv bq, eis mevi AvwiK AskMnYB cvi mgvRi AenwjZ gavex wkv_x`i
KqKavc GwMq wbq hZ| Avmyb we`vb`i gZv cwZvbjvK mnhvwMZv Ki evsjv`ki fvM
cwieZb mnvqZv Kwi|
Page No
Transformation of Sentence
Preposition Kx Ges Prepostion Kx Ki t
Pre ki A_ c~e Ges Position A_ Aevb A_ev Noun-equivalent Gi eeZ nq
Zvi m evKi Ab Word Gi mK eywSq `q ZvK Preposition ej|
Ex: Mita is coming with Rita.
GLvb, with nj Preposition Ges GwU Noun Gi c~e emQ|
to Soha
Preposition + Noun I gave the book Pre N
to him
Preposition + Pronoun I gave Pre P.N
Note: Avgiv Kvb ew, ei ga mK vcb Kivi Rb Preposition use Kwi|
wbPi Passage wU j Kit
Fahad lives at Sutrapur in Dhaka. He goes to school by a Toyota car.
Sometime he goes on rickshaw. He starts for home at 8:30 am. I go to
School by rickshaw. I start early in the morning. There was a heavy rain
yesterday and the roads went under water. So, I was absent from School.
c` Passage wUZ- at, in, to, by, on, from I under GB Preposition jv eeZ
mvaviY 2 aiYi Preposition j Kiv hvq|
(1) Complement of Preposition Or Basic uses of Preposition
(2) Appropriate Preposition.
Basic uses of some Important preposition :
ek wKQz Preposition AvQ hjvK wb c` Diagram-Gi mvnvh AZ mnRfve
evLv Kiv hvq t
At, in
eo vb ev mgqi c~e in Ges QvU vb ev mgqi c~e at em|
He lives at Deana in Khulna. He went there at 7 Oclock in evening.
Note: mgqi c~e in eenvi Kij Zvici the em| wK at eenvi Kij the em bv|
Night, noon, dusk, down BZvw`i c~e at em| Ges Morning, evening, afternoon
BZvw`i c~e in em|
In, Into
Kvb wKQzi wfZi AewZ ev wwZkxjZv eySvj in Ges wfZi cek ev MwZkxjZv Ges
icvwiZ nIqv eySvj into ej|
The students are in the room. They entered into the room. Water change into
on, in, at
w`b ev ZvwiLi c~e on, gvm ev eQii c~e in Ges wbw` mgqi c~e at em|
I shall meet you at 5 Oclock on Sunday in January.
After, in
AZxZKvji evcK mgq (period of time) eySvZ after Ges fwelr Kvj evcK mgq
(Period of time) eySvZ in eeZ nq|
I returned to my naitve Village after six months.
In with-in
fwelrKvj evcK mgqi kl gyn~Z eySvZ in Ges mB mgq DxY nevi c~e eySvZ with in
em| hgb t Mr. Ahad will come in a month. (GK gvmi kl gyn~Z)
We, will finish the work within a month. [GK gvm DxY nevi c~e]
in, by, before
fwelZKvji evcK mgqi c~e in, Ges wbw` mgqi c~e by ev before em| hgb t I
shall have finished reading the book by or before 5 p.m.
He will come in a month.
in, on, to
mxgvi ga eySvZ in mxgvi evwni eySvZ to Ges mxgvi Dci eySvZ on eeZ nq| hgb t
The Sounderban is to the south of the Country.
Dhaka in on the Buriganga.
Dhaka city college is in the heart of the city.
In, after
Future tense G In Ges Past tense G after eeZ nq| hgb t My father will
come from the states in a week.
His father died after two monthes.
Since, from, for
wbw` mgqi c~e Since ev from Ges evcK mgqi c~e for em| Since viv ay AZxZi
wbw` mgq Ges from viv me tense Gi mgq eySvq|
It has been raining Since morning It has been raining for two hours.
Beside besides
cvk A_ eySvZ beside Ges Bnv Qvov/AwaK eySvZ besides eeZ nq| hgb t
He sat beside me.
Besides this pen, I have two other pens.
Between among
`yqi ga between Ges `yqi AwaK nj among eeZ nq| hgb t
Divide the mangoes between the two boys.
Divide the mangoes among them.
By, with
h Ki Zvi c~e by Ges hvi viv Ki Zvi c~e with ej| hgb t
The tiger was killed by the hunter with a gun.
On, Over
jvMvjvwM Aevq Dci nj on Ges space iL Dci nj over eeZ nq| hgb t
The book in on the table.
The clock is over the cupboard.
Under/ below
Under gvb eivei wbP Ges below gvb wbP wK eivei wbP bv| hgbt
Your foot is under the table [exactly]
My foot is below the table. [beside]
wmwo w`q wbP bvg A_ down kwU eeZ nq| DuPz vb _K wbP bvgv eySvZ down
em| hgb t
The store rolled down the hill.
Kvb we`y K GK cv _K Ab cv eySvZ Across eeZ nq| hgb t
I swim across the river.
She ran across the road.
Though viv Kvb wKQz wb`k Kiv nq, ev Kvb ei evwni nZ i nq, eZ cek Ki
Ges ZvM Ki| hgb t
They walked home though the part the train went through the tunnel.
Note: Dcii hv `Iqv nj Gjv Beside use of Preposition. Diagram wUi mvnvh Avgiv
Gjv gb ivLvi Pv Kie|
Meaning of Some Prepositions
Bengali meaning
Z/ h/ fZi/ ga
wKQz Ici
AbK Ici
Icii w`K
wbPi w`K
_K/ nBZ
evwni _K fZi
fZi _K evwni
Out of
Bnv QvovI
viv/ cvk
wVK cvk
Next to
ga _K `N AwZg
cvk w`q `N AwZg
fZi/ ga
`yqi ga
wbw` mgqi ga
[Note: cieZx Aski wKQz Important appropriate Preposition `Iqv nj| mjv AekB
gyL KiZ ne|]
Appropriate Preposition
Abide by-(gb Pjv) Students should abide by their teachers advice.
Adsorbed in-(wbqg) He is absorbed in deep studies.
