Biomimetic Use of Genetic Algorithms: Abstract
Biomimetic Use of Genetic Algorithms: Abstract
Biomimetic Use of Genetic Algorithms: Abstract
Genetic algorithms are considered as an original way to solve problems,
probably because of their generality and of their "blind" nature. But GAs are
also unusual since the features of many implementations (among all that could
be thought of) are principally led by the biological metaphor, while efficiency
measurements intervene only afterwards. We propose here to examine the
relevance of these biomimetic aspects, by pointing out some fundamental
similarities and divergences between GAs and the genome of living beings
shaped by natural selection. One of the main differences comes from the fact
that GAs rely principally on the so-called implicit parallelism, while giving to
the mutation/selection mechanism the second role. Such differences could
suggest new ways of employing GAs on complex problems, using complex
codings and starting from nearly homogeneous populations.
bits of their genome. Crossover allows the selected 1s to gather in the same
Figure 1. A genetic algorithm is asked to maximize the sum of 100 bits. The
right histogram shows the result of 50 generations of 100 individuals: the whole
population scores between 93 and 96. The left diagram shows the histogram
resulting from 5000 random choices, which spreads between 34 and 66.
Crossover allows selection to operate not on individuals, but, as shown by
J. Holland in 1968, on schemata (cf. [Goldberg 1989]). A schema is theoretically
a partial specification of the genome, on which the observer is keeping an eye
through generations. Practically, only schemata that are specified on a short
length have some chance of survive after crossover. For the observer, only those
schemata can pretend to be selection units . It would be indeed nonsense to say
that the population as a whole is selected. And individuals are destroyed at each
generation (if we except the so-called elitist models)! Only short schemata have
a long enough life span so that, after some generations, some of them can be
considered as selected by the observer.
J. Holland showed that at best n3 different schemata were simultaneously
present in a population of n individuals, and since schemata are selected when
individuals are evaluated, he coined the term "implicit parallelism" ([Goldberg
1989]). But we must keep in mind that this counting of schemata is only valid
for a random population.
This observation has to be compared with the ideas of Richard Dawkins,
who pointed out that rigorously natural selection does not operate by selecting
individuals, nor groups, but that it operates on genes (cf. [Dawkins 1978, 1982]).
When considered from the point of view of natural selection mechanisms,
individuals are mere temporary arrangements of genes. Only genes can survive
through generations. Genomic hybridation is thus an essential phenomenon.
Crossover is well known for sexual beings, but it has been also observed among
unicellulars which reproduce normally through division: it is the so-called
conjugation, during which two individuals mix their genome, and by the way no
longer exist as individuals. There are reasons (from genetics and chemistry) to
think that, contrary to what is usually said, crossover is as old as DNA, and that
it is widespread among all living beings, although it has not been observed in
each case. We could hardly speak of species in the absence of genomic
Since selection in GAs operates on schemata, one can define an average
fitness value for each schema. But some schemata have also a meaning given by
the designer, and it is often interesting to relate meaning and fitness, as a way
to "explain" the solutions calculated by the algorithm. As we will see, this may
not be possible in the case of biomimetic GAs.
schemata that modify the way other schemata are evaluated (e.g. a group of bits
coding for the number of relevant bits in an other section of the genome).
- one may think conversely that if a complex coding was chosen to handle a
complex problem (with no hope that this problem may be separable), then this
coding may not follow the continuity principle. This principle claims that
genomes which are close for the Hamming distance (number of elementary
mutations needed to transform one into the other) should have most of the time
about the same evaluations. This is what makes offspring viable and allows
some tolerance to mutations. Manderick [1991] measures this continuity with
the autocorrelation of fitness when elementary mutations are performed.
Unfortunately, it seems that the complex coding we are claiming from a
biomimetic point of view has little chance to respect this continuity principle. If
for instance a second order schema is even slightly mutated, then several other
parts of genome will change meaning, and the global "mark" will be significantly
So how can we explain that the natural system, which is so complex, is
quite continuous? Part of the answer comes from the fact that genes are
extended. Most of functional natural genes code for complex molecules, proteins.
An elementary mutation will for instance change one aminoacid into another,
which may eventually slightly change the chemical properties of the protein, e.g.
diminishing its catalytic power or specificity. The effect will most probably go
unnoticed, or will even be cancelled (more protein synthesis) at the level of
individual fitness. The problem with many GA-codings is that they concentrate
too much meaning on each bit. An "extended" coding should allow punctual
mutations to have limited effects, and would thus allow complex codes, as
required in biomimetic GAs, to be continuous.
preservation of semantics
The balance between these two requirements: complexity and continuity,
appears thus to be quite difficult to be hold. But the designer must also grant
the preservation of semantics through genetic macro-operators like inversion,
translocations or duplications. Such transformations do occur in nature (very
seldom for some of them). They allow completely new genes to be created, and
"cooperating" genes to become closer and to constitute longer functional genes
(polygenes). In GAs, a complete "gene from locus" separation creates two orders:
a semantic order, which never changes, and a topological order which may
change through macro-operators and which bears neighbourhood relations that
are used during crossover. But such a de-correlation between meaning and position makes offspring very unlikely to be functional after crossover. In the natural counterpart, major changes may go unnoticed if they occur in non-coding
regions of DNA. And genes or polygenes may sometimes change location with no
consequence on their own functioning or the functioning of their genetic environment. This is made possible by the presence of signals within DNA (e.g.
starting position for transcription) that make groups of genes quite independent.
To sum up, macro-operators are biomimetic, but complete gene/locus separation
is not. Biomimetic GAs should instead make use of signals to make absolute
position in the genome less relevant.
Table 1
Main features of biomimetic genetic algorithms
complex coding, with high order genes, in order to allow better exploration
of non-separable problems
extended genes to allow quasi-continuous mutational changes
use of signals (instead of complete gene-locus separation) to allow macrooperators
nearly homogeneous populations, where the mutation/selection mechanism
takes the major role over implicit parallelism in the search for new
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