Galvanic Corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion
Galvanic corrosion
Galvanic corrosion
Definition: Galvanic corrosion occurs when two different metals (alloys) are in electrical
contact in a conducting electrolyte, Fig.5.1:
Galvanic coupling is also often used to protect structures with so-called sacrificial anodes:
Figure 5.1: Schematic description of possible galvanic coupling problems when two
dissimilar metals are placed in a solution: (a) in absence of electrical contact, both metals
will corrode uniformly and separately, (b) with an electrical contact, the more active material
(zinc in this case) will corrode faster and provide the electron to maintain the cathodic
reaction on the more noble surface (iron).
Galvanic corrosion
components except in the cases like joined materials (soldered, welded) where it is not
possible to physically separate the materials without decreasing the performance/function of
the interface.
Figure 5.2: Schematic description of (a) favourable conditions where active surface is
large and the damages can be limited, (b) detrimental coupling with small anode areas and
fast degradation
The type of damages ranges from: i) the formation of grooves on the more active metal next
to the contact site (Fig. 5.3) to ii) selective dissolution of a whole metallic component or iii)
localized corrosion initiation (pitting) for passive metals and alloys.
Figure 5.3: Example of galvanic corrosion (sometimes also called contact corrosion in
industrial application) failure of welded water pipe; (a) optical appearance from the outside,
(b) metallographic cross section trough the weld
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
Figure 5.3 shows severe galvanic corrosion attack on welded steel pipe used in a water supply
circuit. The outer part of the pipes (Fig. 5.3a) will not show any sign of damages until the
welded area will start to leak. In this example, the metallographic cross section (Fig. 5.3b)
indicated that as well the welding material is inadequate (low potential actively corroding
surface) as also one of the pipe material (left) that suffered from galvanic coupling (pipe wall
thinning). The pipe material on the right is completely intact and cathodically protected.
In principle, it seems simple to define the susceptibility to galvanic corrosion, but in the
practice it is not always straightforward. The standard electrochemical potential (or reversible
potentials) scale can be totally misleading and it is always necessary to consider the practical
electrochemical potentials in real environments where the components are used. Figure 5.4
displays the difference in measured potentials for a series of industrially relevant materials. It
is visible that because some of the reactive materials (Mg, Al, Cr, Ni) form an oxide on their
surfaces in neutral NaCl solution, there will be a potential gradient in the oxide (will be
discussed later) and a much higher potential is obtained on the surface compared to the
standard potential. On the other side, Materials that are noble (high standard potential and
not oxidizing easily) can experience a potential drop compared to their standard potential due
to presence from the environment of additional electrochemical reduction interaction. In this
case, it is the equilibrium with the cathodic oxygen reaction for example that will control the
potential on the surface.
Figure 5.4: Standard and practical electrochemical potential series for industrially relevant
One misleading conclusion that can be drawn when considering only the standard potential
scale is for example related to the galvanic coupling process between Zn and Al.
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
Until now, only the possibility and presence of a galvanic corrosion process has been
discussed. The next step is to establish if and how much current can flow in a galvanic cell.
Figure 5.5 displays the simplest case of galvanic coupling between too dissimilar material
plates with linear current lines between them.
electrolyte conductivity
distance between electrodes
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
The influence of the electrical contact and solution resistance on the galvanic corrosion
process is illustrated by the following examples of iron and zinc immersed in a similar neutral
Case A: Iron and zinc are immersed in a neutral solution without contact. As a result, both
surfaces are corroding at the similar O2 limiting current density rate.
Galvanic corrosion
ian = icath
In the example of uniformly corroding materials in neutral environments: the anode will
corrode at the diffusion limiting oxygen reduction current density multiplied by the
cathode/anode area ratio.
total current
current density
anodic surface area
cathodic surface area
This surface dependency is relatively obvious and care should always be taken in system
design not to have very corrosion susceptible safety relevant small components attached to
large structures. Joining processes have to be done will materials which are noble (high
practical electrochemical potential) compared to the base materials and formation of reactive
interface phase should be avoided.
