Objectives of FASDEP II Summarized
Objectives of FASDEP II Summarized
Objectives of FASDEP II Summarized
A general definition of food security involves elements such as, high food nutritive quality,
sufficiency of food and its availability, and also the availability of food. Emergency preparedness
also deals with the ability to provide food for the needy in times of disaster.
The plan of the food and agriculture sector, with respect to this particular objective, is to focus on
developing at most five staple crops, at the national and agro-ecological levels. The sector also
plans to select these crops based on availability of market, relative advantage and importance of
the crops to the people.
The selected crops are to receive support from MOFA with regards to irrigation and sustainable
management of land, improved planting materials and appropriate mechanization, and the target
group for this is to be the less privileged in the society.
The main reasons for this objective are the generally low earnings from the agricultural sector
relative to the other sectors, as well as the low income being earned by farmers involved with
indigenous staple crops, livestock and the fisheries sub-sector.
The purpose for this objective is to provide opportunities for diversification into cash crops and
livestock, as well as value addition on all commodities.
The strategy to be used in the pursuance of this objective is to promote some selected crops and
livestock on the basis of comparative and competitive advantage of agro-ecological zones and
availability of markets. The sector also plans on linking indigenous crops and livestock species,
produced by the poor, to industry and also encourage urban agriculture as a sustainable
alternative means of livelihood for poor migrants engaged in it.
This objective seeks to improve and convert Ghanas comparative advantage into a competitive
one by producing the needed amounts and quality of commodities on a timely basis.
In achieving this objective, the government will select some high-target and important
commodities on the basis of regional comparative and competitive advantage in target markets.
The food and agricultural sector also plans to partner with the private sector in order to increase
investments in the sector and also boost the capacity of operators to compete competitively in the
global market.
Aside focusing on the improvement of agriculture and consequently its output, the food and
agriculture sector plans on ensuring that this policy is consistent with all regional and subregional conventions on natural resource management, and the government plans on doing this
by enforcing sustainable and environmental land management practices in both planning and
implementation of projects, and also creating a general awareness amongst stakeholders,
concerning environmental issues as well as putting into place proper measures to ensure that
every one complies with the laid down means of operating.
One of the major visions of FASDEP is to modernize agriculture in Ghana and this is directly
linked to the introduction of advanced science and technology to the food and agriculture sector.
This is due to the generally low application of technology to agricultural processes including
research and broadcast of findings to stakeholders.
The government is set on achieving this objective by promoting the use of applied science in the
field of research as well as generally giving a high priority to technology in agriculture in order
to increase productivity and facilitate efficiency in the entire process of agriculture in the
The aim here is to increase the involvement of both the public and private sectors in the delivery
of service to the agricultural sector and amongst others, some of the strategies to be adopted are,
the development and implementation of a communication strategy to improve coordination and
the creation of a framework for integration among projects for coordinating activities among
different stakeholders in the food and agriculture sector.
o Food and Agriculture Sector Development Policy FASDEP II [Ministry Of Food and