Absent from-(AbycwZ) He was absent from the meetwing.
Abstain from-(weiZ _vKv) Everyone should abstain from smoking.
Accuse of-(AwfhvM Kiv) He was accused of theft.
Access to-(wbKU hvevi AwaKvi) We have easy access to our headmaster.
Accustomed to (Af) Jerry was accustomed to hard work.
Adhere to-(jM _vKv) I must adhere to my principles.
Addicted to (Lvivc KvR Avmw) He is addicted to gambling.
Adjacent to-(msjM) His house is adjacent to mine.
Adapted from-(MnxZ) The story is adapted from Gullivers Travels.
Admit to-(fwZ nIqv) I was admitted to Chittagong College.
Afraid fo-(fxZ) He is afraid of anything.
Die for-(AvZZvM Kiv) We are ready too die for our country.
Different from-(c_K) This pen is different from that.
Disappointed at-(Kvb wKQzZ nZvk) He was disappointed at your failure.
Divide into-(fvM Kiv) He devided the mangoes into two equal halves.
Due to-(KviY) I could not go to college due to my illness.
Expert at-(`) The girl is expert at drawing.
Easy of-(mnR) The problem is easy of solution.
Engaged n-(wbgM) He is engaged in writting a book.
Escape from-(gyw) Man has no escape from death.
Faith in-(wekvm) I have faith in his honesty.
Famous for-(weLvZ) Mohin is famous for his kindness.
Fond of (wcq) I am fond of meet.
Full of-(cwic~Y) The glass is full of dirty water.
Good at (`) Shimu is good at math.
Include in-(Afy Kiv) My name was included in the list.
Indebted to-(FYx) I am greatly indebted to my teachers.
Indifferent to-(D`vmxb) Students should not be indifferent to their studies.
Insist on (wR` Kiv) He insisted on my going to chinema.
Liable to-(`vqx) Man is liable to error.
Live in-(evm Kiv) Man live in society.
Mix with-(gkv) He does not mix with other boys.
Necessity for-(AvekKZv) I have no necessity for the book.
Need of-(cqvRb) I am badly in need of a seat in the hostel.
Object to-(Avcw Kiv) I objected to his proposal.
Obstacle to-(euvav) Proverty was obstacle to his success in life.
Open to-(Dby) The national Zoo is open to all.
Owe to-(FYx nIqv) I owe to my teacher.
Play at-(Ljv Kiv) Students should not play at cards.
Pretend to-(cQ` Kiv) He Prefers reading to writing.
Prefer to-(fvb Kiv) Hamlet pretended to madness.
Prevent from-(weiZ _vKv) My father prevented me from going to cinema.
Pride in-(Me Kiv) He takes pride in his wealth.
Rely on-(wbfi Kiv) The authoress relied on Jerry.
Remind of-(gb Kwiq `qv) I reminded him of the accident.
Satisfied with-(m) Man should be satisfied with what he has.
Sorry for-(`ytwLZ) I am sorry for my rude behaviour.
Suffer from-(mn Kiv) The poor Suffer from many troubles.
Quarrel with-(KviI mv_ SMov Kiv) We should not quarrel with one another.
Use of-(cqvRb) There is no use of buying the book.
a. My name and address is given below pen and ink is required for me.
b. Bread and butter is my favourite food.
14) And viv hy GKvwaK Singular subject Gi c~e hw` each, every ev no eeZ nq|
m-Zv`i cieZx verb Gi singular number nq|
a. Each boy and each girl has got a prize.
b. No teacher and no student attends the class.
15) Interrogative sentence G hw` what, when, where, who, which, whose, why,
how _vK Zvnj subject Gi c~e tense I person Abyhvqx to be verb hvM KiZ nq|
to be verb bv _vKj tense I person Abyhvqx do/ does/ did em|
a. What you (do) now?
-What are you doing now?
b. What you (want)?
-What do you want?
c. Why Mr. Fahim (look) so angry?
-Why does Mr. Fahim look so angry?
16) Since Gi c_g Ask Present Indefinite/ Present perfect tense nj cii Ask past
Indefinite tense nq|
a. It is many years since I (come) to Dhaka.
-It is many years science I came to Dhaka.
17) to be Ges having Gi ci g~j verb Gi past participle nq|
a. He ran away having (take) the money.
-He ran away having taken the money.
18) As though/ as if Gi c_g Ask Present Indefinite tense nj Gi cii Ask Past
Indefinite nq| Avevi c_g Ask Past Indefinite Tense nj cii Ask Past perfect
Tense nq|
a. He speaks as though he (know) everything.
-He speaks as though he knew every-thing.
b. She proceeded as though I (not speak)
-She proceeded as though I had not spoken.
19) Can, Could, may, might, Shall Should, will would BZvw` auxiliary verb
wnme eeZ nj g~j verb wU present tense nq|
a. You may (come) tomorrow.
-You may come tomorrow.
b. I can (do) the work.
-I can do the work.
c. One should (take) care of ones health.
-One should take care of Ones health.
20) While Gi ci verb _vKj Zvi mv_ ing hvM nq| wK While Gi ci Subject _vKj
While Gi AskwU Past continuous tense nq|
Articles: mvaviYfve Avgiv a, an, the K Articles ej _vwK, A_vr Noun Gi c~e a,
an, the Gi eenviK Articles ej| hgb: an apple, a boy BZvw`|
wkv_x`i eySvi myweav_ wek` AvjvPbv Kiv nj:
A boy is flying a kite.
The kite is nice.
A man is drawing a picture.
There is an owl in the tree.
GLvb underline Kiv Articles jv Noun Gi c~e eeZ nqQ|
GBfve Avgiv Articles Gi Fill in the gaps jv c~iY KiZ cvie|
Articles K `yB fvM fvM Kiv nq|
1. Definite (wbw`ZvevPK)
2. Indefinite (Awbw`ZvevPK)
Indefinite Articles: Awbw`Zv eySvbvi Rb h Articles eeZ nq ZvK Indefinite
ej| hgb- a man, an egg .
A Gi eenvi t
BsiwR eYgvjv `yBfve wef Kiv nq|
i) vowel (^ieY)
ii) Consonant (ebeY)
vowel nj- a, e, i, o, u. Avi evwK me eYgvjv nj- Consonant.