The second parameter influencing the galvanic corrosion process is much more
interesting/critical and is related to the solution resistance. As already mentioned previously,
if this solution resistance becomes high, then even perfectly electrically connected dissimilar
materials will not be in galvanic coupling conditions. The situation of Fig. 5.6 would be
obtained even in presence of electrical contact between Fe and Zn. In reality the situation is
always intermediate.
The simple Ohms law U=RI gives the potential difference that will establish between the
two coupled electrodes in most practical cases. If there is a large current flowing in a system
with a poorly conducting electrolyte, the two electrodes will be at different electrochemical
potentials, Fig.5.8.
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
Figure 5.8: Influence of the solution resistance (ohmic drop) on the potential difference
established in a galvanic coupling process
One consequence of the presence of ohmic drops in solution is that materials (like Fe) even
coupled with more active materials (like Zn) might be protected differently depending on the
media considered. They will for example not be coupled in distilled water and perfectly in 3%
NaCl solutions. Active dissolution of Zinc will however gradually increase the electrolyte
conductivity so that coupling ability can depend on local conductivity gradients, inducing
localization phenomena shown before.
Different very simple measures can be used to prevent macroscale galvanic corrosion:
1) For the materials:
2) Environment:
3) In welds:
4) Construction:
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
Figure 5.9: schematic constructive measure to insulate the very reactive Aluminium from
Galvanic coupling processes are also widely used to protect large structures because of the
predictability of uniform corrosion. The best examples are the use of uniformly corroding
Mg, Zn anodes contacted to Steel tanks or pipelines, Fig. 5.10. The nominal potential
difference should allow a perfect so-called cathodic protection.
However, two factors need to be evaluated carefully:
1) The electrolyte (soil) conductivity needs to be sufficient. Areas that are mostly dry are
not suitable for cathodic protection systems
2) Formation of corrosion products on Mg can decrease massively the cathodic
protection efficiency (practical electrochemical potential increase, decrease in
dissolution current)
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
Another way to use cathodic protection is to apply directly the active (low potential)
material on the substrate to be protected. The most common example is the zinc coating
applied on iron and low alloyed steel, Fig. 5.11b. In this case, zinc will corrode away and
polarize the iron surface in its cathodic domain. This protection process is very much used
because the quality of the zinc layer does not have to be perfect and defects in the coatings are
in principle immune to corrosion. The anode area is very large so that the substrate will not
influence much the degradation rate of zinc. One absolute counter indication to the cathodic
protection of a material is when this one is not stable in an alkaline environment, because if
the cathodic reduction is taking place on the substrate, the medium will become alkaline
locally with severe consequences!
Depositing a metallic coating more noble compared to the substrate like for example nickel
on iron (Fig. 5.11a) is much more problematic. In this case, any defect in the coating will
locally accelerate the uniform corrosion of the substrate and the anode /cathode area ratio is
extremely critical.
Figure 5.11: Metallic coatings deposited on corrosion susceptible materials can either serve
as (a) barrier layer when there are noble with respect to substrate or (b) protect the substrate
by taking over the corrosion process due to galvanic coupling process
In summary:
- Nickel (or any noble) coatings have to be extremely protective (without defects) to
act as corrosion protection when the substrate has lower electrochemical potential
(like for iron in this case). This induces high production costs and a constant risk of
corrosion attack upon mechanical surface damage!
- Zinc coating will just corrode instead of iron and can tolerate defects (cheaper
process). The only precaution that has to be taken is that the environment should be
humid in order for the sacrificial dissolution of zinc to occur. The worst case scenario
is when the surface is regularly wetted and subsequently dries. Iron is then corroding
where it is exposed to water at defects and the galvanic coupling with zinc through the
electrolyte is not guaranteed.
