Predictive Analytics Using Big Data: A Survey
Predictive Analytics Using Big Data: A Survey
Predictive Analytics Using Big Data: A Survey
Research Scholar, Computer Science, St. Josephs College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor, Computer Applications, Jeyaram College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Now-a-days, Information Technology is in the new era of Big Data, which provides more volume of data to
researchers and analysts. We have large-enough data in our hand, this available data have precious insight values that make
the administrators, policymakers and business analyst to take correct decision in right time. In order to find out the hidden
values from the existing data, we need some methods or techniques. Hence, Predictive analytics is an essential technique
while dealing with vital amount of potentially sensitive data. Here, based on perceived events, to predict the future
probabilities, trends and measures. With the help of existing data mining methods, in order to make predictions about
future events and recommendations. Predictive analytics is composed of various statistical and analytical methods used to
develop a new techniques to predict future possibilities. In the end, this research work discussed predictive analytics
various issues and challenges, available tools, applications and modeling techniques in big data.
KEYWORDS: Big Data, Predictive Analytics, Predictive Modeling, Learning Analytics, Educational Data Mining
Big data is a term that is used to describe exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and
unstructured. As a promising term it contains the following characteristics: (i) Volume: The quantity of data generated.
(ii) Variety: The category to which the big data belongs. (iii) Velocity: The speed of generation of data. (iv) Variability:
The inconsistency which can be shown by the data. (v) Veracity: Accuracy of the data is based on the veracity of the
source data that is quality of the data. (vi) Complexity: Data management is becomes very complex when storing large
volumes of data from different sources. Big data analytics is the process of investigating big data to uncover hidden
patterns, unknown relations and some other useful information that can be used to make better decisions.
Today, most of the companies are store large volumes of diverse data (i.e. web logs, click streams, sensors, and
many other sources). The perceptions unknown within this big data hold tremendous business value. To handle the big
data challenges such as Volume, Variety, and Velocity a number of new technologies has been evolved. They are (i)
Apache Hadoop software is a cost-effective, massively-scalable platform for analysing big data. It can store and process
petabytes of data, including all the data types that dont fit into traditional RDBMS. (ii) Not only SQL (NoSQL) databases
relax the constraints of a traditional RDBMS to deliver higher performance and scalability. NoSQL databases can extend
the capabilities of Hadoop clusters by providing low-latency object retrieval or other DW-like functionality. (iii) Massively
parallel-processing (MPP) appliances extend the capabilities of RDBMS-based data warehouses. These systems can store
and process petabytes of structured data. (iv) In-Memory databases dramatically improve performance by eliminating most
of the data access latencies associated with shuttling data back and forth between storage systems and server processors.
In-Memory databases are available as an option on some of todays MPP appliances to provide real-time
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performance for the most demanding applications. Predictive analytics is a branch of big data that deals with extracting
information from data and using it to predict trends and behaviour patterns. Predictive analytics applies innovative methods
such as, real-time regression analysis and machine learning analysis to predict future measures. It contains different view
approach like integrated reasoning, pattern recognition and predictive modeling. Many researchers have interest to building
an automated reasoning tool for identifying future events and measures.
Understand Data
Prepare Data
Business Goal
strongly suggested that data mining algorithms are able to predict a diagnoses.
Huge amount of medical data that need powerful data analysis tools for processing. Data mining techniques can
also be used for diagnosis analysis which is very important but difficult task that would be performed accurately and
efficiently. Ramaraj. M et al. proposed [6] a predictive analytics techniques to identified heart diseases. The authors aim
was to design a predictive method for heart disease detection. Analysis part provides the report for the classification
accuracy among various data mining techniques with difference in error rates. The authors final result shows that CN2
Rule perform classification more accurately than the other methods.
IBM authors applied predictive analytics to higher education that can help institutions to accurately predict
student behaviours in the areas of learning results, recruitment, and retention [2]. By analysing past data, predictive
analytics can suggests an institution as to which students are most likely to enroll and which are likely to continue and
graduate. Eduventures undertook research that included interviews with experts from a diversity of institutions such as
public universities, private universities (minimum four years experience) and community college. Adding predictive
analytics to the institutional management toolbox allows for a continuous learning loop in which analysis informs
decisions. These decisions lead to outcomes that are then assessed and combined with updated data to make betterinformed decisions. By aggressively monitoring the risk factors, the institution knows who is most at risk and with whom
to intervene. The intervention steps often include intrusive advising, in which students at risk must hold with an advisor
in order to even register for the next term.