1. consonant Gi c~e a eeZ nq| a cat, a bat.
2. u Gi DPviY hw` BD Gi gZ nq Zvnj Zvi c~e a em| a Uniform, a European.
GLvb uniform evbvb c_g u eYwU BD Gi gZ DPvwiZ nqQ, ZvB Zvi c~e a
3. O hw` Iqv Gi gZ DPvwiZ nq Zvi c~e a em|
hgbt a One-taka note, a one-eyed man.
GLvbv Iqvb-UvKv kwUZ o K Iqv Gi gZ DPviY Kiv nqQ ZvB Zvi c~e a
4. Kvb ew ev ei bvg c_gevi DjwLZ nj a/an em| hgb- a man
5. Kvb cKvi msw ki c_g Ai vowel Gi gZ DPvwiZ bv nj a em| hgbt a B.A, a
GLvb c_g Ai B(we) vowel Gi gZ DPvwiZ nqwb ZvB a emQ|
6. msLvevPK ki c~e a em| hgb- a hundred taka. a dozen pen.
GLvb hundred (100) I dozen (12) msLvevP k|
An Gi eenvi t
1. ki iZ vowel (a, e, i, o, u) _vKj an em| hgbt
an egg, an apple.
2. hw` ki c_g h _vK Ges hw` h Gi gZv DPvwiZ bv nq Zvnj Zvi c~e an em|
hgbt an honest, an hour
GLvb honest kwU Ib Ges hour kwU AvIqvi A_vr O DPvwiZ nqQ hv
Vowel Gi bvq ZvB an emQ|
3. ki c_g U hw` Av Gi gZ DPvwiZ nq, Zvnj Zvi c~e an em|
hgbt An umbrella
GLvb U kwU Av Gi gZ DPvwiZ nqQ, ZvB Zvi c~e an eme|
4. msw ki c_g Ai vowel Gi gZ DPvwiZ nj Zvi c~e an em|
hgbt An L.L.B,
An M.A
GLvb L (Gj) ki iZ G (a) Ges M (Gg) Gi I G (a) DPvwiZ ZvB Zvi
c~e an emQ|
[wekl `et Article Gi (a, an) eenvii Gi DPviYwU AbK ekx iZc~Y| ZvB
DPviYi Pv KiZ ne|]
Definite Articles : wbw` Ki eySvbvi Rb h Articles eeZ nq ZvK Definite
Articles ej| hgbt The Titanic, The English boy.
The Gi eenvi t
1. wbw` Ki Kvb ew, e, vbK eySvj The em|
hgb t The man standing on road.
The water of this pond is dirty.
GLvb man Ges water K wbw` Ki eySvbv nqQ|
2. b`x, mvMi, ceZgvjv, weLvZ M, msev`c Gi c~e the em|
hgb t The Padma, The Atlantic Ocean. The Himalays, The Prothom-alo.
3. mgM RvwZ, m`vq Gi c~e the em|
hgb t The Punjab, The Bangladeshi.
GLvb Punjab GKwU m`vq Ges Bangladeshi GKwU RvwZK eySvbv nqQ|
4. w`K, agM, cwKv bvgi c~e The em|
hgb t The East, The Holy Quran, The observer.
5. Superlative degree Ges wbw`Zv eySvj Abstract Noun Gi c~e The em| hgbt
The best boy, The kindness.
6. `ywU Noun, and viv hy nq GKB ew/ eK wb`k Ki Zvnj c_gwUi c~e The em|
hgbt The Headmaster and secretary is present.
GLvb Headmaster Ges Secretary GKB ew ZvB c_g Noun Gi c~e The emQ|
7. wK `ywU Noun hw` wfb wfb ew ev eK eySvq Zvnj `ywU Noun Gi c~ev The eme|
hgbt The Headmaster and The secretary are present.
GLvb (H) Ges (S) `yUv Avjv`v ew ZvB `ywU Noun Gi c~e The emQ|
[ Di t (6) bs D`vniY G j Ki (H) Ges (S) GKB ew nIqvi KviY Singular verb
is eeZ nqQ| Ges (7) bs D`vniY (H) I (S) Avjv`v ew nIqvi KviY Plural verb
are emQ| GBfve Avgiv verb Gi w`K j iL Zv Answer KiZ cvie| ]
Omission of Articles:
Kvb Kvb vb Articles em bv, Zv GLb Avgiv Rvbe|
1. Proper, Material, Abstract Noun I Uncountable Noun Gi c~e Articles em
bv| hgbt Dhaka, Iron, Honesty, Milk.
2. fvlv I Allah ev God bvgi c~e Articles em bv| hgbt Enghlish, Allah.
3. Plural noun, Lvevii bvg, Drmei bvgi c~e Articles em bv| hgbt Cows,
dinner, Eid-ul-fitr.
4. w`b ev gvm, cvK, ivMi bvgi c~e Articles em bv| hgbt January,
Bahadurshah park, cholera.
5. Ljv I possessive case Gi c~e Articles em bv| hgbt Football, It is my
1. Newspaper is a)_____ paper which carries news of b)_____ home and
abroad. It is such c)______ important thing without which, we cannot think
to pass even d)_____ single day. In educated society, It is regarded as
e)_____ storehouse of knowledge.
2. English is a)_____ international language. It is spoken all over b)_____
world. So the importance of c)______ English cannot be disenabled in
words. All d)_____ books of higher education are written in English. Today
organizations need employees who can speek and write e)_______ standard
form of f)______ English.