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
Until now, only classical macroscopic galvanic corrosion processes have been presented.
They are typical and relevant for uniformly corroding materials. Galvanic coupling/corrosion
processes are however also present at the microscale on multiphase materials, composites and
small metallic structures and systems. All the concepts about: i) practical electrochemical
series, ii) area ratio and iii) solution resistance with related ohmic drop presented until now
are also valid at the micro- and nanometre scale. The main problem at this scale is related to
the investigation of these processes, because it requires methods with at least microscale
lateral resolution and able to measure simultaneously electrochemical information. For
this purpose, a special AFM based method has been developed to track the local potentials on
a surface. As discussed in relation with Figure 5.4, it is in principle not possible to make a
direct correlation between a measured surface composition and electrochemical reactivity.
5.4.1 AFM principle and information obtained
(see also Surfaces, Interfaces and their Applications I, chapter 10.2)
The AFM principle has already been described during the first part of the lecture. The basic
principle is that a laser beam is reflected on the back of a cantilever towards the detectors. In
contact or close to a surface, interaction forces between the tip and the surface will result in a
deflection of the cantilever. This deflection is monitored by the 2 quadrants detector and the
feedback loop will adjust the sample position to compensate for this deflection by means of a
piezoelectric crystal. This way, the force applied on the surface is constant and indirectly, the
topography profile can be assessed with sub-nanometre accuracy in the vertical direction.
AFM can be used in contact mode to record the topography and even stiff silicon cantilevers
and tips are used in contact mode to induce damage on the surface. These stiff cantilevers can
also be mechanically oscillated (tapping mode) and the tip is then in intermittent contact.
Galvanic corrosion
The Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) technique offers, with the different types of forces that
can be measured on surface, very broad possibilities to acquire quantitative information in the
nano- and micrometer range under environmental conditions about surfaces:
height distribution
effective surface area
Material properties
electric and magnetic properties
mechanical properties (elasticity, E-modulus, . . .)
The use of the Tapping mode with stiff cantilevers in Atomic Force Microscopy
characterization is a well-established method. A fine tip mounted on a cantilever is scanned
over the surface and its oscillation attenuation is monitored and sent to the feedback loop to
control the tip-sample distance, Fig. 5.13b. In an Environmental AFM system, all the surface
modifications like nm-scale topography changes can be followed in controlled environmental
conditions. For this purpose, a small closed chamber system (Bruker Nano system, Fig. 5.13a)
is used to allow very controlled but also rapid changes in environment (temperature, from low
to very high humidity, high vacuum or inert gas operation). A list of all the environments
typically possible with such a system is shown in Fig. 5.14a. A further specificity of the
system is to be able to investigate the surface potential evolution (referred as Scanning Kelvin
Probe Force Microscopy method) on samples in most of the atmospheric environments except
directly in bulk conducting electrolytes. The measurement principle is sketched in Fig. 5.14b.
A metallic coated tip (Pt-Ir) is used and after a first topographic scan, the tip is withdrawn
from the surface from a distance that can be chosen from a few nm to typically 100 nm. An
AC voltage is applied on the tip and this will induce a cantilever oscillation depending on the
electrical field (local charges present on the sample surface). An additional DC voltage is then
ramped until the oscillation stops indicating that the overall electrical field sensed by the tip is
0. This procedure allows getting very sensitive and very local information about surface
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
Setup combining:
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
The measured potential represents certainly one of the most surface sensitive information
combined with nm-scale lateral detection limit (not resolution). When considering surface
charges, it is however always important to keep in mind that they might be different
contributions to the overall measured potential. If the surface is covered with a water layer,
then an electrochemical double layer will be established, Fig. 5.15. The interesting feature of
this double layer is that almost all the potential drop gradient is concentrated in the Helmholtz
plane and this way, there is no need to have a bulk electrolyte to determine qualitatively the
electrochemical thermodynamic reactivity of a surface. Species specifically adsorbed on the
surface or ions will additionally contribute to the measured potential so that electrolyte
composition can induce a certain deviation of the measured potential between thin layer and
bulk electrolyte.