Predictive analytics also used in business for predicting business needs and improving strategies. Rick Nicholson
et al. proposed [7] business contests facing oil and gas trade relation to asset optimization and present stage of predictive
analytics for quality management. In this oil and gas industry, predictive analytics builds on prior investments in enterprise
asset management systems, combines real-time data from sensors and other acquisition techniques with historical data to
predict potential asset failures and permits the move from reactive to proactive maintenance. Predictive analytics can be
used to analyse the real-time data from the sensors in the context of historical data and asset information held in this system
to predict future conditions such as faults or failures and produce alarms or schedule maintenance or replacement. In the
end, the authors analysis shows that, with the help of predictive analytics, to improve reduce non-productive time,
recovery rates and reduce maintenance costs.
Aziz Nasridinov et al. discussed [8] a study on crime pattern prediction using data mining techniques. The authors
analysed a variety of data mining techniques using the generated test data to determine which was potentially best for
performing crime pattern prediction task. Specifically, authors analysed extensive performance evaluation on several data
mining prediction methods, including Decision Tree, Neural Network, SVM, k-nearest neighbor, Naive Bayes, etc. The
authors assumed that a user of the proposed method has wearable sensor devices attached to his/her clothes. It senses the
heartbeat and inner temperature of a user, and sends these data to the server to perform emotion mining. Danger situation
was detected when user produced high heartbeat, inner temperature, and camera surveillance indicates the danger situation.
Once a danger situation was identified, the authors use a test data generation method, which carefully designs test dataset
so that it comprises with well-known data mining pattern prediction algorithms. The proposed system can be useful for law
enforcement and emergency agencies to identify, analyse and predict patterns, trends and series, and provide useful
information to solve, reduce and prevent various danger situations in a timely manner.
K. Chandra Shekar et al. proposed a new improved algorithm for prediction of heart disease using case based
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technique on non-binary datasets [9]. Mining Frequent Item-sets over non-binary search space presented the interesting
new challenges over traditional mining in binary search space. In First, the non-binary search space needs new tactics to
compute support and it has to be active. In Second, pruning cannot be applied to non-binary dataset as it may eliminate
candidate item-set which at higher level may become frequent. The authors used separate mechanism for support
calculation and candidate generation at each level. The authors final result was a prototype for generating frequent itemsets for non-binary dataset was developed.
Education Data Mining is a promising discipline which has an imperative impact on predicting students academic
performance. Suchita Borkar et al. evaluated students performance using association rule mining algorithm [10].
Experiment was conducted using Weka and real time data set available in the college premises. The authors presented the
potential use of education data mining using association rule mining algorithm in enhancing the quality and predicting
students performances in university result. The analysis revealed that students university performance is dependent on
Unit test, Assignment, Attendance and graduation percentage. The results reveal that the students performance level can
be improved in university result by identifying students who are poor unit Test, Attendance, Assignment and graduation
and giving them more guidance to improve the university result.
B R Prakash et al. proposed [15] several applications for educational data mining and learning analytics which are
in turn employed predictive analytics tools and techniques. The application areas include, User knowledge modeling, User
behaviour modeling, User experience modeling, User profiling, Domain modeling, Learning components analysis and
instructional principle analysis, Trend analysis, Application area, and Adaptation and Personalization. The authors
proposed application will help both teachers and students to gain insights into student performance.
Jia Yue et al. applied predictive analytics to Global Terrorism Database (GTD) to resolve the missing information
about a particular terrorism event and for predicting the possibility to such similar events in the near future [1]. By using
machine learning techniques, black-board perspective reasoning, time series analysis and the GTD visualization tool they
tried to make predictions based on available historical data. They have identified abstract representations of the tasks that
could largely improve the accuracy of automated system.
Aditi Jain et al. summarized [16] the available tools and approaches for Higher Education Learning Analytics.
The authors compared four Learning Analytics tools such as SNAPP, C4S, AWE, and PASS. The SNAPP tool is used to
generate visual representations of user interactions, activities and patterns of behaviour. The visual representation shows
the users level of involvement in learning. It easily identifies users at low level of participation. It generates reports based
on user interactions. C4S is an early warning tool and it automatically flag users who are likely to require additional
support to complete their studies. The AWE is an alert engine and evidence based system that helps to identify the learners
who are at high-risk may be struggling or experiencing disengagement in their courses. PASS is also an early alert tool it
enhances learners retention and engagement in an online learning environment. It generates performance levels, visual
signals, recommend contents and activities.