Answer: 1. a) a, b) , c) an, d) a, e) the
2. a) an, b) the, c) d) the e) the f)
Tense ki A_ Kvj/ mgq| AZxZ, eZgvb, fwelZ GB wZbwUK Kvj wnme Yv nq|
AZxZ Kx KiwQ, eZgvb wK KiwQ, fwelZ wK Kie GB me series of verb w`q time
relation Uv cgvY Kwi|
Tense wb`k Ki Past, present and future Gi KgK| myZivs ejv hvq tense 3 cKvi|
1. Present tense (eZgvbKvj)
2. Past tense (AZxZKvj)
3. Future tense (fwelZKvj)
Present tense: eZgvb Kvb KvR nq ev nQ eySvq mwU ne verb Gi Present tense.
hgbI eat rice. [Avwg fvZ LvB]
There are Playing Cricket [Zviv wKU LjQ]
Past tense: AZxZ Kvb KvR NUwQj ev NUwQj eySvq mUv ne verb Gi Past tense.
hgbI ate rice. [Avwg fvZ LqwQjvg]
They were Playing Cricket [Zviv dzUej LjwQj]
Future tense: fwelZ Kvb KvR mb ne eySvj mUv ne verb Gi Future tense.
hgbI shall buy a car [Avwg GKwU Mvwo wKbe]
She will go to Chittagong. [wZwb PMvg hveb]
DcwiD wZb cKvi tense Gi cZKwU Avevi wbv Pvi fvM wef t
Present Indefinite tense
Present Continuous tense
Present Perfect tense
Present Perfect Continuous tense
Present tense
Past tense
Future tense
[ Note: sentence G Before _vKj before Gi AvMi Ask Past perfect Ges Before
Gi cii Ask past Indefinite ne| After _vKj; After Gi AvMi Ask Past perfect
Ex: Before the patient had died before the doctor came.
After we reached the home after the sun had set. ]
Use of the past perfect tense:
1. that viv AZxZKvji `ywU Kvhhy nj that Gi cii Ask verb Gi Past perfect tense
nq| hgbt Nazma said that he had done the work.
2. Hardly, scarcely w`q evK i nj hardly, scarcely Gi cii past perfect tense
hgbt We had hardly started when it bgan to rain
Hardly had we started when it bagan to rain
D. Past perfect continuous tens
AZxZKvji `ywU KvRi ga AcvKZ AvMi KvRwU `xN mgq ai PjZwQj eySvj verb
Gi Past perfect continuous tense nq|
Structure: Subject + had been + g~j verb Gi kl ing + Object.
We had been playing cricket.
Note: evK before _vKj before Gi AvMi Ask past perfect continuous tense nq
Ges cii Ask past Indefinite nq|
Use of the past perfect continuous tense:
1. G tense eenvii mgq wZbwU wRwbm Lqvj ivLZ ne:
K) AZxZKvji 2wU KvR nqwQj|
L) Zv`i ga GKwU AvM Ges AbwU ci nqwQj|
M) hwU AvM nqwQj mwU `xN mgq ai ejZwQj|
hgbt I had been reading when he came.
2. Past perfect tense Gi repeated action eySvZ gvb past perfect tense Gi KvRwU eve
evi NUj|
hgbt He had been trying to get her on the phone
After breakfast we went to see the famous shat Gombuj Mosque buill by
ulgh Khan Jahan Ali and paid respect to the departed soul. Its designs and
architecture impressed us all. we returned to our camp after an hour. After
cooleing our foods we ate them with pleasure.
Mr. Kabir, the headmaster of our school teacher us English. He has a strong,
clear and pleasant voice. He can make any grammatical problem easy. He
knows well how to increase the curious of the students. He speaks English
will a foreign accent.
New Word
Super market
Avgiv hgb Prefix mK RbwQ Zgwbfe Suffix nj hLb wKQz
alphabet ev alphabet mgwK GKwU Word Gi ci hvM Ki bZzb k MVb Kiv nq
ZvK Suffix ej|
For Example: Child A_ nj evPv| wK Gi ci -ish eenvi Ki Avgiv hw` bZzb k cvB
Zv nj Childish hvi A_ evPvmyjf|
More Example:
New Word
Dci Avgiv `LZ cvB h, Word Gi kl Suffix hy Kij gvS gvS Word Gi aiY
cwieZb nq hvq| hgbt like nj Verb| wK -able hy nIqvi ci likeable nj hv nj
adjective| Avevi Idol nj Noun wK Idolize nj verb.
18.They had to________________ the lion before they could catch it. (tranquil)
19.He needed to ___________ he temperature. (regular)
20. There was a three-hour_________ because of the strike. (stop)
21.You need a _______of motivation, organization and revision to learn
English. (combine)
22.I try not to go to the supermarket at 5 pm because its__________. (practice)
23.It is very _________ to run air-conditioning with the door open. (economy)
24.His__________ has been expected for the last half an hour. (arrive)
25.She looked at her ____________ in the mirror. (reflect)
26.I told him my plan but he wasnt very ____________. (receive)
27.She had no ____________ of going to see him. (intend)
28.He spent half an hour ____________ to herself with the building. (familiar)
29.Failing her driving test was a great ____________ to her. (appoint)
30.He decided to study____________ at university. (journal)
31.The film was ____________ good. (surprise)
32.There was the need for _____ construction when the fighting stopped . (war)
33.I dont like him at all; Hes so ____________. (satisfy)
34.The company has over 500____________. (employ)
35.The new manager was very efficient and____________. (business)
36.It really isnt mine. I think that you are____________. (take)
37.The rate of ____________ in Brazil has been rising steadily. (employ)
38.with the real plan, the rate of ____________ in brazil has fallen. (inflate)
39.She looked at him ____________, and started to cry. (happy)
40.The party was ____________, everything went wrong. (disaster)
41.The film was so ____________ that we left before the end. (bore)
42.The film was terrible, I felt really ____________. (bore)