Nevertheless, on metallic surfaces and in controlled atmospheric conditions (humid and wet
surfaces), the dominating contribution is related to this formation of the electrochemical
double layer at the solid liquid interface. This statement is demonstrated by the fact that the
SKPFM measurement with the Pt-Ir coated reference tip on pure metals is linearly
correlating with the measurement of the practical potential series performed in solution with a
Standard Calomel Electrode (SCE), Fig. 5.16.
Note: The SKPFM technique is also the ideal characterization method to investigate
atmospheric corrosion mechanisms at the micrometre scale. However, it is essential for all the
characterizations to be done in a controlled defined atmosphere and also to make sure of the
presence of an electrochemical double layer (humidity control).
Figure 5.15: Potential drop through the electrochemical double layer with its different
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
On the figure 5.16, differences between distilled water and NaCl solution immersion is also
reflected by similar potential shifts for both macro and local methods. The conclusion from
this calibration measurement on pure metals is that the practical electrochemical series can be
investigated very locally on heterogeneous alloys or structures and local galvanic coupling
risks can be identified. The generic term of Volta Potential Difference is used to define the
measured potential by SKPFM (Fig. 5.16) because it refers to the work that has to be
performed to extract a charge through a solid-liquid interface. For local assessment of
corrosion mechanisms, interpretation in terms of electrochemical potential series is more
Figure 5.16: Electrochemical Open Circuit Potential measured on different pure metals with
a standard Calomel reference electrode (SCE) or a Pt-Ir coated AFM tip.
The experimentally measured potential contains the following single contributions related to
the different physico-chemical processes at a solid-liquid interface that will be specifically
discussed in the following sections until the end of this chapter:
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
For a given materials, like for example Aluminium, the reversible potential that should be
measured is -1.8 V SCE. The measured potential of -0.7 V in distilled water and -0.9V in
NaCl corresponds to the additional potential gradient present in the passive layer (nm-thick
oxide coverage) surface. If the oxide would be grown further by electrochemical anodizing,
then an even larger potential increase would be measured.
If a potential gradient of E = 1100 mV is established through a passive film of a few nm
(typically 6-8 nm for Al, Fig. 5.17), then it means that a dense passive film can sustain
extreme electrical fields of around 107 V/cm close to its dielectric breakdown limit. This is
a very important feature of ultrathin passive oxides where high electrical field growth and
ionic migration is occurring.
Figure 5.17: Auger electron Spectroscopy (AES) depth-profile characterization of the passive
film spontaneously formed in water on pure Aluminium.
The reason why the SKPFM method was introduced in corrosion research was related to the
difficulty to characterize this passivation and local microscale reactivity of the very
heterogeneous aluminium alloys. Pure aluminium is extremely soft and could not be used
industrially for structural applications. Addition of alloying element drastically improves
mechanical properties but due to their very low solubility limit, they induce the formation of
different types of intermetallics (some of them are desired for hardening purpose, larger ones
are only adding detrimental reactivity issues).
Typical compositions for currently widely industrially used alloys are given below; in
particular, the reactivity of the 2024 alloy will be presented in the following examples:
small amount (<0.2)
2024: 3.8 4.9% Cu
1.2 1.8% Mg
Zn, Ti
0.4 0.8% Si
0.7% Fe
2.1 - 2.9% Mg
1.2 2% Cu
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
Strengthening of the
No real use
If the smaller dispersoids are very useful in generating higher strength of the alloys, the large
intermetallics are of no use but potentially very detrimental for the alloy corrosion resistance.
