Homework 1 Managing Software Projects (22-SEPT-2009) SUBMITTED TO: - .. Ms. Kamini Submitted By:-Viplav ROLLNO:-RA3803A06
Homework 1 Managing Software Projects (22-SEPT-2009) SUBMITTED TO: - .. Ms. Kamini Submitted By:-Viplav ROLLNO:-RA3803A06
Homework 1 Managing Software Projects (22-SEPT-2009) SUBMITTED TO: - .. Ms. Kamini Submitted By:-Viplav ROLLNO:-RA3803A06
Homework 1
11111 | P a g e
Homework 1
Part A:-
Q1 :-> Illustrate the concept of
Software projects Management?
Why managing of software project
is important?
Project management is a carefully planned and
organized effort to accomplish a specific one-
time objective.
For example, construct a building or implement
a major new computer system. Project
management includes developing a project
plan, which includes defining and confirming
the project goals and objectives, identifying
tasks and how goals will be achieved,
quantifying the resources needed, and
determining budgets and timelines for
completion. It also includes managing the
implementation of the project plan, along with
operating regular 'controls' to ensure that there
is accurate and objective information on
'performance' relative to the plan, and the
mechanisms to implement recovery actions
where necessary. Projects usually follow major
phases or stages including feasibility,
definition, project planning, implementation,
evaluation and support/maintenance. (Program
planning is usually of a broader scope than
project planning, but not always - note: the
terms program and programmehave significant
variations in their meaning in different
geographical areas, e.g. Europe and USA.)
1.Module test: during this activity the following
deliverables are developed:
2.Module test report, this test report contains
the test-results which are formed after a
module test of the application. Based on this
test-report the project-team can decide which
action to undertake further.
1. Define phase
During the Define (or Sales) phase, we invest the
time it takes to develop a thorough understanding
of your business needs and objectives. At the same
time,we save time and simplify communication by
capturing what we learn about your organization
and your business in the following detailed
Statement of Work
A document that defines roles, responsibilities,and
the detailed scope of the project.
Project Plan and Budget
A specific time, budget and activity plan that takes
into consideration input from the Statement of
Work and your business priorities.
Learning Strategy and Plan
Ensures the learning strategy is discussed and
agreed upon. StepWise initiates training near
project onset to quickly get IT specialists and end
users up to speed on the application.
IT Solution Description
Defines what the overall IT landscape and solution
will look like when the project progresses.
2. Establish phase
The Establish phase provides a rapid project kick-
off based on Define phase activities, and involves
team training and solution approval. Establish
phase deliverables include:
Project Member Training
Know-how is key to success. Lawson has mapped
out progressive courses that get you smart on your
Lawson system fast. Designated IT specialists,
project team members and end users can attend
learning camps, workshops, and learning labs on-
or off-site.
Approved Solution
Your project team conducts an approved
acceptance test to demonstrate that the solution
has been configured to meet the Statement of
Work. You approve the solution at the end of a
successful test by signing off on the test.
3. Execute phase
New-solution execution is the ultimate objective.
During the Execute phase, we test the final
solution, train the entire organization, prepare for
start-up, and close the project. Execute phase
deliverables include:
System Test
Conducted by process owners and key users in a
controlled IT environment with a full database, the
system test is used to approve configured solution
End-User Training
Run by your project team members or byLawson
consultants. StepWise provides end-user training
plans, job instructions, learning simulations, and
course evaluations.
Full-Scale Test
Final test before go-live to ensure solution operates
according to plan. End users perform the test in an
operational IT environment using a full operational
solution with each end user at their normal
Closing the Project
Formally conducted once completion criteria for
each of the Execute phase deliverables is achieved.
Q5:-> illustrate the concept of
feasibility study? Why it is
important to go with this study?
• ANS:- The feasibility study is an investigation
that results in a written document that:
1.Defines the scope of the problem.
2.Identifies the elements of the problem.
3.Identifies the evaluative criteria.
Possible criteria include: the impact on the
environment, safety and manufacturability;
the political climate; the possible difficulties
in the design phase; and appraisal of the
return (profit) on investment.
4.Identifies possible alternative solutions.
5.Evaluate each solution with the criteria.
The goal of the feasibility study is to discover
possible solutions and to determine which of
these appear to have promise and which are
not feasible, and why.
Each alternative is examined to determine
whether or not it can be physically achieved,
whether its potential usefulness is
commensurate with the costs of making it
available, and whether the return on the
investment warrants its implementation. The
feasibility study is in effect a pilot project
whose primary purpose is to seek information
pertinent to all possible solutions to the
problem. After the information has been
collected and evaluated, and after the
undesirable design possibilities have been
discarded, the engineer still may have several
alternatives to consider - all of which may be
During the generation of ideas, the engineer
has intentionally avoided making any final
selection in order to have an open mind for all
possibilities and to give free rein to the thought
processes. Now the number of ideas must be
reduced to a few - those most likely to be
successful, those that will compete for the final
• Software Engineering
Feasibility Study
Software developers have learned that the
traditional engineering feasibility study is not
usually appropriate for software development.
For example, software rarely has impact on the
environment in the same manner as a chemical
plant. Manufacturability is usually a non-issue.
How much does it cost to copy a diskette?
Therefore, software companies have developed
their own variety of the feasibility study. Below
is one based on Roger S. Pressman's
book Software Engineering: A Practitioner's
Approach [fourth edition, McGraw-Hill, 1997,
pages 253-259, in Bucknell's library on reserve
for our course].
Part B
Q1 :-> How one can estimate the
effort and activity risk for each
activity used in step wise
planning of projects?
ANS:- Effort Estimation:-
Because software effort estimates are required
when the requirements and design are still very
immature, it is extremely important that more then
one estimate be generated to establish the BOE. It
is recommended that two to three different types of
estimates be derived:
• A traditional engineering estimate typically
based on a bottom-up decomposition,
• Model based estimate, and
• Analogical comparison to other similar tasks.
The engineering software estimate typically uses a
straightforward methodology to derive effort, cost,
and schedule. This includes analogy, engineering
buildup, or “Rules of Thumb.” Analogy compares
the project at hand to “comparable” projects. The
estimate then may be adjusted to account for any
obvious differences (e.g., estimated size or
complexity). Engineering buildup leverages
expertise of people who have experience in
software development. These experts apply their
best judgment to estimate the duration and effort
required to complete the project. The analysis may
be broken down into work packages, modules, or
activities to achieve greater granularity and
accuracy. CERs, or “rules of thumb,” use simple
factors such as productivity metrics, percentages,
or multipliers that are easily applied to size,
staffing, or other estimate data to derive cost,
effort, and schedule.
JPL and other Centers, e.g. JSC, track the size of
development efforts and can derive a size estimate
based on analogy to the historical data. Sizing by
analogy, however, does not address all the relevant
issues. What requires effort is the amount of code
that needs to be written, modified and tested, not
the amount of code that gets delivered. To
estimate the development effort the number of
Equivalent SLOC needs to be derived, which is
based on weighting the cost of an inherited line
relative to the cost of delivering a new line of code.
Historically, there is a tendency to over estimate
the amount of inheritance and to underestimate the
cost of inheritance, so be conservative. The cost
models have algorithms built in to compute
Equivalent SLOC. For a simplified approach to
computing Equivalent SLOC apply the adjustment
factors displayed in Exhibit 6 -11.
Mean SW
Range SW
Software Class t
Mission Critical
125 13-467
Flight SW
Mission Support 184 80-262
Flight SW
DSMS 197 148-347
Mission Critical 239 116-519
Ground SW
Mission Support 295 103-607
Ground SW
Development 157 129-207
Support Ground