43.I think that there has been a ____________, I didns order this. (Understand)
44.The bacteria are so small that you need a ____________ to see them. (scope)
45.Have you seen that new____________? He`s very funny. (comedy)
46.The event was totally ____________. It was terrible. (organize)
47.I arrived late for work because I had ____________. (sleep)
48.There is a small____________ explaining the new traffic code. (book)
49.He was ____________. He wouldn`t change his mind. (compromise)
Punctuation (weivgwP)t29
Punctuation ki A_ weivg ev wekg| ^Ztm~ fve K_v ejvi mgq Avgiv GKUvbv
K_v ejZ cvwi bv| Avgv`i _vgZ nq| Zgwb wKQz covi mgq I Avgv`i mvgZ nq| G _K
hvIqv wRnv ev kvmhi GKwU ^vfveK cwqv G weiwZ LqvjLywk gZ bv Ki wbqg gb Kij
GKw`K hgb DPvib K nq bv| Aciw`K fvlv kwZgayi nq| ZvB evKi A_K myfve
evSvi Rb evKi Kv_vq KZUzKz _vgZ ne| Zvi GKwU wbw` wbqg AvQ Ges KZjv
mvsKwZK wPi mvnvh G wbqgvjv cKvk Kiv nq| Gme wPjv nj Punctuation ev
Punctuation Gi eenvi h_vh_ bv Rvbj evKi A_ mwVK fve eySv hvq bv Ges evK kwZgayi
nq bv| Punctuation Gi mwVK eenvi Kiv bv nj AbK mgq evKi A_B cwieZb nqB hvq|
ZvB Punctuation mK aviYv _vKv AvekK|
wbP QKKvi BsiwRZ eeZ Punctuation Mark jv `Lvbv njt
(.) 1 mK _vgZ nq
1. Full stop
; 1 (GK) ejvi wY mgq
2. Semi-colon
, 1 (GK) ejZ h mgq cqvRb
3. Comma
? 1 mK _vgZ nq
4. Question Mark
! 1 mK _vgZ nq
5. Exclamation
t 1 mK _vgZ nq
6. Colon
- 1 mK _vgZ nq
7. Dash
GK DPvib h mgq jvM
8. Inverted Commas
_vgvi cqvRb bB
9. Apostrophe
_vgvi cqvRb bB
10. Hyphen
(iii) KviI Dw mivmwi evK eeZ KiZ PvBj Dwi c~e Kgv eeZ nq| hgbt
Shima said, I can dance
(iv) m^vabi ci Kgv emvZ nq| hgbt
Farzana, Come here
Question Mark [ckevaK wP (?)]t
evK Kvb wKQz wRm Kiv nj evKi kl Question Mark em hgbt
Where she lives?
Do you know him?
Exclamation Mark [weqm~PK wP (!)]t
Kvb Sentence viv hw` Av`k, fq, wPq, Djvm ev gbi Kvb AvKwK AveM
cKvwkZ nq Zvnj evKi kl Exclamation mark em| hgbt
Hurrah ! we have won
What a beautiful bird it is!
Alas ! You have failed
Colon (:) t
Kvb ZvwjKv cKvk KiZ Colon eeZ nq| hgbt
The job calls for skills in the following areas: proofing, editing, and
database administration.
Dash (`xN mshvM wP) t
D`vnviY ev `v cqvMi Wvm eeZ nq| hgbHe is a good student.
Inverted Commas (D`aiY wP) t
KviI K_v e Zzj aiZ Inverted Comma eeZ nq| hgbHasan says I want to play football
Apostrophe (jvc wP) t
(i) Noun mg~ni Possessive form MVb KiZ apostrophe eeZ nq| hgbRahimas father is a teacher in khulna.
(ii) mgq DjL KiZ apostrophe eeZ nq| hgbIt is 4 Oclock
(iii) Contraction (k mscb) ev `yUv kK msc jLvi apostrophe ()
eeZ nq| hgbDont distrub him.
[Do + Not = Dont]
Im your uncle.
[I +am= Im]
Hyphen (mshvM wP) t
(i) nvBdb GKwU Word K Avjv`v KiZ wKsev `yBhi AwaK MVb KiZ Word K hy KiZ
eeZ nq| hgbI like home-made cakes.
GKB fve Full-time, well-known, one-eyed etc.
(ii) 21 nZ 99 ch mKj Compound number (hwMK msLv) wjLZ nBdb eeZ nq|
hgbMy grandfather is sixty- five
We need thirty-eight packets more.
evKi A_ mwZ ivi Rb Punctuation weivg wPi weK bB| ZvB weivg wP mK cwivi
aviYv _vKv AvekK|
Question: 1.
Thomas Alva Edison was born in 1984 in Ohio America as a little boy he was
very inquisitive very early in life he showed that he was full of curiosity a
quality which is so important to inventors.
Question: 2.
How much do you want said the mayor A thousand guilders said the pied piper
all right said the mayor well pay you a thousand guilders. When will you set to
work now lied the pied piper.
Answer: 1.
Thomas Alva Edison was born in 184 in Ohio, America as a little boy, he was
very inquisitive very early in life, he showed that he was full of curiosity. a
quality which is so important to inventors.
Answer: 2.
How much do you want said? the mayor A thousand guilders, said the pied
piper all right said the mayor well pay you a thousand guilders. When will
you set to work? now, lied the pied piper.
Transformation of sentence
Transformation of sentence ev Changing sentence nj GKwU evKi A_K wVK
iL MVbK Ab MVb icvwiZ Kiv, D`vniY ^ic ejv hvq wfKK `vb Kiv Gi MVb
cwieZb Kij nq h wfv Pvq, ZvK `vb Ki wK evK `ywU j Ki Gi A_ wVK GKB iqQ|
GLb Avgiv BsiRx evKK Kxfve icvwiZ Kie Zv wkLe|
Degree cwieZbi wbqgt
Degree K 3 fvM fvM Kiv nqQ Zv nj1. Positive Degree -> Kvb ew ev ei Zzjbv eySvZ|
2. Superlative Degree -> `yGi AwaK ew, ei Zzjbv eySvZ|
3. Comparative Degree -> `yRb Gi ga Zzjbv eySvZ|
Degree cwieZb ejZ GB wZb cKviK GKwU _K Avi GKwU icvi eySvq, wZbwU Diagram
Gi gvag Avgiv Degree cwieZb Kiv wkLe-
Rules: 1
Very few hy Positive Degree, Superlative Kivi mgq One of the Ges
Comparative Kivi mgq Than most other em|
Positive Gi Very few _vKj Plural verb em|
Positive: Very few city in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka.
Superlative: Dhaka is one of the biggest city in Bangladesh.
Comperative: Dhaka is bigger than most City in Bangladesh.
GLvb Degree cwieZbi mv_ mv_ big-bigger-biggest Gi cwieZbjv j KiZ ne|
Rules: 2
Positive: No other city in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka.