Figure 5.18 presents a typical microstructure found for a 2024-T3 alloy. Large microscale
intermetallic phases are either Al-Cu-Fe-Mn compounds (particles 1 to 4) or round Al-Cu-Mg
(particles A to C), Fig. 5.18a. Smaller dispersoids are typically Al2Cu with sometime some
Mg integration depending on the tempering/ageing conditions, Fig. 5.18b.
Figure 5.18: Microstrucutural characterization of an2024-T3 alloy: (a) SEM image of larger
microscopic scale intermetallics, (b) TEM image of the dispersoids in the matrix and aligned
at the grain boundary
The obvious advantage of the SKPFM measurement is the extremely good lateral spatial
resolution for an electrochemical reactivity characterization owing to the small size of the
probe and the small separation of the probe from the sample surface. Another key advantage
of the technique when combined with environmental control is the fact that the surface is only
in contact with a thin electrolyte layer. The technique takes advantage of the large ohmic
drop in this thin water layer to avoid that the microscale phase directly couple. This kind of
heterogeneous samples could not be completely immersed in a conducting electrolyte to
perform locally resolved measurements; the electrochemical information would then not
come from the location of the measurement.
Figure 5.19 shows an SEM image and a SKPFM potential map for the same region of an aspolished sample of AA2024-T3 that was prepared without exposure to water to minimize
corrosion during the preparation. Debris resulting from the non-aqueous polishing and rinsing
of the sample are visible. Also visible are scratches and some holes that might have resulted
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
from corrosion or particle pullout. On the right side, the Volta potential map (practical
electrochemical potential series) of exactly the same region as analysed by SEM/EDX is
shown. The bright areas in the SEM image were found by EDX analysis to be intermetallic
particles. The large, blocky particles are the AlCuFeMn type and match perfectly with the
high potential areas at -0.35V. The Aluminium matrix itself has a potential of -0.65V and the
round particles, which are Al-Cu-Mg S-phase are very active. They are visible by dark spots
of - 0.9V in the potential mapping. This measurement shows that within 30 m, areas with
very different electrochemical reactivities are found and would directly interact and couple if
a conducting electrolyte would be present on the surface. This reactivity difference would not
have been detected by SEM but also not clearly with Auger Electron Spectroscopy. X-Ray
Photoelectron Spectroscopy could not be used in these samples because of the too small
intermetallic. In contrast, the potential maps produced by the SKPFM identify directly the
different phase reactivity.
Figure 5.19: Detailed analysis of the intermetallic particle reactivity (a) SEM image, (b)
SKPFM local potential characterization of the same area
Figure 5.20: Schematic description of the local galvanic problem with different locations and
separation of the cathodic and anodic reaction, local driving force and induced local pH
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
On the figure 5.20, the microscale galvanic phenomena are schematically presented. Cathodic
oxygen reduction is preferentially occurring on the high potential intermetallics. This local
reaction is inducing a pH increase that is detrimental for aluminium chemical stability. The Al
matrix and in the case of the 2024 also the Al-Cu-Mg phase will dissolve faster when coupled
to the cathodes. Areas with agglomeration of high potential Al-Cu-Fe-Mn intermetalllics will
for example be preferentially attacked if the electrolyte conductivity is low.
Galvanic corrosion
indicates that the WC carbide grains (white areas) are harder and the Co binder (dark areas) is
slightly depressed (a few nanometre) during polishing. The sample has been sputter-cleaned
in UHV and transferred in inert atmosphere into the environmental AFM chamber. The
SKPFM measurement performed in dry air (4% RH) clearly allows distinguishing the
different reactivity of the two phases. The WC grains are nobler (higher potential) and the Co
binder has a potential 200mV lower.
Figure 5.21: Schematic description of the TInAS system: (a) resonator, (b) interference
fringes measured and (c) Adsorbed water thickness as function of water partial pressure
(relative humidity)
Figure 5.22: Relative humidity scan and related SKPFM potential measurement performed to
identify the influence of thin water films on corrosion mechanisms of small structures
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
In this dry condition, mainly interaction with oxygen is envisaged (Fig. 5.23a) and the
measured potentials are very high indicating that the surface is in an oxidized state (dry
oxidation). The potential of -0.1V measured for Co is typical for this situation as can be seen
on the Pourbaix Diagram of Co, Fig. 5.23b. In absence of a layer of water molecule on the
surface, the lateral resolution obtained is also the best with very sharp phase boundaries.