Issues and Challenges
Predictive analytics focuses on extracting hidden information or knowledge from large volume data and it
building methods that can predict future events. Based on this events, security and accuracy are the major concerns in big
data and some of the issues and challenges listed below.
Privacy of Data
Privacy and ownership of data is an important issue. There is always difference between producer and consumer
of data, there are many organizations that believe that data should be open and that frankness provide them with a
reasonable benefit.
Analysis of User Data
The need to focus and analyse user data is to determine the users intent. This is the reason for the focus of most
predictive analytics in big data.
Scaling of User Data
Having more data is always useful for data based system, due to popularization of social media huge database
repository has been created , we are necessitated to put the limits in terms of scalability of systems. The major problem
associated with scaling algorithms is that communications and synchronization overheads rise and so most of efficiency
can be lost, particularly where the computation does not fit correctly into a MapReduce model.
future event. It can be done using a number of modeling techniques from machine learning, artificial intelligence, and
statistics as we saw in earlier chapter. Since the improvement in technology, predictive analytics tools are no longer
controlled to advanced users. The available tools come with minimized mathematical complexity and maximize graphical
user interfaces. Recent predictive analytic tools also provide simple charts, graphs, and scores that help the business
peoples to recognize the likelihood of promising outcomes. Some of the open source tools for predictive analytics are:
R Language
R is a platform for statistical calculations and graphics that runs on a wide variety of Windows, UNIX, and Mac
OS Platforms. R provides an extensive range of statistical functionalities such as linear, non-linear modeling, statistical
tests, classification and clustering models. It is extremely extensible and provides capabilities for data handling,
calculation, and graphical display, calculations on array, and tools for data analysis, programming language that includes
loops, conditionals and many other features.
Orange is a data visualization and data analysis tool. Data mining achieved through Python scripting or through
visual programming. Orange remembers the choices and suggests most frequently used combinations.
Rapid Miner
RapidMiner is developed in java programming language. And it is a tool for data analysis. It contains data
mining and machine learning algorithms such as data loading and transformation, data preprocessing, visualization,
modeling, evaluation, and deployment. It utilizes learning schemes and attributes evaluators from Weka and statistical
modeling schemes from R projects. It used for text mining, data stream mining, distributed data mining and for
development of ensemble methods.
Weka is a java written group of machine learning algorithms for data mining process. This algorithm may be
applied directly or indirectly to a dataset with the help of java code. Weka comprises tools for clustering, association,
regression and data preprocessing. In this environment for developing a new machine learning algorithms.
Graph Lab Create
It is a machine learning tool and mainly built for developers and data scientists who have functional programming
skills and data science. It permits them to simply prototype and scales their thoughts. Developers and data scientists are
allowed to rapidly deploy and easily incorporate with other applications.
marketing, sales, and customer services. These tools are required for a company to position and focus their endeavours
efficiently across the size of their customers. The company must analyse and recognize the products in demand or the
products which are will be in most demand in near future, predict customers buying practices in order to promote
applicable products at numerous finger tips, and practically recognize and moderate problems that have the potential to
drop customers or skill to expand new customers.
Clinical Decision Support System
Experts use predictive analytics in health care mostly to determine about patients who are at risk and developing
certain conditions for them like diabetes, heart disease, and other lifetime illnesses. And also for complicated clinical
decision support systems that incorporates predictive analytics to conclude view of care.
Collection Analytics
Several organizations have a set of crook clients who do not make their payments on exact time particularly the
financial institution has to commence collection activities on these clients to recover the amounts due. Sometimes
impossible to collect due amount from client, such situations predictive analytics can help by identifying correct collection
agencies, thus considerably increasing recovery as well as reducing time.
This paper provides the necessary details about predictive analytics. The area of predictive analytics can be
applied and briefly discussed. Here, we introduced the number of tools and techniques in predictive analytics. Finally, list
of reviews are provided and we discussed, how researchers already used predictive analytics for business and medical
industry and also mentioned the techniques and algorithms. This predictive analytics has wide area for research concept. It
provides more tools and techniques that can be applied in any environment where prediction is required.
The authors thank our beloved parents, family members and friends for their constant help and encouragement
throughout this research work.
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