Superlative: Dhaka is bigger than all other city in Bangladesh
Comperative: Dhaka is biggest City in Bangladesh.
GBfve Avgiv Degree jvK evKvi cwieZb KiZ cvie|
Rules: 3
1) Comparative _K Positive
i) Sub K Obj Ges Obj K Sub KiZ nq|
ii) Verb K Negative KiZ ne Ges as+ Positive Degree + as eme|
iii) Than DV hve|
Comperative: He is taller than I
Positive: I am not as tall as he
2) Positive _K Comparative
i) As hy Positive Degree hw` Affirmative Sentence nq Ze Verb
Gi ci not em, Comparative form Gi ci than em|
ii) As hy Positive Degree hw` Negative Sentence nq Ze Not DV
hvq, Comparative form Gi ci than em|
Positive: He is as tall as his brother.
Comperative: His brother is not taller than he.
1. No other sea-beach in the Word is as long as Coxs Bazar.
2. Winter is better than any other season to visit Coxs Bazar.
3. Very few boys in our class are as meritorious as rana.
4. He is the most popular of all the boys in our class.
Sentence cwieZbi wbqgAvgiv mveB Rvwb Sentence cuvP cKvi
1. Assertive Sentence
weewZg~jK evK
2. Interrogative Sentence
ckevaK evK
3. Imperative Sentence
Av`k/Ayivag~j evK
4. Optative Sentence
Avkxev`g~jK evK
5. Exclamatory Sentence
weqm~PK evK
1. Assertive Sentence `yB cKvi
i) Affirmative
nuv evaK
ii) Negative
bv evaK
i) Affirmative Sentence G Auxiliary verb Gi mv_ not hvM Ki Negative KiZ nq|
Auxiliary verb bv _vKj do not, does not, did not hvM KiZ nq|
1. Only/alone
Ex: Only Allah can help us.
2. Must/ have to + verb Gi g~j form
Ex: I must/ have to go there
3. had to + verb Gi g~j form
Ex: I had to go there
4. Both ...............and
Ex: Both popy and Jesmin came
Ex: He is too weak to walk.
6. As soon as
Ex. As soon as he arrived we
welcomed him
7. Fvery/ All+nous + have/ has/ had
Ex: Every girl has soft heart.
8. Every/all+ noun+ other verb
Ex: Every mother loves her child
1.Very + Adjective
Ex: The boy is very beautiful
2. Great + Adjective
Ex: You are a great fool
3. wish to nj---Ex: I wish to go there
2. How + Adjective
Ex: How beautiful the boy is!
2. What + Adjective
Ex: What a great fool you are!
3. If + sub+could
Ex: If I could go there
1. Man is better than any other creation of Allah
2. Bangladesh is the most populous country in the world.
3. Very few sins are as great as anger
4. we should hate an angry man
5. Man is not immortal
6. Isnt Walking usually taken in the morning
Voice (evP):
mvaviY A_ Voice Ai A_ K^i| wK evKiY GK ejv nq evK| verb Gi h
form viv KZv hLb KvRwU wbR Ki ev Abi gvag mv`b Kwiq bq Ges KZvi m KvRi
mK `Lvq Ges Gfve verb Gi ici h cwieZb NU ZvK Voice ej|
Voice is the form of the verb which shows whether the subject acts or is acted
hgbt He makes a basket.
=A basket is made by him
Ici c_g evK KZv wbR KvR KiQ Ges wZxq evK KZvi Ici KvR Kivbv nqQ|
Voice mvaviYZ `yB cKvi| h_vt
1. Active voice (mwq evP)
2. Passive voice (wbwq evP)
Active voice: KZv wbRB KvR Ki A_vr KZv mwqv Gic eySvj verb Gi Active
voice nq|
[If the thing named by the subject does the action expressed by its verb,
this is Active.]
hgb: a) He makes a basket.
b) They did the work.
c) We play cricket.
d) Why are you doing this?
e) Do the sum.
f) Will you do the home work?
Ici Avgiv `LZ cvwQ Active evK KZv A_vr subject wbRB KvRwU mv`b
Passive voice: Verb Gi h form viv KZv wbRi KvR mv`b Kibv| eis KvRwU
Abi viv Kivbv nq Gic evSvq ZvK Passive voice ejv nq|
[If the thing named by the subject suffers the action expressed by its
verb, this verb is passive.]
hgb: a) A basket is made by him.
b) The work was done by them.
c) Cricket is played by us.
d) Why is this being done by you?
e) Let the sum be done.
f) Will the home work be done by you?
Ici Avgiv `LZ cvwQ Passive evK Object wU Av_vr Subject wnme em
evKi KvRwU mv`b KiQ|
Interrogative sentence
Rule: Why, when, where, whom BZvw` viv Interrogative active evK i
nj passive voice Kii mgq IB Interrogative adverb jvB evKi c_g _K
hvq| Voice change- Gi Abvb wbqg AekB cvjbxq| hgb:
Active: Why does he disclose the fact?
Passive: Why is the fact disclosed by him?
Active: Why do they take the pen?
Passive: Why is the pen taken by them?
Active: when will jibon write it?
Passive: When will it be written by jibon?
Active: When will they make the kite?
Passive: When will the kite be made by them?
Active: where did Mamun find you?
Passive: Where were you found by Mamun?
Active: Where have you taken him?
Passive: Where has be been taken by you?
Imperative sentence
Rule: Imperative sentence: h Sentence viv Av`k, Dc`k I Abyiva eySvq ZvK
Imperative sentence ej| IB sentence Gi active voice Gi object-K let Gi
object ic eenvi KiZ ne| g~j verb Gi past participle nq Ges Zvi c~e be
eenvi KiZ nq| hgb:
Active: Do it.
Passive: Let it be done (by you)
Active: Make a kite.
Passive: Let a kite be made (by you).
Active: Help the poor.
Rule: AbK mgq `Lv hvq , Passive voice Gi doer ev agent _vK bv- G aiYi
evKi Voice cwieZb KiZ nj someone, people, we, the boy, he BZvw` K
Subject wnme eenvi KiZ nq| Ze Kvbv KvR hLb GK ew viv Kiv me ci ZLb
singular subject wbZ nq| Avi hLb Kvbv KvR GKvic mvaviYZ Kiv me bq ZLb
plural subject wbZ nq| hgbt
Passive: My pen was stolen.
