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MAS102 (Fall 2015)

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MAS 102

First-Day Handout for Calculus II

Fall 2015

Overview During the first semester of calculus we have learned how to manipulate real-valued functions of a
single variable to solve problems that can be described by such functions. But many other problems in sciences
and engineering are more complex and often require vector-valued functions of several variables. In this semester,
we will learn how to differentiate and integrate functions of vectors to extract useful information from them. In
short we will learn Vector Calculus. Eventually the two concepts, differentiation and integration, will be brought
together into a beautiful theorem of Stokes that generalizes Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Sec Time & Place
A TTh 10:30-12, E11-311 Professor Ko, Ki Hyoung (khko@kaist.ac.kr, Ext 2719, E6-4408)
TTh 10:30-12, E11-301 Professor Lee, SungYun (lsyn@kaist.ac.kr, Ext 2721, E6-2403)
TTh 10:30-12, E11-302 TBA
D TTh 10:30-12, E11-303 TBA
TTh 2:30-4, E11-412
Professor Koo, Ja Kyung (koojakyung@kaist.ac.kr, Ext 2722, E6-3409)
TTh 2:30-4, E11-301
Professor Schweizer, Andreas (schweizer@kaist.ac.kr, Ext 2793, E2-2209)
G TTh 2:30-4, E11-302
Professor Shin, Sujin (sjs@kaist.ac.kr, Ext 2713, E6-3406)
H TTh 2:30-4, E11-303
Coordinator Professor Ko, Ki Hyoung (khko@kaist.ac.kr, Ext 2719, E6-4408)
Textbook Vector Calculus KAIST Edition, Susan Jane Colley, Pearson Custom Publishing
Web Sites Each student must register for the following two websites at http://klms.kaist.ac.kr
(1) Course Site: general announcement, quiz, exam, and help desk. (2) Section Site: attendance.
Weekly Schedule Textbooks will be covered as follows.
08/31 09/04
10/26 - 10/30
09/07 - 09/11
11/02 - 11/06
09/14 - 09/17
11/09 - 11/13
5.6, 6.1
09/21 - 09/25
11/16 - 11/20
09/28 - 10/02
11/23 - 11/27
10/05 - 10/09
11/30 - 12/04
10/11 - 10/16
4.4, Review
12/07 - 12/11
7.4, Review
10/19 - 10/23
Midterm exam period
12/14 - 12/18
Final exam period
Exam There are a midterm and the final. The detail about the exams will be announced at the course web site.
Homework Exercise problems selected as homework will be posted at the course web site together with their
solutions. You do not have to hand in your homework and instead you practice with them to prepare for quizzes
and exams. Every week important homework problems will be solved by a TA on a pencast video uploaded at
Course Site.
Recitation and Quiz There will be one-hour recitation class on each week except the first week. There are two
time slots, 10am and 1pm on Friday. You can freely choose one of slots on a first-come-first-serve basis by using
the interface at Course Site that opens at noon 9/2 till noon 9/4. If you do not choose one, the head TA will assign
one for you. Each slot accommodates up to 200 students. Every other week, quizzes will be given to check
whether you are doing homework and, on the following week, you can get a help from a TA and have a chance to
recover some* of lost points in a quiz problem. To do this, you need to make a reservation up to two quiz
problems via the interface at Course Site by one day before the recitation class day. (* up to 80% in the first help,
up to 60% in the second help, and up to 40% thereafter.)
Attendance and Attitude In each class, a TA will check your attendance and attitude by taking photos. You must
follow the instruction given by the TA in order to validate your attendance at your Section Site. No excuse for
absence will be accepted under any circumstance since tolerance limit is generous. If you miss more than two
weeks worth of classes after the add-drop period, your course grade will automatically be lowered by one step.
Being late for class three times is equivalent to one absence. A bad attitude during lecture such as leaving the class
prematurely, sleeping, wearing a hat including a hood, using mobile phone or laptop, and eating food, may cost
you an attendance penalty equivalent to one tardiness to one absence depending on its seriousness.
Course Grade Your course grade will be assigned by considering your score in the total 500 points that consist of
Midterm 200 points, Final 200 points, Quizzes 100. There will be neither makeup exams nor makeup quizzes. If
you have to miss one of the exams due to an imperative reason supported by documentation, it can be substituted
by the standardized score of the other exam. Five best quiz scores out of six quizzes will be counted. If you do not
take the final exam without reason or miss more than four weeks worth of classes after add-drop period, you
automatically fail the course. Your course grade can be lowered by one step due to your attendance penalty as
explained above. Concerning grades for repeaters, please refer to the university regulation. Finally you are
reminded that this course maintains zero tolerance policy against any academic dishonesty.

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