S - D ' E C: T B T S 18, 2015 Upcoming Meetings and Etc
S - D ' E C: T B T S 18, 2015 Upcoming Meetings and Etc
S - D ' E C: T B T S 18, 2015 Upcoming Meetings and Etc
Our Church School year will begin this Sunday, September 20 with the first of four lessons about the calling
of Samuel. The children will learn through creative projects, games and cooking about Samuel's family, how
and when they lived and the importance of listening for God's call in our own lives. We will all gather in
church on Sunday morning and after the Collect and proceed downstairs for a children's worship service.
Andrew Chattin will officiate and Jake Fallica will read the lesson. Marge Linscott is teaching this Sunday and
Liz Carter will be with the nursery children. Barbara Clark will be helper for both. We are grateful for all who
signed up last Sunday to help with teaching and nursery and we hope more parishioners will join us as time
goes on.
Please remember that we need art supplies and Legos. And on Sunday, September 20, coffee hour
refreshments will be ice cream sundaes.
Barbara Clark
Beloved in the Lord, its been a busy time for the Rectors Discretionary Fund. I have given money toward
education for the disadvantaged, hospice care, a homeless shelter, the environment, food pantry, and for
various individual needs. The account is getting low. Donations of any amount are gratefully received.
Your St. Dunstan's Holiday Fair Committee will gear up for the big event this month so we will be
resplendent in November 21. Many elements of the Fair are already in place, including format, advertising
plan, vendors, auction items, table leaders, luncheon plans and menu, and spatial layout.
The Holiday Fair Committee will host a creative crafts afternoon on Sunday, September 27 in the Lottie Horn
Room after coffee hour. A continuation of snacks and drinks will be provided! We will be making small tiled
tea trays for sale at the Fair in November. The project will involve creating your artistic color pattern for the
interior of the tray with ceramic tiles, adhesive and grout. All materials will be supplied. Please join us!
As requested, Prayer Request Cards are now on hooks in the pews, as well as on the table at the back of the
Have a special event, birthday, anniversary or graduation you wish to mark? The Altar Flower sign-up sheet
is located on the table in the Narthex. A new sign-up sheet was added for August through October.
A Coffee Hour sign-up sheet is now available on the ECW bulletin board for September-December services.
Anyone is welcome to host or co-host a coffee hour and the items offered to supplement coffee and juice can be
as simple or fancy as the host/hostess would like. It is always fun to buddy up and have someone host with
you. Please sign up if you are interested and ask Tracy, Leslie or Muffet for more information if needed.
We welcome communities of faith, community organizations, businesses, and all interested individuals to
be part of the next food packaging event at St. Andrew.
When: Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 9 to 2.
Where: St. Andrew Lutheran Church 175 Downeast Highway in Ellsworth
What: We assemble packages of macaroni & cheese or beans & rice that are then given to local
food pantries.
Last September we packaged a bit over 30000 servings ($7500). Itd be great to do even more this year.
We welcome donations, fundraising challenges, friendly competitions to see who can gather the most
donations, bring the most volunteers. We need the money ASAP. Snacks and T-Shirts will be provided for
all who work on the 19th. Everyone is welcome. People can work on the 19th for an hour or two or for the
whole event. This is a great event for high school students who are doing community service hours.
Just sending the info about the SENIOR EXPO that will be here at the Moore Community Center on
Thursday, Sept 24, 9 - 3. It is free and there will be valet parking and a shuttle to off-site parking. Lots of
vendors and resource information for seniors and their families. For more information call 664-6016.
Loaves And Fishes Needs Your Egg Cartons!
Please save and recycle your empty egg cartons and plastic shopping bags by bringing them to the church and
placing them in the "Little Red Wagon" or taking them directly to the Loaves and Fishes food pantry. Many
Did you know? Alcoholics Anonymous now holds meetings here at St. Dunstans on Wednesday and Friday
at 11:30am.
Lay Ministers:
Altar Guild
Lay Readers
Chalice Bearer
Coffee Hour
If you should have an emergency, you may contact: Reverend Johanna-Karen Johannson, Priest 902-1013;
Senior Warden Dave Wells at 667-6206 (h), 610-3709 (c); Junior Warden Harvey Kelley at 422-3115 (h)
or 266-5148 (c) For pastoral needs: Deacon Rev. Joan Preble at 667-4068. Ann is in the office Thursdays
from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Our email address is: stdunstansellsworth@gmail.com.