Active: Someone stole my pen
Passive: He is not known here.
Active: None/Nobody knows him here.
Passive: He is called a liar.
Active: People/Thy call him a liar.
Passive: They were defeated.
Rule: Zvgv`i wKQz welq wekl fve j ivLZ ne voice change Kivi & hgb:
wbP DwjwLZ verb jvi passive voice nq bv| KviY Giv intransitive verb: die,
appear, seem, disappear, happen, belong, despair, allude, occur, ensure,
wonder, comprise, perish, refer, issue, indulge BZvw`|
Active: He has to do work.
Passive: The work has to be done by him.
Active: We ought to love our country.
Passive: Our country ought to be loved by us.
Active: they used to burn the dead body.
Passive: The dead body used to Burn by them.
Quasi-passive verb
Rule: Quasi ki A_ half ev AaK| A_vr half-passive= quasi-passive. AZGe
ejv hvq, hgb verb passive Gi A_ cKvk Ki ZvK quasi-passive verb ej| G`i
passive. KiZ nj wbP DwjwLZ wbqg AbymiY KiZ ne|
1 b^i m~: Sub+ be verb+ complement + when (if)+it/they +be verb+ verb Gi
past participle.
2 b^i m~: Subject+ be verb+ verb Gi past participle+ complement.
Active: Honey tastes sweet.
Passive: Honey is sweet when it is tasted (1 b^i m~)
or, Honey is tasted sweet. (2 b^i m~)
Active: The bed feels soft.
Passive: the bed is soft when it is felt
Or, the bed is felt soft.
Active: this story reads funny.
Passive: this story is funny when it is read.
or, This story is read funny
Reflexive Verb
Rule: h verb Gi Subject Ges object GKB ew ZvK reflexive verb ej Ges
object wUK reflexive object ej| GK subject Kiv hvq bv| GK by Gi ciB iL
w`Z nq| hgb:
Active: he hurt himself
Passive: He was hurt by himself.
Active: She was killed herself.
Passive: She was killed by herself.
Active: He poisoned himself
Passive: He was poisoned by himself.
Factitive object
Rule: hme object Y vqx gvbyli gZvgZi Ici hv`i vwqZ wbfi Ki mme object
K factitive object ej| G`i vwqZ ^weavq G`iK evKi subject Kiv hvq bv|
ZvB G`i c~eeZx object-K subject Ki passive voice KiZ nq| hgb:
Active: we made him captain.
Passive: He was made captain by (# Captain was made him by us. ne bv|)
Active: we call him a fool.
Passive: He is called a fool by us. (# A fool is called him by us ne bv|)
Abykxjbi Rb bgybv ck `Iqv njv| Zvgiv wbRiv AvM Abykxjb Kie, Zvi ci Dii
m wgwjq be|
1. Change the following active voice into passive voice.
(a) We made him captain (b) Always speak the truth. (c) Do not open the door.
(d) Have you read the book? (e) He will teach us English. (f) Who has
broken the plate? (g) The book is printing. (h) Nobody knows him here. (i)
Whom do you call?
mwVK Di: Voice change: Active voice into passive voice.
(a) He was made captain by us. (b) Let the truth be Always spoken. (c) Let
not the door be opened. (d) Has the book been read by you? (e) English will
be taught us by him. (or) We shall be taught English by him. (f) By Whom
has the plate been broken? (g) The book is being printing. (h) He is not
knows here. (i) Who is called by?
2. Change the following passive voice into active voice.
(a) My watch was stolen.(b) Let a letter be written by me. (c) Rice is sold in
the market. (d) By whom will the bill be paid? (e) His brother was hurt by
him. (f) English i spoken all over the world. (g) The book was placed on the
table. (h) I am surprised at him conduct. (i) Rome was not built in a day. (j)
He is well known to me.
mwVK Di: Voice Change: passive voice into active voice.
(a) Someone stole his brother. (b) Let me write a letter. (c) Rice sells in the
market. (d) Who will pay the bill? (e) He hurt his brother. (f) People
speak English all over the world. (g) Someone Placed the book on the
table. (h) His conduct surprises me. (i) The Romans did not build Rome
in a day. (j) I know him well.
Narration (ePb)
GB Chapter G Avgiv Narration mK Rvbe, Zvgv`i gb ck AvmZB cvi Narration
wK? GUv Avgiv Rvbe GB Chapter G|
Narration nj LyeB simple GKUv evcvi GZ Direct speech K Indirect speech G
A_ev Indirect speech K Direct speech G convert Kiv nq|
Narration 9g-10g kwY Ges GKv`k-v`k kwYZI covbv nq|
Narration Rvbv _vKj English Language G K_v ejv, Free hand writing cfwZ
welqI KvR jvM|
Narration KiZ nj Avgv`i hB hB welq jv mK aviYv _vKZ ne| mjv njt
i) Person
ii) Tense
iii) Reporting verb (R.V)
iv) Reporting verb Gi Subject
v) Reporting verb Gi object
vi) Inverted Comma
Vii) Reported speech
Viii) Sentence Classification.
Person, Tense, sentence Classification Zvgiv wbB AvMi AavqjvZ co GmQ|
Avi evwK welqwj GB Aavq G RvbZ cvie|
GZ eo wj `L wPvi Kvb KviY bB GB mKj welq Zvgvi KvQ KLb h mvaviY evcvi
nq hve Zzwg Ui B cvev bv|
Avgiv hw` gb Kwi Aysha Avi Mily `yB Rb Friend, Aysha GKw`b Amy nj Avi m Mily
ejj GB K_vwU Zv`i Teacher K ejZ Zvni mily Zv wKfve eje? m nqZv ejZ
Teacher ! Aysha Said I am ill (ill - Amy) A_ev Aysha said that she is ill.
