Bio Piracy
Bio Piracy
Bio Piracy
Suvarna Pandey
Patent Attorney
S. Majumdar & Co.
New Delhi
Aspirin, derived from salicylic acid discovered in meadowsweet
The saliva of the vampire bat of South America opens clogged
arteries faster
Traditional Knowledge:
When an elder dies, a library burns.
It is practical common sense based on teachings and experiences
Republic of Congo
Around 334 species wild relatives of crop species
Country ranks 10th among the plant rich nations of the world
& 4th amongst the countries of Asia
ranks 7th in plant diversity
ranks 10th in endemic higher vertebrates
India has 7% of world mangrove
95% of medicinal products being used in India are plant
Biopiracy ( theft of biological resources) by big multinational companies and pharmaceutical companies.
What is Bio-piracy?
A situation where indigenous knowledge of nature, originating
Effects of Biopiracy:
causes depletion of Biodiversity
Asia: Use to have more than 100,000 varities of rice in 20th
Now: less than a dozen are planted in 70% of land being
cultivated for Rice
India: 30,000
Now: 10 varieties
of the Neem tree had been public knowledge in India for many
Haldi patent In December 1993, a patent was filed by the University Of Mississippi
Basmati patent Rice Tec (US Co.) obtained a patent (US 5663484 ) on a type of
Yoga Patent
A US-based NRI, Bikram Choudhary's applied to get copyright for
Indian variety of wheat Nap Hal under the simple title plants.
On January 27th 2004 Research Foundation for Science
Technology and Ecology (RFSTE) along with Greenpeace and
Bharat Krishak Samaj filed a petition challenging the patent rights.
The patent was resultantly revoked in October 2004.
Ayahuasca case
In 1986, Ayahuasca, a vine native to the Amazon Rain Forest, was
Colgate case:
Colgate was accused of stealing 1,000-year-old Indian toothpaste
All the ingredients date back to antiquity. They have been used by the
document for substantiating that the ingredients were known in the art.
Criticism of Biopiracy
Unfair, Unethical and a threat to the existence of indigenous
Companies that take genetic resources from indigenous
communities and develop product based on that knowledge and
having patent on it;
Indigenous communities are so barred from using or exporting
their biological resources and traditional knowledge that they have
developed. Eventually causes traditional knowledge to become
India was the first to raise the fundamental issue at the World
The search for biological resources & accompanying
Bioprospecting or Biopiracy
Bioprospecting involves the exploration, extraction and
sharing of benefits through technology transfer, research results, training
In India:
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library - A tool for prevention
A negative impact:
Many patents either deny economic compensation to indigenous groups
The patent holder will unfairly benefit from the obvious result of nature
determining patentability.