Increasing the humidity to 50% RH (humid surface), water interacts with the surface (Fig.
5.23a) and an electrochemical interface is generated. The measured potentials drop and Co
with -0.4V is getting close to its active reversible potential. In this environment condition,
both phases still display clearly different electrochemical potential but the SKPFM data now
indicates the risk of galvanic coupling between them. Increasing the relative humidity above
the 70% RH threshold and going to 90% RH (wet surface), the potential of Co reaches its
reversible potential of -0.5V and the interesting phenomenon is that the WC surface is also
polarized down to the same Co potential. In this case, the water film is thick and mobile
species guarantee an ionic conductivity. The galvanic coupling conditions are established and
Co corrosion will proceed at very high rate. The area ratio is very detrimental for Co because
there are much more WC grain than Co binder, Fig. 5.22. The humidity dependant SKPFM
measurement allows a complete diagnostic of the corrosion mechanisms and galvanic
corrosion susceptibility.
The fact that the whole surface is polarized down to the Co corrosion potential is an
indication that Co is actively dissolving at high rate. In these conditions, the cobalt surface
will be non-polarizable because its corrosion rate can be increased without large polarization
and the whole WC is cathodically polarized (a demonstration of this fact will be presented in
the next chapter about pitting).
Figure 5.23: Schematic description of (a) the water interaction as function of relative
humidity and (b) the Pourbaix diagram of Co with experimental macroscopically measured
potential as function of the pH
Finally, two other contribution (dipoles and contaminants) to the SKPFM potential
measurements are described below to complete the description of the information that can be
obtained by the method.
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
Figure 5.24: SKPFM investigation of dipole adsorption and orientation on Silver surfaces
3) organic layers contaminants (E contaminants)
Thicker organic layers consisting of atmospheric C-contamination, but also lubricant or
polymer coatings will also induce a modification of the potential to a more positive value due
to their dielectric properties. Polymer thickness will then play a role but only when a charge
screening effect is present (presence of dipoles in the polymer). Compact conducting
Carbon-layer or dipolar structures in a polymer are too major causes of potential shifts as
seen in Fig. 5.25. In this case, an aluminium surface with intermetallic phases has been
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014
Galvanic corrosion
analysed for a relatively long time with a standard SEM/EDX system working in high
vacuum (not in the ultrahigh vacuum of a surface analytical instrument). The potential
measured on the Al matrix (-0.65V) and on the Intermetallics (-0.35V) have already been
discussed, but in addition to this, rectangles with a potential of -0.15V corresponding to
electron beam induced Carbon deposition are found. This final example shows the sensitivity
of the technique and also the possibility to investigate any kind of surface functionalizing
processes on surfaces.
Figure 5.25: SKPFM investigation of carbon contamination on and 2024-T3 aluminium alloy
AFM measurements and especially the Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (SKPFM)
technique allow investigation of the local electrochemical reactivity (double layer charge
distribution) of surfaces under controlled environmental exposure.
1) The potential distribution on laterally heterogeneous materials like for example
Aluminium alloys containing intermetallic particles indicates: i) the position, size and
possible corrosion acceleration risk (potential differences) of cathodic areas, ii) the
position of active anodic areas.
2) Controlled cyclic modification of the humidity (with also the possibility of adding
aggressive ions on the surface) on corrosion susceptible surfaces allows following
local galvanic coupling and polarizability of small structures at the microscale.
3) Surface functionalizing (or contamination) can be detected/investigated through
surface charge changes.
Dr. Patrik Schmutz, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA Dbendorf, 2014