Dcii NUbv _K Avgiv `wL h, hLb ev (whwb ejb) hv ejb Zvi Dw/ee ev K_vK
BsiRxZ Speech ev Narration ej|
Avgiv Zv Narration wK Zv eySjvg wK wK Zv RvbjB Zv ne bv| Aviv wKQz RvbZ ne hgb
Narration Gi cKvi, wKfve MwVZ nq cfwZ|
hw` Avgiv Narration K GwU gvbyli gZ wPv Kwi Zvnj Kgb nq|
Direct speech
Indirect speech
Narration hw` GKwU gvbyli gv_v nh Ze cKvi f` wj ne Gi `ywU nvZ KivY Narration?
i) Direct speech ii) Indirect Speech
Direct Speech: ev ev whwb ejQb K_vUv Zvi K_vwU AweKj Zvi fvlvq eYbv KivK
Direct speech ej| hgb: AvMi example G Avgiv `LwQ Mily Zv`i Teacher K
Aysha h Amy mB K_vwU wKfve ejQ? m ejQ Teacher, Aysha said I am ill
Under line Kiv K_vwU K Avgiv ewj Direct speech KviY GLvb Aysha (evi) K_vwU
Kvb iKg cwieZb bv KiB ejv nqQ ev mivmwi ejv nqQ|
Indirect speech: evi K_vwU Avgiv hLb Avgv`i wbRi fvlvq ewj ZLb Avgiv GUvK
Indirect speech ewj| hgb: AvMi example G Avgiv `LwQ| Mily Zv`i teacher K
Aysha K_vwU AviK fve ej wQj? h ejwQj teacher Aysha said that she is ill
under line Kiv AskwUK Avgiv eje Indirect speech KviY GLvb Mily Aysha
K_vwUK Mily Zvi wbRi gZ Ki cKvk KiQ| ZvB Avgiv GK Indirect speech ev
civ Dw ej _vwK|
GBZv Mj Narration wK I Zvi cKvif` Gi Dci AvjvPbv, wK Avgv`i Zv Aviv wKQz
RvbZ ne ZvB bv| hgb: Reported Speech wK? Reported Verb wK cfwZ|
Reported Speech: Zvgiv j Kij `Le Direct speech `yUv Indirect comma-i
wfZi hB K_v ev AskUzKz _vK Zv`i Avgiv Reported Speech ej _vwK|
hgb: Imtiaz said , I have done my homework
GUvB nj Reported speech
Avgiv Narration G mvaviYZ GB Ask ekx Rvi `B|
Reported Verb:
hB verb Gi mvnvh evi K_vjvK eYbv ev cKvk Kiv nq| ZvK Reported Verb ej|
Avi GKwU iZc~Y welq nj Direct Speech G Reported Verb Gi ci GKwU Kgv em|
GLb Avgiv Direct Narration Gi wewfb Ask Avjv`v K i wPb wbe hb cieZxZ Kvb Amyweav
bv nq| hgb:
to me
I am reading
verb Gi subject
verb Gi object
Reported Speech
I am reading
Inverted comma
Reported Speech
GLb wbB GKUz AevK jvMQ ZvB bv Reporting Verb Gi object Kv_vq?
GKUz j Ki `L Kamal K_vwU KvDK bv KvDK Zv ejQB bv, hgb kamal K_vwU AvgvK
ejQ ZvB GBLvb to me nZ cviZ| AbK mgq Reporting Verb Gi object Dn ev `qv
_vK bv GZ wK Direct speech _K Indirect G bqvi mgq Zgb Kvb cfve co bv gvb GZ
Kvb problem bB|
Rules: Direct Narration/Speech _K Indirect Direct Narration/Speech:
Direct Speech _K Indirect Speech G cwieZb Gi mgq Reported Speech Gi ga person
Gi wbic cwieZb nq|
Reporting verb past tense G nj Reporting Speech Gi tense Gi wbic cwieZb ne|
Present tense Gi PviwU ic Past tense Gi PviwU ic cwiewZZ ne|
Present Indifinite
Past indefinite
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Present Prefect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
GQvovI Past Gi wewfb ic hgbt
Past Indefinite
Past perfect tense nq hve|
Past Continuous
Past perfect Ges past perfect continuous tense G _vKj Gjvi Kvb cwieZb
ne bv|
Future Tense Gi Shall/will DV wMq D vb would eme|
That day
Next day
Last month
To night
That night
Last Night
The previous
Next Week
hw` must w`q (wPiKvjxb eva evaKZv eySvq) Ze Zv Had to Z icvwiZ ne hgb:
Direct : Teacher said to me You Must obey your parents
Indirect: Teacher said to me that I had to obey my parents.
Ordered ne
Requested ne
advised ne
forbade ne
Kov Av`k
Commanded nq|
Said that + Subject + mvnvhKvix verb (Yes Gi c~ei evKi indinect Kivi ci h
mvnvhKvix verb _vK Dn)| hgb:
Direct: He said Have you finishad? yes I said
Indirect: [He asked If I had finished. I replied in the affirmative] (Or) [I said
that I replied that I had]
No _vKj DV hve Ges Replied in the negetive eme|
Said that + Subject + mvnvhKvix verb not
Direct: He Said Have you finished No I said
Indirect: He asked if I had finished I replied in the nagetie.
I said that I had not
wKQz~ word hv Narration G Change ne:
OH!- enclaimed with wonder/ Being wondered
Sorry Begged apology/ Being apology
Hello!- Do attention / Drawing attention
You- Being wonchened
Great- Expressed happiness
Surely/Centainly/ of course assured
GKB bvg evi evi ejv ne (swallow swallow little swallow)
Addressing very affectionately ne|
1) Why did you not go to school yesterday? Said the mother to the girl. I
was ill, the girl replied. How are you today?, the mother asked again. I
am well, said the girl, dont worry for me.
2) Father said to his son, Why are you making late? Go to school now. No, I
am not going to school today. I feel dizzy, Said his son.
1) Mother asked the girl why she (g) had not gone to School the previous day.
the girl replied that she (g) had been ill. Mother again asked how she (g) was
that day. Then the girl replied that She (g) was well and told not to worry for
her (g)
2) Father asked his son why he (son) was making late and ordered him (son) to
go to school then. The son ectined and said that he was not going to school
hat day becouse he (s) felt dizzy.